Sandra Bullock walked her first red carpet in a while, looked awesome. Sandy’s dress is by Stella McCartney (I don’t hate it). [Moe Jackson]
Holy crap, The Program (the Lance Armstrong movie) looks incredible. [LaineyGossip]
Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellan kiss each other on the lips. [Dlisted]
Game of Thrones is bigger than ever, huzzah. [Buzzfeed]
Naomie Harris looks boss. [Go Fug Yourself]
Will Ferrell & Kristen Wiig’s A Deadly Adoption looks amazing. [Pajiba]
Genius casting: Chris Hemsworth as the Ghostbusters’ secretary. [The Blemish]
Do not rub fire ants into your nether regions. [Uproxx]
For many years, Danny Kaye was my dream man. [A Socialite Life]
Bristol Palin says words about Miley Cyrus. [Wonderwall]
Rumer Willis is still talking about Dancing with the Stars. [Reality Tea]
Rest in peace, Dusty Rhodes. [CDAN]
Wowza! She looks like a million bucks.
I agree except for her hair.
that middle-part flat-iron look flatters almost NO one.
I co sign this!!!
coming here to say the exact same thing!
That curled twist updo she has had would have made this perfect. And who did Stella hire to make her designs not suck?
She and Goop need to ditch that underwhelming, flat, middle part catastrophe.
Sandy is so much more attractive than Goop – in every possible way.
I like SB a lot, and she looks great here, but I say the same thing about Aniston and SJP–they are too old to have center parted straight hair. OK, SJP’s has some wave to it, but she loses points for the darker roots.
Just my 2 cents.
add Courteney Cox to that list, too.
Agree with all — it’s so Morticia Adams — but SB looks lovely!
OH! and Demi Moore…
doofus, yes! I forgot about Demi. Not good.
How could you forget Goop? Hahahaha.
Good grief. Women have worn their straight hair with a center part for millennia. You can never be “too old” for it. Where do people get these odd ideas?!?
It baffles me too.
I agree. It’s like people who say “after 35 you shouldn’t wear your hair any longer than your shoulders”. What a load of hooey. (Wear YOUR hair however you like is my opinion.) Plus–you catch flack for wearing bangs/fringe, but if you don’t wear bangs, what are you supposed to do? Slick it back with a headband? Swoop it over to the side and look like Donald Trump?
Sandra’s really showing how it’s done! My girl crush.
How in the world is this woman 50 years old?!?!?
She works hard to stay fit, uses botox, and dies her hair. And is naturally very attractive. She looks great!
She’s a prime example of less is more when it comes to Botox, unlike Kidman :/
She has the best legs and they are my motivation to work out 5 times a week.
PLASTIC Surgery, her face is pulled so tight her smile is a grimace.
She is fifty, exercise can only tone, it BS when they deny having work done.
Her legs are too muscular for the dress, almost like Chestia Simpsons.
Well I think toned muscular legs are beautiful. To each their own.
I disagree on the legs. They’re toned. Not chunky or buldging with muscle.
I agree. Her face is pulled tighter than a drum. I don’t like super muscular legs either on women.
i dont like super muscular legs on women either but hers are toned. They are not bulky, they are slim,fit and have a definition.
Those are her legs, but she’s really messed with her face. A lot. She looks like Brooke Shields.
She looks fantastic, and yes, she’s had work done. There is absolutely no laxity in her face at all. I suspect in addition to the botox and fillers that are so ubiquitous in her world, there has been a facelift here. At 50, you can’t get that taught, streamlined look without a lift. and the hair is in front of the ears, where one would normally go to inspect for scarring. However, whomever did this work, I want their number, because it is fantastic! Very balanced, not too much, no pillow face….fantastic.
bluhare, I agree. She looks good overall, but she looks like Brooke in this photo. .
She had an all-out full face list or an eye area lift a few years ago. Where were you guys? you don’t remember the wonky eye she had for a while?
hell hath frozen over, I actually like this Stella dress. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I do too!
I never did get the love for her designs..this one is..shrug, okay
The dress looks uncomfortable in the chest area…
I love her shoes
Perfection from head to toe. I like her hair. Now, if George Clooney had married her, they really would have been one of the Golden Couples of Hollywood as she is so beloved.
I’m willing to bet it was that she would not marry him, not vice versa.
Bit the Nazionale P0rn hubby was a better selection than Clooney, lol
I think that is the most interesting Stella M to come out in ages! I actually love it.
I actually like the dress too. Stella’s work has gotten much better, IMO.
Sandra looks great.
Yea… She’s suddenly found talent and an eye for style? She’s got a better staff imo.
Is she a vampire or what? Same goes for Keanu Reeves. Crazy how ageless they look!
They were so hot together in Speed. She looks really fit and healthy here.
Danny Kaye and Gene Kelly were my girlhood crushes.
oh me too, although I preferred Donald O’Connor in Singin in the Rain (weird, isn’t it?). Loved Kelly in On the Town.
Who wouldn’t! That movie makes me laugh with how they drink milk late into the night (before Good Morning song and dance). And the palaces of the golden age in Hollywood.
I read somewhere that Kelly saw O’Conner as a serious threat and some of his better material either made in on the cutting room floor or never filmed. I still YouTube ‘Make em Laugh’ when I am feeling down. The entire sequence was just fantastic.
Gene Kelly is still my penultimate man (ultimate is awarded to the husband)
I love Danny Kaye, that man was such a looker!
Danny Kaye will forever be my #1 crush.
I am strangely excited for Chris Hemsworth as the Ghostbusters receptionist. He’s not normally my cup of tea, but I think it could be very funny.
He will be hilarious. The rest… it’s sloppy, lazy hollywood to remake this gem and beat out every dollar they can.
As much as I love the first Ghostbusters, I appreciate the new spin on it and I like Paul Feig enough to think he may actually be able to pull it off. And after Ghostbusters 2 and of course the cartoon, I’m not one of the folks that considers it sacred ground
my kid is counting the days until that minion movie comes here… ooooohoho hello papagena, tu es bella con la papaya
She is 50 yet there is no softness to her face; she is becoming less and less human. The dress looks good on her.
Bad angle and the makeup detracts. Candid shots her face is soft and pretty/expressive.
meh…female masculine faces, tend to age well on women. The strong bones work. think soft faces show age much faster. One of the reasons she has aged well, great bone structure.
That Lance Armstrong movie looks SO good. I was never really interested in the whole Lance Armstrong career, scandal, etc but this movie looks so good I will definitely see it. Doesn’t help that Ben Foster is one of my fave actors alive
Bristol Palin shouldn’t be one to criticize Miley
Wow! A beautiful dress! Who knew? Sandy rocks xxxx
Omg. Guillaume Canet AND Lee Pace in one movie
Just beautiful.
So many disgruntled book readers predicted viewers would leave Game of Thrones in droves as protest over this season. The controversy just makes more people watch it.
Any chance she and Salma are sharing plastic surgeons? They’re starting to resemble eachother. Especially in that first pic.
I love Sandy, but she’s gone WAAAY overboard with the surgery etc. Google a ten year old pic. YIKES!
Her legs are just fantastic. Seriously want to know what she does to keep them looking so good.
She doesn’t look like herself. I hope she stops whatever she’s doing.
I don’t hate it, which is saying something as I usually can’t get on board with anything by Stella. Don’t love it either, the black and gray paisley are pretty with Sandra’s complexion though. Her legs are amazing, I must start doing squats again!
She looks really well. I actually like the dress and it’s not the kind of dress I normally like. She wears it well. She has beautiful legs as well.
Those shoes…I want…
“Her legs are too muscular for the dress”. I do not understand this comment.
Great look, amazing legs, but her face lools pulled. I wonder if is weight loss or botox. Either way, she is great, but whatever it is she needs to be careful because she has almost a masculine face…
She almost resembles Selma Hayack in the 1st pic.
Love the shoes.