‘Bombshell’ McGee: Ashley Madison communicated with men through fake accts


Now here’s a name I haven’t thought about for awhile. Remember Michelle McKee? She calls herself “Bombshell” and is most famous as one of the many other women in Jesse James’ bed while he was married to Sandra Bullock. Bombshell later sold her story for $30,000, and we heard all about her white supremacist beliefs. Then Bombshell sort of apologized to promote her nightclub tour, and she spilled her racism on Howard Stern’s show. She appeared to have reached her stuntqueening apex by joining Charlie Sheen’s entourage for a brief time.

Now we know what she’s been doing lately. Bombshell will give a Wednesday Inside Edition interview where she outs Ashley Madison for its fake profiles. She was a spokesmodel for the company, meaning they used her name and likeness. In exchange for a probably ungodly amount of money, Bombshell’s profile was one of the fake women on the website:

Inside Edition talks exclusively with former Ashley Madison spokesmodel Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, who is speaking out against the cheating website. McGee first made headlines in 2010 when she revealed that she had an affair with Sandra Bullock’s then husband, Jesse James. Shortly thereafter, she says she was hired by Ashley Madison to represent them and set up an account.

McGee [says] she filled out a profile using her real name and image, but said she never logged back in. She said she was later surprised when strangers approached her and said they had spoken to her online. “I feel like they used my profile to lure people,” McGee says. “I think they’re scam artists. I think they’re shady, they’re snakes. I think they’re dishonest people all around – to the people they con to join the website and to the customers on the website.”

McGee believes Ashley Madison uses fake profiles like hers because she claims women do not genuinely use the service. “I think there are actually women on there,” McGee says, “But the real women are scam artists or porn girls looking to generate more income to their website. But almost all of them are fake profiles that Ashley Madison paid to make, that they control.”

[From Inside Edition]

Bombshell says she created the profile, and that was it. Someone else took over to monitor and communicate with users. She says Ashley Madison asked her to recruit friends for the same thing. Well, we know by now that most of the female profiles were actually chatbots, which isn’t exclusive to Ashley Madison. I’ve had male friends say they run into this problem on all sorts of websites, even “innocuous” ones like Match.com. Profiles lead to websites, which lead to porn and a direction to pay up for access that never happens.

Bombshell is at least a week late to this Ashley Madison party. The last big news on the scandal involved Josh Duggar’s gross ways in the bedroom. Sure, Bombshell is telling the truth about all the fake profiles, but she’s also looking for some press for herself. She also asks women not to be mad at their husbands because, “People have zero affairs on Ashley Madison.” As if that helps all the women who found their husbands’ names in the database, right? Go away, Bombshell.


Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee

Photos courtesy of WENN

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59 Responses to “‘Bombshell’ McGee: Ashley Madison communicated with men through fake accts”

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  1. CCinkissimmee says:

    Bombshell? Yeah, ok.

    • nic says:

      You mean you’re not blown away by a declared racist with the words “Trophy Girl” emblazoned above her midriff, wearing a tattered “whore” t-shirt!?!??? *sniffs brandy class* There’s no accounting for taste.

  2. Nikki L. says:

    I’m not sure I can take anyone seriously with the “would you like fries with that” forehead tattoo.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Call me basic, but me, too.

    • michkabibbles says:

      I’m an idiot-I actually thought you meant that her forehead tattoo literally said ‘would you like fries with that’, and I had to scroll up to double check.

      it is early.

    • jugstorecowboy says:

      That forehead tattoo! I never knew I could dislike something more than neck tattoos or eyebrow rings. Nast.

      • TrixC says:

        I wonder if she regrets the forehead tattoo? In these photos she seems to be looking for ways to cover it up.

    • jwoolman says:

      Actually, if you step back from it and look at the overall effect of all the tattoos and the colors, it is rather nice. I cringe at the thought of a single needle myself…. But generally there’s an interesting story behind any tattoo other than those acquired entirely in a drunken/drugged state (when decision making skills are not optimum). So it’s usually meaningful art for the person who has them, just art that they carry around with them. I do wonder what happens as the person ages, body shape changes, and skin renews itself many times over (I think the cycle is about 7 years). Maybe the ink goes deep enough to allow for that?

      I can’t read the words on her skin much, so don’t know if she has some obnoxious words there. But it seems to suit her somehow and isn’t ugly in general appearance. Just unusual in our culture, although there are others where extensive tattoos are not so uncommon.

      • Crumpet says:

        I agree. The forehead tattoo is done in colors that really bring out her eyes. Personally, I would use eye makeup for that, but to each his own.

      • Tessy says:

        I was told that the lines actually get thicker through the years, which is why they don’t do eyebrows with permanent ink. You’d wind up with great wide mustaches across your forehead.

        And a nurse told me that people with extensive tattoos actually stink because their skin can’t breathe anymore. Another problem with tattoos is that they have difficulty getting an IV if you should need one.

        I hope this fad along with all the the weird piercings disappears soon. It all really makes me queasy.

      • Tara says:

        Yeah I kind of like the effect too. I don’t like her but enjoy the overall aesthetic of her tattoos.

  3. Senaber says:

    I feel like forehead tattoos always lead to regret… And bangs.

    • Shambles says:

      And she has… A leopard print… Half-sleeve. On a scale from one to even, I can’t.

    • I Choose Me says:

      True. I mean why your forehead of all places? I love tats when they’re done well but I see so many bad or confusing ink jobs that I have to wonder if some people just get addicted then start tattooing random sh*t on themselves.

      • Boston Green Eyes says:

        I like one or two strategically placed tattoos on people but too many seems like a trip to “Destination Regret.” Plus, tattoos fade over time and can make the wearer, if they don’t “freshen it up”, look old.

      • Aussie girl says:

        Actually she is perfect for Josh Duggar. She has, pray for sinners on her forehead. That is no joke, it says that.

    • doofus says:


  4. Detritus says:

    Her forehead tattoo makes me sad.

    Not sure if wanting to cheat so badly you’ll pay for a website to connect to other cheaters is huge steps better than actually cheating…

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      I’m with you. If my husband told me he was so desperate to cheat that he paid for it and was only unsuccessful because he got scammed…well, let’s just say I wouldn’t exactly be comforted. Come to think of it, that might actually anger me more. Actively seeking affairs, paying for it, AND being stupid enough to get ripped off? I might pull something in my sprint to the divorce attorney’s.

    • Emily C. says:

      I would be more angry with my husband if he did that than if he found an actual real-life woman to cheat with, no money involved, they were just into each other. Not that I’d be okay with the latter, but the former? Not only do you want to cheat, but you want to do it with randoms and waste our money for it? And you’re stupid enough to sign up for a website to do it?

      Tbh the stupidity would make me dump him faster than the cheating would.

  5. Nancy says:

    Bombshell……e gads I was waiting for Nancy Grace to fly through my kitchen…….

  6. NewWester says:

    In the main photo does that tank top( ripped t-shirt) am I seeing say the words ” filthy wh**e” printed on it? That is gross

  7. paola says:

    more like dumbshell I’d say.

  8. daisyfly says:

    Some things are better left unsaid.

    Like everything she ever has to say.

  9. Kylie says:

    What a waste of money. Her POV is not needed. Besides Gizmodo has already effectively gone into how Ashley Madison was scamming men. They should have interviewed those reporters instead. It would have been better than giving this racist more attention and money.

    • DogMom says:

      The Gizmodo article was brilliant. And all I can talk about.

    • Merritt says:

      Yes, Gizmodo’s series has been the most interesting thing about the hacking. After years of people hand wringing about Ashley Madison, it was all just a big scam. I’m not really surprised that few women signed up. Women who have affairs, typically don’t go about them in this manner.

  10. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Disgusting woman.

  11. grabbyhands says:

    A. I can’t believe this trick is still getting press (A1. I can’t believe I read this and am now commenting on it)

    B. You’re promoting a website that glorifies and enables cheating-what did you think they were going to do with your profile? And frankly, as someone who has proven that they don’t have a problem getting involved with cheaters, her faux outrage is sickening.

    • Esteph says:

      @grabbyhands you’ve taken the words out of my mouth. And now I can’t believe I’m commenting on this comment through this post *the horror!*

    • jwoolman says:

      I don’t hear outrage in her comments, she seems to just be relaying her personal experience with it. They paid her to let them set up an account with her image and name and then managed the account themselves. She’s just pointing out that she herself was not the one responding to any guy who contacted her account, which is added to the pile of evidence that the site was charging guys for communication with staff rather than any real female participant on the site. So yes, the cheater hopefuls were scammed.

  12. CidySmiley says:

    She makes me want to bathe. That is all.

  13. Andrea says:

    I really can’t get passed all of her tattoos . . .why would anyone do that? i mean she’s going to die in that body . . . think about that. What would it look like if she got pregnant? What is tattooed on her forehead?

    • Hollz says:

      Not everyone wants to /can get pregnant.
      …and what am I supposed to think about her dying in that body for? Why does that matter?

      I can’t stand this woman, but her tattoos (as trashy as some of them are) should not be the focus when considering why she’s despicable.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I think tattooing “trophy girl” on your own stomach is pretty sad and demeaning, not to mention short sighted. It adds to the many reasons I find her despicable. Wearing a “filthy whore” crop top doesn’t help. Being a cheater and pretending outrage at cheaters doesn’t help. But I think her tattoos are part of the whole picture of a pretty pathetic person. Not that she has them, though I find them hideous, but what she chose to permanently stamp on herself.

    • jugstorecowboy says:

      Even worse, I think I remember that she has a couple of kids. Imagine being a teenager with your mom looking like that.

  14. Jonathan says:

    I actually think she looks beautiful. Love her tattoos, they’re very pretty- although I’m unsure I like “Trophy Girl” on her stomach.

  15. Hollz says:

    I just can’t with this woman. So so so sooo trashy. And I’m not talking about the tattoos (I have 7 and I love them…though some of hers are…questionable)

  16. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    The best recent bombshell to come out of the Ashley Maddison data release was the emails from executives casually wondering if they should hack into a different dating site and blackmail the owners.

    Seriously, everyone outside of work/curiousity/or checking on their spouse associated with that website is scum.

  17. Cinderella says:

    Did she ever think how all of that body art will look after 50? No trophy there.

  18. kri says:

    i would spray her with something if she came near me. And then I would give her some Gatorade to help with that serious dehydration she’s suffering from.

  19. Kate says:

    Such a tasteful and demure specimen of fair womanhood.

    • Emily C. says:

      Women don’t have to be “demure.” Or fair or modest or whatever. I don’t like her tattoos, but it’s her body, she can do what she likes with it. And I don’t particularly care that she helped a man cheat — someone like Jesse James was gonna cheat one way or another.

      She’s racist and a generally horrible person, but that’s got nothing to do with her tattoos.

  20. chaine says:

    I so wish that her “bombshell” news was that she met Josh Duggar through the site and had an affair with him.

  21. holly hobby says:

    Boy she’s starting to look like she came out a circus. I wonder if she will regret it when she’s 80 and all wrinkly and saggy.

  22. iheartgossip says:

    A) Don’t know who she is. B) Don’t care. C) what is wrong with her forehead and neck. She should see a doc, and quick!

  23. Sea Dragon says:

    She’s classy…said no one ever.

  24. Katie says:

    That’s one classy broad.

  25. wolf88 says:

    in the last pix ….for like a nano second she’s looked like Trace Cyrus.