Cele|bitchy | Jessica Alba forgives Playboy

Jessica Alba forgives Playboy

Jessica Alba has forgiven Hugh Hefner for putting her on the cover of Playboy in a bikini without her permission. Alba was said to be embarassed by the issue, which seemed to suggest that she would be found naked inside. She threatened legal action and asked for the issue to be retracted, but a kind letter from Hefner convinced her to change her mind:

In his letter to Alba, Hefner apologized for “any distress unintentionally caused by the publication of your photo” on the March cover.

“What was intended as a tribute to your tremendous popularity has been misinterpreted by some as something else for which we are truly sorry since we are among your biggest fans,” Hefner said.

“In light of Mr. Hefner’s personal apology for Playboy’s unauthorized use of my photo on their cover, I have decided to discontinue my claims against them,” Alba, 24, said in a written statement.

“This was never about money, it was about setting the record straight about something that was done without my knowledge or consent,” she added.

Alba’s lawyers were said to be in talks with representatives from Playboy, but have ultimately decided to avoid costly and time consuming legal action. It seems like Alba just wanted to make a point, and it has been well taken.

Alba has a different beef with MTV, which staged a kiss with the hot actress with an aggressive chimpanzee for a clip that aired during the MTV Movie Awards. Alba says the chimp stuck its tongue in her mouth and bared its teeth at her:

She explained: “It was awful. All of a sudden there was a monkey in my arms and I had to do a clip for ‘most romantic moment’ award at the MTV movie awards. So the monkey’s in my arms and I’m supposed to give her a peck. She opened her mouth and her tongue is scraping against my teeth. Monkeys’ teeth are really long, kind of like a snake.

“Then I had to do it again and she grabbed both of my ears and screamed in my face and showed me all of her teeth. I thought she was going to bite my face off. I think monkeys should be left in trees.”

Surely any human would have been pleased to take over for the reluctant chimp.

Here is Alba with her boyfriend, Cash Warren, taking out the trash. Hollywood Tuna points out that she’s wearing a T-Shirt with his name on it, and that Cash is more than happy to let her do the heavy lifting.

Four more after the jump.

Pictures [via]

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