“Khal Drogo met up with his Khaleesi in Paris & it was beautiful” links

Khal Drogo & his Khaleesi reunited in Paris this weekend & it was glorious. My moon and stars, both of them!!! [Pajiba]
Hereā€™s the first image from Bridget Jones 3. [Uproxx]
Joe Biden was amazing at the HRC dinner, of course. [OMG Blog]
Justin Bieber is totally, 100% sober you guys. For real sober, bruh. [Dlisted]
Lupita Nyongā€™o looks absolutely amazing here. [LaineyGossip]
Prince Harry looks so hot in this white polo. [Go Fug Yourself]
Gigi Hadid & Kendall Jenner hung out in Paris. [Moe Jackson]
I love Rihannaā€™s nightgown/dress. [The Blemish]
Nick Jonas talks about his thing with Kate Hudson. [A Socialite Life]
Trevor Noah does a lightning-round interview. [Buzzfeed]
Aston Martins worth $37 million were destroyed during Spectre. Yikes. [Wonderwall]
Brooklyn Decker & Andy Roddick welcomed a baby boy. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]

khal drogo


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30 Responses to ““Khal Drogo met up with his Khaleesi in Paris & it was beautiful” links”

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  1. stinky says:

    uh … .. . .that’s a lot of fun-havin.
    me no likey.
    Lisa gon’ cut a beech.

    • Abbott says:

      Yep. His captions were interesting….

    • Mayamae says:

      This guy is always laughing and smiling. It must have killed him to do the Drogo tough man act.

    • Jess says:

      Nah, I think he’s just a passionate man and it can come off flirty sometimes, plus he knows how much the fans loved the two of them together! I hope that’s all it is anyway, he’s such a beautiful man it would be a shame to have to hate for being a cheater, he posted pictures of Lisa in Paris so I’m sure she was with them!

    • doofus says:

      yeah, I know they were co stars and all, and they had sex scenes together, but…

      …if I were Lisa Bonet, I’d be side-eyeing, too.

      unless, of course, she’s there and she took the pics…

      • evermore says:

        YEAH! Loved them on GOT.

        I saw Lisa and Jason when I was catching a plane at LAX, he was sitting in the lounge area where everyone waits for their flights, She was standing between his legs facing out, so when people walked over to him to say hi, or even to her..to say hi…they had to go through her first… It was a cool move. I watched her in action , Lisa is a pro at handling fans, his fans and hers. She was definitely playing protective wife and Gatekeeper. She was very sweet to everyone and he was a doll, so kind to the fans. THEY ARE A Gorgeous couple Lisa and Jason wow in person just gorgeous. They looked like they truly adore each other.

    • SeĆ”n says:

      It’s absolutely possible for a man and woman to be close platonic friends. I think it’s very sad when people think otherwise. I’m a big GoT fan and Emilia has raved about his family in the audio commentary for the S2 finale. I think they’re just two goofballs who enjoyed working together.

      The cast seem to be very close with lots of strong male / female friendships like Lena Headey (Cersei) / Peter Dinklage (Tyrion); Michelle Fairley (Catelyn) / Richard Madden (Robb) and George R.R. Martin / Sibel Kekilli (Shae).

  2. Sarah01 says:

    He’s so beautiful in every way

  3. paola says:

    Lisa Bonet is one lucky bitch.

  4. Dhavynia says:

    He’s so hot.. Lucky Lisa
    @stinky, I don’t see it as a big deal, there are a lot of pics that Lenny Kravitz posts with Lisa that makes you wonder if dude is still in love with her

  5. Darkladi says:

    My Sun-and-Stars!!!!!! Mine!!!

  6. paola says:

    Rihanna wears some pretty shitty clothes but she makes them look fabulous. It’s one of those rare cases where a horrible pink badly cut Dior coat becomes a white canvas to serve Rihanna flawless face and the result is a masterpiece.

    This night gown looks something like a grandma’s ghost would wear but on her it’s just amazing. No wonder stylists pull their hair to have her, their clothes look like rag clothes on anybody else.

    • Mary says:

      Her styling is usually on point, too. I love how she’s wearing her hair down with this look.

  7. Jonesy says:

    Yeah, he’s gorgeous, but enough with the dirty, Smokey-the-Bear hat.

  8. COSquared says:

    Bridget Jones is still a thing?

  9. jeanpierre says:

    Aaa they are cute.
    I don’t like Rihanna’s dress at all but she pulls it off, as always.

  10. ria says:

    He is absolutley breathtaking, but his beard could loose a couple of inches.

  11. Elisabeth says:

    He is insanely hot. I don’t care about his god awful clothes & stupid hats.

  12. Leah says:

    He is sooooooo hot!

  13. Cyn says:

    What this site needs is not more cowbell. It is more Momoa!

  14. morc says:

    37M$ in luxury cars for a,movie that is going to one again disappoint with a one-dimensional boring Waltz as villain.

  15. MND says:

    I see he’s still getting his clothes from the WWE wardrobe.

  16. celtlady says:

    Lisa B is one lucky woman……first Lenny, then this beautiful man.
    Am I jealous! Completely!

    • Nibbi says:

      GOOD LORD his wife is the same woman who was married to Lenny Kravitz?!!

      just, wow… all that hotness … damn