Ariana Grande: ‘My Kabbalah teacher, Ruthie, tells me I’m a very old soul’


Now that Ariana Grande’s donut-licking, America-hating incident is safely behind her, she’s back to publicly insisting that she is never, ever a diva. Ha! While I think some of the stories about her diva ‘tude might have been exaggerated, I really have to say that I believe Ariana has a terrible attitude, that she’s constantly mouthing off and that she might benefit from some media-training skills. There are simply too many stories – plus that donut video – about her rotten attitude and crappy personality. Still, Ariana tries to make us believe. Some highlights from Ariana’s V Magazine interview:

Being told she feels like an old soul: “I take that as a compliment. I do feel like I’m an old soul. I don’t know why. My Kabbalah teacher, Ruthie, also tells me I’m a very old soul. So I believe it. I’ve been around the block.”

Whether she’s really a diva: “It’s sort of the media’s job to make things up in order to keep their audience interested. In a way, I kind of understand them. But I don’t really look at the Internet anymore. The only reason I go on is to post things for my fans. I don’t read anything anymore because I came to an understanding that, okay, sometimes these people are going to say nice things, and sometimes they’re going to say fake things because they need to keep their readers curious and interested.”

Her love for the LGBTQ community: “I mean, here’s the thing: I wasn’t raised in a household where it was considered abnormal to be gay. So for me to meet people who use the word “fa–ot” as an insult, with a derogatory meaning, I can’t take it. I don’t understand it. It’s so foreign to me. I was raised in a household where being gay was like, the most normal thing. You know, my brother is gay, all of my best friends are gay. When my brother came out of the closet, it wasn’t a big deal for my family…It’s outrageous to me when I see people hate on someone because of their sexuality. I hate the intolerance. I hate the judgment. I hate it so much. Most of my favorite people in my life are gay. It’s something I’m super passionate about, because whenever I would see my friends get bullied, or my brother get hurt for his sexuality, I would become a raging lunatic. I would literally become a raging lunatic because I just can’t take it. When you see someone you love hurting, for such a superficial, bullsh-t reason, it’s like, how small and spiritually unenlightened and dumb as f–k can a person be? How much further can your head get up your ass that you’re actually judging someone as a person based on their sexuality before you even have a conversation with them?

She loves Madonna: “I love Madonna. I met her a few times and she was so overwhelmingly kind and sweet, and down to earth, and motherly. She’s very, very maternal. I practice Kabbalah as well, so that was one of the first things she mentioned, because I had my Zohar in my pocket. She may have noticed, maybe not, but she brought it up. And we danced together at her Oscar party. That’s all I can ever ask for. She inspires me endlessly. I’m so inspired by her fearlessness…Like, this is me, and if you don’t like it, go f–k yourself.”

Using her sexuality in her career: “Some days I feel more comfortable using sexuality in my work, and then some days I feel like being a little more reserved. I think that’s why I’m in the middle of this whole conversation of, what is she? Is she a good girl or is she a bad girl? I think that I’m both. I don’t need to be either. I don’t need to be a pop princess who is America’s sweetheart or the next rebellious, wild, young thing. I don’t need to pick or choose. I can show skin and swear like a sailor but also be a good role model. I think that I’m a good person. I don’t think cursing makes you a bad person. I don’t think showing skin or kissing boys makes you a bad person. I don’t think that expressing sexuality makes you a bad person at all. I don’t think that’s bad…I think it’s great! We need to encourage each other to do what we want and not let it totally define us. You know? The things that people think define them aren’t valid either.

[From V Magazine]

I actually found myself agreeing with her about whether or not using her sexuality defines her as an artist or whether she’s selling a certain image. While I think it’s creepy to see someone so young-looking performing in lingerie-inspired looks, her attitude on this subject is on-point. As for her insistance that she doesn’t go on the internet and all the stories about her diva antics are completely false… yeah right, donut-licker.


Photos courtesy of Alfredo Flores/V Magazine and WENN.

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53 Responses to “Ariana Grande: ‘My Kabbalah teacher, Ruthie, tells me I’m a very old soul’”

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  1. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    Are you sure he didn’t say you’re an asshole?

  2. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Pay me enough and I’ll tell you you’re the Lord Jesus Christ

  3. NewWester says:

    I would not consider her a diva, spoiled brat yes, but not a diva. Also to be considered a diva you should have the talent to back it up ( Maria Callas, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey to name a few) Those woman have the talent and the years of hard work. They earned the title of diva! Plus being a diva does not mean being a bitch to your fans or bad behaviour. Maybe in a few years and when she gets some maturity, plus puts out good work( no more donut licking) she will have earned the title diva

    • Grant says:

      Ariana has plenty of talent. She’s probably got the best voice out of any of her contemporaries by a mile.

      • JaneS says:

        And she licks donuts Grant. A beautiful voice doesn’t compensate for a really sh*tty attitude.

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        I was pretty impressed with her in her recent Jimmy Fallon stint, but yeah, the donut licking is still a thing

  4. embertine says:

    I am running our of new ways to say “I JUST CAN’T WITH THIS TRICK”. To the thesaurus!

  5. mkyarwood says:

    I’ll bet.

  6. Janis says:

    Can she not close her mouth? Ugh. She sure thinks highly of herself, doesn’t she?

    • Esteph says:

      I think the same thing too…what is it about taking pictures with your mouth open? The first thing that comes to mind is mouth breather

  7. Illyra says:

    I think I just sprained my eyes from rolling them so hard.

  8. danielle says:

    I feel sorry for Ruthie.

    • Ankhel says:

      Don’t. My ( entirely prejudiced) opinion is that dear Ruthie must be a hardened hustler if she can say such things with a straight face. Old soul, ha! Only if you count former incarnations as poo-slinging chimps.

  9. kai says:

    Must be nice to live in a world where people’s opinions of you are either “nice” or “fake”.

    I also always love it when someone preaches compassion by insulting people.

  10. Sea Dragon says:

    Bratty little girl thinks she’s an old soul. Ha. Joke’s on her.

  11. Ms. D says:

    Doesn’t she realize that old soul usually goes along with more mature than your peers? I am amazed she is in her mid 20s by the way she acts. I like how she justifies her behavior by the media making things up. Girl, please. That’s right. Somebody in the media used their precious time digitally concocting a video of you putting your bodily fluids on food products that others would buy and ingest. All just to bring Ariana dooooown! Mission accomplished.

  12. SaigeLeMason says:

    ….. Did her teacher say this before or after she straight up slimered the donuts? 😐

  13. Aila says:

    I just can’t stand this bratty, self-absorbed try-hard. Grow up, Ariana.

  14. Ninks says:

    I know it’s wrong to judge somebody based on their ponytail, but I do.

    • anotherrandom says:

      Why does she always have the same hairstyle?? I know what she said before but that was like 2 years ago! Her hair has to have grown out by now. At least enough to stop wearing the same style day in, day out.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        …and she can afford to have her hair styled daily!!!!! I don’t get it! That fake ponytail is ratchet.

  15. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She’s an old soul? Someone with special wisdom for her age? Oh, Ruthie, you should have told me to wear my boots to wade through this horse sh&t.

  16. Mrs. Wellen-Mellon says:

    In the early stages of dementia, maybe? Exhibit A: donut licking

  17. kri says:

    Old souls don’t abuse donuts or people. Satanic Skipper Doll needs to slither back into her Left Side Demon Dollhouse and stop talking about Kabbalah. Horrifying brat.

  18. boredblond says:

    Too bad she hasn’t met Shirley McCLain–then she’d have a more interesting story of her prior life, as Cleopatra

  19. saywhatwhen says:

    Think she meant old sole, dearest. As in the bottom of a million dirty shoes.

  20. sketches says:

    That sentence may be one of the funniest every uttered. I’m going to start declaring this wherever I go.

  21. Sushiroll says:

    If by old soul you mean “ancient demon trapped in the body of singing asshole” then yes, definitely.

  22. Decorative Item says:

    You can tell she’s an old soul because of the puffy poof earrings she’s wearing.

  23. FingerBinger says:

    She’s wants everybody to know she studies kabbalah. Bless her heart.

  24. trishy says:

    Ruthie knows who signs her paychecks.

  25. ttttt says:

    Isn’t that what they always say. I mean have you ever heard anyone who has been called a “young soul”. Really annoyed by this chick and how she demands to be photographed from one side of her face bc her eyes are so close set together. Eat a donut and shut it

  26. Elosaurus says:

    Oh honey, Ruthie will say anything if you give her loads of cash.

  27. jc126 says:

    She echoes the words of another wise old soul, Dick Cheney, with that, “go f–k yourself”.
    And really, as this wise old soul says, just how far up one’s own ass can one’s head be? These are questions for the ages.

  28. ol cranky says:

    Dear Vapid Celebrities:

    Please stop “studying” Kabalah and talking about how you “practice” it. There are enough people who hate us Jews as it is and we don’t need you to give them even more reason to do so.



  29. Elisha says:

    Translation: a hanger on/enabler tells Ariana Grande what she wants to hear.

  30. Emily C. says:

    So she’s a member of the Hollywood Kabbalah cult. Well, that explains a lot.

    The Kabbalah cult has as much to do with actual Judaism as Scientology does with actual science. It’s the same New Age bull. One of its leaders said that Jews were killed during the Holocaust because they had not properly studied the Kabbalah. It’s a disgusting organization.