Canadian Mounties called in to protect Robert Pattinson’s dirty hair


Do not disrespect the Canadian Mounties. They are professionals, and they have important work to do. But I can’t help but feel badly for the Mounties who were called in to protect and serve Robert Pattinson’s dirty mop of hair from a gang of unruly teenage girls. On second thought, those teenage girls are probably some of the most dangerous people the Mounties will ever have to deal with.

Radar Online is reporting that the Canadian production of New Moon has been attracting a “barrage” of female fans, to the point of the producers calling in the Mounties. To help facilitate their continued protection, the producers helped the officers raise several thousand dollars to support Mountie-related activities in local schools:

When you have the biggest heartthrob of the year on your hands, you have to do everything in your power to protect him.

Producers of New Moon, the second installment of the Twilight series, have called in some serious reinforcement to protect star Robert Pattinson from the barrage of female fans. They’ve hired Canadian Mounties! talks exclusively to the brave gentleman who is keeping the actor safe and sound.

While filming on the tiny scenic island of Tofino, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, producers enlisted the help of local cops Constables Brendon Baillant and Brandon Builziuk to make sure filming went off without a hitch. Not their usual cup of tea, the constables encountered their fair share over overzealous teens during the assignment.

“It was an unusual mission but our remit was to keep the fans off the set,” Constable Baillant told exclusively. “Everything went well on the first day but then a group of teenage girls got a little too close when the filming moved to the Long Beach area of the island.”

“They were totally miffed with us when we told them that they could not get any closer, however, their spirits lifted when Kristin Stewart came over to pose for a few photographs with them,” he recalled. “It was raining really hard the whole time but the producers loved that because it helped to make their scenes much more gloomy and atmospheric too. This is a beautiful part of the world but when it gets cold and wet even a vampire would get the chills.”

The two Mounties’ services helped to raise over $3000 of sporting equipment for two local schools. The money was donated by the film’s producers.

[From Radar Online]

Do they call that sort of thing a bribe? I’m not sure. Probably not. I’m trying to imagine the NYPD asking a film crew for “donations” to go to police charities. Actually, that probably happens. But they certainly don’t announce it to Radar Online.

What’s the deal with everyone being in love with Robert Pattinson? He smells, he looks dirty, and the boy is incapable of closing his mouth. All in all, I would describe him as “mangy.” Maybe I just don’t get it because I’m no longer a teenage girl. Do you know who I was in love with when I was thirteen? Eddie Vedder and John Malkovich. I totally stand by those crushes, too – they stand the test of time. Ten years from now, are all of these little girls going to embarrassed by their long-lost Robert Pattinson crushes?

Here’s Robert Pattinson picking up a coffee and a snack before going to work on ‘New Moon’ on March 11th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.

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25 Responses to “Canadian Mounties called in to protect Robert Pattinson’s dirty hair”

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  1. Ash says:

    Team Jacob, all the way. I just don’t see it in this guy.

  2. Bellatrix says:

    I do not understand it either, Kaiser.
    I do, however, have an element of defense regarding his ever talking mouth: apparently, he is contractually obliged to keep talking about himself.

    Poor Mounties though: I’ve seen Twilight fanatics in Paris when the movie premiered and it was pure suffering. The screaming wouldn’t stop. This isn’t the first time I witnessed some crazy fans gathering but I can’t remember it ever being so severe.
    I have a theory that if he smells, he’s actually a smart boy: it’s a defense barrier to keep the girls from coming too close.

  3. Susan says:

    Team Jacob here too. That boy is GORGEOUS. I do not get it with R-patz.

    I have an 11 year old and we are anxiously awaiting New Moon. (she is Team Edward — as are ALL her little friends — again — don’t get it!)

  4. Ash says:

    Susan, same with my sister and EVERYONE else I know. Even without seeing the movie, I just started reading the series Monday night, and Im on the last book, and I STILL prefer Jacob over Edward. I just saw the movie last weekend. I’m a little late because I was VERY unsure about the whole Twilight deal.

  5. Susan says:

    I want to read the series. I have a friend who did (her daughter is friends with my daughter) and she said you can’t put them down.

    My daughter does NOT like Jacob’s long hair though. lol

  6. Anna says:

    Team Robert/Edward all the way!

    I’ve got a seriously embarassing crush on him (and I’m no teenager anymore) but I stand by it. I think he is one of the rare ones who will indeed stand the test of time (unlike, in my opinion, Kristen Stewart for example). He’s pretty much where Leonardo DiCaprio was when he did Titanic. Back then, the poor man was also constantly hounded by teenaged girls and he wasn’t happy about it either, as he made clear several times.

    Go Robert! And go Mounties! 🙂

  7. Ash says:

    Yeah, I did start the series MONDAY. haha…I like that cheesy romance stuff. Guilty.

  8. Mairead says:

    Which one is Jacob again?

    Anyway – you are totally right about two things Kaiser – Eddie Vedder and John Malcovich crushes (only in Dangerous Liasions and The Glass Menagerie for me though)

    And how terrifying hyped-up teenage girls are.

    Even Scott F (late of this site) said that he never encountered anything more terrifying than a gaggle of them, and he was an ex-Marine (or something equally butch and weapons-based)! 😯

  9. Mairead says:


  10. Bodhi says:

    Jacob is a WAY better character, at least in the books. I hven’t seen the movie yet

  11. Ash says:

    I can’t believe I’m commenting again, but yes Bodhi, he IS, and I just don’t see why so many people disagree. Not his fault Bella is a huge flirt. He is a very young actor, but he is very young in the book. It’s just hard to cast someone that is supposed to later be around 6’7. That’s just ridiculous. That Taylor Lautner is adorable though.

  12. ChiaPet says:

    Tofino is not an island; it’s a small town on Vancouver Island. It’s a popular travel destination, but it’s fairly remote, & I have a hard time imagining a screaming throng of ‘tweens gathering this time of year. But what do I know, maybe the locals loves them some Twilight!

    And yes, film companies all over North America curry favor with the local police forces by contributing to local events. Call it what you like, but charitable organizations benefit.

  13. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Robert Smith ?

  14. becky reed says:

    i don’t understand why his hair is such a big deal it is called being into grunge music i have greesey hair alot of times and i love it that way
    i still was my body just not my hair lol

  15. Seven says:

    Team Jacob as well ! Wooohoo. Robert is cute but hes not got the appeal Taylor Lautner has … wowow

  16. CC says:

    When I was in high school I had a mad crush on Eddie Vedder… and in the early 90s, he wasn’t exactly the cleanest dude. They called it grunge for a reason. But he grew out of it, you know? Maybe Patsy will grow up, too.

  17. Jacks says:

    I too am a grown adult and slightly embarrassed to say that I read the entire series in less than a week, but I’m gonna have to say that I’m team Jacob and Edward… I think if you haven’t finished the series, it’s hard to really understand the relationships… but after finishing everything, I’m happy with Edward and Bella and what becomes of Jacob (I don’t want to ruin it for anyone that hasn’t finished the series yet). I refuse to see the movie though because I know it won’t live up to the book and I just don’t want to ruin my perfect vision of it haha.

  18. becca says:

    ^^^You’re happy with what happens to Jacob? You MUST be joking. You do realize that Chris Hansen would have a field day with Jacob now, right?

    Any way, I don’t think Taylor OR Rob are very good looking…but have you seen pictures of the guy who’s going to be playing Paul? OMG.

  19. argirl says:

    Robert is beautiful! I can’t say about his smell but I actually saw him in person and he is a very cute, seemingly modest, sweet guy. His bone structure is amazing! And I don’t get that Jacob thing. He’s too young, his voice is annoying and I can’t shake the image of shark boy.

  20. Ursula says:

    I found myself googling him a few days ago and I am embarrassed to say I found him fascinating. There is something about him. I had a huge crush on Ricky Martin. HUGEEE. I stand by it. But when you are a teenager, your hormones rule. So I will back off those girls for now.

  21. Aspen says:

    I just can’t get past the sexual assault and emotional abuse Jacob commits in book 3. I fell out of team Jacob right there.

    Between the two actors? Jacob, no question…but looking at either one makes me feel like a dirty old lady. The kid playing Jacob is freaking adorable. I can see why the girls are eating him up.

  22. Hieronymus Grex says:

    ‘His bone structure is amazing’- yeah, amazing he can pass for human instead rodent.

  23. Annie says:

    Just due to the sheer fact that Taylor Lautner is only 17…I pick Pattinson.

    I feel all cradle-rob-y just by thinking about how hot that damn kid is. Fack.

  24. Bobby the K says:


    ‘Canadian Mounties’ – would be redundant wouldn’t it?

  25. Wow says:

    It is about one thing, “acting”. Robert Pattinson seems to have it. He has the ability to go into himself to create a character that is so outwardly different from himself. He has so many dimensions–that’s a thinker. I think he thinks a lot. I hope the crazy heartless acting business won’t destroy him. Be strong Robert, keep your own head while everyone elses’ freaking out of theirs.