Hereโs the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War. Captain versus Iron-Man! Sebastian Stan for the stans! William Hurt OMG! Cameo by Black Panther! [Pajiba]
Sean Connery wanted to have a threesome with Carly Simon & her sister. [Dlisted]
Mariah Carey directed a Christmas special, because of course. [LaineyGossip]
Stella McCartney looked like hell at the BFAs. [Go Fug Yourself]
Matt Bomer in an adaptation of an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel? OMG. [A Socialite Life]
Miranda Kerr wears Chanel while walking her dog. [Celebslam]
This Vine is absolutely the best. [OMG Blog]
This Shahs of Sunset divorce is super-messy. [Reality Tea]
French Montana is still tight with the Kardashians? [Starcasm]
This is me, I am an utter potato addict. Give me all the mashed potatoes! [Buzzfeed]
Coco Austin shares a baby bump photo. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends in America & beyond! We’ll be off for the Thanksgiving & we’ll do some light posting on Friday. We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
Happy thanksgiving from ireland kaiser, celebitchy, bedhead and the newbies. Enjoy your turkey day!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the staff at celebitchy and to all the readers and posters of the site. Stay safe everyone.
..And may I add, Matt Bomer, swoon. ๐
Yay! Somebody finally puts that turd Iron Man in his place. Also, Sebastian Stan YUM.
Sebastian Stan in his Bucky Barnes costume! Super Yummy!
And RDJ was just too smarmy on Kimmel last night
Happy Croquemturkeystuffedwithcheeze-its!
Yeah, I’m disliking Iron Man/RDJ more and more as time goes on. I can’t get on board with Bucky/Sebastian Stan though. I seriously might not watch any more Cap movies once they kill off Chris Evans. Age of Ultron was pretty meh so IDK if I’ll be missing anything.
In the comics, Bucky takes up Cap’s shield and as we all know no one really ever dies in comics. He’ll be back. ๐
Stucky FTW!!
“Yay! Somebody finally puts that turd Iron Man in his place.”
We only saw like five seconds of that fight. For all we know that was as good as Bucky and Cap gave. Movie trailers can be very misleading as they are intended to be. And I don’t think IM wants to kill Cap which he can do with just one blast.
I’m with you CG, I don’t want Chris Evans killed off as Cap. Stan is ok but I just keep seeing his character from The Covenant every time I look at him.
Wait, you mean you actually watch the whole movie? ๐
Shouldn’t that be the question I ask you since you said Iron Man got put in his place. Did you watch the entire movie to know that he got put in his place? ๐
Silly V4Real, I just saw two dudes wailing on him and was like FIGHT FIGHT. Speaking of which, I saw the first Iron Man and that was it, so I have no bone to pick. Just being my usual trollish self. ๐น
Iron Man just gets beaten up alot in the movie. So says Lainey. And I loves me some RDJ as Iron Man. I’d kiss his booboos if I could.
@mimif No problem; you know I do enjoy your trolling especially on two people in particular. ๐
Could I be nosey and ask who are the people mimif trolls? I get all itchy when I can’t figure out a cliff hanger. Please put me out of my misery.
HAHA no one is immune from the CROQUEMIMIF!
Et tu mimif? I die. The croquemimif never divulges her secrets. I shall have to suffer in vain it seems. One day I will twig to it, have no doubt of that (said in a sinister tone, with evil chuckle added for good measure), and then the jig will be up!
Kaiser, you made my day. I was shocked and thrilled to see the Civil War trailer in my twitter feed last night. I’m officially EXCITED for this film!
MOAR Seb Stan!!
He’s like a cross between Rob Stark and Viggo Mortensen. Talk about a nice hike…๐
That’s a mountain I would climb, mimif!
Happy CroquemTurkeywithGarlicMashedTaters, DillyGirl!
Hey in AK news, Bristol Palin is naming her little wee babe Sailor. Because of course.
@mimif, but she hasn’t named the daddy.
Bahaha Lilacbouche FTW!
“Hey Sailor, Who’s yer daddy??”
It’s gotta come out sooner or later, amiright?
Maybe she’s naming her daughter after the daddy?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Be safe.
I am so excited for this movie. I am actually thankful for comic book movies. looks…good? Black Panther looks great but what’s with that lame CGI/bad choreography in the Cap/Bucky/Iron Man fight? And why is it all so washed out?
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to the folks south of the border!
They finished principal photography in the summer. It’s still in post production. It’ll look better closer to release time.
The colour scheme is Nolan-ish. Sombre and drab to give a sense of evil times. Yawn. More worried about the bad fight choreography. They’ve rarely messed up on that front before. But some of the CGI looked sloppy in Age of Ultron too. Please, don’t be resting on your laurels, Marvel.
Some of the CGI in Ultron was horrendous! That sequence at the beginning? Half the time Thor looked like an actual cartoon.
Part of my problem with the fights here may not be the movie’s fault. I just finished Daredevil and Jessica Jones on Netflix. The fights were visceral, didn’t rely on fx, and had real consequences. The dance routines, quick cuts, and flying on wires in the movies looks so silly now. Marvel ruined Marvel for me. ๐
Wasn’t Ultron ridiculously rushed?
@ Bridget
Yes, I’ve heard that too. The Marvel schedule involves a couple of big movies coming out a year now. That’s not a lot of time and attention spent on each movie, compared to earlier years.
Happy turkey day y’all! Stay indoors on Friday!
And not just Sebastian Stan but Chadwick Boseman too.
So much to be thankful for
Happy thanksgiving, friends! ๐
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody on CB! I โค๏ธ you guys! Have a safe and delicious holiday! โต๏ธ๐๐ท๐๐๐
When did RDJ become so insufferable? I loved him in his early films, now it’s just like he’s phoning it in, and collecting all the big bucks. I feel like the only option is to make him a large knuckle sandwich, and erase the oleaginous smirk from his chops. I may see this film on cable, but only if there is nothing else on.
Having said that a very Happy Thanksgiving to one and all here at CB.
I know, remember when he came back and was all funny and refreshing and stuff? Now he just seems like an Adderall driven, ego bloated, entitled snot. Because I’m in the Thanksgiving spirit today!
mimif, I loved RDJ in the first two Ironman movies, but he’s slowly gotten on my nerves since then. Now, I’m hoping that Cap’n Sexy puts him in his place.
I guess he got tired of playing that part, and it’s beginning to show. It happens.
But he plays other characters (The Judge) the same way
True. He didn’t handle his early success as an actor, and had to sober up and eat humble pie to get parts again. That was good for him. It’s worrying that some of his old (druggie?) persona seems to return. He and Stark really has things in common!
I think he’s always been insufferable but the moment that cemented my Downey Jr. hatred was when he presented at the Golden Globes a few years back and chastised Ricky Gervais for his jokes like a sanctimonious school marm. Can’t stand him and I don’t believe he’s clean.
Um, that was all staged. Gervais said so himself.
That was all in fun, they did some appearances together since and seemed OK. I seriously doubt RDJ doesn’t understand biting humor.
Hasn’t he always been smarmy and insufferable?
Pretty much but that’s what I love about him.
> When did RDJ become so insufferable?
When he stopped being the underdog.
We have a winner!
Happy Thanksgiving, CB ladies. What movies are you planning to see this weekend??
I’m going to catch Trumbo, Creed and Brooklyn if I can…
Trumbo, Brooklyn, Legend, and The Good Dinosaur. Also finishing binge-watching Jessica Jones.
Damn, you ladies have goals. I’m going to digest.
OMG I’m doing the same, I am so loving Jessica Jones. I actually like it better than DD
Finished watching Jessica Jones last night. All I can say is I can’t wait for season 2.
Liking Jj better than DD too and I liked DD. I’m halfway through it. When do they release the Luke Cage series? That will happen before they do second seasons of JJ or DD. And I like what we’ve seen of Luke on Jj.
I’m also going to a Celtics game and a performance of Messiah this weekend too. I need more 4 day weekends
Dang, I’ll be lucky to see my three local films and won’t have time to get to the big city to see Legend.
I need to do a Messiah singalong one of these days… those are always fun. Taking my baby girl to see her first Nutcracker so I may have to put it on hold. Only so many holiday events I can squeeze in.
Lilac, you need to watch River after you’re done with JJ. It’s good. Also, look for Tangerine in November as it’s coming to Netflix. Now that it’s getting a bit of awards love, I want to see what the fuss is about.
I actually enjoyed Daredevil a lot more than Jessica Jones but that is mostly because I spent so much of JJ with knots in my stomach. 13 hours of rape metaphor both literal and figurative was rough. It doesn’t mean the show wasn’t brilliant (quite the opposite!); but Daredevil as dark as it was, is practically escapist in comparison!
Both amazing shows and I cannot wait for more.
@Nutballs, Tangerine is in our itunes queue. And Sixer told me about River a while ago so that’s pending as well.
I’ll be seeing Mockingjay Part 2 on Friday.
Trumbo, Mockingjay, and Spotlight
Spotlight is soooo good. Mockingjay was enjoyable, but it’s had the lowest opener of the series. I couldn’t believe how many open seats there were last Saturday night. I’m expecting Trumbo to be good.
Going to see Brooklyn at our little arts theatre. So far, no Trumbo, Spotlight or Carol in our area. Might go see Creed for Michael B.
Happy Tofurkey Day, All!
While everyone is freaking out about Captain America, I’m counting down to Mariah Carey’s X-Mas special.
Lol I wonder how many Xanax it took to pull that special off.
For once I’d like to see Mariah looking comfortable. She always looks like her spanx are too tight or something.
I had the chance to meet the director, Joe Russo ( he and his brother were also the creators of Arrested Development and Community). He said that the character of Captain is going full insurgent in Civil War. Super interesting and humble guy. Good to know that not all Hollywood top brass are like the ones that emerged out of the Sony hack.
Chris Evans looks fine, as usual. I didn’t care for the bad guy, whoever plays him.
He looks too much a spoiled frat boy but not villainy enough.
Happy Thanksgiving from Canada my fellow celebitchers ๐
Just coming here to send the same wishes @Happy21!!! Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and don’t shop yourself into credit hell. ๐
Sad there was no Crossbones in the trailer and that they are probably going to kill him off very early in the movie. He’s a character that could go into so many other Marvel venues like AoS, that spin off coming up, and any other Cap movies that might come around. Frank Grillo is so awesome.
They better not actually be killing off Rhodey, because I am still angry at them for killing my beloved Trip on AoS and I adore Rhodey.
Stan is beautiful.
Over all, it looks good. I guess I’ll just have to wait to see it in full
I so miss Trip. That death traumatized me. I didn’t care about what happened to Skye or Raina. Just Trip.
I don’t think they’ll kill off Crossbones. And I would love to see Grillo pop up on AOS or one of the Netflix series.
I don’t know, I hope not, but I heard that he was gonna blow up and cause the problems. Hopefully that is wrong. He could show up on the Punisher, he fights Daredevil, he does all sorts of fun stuff.
I’d love to see Frank Grillo everywhere, as long as it doesn’t interfere with filming Kingdom. ๐
i totally agree with you about Trip. They could have killed off Skye and Raina, and I’d be happy as long as Trip was around. I wouldn’t want Skye to die now, as I like her better without Ward around (and I didn’t like Ward before, but I adore evil Ward), but now I’m just hoping they kill off Lincoln. ๐
Lincoln is simply annoying. Just annoying. Too annoying for words.
“I am still angry at them for killing my beloved Trip on AoS and I adore Rhodey.”
I was pissed about that as well. I was like, why him.
I’m so looking forward to this movie but I did notice that Cap has a lot of previous bad guy type on his team.
Winter Soldier (previous Hydra assassin, even if he was altered by Hydra), Scarlet Witch (previous villain due to Ultron), Ant Man (ex-con) and Hawkeye (though under the influence of Loki’s sceptor he still killed people). Falcon is the only one not tarnished.
Now you have Iron Man’s team (War Machine, Vision, Black Panther. The only one with a checkered past is Black Widow. I do believe she will be the double agent that is rumored to happen in the film. But that would be to obvious. They might switch it and have Vision turn on Iron Man. At least that’s how it happened in the comic where Vision rendered IM’s suit useless which made it easier for Cap to fight and subdue IM.
I’m just wondering where does Spidey fit into all of this.
I think Crossbones is the guy Captain America kicks off the top of the car in the trailer. He like boots the dude across the street. I’m pretty sure that’s Crossbones.
I was pissed too when Trip died. :/
Winter soldier is still my favorite Marvel movie. I hope CA civil war holds it. Not impressed by the CGI fights.
If they are not CGI, they were not well done at all!
CA is the least interesting Avenger, but he improves with each outing, and I can’t wait for this film.
Huh? I think Thor deserves that title, followed by Hawkeye.
The Cap got interesting to me in Winter Soldier. Until then, I didn’t know what the fuss was all about.
I love Cap and his spandex! Also, the whole idea about a unique man forgotten by time. But Thor? Come on. He’s a young, rowdy Santa Claus, partying and fighting his oblivious way across the universe. So adorable!
You may have Hawkeye, though. And pretty much every new Avenger.
+1000 @Ankel
Completely unrelated to anything in this post: Did anybody see the Daily Mail’s write-up about Kylie Jenner appearing on Ellen? The screenshots the DM has of Kylie make it look like she got even more work done. She doesn’t have as much makeup on as usual so I’m sure that’s throwing me off, but something else is different too (filler overload?). Here’s the link:
Very on the nose, Mimif. And it’s so disproportionately small now it makes her face look like a big ham.
Why was she on Ellen? To promote her relationship with a 27 year old father? I don’t care what anyone says, but two things have made Kylie famous, the first is her ever changing appearance, and the second was her underage relationship with Tyga. This is what initially got people talking. When she was dating Jayden no one gave her this much attention. She will be just like Kim, known only for what she does to and with her body, and known for the men she dates and marries. That’s it.
Totally off topic – I’m going to see A Winter’s Tale, a National Theatre Live Broadcast, with Sir Kenneth Branagh and Dame Judi Dench, tomorrow. ๐
I might see that next week. Hope you enjoy it
I’m going to see it Monday night.
Did you see the news that Branagh is going to direct a new adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express? He’ll also star as Poirot.
Yes, I saw that news about Murder on the Orient Express the other day.
Hadn’t heard about Murder on the Orient Express.
Thank you LF I’ll report back. Hope you both enjoy it
Really enjoyed it, Dame Judi is amazing. All the cast were good although I wasn’t too keen the guy who played Florizel, Tom Bateman.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Tomorrow I will be cooking, eating, drinking, and glazing over. Feelin Myself as a a bizarre bloated hybrid. Like a mix of Ina Garten, Johnny Depp, Mariah Carey . Wishing all of you a fun, peaceful day. Thoughts of love and prayers of safety to all those around the world who won’t be able to sit down with friends and family tomorrow.
+1 to the good thoughts for the other folks out there. And also for our turkeys that we are about to mangle.
Oh goodie, yet another generic super hero action movie.
I’m up late finishing my pies! Happy Thanksgiving to all and may everyone have a safe and happy holiday!
It’s weird seeing Tony Stark talk about limits and control and Cap being the rebel. Weird and awesome. Who would have thought Cap will break the rules?
Best. Vine. Ever. Thank you.
More Bucky please!