Just how scary is too scary?

The Sun is reporting that Spice Girl Melanie Brown has quite the voracious sex drive. I’m sure they’re ones to know.

“I’ve been covering the Spice Girls since they burst on to the scene with Wannabe in 1996 and during that entire time I can’t remember Melanie NOT having a boyfriend. She is a real maneater — it is as if she is addicted to men and sex and she always had to have a boyfriend. Sometimes they even overlapped.”

[From The Sun]

Well if that’s what it takes to be addicted to sex, then I know about 30 people that would fit right in. Lots of people think they have to be in a relationship and can’t be alone.

The article does mention that Mel slept with Peter Andre, now dating Jordan, or the low rent Victoria Beckham. That’s got to hurt.

I wonder if this supposed “bad” behavior is what Eddie Murphy was referring to when he said it was presumptious of that reporter to assume Mel’s baby was his? Nah, something tells me that he would have been a jerk regardless. He clearly never had a leg to stand on.

From some of the remarks meant to show her wild, uncontrolled sexuality, what really emerges is an impulsive and probably immature person.


“Whether it was jumping into bed with different men or buying daft, extravagant gifts — usually for herself — Mel was always a spur-of-the-moment girl.

When she got together with Murphy she tattooed his name on her body — and she’d only been with him a few weeks.

What Mel really, really wanted was to have a rock ’n’ roll lifestyle.

She spent so much money in the course of doing it that she now has very little left of the millions the girls all earned. Mel bought a huge house in the country which she had decorated with garish leopardskin [sic].

The matching his ’n’ hers leopard-print toilets were so ghastly they put potential buyers off buying the place.”

[From The Sun]

Boy I feel sorry for her daughter. Eddie Murphy for a father… who accused you of not being his, and someone who voluntarily labeled herself scary and tied her hair into horns for a mother.

Pictures of Mel in her bikini are from Spring, 2006.

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