Benedict Cumberbatch’s mom says her boy is a ‘bloody good Hamlet’

Bless Benedict Cumberbatch for this photo. Bless Sophie Hunter-batch for it too. If there was ever a photo that perfectly encapsulated Bendy and Sophie’s charming awkwardness, it’s this. He wants to show his love, but he’s an alien still trying to understand his human form. So somehow his nose ends up in her eye, but Sophie understands that the Alien-Lizard is trying to show human affection, so she gives a small, smug sigh, closes her eyes and takes his attempt at affection.

Anyway, since we have new photos of Bendy leaving the Barbican last night, I thought we’d give this yet another go. Now that Hamlet has officially opened, the “real” reviews have been pouring in and they’re mostly good. Critics seem to agree that Benedict is very good in the role, but the production/direction isn’t spectacular. Mark Gatiss was there on opening night and he said his Sherlock costar was “magnificent” in the role and that “We’re all very proud and impressed.” Benedict’s mom Wanda Ventham said her boy was “a bloody good Hamlet”.

Here are those photos of Benedict getting “mobbed” by crazy Cumberbitches last night. I like that he’s changing up his post-performance outfits. I honestly thought his personal closet was just full of denim blouses, but he’s changing it up.



Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.

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158 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch’s mom says her boy is a ‘bloody good Hamlet’”

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  1. kri says:

    Oh damn. Here go Wanda come. Look at all of those damn people!! He looks exhausted, but I still love him.

  2. Mia4S says:

    I love his mom. I heard a radio interview with her awhile back and she’s very sweet.

  3. Eve says:

    Cannot believe I once shanked fellow CBitches over this guy. What the hell was I thinking?

    *slaps self in the face*

    • speshul says:

      I’m with ya. How did he go from awesome to tiresome so fast??

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Have a Comet Sophie and some cheese-its

      • Eve says:

        I don’t deserve it.

        I deserve to be bitch-slapped in the face by every single CBitch I’ve shanked.

      • Sixer says:

        I don’t think you ever shanked me, darling, but I’d always be up for a bitch-slapping session with you!

      • Beth No. 2 says:

        I’m all for shanking CBitches! The CumberBitches I mean.

      • Eve says:

        @ Sixer:

        I did shank you. At your request though.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        You never shanked me but I never found anything attractive about the alien otter overlord. I’m just here for the drinks.

      • T.Fanty says:

        ooo! ooo! ooo! ooo!

        *jumps up and down waving hands in the air*


        *flexes bitch-slapping hand, conveniently ignoring the fact that she passed Chris Evans on to me*

      • Sixer says:

        I’ve always liked pain.

        (I hope you are well, my lovely).

      • Eve says:

        @ Sixer:

        Hmmmm, we have a kinky one here.

        (sometimes that “presence” ever present in my life allows me to play here a little).

      • Alice says:

        Ha! You ladies(?) are why I keep visiting CB. Thx for the giggles.

      • Eve says:

        @ Alice:

        Yup. Lady here.

        @ T. Fanty:

        I’ll accept your hypocritical bitch-slapping as well (you, too, rode the Cumber-train like there was no tomorrow back in the day).

      • Sixer says:

        I never rode the Cumbertrain. Take that, slap slap.

      • Allie says:

        No one can stay on the pedestal forever. They’ll be shown to be human eventually.

        He’s fine by me, no Woody Allen.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I was watching Sherlock on PBS the other night. It was the episode where he meets Irene Adler. Damn, he was hot. Past tense.

      • Boston Green Eyes says:

        IKR? *That’s* the guy I was mad about: Sherlock! I bloody fell for the character, I believe. Because I don’t think I’d last in a two seconds conversation with the real Bendy (or Lord Hiddles, TBH).

      • j says:

        imo he’ll 10 years younger when he gains weight

        you seriously can’t lose weight at 35+ and not look old tbh. your skin won’t go back, you gotta fill it in

    • AG-UK says:

      I am with you. Must have had on my beer goggles.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Hindsight is 20/20 isn’t it?

      It’s good to see you again, Eve. You’ve been missed.

      I didn’t get in to Cumby until spring of 2014, so by the fall, I was already moving on to Hiddles. We’ll see how long this love affair lasts; the fame whoring this fall could be epic.

      • Eve says:

        You’re lucky then. Saved yourself from the embarrassment I’m feeling now.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Your embarrassment may be mine by November.

      • Eve says:

        @ Nutballs:

        Nah. We’ve already accepted TommyAnne’s famewhoriness. It’s part of his charm in a way. He’s a “company man”.

        Plus, he’s regrouped a lot better than Bendy who, on the other hand, sold his soul to Harvey Weistein and claimed to be, want and aim things while showing the exact opposite.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Eve, we haven’t seen him in an Oscar campaign yet. I’m cautiously waiting for what he says/does at TIFF.

      • Eve says:

        Ok, let’s wait and see.

      • Ally says:

        I’m the opposite. Hiddleston has scrubbed himself of genuine personality too much for me.

        I don’t trust it unless I see flaws.

      • Eve says:

        @ Ally:

        Oh, I see a lot of flaws on Hiddles. I just don’t care about them anymore.


      • TotallyBiased says:

        My tribe. 😀

      • An says:

        To be a fair factual wet blanket, Harvey buys souls from not necessarily willing sellers lol. It can be more a lack of bravery on Cumberbatch’s part than anything else.

        [The more boring version: actors don’t pick distributors, and if yours really wants you to campaign, they can just try to shove it all under your contract’s promo clause and threaten to sue if you don’t comply. Things like this are why I am not an actor, as I am a control freak and would flip out all the time].

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Ally, I hear ya. I’d love to see the PuddleTom show more of his colorful snarky, naughty side, but until then, I’ll just fill in all the blanks with my imagination. 😉

      • Ally says:

        I don’t see anything to be frank, he’s made himself generic, just too superficial all the time. To each her own though, everyone has bones to pick with the images of celebs they don’t care for.

      • Eve says:

        @ An:

        You make a very valid point here. But some people still manage to be an actor and not do everythiing he (Weinstein) tells them to.

        Your second paragraph pretty much described my favourite actor’s MO (Joaquin Phoenix). Weinstein tried to push him around when he was nominated for The Master but there was no way Phoenix would comply. He did attend the Oscars, but there was zero campaign.

      • An says:


        It’d be easier for Phoenix legally speaking, he’s known for putting limitations on his promo commitments in his contracts, and he’s in a position where he can because people will accept that to work with him. It probably causes him a project sometimes, that’s the trade off.

        Of course, I’m not saying Cumberbatch couldn’t have handled it better because he certainly could have. Just that it’s possible for more low-rung actors (which Cumberbatch is in the US, I feel) in that situation to get backed into the corner, especially if their own people are not up to handling such a big company. It’s the reality of being the most replaceable cog in the machine.

      • Eve says:

        @ An:

        Fair enough.

        But let’s be honest: Cumberbatch’s Oscar campaign was a mess. All over the place. A 9.5 at the “Anne Hathaway’s magnitude scale of obvious, desperate, pathetic Oscar campaigns”.

      • An says:

        Definitely a mess. It wasn’t very well run and he didn’t handle it correctly, especially the pressure. It probably would have gone a lot better with a less aggressive, more honest distributor, but that’s just my guess.

      • Beth No. 2 says:

        Harvey is gross but he has run campaigns for tonnes of actors and actresses over the years, many of whom are able to keep their dignity intact. And I’m pretty sure he didn’t ask Bendy to act pissy and snarky. Julianne Moore campaigned hard for Still Alice last season; I don’t hear of people calling her desperate cos she’s always a classy and affable lady. Anne Hathaway got dragged for her thirsty Oscar campaign, and she was not under Weinstein. Yes the distributors have a role in one’s campaign, but ultimately the personality that you put out there shines through.

      • An says:

        Yes, that’s why I was mentioned he didn’t handle it correctly. Weinstein has run both good and bad campaigns, and it’s a mix of the actor and whether they want to do it or don’t feel like they have much of a choice. Some actors are simply not cut out for the stress and pressure of it.

        This is where Weinstein mainly differs from other distributors, he will use more aggressive tactics to push unwilling leads more onto the campaign trail if he really wants them to run. You have to learn to say no and risk the consequences.

        Oddly, Weinstein often does better with women candidates than men, despite the likelihood he’s a pig.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      @ Eve,🙋

      My shanking scars are still bothering me. Need pancake makeup. You were a bit…..enthusiastic.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      I am so delighted to see so many of the Thornfield ladies here… where is Miss Jane, Miss Jupitero and Miss M? The harem isn’t complete without them.

      Eve, I’d never bitch slap you since I’m too busy beating up your friend. I’ll give you a Comet Sophie instead.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Nutballs, Miss Jane mentioned something about getting her Crimson Peak wardrobe fitted. I think she’s having some of her bonnets upgraded with some lavender sprigs from the fields.

        She looks like the very portrait of wanton dried flowers and herbs this time of year!

    • Lindy79 says:

      In fairness a lot of us got a bit invested, he had his moments…I loved his bitchy humour, Sherlock, that green shirt picture

      The Oscar campaign sucked it all out of him, he got a bit pissy and snarky without humour (unforgivable to Lindy) and generally weird.

      I wont bitchslap you, how about some spirit fingers instead?

      • Eve says:

        Do not forget those infamous, desperate photobombings. It’s all fine though.

        By the way, I’ll be forever thankful for *that* Monty Python’s video you posted. 😀

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Lindy, Irish spirit fingers look like jazz hands here in the States:

        I kinda like “spirit fingers” better…

      • Chuchu says:

        A bit over invested. Understatement of the century. I still remember the tears and anxiety. Chill pills were greatly needed.

      • Eve says:

        @ Chuchu:

        Actually, the Thornfield Battles were usually just harmless fun. We poked fun at each other and Cumberbatch himself.

        Things got out of hand when a certain crowd invaded CB threads. Some really humourless fans who would take almost everything seriously and hell would break loose if anyone dared say anything negative about him.

        P.S.: I stopped commenting on anything Cumberbatch related when threads about him started having 300+ comments.

      • Clucky says:

        “The Oscar campaign sucked it all out of him, he got a bit pissy and snarky without humour (unforgivable to Lindy) and generally weird.”

        Agreed. Also, the fact that he was showing open disdain for his fans.

        WAIT A MINUTE…are we sure he’s actually even acting when playing Sherlock?

      • Jane says:

        I can’t muster up pity for his more hardcore “fans.” A lot of them are terrible, no boundaries and disrespectful. I quite literally would have told them to go to hell but I accept that about myself 🙂

      • TotallyBiased says:

        @Chucky–I’ve wondered that more than once.
        Didn’t his sister say something rather implying that, after the first season?

      • j says:

        nah, she just said he was smart. mark gatiss has said he’s close to the opposite of sherlock actually.

        pardon my word dump but at this point i think people have made him into a bit of a cartoon and everything is being fed back into itself. Like idk if this makes sense, but the press has cottoned onto it too plus the attention they can get with him, so it’s like a free for all

        but it’s also kinda messed up to watch. he’s got too many ott fans and too many hardcore haters/nitpickers whatever compared to what hes done. he’s a celeb where i can honestly say i would not want his life, like that human pinata stuff is all not worth the money or fame perks. ymmv

      • KT says:

        Opposite, yes. It’s ironic, if he were like Sherlock, he wouldn’t have some of the issues he does. He’s oversensitive and overemotional. Not always bad qualities on their own yet not ideal for a public figure. It’s easy for everyone to eat you alive when you’re a marshmallow.

      • EN says:

        >Things got out of hand when a certain crowd invaded CB threads. Some really humorless fans who would take almost everything seriously and hell would break loose if anyone dared say anything negative about him.

        Of course, it was the humorless fans who objected to SH being called an escort and worse who spoiled all the fun. Are you sure you are over it? Are you the Kate of the olden days by any chance?

      • KT says:

        Who is Kate? Eve has been here forever and isn’t Kate, EN. You’re being a little unfair, imo.

        I admit it went both ways. There’s fans who can’t handle any criticism, discuss civilly or they take it too far on one hand; on the other hand, there’s people who are relentlessly negative even when it’s not warranted or really sound, or they take it way too far.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        EN, Eve has been on these threads long before SH was in the picture. The 2012 – 2013 threads were the glory days of Cumby threads (Hiddles too). The tone of the comments completely changed with his Oscar Campaign/Shotgun Engagement and most the former regulars stopped posting anything.

        While I called him out on his PR shenanigans, I didn’t understand the hate towards Sophie and thought it was uncalled for. Call me humorless, but I found the name-calling, shaming and presumptions made about a woman people knew very little about petty and immature. I’m glad most of those posters are gone; it’s a much more pleasant place to hang now.

      • et alors says:

        @KT, I think EN is referring to the infamous Kat, a former Cumberbatch stan turned detractor who would jump down your throat if you said anything remotely positive about him.

        @EN, Eve and her Stefon avatar were around long before Kat made her first appearance on CB.

      • Eve says:

        Wow! First time I’ve been “accused” of posting as someone else. Kinda flattering, in a strange way. LOL!

        @ EN:

        Not that you deserve any explanation…but here we go: no, I’m not Kate or Kat or whoever you have a grudge agaisnt. I’ve started posting on CB threads long ago, long before your beloved Cumberbatch was a thing. Kaiser, Bedhead and Celebitchy know that not only I post under the same monicker, I’ve always used the same e-mail address, same IP address.

        But the most important thing is: I’VE NEVER said anything bad about Sophie Hunter. Never. I know almost nothing about her, I have no reasons to hate on her. Now that I think of…I’ve never said anything (good or bad) at all about their relantionship.

        The crowd I was referring to was the insane, over the top fans that defended Cumberbatch’s every move. Not even the Brangelunatics were that protective of their idol like these Bendy fans were.

        You are, undoubtedly, barking at the wrong tree.

      • Eve says:

        @ KT, Et Alors and Nutballs:

        Thank you for having my back. Not that a seasoned bitch like myself needed any defense but it’s nice to see most people know who I am here.

        :* to all of you.

      • EN says:

        > Not that you deserve any explanation…but here we go: no, I’m not Kate or Kat or whoever you have a grudge agaisnt. I’ve started posting on CB threads long ago, long before your beloved Cumberbatch was a thing. Kaiser, Bedhead and Celebitchy know that not only I post under the same monicker, I’ve always used the same e-mail address, same IP address.

        I just asked if you were her, because the style was similar and she did post under multiple names.
        I do apologize for the mistake.

        Though, I still cannot agree with the assumption that one will only defend a stranger because he/ she is a rabid fan. No, people do defend total strangers all the time when they think the criticism and attacks are not warranted.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Eve, I can attest that I have never seen you post anything negative about Sophie Hunter.

  4. frisbee says:

    Looking at those photographs I’ve just realised I’ve never asked anybody for an autograph in my life. Is that weird?

    • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      I’ve never asked any either… 😀 So, we can form a club “The ones who never asked for an autograph”

    • Franca says:

      Me neither, apart from a few writers who signed books for me.
      I just have no interest in meeting celebrities.

    • Tippet says:

      Not at all. I never have either, and never would. The thought of approaching a celebrity for an autograph or photo makes me cringe in disgust.

    • vauvert says:

      Count me in the club. I don’t think I ever would, even if it were Harrison Ford himself. I would probably just sit down overcome by his presence and try to hide the drool. What would his autograph give me that I haven’t got from his movies and rare interviews??

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      I’m so old that I can’t *remember* if I asked anyone for an autograph.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I’ve encountered a number of celebrities but don’t ask for autographs or pictures. I’m not going to interrupt their private time. I’ve had conversations but none of the fan variety. I do get books signed because it increases the value of the book.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Can I join the club? I’ve never seen the point of getting someone’s signature.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Me neither, whatever about at stage door, premiere etc (honestly these things have never appealed to me) but not when they’re out and about. I’ve even seen casts of plays in the theatre bar afterwards and I figure they’ve just done a show so I’m sure they just want to switch off. I’d hate it if someone came up to me when I’m out for drinks or dinner or whatever.

      Don’t even get me STARTED on selfie sticks….

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Yes! I see all the time in my IG feed since I follow people who run/hike/climb mountains and use their sticks to take a selfie. Just take a picture of the damn view, people!

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Milady Nutballs–
        Okay, I plead guilty to taking ONE selfie on a mountain.
        In my defense, it was SO last century that I had to use a timer and prop the camera on a lava rock (selfie sticks didn’t exist) and, well, it was Mt. Fuji.
        What you gonna do.
        ps I DID also take pictures of the amazing sunrise, too.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        TB, You know I love you and it’s not like you used a SELFIE STICK or anything. I took a few selfies in my early peak-bagging days, but now I realize that I’m ruining the picture putting my mug in there. Best to just show them the views.

        Mt Fuji?? Well now you have me green with envy.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Five hours straight up the chain trail, bloody tears from altitude sickness ‘n’ all!
        Had to take the selfie to prove I’d gone and done it, because I sure wasn’t ever going to do it again!
        (Japanese proverb, as told to us by the bus driver–‘Everyone must climb Mt Fuji once. Only Americans and fools climb it more than that.) ‘ 😉
        Not that he was particularly down on Americans, just that folks from the US seemed determined to climb Fujiyama-san ‘more times than was good for them!’

      • hermia says:

        I do usually (if it’s not too much trouble) get my ticket signed at stage door (I always have since forever), but I would never ever ask for a selfie (brrr) or bother them when they are going about their business. And we do see many actors in my neck of the woods 🙂

    • ell says:

      neither have I, and I’ve met a fair few actors/singers. It’s just silly to me, I just talk to them like they’re normal people, cause that’s what they are.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      From where I stand it’s just silly tocollect signatures of people who just do ther work but I obviously don’t understand the whole celebrity thing which is just smoke and mirrors for us to sell products. People like people with well paid job and expensive wrapping.

  5. funcakes says:

    Legend has it that it’s bad luck to play Hamlet and Macbeth. Hope he burns sage every day.

    • Kalypso says:

      Love that hardly any of the comments are on the play or his performance… I have a soft spot for Bendy, happy for him that the reviews are positive when it comes to his performance at least. I think he’s a decent actor. And all this talk about the production/direction actually makes me wish I could go and see it!

  6. Eve says:

    People got her name wrong. It’s SophiE, non?

  7. silken_floss says:

    Wow, I didn’t think Bendy would deign to in dress jeans and t-shirt, ya know with him being so posh and all lol. Seriously, this is the most casual I’ve ever him dressed

    • Green Girl says:

      Have you SEEN pictures of him in public before?!?

    • EscapedConvent says:

      We’re lucky he’s not wearing his jorts. With flip flops and a winter scarf.

      • Green Girl says:

        The less said about some of his ensembles, the better.

        But real talk: He can wear a tux or a suit like it’s his job. Casual wear just isn’t his strong point!

      • Lindy79 says:

        Ah the Ibiza airport look, never fails to make ma laugh.
        Still we got to see his amazing calves

      • NUTBALLS says:

        That jorts and flip flops ensemble would have killed my Cumberboner, if I had one.

      • Lindy79 says:

        The outfit was awful but the legs were not 😉

    • EN says:

      It is weird to me, how did BC acquire this perception of being posh and moneyed because he is neither.
      He is a guy from the upper middle who works extremely hard.
      It seems growing up his family wasn’t very financially secure and he is really hung up on making a lot of money and being successful. That is al’right in my book.
      He works hard for everything he has. And he has no fashion sense whatsoever.

      • hermia says:

        You are not British are you? 🙂
        If you have been to public school, you are posh. The fact he dresses like a Big Issue seller means very little, like the fact he works hard (which he does). He’s a lovely man, very polite and approachable, but he is posh.
        Moneyed is another thing again. Posh is more to do with class and education.

      • Leah says:

        Spot on, Hermia!

      • EN says:

        > Moneyed is another thing again. Posh is more to do with class and education.

        I understand the class concept quite well. Not only the British society is like that. But the amount of criticism BC is receives for his nearly privileged upbringing is still disproportionate. You would think he is a royal cousin or an aristo, at the very least. But he is nowhere near that level.

        As a more general point, it puzzles me when Brits start criticizing privileged people for being privileged and having an advantage in workplace and career. In my view, at least these people are working, Would’ve they preferred if all these people from well to do and privileged families just did nothing so that people from poor background had less competition? No, they want all these people to work, yet expect them to constantly apologize for advantages they had. At some point one just gets fed up with apologizing for the accident of birth.

      • hermia says:

        Well, maybe we don’t like them monopolising every single walk of life just based on the schools they went to. I’m sure you can understand how basically unfair that is.
        I have a friend who teaches actors and she has very talented pupils who don’t get a break because they haven’t gone to Oxbridge or RADA.
        It’s a class ridden system and it is extremely unfair. So yeah, some of us are not thrilled about it 🙂
        As for why he gets so much flak, it’s perhaps because he grumbles about it, while TH or Redmayne just ‘put up and shut up’. They know they are privileged and embrace it. 🙂

      • Casey says:

        Good points hermia but TH doesn’t exactly embrace it lol. He’s downplayed and complained too (press didn’t care enough about him to blow it up). Dunno about Redmayne.

        but to be fair to all the above, Dominic West takes the cake by comparing the ‘stigma’ of being an old etonian to being a pedophile.

        and at the same time, the pillars of the class system are the ones with governmental and/or usable institutional power, so the intense focus on actors is a misaimed target. no one really cares what they say and they can’t do much beyond charity work.

        also this isn’t special to britain because the people whose parents have money get the better schools and the better jobs just about everywhere

      • hermia says:

        I take your point, but no, it’s not the same everywhere. I have lived in a few different countries and things are much more nuanced in other places. Here it is VERY hard to find someone in the top echelons of society who hasn’t been to Oxbridge.
        These people all know each other and help each other. It’s the old boys net.
        Actors are only a facet of this, an unimportant one I grant you, but go tell it to the boy who loses out because he couldn’t make it into Eton or RADA.

  8. Lilacflowers says:

    I’m sure Wanda is giving an unbiased opinion

    • Eve says:

      Totally. Just like when she had to tell people she had given birth to a (human) baby and no alien abduction was involved during his conception.

      P.S.: I know, I know…bad joke.

  9. Lindy79 says:

    I’d really like to see the sequence of that kiss photo, you know the ones before and after that one, its just so awkward. He looks like he’s sniffing the side of her face.

    Surely there was a better one, even post kiss where they’re looking at each other.

    • Alexandra says:

      I want a gif. In slow motion.

    • Kalypso says:

      Looks like he’s poking out her eyes! I mean, c’mon Ben, if your nose is in eye height when kissing someone, you’re
      doing it wrong!

      Laughing a bit from Sophie’s expression though. I think they’re cute together!

      • EscapedConvent says:

        If you see him kiss onscreen, he’s usually doing it wrong.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Its kind of an affectionate “oh god, he’s off again” but you’re right, there is a warmth there and affection. I don’t get what some folks say when they say he looks like he hates her.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Case in point, Reese Witherspoon.

      • Absolutely says:

        I see warmth from him. Or an attempt at warmth. I see “can we please get this over with weird alien cousin?” From her.

      • et alors says:

        I think the picture is funny, awkward, and cute. He looks like he’s using her face as a pillow as he catches up on some much-needed rest, and she seems bemused by it.

    • Jonathan says:

      It’s like he’s trying to inhale her eyeball.

      One can only imagine via what exotic placement of body parts the Cumberchild was conceived. Elbow rubbed vigorously on ankle? Ring finger knuckle jabbed into collarbone? Eyelashes fluttered against navel?

  10. WindowChair5 says:

    Glad to see a mom supporting her son. Yeah Wanda! Can I have comic Sophie? I need one b/c I’m kinda done with Bendy, but I’d like to toast him au revoir in style.

  11. InvaderTak says:

    Yes like an updated version of the man who feel to earth. Or Thomas j newtons half human son. Every time someone talks about bendys alien ness that’s what it reminds me of.

  12. Joanie says:

    I just want to take him out for a pizza with all the toppings, and make him wash it down with a chocolate shake.

  13. vanna says:

    bless you for that first paragraph! still giggling

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Yes, I’m glad the kissing picture made it into a post. It was the best thing about the DM’s coverage of the preview night.

  14. EN says:

    > like that he’s changing up his post-performance outfits. I honestly thought his personal closet was just full of denim blouses, but he’s changing it up.

    No, I think you are right. This is just the white Tshirt that usually goes under these chambray shirts he loves. I guess he lost the shirt somewhere, or may be it is at the dry cleaners.

  15. Leah says:

    The reviews aren’t actually that good. The production is generally not that well thought of. Some of the most important critics pretty much panned it.Everyone agrees that Bendy is a good actor, he’s doing a good job i here but he’s not getting the kind of rave reviews people had expected. I think even David Tennant got better reviews not to mention Rory kinnear who is considered the benchmark of Hamlets in the last 5 years here in London.

    • ell says:

      james mcavoy got fantastic reviews as well, and I personally saw the play and it was brilliant. I most likely won’t go to see BC’s because…. tbh I don’t care.

      • hermia says:

        I think McAvoy should win all the awards this season for his fantastic turn in The Ruling Class. He was jaw-droppingly good.

    • Dara says:

      The reviews I read were really all over the board – about the only thing they can agree on is that this particular production is at times good, but overall is not great. Some critics like BC’s performance, some didn’t, some thought the supporting cast was aces, some thought they were dismal, the sets and direction were visually stunning or distractingly bad – all depending on who was doing the reviewing. Do London theatre critics usually disagree that much?

      • Felice. says:

        The British refuse to agree on anything in theatre. There must always be a differing opinion. The Batch has been sky high too long and he needs to go back down for a little while.

    • Gale says:

      It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s quite good, and I’m not a big follower of Cumberbatch. All this brouhaha got me curious about reviews. All of the more negative reviews had veiled complaints about things done to make it more appealing to a general audience.

      Here’s the deal in my view: They knew they had a large audience who wasn’t going to be that familiar with Shakespeare, so the dilemma became please the paying audience or the critics. There was no pleasing both, Hamlet is simply not as audience-friendly as say Romeo and Juliet. They went with the audience; I don’t think it was the wrong choice. But add that to all the attention surrounding it, and you’ve got a recipe for critics spearing it.

  16. lyda says:

    Goodness. Has he lost weight? He looks gaunt. Hope he’s not experimenting with some crazy nutrition plan that doesn’t allow anything then green tea.

  17. Mary-Alice says:

    Hijacking a bit but Del Toro entertained us tonight at TIFF and his baby CP is held back from festivals, I learned. The bear was not happy. Seems the reason is not with him in terms of editing. Can’t wait to hear the story behind it if TIFF doesn’t manage to “steal” it at the last moment as they can.

    • Eve says:

      Oooooohhh, you picked my curiosity here.

      Now I MUST KNOW what happened (I’m counting the days to see Crimson Peak). And I’m a huge, huuuuuuuuuge fan of Del Toro.

      • Kaye says:

        How’s the early feedback? They won’t run movies in festivals if they think it’s going to get dinged by critics, the word of mouth can hurt the box office.

      • Eve says:

        @ Kaye:

        I hope to everything that is holy to me (Leornard Cohen, Stan Lee and my cats) that you’re wrong.


      • et alors says:

        David Ehrlich of Time Out NY just saw a screening of it, and while he says there’s an embargo on actually reviewing it right now, he did name CP as one of the “Seven fall films you can’t miss” in an article from a couple days ago.

        CP isn’t really a festival movie, IMO. It’s more commercial, and as a horror movie, it makes sense that Legendary doesn’t want it playing at festivals and having plot twists spoiled before it opens in wide release.

      • Dara says:

        @et alors, that was my thought as well. It’s not so much that Legendary doesn’t want it seen ahead of time because it’s bad, but because too many spoilers would leak. I think the studio has big plans for it and festivals are sadly just not a part of that plan.

        I feel for Guillermo, he seems super proud of the film and is probably aching to share it with everyone, but I’m going to side with Legendary. I don’t want to know too much about it before I see it and I know I wouldn’t be able to resist reading about it if it were shown in advance of its official release.

      • et alors says:

        @Dara, a horror movie like The Witch can do festival screenings because word of mouth helps for smaller films like that. CP is a studio film that has a built-in fanbase, and there’s already excitement and buzz for GDT’s return to the horror genre with a high-profile cast. Having spoilers about plot twists or the ending out there prior to opening weekend would kind of deflate things. Personally, I’m going to be scouring the Internet for any spoilers prior to watching the movie because I live for them and, also, I need to know when to avert my eyes. I still can’t watch the bottle scene from Pan’s Labyrinth.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      I’m still wondering how TIFF erroneously posted that CP was going to be shown as special presentation at TIFF only to retract it shortly after. Someone said on the last Hiddles thread that Legendary was the one who didn’t want it shown at festivals.

      • Dara says:

        @Nutty, the site where CP appeared is not officially part of TIFF (I don’t think). It sounds like they may have a hard time getting the official schedule in advance to build their site so I wonder if they don’t do some educated guessing to build their site as much as possible ahead of time. They may have just assumed CP would be a part of TIFF since Guillermo is such a big supporter, then let their site go live without double-checking all the listings.

    • masy says:

      Legendary is strongly opposite to put it at festivals.

  18. Girlie says:

    Still madly in love with Benedict!! Why is everyone saying they’re over him? He’s lovely as ever to me. And I’m so jealous of his wife. He loves her, you can tell by that kiss. Wish he loved ME. He can look as alieny, as lizardy as he does- it doesn’t matter. I’m completely head over heels in love, he’ll always be sherlock to me.

  19. LAK says:

    What else can his mother say!

  20. masy says:

    Awww.. Mommy loves her little boy!

  21. Pushkar says:

    I am pleased for him, what do you all think of the name he and Sophie have given their son? I am not sure myself.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Girl About Town reported today that it’s Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch and that he was born on June 1st, which is the date that was leaked back in mid-June when the birth was announced.

      • noneyadambus says:

        It’s a very fortuitous date, that. Not too early. Not too late. Heard he didn’t do Stage door. That’s a good thing, ’cause he was looking a bit peaked. Said he had to get home to see his son. He hadn’t seen him all week. He must be so tired he can’t see straight! 😉

    • j says:

      i like it!

      i was surprised they kept it hidden for so long, good job there. the press usually check registers once the reg period has passed tho