Nicki Minaj in Labourjoisie at the 2015 VMAs: stunning or showgirl-fug?


Here are some photos of Nicki Minaj on the red carpet at last night’s 2015 VMAs. Minaj wore this gold Labourjoisie gown which… it’s okay from the front. It’s INSANE from the back. I guess I’ve sort of gotten used to the way Minaj shows off her body. Minaj also showed off some new (or new-ish?) bangs, which I surprisingly did not hate. Y’all know my strong feelings about bangs and bangs trauma, but it seems like Nicki kind of looks good with bangs.

As Bedhead and I covered earlier, Minaj was all over the place during the VMAs. First, Minaj officially “made up” with Taylor Swift following their beef last month. Tay-Tay performed during Minaj’s opening:

And that could have been it. Except Minaj won an award and threw it to Miley. Miley talked some sh-t about Minaj last week. So Minaj reacted. Bedhead wondered if Miley knew that Minaj would call her out. I think Miley was genuinely startled that Minaj called her out in the middle of the VMAs, honestly. And I don’t think Minaj was playing either, and Miley’s half-assed non-apology doesn’t cut it. I also think MTV cut Minaj’s mic, which is really NOT COOL. MTV was basically begging for some kind of beef and when they got it, they half-assed it. Update: A source tells EW that the beef was real and not rehearsed!

Who won? Minaj, hands down. Miley sucked SO HARD last night.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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43 Responses to “Nicki Minaj in Labourjoisie at the 2015 VMAs: stunning or showgirl-fug?”

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  1. word says:

    I think that was all fake and scripted. I bet Miley and Nicki have a song coming out together lol.

    • LB says:

      I thought so too until I saw Miley’s shook reaction right as Nicki called her out (there’s video of it somewhere). Miley is a terrible actress and she looked legit scared.

      Nicki’s smile was also the smile I get before I’m about to argue with someone and know I’ll win. It’s a smug smile.

  2. Shambles says:

    I was with Nicki on the Miley thread, and I still am. So what I’m about to say doesn’t negate that fact. But seriously…

    THAT ASS. That’s a Khloe Kardashian original. All beef aside, I do not think a woman with a plastic booty should be the one to carry the message of body positivity. It does grate on me a bit that she complained about “skinny” girls getting the noms when she manufactured her own figure.

    • nora says:

      Is her butt not real? Her body is amazing but then her @ss seems so disproportionately large on what is otherwise a pretty small frame.

      • Zip says:

        Google her. Her body was much slimmer before she got that fake ass and tits. She was a skinny girl. It’s ridiculous.

    • Sarah says:

      That’s a good point about the manufactured vs. skinny. Hmmm…I hadn’t thought of it that way. I don’t think Nicki would be a “skinny girl” just because her frame doesn’t fit. But you are right about the butt and all of it.

    • bellenola says:

      THAT ASS …looks so uncomfortable.

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:

      You tell no lies. I agree with everything you said. That’s a really interesting topic to explore though, whether or not women who’ve bought their curves have a right to cry discrimination when they feel like they’re outcast in favor of skinny women.

      There are pics all over the Internet of Nicki pre-plastic surgery and she was actually a skinny girl before the breast and butt implants.

    • Jonathan says:

      Exactly- Fake Ass literally has the hide to whine about other people’s bodies? Please.

    • Emily C. says:

      Whether it’s natural or manufactured, her body is basically considered the ideal for women in our culture. Big boobs and butt, tiny little waist. So it’s great that she wants to represent more body types, but pretending her type isn’t appreciated… maybe not by the fashion industry, but everywhere else her body type is considered that against which all other women are measured.

    • Josefa says:

      Anything political Nicki says must not be taken seriously, even if she’s actually making good points. Her actions just dont hold up to her words. If she gave two sh*ts about body acceptance and cared about girls feeling bad about their bodies, she’d now better than to write lyrics such as “f*ck this skinny bitches, f*ck the skinny bitches in the club”.

      • rlh says:

        Thank you!!! Why don’t more people see this? Makes me nuts because EVERYTHING about her is completely manufactured.

    • Santia says:

      Everything about Nicki is fake now – breasts, butt, nose. It’s great that she wants to “represent” for the brown girls, but everything she has, she got from a surgeon.

      • Original T.C. says:

        True and the plastic butt made her famous because it has a cartoonish roundness to it which fit in with her Black Barbie stick and made her famous. The nose is too pointy for her delicate face.

        I do like the dress though and I’m on team Nicki for calling out Miley.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      I still think people can speak on these kinds of body-related issues even if everything isn’t 100% their own, as long as they’re not preaching about how people need to be all natural while lying about their own surgery- which I haven’t seen Nicki do.

  3. Tifygodess24 says:

    I thought Nicki looked beautiful last night! And I just can’t get past Nickis smile to think that wasn’t a set up plus Miley’s fast response that perfectly fit the situation made me think it even more. That was a “haha smile” not a yeah “I got you girl” smile. They both know how to act so I put nothing past MTV. I did feel some shade to Taylor during her speech which had me cracking up. I like Nicki

  4. MrsBPitt says:

    Nicki’s dress is the same designer that did Britney’s….what’s his name? Labaddesigner?

  5. Beth No. 2 says:

    Between this and the Britney outfit, is the dress code for the evening to look as naked and as tacky as possible? Fug.

  6. littlemissnaughty says:

    She looked gorgeous from the neck up but that dress … when are these dresses going to die?

  7. Tig says:

    And the fact she could barely move in it? She couldn’t even manage getting to the stage-I thought Rebel Wilson was going to pick her up at one point. The beading is nice.

  8. Kate says:

    Jeez, I knew she bought herself a ass, but when did she go back and get it super sized? Are she and Khloe Kardashian in some kind of ass race? She looks ridiculous here, just as bad as the Kardashians.

    • teatimeiscoming says:

      not the arms race, but the @ss race

    • Pandy says:

      I was just thinking the same thing – she must have enlarged it – it’s got it’s own postal code now!! Don’t like the dress either. And re some other postings – I don’t think you have the right to call discrimination when you’ve purchased your body. And I have purchased parts of my body (full disclosure).

  9. serena says:

    Yep Nicki owned it!
    By the way her dress seems out of JLo’s closet, lol.

  10. MonicaQ says:

    I thought Mark Henry’s theme by Three Six Mafia was about to start playing. “Somebody bout to get they @ss whipped! Somebdoy bout to get they wig split!”

  11. Wooley says:

    Was Taylor’s mic even on? Nicki is the worst lip sync-er.

  12. Shelley says:

    So beautiful. That dress could only have been pulled off by that body.

  13. Emily C. says:

    I am so tired of sheers. And plunging necklines. Boring.

  14. CCinkissimmee says:

    I thought Nicki was serving Fierce face last night, but that gown and donkey butt has to go. She should holler at Tom Brady and get that deflated a lil.

  15. Esteph says:

    I’m so over Nicki.

    Sure she was miffed by Miley, but girl get over it!

    I think that Miley should have just shut up about it, but really in the end they should both be quiet

  16. Mimz says:

    Although Nicki’s ass is fake, along with Kim’s, Khloe’s and ______ (please throw in names), I have to say that it’s hilarious to see so many people trying to achieve the HUGE ass look, which is so easily found/seen (natural), like that or even bigger, on my side of the world.
    Seriously. I don’t have one like that, but I cannot imagine having an ass that big. IT’s … a lot. I don’t really understand why someone would want something so huge.
    On video her dress looked nice. And her makeup is always on point. And the diss was real. It was planned by Nicki, no doubt.
    She wouldnt call Tay-tay out like that because she would be attacked by TS crazy fandom, but Miley is an easy target.

  17. Otaku Fairy says:

    I thought she had the best dress of the night.

  18. masy says:

    Ugh. I thought she was more classier than this.

    • rlh says:

      When has she EVER behaved classy? I cannot think of a single time she displayed real class and grace. She is a bully and she has proven it time and time again. Why no one ever calls her on it is beyond me.

  19. Jessiebes says:

    Personally I think she looked stunning, her face is especially beautiful. Her fake bottom does rather distract rather than enhance her look at this stage.

    What I don’t understand is how these nominations work. You can be nominated for best hip hop, best female, best male etc, videos. Yet that doesn’t automatically transfer to best video of the year.

  20. Jane says:

    Ugh. Nicki is right about a lot of her points but when she does that, it just negates it for me. She’s shown that she can be articulate and thoughtful but calling her out like that – I don’t know, it just seems pretty low brow.

  21. rlh says:

    Nicki Minaj is a classless mess. The body is fake, the look in her eyes is vacant/vapid, the performance was DISGUSTING with all the simulated sex and taking her anger out and unwrapping it on TV was the exact opposite of grace and class. She acted like she was on a street corner about to throw down. Anyone remember when she was on American Idol with Mariah Carey? Mariah got extra security because of Minaj and her “tough girl” act. And after seeing her behave like this on INTERNATIONAL TV, I can’t say I blame Mariah. How does a woman in her 30s act like a school yard bully? No shame, no class, that’s how.
    I have never liked her and, if possible, I like her less now. UGH! MTV was right to cut her mike. Keep that nonsense on Twitter where it belongs with all the other trash. It actually makes me sad that she has the fame she has. I cannot wait for her to fade.