Affleck nanny Christine Ouzounian’s casual style, western belt: yay or nay?

Christine Ouzounian Spotted Out For An Early Dinner In Santa Monica
The more time passes, the more I believe Kaiser’s theory that Affleck locked down his former fling and family’s former nanny, Christine Ouzounian, with a cash settlement and a non-disclosure agreement. She’s still doing her ridiculous “I’m a star” pap walks, of course, but we haven’t heard any stories about her recently. I really believe that she agreed to stop leaking stories to the press.

I’m unsure whether Ben came crawling back to Jen and if they agreed to put their divorce on hold. OK! claims as much in their upcoming cover story, and quotes a source who says that “Ben asked Jen if there was anything he could do to save the marriage. The trust isn’t there for her right now, but she left the door open.” The paparazzi photos suggest this may be the case for these two, but it’s also about image control. We’ll have to wait and see. I would rather see Garner single and dating, but she seems to want to keep her family together.

As for Ouzounian’s style here, this is ridiculous, right? Somehow her style has been getting worse the more she gets papped. It’s as if she’s taking risks and trying to look edgy and putting too many trends together at once. I usually like the ripped jeans look, but these are skinny ripped black jeans paired with tennis sneakers, a black tank, a black leather jacket in another shade of black and – the kicker – a western belt. I couldn’t come up with anything clever to say beyond “fug, WTF?” so I’m quoting my awesome co-workers. Kaiser: Santa Fe Fug. Bedhead: 1990s Contempo Casuals Model #27. This woman is incredibly gossip savvy and she obviously reads about herself online, so it’s possible she’s trolling us. Given how she’s dressed to date, though, I get the impression that she actually thinks this looks good.

So now that we’re commenting on her casual style this woman probably thinks that she’s arrived. Lainey Gossip reports that Ouzounian went for sushi and that a friend of hers gave fruit to the paparazzi. Because she’s in LA and baked goods are not a proper gift, right? She’s ready for that stint on The Bachelorette or Dancing with The Stars. Call her!

Christine Ouzounian Spotted Out For An Early Dinner In Santa Monica

Christine Ouzounian Spotted Out For An Early Dinner In Santa Monica

Christine Ouzounian Spotted Out For An Early Dinner In Santa Monica

photo credit: FameFlynet

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168 Responses to “Affleck nanny Christine Ouzounian’s casual style, western belt: yay or nay?”

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  1. ldub says:

    shes definitely seen the softer side of sears…..literally, she was pap’ed there a week ago.

    • MrsB says:

      Lol! I don’t even know if Sears would put this outfit together. She must not have gotten too much money from Batfleck if this is the best she can do, right?!

    • JH says:

      Totally. Yikes. That belt with THOSE sneakers and that jacket? A hot fug mess.

    • doofus says:

      omg…you made me laugh SO HARD.

      looks more like “Delia”, “Spencers” or “Wet Seal” than Sears.

    • Reeely?? says:

      This is something I’d rock on with my hurried mommy brain. I’m no mistress, but a suburban car pool mom who is overtaxed and eager to “try” to have “fashion”. I feel good when I step out like this, but know it’s not quite right…when I look at this young thing…sad. She’s 20 something right? That age group should set the trends, not mom jean it!

  2. SusieQ says:

    Why ARE you giving her attention?

    • tracking says:

      +1 agreed. This is my last comment on this girl.

    • Singtress says:

      This is what I came here to say too

    • And THIS is exactly why I came here as well. I am all for dissing her ridiculosity and thirst for attention, but I am NOT going to fall into the habit of commenting on her B flat wardrobe.

    • Robin says:

      That was my first thought, too. Criticizing her in previous posts for doing the pap walk, and now asking for comments on her outfit.

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you. Let’s let this trick go away, shall we?

    • laura in LA says:

      THIS. If Ben paid her off to go away, then I assume it all went down last weekend, why she went to visit her parents? Please, let’s make that happen, the sooner the better.

      Her outfits are only getting worse, even her blowout’s old. She has nothing to say, so nothing more to see here, folks!

    • Reeely?? says:

      I just like anything with fashion…however, I don’t give teen moms or the kardashians any attention…those kids are spiritually neglected IMO.

    • Starrywonder says:

      Yeah mine too. I refuse to comment on any more of these articles. This chick is thirsty and uninteresting. Trying to parlay this into a gig is eye roll inducing. And if this mess causes Jen Garner to feel bad for Affleck and get back together with him (which is being reported through blinds) I am going to loathe this chick forever.

      • Diane says:

        What blinds?

      • Starrywonder says:

        @Diane they were on CDAN (I know I know) can’t link while at work and there was one on blind gossip but I think Gossip Cop is refuting it now by saying Jen has no plans to go back to Ben Affleck.

  3. Zigggy says:

    Skinny jeans just do not work on her.

    • Elisha says:

      Not at all! I remember when skinny jeans first came out in the aughts and only really trendy people were wearing them and there was all this, “only certain people can pull them off” in fashion mags and makeover shows. Now, they’re just the Jean people wear, everyone. But back then, it was “no wearing them if you have thick thighs or are on the short side…” And she’s both! They do her no favors.

      • taxi says:

        These look like cheap jeggings – too tight & so long that she’s actually rolled up a cuff. Not a good look on short stumpy legs. The belt gives the coup de grace.

    • Isabelle says:

      they don’t work for most people TBH.

    • anotherjen says:

      That’s because she’s getting a little fat. She’d better lay off the hotel food.

  4. OSTONE says:

    Santa Fe fug hahahaha

    • Ellie66 says:

      Santa Fe Fug for sure but in Santa Fe they wear turquoise and silver jewelry (lots of jewelry lots!) and cowboy boots in crazy colors. And huge concha belts hers is too small for SF. Lol! I live a hour away from Santa Fe so I’ve seen things. 😳 strange things. 😬

      • Country girl says:

        No way. I live in Santa Fe and the only people that dress the way you describe are tourists who are walking around adobe Disneyland trying to look like “locals” and rich “artist” types that have moved here from some where else. No one I know, work with, or see around my neighborhood dresses even close to the turquoise, silver, big belts, and boots stereotype. In fact, most people here laugh about it as a fashion style, and it’s usually a way to weed out the tourists/wannabes from the locals.

      • BooBooLaRue says:

        Agree with Country girl – it’s all the Texans in Santa Fe that dress that way.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        Yes, and this outfit wouldn’t have been bad imo if she had worn boots instead of the sneakers.

      • MadMenluv says:

        Country Girl,

        what the heck is “adobe Disneyland”?? lol out of curiosity

  5. Lama Bean says:

    Oh my….that’s….tragic.

  6. Lynnie says:

    Belt ruined it for sure lol. She should’ve also worn heels to lengthen her legs. And she really should just go away now. Her 15 minutes are up.

  7. Grace says:

    I’m glad she isn’t hiding away, why should she be the scarlet woman and be slut-shamed when it’s Ben who was the married guy promising her they would have a relationship. She was dumb to believe him and is probably a not v likable person, but i;m sick of the women being made to feel like dirty whores in a cheating scenario. Ben is going to premieres with his bestie and Disneyland with his wife – and probably getting a light ribbing from his boys from banging the cute nanny – keep doing the pap stroll, Christine!

    • JFresh says:

      Interesting perspective, yes, good to read that.

      • Grace says:

        Thanks. I don’t ‘love’ this woman at all, so those comments can stop, but Ben is the one Jennifer needs to be angry with, not the nanny. She wasn’t special. He was a rampant cheater and that’s just from what we know of. Maybe Christine is finally giving Jennifer the balls to get rid of a guy who has treated her like crap for years. She’s probably take him back even now if it wasn’t for Christine reminding her that she exists. I feel very sorry for her because i’m a much bigger fan of hers than Ben’s, but i’m also glad that the nanny isn’t running away. Maybe this will be a lesson to all those asshat millionaire actors who choose to have side-pieces as well as a beautiful wife and family.

      • Jorts says:

        “Maybe Christine is finally giving Jennifer the balls to get rid of a guy who has treated her like crap for years. ”

        Once again, you’re giving her way too much credit while simultaneously ignoring the timeline. Ben and Jen were SEPARATED by the time the nanny came around. Their marriage was already dead in the water. The nanny was just a convenient distraction for Ben.

        Mostly, I don’t understand how anyone can applaud this woman parading around her relationship with a man who was her employer, who has children with the woman who hired her. Add to that the fact that NOBODY on these threads applauding the nanny seems to GAF about her fiancée’s feelings. How would you feel if the man you were engaged to cheated on you with a famous celeb and then exploited that affair for money and attention? You would really be ok with that? Bad enough to be cheated on but it’s a slap in the fact to have the person who betrayed you publicly glorifying that infidelity.

        Really, I’m so effin tired of people praising this woman or making it seem like she’s some brave trailblazer for publicizing her disloyalty. Gah! It makes me so mad.

    • Jorts says:

      Maybe she should hide out of respect to the fiancée she cheated on and out of respect to the woman who’s trust she betrayed, Jen Garner.

      Ugh. I just can’t with The Nanny Love Brigade. Find a new hero, guys. This woman isn’t worthy of your accolades.

    • Jayna says:

      She wasn’t slut-shamed. No one knew about their affair except privately. She’s shammed for selling the story and out and about loving the attention, like she’s proud of betraying a boss and her children she was watching.

      She outed it. She sold the story. She provided a set-up photo at this house to prove it. She sold more photos.

      She put herself out there publicly purely to profit financially and fame-wise (hoping for a reality show) from banging a celebrity that no one knew about said affair before she sold the story..

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        I don’t find Nanny Oozie any more reprehensible than Kim Kardashian. So I’m fine with commenting on whatever about her. They are all cut from the same cloth so to speak. What is the difference between capitalizing on a urine sex tape, and sleeping with your boss? Seems like Kim’s scenario is worse to me, and yet she has built quite an empire on it. Neither one of these ladies is my hero by any means but I have no trouble continuing to snark on posts about them.

      • Chichi says:

        @Zwella Ingrid

        Girl please. Theres a huge difference between capitalizing on a sex tape featuring kinky sex between two people who were actually in a relationship WITH EACH OTHER at the time, and capitalizing on having an affair with your MARRIED employer who also happens to be the DAD of the kids you were hired to care for. Besides, last I checked Kim K is not exactly celebrated around here either.

    • minx says:

      We don’t really know if he “promised” her anything.
      He’s a huge dbag and I definitely hold both parties responsible.
      But she’s no one to feel sorry for–if they did have an affair, she knew what she was doing.

    • Jaded says:

      Because she IS the scarlet woman. She was 50% of the affair, she willingly slept with a married man with little kids whose marriage was going through crisis. She released information on it. She’s sashaying around L.A. like the cat who swallowed the canary. She deliberately hurt and humiliated Ben’s wife and children in public and continues to do so through well-timed releases through “sources”, photo ops and pap walks.

    • Robin says:

      It’s not slut-shaming, and accusing someone of “XYZ-shaming” is just another way to try to shut down someone else’s opinion if you don’t have a decent counter-argument.

    • Adrien says:

      Can we hate both?

      • smcollins says:

        I completely agree with all the above comments.
        She abused and took advantage of her job, staged & leaked photos to the press, had “sources” make comments to the press, stages pap strolls, and walks around with that smug look on her face all in an attempt to gain some kind of fame. This chick is not some innocent, naive girl who was taken advantage of. She’s the lowest of the low, IMO.

    • K 2 says:

      Because she was the freaking nanny. She lived under the wife’s roof, she had a huge level of trust placed in her, and she had a professional duty of care for the wellbeing of three very small kids.

      Slut-shamed, my backside. If feminism means women can behave as appallingly as they like and other women have to smile weakly and leave off commentary, then you need a new dictionary. There are two dirty sluts in this story, both of whom behaved asbysmally, and there is no need to let either one of them off the hook.

    • Elisha says:

      Ohai, Christine’s friend!

      I agreed with you until you got to the “keep doing the pap walks” part. She certainly shouldn’t be hiding away, but she’s not being slut shamed (which is to imply that what she’s doing is somehow feminist when it’s so not.) She’s being shamed *for* pap walking and being proud of bagging a married a-lister. It’s like you don’t get it.

    • Starrywonder says:

      But he wasn’t cheating. He was done with Jen at that point. All timelines released say this happened in Vegas after they did their divorce announcement. He’s not a cheater. He is a dumbass times 1,000 for not clueing into the fact that some women out there would sell him in a minute to make a name for themself.

  8. Pedro45 says:

    Oof. No. No, no, no. NOPE.

    Can’t she use some of Ben’s money for a stylist?

  9. Alyce says:

    Nay to coverage of this woman. Nay, I say!

  10. Kathryn says:

    Am I the only one that thinks her figure is odd/unattractive? She isnt fat but especially in clothes (vs bikini shots) she looks thick in the middle and her thighs look thick…

    The outfit is hideous. Looks like an eigth grader who shopped at consignment and is trying to be hip.

    • Merritt says:

      She doesn’t dress for her body. She basically pulls pieces she thinks are trendy right now, off the rack.

    • jeje says:

      She’s shops at Short Limbs R Us. And I’m all for stopping the coverage on her. I was always a Ben fan (well, a fan of his face anyway) and I hold him equally responsible for this mess but she was taking care of his children and she thinks it’s ok to diddle their daddy. No respect for this one. And I love that her style is a hot mess because I’m quite certain she thinks she is IT.

  11. Merritt says:

    She has terrible style and doesn’t have anything truly expensive. Each time she goes in front of the cameras, it seems more and more like she bought herself all this stuff because none of it is impressive. Maybe she spent the chunk of her payoff money on that hotel stay. Any money from Ben was cut off some time ago.

  12. minx says:

    Ugh, I don’t care about her or her look.

  13. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Very plain and out of style – oh, don’t like the outfit, either.

  14. Kiddo says:

    There’s like 50 different style genres going on. 50 shades of meh.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • j.eyre says:

      Am I a bad person if I love her jacket? I don’t mind being a bad person, I just need clarification.

      I am not sure wear she wore that jacket yesterday, though – LA was not pleather weather; I should know, I keep my pleather within arm’s reach at all time for the minute a breeze kicks up.

  15. greenmonster says:

    I just clicked on this article to say, please don’t talk about her in a fashion sense. Just no. I think, there is a difference between talki g about her affair with Affleck and talking about her fashion yay or nay.

    • minx says:

      Yes, thank you.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Agree, don’t give her the satisfaction.

    • Bobo says:

      Yep. Was kinda shocked and disappointed to see this article here. I understand stuff related to the divorce since that’s related to actual celebs, but it’s kinda infuriating to see this site feed into her delusions of being a celebrity in her own right.

  16. Tifygodess24 says:

    Contempo casuals – OMG YES! Lmao. That store used to be my everything as a preteen hahaha

    • GingerCrunch says:

      And I still remember the slightly cooler western belt I bought there for my honeymoon…in 1986! Wish I’d kept that damn thing!

    • Elisha says:

      Right? I totally forgot about that store lulz.

  17. Jayna says:

    She looks deflated. I guess things didn’t go the way she thought they would, no offers for reality TV. I guess she’s not as amazing or interesting as she thought she was. Just a fame-ho who didn’t think we would mind how she thrust herself into the limelight ad nauseum smiling for the camera and selling stories and photos at the expense of a wonderful wife and mother and three beautiful children. Hooking up with Ben Affleck while in their home and exposing it for personal gain is nothing to be proud of, so I’m glad to see the smirk wiped off of her face.

  18. meme says:

    ugly outfit. can’t we just ignore this nobody?

  19. Heat says:

    My first thought upon seeing the title of this post? “Are we really at the point where we’re discussing her fashion?”
    No way…I refuse…

  20. Jas says:

    If she was paid off there’d also be an agreement to avoid the spotlight and stay away from reality shows. He wants her to disappear completely and wouldn’t pay for less, assuming he’s prepared to give in to her extortion.

    She’s still calling the paps and seeking a reality ‘career’, so I’m inclined to believe that he hasn’t paid her off. I hope he doesn’t give her any money, she will disappear naturally once the media realises that she has no more photos to sell, that there were no texts, she can’t give an interview due to NDA and she has no evidence of anything happening after her employment was terminated apart from her pap set up with her handing him a box.

    There is no interest in this woman. She can’t sell anything. People just look in the same way we look at a car crash, it’s temporary curiosity, soon the Affleck drama will subside and she’ll be begging for a job at McDonalds.

    And still, I have no idea what she looks like. She has the most invisible face I’ve ever seen! I have seen so many pictures of her yet couldn’t pick her out of a line up. What is that about??????

    • minx says:

      The picture of her on the plane with Brady’s rings looks completely different from these outdoor ones. Doesn’t even look like the same woman.

      • Jas says:

        I know!!!! She looked pretty in the Brady photo, maybe she photoshopped herself beyond recognition for that one. It’s so bizarre how she always looks like a different person, I’m half wondering if we’re being hoaxed in some bizarre social experiment.

      • Anne says:

        I thought I read in some article that she has a twin… lol

    • laura in LA says:

      If she didn’t get paid off, then perhaps the threat of a major lawsuit against her scared her parents enough to say: Shut it down. Now.

    • Angel says:

      I hope Ben didn’t pay this woman any money.
      The tabloids probably cut her off. Her free ride at the Hotel is probably over until she comes up with Text, Photos, and some Real Sources. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Fame Seeker didn’t go home to mom and dad and asked to come home because she has no where to go. If Ben had paid out she would have at least gotten enough money for a condo or house. If she had gotten shut-up and go away money she wouldn’t be seen in LA this week. A nice long Vacation in New Mexico, Montana, Alaska, or Iceland would be more like it. Jennifer Garner was on the covers of US and People magazines this week. This woman can not out sell Jennifer Garner stories. Fame Seeker chances to get on the magazine covers was out flanked by Jennifer’s team…..Go JEN!
      People are ready to move on to the next big story. Her time is running out. The damage to Ben Affleck has been done. So no matter what she has to say will sound like old news. I was talking to someone waiting in a line and we got on the subject of celebrities and she said as fact that Ben cheated with the nanny. I hope the Fame Seeker saves her money because I think she is not going to get much more money coming her way for old news.

  21. Msmlnp says:

    What is it with this chicks face? I swear I’ve seen about 20 pictures of her and none of them look alike. Is she some type of shape shifter? She probably looks like a bunch of different missing persons. So basic, and not even recognized by her horrible styling.

  22. Anniefannie says:

    She has lost the smirk and I’m hoping that means she’s coming to terms with the fact that her reputation as a fame whore isn’t going to pay-off.
    This outfit screams ” look at me” but not in the way she wants, I think even her friends are turning on her cause someone should have prevented this disaster fashion fail.

  23. Michelle says:

    Who gives a fat rip what she is wearing? Stop adding time to her 15 minutes of fame!

  24. Irene says:

    Ew no, I don’t like this at all. It’s one thing when she’s being discussed in relation to Afflek and Garner, actual famous people, but she has no place getting her own fashion post on a celebrity gossip site. She’s not a celebrity.

  25. Luca76 says:

    And this is why the Garner- Afflecks need to stop with their super public family outings for the paps. If they want to spend time together with their kids in private good for them, but every time they have an outing she comes out.

  26. Liz says:

    She doesn’t understand that her short, thick, stumpy legs are not suited for skinny jeans.

    I think she was paid off right after she released the photo of her wearing Tom Brady’s rings. Page Sixx had a “source” that they were all attending a charity poker tournament for Ben’s Eastern Initiative of Congo charity. There is no mention of the poker event on the site. On Google there are links to past events and even invitations to a poker event for the charity in Feb 2014. Ben thinks were stupid and can’t research his lies. A lot of outlets reported the charity but I didn’t read about anyone requesting proof.

    • chaine says:

      i have the same body shape as her. Skinny jeans are OK if I am wearing a long, tunic-style top that camouflages the hips-to-mid-thigh area.

      • Delta Juliet says:

        I agree (similar body type here although older than her and slightly heavier). The other option that looks good on me with skinny jeans is boots and a looser sort of top. Balances things out I think.

    • darlene says:

      Yeah, I think the “charity” story was a lie to cover up what was obviously a Bros n Hos trip. If she was supposedly on the trip with lots of other staff to help out at the charity event, then there would be lots of selfies of people with Ben and Tom and others at the event. There aren’t. Ben’s pr team is pretty bad at covering for him.

    • laura in LA says:

      That’s because the poker tournament was for Ante Up for Africa and benefitted a few different organizations, not just Eastern Congo Initiative:

      • Jorts says:

        Thank you. The conspiracy theories are getting a bit out of control.

      • laura in LA says:

        It’s a shame, too, that this nanny’s delusional self-created drama overshadowed such a worthy event for organizations that benefit people in Africa who really DO need money and media attention.

        On the bright side, though, a simple google search (so, Liz and Darlene, who’s “stupid” now?) also brought up their websites, apps and Facebook pages – time to focus awareness on those who are truly deserving and important.

      • Liz says:

        Sorry not trying to argue but that link for Ante Up For Africa is from 2010. Also, there is one post on twitter for 2014 and the rest are for 2010.
        I just haven’t seen any photos or promotion of this “charity” poker event. Just very curious.

      • laura in LA says:

        Liz, sorry, you’re right, dammit!

        Now I’m eating my words as I said I would on another thread, or humble pie as it were. It’s a little bitter and hard to swallow, but that’s how I feel about all of this anyway.

        Those who desperately need our attention don’t get it, while stupid personal dramas take precedence.

        The nanny’s a fame-ho with nothing, but I wanna know about this charity poker tournament. Ben’s people still got some ‘splainin’ to do.

        Stupid, stupid, stupid…

  27. JoJo says:

    Re: the OK! story about Ben/Jen reconciling, there was a direct response on Gossip Cop yesterday refuting it and saying it wasn’t true, and that Jen is not calling off the divorce. I’m surprised this isn’t mentioned here. Which one – OK! Or Gossip Cop – is more credible?

    • Jayna says:

      I don’t believe they are reconciling. Jen deserves someone who is affectionate out on their pap walks. LOL Too soon for humor?

    • laura in LA says:

      Jen probably won’t officially file for awhile, maybe not until next spring, to let the dust settle and perhaps give Ben time to rehab, but I think divorce for these two is inevitable.

  28. Tacos and TV says:

    I think her look is hilarious! I love it. Like what is that she has on?? Hahahahaha

  29. Mellie says:

    I don’t care if this b!tch is wearing Oscar DeLaRenta to the Met ball, she is going to be Nay… Anyone who wants to gain 15 mins of fame from being a home wrecker is a complete loser in my book. That’s only my opinion, but I’m standing firm on it.

  30. Ravensdaughter says:

    The shredded pants are hideous. Here’s hoping her karma catches up with her and bites her on the a– real soon.

  31. Dibba says:

    She’s so gross in every way.

  32. amp122076 says:

    This belt screams 1992 to me.

  33. Christina says:

    Because Ben Afflek likes the crazy and the drama himself, I’m convinced he does still have it for this chick. Like, he knows he has to clean up his image with Jennifer Garner but the frat boy creep in him likes how dangerous and inappropriate it is with this chick and either is still in touch with her or will be once he’s back in LA. There’s something off and weird about all of this and I’m not convinced he doesn’t still want to put his dick in crazy.

    • Diane says:

      I don’t think at this point BA is capable of a rational decision and is being pretty much controlled by (reported) addictions. I think he is just that messed up right now…spiraling.

    • Jorts says:


      If you took the pics of Christine bringing Ben a bottle of champagne and ‘shopped Matt Damon into her place the chemistry would be more believable and sincere.

      Those pics are the only photos we’ve seen of them together thus far and there was ZERO emotion/lust/desire evident. Ben looked like he was greeting a pal: no hugging, not a kiss on the cheek or an arm around the shoulder. NADA.

      I’m not saying that they didn’t mess around–I have no idea whether they did or not–but until I see some evidence that Ben lusts after this chick then I’m going to assume what I’ve always assumed: that she was simply a convenient distraction; handy and available for when he was lonely and going through tough times.

    • Jayna says:

      No way. Drawn to the drama and crazy is one thing. But a cute but average girl that made a fool of him to the world by setting him up for a photo op and selling him out, he wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. His ego is ten miles high. To think he was used and made a fool of in front of all of his peers, he’s pissed. He’s furious. He doesn’t lust after her. He probably wants to throttle her. And I almost believe his anger is so strong towards her that he won’t pay her another dime to shut her up out of pure anger, even if it’s the smart thing to do.

    • laura in LA says:

      You said it, Jorts and Jayna, and I think I’d like to throttle this chick myself.

  34. Betti says:

    Girl has shit for style, its bad 90s. Even Page 6 are taking the piss with their headline ‘Ex-Affleck Nanny still doesn’t know how to dress’ – LOL.

    Skinny jeans do nothing for her.

    PS. Love the purple maxi dress the woman in the background of the top photo’s is wearing.

  35. holly hobby says:

    She looks like she stepped out of a Whitesnake video. Seriously. I know there was a post the other day about how some of us are mocking her for her looks but really she set herself up for it. It is a gossip site and what she did was atrocious (Ben too but this isn’t about him here). Like my grandma used to say, if you don’t want people speaking poorly about you, don’t do it!

    • laura in LA says:

      And this is her song:

      “Here I go again on my ooown…
      Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
      Like a hobo I was born to walk alone
      An’ I’ve made up my mind
      I ain’t wasting no more time…

      I’m just another heart in need of rescue,
      Waiting on love’s sweet charity
      An’ I’m gonna hold on
      For the rest of my days,
      ‘Cause I know what it means
      To walk along the lonely street of dreeeams!”

  36. Jayna says:

    Forget this tart. I just watched on Daily Mail Former President Jimmy Carter’s press conference addressing his terminal cancer (it’s in the brain now) and have tears running down my face. Such grace and dignity and humor even still. Now that is worth the focus. Amazing man and humanitarian. Ninety years old and has been going strong with his humanitarian work right up until becoming ill. He shows what true character is. Not doing pap walks for dollahs.

    • Diane says:

      My Mom died of cancer in the brain and went through months of literal hell on earth. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone and thank you for bringing perspective here.

      • Jayna says:

        Diane, my mom did, too. Well, it had spread to her brain by the time she was diagnosed. it was, I agree, a hell on earth that is indescribable. It took years for some of those horrible memories to go away regarding her illness and the brutality of it. My sympathies to you and your family.

      • bk619 says:

        my dad too. sympathies to both of you.

      • JoJo says:

        Diane and Jayna – I’m so sorry to hear what you went through as well. 🙁

    • laura in LA says:

      So sorry to hear that both of you went through this with your mothers. It’s sad news indeed about Jimmy Carter.

    • Alice says:

      Thank you, jayna for a reminder of what is truly important. Jimmy Carter is a national treasure IMO. Much sympathy to you, Diane.

  37. SillySimone says:

    I don’t understand why she needs any more coverage for anything. I don’t care if she shows up in drag. Her 15 minutes need to be up.

  38. Krista says:

    Isn’t it a bazillion degrees in Southern California right now? For God sakes lady it’s August! Ditch that jacket!

    • bk619 says:

      yeah its super freakin hot here right now WHY ARE YOU WEARING BLACK PANTS AND A BLACK LEATHER JACKET?? she definitely thinks she looks SO SO GOOD because that has GOT to be uncomfortable

    • laura in LA says:

      Until the other day when this photo was probably taken, it was in the 90s. So, yeah, I don’t get it!

  39. Jayna says:

    All of a sudden, Jen is looking effortlessly casual yet stylish when doing an errand run compared to nanny going to get her takeout food, isn’t she? Let’s all have a little Jen appreciation after she’s had to put up with nanny everywhere being call hot.

    • Diane says:

      I’ve noted that Jen ALWAYS dresses with great modesty. This is a wonderful example to her daughters and other young women that you don’t have to show everything to look nice and be noticed. I would imagine this came from her upbringing, from some things she has said about it. I applaud that.

    • JoJo says:

      @Jayna – I don’t have a problem with Jen’s style in general. I think she keeps it casual but nice and appropriate like Diane said. I do think she shouldn’t wear low-waisted skinny jeans though. :/ She has a long torso, and she actually doesn’t have long legs comparatively, so low-waisted skinny jeans elongate her torso even more and make her legs look shorter. Sorry, but I always notice that. 😉

      But also, the picture you linked to is from 2013, no? Seraphina looks much younger there.

      • Jayna says:

        I guess it was a couple of years old.

        I like Jennifer in skinny jeans. I think they are flattering on her. I hated her mom jeans. LOL

    • Jorts says:

      She looks beautiful. I love her boots in that pic, even if it’s a throwback.

  40. The Original G says:

    Actually, I think her style’s quite reminicent of Jennifer Aniston.

  41. Diane says:

    Really totally off topic. It is 70 degrees at noon today in Dallas Texas! It has been over 100 for days. Just wanted to celebrate that I am sitting outside enjoying that for a happy thought.

  42. rudy says:

    This woman had an affair with the dad of the kids she was babysitting.
    The kids she read books to, fed, played with.
    I don’t care if she is 25 or 45, what she did was wrong.
    Ben obviously is a turd.
    Maybe she is a turd too.

  43. captain says:

    At least she’s making an effort. The nail varnish and all them sunglasses. I don’t want her to hide. Nobody disparages Affleck for his pap ops, his saintly wife parading him around. So why is it different for her? Belt is too much for words, honestly. Detroit city t-shirts are quite trendy this year, Christine. Try wearing them!

    • Jorts says:

      “nobody disparages Affleck for his pap ops, his saintly wife parading him around. ”

      I take it you’ve never read the comments section around here?

  44. HogWash! says:

    This Ouzi chick needs to go back to the ranch ✋

  45. G says:

    BASIC. Emphasis on the “ICK”! Sorry honey unless you’re going to be part of the ‘Little Women’ franchise as the hated home wrecking hussy, I don’t see any show in need of a basic 4ft nothing evil home wrecking ex-nanny.

  46. TEAMHARDY says:

    This is giving her exactly what she wants, fame without actually having done anything to “earn” it. If that’s even possible. Affleck sucks, but at least he is hiding in shame, not flaunting himself for the pap.

    • captain says:

      Please, where is he hiding? In Potterland? In Disneyland? In Atlanta with his puppy, his kids and his ring? Or do you mean his short stint on his private estate, where he shamefully threw a party for 30 people?

      • laura in LA says:

        Wow, captain…maybe *you* should tone it down.

      • Jas says:

        What’s so shameful about throwing a party when divorcing? Divorces happen, it doesn’t make either party evil, it’s simply life. Normal people accept that, get though it and move on.

  47. Ainda says:

    Why do you give her this stand-alone post? I’m really disappointed…
    She is a stupid famewh*re with no shame at all…
    How can she be so selfcontent when she did have a part in destroying a family with kids…

  48. b says:

    You would think that while receiving this much attention she would dress nicer. It’s not even about how expensive an outfit is, but lord she has no style. I’m tired of her. Go away already.

  49. benchwarmer says:

    I’m not a fan of ripped jeans on any level and I don’t get the look when anyone does it. It looks disheveled and unkempt but I’m almost 42. However I see it on women like Bethenny and she’s basically my age so I’m just a loner that doesn’t appreciate a ripped jean. That being said, the cowboy belt doesn’t bother me bec. I like the contrast of black with the brown. I wouldn’t wear the belt but I don’t mind it on others. I do remember this style from back then bec. we wore that type of belt, lol Contempo Casuals. I still remember this crop sweater in lime green my mother made me return because my stomach showed, party pooper!

    As for Ben and Jen…I feel like their kids would want them to stay together so that’s my vote. If a couple doesn’t fight in front of the kids and can rekindle what they once had, it could work.

    • JoJo says:

      Me and my brother wanted my parents to stay together too. Aside from some low-level arguments, they didn’t fight in front of us, but they were very unhappy together for a very long time, so I’m glad they did what was best for them. And we turned out fine, because we maintained a close relationship with our father, and they never spoke badly of each other to us. That’s really all that mattered in the end. I can’t see how Ben and Jen could rekindle a spark at this point, given the massive recent breach of trust, coupled with their marriage already seemingly having been troubled and on the brink of divorce for so many years. I know couples who have had an affair and gotten past it, so I’m not saying it can’t work, but I think it’s way harder to overcome when there has been a systemic pattern of infidelity and mistrust for years and years and years. Plus, obviously this is just my opinion, but if they are thinking about trying again, I wouldn’t attribute it to any great realization about their relationship on Ben’s part, but more that he’s realized he’s scared of being alone.

  50. Pis$ofF says:

    NAY. Super nay. Omg she’s so smug i almost feel sorry for affleck.

  51. mommy 2b says:

    Boooooo! To this entire post.

  52. Nik says:

    Put together all wrong. She has no style and obviously no brains. Hope she out some money away cause she won’t find work other Than porn at this point

  53. JoJo says:

    I really find the nanny so boring at this point. I want to know though, how come we all of a sudden aren’t being fed Ben and Jen stories/pics this week? I mean, for the last 8 weeks, we’ve been fed a daily diet of stories as significant as, “Jen Smiles on Set” and “Ben Seen Walking to His Car.” And now … radio silence for the very first time. It has been four whole days since Disney, and not a peep. And if someone says maybe they wised up to the overexposure, I won’t believe that for a second. 🙂 Think there’s something new or major coming?

  54. Camille (The Original) says:

    The belt and the sneakers ruin what could have been a good outfit.

  55. Zan says:

    Please don’t cover her, she really is an uninteresting nobody. Thanks

  56. HatetheletterKf says:

    I have no appreciation for a nanny that sleeps with the Daddy, so why the press ismgiving her any time at all is beyond me. I don’t think she is attractive enough to “garner” attention on her own. Perhaps she is nanny material (not), but not Hollywood material.

  57. Oouzy is too thick to wear that belt. It’s August in LA & this dummy is sweating in a black leather jacket?? Try hard! And none of that crap goes with sneakers!

  58. Noni says:

    This site is part of the problem by continuing to post stories. Stop. She’s awful.

  59. Tilly says:

    I don’t think she looks that bad! I did notice that her shoes are very similar to a pair that Jennifer Garner was wearing recently … ‘single white female’ came to mind.

    I think her hair is gorgeous; the belt is okay – probably not something I’d choose to wear but it’s okay on her – and the jacket and top are okay. I hate the jeans – they’re too ripped and tight on her; she’d look better in some tailored pants – but I’m not saying she’s fat.

    I still get Jennifer Esposito vibes from looking at her when she’s wearing her sunglasses.

  60. miasys says:

    This trick needs to go away. And so does Affleck. I don’t know what happened in that marriage, and honestly don’t want to… but it takes a special kind of lowlife to bang the nanny/sleep with your employer. Just yuck.

  61. d says:

    She looks too g-d’d happy. Sometimes I think she’s being paid by the Afflecks as a diversion away from other stories about Ben Affleck. But then I can’t imagine how appalling this storyline would be for their kids even if they explained it and would they be that immoral? IDk, this nanny’s famewh@ring is just unbelieveable…it’s just so wierd.

  62. DarkSparkle says:

    Can we please not legitimize this idiot?

  63. Sparkly says:

    My response to CO will always be nay.

  64. The cat was here says:

    i’m a former queen so i can tell you that i let her those jeans like that

  65. Sara says:

    You always know the man is an insecure mess when he cheats with the nanny. Get help Ben