Kim Kardashian confirms: she & Kanye West are expecting a boy this time

Well, Iā€™m trying to figure out if I should call Kim Kardashian a ā€œliar.ā€ She is, of course, but itā€™s an understandable lie in this particular case. A few weeks ago, Us Weeklyā€™s source claimed that Kim was definitely expecting a boy with her second pregnancy. Kim issued a carefully worded denial on Twitter, claiming that she and Kanye hadnā€™t told anyone the sex of the baby. Guess what? Kim and Kanye are having a boy. Kim posted the above Instagram with the message: ā€œPrecious moments like this when we were traveling on tour with you are what I live for. You’re such a good daddy to North & you will be the best daddy to our new son too!ā€

So what does all of this mean? A) Kim and Yeezus have a leak and that leak is cat-faced, smells of sulphur, and has Lucifer on speed dial and B) Yeezus will have a male heir! It also means that the baby clothes probably wonā€™t be as fun as when North was little, but you never know. Kanye probably wants his son to wear Chanel, Givenchy and Balmain too.

Anyway, congrats to Kim and Kanye. And congrats to Big Sister North! Poor Nori. Her only-child worldview is about to come to an abrupt end.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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60 Responses to “Kim Kardashian confirms: she & Kanye West are expecting a boy this time”

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  1. Elisabeth says:

    I just chuckled when I read ‘our new son’ as opposed to their old son?
    I got nothing

  2. Tiffany27 says:

    Us weekly is deeply in the a**hole of the Kardashian clan. They feed them stories, us weekly reports it.

  3. Senaber says:


  4. Yes, we knew that Kim, that it was a boy, we know about the petri dish.

  5. The New Classic says:

    I ALMOST feel bad for Kim. During her last pregnancy she blew up like a beach ball and looked so uncomfortable all the time. Her plastic surgery face shifted in the most unusual way and Kanye was never around. And what did she get at the end of all that? (Besides lots of publicity and attention?) She got a baby. A baby that she alternately ingnores and leaves with nannies or parades in front of yelling, shoving paparazzi so that she can look like a “good mother”. Meanwhile, most of the time her kid looks like she is trying to push Kim away to get to the safe arms of her nanny. Why have another child?! They aren’t interchangeable accessories!

    *Actually, after reading what I wrote, it’s become obvious to me that I actually feel bad for North and the soon to be arrived baby.

    • Tate says:

      I was gonna say…. I feel sorry for North. Not Kim.

    • Janis says:

      I don’t feel bad for Kim. IMO the only reason she’s having another baby is because of future child support payments and to fulfil her contract with Kanye. She admitted she hated being pregnant and contributed to a lot of her own discomfort because she refused to slow down. I feel so sorry for North and the new baby. Their parents arehorrible, narcissistic asses. Whew, now I feel better. Sorry for the rant this rainy Monday.

      • swack says:

        After a week of rain, we finally have sunshine where I’m at! Thank goodness! Hope your rain doesn’t last as long.

    • MediaMaven says:

      well, maybe North and her new brother can raise each other – just like the K-gals did ’cause PMK was out “perfecting her craft”

  6. NewWester says:

    “Cat-faced, smells of sulphur and has Lucifer on speed dial” Too Funny!

  7. swack says:

    What this does for me is confirm that she conceived this child via IVF so that they were assured to have a boy. I really wish she wouldn’t put out denials and just for once admit that the leak was true. Good luck.

    • Snowflake says:

      Oh yeah. We know she wouldn’t chance going through another pregnancy to risk having it be a girl and have to get Preggo third time to get the boy Kanye wants.

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        Ha! My darling childhood friend had five sons. She’d have loved a girl, but sadly, it never came to be. Some friends of my husband and mine had seven sons. Seven! The mum was advised to have a hysterectomy for issues I can’t recall. She made all the bookings but found out she was again pregnant. Being staunch Catholics, a termination was out of the question. They had a daughter. There’s no rhyme or reason, is there?

      • iLoveMyPug says:

        Your assumptions are honestly ridiculous

  8. Eleonor says:

    O dear Lord, I can see Jeezus dressing his precious little heir like his mini me.

  9. MrsBPitt says:

    With Kanye’s ego, I predict this baby’s name will be either, Prince, Yeesus, Royalty, King, something along those lines!

    • Falula says:

      Yeah, definitely something that means best/most/highest. My money is on Victor or Apex.

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      MrsBPitt, I commented on this last week. I tend to agree that he’d like to call his son one of those, but those names are taken. King is the name of Tigger’s toddler, Prince Jackson, Royalty is Chris Brown’s daughter. Someone already has Majesty and Kourtney has Reign… (What is with these people? Oh, sorry. They ARE THAT special.) Perhaps that won’t bother him, though. I also mentioned that he’d lije something as Falula suggested – something referring to the top, the highest etc. I suggested Apex, Zenith etc., but my money’s on Klimax…

    • Susan says:

      ‘Almighty’ hasn’t been used yet (at least for centuries).

    • Lara K says:

      Im betting on Wilde West.
      Or Go šŸ˜›

    • Janis says:

      I’m voting for Jesus.

    • MediaMaven says:

      Riccardo Jr.

  10. Shambles says:

    I actually feel a little bad for her on this one. The “we haven’t told anyone the sex of the baby yet” tweet makes me feel like someone (*Cough*) leaked the info without her knowledge, which isn’t fair to anyone.

    • swack says:

      Do you really think this got “leaked” without her knowing it or without her giving permission. This way she was able to get more attention because she could deny it. Just like with the name North, denied it totally.

  11. lisa2 says:

    Congrats to them. I’m really surprised they have lasted and are now going to be parents to 2 children. I’m sure the plan all along was to announce the baby’s sex on Father’s day.

    Those crazy kids may work out after all.

    • swack says:

      The truth is that this lasting (or any marriage for that matter) is not good. Divorce rates are high and in Hollywood even greater. Not that I wish a divorce on them but the odds are against them (and every other couple).

    • Josephine says:

      Only in Hollywood would lasting a whole year of marriage be some sort of victory. Having another kid says nothing about whether they will last; my guess is that for them, money and business will dictate how long they stay together. It’s not like they have adjusted life at all to accommodate a child.

    • Carmen says:

      What Lisa said. People need to dial down the negativity for once. It’s just two people having a baby, for Pete’s sake.

  12. lucy2 says:

    Man, her face in the tutu photo is painful.

    • Jen43 says:

      The area between her upper lip and nose looks so manufactured it makes me shiver.

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        I agree, Jen43. The philtrum – indeed, the entire surrounding area – looks like silicone. I’ve noticed that, lately, it looks very shiny in every photo I’ve seen. I wonder if makeup has trouble staying on there, or if she’s feeling overheated?

  13. Dawn says:

    Who is surprised by this? Everyone commented on it last week or maybe two weeks ago and then she came out and said they didn’t know just to make up a lie, She is sick. Of course they are having a boy…thanks to gender selection just like her good friend Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild videos did to get twin girls. How refreshing would it be for this couple to tell the truth just once?

  14. Livealot says:

    Highest point for a name reference makes sense but I still want “Wilde”

  15. lassie says:

    It has to be Kanye West, Jr. or Kanye West, the Second. No other name will hold as much ‘power’ or direction or whatever bullshit he sells her that she parrots back.

  16. Nicolette says:

    Awww a boy? Poor PMK, she won’t be able to pimp him out like she does her girls. She has no use for her own son after all.

  17. N says:

    How can they know the baby sex so fast?

    This woman has no bump at all! I’m 18 weeks pregnant and I already have a cute bump and I won’t know my baby sex until after 20 weeks or so.

    She must be going for scans every 5 mins.

    • BendyWindy says:

      She has plenty of bump! But you can get elective 3D ultrasounds to determine sex as early as 15 weeks (though they’re more accurate at 16+ weeks) and those cost $60-100. Also there are some tests run in early pregnancy that will tell you as well, and I don’t mean amnio. They’re on the new side for naturally conceived pregnancies, but several of my friends who were seeing fertility doctors had them.

    • MelissaManifesto says:

      If we are talking bumps, you must have not heard of Sarah Stage. Women carry differently, you can’t compare her body to yours.

      Congratulations on the baby!!!!! Best wishes to you and your family.

    • notsoanonymous says:

      Maternit21 and other such genetic testing is done around 10 weeks and can correctly identify the sex of a baby. It’s relatively new (wasn’t available when I had my daughter in ’13) and it usually reserved for women of advanced maternal age – however, that is an insurance/money issue. They can easily pay out of pocket for such testing.

    • Sarah says:

      They know because they likely did IVF with sperm sorting and prenatal genetic testing to try to get a boy…..that’s my guess anyway.

    • jwoolman says:

      She knows because she had IVF to select a boy. She did not have fertility problems. No reputable doctor would do IVF when she had allegedly been “trying” for so short a time, just as no doctor would have told her to have sex many times (or even once) a day to maximize chances of conception- that simply is not how it works. She is such a liar, and this time she’s been lying about something too many other people know about. She did find a less reputable doctor to do IVF purely for gender selection. No way was she going to be pregnant a third time to produce the boy Kanye wants.

  18. FingerBinger says:

    It was going to be a boy or a girl. This is part of the problem. We talk about everything the Kardashians do. Even the non stories.

  19. Alexis says:

    Kanye is so cute with his baby girl!

  20. G says:

    I must be trippin because she doesn’t look pregnant to me. Something is strange.

  21. Suzanne says:


  22. Amy M. says:

    Either Kanye West Jr or Legacy West. I’m calling it!

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      Can we short-list the name choices yet?
      Kanye West Junior (or The Second)
      Yeezus (Kanye) West or even Jeezus West
      Almighty West
      Alpha Onega West
      Riccardo West (Kim will slam her foot down about this one)
      Wilde West
      Oscar Wilde West (as Kanye believes hims of yo be as eloquent, brilliant, sassy and incisive as the good Mr Wilde)
      Easton West
      Gogh West
      **Please feel free to add your choice.

      I’ll be gobsmacked if they name this boy Robert or John…

  23. sparkle says:

    Betcha they dress him in pinks and other colors that are traditionally “girl” cuz they’re SO edgy *side eye

  24. ROBYNSING says:

    I heard the contract was for two kids. After that, I imagine Kanye will move onto a new “muse”.

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      If that comes to pass, ROBYNSING, the custody battle will be of epic proportions. Kanye might even pull the “Look What The Fools Do To All The Men Who Enter Their Coven” card. (Thank you, iheartgossip.) Let’s just hope a healthy baby arrives and that all ends well.

  25. iheartgossip says:

    So the hired Momma womb confirms a boy will arrive. Look what The Fools do to all the men that enter their coven. Sorry baby boy. Sorry.