“Uggie the Dog has passed away at age 13, RIP, little guy” links

Uggie the Dog

Sweet and talented Uggie the Dog, who starred in The Artist and Water for Elephants, has succumbed to prostate cancer at age 13. RIP. [Dlisted]
Bradley Cooper cooks his way to the top in Burnt. [LaineyGossip]
Kendall Jenner‘s post-workout look goes for sushi. [Popoholic]
The CW is developing a series based upon The Notebook. [Starcasm]
Emily Ratajkowski wore a slinky David Koma number. [Moe Jackson]
Emmy Rossum finally wore a terrible dress. It happens. [Go Fug Yourself]
Fox News completely lost it at the thought of gender-neutral toys. [OMG Blog]
Heath Ledger‘s newly revealed Joker diary is tragic. [The Blemish]
Ronda Rousey may punch someone to become Captain Marvel. [Pajiba]
Cara Delevingne has always acted weird in candid photos. [Buzzfeed]
Michelle Rodriguez did something disgusting for Bear Grylls. [Uproxx]
Zayk Malik is being trolled by Perrie Edwards‘ angry fans. [A Socialite Life]
Here’s Dave Chappelle looking pretty good on a flyboard. [Evil Beet]

Uggie the Dog

Photos courtesy of WENN

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50 Responses to ““Uggie the Dog has passed away at age 13, RIP, little guy” links”

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  1. meme says:

    RIP Uggie. 13’s a good old age for a doggie, but still, you never want them to ever pass.

  2. mimif says:

    DO NOT CLICK on the Michelle R. link. Just don’t.

    • paola says:

      damn you.

      She’s funny though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      What did she do – do you mind sharing a pg version? I didn’t want to click but now I really want to know. I’m too afraid to see any disgusting pictures though.

      • mimif says:

        Oh it’s not NSFW, it’s just gross. She boils a small mammal in her pee pee* and then eats it.

        *urine sounded too formal

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        Eww – that’s a new level of disgusting.

      • Antonym says:

        I watched the episode (ew) and Bear claimed as the most disgusting thing he’s eaten (ew). Just gross. Everything about the show entertains me, everything but the eating (I can’t use “food” as a descriptor).

  3. Tiffany :) says:

    Ohhh, this breaks my heart!
    I have a 13 year old Jack Russell, and she means so much to me. Cuddly, feisty, and so loveable.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      me too, I dread the day. . .

    • bluhare says:

      Ours is 16 and had a stroke this year (but he’s doing very well). And if you turned Uggie’s face white and left his ears alone, he’s a dead ringer for our JRT!

      And I agree on all three traits. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • parissucksliterally says:

      My female JRT lived to 17, losing her was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. It has been almost a year and a half – I still bawl over her.

      I adopted a boy JRT – he just turned 3….I don’t know what I’d do without him. He is my everything….

      I loved Uggie. This makes me so sad.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Pets are the best. 13 is young for a Jack Russell to die, isn’t it? They are so adorable. Never had one, but have known several great ones. RIP Uggie.

      • LeAnn Stinks says:

        15 is the standard age for most terriers. As far as I am concerned, pets should live forever. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Antonym says:

        I agree @leannstinks, my baby turns 13 in a couple of weeks and I desperately need him to outlive me. I can’t imagine life without him. Men may come and go, but my fur baby is forever.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I love hearing that there are other JRT lovers here!

    • BarkingMad says:

      Our Jack Russell, Rufus, is almost 15. He now lives with my son, who “borrowed” him when he moved out and I was sick. He’s lost almost all his tan patches, which have whitened. Whenever I visit, he goes mental with excitement, is all affection and refuses to leave my side. He’s been such a wonderful part of the family from the first day we rescued him from the pound. We also dread the day… RIP Uggie.

  4. Rylan says:

    Omg, why didn’t I listen to u?? Ewww forever.

  5. Kiddo says:

    I’m taking my jorts and going on vacation with Dave Chapelle. He’s hilarious even when he doesn’t intend to be. http://cdn.evilbeetgossip.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Untitled.png

  6. Mia4S says:

    Uggie, what a sweetheart. Here’s to the great milkbone in the sky!

    That Heath Ledger story annoys me. “Getting into the headspace of the joker caused his death?”. So we are just going to ignore previous stories of his drug abuse (cocaine and heroin) that predate the Joker? The multiple prescriptions? Mental issues that likely persisted for years? The fact that Anthony Hopkins and Christian Bale and Ralph Fiennes played equally dark/disturbed characters and are happy and healthy? Ledger had real problems with mental health and this attempt at making him some kind of dark acting martyr takes away from what the real conversation needs to be.

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:

      I’ve always felt the same way about Heath Ledger and the stories that try to pin all of his problems on his role as the Joker. Heath took that character to a really fascinating place and I loved his performance, but as you noted, to try to blame the role for his death leaves out the fact that there were obviously serious mental health/addiction issues that were underlying. I think at most, Heath had demons and deep issues that were exacerbated by the role and the way he chose to prepare for it, but the role certainly was not entirely to blame the way that people want to claim it was.

    • lucy2 says:

      Excellent post. It trivializes the real issues, and is just an attempt to dramatize something that is tragic, but sadly not uncommon.
      Not to mention he’d moved on and was almost done filming another movie when he passed away.

  7. Daria Morgendorffer says:

    Sad to hear about Uggie. After putting two dogs to sleep, I’m still so scarred by the experience that I’m not even sure I’ll ever own a dog again. It was heartbreak like I’ve never experienced.

    About Fox News having a problem with gender neutral toys… I try so hard to be openminded with that network, but I really just can’t anymore. When I was a kid, I loved baby dolls, Barbies, and pretty much all of my cousin’s “boy toys” and I honestly remember feeling like I had to hide the fact that I liked them because girls weren’t supposed to be into them. What a bulls–t topic to get upset over.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      I don’t understand this obsession with gender stereotypes either – what is so harmful in allowing the children to choose what they want to play with? I played with cars when I was a child and my nephews liked dolls and strollers. We are fine.

      Gender stereotyping was a big topic last year in my country when some bishops tried to scare our Ministry of Education into banning the official new elementary school books for including the pictures of a father reading books with his children, helping them with homework, and doing chores. According to these bishops a father has a different, more important role in the family and showing something like this to the children is harmful and messes with their minds. Can you imagine such a ridiculousness? And I’m supposed to treat them as fountains of wisdom who are always right. At least Fox News “journalists” are mostly laughed at. It’s like some people never evolved past the Dark Ages.

      • Daria Morgendorffer says:

        “I played with cars when I was a child and my nephews liked dolls and strollers. We are fine.”

        So true. I remember when my nephew was a baby, I sent my then boyfriend a picture of him in a swing and he happened to be holding his sister’s pink comb that he had been playing with, and later on he was pushing his sister’s babydoll around the yard in a toy stroller. My now ex carried on over it asking me if my sister wanted her son to be gay. It never ceases to amaze me how close-minded and all around ignorant people can really be about this sort of thing.

        “According to these bishops a father has a different, more important role in the family and showing something like this to the children is harmful and messes with their minds. ”

        That makes my blood boil! What a stupid thing to even think.

    • My nephew and my cousin have both played with baby dolls, as toddlers. I don’t see anything wrong with it–although my cousin’s father kept taking the baby doll from him. My mom and I were talking, and she said that if more boys learned how to take care of baby dolls i.e. dress them, pretend to feed them, etc, then maybe more of them wouldn’t be so quick to leave their kids when they break up with their girlfriends, or won’t be so hesitant to change diapers. I agree.

  8. sills says:

    Aw, I saw this little dude on Graham Norton plugging his book, he trotted right out carrying it in his mouth and got up on the couch with the other guests like a pro. What a charmer. RIP pooch.

  9. j.eyre says:

    Wait – just wait a minute – Target wants me to have to figure out if my child will like something without telling me if it’s for a boy or a girl? How am I going to shop for anyone? What if I accidentally give my daughter a science kit from an unmarked GIRLS CAN’T HANDLE aisle. And what if my son wanted to read a Judy Blume book that was sitting there mixed in with other children’s literature, no thick yellow tape reading BOYS DO NOT CROSS.

    And they may do it for clothing next? Is that where this is going? Because I know the only reason my son has not grabbed a neon, tangerine tutu from the girl section is because of the GIRLS CLOTHING sign, otherwise he would be in Mary Janes and gym socks.

    Ugh, its like we expect them to have their own opinion on things.

    • Elle Robbie says:

      I love this comment. Gold star!*

      *But, you know, if you need a pink or blue star to confirm your gender, that can be arranged.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      Lol. That’s a great comment. But what’s also funny is that the reporter standing outside of Target actually said: “I know it’s gonna confuse me”. If the men’s and women’s clothing sections weren’t probably labeled, the poor guy would come to work in a sequined bondage dress with a lace bra over it. But I’m sure the 3-year old’s will be able to figure it out in no time and he will too, eventually – I believe in him.

      • lucy2 says:

        If an adult is “confused” by a lack of gender labeling on children’s toys, perhaps they are not someone we should be trusting to report the news, as they clearly have suffered some sort of impairment.

    • Nead23 says:


  10. Div says:

    RIP Uggie!

  11. Jazz says:

    Rest in peace, sweet Uggie!

  12. Alice says:

    RIP sweet, beautiful boy. You were very special.

  13. Original T.C. says:

    I don’t have pets but I’m seriously crying over the Uggie death story. It’s hearing that he passed away of prostate cancer that really got to me. Cancer deaths are rarely painless. RIP Uggie.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      You are sweet, Original T.C. And I just wanted to reassure you about the cancer deaths in animals. I have had to put two of my pets, one dog and one cat to sleep because of cancer. Each one broke my heart, but the good thing is, we are kinder to our pets than to ourselves. Both of our brave sweethearts exhibited signs of discomfort (which is why we took them to the vet and found out about the cancer) but we were able to wait long enough to say goodbye, but not so long that it got ugly or painful for them. The last thing we could do for them was to spare them from pain, and although putting them to sleep is the hardest thing to do, I will always be grateful for that.

      • Original T.C. says:

        I’m so sorry for your losses but I really appreciate you educating me on the humane use of Euthanasia in saving our animal friends from too much suffering. It helped a lot.

  14. Miss M says:

    A Brazilian tv show announced Gi is divorcing Brady. Can anyone confirm if it is true
    Edit: if it is true, i wonder if Brady and Affleck were in a threesome with the nanny…

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      It sounds too good to be true. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Lucy2 says:

      OK is apparently running with a “there’s trouble, it may lead to divorce!” kind of story, but I am doubting that it’s true. I can imagine she is not thrilled his name is being brought into this Ben Affleck story, but I bet the tabloids are just exaggerating.

    • Neah23 says:

      I guess my original comment didn’t post but all I see is this story coming from Hollywood Life saying it over and Ok magazine saying they might split. I think it’s just a rumor because of the nanny picture.

  15. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Uggie you were the only thing that made The Artist worth watching, you little scene stealer you. R.I.P. puppy. My mom’s dog is old and things are not looking good for him the past couple of weeks and I’m trying not to freak out about it. Anyway. R.I.P. Uggie, hope you got to enjoy the high life and are in the v.i.p. area of doggie heaven..

  16. Tig says:

    Prostate cancer in dogs is incurable. I feel so
    sorry for his owners/folks- it is heart breaking to lose your furry friends. RIP Uggie- loved you in WFE.

  17. LAK says:

    Poor uggie. RIP

  18. I love dogs. May he get heaven pets all day. Uggie the pup