Tom Cruise banished his 14-year-old niece from his family for Scientology

Tom Cruise

Anyone who is interested in watching Scientology go down in Xenu-tinged flames should bookmark Tony Ortega’s website. He covers daily news on the cult and hits some intriguing stories that the mainstream media doesn’t notice. Ortega also has a new book out, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, which reveals how the CO$ tried to take down journalist Paulette Cooper in the 1970s. That’s the Scientology M.O. – destroy all critics (never mind that the critics might be correct).

Ortega featured an interview clip from Aaron Smith-Levin from his Growing Up in Scientology project. Aaron interviewed Nick Lister, who was a topic of the Going Clear documentary . Lister is a former household servant of Tom Cruise, so he knows some dish. Lister says Tom kicked his 14-year-old niece out of the family for making out with her boyfriend. Tom considered this behavior to be shameful towards Scientology’s honor (because couch jumping is fine, but kissing is baaaaad):

In this video Nick describes how shortly after Tom Cruise won his IAS Freedom Medal of Valor in 2004, Tom kicked his niece Jamie Lesavoy out of the family (who was 14-years old at the time) for about two years for behavior which he deemed was “unbecoming of a Scientologist and out-PR” (creating a bad image for oneself or Scientology).

Jamie’s offense was simply making out with a boy in Tom’s house in Los Angeles, where Jamie lived with her mother Cass Mapother. Jamie’s activity was caught on Tom’s in-house security cameras. The Scientology security staff working at the house reported Jamie to Tom. Jamie’s punishment was to be sent to Scientology’s “Applied Scholastics” facility in St. Louis to complete Scientology’s lower ethics conditions under the supervision of high-level public Scientologist Bennetta Slaughter.

Scientology’s lower ethics conditions are essentially a series of steps one does to make amends for having done wrong. Lower conditions can usually be completed in days or weeks. Jamie spent two years working on lower conditions before Tom decided she’d done enough and could be allowed back in the family. After working for a full year at the Applied Scholastics facility in St. Louis, Jamie was sent to live with a Scientology family and attend a Scientology private school in Clearwater, FL. Nick met Jamie while he was working at the school Jamie was attending.

Jamie’s mother, Cass Mapother, was working for her brother Tom in Los Angeles. During this two-year period Jamie was allowed to speak with her mother on the phone but was not allowed to go to LA to see her because Tom did not want Jamie near him. Jamie was not allowed to spend holidays with her mother or attend family gatherings.

Jamie had to submit a written request to be accepted back into the family. Final approval of the request could only be given by Tom, not Jamie’s mother. Before Tom would even review Jamie’s request it had to first be submitted for approval by the President’s Office at Flag and then the request had to be forwarded to RTC, the senior-most organization that controls all of Scientology and which is run by David Miscavige.

Only once the request had been approved by the President’s Office at Flag and by RTC could it be sent to Tom. The first time Tom received the request he disapproved it, saying that more amends needed to be done. Eventually Jamie was accepted back into the family by Tom and was allowed to move back to Los Angeles.

[From Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker]

Jamie now labors in the Sea Organization, where sge does hard labor and eats beans for dinner almost every night. Her life must be pretty terrible after signing the famed billion-year contract. Sometimes family members of celebrities do wind up in the Sea Org, but Ortega notes that “Sea Org recruiters had very explicit orders never to attempt to recruit any members of Tom Cruise’s family.” So it is highly unusual that Jamie would choose to enter the Sea Org of her own accord.

Stories like this remind me of how deeply committed Tom is to the insanity of Scientology. Unlike what the tabloids report on occasion, he’ll never leave the cult. He’s absolutely militant in enforcing the COS on his own family. The cult runs Tom’s life, and he has no problem using it to run his family’s lives as well.

Side note: This week’s issue of Star says Katie Holmes started wearing an “engagement” ring because she “heard rumors that Tom had gotten engaged.” They show her wearing a tiny gold band on “that” finger because “she doesn’t want anyone to think she’d be bothered by Tom remarrying, and she figured the best way to make that statement was to lead people to believe she’s in love — be it with Jamie or whomever.” Katie is not engaged.

Here’s the full clip of the interview between Aaron and Alex.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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95 Responses to “Tom Cruise banished his 14-year-old niece from his family for Scientology”

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  1. What was that says:

    I watched this on your link yesterday and it was so disheartening about what happens to these innocents in cults…so many wasted lives..and of course the profit to their manipulators and the slave is very sad…
    I believe there is an enormous TV studios being built in L.A. by the cult ..I bet that also is the product of this slave labour….
    Apologies to many for using this term but these people held in these cults around the world are used and abused …it is very very sad

    • Sea Dragon says:

      You’re using the term properly. By definition, they are slaves, often owned from their first breath to their last. No need to apologize.

      • LA Juice says:

        this is so horrifying. I cannot handle. How is this not child abuse? Where are social services? this child need to be removed from these people.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        Child Services is bought and paid for by bribes, blackmail, and/or threats, intimidation and fear. They have high ranking connections when and where they’re needed. If you challenge them aggressively enough, they will destroy you. Their name alone elicits fear. They’re Evil.

    • Liberty says:

      I’m with LA Juice — how the hell is this allowed to go on? This is unlawful imprisonment and abuse. If you subtracted the rich Hollywood uncle part, it would make headlines as in “police rescue imprisoned teen slave, survived on beans in captors’ basement in Toledo” etc. The fact that this public knowledge yet allowed to go on and on, is the story begging to be told. Who is getting paid off? To borrow a line from a certain movie, follow the money

    • carol says:

      The sad part is that this cult will not be taken down so easily. They have so much money that they can pretty much fight any lawsuit and take down whistleblowers using an arsenal of lawyers. Unless the police, FBI or the IRS get involved, this cult will be here to stay for a very long time.

      • decloo says:

        The only way to take them down is to revoke their tax-exempt status. Without their billions they cannot continue to buy and sell government and law enforcement and litigate people to death. The government tried and failed to do just that.

  2. Neah23 says:

    This is just more proof of what a f*ck up individual Tom really is. She was 14 how sick is that, I just can’t with Tom I really can’t.

    • qwerty says:

      How did his sister get into this sh!t too though? If your sibling becomes interested in joining a cult you slap some sense into them, not join it too and make your kid live accroding to some sick rules that will have her shipped to the other side of the country for 2 years for kissing a boy. Wtf?

      • Neah23 says:

        You have to remember the joined before all of this stuff when public and became public knowledge.

        Cult role 101: The cult and in the case Scientology comes before family so I’m not surprised by his sister behavior towards her daughter.

    • holly hobby says:

      He got his whole family to join. During the Katie years, he was trucking his momma and sisters out in public. You don’t see them anymore so I wonder what happened there.

      His mother was married at the time (not sure if she still is) and she was a lay minister at some church. I forgot the religion but definitely not Co$. Of course Tommy made her give it all up.

  3. Hawkeye says:

    One week-end when my husband was away, I read through everything Tony Ortega wrote on Scientology in The Village Voice. I don’t think I slept at all. The fact this Sea Org stuff, the free labour for Tom Cruise, the whole business, is allowed to exist at all and go on for so long is sickening.

    • Neah23 says:

      It’s more slave labor then “free” labor.

    • Kiddo says:

      Yeah, that blog has some terrifying stories on it. Aside from the practice, and the allegations of Cruise’s act of punishment here, can anyone explain WHY the kissing was so offensive and a CoS sin? I never heard anything before about their dogma hating hetero attraction. I know they don’t like gays, but this is the first I’ve heard about REALLY puritanical leanings otherwise on youth/hetero.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        If I remember correctly (I researched and protested a few years ago) intimacy is reserved for marriage. Many scientologists get married in their teens just so they can have sex with someone without getting in trouble.

      • Emily C. says:

        They HATE sex, especially female sexuality, like so many cults do. They’re also massively anti-masturbation.

      • Torontoe says:

        Intimacy is for marriage? He impregnated Katie Holmes before they were married, so if that is true, he isn’t following the rule himself. Maybe it’s more to do with the fact that at 14 you are supposed to be committing yourself to the church until you reach a certain level???

      • Dena says:

        So, if true, then Tom’s supposed upcoming marriage is so that he can get laid?

      • Hautie says:

        “Dena says — So, if true, then Tom’s supposed upcoming marriage is so that he can get laid?”
        OMG. I snorted so loud when I laughed, that I scared the cat!

        He soooo getting married, to get laid again!! Too bad that girl does not realize that Tom can’t get it up… unless Miscavige is watching.

    • qwerty says:

      I read it all in one go around 2 yrs ago too. There’s some creepy creepy stuff there, it’s not just silly made up stories and BS sessions performed by hooking people up to fancy machines. It’s also people being enslaved, deprived of basic medical care and dying as a consequence, disappearing into thin air ans some shady police seemingly cooperating in all this. Read up on David Miscavige’s wife, Michele who hasn’t been heard from in years, and her mother Flo Barnett – his mother-in-low who years before her daughter’s disappearance comitted suicide… by shooting herself with a rifle 3 times in the chest and then once in the head.

      • Pamela says:

        The MIL’s “suicide”? Whoa.

        Why can’t anything be DONE about this cult? These stories are just terrifying.

  4. Mia4S says:

    And some of you will still pay to see his movies? Seriously? He is funding this group!!

    • Tammy says:

      I have not paid nor have I watched a Tom Cruise movie since he divorced Nicole Kidman and pushed her away from her kids. I can’t. Every time I look at him I see the a$$hole that targeted Brooke Shields for taking medication to deal with depression after she gave birth. Dude is one big douchenozzle.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I was never a huge fan but yeah, I consciously haven’t paid to see anything with him in it since the creepiness became undeniable but especially around the WoTW press tour.

    • Tate says:

      I honestly don’t know the last Tom Cruise movie that I saw. I know too much about him now. He is creepy and awful.

    • lucy2 says:

      The last movie of his I saw in the theater was War of the Worlds, 10 years ago (I disliked it). I used to be a fan of his work, but a while back got tired of him. Then all the crazy came out, and now I will NEVER pay to see one of his films. I know whatever money he makes is funneled back into the cult that abuses people.

    • Diane says:

      I have boycotted his films since I fully understood all about CO$ and his role. I refuse to give that church one red cent. Buying a ticket to a Cruise movie contributes to the church.

    • holly hobby says:

      I also have not watched since Couchgate and the unwarranted Shields attack/postpartum advice from a species with the wrong body part.

      I did watch Tropic Thunder but this was before I realized he was in it. I watched that for Ben Stiller!

    • claire says:

      I don’t pay to see anything he is in, but where does one draw the line? The paychecks of all the actors in Scientology are helping the cult. At this rate, you’d have to boycott a lot of shows, movies and music.

      • Luce says:

        Although I would boycott his films I don’t have to because they have notably gotten worse — or at least less interesting to my own taste — since he has grown more and more looney. The last one I can remember that was any good at all was Magnolia.

      • MD says:

        The number of celebrity Scientologists is small; the number of A-list celeb Scientologists is even smaller. You can probably count the biggies on two hands (Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Juliette Lewis, Jenna & Bodhi Elfman, Beck, Jason Lee, Giovanni Ribisi…and his whole family, Danny Masterson…and his whole family, and Nancy Cartwright (voice of Bart Simpson). There are many others (e.g. Jason Dohring, Erika Christensen, Elizabeth Moss of “Mad Men”, Michael Peña and Laura Prepon of “Orange Is The New Black”/”That 70s Show”) but then you start entering a vast territory of B-listers, has-beens, senior entertainers from another generation (“Chick who?”) and dead people.

        If you were to implement a boycott of all the music, films, books, etc. created by or featuring known Scientologists, you wouldn’t miss much. This isn’t an exaggeration. Few Scientologists are in demand in major productions. They tend to either be in one loooong gig (a hit TV show, for example), work exclusively with other Scientologists or swirl around the drain, fighting off the inevitable sink into oblivion. Remember Jenna Elfman of “Dharma & Greg”? She’s now reduced to starring in her own lame video podcast with her cult husband, Bodhi. See if you can stomach watching a clip of their forced “comedy”:

        Here’s my stance on “drawing the line”. I don’t put limits on whichever entertainment I want to enjoy…this includes Tom Cruise movies, if I’m so inclined. However, I refuse to PAY for stuff featuring Scientologists. NONE of my fave actors/actresses are Scientologists so I’m not really depriving myself. On the odd occasion when I do want to view a Scientologist celeb perform, there are LEGAL means of accessing stuff without having to pay for them. So what if it means I have to wait longer? I’m in no rush.

        Knowing what I know about the Cult of Scientology (especially after watching the “Going Clear” HBO documentary), I have made a CHOICE to not support it. I realize I am only one voice but I’m determined to make my stance known (hopefully others will follow their conscience do the same). Politicians, law enforcement and the court system have done very little to combat the abuse and FRAUD that this group perpetuates. It angers me how much they get away with. If I/we can cause a decrease in movie profits, at least that sends a message.

  5. blue marie says:

    I can’t watch any film he’s in anymore cause I can’t see past the crazy.

  6. Mata says:

    That’s why the “Tom may be leaving Scientology” stories are BS. By all accounts, Tom is one of the higher ranking members of the church. It’s not like he’s just trapped (*cough* Travolta). Tom is actually one of the people who runs things, which makes him vile.

    • jen2 says:

      Tom Cruise is CO$ Royalty and I don’t think he will be abdicating his throne any time soon. The “marriage and leaving the cult” stories are to get people to forget about how deep he is in it and go see the movie.

      • qwerty says:

        All other things aside, his internalised homophobia is so deep that he’d never leave for fear of his “secret” getting out. I’m sure they have A LOT of shit on him, like they do on everyone. It’s their way to keep people in line, keeping tabs on them, recording sessions, and then publishing them or sending to friends and family if they decide to leave. (someone mentioned series on SC above, I highly recommend it)

      • Neah23 says:

        So true I’m glad this story came out when it did, so it can remind people of what type of person Tom really is.

    • Wren says:

      He probably enjoys the control and power he has. He’s always struck me as a control freak, so the arrangement like suits him perfectly. Why would he want to give up that power? He’s wrapped in warm, loving folds of protection from the real world so the idea that many people think he’s nuts is like a distant whisper.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        Wren, you’re right. He basks in the light of having complete control over every aspect of his personal life, be it people or things and defers only to David Miscavage when needed or when he wants a pat on the back. I suspect that he’s just as physically and mentally abusive as David. By all accounts, they’re mirror images of each other and have an excessively codependent connection. The only way he’ll wake from his loving folds is if the law gets involved. And that will never happen because they own the law, too. Man, what a tangent. I’m starting to miss the Co$ boards.

  7. sarah says:

    I really wanted to see the new Mission Impossible movie. Tom is hanging off a plane and everything.

    • Mia4S says:

      No couple of minute-long stunt in a movie (a scene that will be on YouTube in a week) is worth putting any money towards this disgusting behaviour. Just my opinion but I cannot overlook this and I won’t.

    • Zombie Shortcake says:


  8. MonicaQ says:

    Tom Cruis will never ever ever leave CO$. He’s treated like a king. Police block off all of Ft. Harrison (the street where the HQ is) when he’s here. German Shepards and Belgian Malinois are everywhere with handlers that don’t exactly look like police officers. He’s on level with Tiny Tyrant Dave.

    I remember when that story broke about Jamie here (the school she went to is located directly across from my grandma’s house, the story was covered in a local free newspaper called Creative Loafing) and the other kids were ordered to talk to her in this Tier 1 voice. It’s the tone used for SPs and people who had left the church; condescending and matter of fact, as if you were talking to someone who cut in front of you at Starbucks. Probably going to SeaOrg was preferable; she’s away from Tom trying to actively destroy her child hood and instead having her child hood destroyed by no-name robots by scrubbing toilets with toothbrushes for 15 hrs a day.

    • Neah23 says:

      True were words have never been spoken this is how I will always see Tom. That the head on Scientology with him.

      • misery chick says:

        @NEAH23-I can’t believe I’ve never seen this picture before. How utterly disheartening, arrogant and insidious. Thanks for helping me to finally disconnect from Teeny Tiny Terrible Tom Bonaparte.
        I’m so ashamed to admit that that empty goofy grin had me fooled for waaaay too long. No more.

    • Christin says:

      The more I hear about this, the more unsettling it is, not to mention illogical.

      If they are ‘tier 1’ to SPs, would the general public (non-CO$) not be considered the same? Tom is supposedly nice to crowds of fans, yet the workings of his ‘faith’ suggest those who don’t adhere to his beliefs are basically scum. But they want those box office receipts to keep flowing, I guess.

      Such a convoluted mess.

      • MonicaQ says:

        You’re supposed to minimize contact with us SPs. Technically everyone NOT in CO$ is an SP (according to L. Ron) but it has changed over the years to “anyone that speaks negatively about the “church”.” Most Scientologists here in Clearwater won’t even *speak* to you–you knock into them and say “excuse me”, they look at you like the devil.

      • Christin says:

        Thank you for sharing what it’s like to live in the midst of it. Very interesting.

  9. The Original G says:

    Billion year contract? Is Bill Cosby’s Lawyer representing COS too?

  10. minx says:

    So tired of seeing this little shrimp and his big grin, trying to be an action hero. Blech, blech.

  11. Jayna says:

    Why is no one talking about her mother? Tom is dependent on his sisters and mother emotionally. So why was she so complicent with all of this nonsense? She’s knee deep in COS also, but she could have 100 percent stood up for her daughter and gotten somewhat of a better result.

    Sick, sick, sick, this family.

    • Neah23 says:

      As I said above Cult role 101: The cult and in the case Scientology comes before family your loyalties lie with the cult.

    • Christin says:

      I have wondered about the mother (his sister) and if she is truly as committed as he (or if she plays along to keep a nice roof over her head). This seems to answer the question.

    • Green Is Good says:

      Tommy Girl bankrolls his mother and sistet’s very comfortable life style. What Tommy and his boyfriend David Miss Cavidge want is what goes.

    • Chrissy says:

      I wonder who/ where Jamie’s father is? Surely if they have some kind of relationship, he would have something to say about how his daughter’s been treated. Or is he involved in the cult too? What a sick situation!

    • Sea Dragon says:

      The reason she won’t stand up to him is simple: do it and she’ll experience the same -or worse- fate as her daughter.

  12. Naddie says:

    He’s insane. Not the innocent insane one who don’t know what he’s doing, more like a perverse one. I can totally see him locked up on a stuffed cell.

  13. Belle Epoch says:

    Did anyone see what happened in Texas? There was a very sensible bill allowing doctors to keep a disturbed patient long enough to get a psych evaluation BEFORE they hurt somebody. Guess who got the governor to veto it??

    • stinky says:


    • kri says:

      Oh my god. That is so chilling. And this story-Tom Cruise is no victim of this cult-he’s the High Priest. Speaking of that, I believe he once wanted to be a Catholic priest. And now we have this crazy ass running around not even trying be a priest, but really judging and dealing out punishment like a mini Old Testament Jehovah. I bet that’s why he does all his own crazy stunts. I honestly think he believes he’s invincible. Except that the girl from Dawsons Creek pulled a fast one on the angry mini lord.I am not ever busting on KH again. I have a feeling she was was truly terrified and ran for her and Suri’s life. I’m glad she got out.

      • Hautie says:

        “Except that the girl from Dawsons Creek pulled a fast one on the angry mini lord….”
        Oh yea… Katie Holmes showed off her Ninja skills. She got out on her own terms. She kept her daughter. Then pranced all over NYC for a year… doing all those pap walks for the magazines. Good times.

        Katie also had some great security for that first year or so.

        I bet those half wit’s with the cult… did not pull that squirrel buster sh*t with her and that security team. I was always disappointed that the security team, did not have to whip some Cult butt, out in front of her apartment in NYC.

        But I am still eagerly waiting, for Katie to have a nice long chat about those years married to Cruise. Oh please let it happen before I am too old to enjoy hearing all the trashy details. 🙂

  14. Sam says:

    This…makes me think. More about Tom as a person than the Church. Okay, hear me out –

    I’m not sure what exactly her “crime” was. Does CO$ maintain that 14 year olds should not kiss? is this an actual rule? I’m not sure.

    I’m starting to believe that TC is just a controlling, weird person – and that he would be that way regardless of any faith he was in. I think he’s probably CO$ because it’s the church that seems the most willing to stroke his ego and make him feel like a god. I think whatever TC wants, CO$ is more than willing to oblige – even if it makes absolutely no sense. And that makes me see him as a really, really awful person.

    What must it have been like at home if a kid looked at the Sea Org in comparison and thought that was a decent alternative?

    • stinky says:

      maybe the boy she was kissing wasn’t CO$… I bet that’s why it was such a big no-no.

    • The Original G says:

      Unfortunately, this is standard for COS. It’s not some wacky interpretation of TC’s. It’s Cos gospel.

    • carol says:

      I so agree. I think Tom is a nut, and would be a nut in any religion. This cult just fits so tightly with his personality. The fact that he had an abusive, dogmatic father that was a stickler for rules says a lot. He sounds like he is more like his detested father than he cares to admit.

  15. anne_000 says:

    It’s creepy that Tom has people watching Jamie and her mother on security cams in their (his) home. I can imagine him skimming through reams of reports detailing everything Jamie does in what she thought was private.

    It’s even creepier that Tom is so passionately involved in what Jamie does in her love life and freaked out over it like a crazy man. Does he want to groom her for a certain partner? Is there an arranged marriage, sexual relationship, or baby-making plan in the future for her that would help his position in CO$? It all sounds very medieval or backwater boondog time.

    What’s wrong with Jamie’s mother? Nick in the video says Jamie was only 13 or 14 years old at the time. Why is Tom’s family allowing him to dictate everything in this manner?

    I don’t know if Jamie volunteered for SeaOrg or if she was nudged or outright forced into it or given a strong impression by her family (or more specifically Tom) that SeaOrg was one of the few options for her.

    Is Tom pleased that she’s now in the position of being part of a ‘slave’ workforce in which she can be called upon to serve him as his ‘slave’ for possibly the rest of her life? Because it seems to me that Tom’s groomed her to become completely subservient to his whims. So what’s his ultimate plan for her? Again, really creepy.

    Nick says this was basically Tom’s decision, not CO$’s, not his sister/Jamie’s mother’s.

    • holly hobby says:

      Tommy’s sister is living off of him so I guess she’s putting her meal ticket ahead of the welfare of her child.

  16. Jan Harf says:

    He’s a narcissist and a sociopath. Thank god Katie removed Suri from that hellhole.

  17. lisa2 says:

    The reality is the vast majority of movie goers are not reading about Tom and Scientology. They don’t care about his personal life.. which is funny to me.. because I see comments on this site all the time going on about celebs telling too much. About how they don’t want to know about a celebs relationships or the names of their children. That they are only concerned with this person acting and not what they do off the screen. BUT I see people saying they are going to boycott Tom’s movies because of his religious beliefs and family conflicts.

    As I said the average person is not on gossip sites reading about Tom banishing his niece; and won’t be reading this and they will go to see his film if it is interesting enough to them.

    • Pamela says:

      “BUT I see people saying they are going to boycott Tom’s movies because of his religious beliefs and family conflicts.”

      The two situations are not comparable. Wanting to enjoy watching Ben Afleck in Batman without having to consider his cheating/gambling/drinking is one thing. Boycotting Tom Cruise so that he doesn’t get another 30 Million Dollars to filter through to this CULT that enslaves people is an entirely different kettle of fish.

      Scientology is NOT a religion. It is a dangerous cult.

  18. FingerBinger says:

    She was 14. He couldn’t have just said that’s inappropriate don’t do it again?

    • Vampi says:

      But that’s logical and common sense! There’s no room for that in the CO$.

  19. Fori says:

    This is abuse and the law needs to get involved to protect innocent people, particularly minors, from abusive cults. The freedom of religion does not extend to entitlement to kidnap, enslave, threaten, blackmail, coerce, violate and abuse in the name of religion. This cult needs to be swarmed by armed federal agents from top to bottom like any other criminal enterprise engaged in the activities they’re committing. The powerful prosecuted, slaves freed, children taken into protective care where needed and everybody deprogrammed.

    I am so angry reading this. I will never watch a Tom Cruise movie again and I’m going to start boycotting those famous people who indulge him because they’re enabling his egomaniacal tyranny and abuse.

    Thankfully there is nowhere to hide in the internet age and blogs are independent and can’t be intimidated like traditional media.

  20. Matador says:

    I don’t understand the teflon on Cruise that protects him from real professional damage with this stuff. His own niece is doing hard labor for a cult and Hollywood still treats him like an idiot god. He should be shamed for being a party to this.

    I fortunately never found him appealing, so boycotting his films isn’t a problem since they don’t interest me (though I did torrent “The Edge of Tomorrow” since I heard Emily Blunt was the balls in it). I wish there was more movement across the mainstream to say no to his movies and padding his bank accounts until he renounces this cult.

  21. Kym says:

    Tom Cruise is a very dangerous psychopath and it really worries me that someone like him is this famous and influential.

  22. Zombie Shortcake says:

    Who were they?

  23. Isabelle says:

    Tom possibly has a personality disorder that entered a cult. A probably ‘sick’ man that has never received the professional help he has needed for longtime. Even if he left the cult at this point its completely messed him up & changed him forever.

  24. anon33 says:

    Thats maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, congrats.

    • Neah23 says:

      I have to agree this is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in awhile 😱😱😱😱

      Iilli is ether a super fan or They are a CO$ member because their comment makes no sense.

    • Emily C. says:

      This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this EXACT argument when discussing Tom Cruise. So CO$ member I think. They re-use the same arguments over and over, and seem completely unaware as to how they play in the outside world.

      Also, tangent, but sending cult members outside to defend it is a tried and true tactic of many cults, not just CO$, and I don’t think the main goal is to persuade any outsiders. I think it’s to get outsiders to attack the cult victim so that the world will seem more frightening and the victim will cling harder to the cult.

  25. jaygee says:

    The thing that really shocks me about all this is that I’d assumed on some level that while Tom accepts favors and gifts and labor from COS, but that he’d shield his own family from some of their weirder practices. I am really surprised he’d let the church or even encourage the church to abuse his own niece.

  26. Paloma says:

    I wonder if he will try to recruit Suri when she gets older?

    • CF98 says:

      Considering he barely sees her now I doubt he’s interested . I think Katie has made sure Tom will never get that close

  27. TW says:

    His daughter dodged that bullet. Thankfully her mother saw that coming.

  28. Neonscream says:

    Being an asshole isn’t criminal, slave labour, assault, extortion, blackmailing and stalking is. It’s a big difference. You have some seriously f’d up priorities.