Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Lawrence in sheer Dolce & Gabbana: fashion-forward or fug?

Jennifer Lawrence in sheer Dolce & Gabbana: fashion-forward or fug?

Some of the cast from The Hunger Games attended a new photography book launch in London on Friday. You can spot Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Dormer, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson and Sam Claftin in the photo below. The event was for photographer Tim Palen’s new coffee table book, Photographs From The Hunger Games.

Lawrence wore a fishnet Dolce & Gabbana gown complete with floral embroidery, lace and a ruffle at the hem. There is too much going on with this dress and the result is very Bavarian meets Flamenco.

Natalie Dormer’s mesh and cage-look little black dress didn’t have so many competing design features. It’s sexy and interesting without making me wonder what I should be looking at exactly.

Jennifer and Natalie accidentally “kissed” at the Hunger Games premiere in London on Friday. Natalie was being interviewed and Jennifer came from the side to give her a kiss on the cheek. Natalie turned to kiss her back and it looked like they kissed on the lips for a moment. Jennifer pulled back, looked surprised and said “Oh my god. We just kissed on camera. And I liked it.

I’ll get Jennifer Lawrence off my face,” Natalie quipped, wiping Lawrence’s lipstick off. There are so many gifs and memes of this moment, which took a split second on camera. I want to give Lawrence credit for immediately realizing how momentous the kiss was but if she didn’t freak out we would be talking about it. Lawrence is definitely goofy and often plays it up for effect, but considering how often things like this happen, so many of her gaffes seem spontaneous too.

Here’s the video of the kiss, it’s at the beginning! You can also see it in context around 2:00.

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31 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence in sheer Dolce & Gabbana: fashion-forward or fug?”

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  1. swack says:

    Why not just wear what’s under the sheer part? So over all the sheer dresses/outfits. Not cute at all.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Soooo over sheer, too. I wonder if it’s itchy? It looks itchy.

    • saywhatwhen says:

      I don’t love the sheer but I do love the baroque element that is coming from D&G, Balmain and some other designers this season. I particularly love the big/oversized earrings and the velvet shoes. I think that the Duchess of Cambridge would look pretty in some of it–if only her fashion choices would become a bit more experimental.

    • Carol says:

      Why would Jennifer wearing a version of a sheer dress that we have been seeing everywhere for years now be considered “fashion-forward”? So over this look, especially when it’s done badly like this.

    • SydneySnider says:

      Amen, swack. Every girl and her dog is doing it, so it’s not shocking anyone. They just look trashy.

    • Me Three says:

      Me three…why are designers determined to force it down our throats? I guess it’s less expensive to produce? (-:

  2. astrid says:

    Good description of the dress.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Uh oh. I like Jennifer Lawrence. It started with her essay on equal pay, but I think she’s grown up a lot in the past year and she’s definitely growing on me. That dress looks ok when she’s standing alone or with a man in a black suit, but if she stands next to anyone with pattern it comes too much. And as swack said, I’m so over sheer.

  4. Ninks says:

    Natalie Dormer is such a pro at displaying that book.

    Hate Jen’s dress, it’s trying to do seven different things at once.

    Josh Hutcherson is so tiny. The most amazing affect achieved in these movies is that they managed to make him look the same size as JLaw.

  5. Sea Dragon says:

    The roses, white flowers and rectangular cut out on her torso look like a happy robot face. The kiss was adorable. Jennifer’s makeup looked great.

  6. Sara says:

    Ms Dormer is impeccable.

  7. cleveland girl says:

    Jennifers hair and makeup look great. Her skin looks fantastic and she looks happy! Dress is kind of cool – she is young enough to get away with it.

  8. Rice says:

    Is my computer going nuts or is Not Thor looking really hot these days?

  9. Shambles says:

    All I have to say is lucky Jennifer. Natalie Dormer is my forever girl crush.

  10. What's inside says:

    Definitely fug.

  11. Karen says:

    Since Rachel Weisz got so much praise in the white longer version a week ago, I think her stylist should have rethought the black flamenco style one.

  12. Naddie says:

    It’s not something I’d wear, but with this hair, make up and smile, she makes it work somehow.
    Don’t know much about this Natalie Dormer, but her mouth annoys the hell out of me. She and Kaley Cuoco (ew) have the same expressions.

  13. Janetdr says:

    The dress is at the same level of fug as Chloe S’s in an earlier post. Beauty does not need so much embellishment.

  14. boredblond says:

    They managed to make expensive embroidery look like cheap iron-on appliques

  15. lucy2 says:

    I like the flower detailing against the black, but just no to the sheer. Sheer must stop.

  16. Antonym says:

    I think both ladies look great! I’m generally anti-sheer, but for some reason I like these two dresses. Maybe it’s the fact that both ladies are styled well and their hair and makeup look beautiful.

  17. Jen43 says:

    JLaw looks beautiful in these photos. I don’t like the dress, but because of her youth and beauty, she pulls it off.

  18. Trinity says:

    Ok I’ve gone back and forth over this look. I think it’s a beautiful dress on her but on her it’s odd if you know what I mean. Feels like counter to her style. But not bad.

  19. Fluff says:


  20. Joni says:

    Sorry but she cant pull it off, she doesn’t wear clothes very well.

  21. suzanne says:

    That dress is too fussy and Jennifer doesn’t pull it off…very well may not look good on anybody.

  22. Dani says:

    Does Natalie ever smile?? I can’t stand that pout. She looks constipated.

  23. LAK says:

    That dress is fugly. Burn, burn,burn!!

  24. SKF says:

    I don’t care, I love this D&G dress!