Star: Evan Spiegel has ‘fallen head over heels’ for Miranda Kerr, apparently


As we discussed last week, Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel are still happening. Miranda seems to be giving off a whiff of billionaire-boyfriend-hunter and Evan still gives off a whiff of douche-bro frat boy. He’s got crazy money because of Snapchat and Miranda is a wealthy model in her own right, although I guess she’s always up for having MORE money. Their body language is pretty funny, mostly because Miranda is really trying to make this work and Spiegel just seems… I don’t know, like he’s a douche-bro frat boy used to having beautiful women at his beck and call. Anyway, this week’s tabloids have some interesting stories about their relationship.

Star Magazine says Orlando Bloom has issues with how much time Spiegel is spending with Flynn Bloom, Orly and Miranda’s 4-year-old son. A source says:

“Miranda has Evan over to her house constantly. They carry on like a little family. Orlando thinks it’s too much, too soon.”

At a recent family gathering, “Flynn said he thinks of Evan as a father and loves him so much.”

Miranda and Evan “have only been dating for a month, but Evan has fallen head over heels for Miranda. He adores her and thinks he would make an excellent stepfather for Flynn,” a source insists.

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

This seems like wishful thinking on Miranda’s part more than Orlando’s concerns. Miranda and Evan have been dating for what? Like, three months? Granted, I know she wants to move fast and I still believe she’ll probably try to get knocked up, but I doubt 4-year-old Flynn is all “I consider this man to be my new father, take note, mother!”

Speaking of Spiegel and how he’s a “heartbreaker,” it’s worth remembering that for a hot minute, Spiegel was maybe associated with Taylor Swift. They met a while back, for sure, and there were rumors of a brief fling. Well, the National Enquirer says that Swifty called Miranda because “she wanted Miranda to know Evan is a womanizer and was seeing other girls behind her back when they were dating.” Swifty also told Miranda that Spiegel dumped her (Swifty) by text, which is amazing in and of itself. Anyway, Swifty is allegedly trying to convince Miranda that Evan only dates famous women to boost his own image. Something Swifty would know all about.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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57 Responses to “Star: Evan Spiegel has ‘fallen head over heels’ for Miranda Kerr, apparently”

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  1. mimifffffffffffff says:

    His shoes.

  2. Betti says:

    Yeah sure looks like it with these photos.

  3. Caz says:

    If she is just another gold digger I like her a lot less. Packer leaving her for MC must have been a shock. I’ll never understand why she threw it all away with Orlando. Silly girl.

    • Maya says:

      I always got a bad wipe from Orlando – can’t explain why but I just think he is sleaze underneath (like Bradley Cooper).

      • Dani L. says:

        Yeah, Orlando is a sleaze but she knew that before she got with him and honestly she’s just as sleazy. The problem is that Orlando is not a big player in Hollywood and he’s not a billionaire, so she had to upgrade. I highly doubt Orlando gives a shit, though. About her relationship with Evan or anything she’s doing. I believe Flynn is mostly with Orlando anyway and the boy seems to really adore him so I’m calling bs on the story about Flynn seeing Evan as a father.

  4. OSTONE says:

    She wants that money!

    • meme says:

      doesn’t she have enough of her own?

    • Sabrine says:

      He’s just average looking and if he was an accountant, Miranda wouldn’t give him a second glance. The fact that he has a lot of money would make him extremely desirable to a lot of women, Miranda included. She’s practically giddy in these photos. She can smell the money on him.

  5. Bichon says:

    He looks 12 years old.

  6. Elise says:

    They can’t even keep their hand off each other to check in for a flight. i don’t mind a little PDA but this is ridiculous.

  7. Maya says:

    Or the third explanation could be that Miranda and Evan are just two people genuinely in love and moving forward.

    Why is it that every time a woman is with a millionaire/billionaire – it’s always because of the money?

    Have we all really become so cynical that we question every single relationship? I am not just talking about this couple but in the general sense.

    • ninal says:

      It’s not cynical when she’s been on the billionaire train before and he’s pretty sleazy. This pairing is as cynical as I am

    • Starrywonder says:

      Um because she is only going out with billionaires. Please to her and her being in love. She cheated on Bloom with bigger stars then him and for a while there was hoping to get Leo “Only Dates Angels” DiCaprio to take an interest in her. Then it was James Packer.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      I’m with you in the general sense, as I think it’s unfair to accuse every single celeb of having PR relationship, but in this case – it’s 100% justified. You can check old Miranda threads to see how many people called this relationship before it even happened – not him by name, but that she will start dating a billionaire in …3,2,1. She went to Cannes and behaved in a way that it was obvious she’s hunting for a billionaire boyfriend and what happened? – she came back with a billionaire boyfriend. It was embarrassingly obvious. This is the same woman, who cheated on her husband with Justin Bieber! It’s so ridiculous I didn’t believe it at first, but then Orlando confirmed it, when he tried to punch that little jerk and any benefit of the doubt vanished.

  8. Rada says:

    what are those jeans she’s wearing?

    • Esmom says:

      She tends to go for the high-waisted look, which I find extremely unfortunate.

      • Rada says:

        I think they look great. Can we find out what brand they are?

      • Saywhatwhen says:

        I actually like her high-waisted jeans. Nice that her butt crack is never on display. Looks so much more polished.

        Anyway, came here to say I get a gold-digger vibe off her. Nothing wrong with a woman wanting to secure her future financially but…Lord…the desperation for money seems strong with this one.

      • Esmom says:

        I prefer the middle ground between high waisted and butt crack. Plus I think my distaste is colored by my irrational dislike of her.

    • Krissie says:

      They are mother denim. Great jeans!

  9. Pandy says:

    Those pictures! She’s hugging his scrawny body while he just stands there …

    • Shahrizai says:

      I was trying to figure out why she looks so different… it’s because she’s standing next to a guy who is thinner than her! She has a lovely figure, and I was surprised to see that she looked rounder or curvier than normal for her, but it’s optical illusion, I think. Dude is just so thin!

    • NeoCleo says:

      Pandy–YES! The body language in these photos is really telling. He almost looks as though he is ready to scrape her off of him.

    • Birdix says:

      She’s mugging for the cameras and he’s just trying to check in for the flight. Why is she pouring it on so thick? Those photos are so odd.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      He’s just not that into her… heehee.

  10. minx says:

    How $weet– $he really love$ him.

  11. luffy says:

    MIranda is only worth 35m and her career is on the decline so it makes sense that she would be trying to set up a cushy retirement plan. even so i hope shes happy and is not letting a guy treat her poorly for money.

  12. Allie says:

    Oh, Taylor. When has a guy not broken up with you in an awkward way?

  13. thaisajs says:

    Careful, Miranda. Too much talk of him being a daddy could scare him off. You’re so, so close…

  14. Susan says:

    It’s no surprise that Evan dumped Taylor via text. That’s SOP with the frat douche, socially dating ackward Silicon Valley bro’s. The majority of my friends have experienced this breakup exit strategy (it’s a tough dating scene here in the Bay Area). The trend is for VC and tech guys to snag a playmate, model or celeb to add to their net worth and ego. The media rags have featured their over the top weddings. Trade-off is Miranda will snag a billionaire, lock and load with a baby. It’s a business arrangement for both.

    • Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

      People are really like that?

      • Bridget says:

        I believe it. Tech guys not having the social skills to break up with someone face to face?

      • Alex says:

        I’m a partner in a tech co in SF. I’m way older but yes, douche tech bros are really like that. And they’ve ruined San Francisco, which used to be one of the coolest cities in the world (end of rant).

  15. Ankhel says:

    Pretty much everything in this story sounds made up…

  16. Eugenie says:

    Most surprising to me? They are flying commercial and checking in like the rest of us poors.

  17. JRenee says:

    I’ve been a single mom before. My ex husband met my kid, months after we started seriously dating. I’d never have my kid around someone I’d only dated for a month or two.

  18. Rita says:

    If they are both into this relationship for personal image, then they are perfectly matched and its only a matter of time to see which one is the first to get a tattoo that says “SUCKER”.

    Miranda is the one leaking all the PR stuff to show she’s still hot for dating a younger richer boy. As for little Flynn calling him dad, that’s nothing but Miranda’s shameless PR crap.

    Miranda’s modeling career is sun-setting fast and she fully intends to land on her feet…….or her back………..or his……well, never mind.

  19. Tacos and TV says:

    No chemistry. It won’t last.

  20. liahfhak says:

    I am 100 % sure that all these stupid comments from an “(stupid) unknown source” (“Miranda has Evan over to her house constantly. They carry on like a little family. Orlando thinks it’s too much, too soon.”, “Flynn said he thinks of Evan as a father and loves him so much.” and “have only been dating for a month, but Evan has fallen head over heels for Miranda. He adores her and thinks he would make an excellent stepfather for Flynn,”) actually are coming from Miranda herself and her stupid PR-team…

    …which is so F%¤king insulting to poor Orlando. First of all – Miranda is a nobody now. Why would anyone care to leave anything like that to the press? It’s not even gossip. I am 100 % sure that Miranda and her PR-team planted it themselves. And as I wrote before, so f%%king mean to Orlando to plant a story that HIS SON calls her new boyfriend (which she calls the pap on… why would paparazzis care enough to know the exact time they are going to be on LAX? They’re not Jennifer and Ben) “dad”. And also so insulting to Orlando to spread that her and her new b-friend are “carrying on like a little family”, after like dating for a few months. I totally believe she cheated on Orly and it is mean to spread this “little family” thing when you didnt even respect your husband but then talking about “happy family” to the press with a new guy after a couple of months but didnt even respect your husband after years. That Miranda even spread that to the press shows what everyone have been saying about her is true. And I used to love her! I absolutely used to love her. She seemed to be so earthy and sweet. Now, not so much.

  21. Dash says:

    I’m honestly surprised she managed to get a young billionaire. He’s probably still kind of in awe of her. I feel like she might have had more security with an older billionaire. Although probably easier to get pregnant to a young guy.

  22. Exit says:

    He should tell Miranda that Snapchat only earned $3M last year and that she is more richer than him in terms of cash. Lol

  23. Kath says:

    He has the body of a lanky teenager (I was going to say ‘prepubescent boy’, but that sounded a bit too mean!)

    I must say, however, that I liked his apology after those frat-boy emails were released. He basically said “I was an absolute a-hole and I am humiliated by how much of a turd I was” – so perhaps he isn’t as bad now as he sounded back then.

    Can’t stand Miranda, however. Hippy, self-help nonsense (“check out my affirmations!”) masking a horrible person and gold digger.

  24. jenn12 says:

    Yes, I’m sure a little boy only 4 years old thinks of a man he’s known for a month as his dad when he already has one. WTF is wrong with his mother? And this guy can’t even be bothered to embrace her in photos.

  25. LOL says:

    Look at these pics. So funny. Miranda, her billionaire and his ‘teen’ friends. We can’t see his friends in these pics, but they look VERY young. Google it.
    No, it’s not all about the money. I think she loves his personality. LOL. They have a lot in common: they are immature.