Salma Hayek maintains her figure by ‘holding her body’ in a certain way


Some of you believe that Salma Hayek has had some work done. The theories about Salma’s alleged plastic surgery seem to center around a possible nose job done when she was quite young – go here to see a side-by-side – and possibly undergoing some kind of breast augmentation. As I’m looking through the photos, I believe the nose job theory more than the bolt-on story. Sometimes women gain and lose weight in their breasts and sometimes a woman goes up in size – without pregnancy/nursing – in her 20s for no reason (that happened to me). I bring up the plastic surgery rumors because I wanted to ask you guys something: does Salma get lipo? Because she claims she doesn’t exercise at all, and now I really wonder if she’s getting lipo.

There are those who have the motivation to hit the gym before dawn, and then there are those who are BFFs with their snooze buttons. Salma Hayek falls into the latter camp.

“Some people have the discipline to exercise in the morning, and I didn’t develop that,” the 48-year-old actress admits in this week’s issue of PEOPLE.

In fact, because her schedule is so hectic — she usually works at least 16 hours a day — Hayek rarely squeezes in a gym session. “I don’t have time to exercise. I am working,” she says. “I’ve had some 20-hour days.”

So how does she manage to stay in such great shape?

“I work with a woman in London who taught me how to hold my body in a way where the muscles are activated all day long,” Hayek confesses. “So even when you brush your teeth, you’re working the muscles.”

But walking around with activated muscles 24/7 sounds exhausting! “It’s restorative yoga,” she explains. “She taught me to tone [my muscles] without clenching them. You relax them and focus on the parts that need to be used, but never with tension. If you’re aware of your body, you’d be surprised by the effect it can have.”

[From People]

Well, “I know how to hold my body in a way where the muscles are activated all day long” is a more original excuse than “I just drink lots of water.” The super-rich really aren’t like us at all. It’s not even about surgery, exercise, good diet or anything like that. Salma is so rich she can maintain her crazy hourglass figure just by thinking about her body and holding her body in a certain way. So, yeah, I am thinking she’s getting lipo on the reg.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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69 Responses to “Salma Hayek maintains her figure by ‘holding her body’ in a certain way”

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  1. Franca says:

    Salma Hayek says words.

    • Kiki says:

      This is the same woman that said “she prayed for Big breast at a young age”. I am not saying her bust is real, but you mean to tell me that she holds her muscles in places to keep a figure. Girl, please. When I was young girl I prayed for big breast too, and nothing seemed to,work out for me. Instead I have hips and an ass. Thanx Salma.

  2. lisa2 says:

    I had never heard of restorative yoga, so I googled and there is a lot of information. There is even a class in my city. I’m going to try it.

    she looks great and has had a child. I like when she says she is too busy to be in the gym. Some people have great genetics; so don’t

    • DivineMsM says:

      And if you believe she maintains that physique by doing what she says “holding her body in a certain way,” there’s a bridge I’d like to sell you. I’m sure Salma IS holding her body in a certain way – while she exercises and/or gets lipo.

  3. morc says:

    Sounds like isometric exercises, but then you get to the no clenching part.

  4. Jules says:

    She has become insufferable.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Thank you. I love you.

    • Grace says:

      IN..SUF…FER..ABLE. Can’t wait for her press tour to end.

    • belle de jour says:

      Do you remember the smug tone from the author of “French Women Don’t Get Fat”?
      Believe me when I say this is a bit of a thing there that, evidently, she has adopted.

  5. Josephine says:

    She strikes me as someone who pecks at food and has great genes. I’ve known a couple women like that, and I believe the no exercise crap because she doesn’t have muscle tone. No exercise, but no eating, either.

    • Naddie says:

      That’s what I thought. A restrictive diet can do so much for a body. Still, the muscle tone lacks.

      • perplexed says:

        How does she work 16 hour days if she doesn’t eat? That’s the part of the no eating regiment I’ve never understood.

        I can diet if I have nothing to do that day. But if I actual work, I can feel the pain a lot!

      • K says:

        Smoking curbs your appetite. She smokes.

    • Jen43 says:

      Fast metabolism, caloric restrictions, plus non stop work. I know a few people like that.

      • Celebwatch says:

        Some people who have fast metabolisms and are above-average active during the day can eat whatever they want. I have no idea if she is one of those people, however.

  6. Izzy says:

    Side-eyeing her ‘working 16 hours a day’ claim too. I’m sure it’s exhausting being a trophy wife. But she’s either working out in secret or doing something else – lipo, cool lipo or body sculpting – to maintain her figure. Or maybe she just doesn’t eat?

  7. Sixer says:

    I’ve been working all morning – which involves sitting on the sofa with a laptop actually ON my lap and having the occasional foray into Twitter to check on the #jeremy4leader excitement. But I’ve done all my pelvic floor exercises in that time and haven’t moved off the sofa.

    I’m as good as Hayek, right?

    And that’s my contribution to the debate.

  8. Danielle says:

    If she works 16 hr days and is moving around a lot during them she probably wouldn’t need to exercise.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah that’s what I’m thinking.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I agree, and her job isn’t sitting at a desk. My mother is very slender, and she never exercises, per se, but she is constantly moving from about 8:30 a.m. To 8:30 p.m. She eats normally and is in great shape for 87.

  9. lowercaselois says:

    It sounds like core exercises, but the other factor is good genes.

  10. Lilacflowers says:

    I’m holding my body a certain way to maintain my body upright and I look glorious.

    • Sixer says:

      I’m sitting and slouching, but simultaneously clenching. I look unkempt. I still count, right?!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        But of course! And looking unkempt suits you like a wet, white shirt suits Idris Elba. Your glory just shines through.

      • Liberty says:

        You count. You are holding your body in a sitting posture with ongoing muscle-testing slouch action, and clenching too. Being unkempt offers the benefits of resistance (not reaching for your Monday ball gown and new leather laptop boots).

      • Sixer says:

        I can always rely on you guys!

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I hope you’re wearing a tiara. I am. My cat is constantly giving me looks of admiration.

    • I Choose Me says:

      I love you guys. This whole thread has tickled me pink. Laughter is good for the abs.

  11. Elfie says:

    I didn’t know she was still getting roles, can’t remember the last time I’ve heard of her being in anything. Isn’t her husband the billionaire who abandoned his son with some model and tried to get out of paying child support? She’s not very likeable and a husband like that says a lot about her own values or lack of them.

    • Lola says:

      Yes. He has a daughter with Linda Evangelista. Linda became pregnant when they were engaged, she had to take him to court to get child support. But Salma is as bad as he is.

    • LAK says:

      It’s easy to re-write history and cast around for villains when billionaires are involved, but this was all Linda and her need to entrap a billionaire ATM.

      He had a fling with Linda that had a ‘no babies’ clause. Linda got pregnant, he suggested an abortion, she refused and said she would take care of baby herself without any financial support.

      Linda then found herself billionaire no 2 who kept her and the baby for several years.

      By all accounts, everybody was ok with this arrangement. After 4yrs+ Linda broke up with billionaire no 2, coinciding with all her work contracts also coming to a close and she suddenly needed money to maintain her lifestyle.

      She remembered she had a golden ticket, I mean child, and went to cash it in.

      The court proceedings showed that he objected to mummy support which was the majority of her submitted child support claims. Most of the detailed expenses were for her personal upkeep, including 24/7 nanny service so she wouldn’t spend alone time with the child – her words.

      In the end, the optics were bad for him, so he coughed up.

      • KB says:

        Unless his “no babies clause” involved him wearing a condom every time they had sex, I don’t see how any of that is relevant.

    • twink says:

      She’s on Tale of Tales which is getting great reviews.

  12. patricia says:

    I call this BS. Celebs love to lie about how everything on their bodies is the result “natural beauty”. They supposedly don’t exercise, don’t have plastic surgery, don’t go under cosmetic procedure, they eat all they want…BS!!! Every once in a while comes some celeb who won’t tell lies but gets the side eye of the other celebs and from the press and gossip sites. Particularly at Salma’s age, it takes a lot of work to maintain a body like that. Even younger celebs have lots of flaws and have trouble staying in shape. Robin Wright when asked about her banging body at 48 admitted that her “Claire Underwood” regime consists in 5:00 AM daily workouts, and a strict diet of no dairy, no carbs, no fat, just steamed vegetables. So yeah, Salma…STFU

    • Nicolette says:

      Don’t forget that with not exercising, no surgery, no procedures and eating all they want they are bikini photo ready sixty seconds after giving birth. If anyone believes all that I have a nice bridge to sell to them.

    • Eleonor says:

      +10000000 !!!!!!!
      It’s like when you hear top models saying: I eat junk food…yes and after you throw it up !

    • Lola says:

      Well, she said she got big breasts when she was around 25 by going to church and “praying to god”, so we know how her logic works,

  13. Beatrice says:

    Love the black and red dress in the first pic, but she should ditch those Minnie Mouse shoes.

    • inthekitchen says:

      Agreed – I HATE those (and similar shoes). I really wish the huge platform shoe craze would DIE a fast death! They look stupid and most of the time the person wearing them can barely even walk.

  14. Mzizkrizten says:

    So she basically just sucks in her gut all day? LOL

  15. Barrett says:

    I got a Fitbit and am shocked about how many miles I move a day. I’m a mover and I’ve always been very thin and I eat well. Calories don’t exceed activity. If I do get chances to take classes yoga, Pilates, bar, light jog I’m thrilled. But even if I don’t I seem to easily maintain weight due to lots of walking and moving. Selma is rich with access to great chefs, nutrition, if she’s a mover and she does the right exercises why can’t she just be maintaining her great natural genetic figure. Lipo may really not be true. Extreme comment.

    • Liberty says:

      Ha I have a Fitbit too and am also shocked. Even before I run or workout – it’s amazing how much I’ve walked and moved. And yeah even just being an active busy walker I can keep pounds off.

  16. Suzanne says:

    Those shoes make her look ridiculous. Way too high for her short little frame. Who cares how she maintains…she’s in Hollywood…people. They all lie and they all have procedures to look good for as long as humanly possible. We should all be so lucky! Oh, and yeah, the nose was definitely done…

  17. kibbles says:

    I don’t believe she has crazy work days most of the year. She has not done a lot of movies in many years. I believe that she doesn’t eat much. Probably nibbles at a salad for lunch and dinner. I can believe she gets lipo too. There are so many non-invasive lipo options these days that she can be in an out of the doctor’s office the same day.

    • Kitten says:

      To be fair, she does run Nuance Cosmetics, which is presumably a pretty lucrative company.

  18. smee says:

    There are plenty of pics of here smoking cigarettes. I’m guessing that’s part of her “secret”.

  19. littlemissnaughty says:

    I don’t buy it. That’s clearly a nose job and some (if not much) muscle definition in her arm in that first pic. You do NOT get that from relaxing or clenching anything. Whatever. If this is how she needs to sell herself, be my guest.

    What I never understand is the point of such statements. See also Blake Lively. You’re rich and gorgeous. If you think you need to make other women feel bad, you can’t be very happy.

  20. HK9 says:

    Isn’t that just isometric exercise and why does she think we haven’t heard of that???

  21. Granger says:

    Note that Salma DIDN’T say she doesn’t eat — just that she doesn’t exercise. I believe her. She doesn’t have a lot of muscle tone, but I bet she eats like a bird.

    The thing with the whole “naturally thin” schtick is that most female actresses who make it big *are*, in essence, “naturally thin,” in that they’re blessed with very good genes and have never struggled with their weight. Hollywood likes its women thin, so generally speaking, thin actresses are the ones who become big stars. And because “we” want our celebrities to look “perfect,” actresses spend the rest of their lives maintaining their already-thin frames in whatever way they can. Let’s face it, (again) generally speaking, you don’t get to be a thin 45 or 50 years old without dieting like crazy, as Robin Wright and Julianne Moore have pointed out (remember when JM once said in an interview that she’s basically always hungry???). If those women were “regular” people, with regular people struggles and 9 to 5 jobs and nobody paying them millions to look a certain way, would they still be *as* thin in their 40s? Maybe not.

  22. Karen says:

    My cousins doctors basically said to have a great stomach you should suck it in all day (basically always keep the core engaged ). I assume this is Selmas theory as well.

    • Liberty says:

      This totally works. I was actually getting a rounder belly from sit-ups, and per my doctor switched off to other exercise and sucking in the gut all day. Works mad well. All flat and toned again.

  23. Fran says:

    WHAT IS her job??? 20 hrs a day? Really?

  24. Jess says:

    Okey dokey Salma! Pretty sure it’s more genetics, maybe surgery sometimes.

  25. Itsmealisonryan says:

    I had a job where I was standing almost all day. I started holding myself in so I wouldn’t getback pain. Just stood tall. Two months later I looked like I had abs, so it does work. Now I sit all day and my belly looks much softer.

  26. Lola says:

    She’s really dumb and vapid. But she sold herself as some sort of artist with a high intellect. Throughout the years she has shown how ignorant she is, but somehow some people still think she’s well educated and that she came from money, which is nothing but a facade.

    • cakecakecake says:

      YES, I totally agree. insufferable and full of herself once she married that money guy.

      I believe nothing she says.

    • twink says:

      She did come from money, oil money, her dad lives in my hometown, it’s a known fact he’s wealthy.

  27. Wren33 says:

    Speaking as an ex-dancer, there are definitely ways to stand that lengthen your spine and engage your abs, so you look thinner without actually being thinner, and it also works your muscles more than just sucking it in. But I wouldn’t think that really burns calories the way exercise would.

  28. Jeanne says:

    So sick of hearing these people say they work 16 hour days. BS. Let’s see – 10 hour 1st class flight plus travel time to/from airport and dressing up for pap shots to catch you on the way to an expensive dinner = 16 hours of work. Blech.

  29. Mila says:

    obviously those famous women also use a lot of surgery but most of them also have won the genetic lottery. Selma Hayek will always look better than a regular woman even if that regular woman married a billionaire.

  30. A.Key says:

    Best plastic surgeon in the world!!!!

  31. rosie says:

    Has anyone seen the trailer of Salma’s latest film Tale of Tales? It’s really freaky stuff!

  32. kri says:

    Interesting….um. So. I do know that because of dance classes and pilates, posture adjustment and core strengthening can make a huge difference in how you look. You truly do look better when standing up straight, and keeping a neutral line. but as for that being enough to keep you looking like Salma..either she is one lucky woman as far as genetics, or she’s getting some help. Either way, no shame here. She is amazing to look at.

  33. EN says:

    OK, I do understand the “no time to exercise part”, I totally relate. But if she really works 16 hour days her face looks way too good for that kind of schedule.
    As for her breasts, it is obvious she hard work there,

  34. Lola says:

    You guys know she has a son as well as her daughter, right? She just doesn’t talk about the son. She got caught on camera in Lebanon admitting to his existence.

    Check out about 1 and a half minutes in. She’s like a deer caught in the headlights. Kinda.