Cele|bitchy | Duchess Kate was assigned her first-ever military patronage during Christmas lunch

Duchess Kate was assigned her first-ever military patronage during Christmas lunch


Here are some photos of the Duchess of Cambridge arriving and leaving Buckingham Palace on Wednesday for the Queen’s annual pre-Christmas lunch in London. I think it’s kind of cool that the Queen does this – it’s like a pre-holiday meal without the stress and without the heavy, no-fun Germanic Christmas tradition. Kate arrived at BP with Prince Harry and Prince George, and she left without Harry (but presumably with George). Kate loves to theme-dress, so she repeated a red Luisa Spagnoli suit with black buttons, a suit that we’ve seen many times before. I remembered that Kate wore this suit in April 2014, during her “Down Under Tour.”

So, something funny happened at the Christmas lunch. Kate arrived with George and Harry and all of the royals were assembled and they were probably just sitting down to eat some ham or whatever… and Kate was suddenly forced into “work.” Seriously, the Queen and Prince Philip decided that Kate needs to take over Philip’s position with the Air Cadet Organization and this new job was seemingly just thrust on her at the Christmas lunch. The Queen even bum-rushed Kate with a photo-op with Philip and some air cadets.

I hope the Air Cadets like hair-tossing and awkward speeches, because that’s what they’re going to get. Apparently, at the age of 94, Philip has been quietly editing down his extensive portfolio of charitable commitments, patronages and military positions, and he’s passing some of this stuff down to his children, grandchildren and their spouses. Personally, if I was in charge of the Air Cadet Organization, I would have been rooting for the Countess of Wessex to take over this one. Or Princess Anne.

Anyway, this will be Kate’s “first role with an official link to the military.” That’s very common in the royal family, by the way. Even the royal women get honorary military ranks and they’re meant to “support” their divisions. What’s surprising is that it took Kate this long to get some kind of formal connection to the British military. You can read People’s write-up of Kate’s new patronage here. It really does not sound like it was her choice at all, which is still funny to me. People Mag also notes that the Air Cadet Organization is now Kate’s 11th organization with which she is affiliated. Eleven organizations… and she’s been a member of the royal family for nearly five years.



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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95 Responses to “Duchess Kate was assigned her first-ever military patronage during Christmas lunch”

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  1. LAK says:

    the entire thing is too funny for words, but it’s especially funny because she refused to join the RAF wives’ club in Wales.

    ps: i don’t think they sprang it on her – see LIW in the back of the car, but i also think she wasn’t given a choice.

    • Sixer says:

      My brother did his DoEs through the ATC. They had by far the best options for the adventure/expedition parts. I think the royal patrons were of little interest in comparison to being allowed to canoe from Devonport to Saltash!

    • Liv says:

      It’s so funny that the queen obviously forced Will and Kate to work more….wasn’t she supposed to be longer on maternity leave? I guess Carl and Sofia showing up on numerous events right away put a bit pressure on them…;-)

      • spidey says:

        “It’s so funny that the queen obviously forced Will and Kate to work more…”

        How do you know that?

      • bluhare says:

        She doesn’t; she’s speculating, but I also suspect this wasn’t Kate’s choice. However, her grandfather was in the RAF so perhaps that’s why she got that one.

  2. als says:

    Any reaction from the most burdened Prince ever?
    I imagine next year they won”t attend the pre-Christmas lunch.

    • vendi says:

      Haha he must be “furious” (like Brad ‘Pitt always is lol). “No wife of mine shall never have to work!!” Maybe he ´stormed off´from the christmas lunch when he found out! lmao
      Aw poor Kate she looks completely surprised in the groupphoto. And the gact that she’s got an LW with her is propbably just because of the Christmas lunch with the queen etc.

      • antipodean says:

        I can see them sitting around the table, and Brenda says to Katy Bucket, “Pass the gravy please Katy, oh, and by the by, I’m upping your patronages. Like it or lump it you lazy moo”. Phil the Greek is nodding off at his place, his head dipping into the soup, jerks awake and says, “Quite right Cabbage, you tell ’em”!
        Too disrespectful? Not toadying enough? Sorry, hangs head and shuffles of to poor taste rehab!

      • marjiscott says:

        No, he never went.

      • FLORC says:

        It was mentioned (I forget where) that William isn’t a fan of Kate when she’s more of his circle. He loves the normal life she brings (in the context they use) and not when she’s official.
        Not sure I know enough on this to really cast an opinion here, but it seems like that could be of note in this discussion. If Kate was getting more of a duty William might have not cared to go.

        It shows a history. When Kate is center stage is William looking on with a proud gaze? I’m not including where both are honored or requested. Just her. Could it be that she with more responsibilities to her name and title becomes less available to him and more her own person?
        IDK. Just wondering.

    • marjiscott says:

      Well, only 50% of the Cambridges attended.. William refused to show up declaring he had to be present at a memorial service for a fallen college friend..

    • anne_000 says:

      William didn’t come to this lunch. He went to a friend’s father’s memorial instead.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Harry is so cute.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      If there’s a future for the royals, he’s it. Charisma galore. Now he needs to find a nice wife who won’t have to be a working royal (at this point, WHO would take that job?) and all is well. I’m really rooting for him.

    • zimmer says:

      …. and hot!

    • FLORC says:

      Are we not looking at the cadet(?) standing next to her? The future looks hot!

  4. Div says:

    Does Kate actually do (well, “do” is relative) more than William now? I feel like she does a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit of work while he’s off playing at being a pilot and doing even less. Frankly, I know everyone shades her on here but I find him so much worse than her. He was raised in this particular environment and still won’t put on his big boy pants even though his brother has, spends a significant amount of time away from his children when he doesn’t have to, and seemingly does very little charity work.

    • aaa says:

      William does more but Kate’s engagements get more attention.

      I looked at the court circular and while William has done more, the gap is not that big.

      • Betti says:

        Yep he does. I was at a party a few mo the ago and was chatting to someone who works at Centrepoint and he says that William visit 2/3 times a year thou it doesn’t make it into the press. He turns up particularly to give awards. Giving how controlling he is I wouldn’t b surprised he insists on a press blackout. She’s the press distraction on him. If they r all writing about her then they r not paying mind to what he’s doing or not doing. Plus she’s like Diana in that she loves the media attention, always has.

      • aaa says:

        I see your point, over the longer term William has done decisively more engagements than Kate but when I glimpsed at this current “season” the gap was not as big as I expected. Also it seems like they work on the same day quite a bit, either together or separately, and if William does one or two extra events or meetings that does add up.

        I think William is controlling but I won’t hold against him doing events, especially charity events, without a press presence. It is very important that the BRF be visible in little and big ways, and if William is fine with Kate doing the showier events and she likes doing them then that is a good aspect of their partnership.

    • FLORC says:

      Kate gets shade, but it all can be looped back to William. And on top of that he gets more. Well deserved too. If names were removed and William was another heir to heir in another royal family I doubt anyone would look at him anywhere near as kindly as they do now because of his mother. No where even close. Just by performance alone.

  5. Senaber says:

    Apparently she bolted out of there pretty quick according to DM- staying around 3 hours. Doesn’t seem like much time to visit w a big family, eat a formal lunch, and meet with a patronage too. My family is a quarter of the size and holiday dinners with extended relatives suck up 5 hours minimum. I think Im truly jealous of Kate for the first time!

    The patronage thing is kind of cute. Like a grandfather pressing some old coins into the hands of his grandchildren at Christmas lunch.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Senaber – Duchess DOlittle had to tend to her little daugheter- that no doubt must be her excuse…all those help and nannies not withstanding. I wonder what she even talks about at these family lunches…
      It actaully reflect so poorly on the Queen that she tolerates such lack of work ethics from William and his wife. This wont fly is the queen would disapprove.

      • anne_000 says:

        The nanny was seen going to this lunch, but in a different car.

        It seems to me that they set it up that way. They have the nanny in a different car and then pretend that Kate is burdened by being a 24/7 hands-on mother.

    • MonicaQ says:

      Ugh, tell me about it. 5 hours and a migraine later is when I’m released. The fact she got out after 3hrs is amazing.

    • Amber says:

      She’s lazy and flaky in general. It doesn’t surprise me that she didn’t stay long. But I also don’t think she’s comfortable with the Windsors and I think the bloom was off the rose for them (BRF) after The Diamond Jubilee. Last Sunday I was looking through photos of Kate during all that without my “isn’t a middle class princess marvelous”, PR brainwashed, rose tinted goggles on for the first time. Even back then things were… shall we say non-existent between Kate and the fam? Here’s the thing. You know I’m the last person to defend these people and their bullsh*t. But I take it with a grain of salt the size of my head because, 1) Kate has a similar, confusing, “six of one, half a dozen of the other” (in the blame category), antagonistic/non-existent relationship with William’s friends. So, while we have reason to believe that Wills is an ass to everyone, 2) We have no reason, let alone any evidence, (not even a K.P. leaked rumor), of BRF being awful to Kate. She was given prime real estate at the jubilee. THEY tried. I think DoLittle’s just an awkward, graceless person, who also doesn’t really care about relationships with people not named “Middleton”. (And William likes that.) The Firm on the other hand, are polite when they need to be, but otherwise don’t seem to give her the time of day. That starts with William, btw. He’s the first to be standoffish with Kate. Camilla’s the one who appeared to really make an effort with her up until 2013. But it’s hard to say since the family’s so rarely around one another. But when they are together, things are hardly tension, or incident, free. Like the Jubilee. We talked about some of that, http://www.celebitchy.com/461075/dm_the_queen_quietly_advised_duchess_kate_to_get_a_more_appropriate_hairstyle/#comment-14853470 The last time Kate was in QEII presence solo, she walked in front of her. (And I hope The Queen’s requesting that Kate wears red around her all the time, because she does.) I think Liz will limit her one on one time with Kate to once every two years. Even Harry seems “over it” with Kate. And Harry can get rumors going with anyone LOL. He’s so nice, disarming, and at ease. Not around Kate though. Even he’s caught the tension bug.

      • Jen says:

        I was like you at first with the rose colored glasses, but have since chucked them away. It’s kind’ve funny though, that she had to be hornswoggled into working 🙂

      • anne_000 says:

        @ Amber

        Love your posts.

        I think the problem with W&K is that they know that since they’re guaranteed to become King and Queen Consort one day, they feel they can get away with things they should know better not to do and that they don’t have to bother doing things they should do.

      • Amber says:

        Ah, thank you @anne_000. I love your posts too. That’s exactly their problem. They greatly overestimate their significance. They piss away every bit of goodwill they earn. Always riding things until the wheels fall off. William’s the kind of guy who brags about never taking advice. Kate’s a public figure/government worker who admits to not caring about what other people think.They don’t seem to get how tenuous it all is. It’s one of the things they could learn from The Queen. Just get her talking about taxes, Windsor Castle, and divorces. No one is infallible. No one is unimpeachable.

      • Jib says:

        I noticed that Harry seems to basically ignore Kate nowadays. No friendly fun anymore! Not even any chatting anymore. He usually seems to ignore her or is glum around her.

    • Amber says:

      Yes, I am replying to myself, 😀
      I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next. Perhaps Liz and Phil were like enough of this ish. They don’t want to be made to look like bullies, forcing Will and Kate into things. But they also can’t let this go on forever and trust that these two will EVER “get it” or sort themselves out. They also have to be weary of “alienation” claims. So they must extend their hand to her (even if she doesn’t deserve it or she smacks it away) and I think that’s why she was loaned QEII engagement bracelets, and the Lover’s Knot. But she’s not getting the family orders that she should’ve, and anyone else would’ve, earned years ago by now. So if they have to force her to meet the lowest criteria for it, they will, and they are. And if they have to go over William’s head, they will. I just love the idea of Phillip going “Yeah, Kevin is it? Calvin? The hair and teeth over there? Katie? Yeah you. You’re going to do this gig now”. A hush falls over the entire room. The servants freeze. QEII throws a Cheshire cat grin William’s way. (Darn him for not being there.) While Bill and Kate drop their soup spoons in shock and disgust. I’m just kidding. That’s ridiculous. Liz hates soup, and they’re all banned from eating it in her presence. Everybody knows that.

      • FLORC says:

        About the Soups. Yes. Everyone that knows the average about HM imo knows she finds soups lacking in flavor and leaving her full. I love that you put that little part in!

        And do you think that Kate will have to do more with her attachment to this because it’s military and more high profile? Like we’ve heard by her charities she will cancel and they do try to orgnanize some involvment from her, but there’s often a vacation where her schedule is wiped for coming months.
        With this if she cancels or fails to attend their events I would wonder if the risk of backlash from lack of action on Kate’s part would be great. Especially since this is Military relations with the Monarchy.

      • Amber says:

        @FLORC – There’s no way she can half-ass this. Even the People write-up mentions that Philip announced his intention to ease up on work in 2010! He still has ties to 780 organizations to Princess Catherine’s 10. The articles write themselves if she puts a foot wrong. AND it’s the military. It won’t be finger painting and banging drums with kids. It won’t be 45 mins of fluff. This is big, and serious, and solo. She can not flake or sh*t the bed on the military. Not in her position. Certainly not while she’s yet to prove anything. As it is The DoLittles are lucky that we barely hear about it when they cancel or reschedule engagements. Twitter’s our only source when Kate’s tardy. She can’t do that here. I can’t imagine the press ignoring or fudging the details if she did. Nor can she do my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE CRAP that she and William do where they don’t even really have a calendar. They do nothing for months, then add as they please, while avoiding ever actually confirming the engagements. They really got her by the nutcracker. It’s so funny. Why now? Why then? Why like that? If it was anything like how it’s being described, “Surprise Kate! Christmas has come early for you, ‘cuz guess what? It’s your favorite thing… It’s work!” And in front of everyone too! No exits. So Philip’s been quietly trimming his schedule and passing things along. Why the biggest tah-dah among them for Kate? Or, if this is just the start of more announcements like these and the D.O.E.’s really getting the ball rolling now, again, why the first major tah-dah for Kate. Not William!? Not Harry? Not Edward, Anne or Charles? Not even with William there! It’s The Firm equivalent of killing someone with kindness to me.

  6. Liberty says:

    IHM: So, We have observed that you like the fly boys, my dear? HERE! Get your skirt flipping arse off that sixteenth century chair — NEVER sit there again, Kitty! — and give my darling scrumpy hubby a break or We shall personally remove your remaining extensions with Our remaining teeth whilst emptying your wallet of all Duchy credit cards into a bin and setting fire to it..

    iDK: …..Yes ma’am. I could not be…more….oi!….pleased.

  7. Betti says:

    Out of the 11, 5 are charities and out of the 5 she only shows in interest in 2; place2be and action for addiction. Also I can count of one hand how many time she has visited each of these 2 (and the others) in the past 5 years. Wonder how much attention the Air Cadets will get considering her hectic schedule.

    Seems Queenie is wising up to these 2 ‘work horses’ and is forcing things on them.

    • anne_000 says:

      @ Betti

      I wonder if it’s going to the like the 100 Women in Hedge Fund again, with Kate being a patron but Sophie being given the position to be their ambassador. I heard that some charities might have more than one royal patron or personages attached to them.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Part of what 100WHF do is raise money for charity. They partnered with the Royal Foundation of X for three years. During that time, the money that was raised for charity went to the charities of choice for W, K, and Harry. The royals showed up to collect the money other people raised for charity (KM twice, Harry once, William never). Not the usual “royal patron” setup.

        Sophie’s thing is different, as she’s out there representing 100WHF and one of their projects.

      • FLORC says:

        You might be thinking of Jenna Coleman who was added to Place2Be. Kate was/is their big name, but Jenna was added. Place2Be was also long speculated to be 1 of Kate’s patronages that was looking to ditch her from lack of action/exposure. They helped her, but she didn’t help them.
        And every visit Kate makes to a charity ends up costing them and taxpayers so you really have to make the most of it for everyone. Otherwise it’s a waste of time.

        As some added bits Jenna is quite active and vocal in her volunteering. She donates time, money, and has great follow through. She also can be low key and make those meetings (or have them come to her/video conference) where things get done. Between the photo ops and glam.

  8. Alexa de Vere says:

    See, I’m a bit of a Kate apologist, in the same way that I feel for anyone with 2 very small kids like my own. However, I’ve been brimming with pride all day because my auntie is now one of the most decorated and senior members of the armed forces in the world. She’s a woman and she has worked her way up right to the top through graft and grit and sweat and tears and loads of pretty hairy Middle eastern situations. I am so so proud of her and she is a massive inspiration to my family. And here’s Kate, who is now mincing about with the air cadets. She’s just so….. flimsy. What tales would she have to tell to put fire in these kids’ bellies? I bet old Philip has been hands-down awesome in this role. His will be big shoes to fill.

  9. Lucky Charm says:

    I have to admit, when I read the headline my first thought was “This is quite fitting. Now she’s officially a space cadet!”, LOL!!! Air…Space. OK, I’ll see myself out now.

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      All I could think after reading this article was, “Not exactly the Christmas gift you wanted from the DoE, eh, Kate?” I like your take on it better!

    • Lisa says:

      My first thought when I read this was that Kate went crying home to William and Carole saying that QEII is being “so mean to me” with the accompanying pout. Actually Lucky Charm, you’re not far off with the “space cadet” comment.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ Lisa

        I can imagine Kate going home to William saying “Damn. I got all dressed up and even brought the kids and was filled with the Xmas spirit and they gave me a joke prize. They’re so friggin’ mean to me. Do something!”

  10. INeedANap says:

    Cadet on the left can GET IT.

    I look forward to her halting, affected, hair-tossing speeches.

    • Lisa says:

      Not to mention her cringe-inducing manical smiling. I wonder, if she gets to wear a uniform, she’ll commission one from Jenny Packham.

    • Hawkeye says:

      Cadet on the Left should be a thing, like Left Shark =P

    • Pondering thoughts says:

      Imagine her questions:

      Aircraft? Are they still being produced? Haven’t they all gone down in the World Wars?
      Can you see the sky out of an aircraft if you look out of the window?
      Can night vision enable you to fly an aircraft at night?
      How do you tell all those buttons apart?

      Can I get such a uniform but custom-tailored and tighter and shorter?
      Can I get a that uniform in a different colour?
      Can I get some of those blingy metal things for my uniform? Where do you get them?

      Imagine her comments:
      I feel energized after talking to pilots.
      I do now understand the importance of an air force.
      I am grateful that you have me as a visitor to your aircrafts.
      It is important for an aircraft to have wings. They lift them up.

      • anne_000 says:

        Her to pilots:

        My husband flies an airplane for a living too, except his has the things that go around on top.

      • hazel says:

        And, ‘you’re doing amazing work, so keep it up’.

      • Effie says:

        You forgot that she is also very “keen” on the military and thinks airplanes are “brilliant.” Considering her “lucky” childhood and having a husband who is “keen” on flying, she holds airplanes and the sexy, not bald men who fly them “very dear to her heart.” 😀

  11. Citresse says:

    I think Kate is on the road to maturity, grace and a better understanding of her role. I’m not concerned.
    And Kate; if you feel too tired at times, just make sure you get the healthy energy drinks (not the garbage at convenience stores) and try to squeeze in quick naps (not while on duty), we don’t want a repeat of Diana, Expo Vancouver, Canada.

    • vauvert says:

      Sorry to sound like a grump Citresse and I wish you were right, BUT:
      Based on what evidence do you think that this 30 something woman who has never held a real job in her life is on the way to maturity? (Which btw, kinda late in the day to still be on the way to maturity…)
      She has zero responsibilities – and I mean real responsibilities, where there are consequences if stuff doesn’t get done, and done right.
      Her mom and staff run her household.
      Her nannies take care of the kids.
      She has no job, never has, and you cannot call a few hour long appearances a month, holding her little clutch and protecting her duchess biscuit, “work”.
      She doesn’t seem to have any true, long lasting passion or hobbies.
      She cannot speak publicly in a grown up, eloquent, articulate way.
      Even the easiest thing in the world, being well groomed and elegant, despite her enormous possibilities, elude her. Visible thongs, flying hems, inappropriate colours at the wrong time, lace concotions, buttony hundred coat collection, jeggins, nude wedges, wiglets, overkill eyeliner and her forever infuriating pose with the clutch… List goes on.

      So, while I wish you are right, I am afraid that it is a forlorn hope.

      • Citresse says:

        As the blind man said “we’ll see.”
        Kate has had time to reflect on the past, came a stern but polite reminder. Her future is her focus now. Besides, she has two beautiful children. Her future is their future.

      • Pondering thoughts says:

        @ Citresse.

        Yep. The Royal Family needs the heir(s) but not necessarily the mother. See Diana.

      • hmmm says:


        Do you believe she is reflective? What gives you that notion?

      • FLORC says:

        Time will tell. As it is now we’re getting the talk of bigger plans (Anmer Food stuff) and a flurry of events where photos are taken, but nothing gets accomplished for the charities.
        It’s on schedule pre vacation. Although. Should Kate keep up even half this pace I will agree with you. Not because it’s a good pace, but it’s outside of her norm. It’s proof she’s moving to correct her behavior. And that’s great.

    • anne_000 says:

      @ Citresse

      I think you’re right that she’ll be 100% into this new role. Windy tarmacs, propeller breezes, all perfect for her closet full of flimsy dresses and empty underwear drawers, and on top of everything else, loads of young’un males to chat with and fling her hair around in their presence But damn that she had cut her long hair recently. Anyhoo, PERFECT patronage for her. Best Xmas gift EVER!!!

      • Pondering thoughts says:

        Air Force: Flashing is practically guaranteed and absolutely natural!
        And I wondered why she would chose that particular job … Surely if she went diving with the Navy/Marine she had the possibility to parade her body in a tiny bikini?

      • hmmm says:

        The fact that this may live inside her head and this is fodder for some vacuous aspiration gives pause. Yikes! It does sound so plausible.

    • FLORC says:

      I hope you’re right. And it’s possible this is just more of the same from 1 year ago. If there’s follow through it’s never too late! I’ve been fooled before though. Quite a few times by this same show. So, lets see the action.

      • Citresse says:

        Yes FLORC you’re correct. Ultimately, actions speak louder than words. On that note, we could go into the public speaking, but I believe Kate is working on it (behind the scenes).

  12. kri says:

    All I want to see is MOAR HARRY! I love me some Tipsy Ginger Prince. Also, I love the line in the post about Kate arriving at “BP”. Now I can picture her pumping her own gas.

  13. The Original Mia says:

    Does no one else find it odd that William chose to go to the Pelly wake and not spend Christmas lunch with his family? His children were there, but Daddy chose to go to a wake for his friend’s father. Harry is friends with the Pelly kids too, but he chose to spend time with his family. I see this as more of William’s up yours attitude to his family.

    Kate was made an honorary member, whereas Phillip was given a rank. I wonder if this is because he’s military or something else.

    • anne_000 says:

      @ The Original Mia

      So he didn’t show up to this pre-lunch and it’s reported that he won’t show up to the Xmas lunch. Yeah, I think he’s sending his family a message. Too bad he’s doing it to the Queen and his grandfather too, especially since they might pass away any day now so it might be the last Xmas for them.

      Going to a friend’s father’s memorial doesn’t seem it should take precedence over his own family’s event.

      • The Original Mia says:

        He’ll regret this in later years when he doesn’t have them. I know. I miss my grandparents and I treasure my last surviving one because I know we won’t have her for much longer. William is an ass for being like this towards them. Diana would not approve, regardless of her issues with the Firm.

      • FLORC says:

        For what it’s worth Kate brought the kids to the lunch so they got some time with their family and grandparents. This is good.

      • hmmm says:


        “Going to a friend’s father’s memorial doesn’t seem it should take precedence over his own family’s event. ”

        He missed his great grandmother’s memorial in the past to go skiing so this seems like par for the course for him. What a glaring disappointment he must be to his family. And what a trial. All because he might be king some day.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ hmmm +1

        Good point.

      • Charlotte15 says:

        @Anne, you really don’t think a memorial service for a dear friend’s parent might take precedence over a family party that William has already attended 30+ times and no doubt will attend 30+ more in the future? He can only be there for a grieving friend once. I don’t begrudge him making this decision, and in fact I think it was the right one.

    • Pondering thoughts says:

      Not attending that lunch and not going to attend the Xmas lunch is pretty hard stuff that William is sending to his family.
      Perhaps there will be enough people one day who lobby against William’s ascension to the throne? William is certainly not making allies.

    • Charlotte15 says:

      I don’t know…I’m pretty sure that if the parent of a close, longtime friend of mine passed away, I would absolutely choose to attend a memorial service instead of a Christmas luncheon with my family of which there will be many more in the future.

      I actually wouldn’t feel “right” about going to a party under such circumstances even if I could not attend the memorial myself. I realize this isn’t your normal family, but I think I would feel too disrespectful attending a social event – no doubt with photos of me smiling while entering and exiting – while my friend was in deep mourning.

  14. aquarius64 says:

    I think Kate got this patronage because the queen needs to get the lazy label off her granddaughter in law – a future queen. Kate has been married into the BRF for 5 years, plenty of time to know the ropes. When the 94-year-old prince consort is putting in more time it doesn’t look good. And it looks bad that a future queen Kate doesn’t have the family order yet (after producing a future king and a princess royal). The queen is making Kate earn it, and good for her.

  15. Starlight says:

    There is probably a huge amount of patron collective to be handed out to the Royal family members before the Queen and PP slow down to retirement. Especially as Charles seems keen to take over sooner rather than later, I read Charles was hoping for Wills or Harry to take more of an interest in his princes Trust. But I think the young royals will be working a lot harder in the future. Infact when Charles becomes king I read he wants to slim down the monarchy. Interesting times ahead if Wills and Kate if they want a quiet life.

    • FLORC says:

      HM and Philip will retire when they die. They are of the same mind that is dedicated and busy. For them this is slowing down. Much has been passed on.

      And Charles has been reportedly trying to get William to help with his POW duties for some time as he takes on HM duties for better transitions.
      This was most recently covered by William’s office announcing he will start his own foundation that takes part in several charities. 1 being a Lady Gaga affiliation. The sum of his foundation is they get a name attached, but are not heavily involved. So when accomplishments are made they may not have helped, but can attend the photo ops. Also that it’s speculated the copilot salary William has been sitting on for over a year that he’s promised to donate will go to his foundation once it’s able to process.
      Meanwhile The Pince’s Trust is successful and a valued foundation that does good work and progress is seen. I wonder what will come of it since William has his own thing. Harry? I hope so. It would be such a shame to see it gone.

      • Betti says:

        Yes it would it does so much for people. The DoE awards scheme will continue under Prince Edward he’s already heavily involved in it.

        Part of me thinks that these foundations they keep setting up are just a tax scam as well as a PR stunt.

  16. msthang says:

    Willy is really close to Guy Pelley, they have been bar buddies since their early twenties, he is one of Willy’s best friends, and of course, Guy has money, it’s good to know and support these kinds of people!

  17. Pondering thoughts says:

    What could be Kate’s reason for chosing this military patronage?
    Did she like their uniforms most?
    Does it come with the least amount of charitable work?
    Does she want to impress William / be equal with William / share William’s love of military air force things / annoy William?

    I would have expected that William would take that particular charity!

    And Kate looks slightly panicky in the pic with Philip and the air force staff.

  18. d says:

    Hey, what’s this with the non-fun German thinking? Half my side of the family is German and the best parties we’ve had family/occasion-wise was when the German members and friends cut loose! Great food and drink, any type of surroundings, lots of laughter and talk and inappropriate behaviour and jokes and general silliness have always been hallmarks of our family get-togethers. Kind of lightens the mood from the other side’s quest to always behave “properly”. Heh. Not going to happen, family members.
    As for Kate, it feels harsh to always pick on her, but is it too much to expect some from young women these days, especially those in positions like hers? It’s just so irritating to watch her in comparison with so many other young women out there these days who are just full on kicking a$$ in their lives. You can SEE it in how they carry themselves and in their faces…there’s something going on upstairs…they have a sense of purpose. How on earth can anyone take Kate (and Will) seriously? I get no sense of purpose from them…maybe that’s what’s so annoying…the reality differs so much from the PR that keeps getting spun. Enough already.

    • FLORC says:

      I think it was sarcasm. Last time it was brought up many spoke of how fun those traditions can be and that they were played up as terrible to justify Kate’s unwillingness to be there.

      And why Kate gets picked on (for lack of a better term). It’s exactly as you said. There’s a level of apathy to her post. A position where she need only mention something and mountains will move. That is what gets me. You accept the perks, accept the honor of your position. Not to be selfish and take and take for a private life.

    • Pondering thoughts says:

      @ d

      I agree. I am German, too and I too find it slightly ensulting to describe our Christmas traditions like that. Christmas dinners are a rather easygoing affair as everybody is jolly.

      Why do people think Germans had no fun and no sense of humour?

  19. ickythump says:

    She must’ve been raging!! Bet she wished she hadn’t gone to the lunch either …

  20. vava says:

    The most interesting part of the article is Harry.