People: Prince George doesn’t let Duchess Kate ‘have a minute to herself’

kate people

I’m guessing that People Magazine’s Duchess Kate and Prince George covers must be consistently great sellers, because People really goes overboard putting the Cambridges on cover after cover. This week’s People cover is “Kate & George: Inside Their Sweet Bond” which is just an excuse for what I’m assuming will be at least ten pages of photos of Kate and George rolling down a hill at William’s weekend polo match. And here’s People’s big exclusive: George is constantly moving.

At nearly 2, Prince George has just one mode: go. The full-throttle toddler “is running around constantly,” a source who recently spent time with his mom, Princess Kate, tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story.

“George doesn’t let her have a minute to herself,” adds the source.

For her part, the new mom – to daughter Charlotte, born May 2 – is happy to rewrite the traditional rules of royal parenting, including making sure her son has free rein to enjoy a playful, messy childhood.

[From People]

I kind of think George has been running Kate ragged ever since he was born. He was a fussy baby who cried constantly, then he became a grumpy-faced baby who punched other babies, and now he’s a toddler hellbent on making his mom do what he wants to do. And I say… good for George! It good to see so much personality. I also think Will and Kate will probably have an easier time with Charlotte – Charlotte already seems to be a more easy-going baby than George ever was.

PS… the striped shirt Kate wore for the polo outing is a $75 top from Me+Em. It sold out as soon as the photos came out and now there’s a two-month wait for it. Kate seriously has at least a dozen blue-and-white striped shirts though, but I’ll admit it – this one does have a cute fit.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News.

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91 Responses to “People: Prince George doesn’t let Duchess Kate ‘have a minute to herself’”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.
    Winston Churchill

    Mini Winston Churchill concurs.

  2. aims says:

    Welcome to parenthood. I’m finally able to go to the bathroom by myself. Small victories, people!!

    • Miffy says:

      When does this happen?! I still have Lego and Play-Doh offerings shoved under the bathroom door.

      • aims says:

        When they become teenagers.

      • tracking says:

        Around age 4.

      • booboobird says:

        Lol. Doesn’t stop. 2 yo provides his company and opinions sitting on a stepping stool while you are trying to eliminate. 4yo yells from 2nd bathroom he’s done and needs his bum wiped and 8yo sits on the other side of bathroo door asking questions about the book he’s reading. That’s almost a daily occurrence with slight variations.

      • Duchess of Corolla says:

        Still hasn’t happened here! But, that’s okay…it comes with the territory. 😉

      • swack says:

        Once your kiddos stop, if you have any grandchildren, they start the process all over.

      • CooCooCatchoo says:

        Lol YES! Someday I’ll be able to shower or pee by myself. But that day has not arrived yet.

    • kcarp says:

      Sunday night a stomach bug hit me. I was sitting on the floor in the middle of night throwing up. My 3 year old was sitting on the floor beside me, saying eww that’s disgusting. They never ever think, hey this may not be a good time. It’s always a good time to be with mom.

      According to her if you want to stop throwing up go put on your make up and you will feel better. I wonder if my husband is putting her up to this stuff?

    • Justaposter says:

      Bad news gang it never stops! The key players change to dogs and cats Who bust the door wide open! Side eye and heavy sighs provided by mortified teens , who blame you for “rudeness” while the big fat cat looks at the teens, wide eyed in agreement.

  3. Pixelated says:

    So much adorable. Keep it coming, People. I’d rather see George in the cover every issue than see the Duggars once.

    • SamiHami says:

      We really need a like button…

      Also, up until now all I’ve seen is Grandpa Middleton in that boy’s face. Now I am finally seeing some William there.

      • FLORC says:

        Like buttons are insidious. Just copy paste. They hurt sites long term.

      • bluhare says:

        What? Really FLORC? So if I wander around to sites that use FB to comment and people click like buttons my history goes out and about too? There really is no privacy any more is there?

      • FLORC says:

        Yes. You don’t even need to have a FB acct, or be logged in, or even click the “Like” button at all. It’s existence on the page is all that is needed to follow you around. And maybe you entered in the wrong address and found yourself on the wrong web page that has a like button. Even if you’ve clicked nothing on the page it’s still enabled. Pop-up and redirecting ads also get counted. If it’s on your screen it’s marked.
        Search “Like button tracking” for more info. FB has addressed it over the years from flat out denials to forced admission.

        And yes again. There’s no privacy. Go incognito for purchases. It helps. Your info will just have to be re entered again and again. And they have a do not track sign up, but it hasn’t always been honored. There’s always a loop hole like the Do not call lists.

      • Megan says:

        Facebook and cookies pale in comparison to the amount of consumer data available to marketers. Some data points have obvious uses, like what kind of car you own, while others are less clear, like do you volunteer. When I see the data packages available for marketers Facebook looks like a toddler.

      • FLORC says:

        True, but FB is also no toddler when compared to those data giants. They just have a better store front. They hold massive levels on par with those giants and operate very much the same. And the data they collect comes from a 1 time passive agreement that follows you and collects everything. And you likely were not even aware it happened. The practice is extremely aggressive. Cookies, surveys, and those forms of data collection are the toddlers in this.

    • Mare says:

      or the Kardashian/Jenners.

  4. Sayrah says:


  5. Dimsum mum says:

    George is really resembling his grandad Middleton!

  6. swack says:

    He’s two AND with a new sibling. Of course he’s going to take up her time. I can’t leave my 2 year old granddaughter by herself for a minute as she climbs, or gets onto my computer or finds something to write on the wall or herself (even though I have no idea where she finds it). With a new sibling he is going to want that attention that she is getting. I love seeing pictures of him being a normal boy and allowed to run around and have fun.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      My grandson is 16 months old, and I can’t sit down for a minute with him! And trying to think of everything he’s going to find to get into is a full time job, lol!

      Toddlers this age are curious, they’re learning how to walk or ruin on their own and explore this big, exciting world. There’s no time to sit still and relax!

    • kcarp says:

      I am struggling with contraband sharpies my 3 year old daughter finds. Where does she get these markers? She draws on everything!!!!!!!

      Does she have an Amazon account she is ordering these behind my back somehow?

      • JLo says:

        My five-year old smuggled a contraband Sharpie into his room and wrote on the dang carpet in his little serial killer handwriting. I may cover it with a rug and pretend it never happened.

      • kcarp says:

        @ J LO…….I just laughed loud! Little Serial Killer Handwriting, that explains it exactly. Ya just cover it up and pretend it never happened.

        My husband looks at me like why would u let her do this? Ya I condone this. Here you go little one please go write your little manifestos all over our house.

      • swack says:

        I totally understand. Mine enjoys drawing on herself also!

      • CooCooCatchoo says:

        Can I say that I love your parenting style?!?

      • elle says:

        When my daughter was about 5, she wrote, “ELMO’S WORLD” on her bedroom wall, the basement wall, and the stairway. I have thrown away every red crayon and they will never be allowed in the house.

  7. Beth No. 2 says:

    I would love to know if those people who supposedly snap up every item of clothing that Kate or George wears truly exist, or are they part of a shrewd apparel marketing campaign. Do people seriously put themselves on a two-month wait list for a generic, dull-as-dishwater striped top??! It is depressing.

    That aside, I like the pics of George tumbling down the hill with Kate. There was one pic of him grabbing and upending tufts of grass in his hand and kinda soiling his clothes and Kate, instead of being finicky, was laughing. Cute staged pics.

    • bluhare says:

      Each person may not buy each item, but trust me. They exist.

    • Original T.C. says:

      IKR? It looks like everyother $12 Old Navy stripped top to me that she wears all the time. Yeah of course it’s all staged. Who sits there watching an entire game or following their 2 year old around with a constant posed wide smile AND always making sure the Lady Di blue ring is in every single shot. Well at least we get more bruiser pics now that there is a spare!

      • notasugarhere says:

        She wasn’t following him the whole time. She sat there while he ran 10 yards away onto the horse path. Autumn Phillips chased after him, returned him to KM where she sat on the hill, and horses came down the path soon after.

      • FLORC says:

        Are there photos or video of this?

      • hmmm says:


        And she was sitting all alone on the hill separate from everyone. Nor did she get up to go towards Autumn and George; she sat there till George was handed to her.

  8. perplexed says:

    Does Prince George outsell Kate Middleton? That’s what I’d like to know. In People magazine, I notice they put him in the big photos on covers while Kate Middleton is usually in the corner. This is the opposite of what would happen with Diana and William — Diana got the covers all to herself.

    I don’t really get how Kate is breaking tradition to raise George, though.

  9. Tough Cookie says:

    George is a typical 2 year old and Kate has a new striped shirt. Yawn.

  10. wendi says:

    “Run ragged”??! I don’t think there is any danger of that with all of the paid help she has. GMAFB.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Yes, Nanny Maria has her hands full.

      • Dena says:

        One of two PR spins (which are really just variations on a theme):

        1. Project Just Like You & Me. In this case, it’s a busy mom and even busier toddler spin.
        2. Project Explain-It- Away better know as Make It Disapper By Changing the Narrative. In this case, the speculation raised by the pictures of Kate needlessly hovering over George at the polo match & not interacting with the other moom (cousin in laws) and tots.

      • Olenna says:

        I think you pretty much summed it up, Dena. How can anyone reasonably explain her lack of interaction with the other adults and their children? I haven’t seen any pictures of her engaging in conversations them or being friendly and playful with their kids. Someone mentioned she looked happy. Ugh, IMO, no she didn’t. She put on a big grin and positioned the ring a few times for the cameras. Mostly, she just looked pensive.

      • Ellen says:

        The Daily Mail and the Express (I think) both have quite a few photos of Kate and Autumn talking together. Kate is laughing with Mia, looking at something on Autumn’s cellphone….

        I really don’t understand why criticizing Kate’s lack of public engagement isn’t enough. Why do we also have to invent family conflicts, marital unhappiness, and general awfulness? Being workshy isn’t enough?

      • Olenna says:

        Ok, Ellen, you must have seen photos that I didn’t. On the DM site, I saw Autumn and Mia in the fore- and background while Kate’s playing with or focused on George. Also, I don’t think anyone here is discussing, inventing or implying conflict between Kate and her in-laws. My comment was centered on her ability to interact with others, not how well she does or doesn’t get along family.

  11. Jayna says:

    That age is so adorable but exhausting. LOL

  12. InvaderTak says:

    I thought they looked really cute and natural in those polo photos. Even William looked looser. Kate seems to do best in the casual and sporting settings. She didn’t seem overwhelmed with the 2 year old either. She just seems lost at the big official events.

    And how many times has the guy in the white polo had his nose broken? If he’s a body guard they need to hire the guy who gave him the nose instead.

    • LAK says:

      Officially, 8 times. Unofficially countless times. He said he might get his nose fixed once he retired from the game, but hasn’t followed through. At this point, his broken nose is his signature.

      That said, a broken nose is better than cauliflower ears!!

      • FLORC says:

        Ewwww! I cringe and gag when I see cauliflower ears. Just horrible.
        And as long as he can breath he should kep the nose. At this point he’d look so different without it. IMO.

      • bluhare says:

        Yeah, but would YOU want to sleep next to that guy? Good lord; she probably has to sleep next door!

      • CooCooCatchoo says:

        How in the world did he break his nose eight times?!? Not all during his employment with Kate and William hopefully.

      • Ruckhappy says:

        In point of fact, broken noses and cauliflower ears are rare even at the international Test rugby level, at which Tindall played. Lots of bruises and bloody cuts, but even broken bones are rare. Tape your ears down and you don’t get cauliflower ears. I played seven years, mostly at prop (i.e., front-row forward), and the worst injury I had was a freakish, albeit fairly serious, concussion.

        Mind you, it is a violent sport. I read somewhere that of all the “dangerous” sports, including auto racing and bullfighting, rugby union had the lowest rate of fatal injuries…but the highest rate of non-fatal injuries.

    • bluhare says:

      He is Zara’s husband and was an international rugby player, so to answer your question: a lot.

      • InvaderTak says:

        Ah that makes sense now. thx I’m American and not much of a royal watcher so rugby is way over my head.

      • CooCooCatchoo says:

        Wait… William’s first cousin’s husband is Kate’s bodyguard?!? Holy crap, that’s gotta boost mr cousin-in-law’s ego. If I were Zara, I would never have allowed him to take that commission. Can you say, “Emasculating” and “”Know your position, peasant?” She must hold his balls in her coin purse.

      • bluhare says:

        I guess I’m confused. I thought we were talking about Zara’s husband, Mike Tindall, who is not one of Kate’s bodyguards.

      • FLORC says:

        You’re not alone. Also thought we were talking about Tindall.

      • LAK says:

        I thought we were discussing Mike Tindall too.

        Ruckhappy: my experience with sports in general is that the higher the skill set, the fewer injuries. I played Hockey and Rugby into my 30s, and on the rare opportunities I turned out for the lower teams, the injury level was always a worry.

        I’m always amazed that Mike managed to break his nose so often given his skill level.

        Cauliflower ears aren’t prevalent anymore because everybody tapes. Gone are the days of Jason Leonard’s ears being the norm. Ditto wearing mouthguards and what have you. Or as my friend Hannah says, everybody plays rugby these days like girls. When we were growing up, in the amateur era, safety wasn’t really paramount. You could get away with stamping to a degree and no taped ears or or helmets or mouthguards. It’s a wonder they never did lasting damage. I’m still surprised Johnno has a reasonably uninjured face after his playing career. The professional era brought with it safety measures that should have made it unlikely that Mike would repeatedly break his nose.

      • FLORC says:

        From the 1st break on each break becomes easier on the nose. There was an older article n a medical journal of this. With examples of those who had been confirmed to have somewhere above 15 confirmed breaks to sneeze and rebreak their noses.

  13. Carol says:

    George personality is his uncles harry

  14. FLORC says:

    Kate’s casual style has been my casual style from my 20’s. So, I can’t hate it. There’s little diversity though. I had multiple favorite shirts of the same style incase 1 got dirty or torn because they were such staples.

    And this story… The PR needs to settle down. This is not a defense for not working. She has a lot of help. No shade if she wants to be hands on with George. That’s great. Just don’t pretend it’s impossible to get anything else done because of him.
    If she has her hands full it’s because she wants it that way. Not because George makes it that way. I’m sure he keeps his nanny on her toes too.

    So, the account numbers are coming out soon? Is that the reason for the flood of George photos? The equivalentnt of jingling shiny keys as a distraction?

    • bluhare says:

      Ooh . . . that’s pretty! 🙂

      But, yes. That’s the working theory for some. The numbers come out soon so there’s lots of activity right now.

    • notasugarhere says:

      I didn’t realize numbers were coming out soon. That’ll be interesting.

  15. oneshot says:

    I know Mrs I-Don’t-Work is on the cover, but can we talk about the so-called “civil rights leader” in the inset? Her “secret life”? Why the eff is she on the cover of People?

    And why the eff doesn’t People just call that lying oompa-loompa what she is – a FRAUD, plain and simple.

    (and no, do not use Laverne Cox, Caitlin Jenner or any transgender people to excuse this pos- there is a biological basis for people identifying as transgender and it starts in utero. This sociopath has no excuses)

    ok, back to criticism of boring and lazy Duchess now.

  16. veronica says:

    I can sympathise with her. My almost 17 month old is the same. Super high energy and not a good sleeper so I have very little time to myself. Always on the go, unless Postman Pat or Sarah & Duck is on, then she’ll sit still. Otherwise, it’s go,go GO!

  17. Micki says:

    A toddler, who is constantly moving? It’s such a revelation.

  18. Kelly says:

    Okay, best photo op ever.

    SIgh. My son is 17 and an awesome kid, but I miss those days when you got to hold their hand, a pair of socks were Stormtroopers, a stick was the best sword/staff etc, and I was the best Mommy.

    • CooCooCatchoo says:

      I bet if you asked your son, he’d still say that you are the best mommy ❤️

  19. M says:

    Wow! She looks great. My baby is 4 months and I’m still in my 6 month maternity clothes. And George is adorable

    • Betsy says:

      She looks amazing for six weeks out. I know some women do, but wow, I haven’t, either time!

  20. Amy M. says:

    I know we give Kate a hard time for her aversion to work. She may not be the most ambitious person out there (apart from marrying the future king of England) but you can’t deny she seems to be a good mom (and enjoys it). She always seems engaged with George and there is clearly a bond there. He probably adds some much needed liveliness from shopping trips and hair appointments.

  21. Subconciously says:

    Just another justification to allow Kate to skip all royal duties. She is so busy she is a mom of two … My god, she has a lot of staff who take care of her children.

  22. wow says:

    Please. Prince George doesn’t get a say in the matter, People Mag. When Kate wants a break, she has a husband, parents, siblings and nanny who can watch George. I don’t doubt for a second that he is very close to his mom, but I’m sure Kate gets time for herself when she wants to.

    She appears to be a wonderful mother and clearly he loves her and they are close However the press goes overboard with this stuff. You don’t have to sell us on Kate and George being close or sell us on her being a good mom…we already SEE it based on their interactions.

    • FLORC says:

      People doesn’t print unapproved stories. And photos of George this close and in focus are only in existence because they’ve been approved by the Cambridges and their PR.
      She does appear to be a good mother, but they are indeed pushing this image. Just as the Kate has no time outside of being busy with her children image is being pushed.
      And you have to wonder why that image is needed?

      The PR is done with a heavy hand imo. As you said. We can see for outrselves. She’s involved. Actions speak louder than words.

  23. Citresse says:

    George is lovely.
    And my goodness, that husband of Zara is in excellent shape. In fact, nearly all the younger Royals seem to be in better shape when compared to previous years and previous generations. I noted Beatrice at Ascot looked very much in excellent physical shape also, especially since her younger years reflected more of a sedentary lifestyle.

  24. Christin says:

    When Diana was raising her boys, there were references to how she wanted them to have glimpses of a normal life. Standing in line at McD’s is one example I recall.

    Wasn’t that ‘breaking tradition to raise’ a royal child, as this cover proclaims?

    People helped push that narrative as well. They must think everyone is too young or forgetful to remember.

    • FLORC says:

      That McDonalds trip was very much a staged pr case. Much staff there with cameras and reporters. If there was any such genuine glimpse it could be arranged.
      Just like this. George photos are approved and carefully chosen to go with this narrative.

      Now, If George went to a different school other than the traditional boarding school that would be breaking away. Getting a more normal life.

  25. Katie says:

    Im bored of the “normal people” narrative. They’re not exactly normal and their attempts to pretend to be are kind of irritating to actual normal people who don’t get to count attending galas and sports matches as work.

  26. Feeshalori says:

    They certainly do pick and choose their level of normal.