Cele|bitchy | Anna Duggar sold the Arkansas house, took the kids & escaped to Florida

Anna Duggar sold the Arkansas house, took the kids & escaped to Florida


I’ve got some good news, I think. I actually heard a rumor about this several weeks back – some conservative news outlet claimed that Anna Duggar – pervert Josh Duggar’s poor wife – had moved out of Arkansas as soon as Josh checked himself into “rehab.” It sounded too good to be true. But as it turns out, it’s even BETTER. Anna sold the Arkansas house “immediately after Josh was caught cheating” and she hightailed it down to Florida to stay with her parents.

Anna Duggar is done — with Arkansas. As divorce talk heats up, In Touch magazine has exclusively learned that the troubled couple have sold their family home in Siloam Springs, Ark. According to documents obtained by In Touch, the five-bedroom home was sold to Duggar family friend and lawyer Travis Story on Aug. 24.

The timing of the house sale, which they purchased earlier this year, is telling — they sold immediately after Josh was caught cheating.

The sale was just five days after it was revealed that Josh was a member of cheating website Ashley Madison, and days later, In Touch broke the story that Josh slept with porn star and stripper Danica Dillon, who described their two sexual encounters — in March and April — as violent.

Anna and their four young children are currently with her parents in Florida, and while Josh is expected to get out of faith-based rehab in February, sources tell In Touch “Anna could be gone for good.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

Here’s what I’m praying for: that Anna drops a divorce filing on Josh the day he gets out of “rehab.” I really do hope that happens. I hope she moves to Florida or wherever and files for divorce and files any kind of lawsuit against the Duggars. I’m sure some lawyer somewhere can figure out what kind of civil case she has against them. While I’m happy Anna is far, far away from the Duggars, I do worry that her parents might be as bad as the Duggars – People Mag did a story about Anna’s parents where they sounded hyper-conservative and just as cult-like as the Duggars.


Photos courtesy of the Duggars’ social media.

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122 Responses to “Anna Duggar sold the Arkansas house, took the kids & escaped to Florida”

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  1. doofus says:

    it bothers me so much that she resembles his sisters.

    but…RUN ANNA RUN!

    • ldub says:

      I came her to say the exact SAME thing. EW!

    • Bettyrose says:

      Well, inbreeding, you know? But the women are all very photogenic, which of course is why these people are newsworthy to begin with. No beautiful ladies, no reality show.

      • jwoolman says:

        They haven’t been around as a distinct group long enough to be inbred… They just most likely share similar ethnicity, plus similar hairstyles, type of makeup/lack of makeup, certain clothing styles.

        Inbreeding is tossed around when it actually is rarely a problem. Brother/sister pairings are the most hazardous, followed by parent/child. Both those are quite rare. Once you get to cousins and even half-sibs, the risks usually are not that high compared with unrelated pairings. Second cousins might as well be unrelated, genetically speaking, and second/third cousin pairings are the most common “relative” pairings in very small communities.

    • Wentworth Miller says:

      Funny u say that, because, whenever I see her, I always assume that she’s one of them (sisters). If that isn’t creepy and disgusting, I don’t know what is.
      My next step after moving would be a name change.

      • BooBooLaRue says:

        then a good hair cut and some light makeup, followed by a style change

      • qwerty says:

        And therapy…

      • Liberty says:

        And a week with Helen Mirren as her mentor re how to live in this century and take no chuff — then a week’s course with Colin Firth on The Actual Modern Man: What He is Like. Followed by shoe shopping.

    • Darkladi says:

      Oh God! I just noticed!!!

      • Amy Tennant says:

        It’s even more evident in these pictures. I agree with Bettyrose, too, probably a lot of inbreeding in that environment. You only have so many “acceptable and pure” people to choose from and who would be suitable for courting.

      • Bettyrose says:

        With so many children in each family, all having multiple kids of their own, and the community being so sequestered, how does one even keep track of who is and isn’t a close cousin? In fact, unless they regularly recruit new members, they’re probably all pretty closely related.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      took the words right out of my head — ewwwwwwwwwww

  2. Saywhatwhen says:

    Fingers crossed that it is true that she is done with this Pilsbury Doughboy freak. The timing suggests that Anna knew the story was to come. Did In Touch alert her by asking for her comments ahead of breaking the story? Wish she was with her brother instead of her parents though.

    • Sabrine says:

      I wouldn’t say Anna is done with Josh. It could be just a place to stay for now and once Josh is out of his “rehab,” they’ll be back together again and add another 10 or so children to their brood. The only hope is that her parents finally realize that their daughter is married to a cheating pervert and will help her start a new life away from him.

      • Alana says:

        I believe that too. Of course Josh will be a ” new man” after he comes out of his fake rehab and she will get back with him. Her parents are supportive of her staying with him only her brother was against.

      • mary says:

        Alana, that’s how I remember the story. Maybe the parents had a change of heart. I hope so.

    • antipodean says:

      If she does file for divorce (and she should ASAP), she could cite fraud as a reason. It’s been done before, Renee Zellwegger, and would totally be appropriate in this case. She did not realise the piece of work she was being sold to.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I agree with this. The only thing I come away from with this news is that their in financial woes and sold the house. That is all….so far. I hope she does leave him, but I dont’ see it happening. Seems more like going to stay with her parents for financial support and to help with the kids until perv boy gets out.

      • Saywhatwhen says:

        Lord have mercy, you guys may be right. They probably sold the house because the address is now infamous. They probably convinced her that new house and new husband means new marriage and she is to be a newer, better, more dutiful wife. GAHHH!!!!!

  3. NewWester says:

    Is Josh still in rehab or is he in hiding? I bet more crap will hit the fan soon

    • belle de jour says:

      The first thing I feared was that Creepezoid was actually hiding or biding his time in Florida, and that they’d gone to be near him somewhere.

  4. Snazzy says:

    I really really want this to be true.
    And I want her to sue them and take them for whatever they have left so that she can quietly raise her four children in peace and away from those monsters.

    • Joaneu says:

      I was jumping for joy after seeing the headline and then not so much after hearing she’s with her folks. I’m not sure that’s healthy at all, although getting some physical distance was just necessary.
      I hope she can truly be free someday but it’s gonna be damn hard to break free. Maybe she just can’t handle it … look how she was raised. Think about what the poor girl lived through all those years married to Josh.

      • notasugarhere says:

        She has a brother and sister who have broken away from the extreme conservatism. We can hope they’ll be her guides and support, not her parents. The Duggar parents covered up child molestation. Reason enough for a sane judge to keep them away from their grandchildren?

        Edit, from below it appears she hasn’t left the Duggars.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Me, too, Joaneu. I actually said “Yay!! She did it!” But now I’m not so sure she got away.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        Same here. Let’s hope her freed brother and sister can get to and through to her.

      • kibbles says:

        This is the best celebrity news I’ve read this week. Yes, I hope her brother and sister get in touch with her and try to help her out, first by helping her secure a good divorce lawyer. Hope the not-to-crazy people in her life will help her out emotionally and financially until she can take the Duggars to the cleaners. I’m just glad that she has made the first move by getting herself and her children out of that house and away from the Duggar clan. Even if her parents are as crazy as the Duggars, they are still her parents. I think staying with them is much safer than staying with the Duggar family at this point.

    • Betti says:

      I hope so but JimBob and Michelle are not going to let those kids get away from them – if there is a divorce they will try and get custody and make sure that they are kept close to the family and raised the Duggar way.

      • Snazzy says:

        Do you think they could, with everything that has come out? Wouldn’t it be great if she could pull a Katie Holmes?

      • Betti says:

        I don’t know much about custody laws but they will try – Joshie boy has no hope in hell but Mommy and Daddy dearest have the money to try and buy it. I don’t know if grandparents can legally demand visitation.

      • Lara K says:

        Yeah not much chance getting more kids into the molestation house. I hope.

        I’m not worried about the Duggars, but I am worried about the parents.

        Is it wrong that i hope her parents are greedy so they help her sue the Duggars for all they are worth?

      • The Other Katherine says:

        No, grandparents have no custodial rights to court-agreed visitation in the event of divorce. If the parents are stripped of custody (e.g., due to abuse), then grandparents and other close blood relations have priority for fostering the children if they are willing to do so and are judged fit by Child Protective Services. (Anna and Josh both having the children removed from their custody seems incredibly unlikely.)

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        I don’t think they’d really have a leg to stand on, with the inappropriate response and enabling that this family has done with their pedophilic,, incestuous son.

      • Weren’t there recent photos of Anna’s kids at the Duggar house? I certainly hope the kids are with her. But what if they aren’t. How low would the Duggars stoop? Could they claim that Anna abandoned them in order to keep the kids with them?

      • Kelly says:

        I wouldn’t put it past JimBob and Michelle to sue for grandparents’ visitation rights if Anna does get full custody of the kids. I would think that any sane and reasonable judge would give her full custody considering what has come out about the Duggar home life. In an ideal situation, Josh and his parents would only be allowed very strictly supervised visitation if he gets any visitation rights at all. Considering that he’s a sex offender, he’d be lucky to get any visitation rights and same goes for the parents for enabling him.

        Grandparents’ visitation rights are a very real concept in the US. Some grandparents do play crucial roles in their grand children’s lives, especially those who have sons/daughters who aren’t the most responsible parents. I have aunts and uncles who probably never thought they’d be raising their grandkids because their own children had kids that they don’t want to raise. I don’t think that JimBob and Michelle are that altruistic – they just would want access to the kids to keep some measure of control over them and Anna, not to mention if they make a TV comeback. The grandkids would be the next generation of “talent”.

      • justme says:

        Here Is the unfortunate part about child custody. While you and I nay consider him a sex offender, due to the fact he was underage when he offended and was not even charged let alone convicted more than likely it would have little barring on custody. And these days being a cheating asshat does not affect how the court views you as a parent. So his wife may feel she had two options stay and be there for all times to keep them protected or leave and risk having a joint custody or maybe an even worse agreement which would give creepy dad alone time with the kids. There’s worse things then having to stay in a relationship to protect your kids.

  5. hmph says:

    I wonder if this “duggar” family is even real or if they are “reality” actors hired by television producers.

  6. Miss Glioss says:

    Gone Girl!

    • Thinker says:

      Praise Jesus!

      • saras says:

        Great for her and this gives me/ others hope that all overzealous religious types can break free from weird/ abusive situations regardless of the pressures of the group mentality: )

  7. GreenAcres says:

    Didn’t her parents want her to stay? Like they don’t believe in divorce or something?

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      Apparently their daughter is not the submissive woman that many thought

    • Wren says:

      That’s what I read but perhaps they’ve changed their minds. Maybe there was finally a breaking point where they realized that Josh has big problems and Anna can’t fix him. Understatement of the year I know, but these people have a strange mindset.

      We can only hope.

    • Marigold says:

      I think they subscribe to the idea that divorce is not an option, no matter what. Her brother, from what I gather, is not like that and has blasted Josh on social media. She should stay with her brother. Seemed like he would take her and the kids in.

  8. Shambles says:

    F*CK YEAH! YOU GO ANNA! This is exactly what I needed to see after the sadness of the Lamar situation.

  9. mj says:

    I really really hope this is true.

  10. Luca76 says:

    One can only hope her parents have seen the light and are supporting her leaving him for good. I’m sure she needs help with her kids. DTMF!

  11. yuck says:

    Sadly, though this would be the smart move, I doubt it is true. There are pictures posted almost daily by the Duggar machine of Anna’s youngest (still being breastfed) together with the greater Duggar family in Arkansas. And speculation is that the house “sale” to the family lawyer (actually an LLC) was for the purpose of protecting the asset from possible litigation against Josh (the non-family victim from years ago). The likelihood of this woman ever divorcing her Duggar hubby is infinitesimally small.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      ( sad face if it is true)

      • springingforward says:

        Unfortunately, it sounds like the most likely result based on what we know of the brainwashing of women in this cult.

      • cubfan34 says:

        She was at cousin Amy Duggars wedding a few weeks back. I doubt if she left also.

    • Jayna says:

      Yeah, the house sale so quickly made no sense. They were still together then and the news of the Ashley Madison thing too fresh. She had recently had a baby. It was sold to a family friend. Where would they live? It makes sense it was done for a different reason.

    • ncboudicca says:

      Yeah…I’m side-eyeing the house sale to the family lawyer…

    • Tash says:

      Agreed. It was sold to protect the family in the event of a lawsuit. I feel awful for Anna because I’m sure a lifetime of brainwashing can’t be undone overnight and certainly not without any help.

      Run Anna Run. You can do it. Help is out there.

      • Betti says:

        I’m willing to bet that the house wasn’t even owned by Anna and Josh but Creepy Bob. He controls everything in that family.

      • Josephine says:

        The court can look past that sale if it was an attempt to hide assets, which it sounds like it may be. Everything about these people is so immoral, and even criminal. Covering up child abuse, maybe hiding assets… The people who are still fans must have an extremely low IQ or think that being in that cult means being above the laws of the United States. There is no other way to explain it.

      • I agree, Josephine, that the Duggars seem to really believe that they are above the law. Which makes it even scarier that Jim Bob used to run for office.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Yeah, sadly I believe this is more likely. She’s deep in that cult and I don’t think she’ll get free anytime soon.

    • kcarp says:

      Ya I don’t buy this. I bet we will see a pic soon of one of the Duggar sisters holding the new baby and the kids playing with the whole Duggar crew.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      I’m hesitant to believe it’s really true, tho’ I wish that it was. Her parents sound like the kind to encourage her to forgive and stay with her pervert husband. We need more proof that she’s really gotten away from him and is going to divorce him.

    • K2 says:

      Weren’t there lots of photos of her at a Duggar wedding recently, too?

      It’s very sad, but it seems most unlikely that she will get out. Cults don’t let go that easily.

  12. minx says:

    She probably wanted help from her parents, and wanted to be with her side of the family. But I just don’t think she’ll divorce him. Both she and her parents are Kool Aid drinkers.
    We’ll see.

  13. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    I’m a bit nervous at the words she’s left with her parents (I’ll bet they’re the type to think her being possibly unmarried with four kids is a worse sin than what Josh did) but I’m happy at least that she divorced him!

    That man would have abused a child again soon so at the very least the children are protected from him.

    This whole situation is such a mess though.

  14. Square Bologna says:


  15. sauvage says:

    This one goes to Anna Duggar and to whoever truly cares about her well-being, like Anna’s brother:

    Get some good counseling, girl. There are professionals out there who specialise in cult-induced mind control, the most well-known being Steven Hassan, but there are others as well. You can get out. You can be free to be yourself and to raise your children in a loving, nourrishing environment.

    This is Steven Hassan’s website:


    I also recommend that everybody who wants to learn about cults and mind control read the book “Combating Cult Mind Control”.

    Anna, there is a life, YOUR life, out there, waiting for you. There is love out there, waiting for you. There is happiness out there, waiting for you. There are many, many people out there, who you will maybe never meet, who are rooting for you.

  16. Mlle says:


  17. Merritt says:

    I hope she stays with her brother who sounded like the only person with common sense in her life.

  18. Deanne says:

    As much as this would make me happy, I don’t think that it’s true. There are very recent pictures of both MacKynzie and Michael Duggar at their grandparents home. Apparently Anna only took her two youngest to her parents. Maybe that’s changed and she now has all of the kids, but as recently as a few days ago, they were still with Jim Bob and Michelle. Usually Anna’s kids look well taken care of, but with their Grandparents, they look like street urchins.

    • Betti says:

      “Usually Anna’s kids look well taken care of, but with their Grandparents, they look like street urchins.” That’s probably because JimBob is notoriously tight with money and the clothes are likely family hand me downs that they’ve had for years and used for all the kids.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        If her kids are having to wear hand me downs from 10-20 years ago, that is horrible!! No excuse for that. I can’t stand Jim Bob and Squirrel. They are very bad, very corrupt people.

    • I just hope that the Duggars don’t use the two oldest kids as leverage against Anna to not divorce Josh. I’m not sure if that’s even possible, but the Duggars always seem to reach new levels of low that I never knew existed.

      • Deanne says:

        I wouldn’t doubt it. They are so controlling and insidious that I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  19. Moody Blue says:

    My thought is that it’s more a necessary financial decision. She doesn’t bring in a paycheck and now Josh isn’t either. She probably needs some fluid cash to take care of her and the kids. Whether the separation sticks or not has yet to be seen.

    • PennyLane says:

      He was making pretty good money with that FRC lobbying job – about $120K a year if I recall. Obviously that cash income is gone and gone forever – hypocrites don’t like being reminded about what huge hypocrites they are, so Josh has been banished from the realm.

      With four young children and her not working, they probably had no savings to speak of. Selling real estate for cash is a short-term move made with long-term assets and is generally frowned upon; however it also means that if the divorce occurs next year then there is that much less to split up.

      Sounds like Anna is setting things up to make a decision about the marriage when Josh gets out of “rehab” in a few months. Hopefully then we will see the divorce announcement.

      Run, Anna, Run!

  20. It'sJustBlanche says:

    She’s not going anywhere. They sold that house to protect his assets because he will likely face a lawsuit due to the moleststuon charges in the future. That whole group is nothing but a bunch of money hungry grifters using religion to make a buck.

  21. Cindy says:

    Oh my god! It is 6:15 here and this is what I read opening celebitchy! I haven’t even read the post or comments yet because this makes me so happy…….run Anna run! Please let this be true!

  22. grabbyhands says:

    Going from Arkansas to Florida is a lateral move at best, considering it is a bastion of evangelical Christian conservatives, racists and other assorted craziness (apologies to all non-crazy/racist/religious zealot Floridians. Unfortunately your less stable neighbors are getting a lot of press). I’m sure she is going into the hands of other QF freaks who will counsel her to lay low and contemplate how she can be a better wife to her pedo husband so she doesn’t drive him to adultery again.

    • K.B. says:

      Feel free to boycott the state permanently, and have your friends and family follow your example. Everyone wants to mock Florida, but then they turn around and vacation or, worse, move here. It’s the transplants that are the problem, not the natives.

      • kcarp says:


        Great job pointing out the hypocrisy of people mocking Florida. It is ok to mock people if they do not live in the urban areas of the East Coast or West Coast. Apparently mocking Florida and the fly over states as racist, religious whack jobs, or conservatives is free game.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        I hate it when people condemn a whole state! I’m your “upstairs neighbor” in Georgia, and we get it too. It’s like, seriously? Over TEN MILLION people and you characterize us all as racist, right-wing reactionary hillbillies? Ugh. Much agreement, K.B.

        Now, if she’s going to her parents’ house in particular, I could believe that is more of a lateral move, because her family seems to be of a similar background. I’m glad her brother sees the light.

        I guess this probably answers to whom Michelle Duggar’s recent comments about satisfying-your-man were directed.

        The kids could have visited their paternal relatives and still not be living in the family bosom anymore. I am, however, afraid to hope that this story is true. At least until further confirmation.

      • Kitten says:

        Meh. How many times have I heard Boston called racist around here? Too many to count, really. It’s not just the south that gets the bad rap, believe me.

        There are good people and good places in every state. That’s the truth. Would I want to live in Florida? F*CK NO. But that’s more about the incessant heat and humidity, less about the political climate or the Floridians.

  23. Cindy says:

    Ok. Read the comments and am now not so sure. Her parents could be as bad as the rest, man this poor woman’s life is one big booby trap:(.

  24. Nancy says:

    She escaped to Florida. I’m sure that’s the last place he’d think to look. If she takes him back, she’s a Mad Hatter. I can only imagine the tug of war going on in her mind with those four little kids. She loved the guy unconditionally. One big hot mess.

    • Megan says:

      Here’s the thing, Jim-Bob and Michelle have been posting photos and videos of themselves with Anna’s kids all along in this process. They just posted one of the youngest on the 7th and another on the 11th of one of the boys. I think it’s intentional to send the message that Anna is still Team Duggar. The pics don’t seem doctored or from a while ago….when a baby is that little, they change so quickly that it would be hard to make old pics look current. So, I call BS on this story about her fleeing to florida. She may have sold the Arkansas home (for cash since she and her husband are both currently unemployed) but I don’t think she’s taken the kids to Arkansas.

  25. Lucky Charm says:

    I doubt she’d leave any of her kids with the Duggar’s if she moved to Florida. Also, just because the pictures have been recently posted doesn’t mean they actually weren’t taken weeks ago. The “sale” of the house wasn’t to sell it for cash, it was strictly a legal move to protect an asset from lawsuits. As much as I want Anna to divorce that toxic family and start a new life with her children, sadly I think she’s been so brainwashed that it will never happen. I just pray that her brother and sisters (the two sane ones) can actually have an influence on her and bring her to see the light.

  26. Mar says:

    I never noticed how pretty her face is. She needs to run and never turn back!!!

  27. JenB says:

    I truly hope she is able to divorce him and move on with her life and babies. I hope she gets support. My heart goes out to her. He is a such a lowlife pervert.

  28. Ella says:

    Sure Anna can leave Josh and divorce him, but the problem is she’ll eventually find herself pushed into another marriage where she has spent no alone time with him beforehand and again finds herself with no say, no rights and 4+ more children. These women are trapped, whether they’re living with their ultra controlling cult family or pushed into a controlling cult marriage. Anna has not been given the tools to think for herself. This is all she knows and she will no doubt continue to blame herself and be blamed for her husband’s wandering eye.

  29. TEAMHARDY says:

    There is hope!

  30. There was an article in both the Hollywood Life and the Inquisitr that Anna is furious with Michelle about her blog post about always being available for your husband as a passive aggressive dig at Anna that it’s her fault. I hope and pray that this is true. I hope that Anna realizes deep down that it isn’t her fault and no matter how submissive and available she was, Josh was still going to cheat, just because he wanted to. Anna definitely has the right to be furious with Josh, the Duggar parents and her parents for all of their actions and creating this terrible situation.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Even if Anna was laying on a bed 24/7 waiting for Josh to do her, he still would have cheated. He didnt cheat bc of lack of sex with his wife. He wanted p0rn sex with p0rn stars. That dude was desperate for freaky and violent side action. He needs to be thrown in prison for abusing his sisters and even though the p0rn stars he did it with wouldnt have much of a credible leg to stand on, it sounds like he was downright abusive to them, throwing them around etc. He has committed some crimes and will never have to see the inside of a jail cell bc of family connections and politics. Sick sick sick.

  31. anne_000 says:

    Sounds like the sale was Josh’s idea and he probably has kept and controlled the money, not Anna.

    Because she moved in with her parents, they’re probably keeping her incubated in the crazy religious ideology they have, and making her think that she has to go back to Josh once he’s out of rehab.

  32. OTHER RENEE says:

    She can’t have sold the home without the signature of all of the owners without a power of attorney specific to the sale of a home. In other words, if she and the perv own the home together, sale and escrow docs including the grant deed would need to be signed by all owners. If Anna had any kind of a Power of Attorney, it would need to a specific one authorizing her to sell the house. That’s California law, who knows if there are variations in Arkansas. But in this matter, I doubt it.

    Also, there are no records of a home owned by Josh and Anna. But Jim Bob and Michelle sure own quite a bit!

  33. lucy2 says:

    Lots of uncertainty about the truth, but I’m just crossing my fingers that she manages to break out of this cult and raise her children in a more healthy environment.

  34. Belle says:

    I hope she leaves him *and* the cult. If she stays under the influence of the Quiverfull movement, she will simply end up in a similar situation, or worse.

    Run Anna Run!

  35. Alexa says:

    Anna – if you are reading this – I am so pulling for ya girl! I’ve been in a sorta similar situation and my heart really goes out to you. Just know that this WILL pass, and you WILL experience so many better days in the future. In fact – I expect that your best days are still yet to come. For now, just focus on protecting your babies. And if it’s bothering you, I would expect that you could get your “marriage” annulled (if not “formally” – at least in the eyes of your God) because you were lied to boldly and repeatedly.

  36. Betti says:

    If this is true she may have ran home because the gift of Joshie Boy is going to give again – wonder what else is about to fall out of the closet.

  37. Dawn says:

    According to what Anna’s brother stated earlier in this messed up situation is that their parents are every bit as crazy as the Duggars. I think Anna would be better off moving in with her brother so she can have time to think without someone else pushing their religious beliefs at her. Whatever happens I do wish her luck and happiness. Go to school Anna, get an education and be brave enough to say good-bye to the cult.

  38. Betsy says:

    Kaiser, would you consider putting some sort of a blur over his face when next you post, or cropping him out altogether? That pervert mug is hard to take before breakfast.

  39. The Bucket Lady says:

    This is not true.
    The house was “sold” to a smarmy lawyer friend of JimBobs.
    More like JimBob was a bag of sh*t and wanted to make sure Anna couldn’t get the house or kick josh out.

    And looking at their social media, Anna’s children are in Arkansas at their grandparents (Duggar) house.

  40. lila fowler says:

    I’m skeptical. I think she’s with her parents because in their culture, the little woman shouldn’t live alone with the kids. I think she and Josh will be back together when he’s released in February and they’ll embark on an apology tour.

  41. Bluebell says:

    I haven’t really got any comment to make but I don’t like to read the article without commenting that as always, I wish Anna and her children all the best.

  42. My two cents says:

    She may have that belief system engrained in her to the point that she believes as strongly as the Duggars and parents about marriage. That kind of brainwashing in a meek mannered girl could be impossible to change. It wouldn’t surprise me if Josh joins them in Fl

  43. Jade says:

    Suspect she still can’t run. If the Duggars are influential in the community and believe Josh is praying to be forgiven, I doubt her parents support divorcing.

    In terms of practicality, even if she runs to her brother, it’s not going to be easy for her and him to support her and 4 kids. She may have trouble finding a job with her “education” and kids for at least a while. His social life (e.g. with a wife or gf) can also be impacted as living arrangements can be delicate, what with having to accomodate babies and toddlers. It would not be easy even if her brother really cares for her well-being so kudos if he has made the offer but it would be a difficult road if he is not well-off. In addition, I don’t know if counseling for the brainwashing cult she was exposed to, would be free, so that’s another cost to consider.

    Katie could run because she has at least her own finances, alongside support from both parents.

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      She could agree to do some interviews or write a book and her money worries would be gone. She could make a lot of money off of her story and the inside scoop on the Duggars and being a woman in the Patriarchal cult they all belong to.

  44. iheartgossip says:

    I really hope this is true. She doesn’t deserve to share his shame, it’s ALL his and his alone. Nor do I want those poor babies raised in a home by this monster of a man.

  45. Katie says:

    “Anna Duggar sold the Arkansas house, took the kids & escaped to Florida”


  46. Suzy from Ontario says:

    From what I heard, the house was sold to Jim Bob, probably in case of Josh being sued. Also, there are lots of pictures of Anna and Josh’s kids still in Arkansas just recently. One of the girl’s birthdays was a few days ago and the pictures showed the kids were there. So who knows?

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      Actually I heard that it was sold to Jim Bob’s lawyer (all controlled by JB) to avoid it being used against Josh if he is sued, and the pictures on Jessa’s Instagram (https://instagram.com/jessaseewald/?hl=en) show Ben holding Meredith (the baby) and Michael holding Jill and Derick’s son within the last day or so. So I don’t think the kids are in Florida. Not sure about Anna.

  47. Harrison says:

    I think if the duggar tv deals and money dry up, Anna’s parents will likely want out. That’s probably her only hope of getting ‘parental approval’ for a divorce. On the other hand, the money must be flowing because if their lawyer bought her house so quickly, he must be helping cover this scandal using Duggar dollars.

  48. Veronica says:

    I honestly hope that somebody is able to give her the support she needs to get her and their children out of that toxic situation. I don’t have much hope for her family, but her siblings seem a little less brainwashed than the parents. The problem with those cults is that they trap women mentally, physically, and financially. Even if you want to get out, they have no means to. It grosses me out that so many find it acceptable in this day and age.

  49. meanusdevilo says:

    Josh would have had to sign off on the house sale. The way they operate he did the sale not Anna. She’d be in a better position if she filed for divorce while he’s in rehab. I’m wondering if he’s divorcing Anna, not the other way around. He clearly doesn’t love her and probably never did.