Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Lawrence basically admits that she & Liam Hemsworth have hooked up

Jennifer Lawrence basically admits that she & Liam Hemsworth have hooked up


I’ve never really been on the Jennifer Lawrence-Liam Hemsworth ship-train. I think Liam is very attractive and I think J-Law could use a nice, stable dude in her life, someone who lets her be herself and lets her be the star. Is Liam that guy? I have no idea. But recently… I have felt something for the idea of them together. I think it was when I watched Liam’s interview with Seth Meyers, and the way he talked about “Jen” and her klutziness… it just felt like there’s a real connection between the two of them. He regards her with so much affection, and he seems protective of her. Now I want it to happen.

So, Jennifer appeared on Watch What Happens Live last night. In between gossiping about the Real Housewives, Andy Cohen asked Jennifer if she’s ever kissed Liam in real life.

Sorry, Team Peeta: Lawrence copped to kissing her hunky Hunger Games costar off camera.

“Liam and I grew up together. Liam’s real hot,” she said, laughing. “What would you have done?”

“I would say yes,” Cohen said. “I mean, I pick Gale over Peeta any day.”

“I did, at one point!” she said, earning a high-five.

During the commercial break, she joked, “I gotta call Liam!”

[From People]

So… she kissed Liam in real life? Did they do more than kiss? Hold on, I have to imagine it. God… that would so hot. While I absolutely adored J-Law and Nicholas Hoult together, I feel like J-Law was wasting her time with Chris Martin. She seems to know she was wasting her time too. So, while her “type” might be pale English boys, maybe she could just try something with an Aussie? PLEASE?



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and Bravo.

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113 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence basically admits that she & Liam Hemsworth have hooked up”

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  1. Lucy says:

    Omg yes!!! Get it Jen!!!!!

    • MoochieMom says:

      LET IT HAPPEN!!!!

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      Oh yeah get it Jen! Liam over Chris Martin everyday

    • Falula says:

      I am all about this ship. Yesterday I told my husband I think Liam is hotter than Chris and he was SHOCKED. But I would pick him any day. Get yours, Jen!

      • Locke Lamora says:

        I think Chris is much much hotter than Liam, especially when he was Liam’s age.
        But I do like Liam. He seems more reserved than Jennifer and Josh who are very hyper.

      • Katherine says:

        Liam has always been hotter than Chris. In my personal opinion, Chris has never been attractive.

  2. mimif says:

    I’m loving this shade of blonde on her.

  3. Esteph says:

    Thank you Kaiser! I thought the same thing too about JLaw and Chris Martin!
    She is my age and I also thought that she was wasting her time with him, and I loved her so much with Nicholas.

    • fiona says:

      SUCH a waste of time. She’s in her prime and will be for years to come. You don’t see young men wasting their time with women with baggage who are middle aged with children. So why should the hottest girl in hollywood be with an old, average looking man? You would NEVER see it happen the other way around. I mean if the biggest girl in hollywood is doing this, what does this leave the average woman to aspire to. I want middle aged men who continue hitting on me to get shit hollywood crap out of their heads.

      I think Liam is douchy but I much prefer this. By a mile.

      • Elsie Otter says:

        What about Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his older wife, Sam?

      • Red says:

        Aaron is an exception to the rule and you know it. Name another successful actor in his early twenties in the same situation, I dare you.

      • Pablo says:

        Name another actress in her eraly twenties in the same situation. J-Law was an exception too, and her relationship with Martin was nowhere near as “shocking”. If a 20 y/o actress married and had children with a man twice his age (who happened to be her director) people here would go ballistic

      • JenniferJustice says:

        No, I don’t know it and I definitely dare. Not sure I understand what you’re saying here Red. Are you implying that Aaron’s success in the industry justifies the woman he married preying on him when he was a 18 year-old employee of hers? What do those two things have to do with one-another other than she helped his career along once they became a couple? That isn’t to his credit. If anything it would appear to be nepotism on top of her perving on him when he was just a teenager. I don’t care how happy they are or that they have a family now with children. I hope they make it for the kid’s sake. But she was beyond inappropriate with ever hooking up with him in the first place. Just because it’s panned out so far, doesn’t negate the fact that she knowingly pursued a man/child young enough to be her son and who was in a position of subordination to her career-wise. It’s wrong no matter the genders or who’s older. If that would have been my son, I would have went after her with everything I had. Tired of people sticking up for her because why? She’s the older perv in that relationship so it’s cool because she’s sticking it to the old men who do it to young girls? Two wrongs don’t make a right. She’s just another homely aging person who couldn’t get anybody decent her own age so she manipulated a kid who was star-struck by her power in the industry. I’m sure he loves her and vice versa but again, that doesn’t cancel out how they got together in the first place. If that would have been the firm I work for, she’d have been fired and blackballed.

      • Elsie Otter says:

        “Name one reverse situation – it would NEVER happen!”

        Me: Names one reverse situation.

        “No, no, that’s an exception. Name another, I dare you! But first let me narrow the criteria.”


        How about Ashton Kutcher/Demi, Ryan Gosling/Eva Mendes, Ben Foster/Robin Wright. Be careful about making absolute arguments – they can easily be debunked and then you lose credibility. Which is a shame because there may have been a valid point to be made underneath it all.

      • qwerty says:

        Shanina shaik, a vs model who’s HOT spent like 7 years with a a guy who was 20 yrs her senior. Hot, but much older. Stupid as hell too.
        Rosie H-W got with bald and old Jason Statham 5 or 6 years ago. Blake Lively was an it girl, maybe not an A list actress but a fashion girl for sure, but chose baking cakes and changing diapers for a divorced Ryan Reynolds.

      • perplexed says:

        Didn’t Ryan, Ashton, and Ben get with their older women when they were older themselves? They weren’t Jennifer’s age, I don’t think (not that I think the Jennifer Lawrence/Chris Martin coupling was particularly gross or odd or anything, maybe because he’s not balding and fat like the middle-aged men in real life who think they can get pretty women? It was more the issue of dealing with Gwyneth and the kids issue that I thought might be a little hard, but even there, Gwynnie seemed kind of laid back and easier to manage than I would have originally thought.)

        I think the Aaron Johnson/Sam is a bit of an odd exception, both in terms of the age difference, when they actually got together, and because the partner truly does look older. In the case of the other couplings between younger men and older women, , the women are either better-looking or equal looking to the men, which is what you don’t usually see in the couplings between younger women and older men. Shakira is with a younger guy too, but who can even tell that there’s physically an age difference between the two? She’s just as pretty as he is, and looks just as young, or maybe even younger. According to society/media standards, for a woman to get a younger man, she usually has to be very beautiful and youthful, whereas I think an older guy isn’t expected to be handsome in order to get a younger woman. So in that sense, I can see why people would react to a Jennifer Lawrence/Liam Hemsworth coupling like it’s more “normal.” (Not that I think Chris Martin was ugly, though).

      • Pandy says:

        @JenniferJustice OK, this cracked me up: . She’s just another homely aging person who couldn’t get anybody decent her own age so she manipulated a kid who was star-struck by her power in the industry.

      • Amelie says:

        How about Celine Dion and her husband René Angélil? She was 12 when they met and he was38!! Didn’t start dating until she was 19 but he was 45, married when she was 26. 3 kids later and they are still married. But it’s still… Unconventional.

      • FLORC says:

        You know what gets me about Aaron and Same. He has unresolved family issues. She blamed him for why they got together. Like she as a grown adult with loads of life experience was not prepared for the 17(when they met) year old that pursued her for a date.
        It reads as odd that a child in many ways pursues you and you lay out no way. For the pursuit to continue over and over again might be super creepy.

        There are many relationships that are “unconventional”, but work. And they don’t constantly bring up the age difference like the world will never accept it.

  4. Kristen says:

    I’m into it.

  5. Ennie says:

    Gimme a Hemsworth any day!

  6. Zaid says:

    Didn’t she mean it like Katniss and Gale? That ‘we grew up together’ is odd.
    But I could see it happening, he seems into her.

    • Sochan says:

      She means they were both so young when they started this trilogy, and both basically unknown. They grew up together in the spotlight.

  7. Talie says:

    I’m sure if she wanted him, she could have him. There has to be a reason she hasn’t fully gone there with dating out in the open.

    • Saphana says:

      he is not exactly someone you would date if you have more intelligence than a box of rocks. he is fine for hook ups but i can fully understand not wanting to hang out more with him outside the bedroom. Jen is a confindent woman who knows what she wants and she wont have to settle for someone like him, she’ll end up with someone scorching hot and smart.

      • McLori says:

        Is he dumb? Honest question.

      • fiona says:

        This. Also he seems like a bit of a douche, so for a hook up YAS. Long term, she deserves someone hotter, smarter & someone who won’t use her. Liam seems like a bit of social climber/user.

      • Talie says:

        And Liam getting mad about people confusing him with his brother… I mean, could he really handle dating the #1 box office star in the world? Seems unlikely.

      • MoochieMom says:

        Big issue is his family. They nixed Miley but they seem to like Jen (or her fame).

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Saphana, who wrote: “he is not exactly someone you would date if you have more intelligence than a box of rocks.”

        Really? How long have you known Liam Hemsworth? You must have spent some time with him to so confidently know he isn’t a good hang outside the bedroom and to compare his intelligence to to box of rocks. So spill, girl … how long have you known him and where did you two meet?

      • Alex says:

        Eh he cheated on Miley so I’m not down with this pairing. Love Liam but I can’t stand cheating and I don’t think Jen would want that either.
        Not sure why this is a big deal I figured she’s made out with (at least) with both her costars. They are hot, rich and attractive. Why not?

      • perplexed says:

        I thought he might have looked a little dumb, but when I saw him on a talk show, he didn’t seem unintelligent. He seemed to be of regular intelligence like Jennifer. I think it’s too difficult to tell whether he actually is stupid unless we’re simply judging him by how he looks.

      • Bridget says:

        @Emma: what’s with the attitude? We’re all on a gossip site here. And for what it’s worth, Younger Hemsworth is pretty well known for being on the dim side.

  8. Saphana says:

    refreshlingly honest. we need more women who are open about hot men (and not this “all he has to do is make me laugh” crap) and not needing a commitment to have some good old fun.

    she is actually doing a lot more for feminism than Emma Watson for example. Emma is still trying to sell her wholesome image thats so 1950s but i am sure she will also get the memo and become a bit more modern and open.

    • vauvert says:

      So unless you hook up randomly you are not a feminist? If I prefer to really know a guy, develop an actual relationship before having sex, if I don’t pick up randoms on Tinder or whatever, I am stuck in the 50s? Fine by me, I guess.

      • V4Real says:

        “So unless you hook up randomly you are not a feminist?”

        I think we know this is not all what @Saphana is saying.

      • Saphana says:

        if i wasnt hitting something you wouldnt react like this. call yourself what you want but women like Jlaw change a lot of perceptions.
        if we want to see progress we wont achieve it with 1950s sexual morals for women.

        dating around and hooking up is healthy, following patriachal rules and suppressing your sexual desires is not.

        why do you think women go to this side? one of the reasons is to see hot guys and dont tell me the posters here wouldnt have a one night stand with those guys. i doubt you would turn down your celeb crush. im sure you would reconsider you “getting to know a guy” if a hottie hit on you. there is just a lot of power in physical attraction and there is nothing wrong with that. thats why its good JLaw is so open about it. women ahve always been denied that and now is our time and with all the fitness trends for men we live in a great age for some good visual and physical pleasure.

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Saphana Out of all the women Jennifer Lawrence is the one changing perceptions? It’s obvious we’ve moved beyond 1950s morals and mores. Lawrence isn’t a trailblazer.

      • Alyce says:

        I don’t think personal sexual preference, including who you have sex with, how much sex you have, etc has ANYTHING to do with whether you are a feminist or not. Judging people for those preferences, however, has a distictly antifeminist vibe. And that includes judging other women for NOT hooking up.

      • censored says:

        I think sometimes society can over correct itself we have moved from the 1950’s to a point where sex positive feminists are now the bullies
        True feminism is about a woman’s right to choose and not be judged for it either by the patriarchy or self righteous feminists
        A woman can be celibate, sexual conservative or adventurous as long as its HER choice and none of these choices makes one a better feminist than the other

    • Chinoiserie says:

      Many people just are wholesome or just private or both naturally, it does not need to be an image. Wheather Watson does not date much or is just private about it does not matter regarding what else she does.

    • Manjit says:

      What absolute tosh. You wouldn’t know a modern feminist from a hole in the ground.

    • madly says:

      Dumbest definition of feminism ever. You have a lot to learn…..

      A true feminist lets both women have their own sex life and present it how they want to without judgement.

      There, corrected it for you.

    • Bridget says:

      Can we maybe make the point without having to knock someone else down?

      • Saphana says:

        how is valid criticism “knocking someone down”? Emma tries to appeal to the Minivan majority and i can point that out.

      • Bridget says:

        How on earth do you think that’s valid criticism?

      • K2 says:

        I don’t think giving a speech to the world on the importance of feminism is seeking to appeal to the minivan majority. And Emma Watson was loudly vocal about how disgusting the photo leaks were, too – again, not exactly a position she had to take, given nobody had any images of her, and she could have just kept her head down. She didn’t. She went to bat for JLaw & co.

        A woman’s sexuality is absolutely nobody else’s damn business, and says nothing about her value or worth as a person unless it is in some way non-consensual, with her to blame. Arguing that only women who fit into your own preferred sexually active stereotype are “real feminists” is depressingly misogynist, IMO, because you are, still, defining women by their sexual choices. We should be beyond that.

    • rosyb says:

      What an utterly offensive and backwards statement. So staying monogamous, not hooking up, not having one night stands, taking my time to get into a commited relationship makes me less of a feminist than those who do those things. I think you need to reread about what feminism is about. Its having the choice to be either of those people without ignorant judgy comments like yours.

      • Saphana says:

        please read a bit:
        The hookup culture that has largely replaced dating on college campuses has been viewed, in many quarters, as socially corrosive and ultimately toxic to women, who seemingly have little choice but to participate. Actually, it is an engine of female progress—one being harnessed and driven by women themselves.

        “To put it crudely, feminist progress right now largely depends on the existence of the hookup culture”

        no you wont go to jail if you cant find a guy to hook up with but casual sex and not the focus on disney relationships is a very important feminist standpoint. women wont catch up with men if there is so much focus on relationships and being a “good girl” women like Jennifer who get with hot guys (and not this “i’ll give this ugly dude a chance he has such a great personality” Hollywood BS, how often do you hear that about women?) for physical pleasure and focus on their careers will change the world and not the women who live traditional lives.

      • Casi says:

        I will be sure to let Malala and Emma W. know they are doing it all wrong.

        Want to have a long term relationship, have a child/children if you want, and change the world? Rock on.

        Want to get with people for physical pleasure, focus on your career, and change the world? Rock on.

        Want to do either of those things but NOT change the world? I guess, rock on? It’s your choice to make.

        I might judge you quietly, but that’s because it’s human nature to judge. I’m certainly not going to declare you more or less of a feminist.

        (In my 40-year-old opinion, you will be happier with the second when you are 25 and the first when you are 75, but that is, again, my personal opinion and what has driven the choices I have made)

      • Jessica says:


        Some questions for you:

        Where do children fit in in your career-only, hook up-only society?

        Should we as a society stop having children all together?

        Should all women get abortions if they become pregnant?

        Should women have children with their hook ups?

        If women have children with their hook ups, do they have to take care of the children by themselves or do the men play a part both financially and emotionally in the children’s lives?

        Should we institute a “Brave New World” scenario where children are bred in a factory and humans focus solely on careers and hook ups?

      • Otaku fairy says:

        A person can definitely be celibate or save sex for committed relationships/marriage and still be a feminist. What matters is how you treat others who don’t make the same decision as you. If the “waiting until marriage/committed relationship” person is judging other women as immoral, promiscuous, a slut//whore, degraded, not self respecting, not worthy of respect, asking for it, or less than, That’s when 1950s values are being promoted. The interesting thing is that there are some women who don’t have casual sex but are very progressive, while there are other women who have had more sex but are quick to slut shame women for not presenting as “ladies”. You really can’t judge how feminist somone is by the sex they’re having. Also, I hope the same people here saying “You can’t say a woman isn’t a real feminist just because she’s sexually modest” remember that when they’re judging a woman as antifeminist for not dressing modestly or for being a woc who dyes/straightens her hair.

      • censored says:

        “dont tell me the posters here wouldnt have a one night stand with those guys ” “feminist progress right now largely depends on the existence of the hookup culture” ?
        You do realise that comments like these are no different from those from the patriarchy that deprives women of their individuality
        You assume that women are monolithic and are projecting YOUR standards on all of us. I can think a guy is cute but dont want to hook up with him likewise I would not judge another woman who would and by saying hookups is the only progressive driver of feminism does that mean that womens progress is only defined by our sexuality ??
        So much WTF in your comments

      • K2 says:

        “Please read a bit” – and you cite The Atlantic. Well, that just proved that academics over the globe should cease and desist with the actual research.

        I am not interested in judging women’s sexual behaviour unless and until it harms someone else, any more than I am men’s. Women and men making good choices for themselves, that aren’t abusive to anyone else, is all that matters to anyone with a grain of sense. Whatever works for them and makes them happy.

        I am also hugely entertained by the rigid insistence on binaries. You do know that many of us engage in both sorts of behaviours, and all ranges between, at various life stages, right? That our chosen sexual behaviours aren’t set in concrete, because, yet again, they do not define our worth as people?

        Finally, all we know about JLaw until this admission that she kissed Liam H at least once was that she had two committed-ish relationships in what, seven years? I’m not sure how this leads anyone to the conclusion that she’s this open, hooking-up diversity queen of the random lays. Fine if she is, fine if she isn’t…. but deciding on either woman being any way at all in their personal lives seems really pretty projected. You want to believe she adopts the sexual attitudes you personally approve of, but you have no evidence that she actually does. She’s friends with Amy Schumer, but she’s not made the same admissions (and I say that as someone who loves AS and is really grateful for her contributions to our culture).

    • MoochieMom says:

      She is being honest about “Hey, he is good looking!”and not bragging about hooking up. I never did understand why a girl can’t say, “He’s hot” without everyone immediately thinking she wants to be with him. That goes back to grade school. You can be cute and not the love of my life.

      • Saphana says:

        she may not be bragging but she is saying “he is so hot i needed to get on him” and she admits having hooked up with him. also you dont say “hot” if its not sexual, you would say handsome (like grandmas do it) or good looking.

    • kibbles says:

      This is one area of new wave “feminism” that I absolutely do not align with even though I am still young and an out and proud feminist. I have never hooked up or had one night stands. I did not want to lose my virginity just for the sake of losing it and being “liberated” somehow. A liberated woman is someone who is able to choose if/when she has sex and gets married. It isn’t a feminist act to sleep with a man who doesn’t respect women and has no intention of ever calling a woman back again after having sex, and that is regardless of whether the feeling is mutual. It’s a matter of self-respect and preservation, and I have always had enough confidence and respect for myself not to get involved with the hook-up culture that has become so prevalent among 20 and 30-somethings today. No thanks. Maybe Emma Watson would rather keep her sex life private. Not everyone is comfortable with talking about his/her bodily functions and sex life to millions of people. That doesn’t mean she isn’t more of a feminist than JLaw.

      • SamiHami says:

        Well, you better not have ever said a guy was hot, because according to Saphana’s definition of feminism that means you automatically wanted to have sex with him. Shame on you for making your own choices for your own reasons! Be a true feminist like Saphana claims to be and go get yourself some random sex! If you don’t that means you are stuck in 1950’s morals and are unhealthy.

        Seriously, the whole point is supposed to be that we can make our own choices. It’s truly deplorable when a self styled feminist is so judgmental and critical of women who make choices that she would not.

  9. Catwoman says:

    F@@k Gale, marry Peeta, kill Snow

  10. lisa2 says:

    They would make a cute couple. Wonder why it never went further (relationship)

  11. Red says:

    I went on a Hunger Games junkette binge months ago and what really struck me was what a third wheel Liam was to Jen&Josh. Of course I never thought she and Josh got it on, they just seem like BFFs with great camaraderie. Now I wonder if that awkwardness I sensed when Liam was around was just the bad juju that follows most hookups. I’m pretty sure whatever happened didnt happen recently, I mean look at her language.

    • Saphana says:

      i dont think Jen and Liam get along great, they are just attractive people having some fun ajnd wont have much in common outside of lust. she gets along great with Josh but is a short guy and does not exactly beam with sex appeal.

      • lisa2 says:

        I think he is more serious. I think that is why he and Miley ended. He seem more grown up than her (Jennifer). I think he likes women to behave in a certain way. And maybe Jennifer is a bit too much for him; loud and OTT

    • CornyBlue says:

      She and Josh are very siblingy. Both of them over excited and hyped up. But with iam it s much more cooled down and stable. Atleast that is what it looks like from junkets.

    • debs says:

      I find Hutcherson extremely annoying in junkets. It comes across less as a 3rd wheel situation to me as it does Hutcherson inserting himself into every answer and wanting to dominate the situation.

      I won’t mind him fading away now that this series is over.

  12. Ninks says:

    They’re both hot. They’re both single. I totally believe they’ve hooked up at least once but I don’t think it’s anything more than that.

    I think they should have children together though. The combination of their genes would be so beautiful.

  13. Dana says:

    That first photo is gorgeous!

  14. CornyBlue says:

    Yes. Good. Liam is dumb as a bag of rocks yada yada but he is hot and thats all that matters when hooking up.

    • Saphana says:

      exactly, im happy we live in a time when we can be open with such things. why would it matter what kind of person Liam is? they dont have to build a company together. call him in the hotel and send him on his way after you had what you wanted. its not that hard.

  15. Newyorking says:

    I LOVE Nicholas Hoult but not with J Law. He is too good for her. He seems to like staying under the radar and just focuses on his art of acting, her drama is probably too much for him. I recall seeing a photo of him trying to take her away from the paps when she was giving them the middle finger. I think she is too much for him, and he is just too good for her. He needs someone more subdued and drama-free like him.

    • Saphana says:

      it always seemed like an odd match. he is way more reserved for her all out and very drunk college girl personality. without that much time apart they would have broken up way earlier. dont blame him i dont think i could spend longer periods of time with her either.

    • CornyBlue says:

      Nic Hoult is absolutely not too good for her. What BS. I am sure he wouldnt have stayed with her for 4 years if this is how he felt. Also does he have any GFs now ? I don’t recall but Jen has people falling over themselves for her. She would have broken up if she was not into him.

    • Jbap says:

      There is way more to Lawrence than being an ‘all out and very drunk college girl personality’. She has brains, and can be smart and reflective – as her pay essay proved. I always thought Hoult and J-Law were a great match, with her extrovert personality nicely balancing his introvertedness. It’s a shame they broke up, but all this ‘he was too good for her’ stuff is BS.

    • PEYTON says:

      You know why he’s under the radar for papz? Bc no one cares what he is doing, I’m sorry but he’s not on her level… and about the drama, she is only on tv when she have to promote a movie, and the media exaggerate everything. Too good for her.. BS

    • M.A.F. says:

      You all do realize that opposite attracts right? He may not be on her level and she may come across as a drunk college girl but they obviously liked something about each other and dated for several years.

    • Lucy says:

      I completely disagree, actually. I don’t think there’s such a thing as him being too good for her or viceversa. In my opinion they’re both lovely, yet very different from each other. They were together several years and seemed to have had a happy and loving relationship, which, well, eventually ran its course. Sometimes it’s that simple.

    • debs says:

      He dumped her right as she was on the Oscar trail towards her big win, then got back together with her when they filmed X-Men. Reeks of an insecure boyfriend who can only handle being with a woman who’s not a level above him.

  16. Jess says:

    Wasn’t there a blind item that they were hooking up? I think it was from when he was still with Miley.

  17. Rose says:

    I’m here for the shoes in that clip. I need the details. Anyone know the designer?

  18. Mark says:

    but when someone asks her question about this is in the future i bet she gets an attitude.

  19. tw says:

    I can TOTALLY see her smoking a joint on the beach while he surfs.

  20. JenniferJustice says:

    Call me crazy, but even though JLaw is really successful, popular, and seems confident, I get a very insecure vibe from her when it comes to men. She keeps getting with guys who aren’t on her level success-wise, looks-wise, and now age-wise. I think she’s afraid of good-looking successful men her age, so she goes for older or homely or barely known because they’re “safer”. I don’t see her ever hooking up with anybody as good-looking at Liam because she’s afraid she can’t compete with the endless line of young pretty girls hitting on him. She will continue to hook up with men who are less than her in one form or another. That’s her comfort zone.

    • CornyBlue says:

      But no young actor( male or female) is on her level success wise. And male actors actually start getting good roles and being taken seriously after 30 at the very least. She is an anomaly.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        There are plenty of young successful actors right now – maybe not as successful as she is, but successful in their own right – all the super heroes actors from the Marvel and DC franchises, and even Liam. He may not be as successful as she is, but he has a very solid career with a great future ahead. I don’t see her even going for a guy remotely successful. I’m curious about Nicholas Hoult’s real personality because Goopy’s ex was known to be sullen, introverted, running away from paps and cameras, etc. I have to think she must have been drawn to that even though she isn’t like that at all. It has me wondering if she’s attracted to guys who hate the industry even though she seems to relish it.

      • CornyBlue says:

        @JenniferJustice what makes you think Nic Hoult is introverted and hates the industry ? Also all the Marvel actors are older than her. They are well above 30. Lol at Liam but ok. He made a ton of bank riding on coattails but he made bank and thats what matters.

      • perplexed says:

        I don’t think it’s that easy for Jennifer Lawrence to find someone in Hollywood, even if they are successful. Some of those men are either jerks (it’s not like most successful people in Hollywood have great personalities) or …possibly gay.

        I wouldn’t necessarily want to date Chris Martin (probably because of the Gwyneth issue), but compared to what you usually read about Hollywood types, he doesn’t seem that terrible. So, in that sense, I can see why she might have considered dating him (although I wasn’t even sure if that romance was actually real.)

      • teacakes says:

        @jenniferJustice – all the Marvel lead actors are a lot older than her, even the youngest (Hemsworth) is 32.

        And with the exception of Chris Evans, they’re all married. What do you want her to do, break up a couple so she can finally have a partner you think is on her level, fame-wise?

    • perplexed says:

      She’s more successful than everybody else her age though. There’s no Tom Cruise in her age range right now. The last time I can remember a young guy being as successful as or more successful than her was when Leo D became famous with Titanic…and he likes Victoria Secret models.

    • Mrs. Odie says:

      It must be hard for JLaw to find a man who is interested in her for herself and not to say they “hit that” or to ride her coattails somehow. That would make most women insecure, I think.

  21. Elle says:

    Just the way she she talks about him makes me think she is very much into him. I think she was with Chris Martin as a ‘safe’ rebound. She had mentioned a few times that she thought Nick Hoult was so attractive, and really gushed about him. I think she was guarding her heart a little bit after that. Liam Hemsworth seems like the type she could actually fall for. Very attractive and charming. As for him, he seemed to enjoy Miley Cyrus’s outgoing personality before she got crazy with the antics. So I think he is attracted to succesful women with outgoing personality. I think if Jennifer Lawrence went for it, he’d be all in! Hope is happens

  22. Lou says:

    Well if they were gonna happen they would have by now, i mean relationship wise. I think he’s an asshole … the way he treated Miley around their break up was so shady. He was papped making out with some Brazilian model before their broken engagement was even announced. That said, Jlaw seems high maintenance. Not financially.. but i think she would be demanding emotionally.

  23. lilacflowers says:

    I like these two together. They have a natural chemistry (better off screen than on, actually). When the break-up with Miley was unfolding, I saw or read an interview he gave in which the interviewer asked him about returning to the Hunger Games set and Jennifer Lawrence and he said he was excited and all would be well because being with Jennifer was “like being home. She’s my home.” I though that was a lovely thing to say.

    • Lou says:

      That’s a bit … intimate… I mean, i love my best friend of 20 years a LOT, but i wouldn’t think to refer to her in such a loving way. I know actors get very lovey dovey, but that’s another level!

  24. cakecakecake says:

    please god NO!

    will there be anymore hunky men left?? everyone else is 5’6 and petite-ish.

    I hope it does NOT happen as in “dating” it will be shoved down our throats 24/7.

  25. mom2two says:

    Well, he is much more attractive than Nicholas Hoult even though he’s not anywhere near Hoult’s acting talent. If anything came of it, I think Liam and J Law would make a nice looking couple.

  26. Cc says:

    Aw, I actually like this couple, they’re both young and fun and easy going. And just think of the gorgeous babies they could have.

  27. Veronica says:

    Of course she did – f*ck yeah I would to if given the opportunity. They’re both good looking, close friends; it was inevitable at some point or another. Good on them for not letting it get in the way of staying friends.

  28. Goodnight says:

    Screw Celebitchy for making me think of those two humping. Gross.

    I’m going to go drink all the wine now to get that out of my head. Not everyone wants to picture hetero sex, guys /: