Caitlyn Jenner signs with CAA & she might get a makeup endorsement contract


While I think Caitlyn Jenner’s transition and her public debut and public forum have been enormously important this week, I’m also sort of happy that the Duggars have pushed Caitlyn off the front page a little bit. We had gotten to the point where it wasn’t even about Caitlyn anymore, it was about the coverage around Caitlyn, the media story, the analysis, etc. And while those are worthy stories, it also led to Caitlyn-exhaustion. But… there are still some interesting stories coming out, so let’s get to it.

Caitlyn’s speaking fee has already gone up. Bruce Jenner commanded a $25,000 speaking fee, while Caityln Jenner’s speaking fee will be $100,000. TMZ says Caitlyn is a hotter commodity because of her new social media presence (she’s already broken several social media records.)

Caitlyn has signed on with CAA. CAA is the Death Star of Hollywood agencies. They represent all of the big-name celebrity women especially, from Meryl Streep to Nicole Kidman to Jennifer Aniston. Caitlyn has signed with CAA’s Speakers division and they will “provide strategic counsel in helping Jenner spread her message” of transgender issues.

Caitlyn might become a brand spokesperson for MAC Cosmetics. Page Six says MAC has been doing “high level meetings” with Caitlyn for a few months about a possible endorsement deal.

Trolls want Caitlyn to give back Bruce’s gold medal. Because hateful trolls are trolling. Thousands have signed the petition because…? I don’t really get their logic.

Some people are mad about Caitlyn’s ESPY Arthur Ashe Courage Award too. You can totally make the argument that there are several other high-profile athletes who have shown amazing courage without negating Caitlyn’s courage, you know?


Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair.

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113 Responses to “Caitlyn Jenner signs with CAA & she might get a makeup endorsement contract”

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  1. Kiddo says:


    • Enn says:


      • Sarah says:

        Exactly. Of course, there’s a makeup deal. And lots of other deals in the works. Of course, the choice of the designer who dressed Caitlyn for Vanity Fair was one of the first deals to be made. And he (Posen?) came out later saying how proud he was to be part of the historical moment. IMO, a deal was sought for a designer to either be paid for the clothes or to be “paid” by the free publicity in exchange for providing the “free” clothes. Since the Vanity Fair article with its glamor shots came out, I have been waiting for the endorsement deals to follow. Caitlyn has joined the other members of the Kardashian family in becoming famewhores (although a classier version).

    • Abbott says:


    • Snazzy says:


    • V4Real says:

      Oh geez so can they sign Chazz Bono to a Polo cologne or Armani fragrance contract. Damn they are milking this.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if this entire thing was orchestrated by PMK, starting with the divorce. It wouldn’t surprise me if she knew all about Bruce transition and she played her position of I didn’t know all the details.

      • Fran says:

        Yes, that’s what I believe, too. Thanks for saying it out loud.

      • Nicolette says:

        Thank you. I thought I was the only one. Mentioned this to my daughter this morning. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this is PMK’s work, her biggest achievement to date. We thought this family was over saturating the media as it is, forget about it now, the previous will seem like nothing. Who would have thought this little reality show would turn into this monstrous family dominating every form of media? It’s insane. They are NEVER going away. I personally at this point would like them to take their millions, soon to be billions I’m sure, buy a spaceship get on it and blast the hell out of here. I can’t see that Bruce/ Caitlyn was savvy enough to trump PMK and her machine. She’s all over this no doubt.

      • Sea Dragon says:


      • Sarah says:

        @ V4Real and @ Fran :
        Yes, thanks for saying it out loud. PMK is rising like a really creepy phoenix. And I thought the two Jenner girls would be her last hurrah. But no, she fooled us all. Her biggest triumph was when her ex-husband came out as a woman. Kind of takes away from the “authenticity” of the Caitlyn moment, IMO.

        It makes me afraid to go on the internet except for the serious news sites for fear I will be inundated with PMK’s mind control schtick.

      • iheartgossip says:

        I STILL believe it’s all a stunt. Bruce was basically broke, living off the K’s and now? He got $5million for his mag / interviews. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised when this blows over, it’ll be switched to PMK’s ‘church’ cured him / her. This family is full of games, lies and tricks. This is another trick.

      • Luciebelle says:

        Agree, next episode : one of the daughters is a lesbian

    • Wilma says:

      It hasn’t been that much, has it? The tv interview, this interview and the upcoming show on the transition. It doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Maybe because all the other outlets jump on thos it seems excessive?

      • Kiddo says:

        No idea, but the sum total of the phenomenon is not good. Overexposure of anyone becomes an irritation.

      • Nicolette says:

        @kiddo, that always held true before this bunch came along but it just gets worse. There’s no limit.

      • Jayna says:

        The interview coming out in Vanity Fair is being fed out bit by bit every day, so that’s where the saturation is coming in. It’s one interview that hasn’t come out yet, but it feels like a new interview every day.

      • swack says:

        You forgot the two part KUWTK special, People magazine article, and it’s all being dragged out as long as possible.

      • Kiddo says:

        I went through this same coverage exhaustion when Cate Blanchett was gunning for an Oscar and I was a fan, before that. Full disclosure: I hope that Caitlyn does make a difference, but I have never been a fan of the Kardashians or their methodology. The level of saturation on this story might not have anything to do Caitlyn directly, but newspapers and other media capitalizing on it, as someone said above.

    • moo says:

      Oh I don’t know… that entire “family” are just a bunch of fame w*ores…. Would you rather being continually saturated by Kimye and her big fake butt? Not me… actually, this is kind of refreshing! Give it another week or two and yeah, completely over-done!

  2. Janice says:

    I’m glad that Caitlyn is her true self, but enough with the self-promotion already! Any good will and support is going by the wayside pretty quickly from the people I’ve spoken to about this. Ugh!

    • FingerBinger says:

      The good will is fading fast. Caitlyn is looking like every other money hungry Kardashian.

      • Mia V. says:

        She learned with the best…

      • Nicolette says:

        You can thank Lucifer’s Homegirl for that. Her greedy hands are all over this. The over saturation is her trademark.

      • angie says:

        Posing in the car was probably not the best idea, but at least she isn’t holding a phone in her free hand.

      • Sarah says:

        @ Janice, Fingerbinger, Mia V and Nicolette.

        ALL TRUE. You read my mind. Now I feel somewhat safer going back to the internet. Sort of.

  3. bettyrose says:

    You know…I’ve been critical of Caitlyn because I feel like her actions are largely self-serving and any benefit to the trans community is merely incidental. But I like the idea of her having a cosmetics endorsement because that really might start the process of normalizing cross-gender behaviors.

    • Edwin says:

      In my humble opinion this has nothing to do with normalizing cross-gender behavior, this has everything to do with self promotion. She has been in a house full of self promoters and has found a niche. What’s so disappointing is that this could have become a true way to promote cross-gender behavior however so far all it has become is how she looks what she wears and all of the endorsements she will receives. Please explain what has this done for the trans-gender movement and their community.

      • bettyrose says:

        Agreed. Caitlyn isn’t looking for opportunities to help people but it still might be the unintended consequence.

      • Cran says:

        I am curious about how helpful Caitlyn will actually be regarding the realities faced by the transgender community. She is in a unique position. As Lavern Cox has said she and Caitlyn have privileges unavailable to the majority of the transgender community.

        It is early days yet so we shall see. I have no problems with Caitlyn profiting from her own life story. The media and companies are involved because it is good story and they can make money.

        Only time will tell. Caitlyn is correct she has bills to pay and why should she not profit. I have no idea how many speaking engagements she had prior to now but $25,000 is a years salary. Which has now quadrupled. She has been living an affluent life for quite some time. It’s not as if she has been living in housing projects some place or in a position where her life is daily placed in danger as a result of merely existing. I have not seen her interviews, read the Vanity Fair article nor will I watch the docuseries because I am feeling over saturated by the media attention.

        Again only time will tell what Caitlyn will do. I want to believe she will use what she is receiving to highlight what a transgender person who does not have access to the advantages and support system Caitlyn has. There is all of this noise out there right now so it’s hard to hear. I don’t know if Caitlyn is aware of the day to day challenges faced by a regular not famous not affluent transgender person.

      • Luciebelle says:

        I am afraid its just a guy who likes to dress in drag. I have a real transgender friend who is humble and sensitive nothing like this.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Ugh, you’re nicer than me–my thoughts were why does she have to do “girly” things right off the bat? We hardly ever see any woman in the media, unless they’re an actress or promoting some kind of fashion/make up line. I’d like to see her talk about sports, etc, now that she’s a woman……I don’t know if this came out right. I get that she’s now being able to do things that she couldn’t before, but I don’t think the best thing is to lead out with a make up endorsement. I’d like to see her do something sporty….join a new golf club. I read a headline that she might get kicked out of her country club because of the rules…..

      • Anne says:

        Thank you. I’m all for accepting people for who they choose to be – “Go Caitlyn” -, but I have one question: Transgender identification does go deeper than just cross-dressing, right? Because being a woman certainly goes deeper than wearing lipstick and high heels.

        I’m a woman. I’m comfortable in flats and pants rather than dresses and I feel like a woman whether or not I’m wearing makeup. I don’t get this.

        I haven’t seen Bruce’s interview with Diane Sawyer, where I assume he described his experience in-depth, and I may be under-informed, but “Caitlyn” – as she’s presenting herself so far – feels like a caricature to me.

        I’m sorry if I’m ignorant about this and I don’t mean to be insensitive, but I’m confused.

      • Cran says:

        To be frank I’m not certain how nice I actually am:). My initial reaction to the pictorial was quite poor. I understand your use of the word caricature because I felt and still do wonder if Caitlyn understood ‘what it means to be a woman’. No matter how she felt inside she has lived and been treated for over sixty years as a white male in a white male dominated society and within that society held a privileged, affluent position. I then reconsidered my opinion. While I am still curious how Caitlyn will feel and react once she realizes she no longer (for lack of a prettier sounding phrase) holds that position it is not my place or intention to define what being female means to her.

      • Anne says:

        “It is not my place or intention to define what being female means to her.”
        @Cran: Ah, thank you – I’d lost sight of that. Being female can mean different things to different people. I can accept that.

  4. Esmom says:

    Eh, when her profile is this high, a little backlash is inevitable. The meme I’ve been seeing has slammed her by reminding us that real courage comes from soldiers or first responders. But to take away her medal? That’s insane.

    As for the speaker circuit, I’d much rather see/hear Laverne Cox than Caitlyn Jenner. But of course CAA is trying to strike while the iron is hot. As others have said, any benefit she’s bringing to the trans community is secondary to her focus on herself.

    • Perfectly executed Chewbacca sound says:

      Laverne Cox frequents the speaking circuit. If you live near a college, she may well have already been to your town. I saw her last year (she’s great) and she’s been all over the social media of my far-flung friends.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Yea, a lot of my relatives are in the military, and they’re a bit upset that she’s being called a hero, etc…..not soldiers. Or something along those lines.

      But I’ve been wincing at a lot of ignorant comments on my feed. I don’t really want to say anything, because while we are related, we don’t talk a lot, so I don’t want to start something with somebody I barely know, but still.

      Maybe I’m just odd, but I believe that even if I disapprove of someone being transgender, or don’t believe that it’s a real thing (and it’s something that’s hard for me to understand, a lot of people to understand, because we can all somewhat connect with not feeling okay with our sexuality or wanting to do something sexual that you think won’t be understood, even if it’s something mundane–but feeling like you are trapped inside the wrong body isn’t something I’ll ever understand, so I don’t feel like I can really comment on it), then still, live and let live. As long as no one is getting hurt, used, abused, or coerced, why do you care?

      People who make a big fuss are hiding huge skeletons, I think.

      • Ange says:

        I would definitely be miffed that your relatives think they somehow have a monopoly on the term hero just for being in the military.

      • Cran says:

        I’ve only come to a semblance of understanding that there is difference between gender identity and the genitals you are born with over the past four or five years. I began by reading some of the blog Annette Beatty’s son Stephen has which was very helpful. Of late I have come across several articles chronicling the experiences of families who are dealing with children who from the moment they are able to verbalize are adamant about their gender identity not matching their genitals. The change in the kids once they are accepted to be the person they are is astounding. The challenges they face….it is heartbreaking.

        I liken my fear of being buried alive to their being in a body that in no way reflects their gender identity. It may be a poor comparison but it is the closest I have come to walking in that persons shoes. Futile or not I would fight like hell to get out of that box.

        I recall there being a movie from the last ten years or so starring one of the Ryan’s (Gosling?) which was about a person who was kidnapped and buried alive and there is just no way I can watch that film. Not ever.

      • Jack K says:

        Beautifully said Cran.

        Virgilia, just because you can’t grasp something, it doesn’t mean there is the possibility of it not being real.

      • Leen says:

        I’d be a bit annoyed if soldiers thought they had monopoly over the word hero. I’ve met tons of people in disadvantage positions (and those abused BY the military) and I consider them as heroes. Just to show honestly that heroes are subjective.

  5. Hmmm says:

    Sigh…go away Caitlin. Happy for you, but please go away.

    • Marie Alexis says:

      I’m confused. One interview with ABC and one with Vanity Fair. I don’t think she has over-exposed herself. And many celebs get endorsement deals. I think when the Vanity Fair cover dropped, it went viral with EVERY media outlet in the Western world covering it. That’s not her fault.

      Now, if she was running around town, all glammed-up, being papped all over the place….I could understand the negative comments. But she isn’t.

      • Dawn says:

        I think there are websites that run multiple stories daily about this and the Kardashians and two Jenner girls. And I think that it is just always in our face about either Bruce now Caitlyn or one of the other Kardashian-Jenner-Wests. People are tired of their non-stories for the most part if you read the comments. At least I am.

  6. Jag says:

    Perhaps my disdain for those who are so thirsty for the spotlight is coloring my perspective, but I agree that she shouldn’t get the award. She’s no longer an athlete; she’s a reality show celebrity. And that doesn’t deserve an award.

    Yes, she showed strength with being able to live authentically. Yes, she faced the looming criticism of millions of people. I won’t argue that it must have been scary and took guts to do. (She could have transitioned and then gone away quietly to live a normal life.)

    She will be riding this wave for a while, but she needs to be careful about over exposure; that can bring her brand down in a quick minute.

    • swack says:

      Believe she is on the brink of over exposure.

    • Artemis says:

      “She will be riding this wave for a while, but she needs to be careful about over exposure; that can bring her brand down in a quick minute.”

      Even Paris Hilton remained relevant for almost a decade and the Kardashians are going strong too. Stronger than Hilton. Over saturation is their brand, it works so well for them. Hilton only got pushed to the side because of ‘better’/fresh reality stars.

      The whole point of reality stars is to fill the space that real famous people leave as they don’t need that high amount of media attention when they’re not working. And because they are allowed to be politically incorrect, generate more attention from the readers. Real stars are boring in that aspect as they have to protect their brand by selling lies which is why their scandals are so much bigger and delicious than regular scandals.

      • Kiddo says:

        ‘Relevant’ to trash magazines and owning the title of those ‘We love to hate’. That doesn’t translate into ‘respected’ or ‘admired’, and although they may have some fans, the vast majority of the population looked upon them with disdain and ridicule, and not without cause. That is not a good position to be in, if you are trying to change hearts and minds, although it certainly may be lucrative.

      • Artemis says:

        Your values do not reflect the majority of the values of the people who consume this trash though. And that would not be only the lowest common denominator, which is scary.

        And they are relevant to pop culture as a whole, trash magazines and the lot will not sustain fame, it merely feeds onto what is marketable. As soon as the public interest in previous reality stars faded, the ‘reporting’ decreased dramatically.

        The people who are gaining the most from this are those tabloids and the Kardashians so at the end of the day, nobody is talking about respect or admiration. It’s all about money so in that regard, they win. Enough people are watching them and following them on social media for them to keep them going. The people who look at this with disdain (like you and I) are still commenting on them and it will not make a dent in their popularity or income.

        Also, unlike most reality stars, the Kardashians are actually more ingrained into the world of real famous people. Kim by her marriage and Kendall by her modeling ‘career’. They are not going to go anywhere anytime soon.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        A lot of the people that I know who watch all those reality shows don’t take it seriously. They watch it because it’s something that’s easy to follow, is entertaining (I guess)… my godmother works nights, and works in big blocks (like she’ll work ten days then have four days off), and so when she is relaxing, she doesn’t want to really focus on what she’s watching THAT hard, because she’s tired. So 99% of what she watches is reality tv.

    • Christina says:

      This is hugely courageous. Bruce Jenner was one of the most recognizable men in the world in the 70s. People who grew up during that time are now in their 40s, and the trans community was not discussed.

      And Caitlyn’s emphasis on her femininity and exploring that publicly is her right. She hasn’t had the freedom to be what she feels, and maybe, like many women, she too will tire of the pressure to look a certain way, or, like vast numbers of women, she won’t. Anyhow, I am happy to know how she is doing if she wants to share. She suffered a long time. I hope this helps her relationship with her children now that she can be herself and doesn’t feel like she has to lie to them or to us anymore.

  7. kri says:

    I congratulate Caitlyn on her bravery and I applaud her for sharing her story. I do think she picked up some $$ making skills from that pack of Harpies, though. Then again, I suppose if MAC offered me a contract, I’d be all over it, too.Please don’t forget the bigger picture, Caitlyn.

  8. Maya says:

    I support Bruce’s transition to Caitlyn and all that … But I was shocked when I first saw this cover: why this over sexualization ? Is being proud to be a woman comes necessarily with posing in underwares ? Personally I got the vibe that she is doing it to say to Kris “now I’m also a woman and I’m sexier than you!”. It is as if Bruce was so affected by being surrounded by so many girls that he was jealous and wanted to do the same stuff than them.

    • roxy750 says:

      Yes I know!! This is part of the problem I am having.

      • Anne says:

        Thank you. Me too. I first saw an “abbreviated” version of the cover showing only Caitlyn’s head and torso on the NYT website. I thought she looked beautiful and I thought Vanity Fair was really progressive in featuring her. Then, I saw the full cover – will the lower body as it is. My eye went straight to her crotch and I had a very different, weirded-out feeling. I want to be supportive, but the “over-sexualization” struck me, too, and makes me quite uncomfortable.

        Sorry if anyone finds that insensitive.

        I’ve asked this in a post above, but being trans is about more than cross-dressing, right?

    • Perfectly executed Chewbacca sound says:

      I think she’s always been very feminine and has long desired the opportunity to be seen as a sexy, beautiful woman. Kind of like how after someone loses a lot of weight, they often dress in too-tight, too-sexy clothes. Most are eager to show off physical transformations.

    • Luciebelle says:

      I had the same thought, is being a woman just a pretext to wear nail polish and weaves and makeup? Common this is the 21st century, such symbols are so material. I think its the case of a male who likes “drag”, not really “transgender”

      • Sarah says:

        @ Luciebelle :
        Interesting point – how is transgender defined? Does the physical transformation have to be complete including the genitals? I lived in Toronto almost across the street from where the “trans” hookers set up shop. Most of them were men who had breast implants but still had male genitals. They dressed in women’s clothes and did a pretty good job of it. I would often chat with them as I went to and from my building. It was just two blocks off the gay village and there were individuals who got breast implants but kept their male genitalia. It wasn’t that much of a rarity.
        IMO, Caitlyn doesn’t owe me or anyone any type of explanation about where she is in the transition. But it does beg the question – is she just cross-dressing, going the whole distance (surgery to create female genitals) or somewhere in the middle? And at what point does it cease to be cross-dressing and become a “full” transition? I am confused.

  9. Quinn says:

    Caitlyn is quickly turning into yet another koven member I’m sick of seeing.

  10. L&Mmommy says:

    You guys made it to almost midday without Kardashians/Jenner stories but elas you broke. I have to hand it to Caitlyn though, she STUDIED Kris and soaked up all her hussling ways like a sponge and is now using that knowledge like a pro. Bravo, Caitlyn, bravo.

  11. Christina says:

    I love the stories and belief this part of the story is important. Rock on, Kaiser. I am reading.

  12. Dirty Martini says:

    The VF article was made available to online subscribers and one of the things that really impressed me was that the 4 children from the first 2 marriages have a) refused to participate in the E! show onscreen and b) were really cautioning about the wrong kinds of exposure. They didn’t want Caitlyn to do a show that was so hyped up with the usual exaggerated “circus” , “train wreck” (their words) faux reality drama. And despite the fact by participating they too would make money, gain recognition, etc.–they didn’t think it was the thing to do. They support their dad’s transition, they aren’t abandoning Caitlyn, but they are worried that this needs to be done thoughtfully and appropriately.

    All I can say is this: They had great mothers obviously and I respect them and their choice in this tremendously.

    Wish Caitlyn would listen very carefully to those 4. They are great advocates and advisors. She looks to be on a pathway here to go overboard, suffer backlash, and lose credibility ….and that would be a damn shame.

    • bella says:

      i second this.

      aside from bruce/caitlyn’s sexual identity crisis, i believe bruce/caitlyn has other mental and emotional issues.
      this exposure is over the top.
      and i wonder how much caitlyn has by way of professional support.

      it’s too much.
      her adult children get it.
      not sure caitlyn does.

      and it’s extremely generous of all 4 of them to lend their support to a “dad” who put his own needs above them for all those years by cutting off ties with them following the vile kris’ lead to turn his back on his older children.


    • Cran says:

      I agree the four oldest kids are wise in their caution. There is no reason they need to appear on a TV show for Caitlyn to transition fully and completely. If Caitlyn had true empathy for her children’s feelings she might still ask that they join her on the series but also understand if they chose to not be involved in that part of her journey. They understand that Caitlyn is Bruce and though the outside may change the inside is still there.

      The trepidation they exhibit is not unwarranted.

  13. GiGi says:

    Are you kidding me? Clearly you’re trolling here, right? I hope?

    • Fran says:

      Nope, not kidding, not trolling. This is the land of make-believe. Build it and they will come.

  14. Delta Juliet says:

    I don’t believe she should give up her medal (wtf for? she earned it) but I also don’t think she should be getting that Ashe medal. There are far bigger heroes who deserve recognition. She’s getting loads of that already.

    • roxy750 says:

      plus this.

    • Nicolette says:

      Yes like Lauren Hill, a 19 year old basketball player who passed away in April from brain cancer, and raised over $1 million dollars for research before her untimely death. Or Noah Galloway, a veteran who lost half his arm and leg in an explosion. Either is more deserving.

      • Anne says:

        I think ESPN chose Caitlyn because they knew it would get them a lot of free publicity. That’s cynical, I know.

    • angie says:

      She was Bruce Jenner, the world class athlete when he won the Olympic gold medal decades ago, so why should she be stripped of it now? I don’t follow the logic either.

      • Robin says:

        There IS no logic to it, angie. I remember when Bruce Jenner won the gold medal. Every athlete at the 1976 Olympics, except Princess Anne, underwent a DNA test. Bruce, of course, would have tested XY, so even if he had wanted to compete as a woman, he wouldn’t have been allowed to…and there wasn’t a women’s decathlon anyway.

        Now, the Olympics use different criteria, but even if a man at Jenner’s current stage of transitioning wanted to compete as a woman, he couldn’t. Currently the Olympics require that the surgical transition be complete and that the person have been on hormones for a certain amount of time. It doesn’t matter if the person is living as a woman, identifies as a woman, or whatever… if the surgical and hormone therapy requirements aren’t met, the person can’t compete as their identified gender.

      • Ange says:

        It’s such dumb logic, MRAs who support this tripe are so dumb they defeat their own arguments of innate male, cishet superiority.

        They’re essentially saying that 1976 Caitlyn was a woman all along so they have to either admit that all the manly men were defeated by a woman (therefore women are able to be physically superior to men and/or forcing them to actually acknowledge the innate truth of transgender identification) or that in 1976 Caitlyn actually WAS Bruce and therefore very much a man and deserving of the medal for competing in a male event against men.

  15. Ardent Negress says:

    Well bravo for Caitlyn. She has exciting times ahead. With regards to courage Caitlyn is indeed courageous. Doing something that frightens you is courage.

  16. durani says:

    the glamor photo with the red dress behind the wheel of the car is bad taste, considering jenner’s distracted driving killed a woman less than 6 months ago.

    agree with the other commenters that this is all about self promotion. I’m so sick of seeing the cover photo, which frankly is vile. Over sexualized and BAD photoshop. You can tell they spliced two different photos together for the head + body, and the airbrushing is ridiculous. C’mon, Jenner is 65.

  17. StacyErin says:

    On my phone the Jenner girls article was two down from this one. It’s a bit of a shock how much Caitlyn looks like Kendall (or the other way I guess). It was much harder to see when Caitlyn’s face was interpreted as male. But in make up its very noticeable. Really it’s only her coloring she got from Kris.

  18. db says:

    I find Laverne Cox easier to relate to.

    • Amy says:

      Because her gender is not her only identity, she is an actress and an advocate.

      Bruce’s gender is now his only identity and he seems to be milking it for as much money as possible.

    • roxy750 says:

      Yes, thank you. Laverne is smart, tactful and not over the top.

      • db says:

        Exactly. I could see having Laverne as a friend, and having lots to talk about. she’s well-rounded, put it that way. Maybe this is a phase Caitlyn is going through, this me me me part, but it’s already wearing thin.

  19. hmmm says:

    Figures she’d turn this into a freak show. Oh, wait! Bruce was always on a freak show.

  20. Lady D says:

    PMK must be just fuming. He’s making all that money and she isn’t getting her cut. I bet it’s driving her right out of her mind.
    On a completely different topic, how would their divorce work? Is their marriage automatically annulled because of the gender change, or is he Bruce Jenner for the divorce papers?

    • Wooley says:

      Who knows if she’s legally changed her name but there’d still be divorce papers

      • me says:

        The divorce papers would say Bruce Jenner just like the children’s birth certificates will always have Bruce Jenner listed as the father. That kind of stuff doesn’t change. Though I wonder if anyone has tried to have a parent’s name changed on a birth certificate after gender reassignment ? Very interesting.

      • Lady D says:

        Thanks, me.

  21. EmmyGrant says:

    She says that she’s a “better person” as Caitlyn. That is just classic wrong-headed thinking, and unfortunately I think she’ll realize at some point that her demons are still with her. One of her older sons from a previous marriage said that he *hoped* Caitlyn would be a better person than Bruce. (Bruce pretty much abandoned that family). I just know that people don’t change that easily.

    • Amy says:

      They also said they felt lucky for the girls (youngest Jenners) that Bruce seemed able to be loving and care for them as a Father. I wonder if they look at those two girls and still feel that way.

  22. Amy says:

    All this overexposure is going to lead to more than backlash and many advocates will sadly soon realize Caitlyn doesn’t care about any transgender individuals outside herself.

    A ‘docuseries’ with the producers of KeepingUp With The Kardashians? A cosmetics line with MAC? How does this actually help the average transgender person at all? A transgender woman was recent pushed onto subway tracks and thankfully survived but sure Caitlyn getting an ESPY will definitely remove the sting of her almost being murdered.

    Smh, in the vein of all things Kardashian this is going downhill fast.

    • Denise says:

      I’m dubious as well, and I’m not forgetting about that woman who died because he was using his phone while driving. Or the fact that he wasn’t there for the children from his first two families. The advocating might do some good toward transgender acceptance, hopefully it does, but it doesn’t automatically make him the greatest person on earth. I can imagine there are lots of transgendered people who don’t want Caitlyn representing them.

  23. Blythe says:

    There is a difference between pride and self-exploitation.

  24. roxy750 says:

    Anyone ever seen the movie Sybil? I mean really? Nobody thinks it’s abnormal to referring to oneself as 2-selves? MAJOR OVER SATURING and major shoving it in our faces and major we better be ok with this mult. personality thing and “trans” thing (don’t bash me I live in the suburbs and haven’t taken a class on political correctness for what to call this” or we will be set on fire forever. He’s a Kardashian. This whole thing probably has a lot to do with these women over exposing themselves and he wants the same attention. Or her, or whatever. Please stop already.

    • GiGi says:

      Regardless of where you live, you clearly have access to the internet. Educate yourself, please.

  25. Wooley says:

    Wasn’t Bruce actally a pretty good motivational speaker?

  26. funcakes says:

    Hope she joins a show like Desperate Housewives or revenge and plays the head bitch in charge. She would be awesome plus it would make Kris Jenner’s head exlope.

  27. Keriann says:

    While watching the Diane Sawyer interview, I felt sadness for Bruce Jenner as he related his struggles. Now I feel sadness for Bruce’s children. They are putting up a brave front, but the welcome publicity of it all is going to take its toll on them. I know it feels like Kendall and Kylie are mature 40 year old women at this point…but they are still very young and this is a lot for them to handle. Let alone inviting the whole world in to take in every single moment as it happens. IMO

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I think it’s hard either way. I live in a smaaalll town, where everybody knows everyone, and it’s even harder because we’re one of the few racially mixed families around. So everyone knows us. And I’d be nervous about this, if say my dad decided to get surgery to become a woman, because people talk. And with something like this, no matter how rich and famous you are, you learn who your friends are, and why they’re your friends.

  28. Nicolette says:

    In the promo clip for the new reality show ( that didn’t take long did it?) is it me or does Caitlyn look a hell of a lot like Venus Van Dam from Sons of Anarchy?

  29. AnnieC says:

    Well, she’s lost — gone full Kardashian! It’s actually sad for all those young people who are struggling within themselves. Caitlyn should be providing an informative path for them to follow — not securing $100K speaking fees. How many can afford that entry price?!

  30. Zip says:

    Did she also have a boob job or is it all just padding and / or photoshop?

  31. Tracy says:

    It is nice that all the children are being supportive, but I feel sad for them. This seems to be a bit too public. I wonder, if they are as accepting as they appear? Can they voice anything but an accepting manner. I love having a dad. I love going places with my dad. Personally I wonder how I would relate to my dad, who is now a woman. I wonder if I would still go to him for the same advice and direction, after he became, my second mother. They love their dad and want him to be happy, but this is such a private matter.

  32. babyb says:

    she learned from the “best” the kardashians…20 years of self-promotion training is paying off…

  33. word says:

    What’s strange is Brody’s current girlfriend’s name is Kaitlyn Carter spelled with a “K”. How does he feel knowing his dad picked the SAME name as his gf? That has to be awkward.

  34. pk says:

    I’m sick of Caityn already, but will get over it if she manages to keep KIm out of the news.

  35. hayley says:

    I’m sorry, this will always be Bruce Jenner in drag to me.

  36. Dorky says:

    I think she looks more like Mercedes Ruehl than Jessica Lange.

  37. Luciebelle says:

    Sorry folks, men have been doing drag since Rome. (Remember Nero, Hoover…).. Nothing to get all excited about. Bet you a dollartree weave and acrylic nails that this person will all of a sudden appear dressed like a “male” again just for the surprise and change…. Wow, tired and yawn

  38. jamie says:

    Can someone please make this family disappear from this earth! So damn sick of all of them ! now we have to endure Bruce Jenner dressed as a woman in cosmetic ads really???????????? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FARRRRRR FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR away!

  39. Jessica Cooke says:

    I knew from a very early age that i was transgendered and led a very singular childhood as in those days, it was seen as some sort of metal illness and i suffered the indignity in my teens of having electrical shock treatment and drugs along with ‘hardening up camp’ run by ex soldiers where trans boys and gay boys (totally different) were literally beaten and degraded into being ‘manly’. I was very girlish looking with the majority of people believing me to be a girl on first glance so i got it worse than most.

    Into my late teens and i took the steps on my own to question my doctor who put me in touch with physiatrists who i spent 3 years with culmianting in them all agreeing that i was in their opinion transgender and recommended me for hormone therapy and surgery. I was finally going to become ME instead of being a female locked inside the suit of a male.

    I spoke to my mother first and told her of my struggle and how i had always felt and she replied that it explained a lot and i thought she would be on my side which she was in theory.
    She shocked me with the comment that while she understood, my father and brothers would not so i had to choose my family or move away, have my surgery and never come back home.

    With sadness and hesitation, i chose to lead my life as my true self hoping that one day my family would welcome me back.

    2 months into my transition, i was walking along a road in London minding my own business waiting for a cab when a young man started to chat me up.
    I was very convincing as a girl even without makeup but i always made sure that i quickly told any interested lads that i was transgendered and transitioning as i believe that i had a moral duty to tell them.

    At first reaction to me telling him, he was quite nice saying that he would have never believed i was a lad and invited me to share his taxi as he was going the same way as me.
    As soon as i got out of the taxi near my home, a group of lads (his mates) where waiting and him and the others dragged me to the ground, stamped on my head and started kicking and punching my body. They sexually assaulted me and finished by carving into my face which later became infected as i did not want to go to hospital and ended with my face healing back disfigured and unrecognisable from the girl i was transitioning into.
    My friends in the community were shocked but did not help things by telling me that my face was completely wrecked.

    Time has moved on many years, and i have had many physiatrists try to help me come to terms with what happened, but i have helped my own healing by doing volunteer work and charitable raising for transgendered victims of violence and liason help while they transition.
    My own life has been one of sleeping eating and existing as a disfigured pretend male while trying to help others become what i should have become.

    After working in the community for so many years and witnessing just how different it is for most of the transgender community to cope and exist in a society still not understanding of what it is like to be born as we are, I clearly and most definitly do not wish for Caitlyn Jenner to represent the community as she does not in any way or form symbolise the struggles that have been ongoing for so many gentle, loving people who just want to be accepted as who they are in their souls.
    I have nothing personally against Caitlyn and i am happy that she has become her true self but the way she has done it has been one of a vaudeville show.

    It is mockery of transgenderism by turning what should be a very private personal transitiona and victory into a circus show and i believe she has put the community back to the 80’s when we where seen as just tittalating dancers in sex clubs or mentally ill.

    There are REAL unsung heroines and heroes in not only our community but across the globe itself and across armed forces, doctors, firemen and women, nurses to name but a few and to transition knowing that due to fame, fortune and the protection of a hollywood lifestyle the same indignities and struggles of the average transgered person would not be suffered, is not the work of a Hero. More the work of a self serving fame addict.