Was Jennifer Lawrence ‘rude’ to a reporter after her Golden Globes win?


Jennifer Lawrence won her third Golden Globe on Sunday. It was her third Globe for a film role in a David O. Russell film too, which is weird, because I don’t think she’s even doing her best work with DOR. Anyway, like all the winners, Jennifer was shuffled off to the press scrum behind-the-scenes after her win. The Golden Globes and the Oscars both do this – just after winning, you have to do about a million short interviews with a million different outlets. Celebrities can get especially punch-drunk during that part of the awards-show night, especially if they’ve already been consuming actual alcoholic beverages. Which we know J-Law had been doing (after all, she did thank her “home town, Kentucky.”)

So when J-Law was standing in front of the media scrum Sunday night, she decided to have some fun… I guess. Just know, that when I first watched this video very early Monday morning, I really didn’t understand why this was controversial in the least. I’m somewhat familiar with J-Law’s tone, and it seemed like she was doing a bit to make people laugh, and trying to keep everything sort of light. But some people thought she was actually serious, and that she was being a major bitch to this one journalist. Here’s the video:

He’s trying to ask her something and she interrupts him, saying: “You can’t live your whole life behind your phone, bro. You can’t do that. You’ve got to live in the now.” Then he tries to ask her something about how she “sees herself” for the Oscars and “We’re at the Golden Globes. If you put your phone down you’d know that.”

The reporter apparently works for Latin and South American E!, mostly in Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela. Some thought she was being really rude, or maybe that she was just trying to shut him down completely. I don’t know you guys? I’m a nitpicker supreme, but I’m not seeing how she was a total rude a—hole to him at all. She was pretty obviously joking around with him? Maybe I’m totally misreading the context, but it sounds like he was laughing too? As for the fact that some journalists were probably using their phones to record the interviews – and properly quote the celebrities – sure, I’m sure that’s what he was doing. But have you ever seen the other side of these scrums? Jennifer probably couldn’t even see this guy’s face because he was just holding up his phone to get the best position.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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273 Responses to “Was Jennifer Lawrence ‘rude’ to a reporter after her Golden Globes win?”

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  1. GlimmerBunny says:

    I don’t think she was rude, but wow was that Globe win undeserved. Her look was pretty terrible too (I liked her afterparty styling much better!)

    • Grace says:

      she can’t always get away from it, being rude in disguise of joking. She is not kind.

      • Fee says:

        When one of your buffs is a Kardashian it tells a lot, when its momager Kris its says it all.
        Good actress but 3? Come on. For joy? Over rated.

      • BossyKat says:

        Here’s the thing: I don’t think she’s a mean or b*tchy type person. She’s not Julia Roberts or anything, lol – but I bring Julia up because I think Lawrence has adopted her tired schtick. Trying to be wry and wisecrack – and make it seem like you’re in control, but actually coming across as obnoxious and unpleasant. tired

        I recall back in the day, everyone loving Julia, until one day she started doing enough interviews where her personality came out, and people were suddenly like…(eyeroll) sheesh…eeew….ugh – ‘No thanks Pretty Woman, we’ll take Sandra Bullock in our blockbusters.’

        Who knows maybe Lawrence’s confession about her own insecurities and not speaking up for herself (see equal pay op ed) has made her swing the other way, and now she just b@ll busts whenever she can to prove she’s in charge Hah.

        For me it’s just an obnoxious abrasive routine. Like she wants to be her new bestie Amy Schumer, and troll and give people shite, and make people laugh at her good natured burns said with a smirk – but it doesn’t play well especially when the guy is a non english speaker just reading his questions off his phone and you make up a whole bad stand up routine over it.

        Get over yourself girl. Lol

    • Moxylady says:

      She gave this reporter straight up gold. His bosses and studio are going to be so happy with this footage and interaction. Way better than the typical simple answer. Honestly this is going to vastly help his career. “Our own X and his light hearted banter with the Oscar winner” etc etc etc. “cell phones. Do we use them too much? Just ask JLaw.” It’s going to be endless good for them. And – he laughed the loudest. It was all in fun. And he knew it was pure gold.

      • Lisa says:

        I honestly think it is too hard to tell from the context. We can’t tell if the reporter laughed back, etc.

      • BossyKat says:

        Jen, is that you? Lol I concur with @Lisa – no way you can tell what the reporters reaction was, to me the mood in the room felt decidedly tense and awkward.

        Also, there’s absolutely no way to know if it helps his career or not, that remains to be seen. Maybe if Lawrence feels guilty at her bad press she might make it up to him by giving him a one on one interview at her next junket.

        Other than that, I’m sure he was taken aback being the butt of her joke – nothing ‘gold’ about that. You’re reaching a bit. Lol

      • Jellybean says:

        Another journalist has written an article about a similar interaction with Lawrence.


        There is an interesting antagonism developing between actors and journos. There has been bad behaviour on both sides. I do think the press tours and awards season really needs to be toned down.

      • Anna says:

        I’m sorry but how was this “gold”? He was using his phone to translate the question he had to ask. And he was reading it off his phone to try so that she could understand it since clearly English isn’t his first language. I’m not sure why her completely lack of respect and understanding is “gold” or something to be laughing about. You could tell his laugh was uncomfortable cause he didn’t really get what was going on.

        And besides if this was another journalist (and not one using his phone for translation) she shouldn’t have berated him either. Journalism majors are taught in college to always have your phone out to have your questions ready and write down the celebs response quicker.
        I’m glad most people are finally seeing that her “quirky” jokes aren’t that funny and never have been

      • Carol says:

        I gather this foreign reporter was looking at his phone so he could read his question in English correctly. If JLaw knew that that was what he was doing yet decided to reprimand him anyways, then yes, she was being a total a**hole. But if she didn’t realize that was what he was using his phone for, then I think she didn’t act like a total a**hole just a minor one.

      • Josefina says:

        @Anna and Carol

        I just find it very weird E! would be stupid enough to send a reporter with mediocre English to cover an American awards show.

      • SKF says:

        You can 100% hear him laughing. Same voice and he is microphoned so his is the loudest laugh. He pauses then laughs. This is ridiculous. Not rude at all. She’s cracking jokes, it’s fine!! Yeesh!

      • Flan says:

        @Anna, other reporters who were there have said he was not reading off his phone, but using his phone to take pictures/film her.

      • jbap says:

        Another journalist who was there says he was filming her, and J-Law was completely in order to tell him off – http://www.tnp.sg/m/movies/tnp-reporters-debunk-hollywood-myths-golden-globes.

        This is all total BS.

    • BRE says:

      She has a point though. There are so many reporters in that room looking to ask a question, you get the chance and you can’t tear yourself away from your phone. It is so rude when I’m trying to talk to someone or help someone at work and they can’t stop looking at their phone, texting or talking for 2 minutes. Phones have really caused normally polite people to act to rude. I think her humor was a good way to deal with this.

      • WTW says:

        Reporters do not use their phones in the same way that the average Joe does. I’m a reporter and have to use my phone to record footage, audio, take pictures or communicate with my editors remotely. He may have also used his phone to take or consult his notes. Do you really think this man was using his phone to text his girlfriend or something? Many people use their phones in a professional context.

      • Cirien says:

        Many reporters use their phones in the way they were using notepad not five years ago. And people still read their questions of notes that they’ve written down … it really looks like he was doing his job not messing around

      • sodapop says:

        It’s completely normal for journalists to be on their phones at press conferences though because they need to be constantly either 1) sending updates to editors 2) monitoring the wire reports and news updates 3) liaising with whatever 2-3 interviewees we’re lining up for the next story 4) recording clips 5) taking notes etc.

        Jennifer should know that by now, having done so many junkets. The reporter was trying to do his job and she was acting like an ass. She seems like the kind of brat to insult somebody and then act like it’s JUST A JOOKEEE!! when people are offended.

        I used to love her (winter’s bone era) but now I just find her annoying and exhausting between the peeing in sinks and friending it up with Kris Jenner.

    • DrM says:

      I don’t get the whole JLaw thing at all. Tiresome, boring, somewhat vacuous looking/sounding actress. I thought she came across as a rather power-trippy, entitled b**ch. The sooner she goes away the better as far as I’m concerned.

    • La La Land says:

      That’s what I was about to say … boy is she dense as well as overrated. I just can’t go any further with this one.

  2. Palar says:

    Of course it was a joke. She was on a high from winning, you don’t crack the shits when on a high!

    • CTgirl says:

      It was a joke that didn’t really come off. JLaw is making KStew seem like a good interview. It’s the end of the world as we know it.

    • qwerty says:

      She was trying to be funny but it was at his expense.

  3. tifzlan says:

    Honestly, she always tries to be funny or quirky but it almost always comes off as rude, idk if that’s just me but i’ve never understood her schtick.

    • Miss V says:

      This. So much. It also comes off as super try-hard. She’s always “on” and needs to be the center of attention. She just tries too hard to get it… And she doesn’t have to.

      • missmerry says:

        I agree, and since she said two things to him, and literally shook her finger, I feel like she was trying to belittle him or something…or at least make a joke at his expense TWICE while he’s trying to do his job…

        she’s so somebody I would avoid on campus or at work….

      • qwerty says:

        The center of attention part – I agree 100%. She may have this ohh, I’m so nervous and awkward schtick but still everyone in the room has to be looking at her. She must be exhausting to be around.

    • Lurker says:

      Agree 100%, I also think she was trying to be funny/adorable, and the only things I have a problem with, in regards to her behaviour are firstly, wagging her finger at him – that’s exactly the ting that pushes my rage button, for whatever reason. I cannot abide it , whatsoever. That’s personal to me though, not necessarily bad manners for everyone. However, the second thing is that she didn’t answer his question, about being excited for Oscar night. She was literally there to do exactly this – answer dumb questions – and if she did that, I’d have a lot more time for her.

      • Ankhel says:

        Ah yes, finger wagging. Very Hyacinth Bucket.
        “We’re all good friends here enjoying this little joke!”, except not really.

      • Katie Oh says:

        But she did answer his question about Oscar night, in full – see the extended video.

  4. Katydid04 says:

    I’m not sure if it’s rude, but I think she horribly failed at trying to be funny. Or maybe it’s because I’m so over her and her antics……..and ditto on the undeserved golden globe win.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      I’m with KATYDID. JLaw is hardly a class act, and she usually gets a pass when she says something haha “funny.” Wish she would go away for awhile but that ain’t gonna happen.

    • perplexed says:

      That’s the impression I have too. I think it’s possible she didn’t mean anything malicious. But, whatever it was she was doing, it didn’t come off funny to a larger audience. I don’t think she has the right comedic “timing” as herself. (Though I think she’s great when she’s playing a character).

      • Jib says:

        Then she’s a fool. Rich white woman wags finger, mocks foreign reporter and misunderstands the question due to her own fault, and she’s funny? Here’s the thing: we like when comedians etc take shots at the powerful, but when the powerful mock someone weaker? It gets people irate. You could feel the anger of people on twitter.
        JLaw lives in the world of JLaw, where obviously no one tells her to tone it down. She hurt herself with this, because it seemed cruel. And if course he laughed- he was embarrassed. The video shows awkward laughter – no one was to roaring at this. It was uncomfortable.
        I can’t wait until she goes away.

      • meh says:

        ^^^^^^ what Jib said.

  5. Shambles says:

    I feel like we already hashed the sh!t out of this yesterday. People made it very clear that they have very strong opinions on both sides. Things were said. People were passionate. Batten down the hatches!
    *runs scared*

    • Amelia says:

      *Jumps into storm bunker*
      I have pizza, mojitos, Internet access and hot water bottles. All are welcome to join.

  6. ali.hanlon says:

    I watched the full video.

    Jennifer comes across as rude, arrogant, and preachy.

    Completely rude.

    • Naya says:

      i also watched the full video and completely disagree. In fact I had to confirm that I was watching the right video, it was that underwhelming. Go figure.

      • ali.hanlon says:

        Everyone can have an opinion.

        Let’s just say no one would talk to me that way except my mom.

      • Deedee says:

        If you watched the full video of the press conference, you heard the ridiculous questions she was being asked, “Who’s your least favorite Real Housewife?” and “If you had an extra body part, what would it be?” Absurd!
        And you also saw her politely answer another question (from this same phone toting reporter) about her work with one of her co-stars from Joy. Anything can look bad out of context.
        I wouldn’t have the patience for these Q & A’s when people are asking crazy questions that have nothing to do with the moment at hand. Seeing what happens makes her reaction to the guy much more understandable.

      • Kitten says:

        Agree with Naya and Deedee.

        I wonder how commenters interact with coworkers and friends in real life. Because my friends and I are constantly giving each other sh*t and we laugh it off. It’s part of how we relate to each other. This dude was probably THRILLED that J Law razzed him and gave him so much attention. Sounded like he was good-natured, laughing in response, not humiliated and scarred for life like some of you want to believe.

      • Alex says:

        Agree as well. All the reporters laughed and in the full video you see her answer the most ridiculous questions with zero problems. Plus people who were there said that the guy was distracting and that no one found it rude.

        This is another case of JLaw is too famous and people will find anything to pick on her for. The same thing happened after her Oscar season and Anne Hathaway’s season. People teared them down for petty reasons. Bet if a male actor did this no one would blink an eye…can we say Tom Hardy?

      • Kennedy says:

        Agreed. People have been hating on Jennifer since before she won her Oscar. Yes, she can be kind of annoying. But for the most part – she seems quite nice and level headed, given how mega famous she is. I just hope she stops working with O’Russell who is an absolute pig.

      • I Choose Me says:

        Me too. JLaw gets on my nerves sometimes but this just sounds like good-natured ribbing to me. Another case of much ado about nothing.

      • Dangles says:

        @Kitten: I’ve never seen you laugh off any of the sh!t you’ve received on this site. You normally get defensive.

    • Snowflake says:

      I thought it was rude. I think she was serious but was trying to make it come off in a joking way. I would have been pissed if I was that guy. She’s basically telling him off in front of lots of people. I would be embarrassed and offended if I was him. Who is she to get on him about a phone? I’m sure she’s been on her phone many times when people are having a conversation with her. She came across as snotty and bitchy to me.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      Agree. And she is completely overexposed. Take a year or two off, JLaw.

  7. CharlotteCharlotte says:

    It seemed arrogant and like a bully move to me. Even if he is laughing, that’s a pretty standard reaction by someone who’s being bullied by the popular kid. It doesn’t make it right.
    But, arrogance and actors do tend to go together. I live with a couple.

  8. ell says:

    the guy was laughing as well. honestly, i’m not jlaw’s biggest fan at all, but even i have to admit the phone joke was very very funny, i laughed out loud. then i thought that if she’d been a bloke, no one would have called her rude and everyone would find it super funny. the difference between rude/offensive and just a joke is whether you’re making someone uncomfortable, and given how the guy laughs, i’d say there’s nothing rude about it.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m sorry, we were typing at the same time and I said the same thing.

    • Freddy Spaghetti says:

      +1000 If a guy had said it, it’d be a non-issue. I don’t like Jennifer that much, but she gets way more flack then male actors. (Cough, Affleck, Cough)

    • V4Real says:

      Just because he laughed doesn’t mean he wasn’t uncomfortable. Sometimes people laugh to deflect how they really feel or to hide embarrassment. And yes it could have been a bloke and I still would have called that bloke a d-ck. I like Jen but this wasn’t funny at all.

      • ell says:

        maybe, but it sounds like a proper laugh at the end, not a circumstance giggle. might be wrong, obviously. i don’t like jen all the time. she says some stuff that is very ignorant at times, and uses sexist slur which really really bothers me, but this one’s fine imo.

        “And yes it could have been a bloke and I still would have called that bloke a d-ck.” maybe you would do that, just browse the comments on male celebs posts, and see the things they get away with.

      • V4Real says:

        And if I read the post I call them out on it. I’m a huge fan of RDJ but when he made that comment about Iñárritu and his English skills I spoke about his bad behavior. It can be Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman, I don’t care I will still call them out on their sh-t.

        “maybe, but it sounds like a proper laugh at the end, not a circumstance giggle.”

        And how do you know for sure it was him who was laughing. It could have been another reporter. And some people do actually laugh, I mean laugh, not giggle when they are embarrassed or uneasy.

        I am sure she knew he was asking her about the Oscars, not thinking he was at the Oscars. If she tried to get a laugh at his expense shame on her. I could see if he was asking her about her personal life but it was a professional question which made her response disrespectful. I like her but she needs to grow up.

    • Snowflake says:

      Of course he laughed. Have you ever laughed when you’re nervous? What else can he do except fake laugh and hope she moves on? What can he do besides that? He can’t tell her off.

      • helena says:

        exactly. people are so naive if they think he considered it funny. he wanted her to move on and stop embarrassing him.

  9. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I didn’t think it was terribly rude, but I probably wouldn’t have done it. I felt a little sorry for the guy, although I did think he was laughing. The thing is, and I don’t want to sound whiny, but if a man did exactly the same thing, I don’t think people would think twice.

    • ShinyGrenade says:

      But then, if a guy acted the same way as her (i like to fart, i eat, i puke, i’m one of the brooooooo), we would probably called him a disgusting douchebag…

      • Kitten says:

        Nah. Hasn’t seemed to hurt Chris Pratt’s legion of undying fans. Remember? The guy who sends photos of his poop to coworkers?

      • ShinyGrenade says:

        Chris Pratt is a massive fratboy. And he is being call a lot for it.
        Did not know about the poo thing, this is disgusting. Gross.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        True, Shiny, but I’m just talking about this one instance.

      • Kitten says:

        Pratt is more beloved than not, especially around here. But yes ITA that he’s just a gun-loving frat dude.


      • ShinyGrenade says:

        Indeed, indeed.

        I’m just a bit tired of all her (and his actually) smuck. We don’t have to know about all that bodily fluid. And with JLaw, she can write an articulate essay about equal pay, but then, needs to say she is “one of the boy”. Why?

        And Yup, Pratt is annoying. He is good as Star Lord, if not a bit over the top. He is not Han and not Malcom Reynolds, the most beloved narky captain. He will always be a fratboy.

    • mee says:

      i don’t know. i think those who were offended would still be offended by the remarks if a guy said them.

      i thought her response to the guy was a little uncalled for and not very funny. i didn’t see how he was looking at his phone so I don’t know if there was something unusual about it. he probably was reading from his phone and although she may have thought that was odd, it was sort of immature of her to call him out on it, particularly due to his lack of comfort with the language. it seemed like she was tired of answering all the silly questions and unfortunately he bore the brunt of her impatience. his question was the least silly of the ones she’d received in that room.

  10. Locke Lamora says:

    She was rude. Even if the guy was rude to her, she could have been gracious for once. But no, she had to he condescending. And this is not the first time she was rude to a reporter with an accent in the press room.
    And I would think it was rude even if a man did it.

    • ali.hanlon says:

      Tom Hardy was rude to a reporter and he was called out for it. Gender has nothing to do with it.

      • Brittney B. says:

        The Tom Hardy example isn’t a great one, because it was the exception to the rule. The reporter even admitted he held his tongue for a long time before reaching a breaking point, and that plenty of other reporters had issues with him too, but no one wanted to go public with it.

        Let’s look at it another way: if a woman had been the one to complain about Hardy’s behavior, she would have been risking her career and inviting comments about getting rejected, having a crush, whatever.

        Meanwhile, how many stories have you read about women being frigid or bitchy during press junkets (January), on red carpets (Sienna, Sophie), after winning awards (Jennifer, Patricia), in print interviews (Mila)… do the journalists think twice about calling them out? No, and in many cases we only hear one side of the story.

        Now, I’m not really defending Jennifer… she does remind me of the “cool girls” whose jokes were just a little too cutting… but I think Kaiser’s description was spot-on: she probably couldn’t even see his face. I hate the way people shut out the world with their phones, too… even if you MUST take a video or picture, why must you hold it up to your face? Press record and glance down occasionally to make sure everything’s in the frame.

        But then she was “on a roll” making the room laugh, and didn’t even bother to listen correctly to his question. (He didn’t name the wrong awards ceremony; he was asking about the future.)

      • EOA says:

        I’m always amazed by those who insist that they can declare “gender has nothing to do with it” as if the rest of us should deny our knowledge of how the world works.

      • meh says:

        I call BS on an attempt at making this a feminist issue.

      • EOA says:

        @meh From where I sit, most of the backlash directed at any successful and high profile woman is a “feminist issue” because so much of that criticism is usually sexist. I call BS on those who try to shut down the discussion on sexism.

    • serena says:

      For once.. you said it .

  11. V4Real says:

    She was rude, joking or not. Let the man ask his questions. She doesn’t get a pass for being a d_ck.

  12. Esther says:

    it was a dick move and i lost respect for her for that. the executives should be smart and not let her and Amy go together on the promo tour for their movie.

  13. Scal says:

    I mean, it’s clear that he was reading the questions off the phone. People write their questions down ahead of time. And with the language barrier I’m sure he was nervous. She knows it’s the ‘Hollywood foreign press’, and was clearly just drunk and trying to be clever. It came off as very entitled.

    I feel bad for the guy. Even it was just a joke, again with the language barrier all he could tell is that everyone was laughing at him. Twice. It’s not her finest moment, but blowing it up this much is crazy.

    • Locke Lamora says:

      She pulls thing like this all the time but gets a pass adter pass after pass. Things just acumulated.

      • oliphant says:

        Can’t believe we live in a world without David Bowie, and where this tit is one of the biggest and most acclaimed stars. Ugh goodnight!

      • Div says:

        I usually like her even if she does do dumb shit at times but I’m surprised this is what the media decided to go after her for. She’s hardly the first person to be snappy at these type of events. She’s said some problematic things about LGBTQ things that have bugged me, especially as a girl who likes girls, although I give her a slight pass as I know she grew up in a very conservative place and might not realize it’s insensitive. I know everyone on here laughed but the whole “slutty power lesbian” comment rankled coming from a straight white girl. Not to mention the whole punchline was that it was meant to be poking fun at her own style of dress. Anyway, if the media was dragging her over that I’d be okay with it since frankly I thought it was insensitive, especially since this wasn’t her first time, but instead they decided to flip out over her being kind of rude and loudmouthed even though tons of men have behaved the same way. And no, I’m not condoning being rude, even if it’s unintentional, since it’s not okay but the double standards bug.

      • ell says:

        @Div thank you. i don’t understand how she’s dragged for being mildly “rude” to a journalist, but no one made a point of how ignorant the power slutty lesbian comment was.

      • Lindy79 says:

        It was raised to her in a post GG interview and she basically told people to stop being offended, she didn’t handle it well in my opinion.


      • ell says:

        after watching this video i’m back to disliking her. you know, actors are human beings and as such they can say ignorant stupid things, but honestly I have zero understanding for people who are not willing to take that sort of criticism on board and educate themselves.

      • V4Real says:

        Thanks for posting @Lindy79, most of her apologist will give her a pass on this as well.

        Some of JLaw’s words “people were offended. Well there are slutty people, thank God. There are lesbians. I’m offended that their offended.”

        Really Jen?

    • Kate says:

      Foreign press are also at all the other medium to large award shows, premieres, press junkets. Unless this guy just started in this job he should be more than capable of asking a simple question in English. I don’t really understand why people are assuming he was struggling with that anyway. He has an accent but his English was fine. There are no shortage of native English speaking reporters who do an awkward job of asking questions at these things, it’s entirely possible he’s just incompetent in any language.

      • Saks says:

        But you can fluent in a second language yet still being insecure when speaking it, because you dont want to babble and want to have a good accent, etc., e.g. I speak 3 languages and even though I understand French perfectly I get super insecure when talking/writting it.

        Maybe this guy just wanted to get his question right, given the fact that in a past year she had already being rude to another Latino journalist when she didn’t understand his question.

    • Grace says:

      Journalist who was here said that he was making videos and pics. And Refinity reported that he was trying to make as much celebrities pics as possible at the afer parties

      • Cirien says:

        So he was doing his job then. He’s a reporter that’s what the do. It doesn’t mean she wasn’t rude in the way she spoke to him

      • kate says:

        No, that’s not what they do. That’s what the many, many photographers on hand do. The reporters report, they aren’t there to take bad pictures and blurry videos.

      • rose says:

        another journalist said that he was reading the question. so who’s telling the truth.


  14. Kiki says:

    This is why I love JLaw. She tells it like it is. If that was rude, then I must be obnoxious too when I tell off a lot of people and I call it like I see it too.

    JLaw you win back my love again

  15. Div says:

    I thought this was rude but I also think she wasn’t doing it on purpose and that the media is overreacting. She has a very abrasive sense of humor and she was probably drunk. I feel like we live in an age where everything is overexposed, over analyzed, and over blown when it comes to female celebrities and that the media loves to prop them on these impossible pedestals.

    While I miss the old days….the new norm is that in 2016 IPads and smart phones are used in certain work situations and especially for the media. My bff is a reporter and does so much with her IPad mini. Jennifer must have certainly seen this go down before (the prolific use of IPads and IPhones) with other reporters and even if she hadn’t common sense is that he’s probably recording or looking at his notes instead of playing candy crush in this context. I’d give her the benefit of the doubt… if she was Maggie Smith who is 80 years old and rarely attends events anymore and probably isn’t aware of the changing etiquette. However, she isn’t so I do find this rude.

    • Ninks says:

      Not just the media, but lots of people have been incredibly nasty about this online. I was really surprised at how harsh the comments about her have been, Like people were waiting for her to mess up, and then pounced on the slightest thing they could use to bash her.

      I’ve seen a bajillion people claiming that he was using the phone to translate a question without any shred of evidence whatsoever that that was the case. They all just collectively decided that a journalist who works in LA and was sent to cover the press room for the Golden Globes wouldn’t have enough English to ask a basic question without a translation aid.

      There’s tweets from another journalist who was also in the room at the time, who says that the journo was filming her while he asked the question. Which…? Why was he filming it from his phone, he was hardly going to show something he filmed with his mobile phone on TV.

      Maybe she found him rude, filming her, looking at his phone instead of her while asking her a question. Her tone was teasing, light hearted. She still answered his question.

      This wasn’t a story until all the JLaw haters started making a big deal of it.

      • perplexed says:

        I saw the tweets from the other journalist, but I didn’t know how seriously to take him since he didn’t seem to understand that the journalist asking the question was asking about how she was preparing for the Oscars rather than actually stating they were at the Oscars. The journalist who tweeted seemed to have as much of a comprehension problem as Lawrence.

      • WTW says:

        I’m a journalist and have used my phone to film events countless times. News outlines can put the footage on their websites or on social media. It’s quite common for journalists to do this.

  16. Felice. says:

    I think even JLaw stans are sick of her working with DOR.

  17. kibbles says:

    We all know her schtick by now, so even though she may not have meant to be rude, she really put this reporter on the spot and belittled him in front of his colleagues. This guy’s first language isn’t even English. Very disrespectful, but what more can you expect from JLaw and her antics to make herself seem cool and funny?

    The only DOR film starring JLaw I managed to finish with Silver Linings Playbook. I could not get through American Hustle nor could I get beyond ten minutes of Joy. I think the vote is rigged for DOR and JLaw at this point and people are catching on that these films and performances are not worthy of multiple awards year after year.

    • Jen43 says:

      Exactly. English isn’t his first language. JerkLaw was rude.

      • Amanda says:

        Yes, the reporter’s first language wasn’t English but isn’t it just standard journalism to prepare questions in advance that you are certain are clear?

  18. Kate says:

    I don’t see the problem. She was obviously just keeping things light.

    The other reporters were complaining about this guy, claiming he was distracting and annoying. He shouldn’t have been using his phone. Reporters didn’t need to record this, as obviously crystal clear video is released to all shortly after the interview ends. He was apparently trying to photograph the celebs, and since no publication would print shitty IPhone pics over the hundreds of professional photos taken, he was likely doing that to post on his own social media. Which is super unprofessional and the kind of thing that could have gotten him kicked out.

    • Div says:

      The thing is reporters are often supposed to file as soon as possible at these types of events so yeah they do record them to make sure they are accurate in their reporting. It’s extremely doubtful he was recording her to publish the recording and far more likely he was just recording her to make sure he quoted her accurately. Also I only saw one guy criticizing the journalist and I sort of feel like tons would be chiming in if he truly was being a f*ckwit to defend JLaw.

      That said I don’t think she was intentionally rude and that it was very likely a drunk joke that fell flat. She’s hardly the first actor or actress to get snappy, intentionally or unintentionally, and imo people are overreacting. Hardy used to do this all the time and no one ever got mad at him until recently.

    • serena says:

      He was doing his job, what’s wrong in a reporter taking photos and videos? Wow so weird.
      On the other hand, we’ve come to accept and excuse her bad behaviour because, like you said, ‘she keeps things light’.
      To me this isn’t the first time she acted rude and hid it behind her joke-attitude.

    • WTW says:

      Many outlets request journalist to film footage with their phones that can be used on social media. It’s not unprofessional at all. It’s common practice. I don’t even want to defend this guy necessarily, but many people posting on this story aren’t journalists and don’t know what it’s like to be one. Journalists increasingly have to post on social media.

      • Aren says:

        I just want to say that it’s very nice to see in your comments that you do really know what you’re talking about.
        I know nothing about being a reporter, but the reporter in question has spoken a bit about this and he said: 1. He had been asked to record her, and that’s exactly what he was doing. 2. He mentioned he had been told off by Jennifer Lawrence. So, it wasn’t a joke.

    • kate says:

      Guy’s, the other reporter’s in the room were ALSO calling him out for using his phone and photographing people. It’s not common practice in this particular situation, at all. Sometimes they’re phones are even confiscated at these and similar events.

      Reporters don’t record these things because they’re loud. You don’t hear it in the video’s because it’s focused on whomever is speaking up there, but there’s a ton of background noise. Recording on a smartphone will give you an inaccurate record, which you can’t get away with when full video will be released. Only the bigger outlets put out individual up to the minute articles on each winners interview, and the bigger outlets have access to the video almost immediately. Usually the article is written by someone who’s not even there, the reporter in the room is just there to ask questions.

  19. Sixer says:

    I thought plain as day rude. And I’m always the one saying do calm down dears in the comments here when other foolish celebs are accused of rudeness. She was rude. Not that it was an international diplomatic incident or anything. Just a spoiled girl being a bit rude.

    • Lindy79 says:

      I found it rude too having looked at the video, granted I can’t see what’s going on from his side but there was zero humour in her face when she was speaking to him.
      It’s very different to the humour in the Oscars press room when she won.

      • Sixer says:

        I just can’t see how it’s NOT rude, you know? I suppose these things just get parsed through pro- and anti- fandoms.

    • SloaneY says:


    • Kitten says:

      I vacillate between ambivalence and indifference towards J Law and I didn’t think it was a big deal. To me she was joking around, trying to keep things light, unfortunately it was at that reporter’s expense.
      Has anybody actually heard the reporter’s thoughts on this?

      • Sixer says:

        Oh, I don’t think it’s a big deal, you know? Just that it seems to me as plain as the nose on your face that she was being rude. Kinda um… not sufficiently rude to make you dislike someone forever or impugn endless dastardly motives and characteristics to them – cos it’s not the internet if you’re neither angel nor devil, is it? Just a moment of common-or-garden rudeness.

      • perplexed says:

        I agree with Sixer. I’m not going to stop watching her movies or liking her performances, but I don’t think her personality came off great in this clip. Nonetheless, I’ll probably find her entertaining somewhere else (more likely in a movie than in a press conference or in a talk show appearance, where sometimes she can get on my nerves as herself).

      • Josefina says:

        I haven’t heard his thoughts, but I’m sure he much rather have a story to write about Hollywood’s it-girl than getting a typical answer nobody would’ve cared for.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      It gives me pause that you think it’s rude, because, as you say, you are not at all thinned skinned about these sorts of things. I did think it was a line I would not have crossed in her position, but it seemed more awkward than rude to me. I may need to reevaluate.

      • Sixer says:

        GNAT – I wouldn’t take the time to re-evaluate! Like I say, I hardly think of it as some International Incident of Outrageous Ill Manners. Just that the girl was being rude for a moment there.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Lol, very true. Better deal with science projects growing in fridge today.

      • Sixer says:

        Which reminds me that I should consider a search of the bedrooms occupied by the Sixlets. I am sure non-curricular science projects are thriving in at least one of them.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Hm. The only thing I found off-putting was the finger wag but maybe I’m seeing this through the lens of how me and some of my friends interact. I value your opinion so like GNAT you thinking it’s rude, does give me second thoughts.

  20. Gigi says:

    I think she was very rude. I am South American and from a foreigner point of view I would say that Americans value “strong / outgoing personalities” that for another cultures come across as arrogant, over confident, bullies. Just my opinion.

    • jbap says:

      One of the reporters who was at the press conference, sitting just behind the guy J-Law snapped at, has gone out of his way on Twitter to confirm the journalist was being rude. He’s really indignant about it, actually: he keeps on tweeting to say J-Law was well in order! Just search under her name and his tweets come up.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Because Americans are one big homogeneous lump and we all value the exact same things. For your information, many Americans thought it was rude.

      • WTW says:

        I’m an American who’s studied abroad and has one immigrant parent. I agree with Gigi’s assessment. While all Americans shouldn’t be lumped together, her perception of Americans lines up with how much of the world sees us. As an introverted and more quiet-spoken American, I often feel out of place. However, during my travels abroad, people seemed to like my “nature” and that I wasn’t another (in their view) loud-mouthed and obnoxious American.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Her perception may “line up” with how the world sees us, and I’m sure there are people who fit into her narrow, prejudiced remark, but it’s ridiculous to say Americans value strong outgoing personalities, and you know it. Which Americans? White, black, brown? Southern, Midwestern, Northeastern, Midatlantic, West Coast? Young, old? A farmer from Nebraska, an investment banker from New York, a housewife from Mississippi? It’s just a stupid observation.

    • Colette says:

      The reporter was rude and unprofessional IMO.According to his friend Marc at ENews,he speaks and reads English.

  21. Jo says:

    She was rude and it’s not even funny.

  22. may says:

    That reporter retweeted dozens of j-law bashing tweets, I don’t think he’s amused.

    • Romina says:

      But English isn’t his first language, he needs a translate to makes questions… How could he retweet bashing tweets written in English?
      LOL this guy wasn’t ba professional and he likes some publicity

  23. Grace says:

    Even Daniel Feinberg from Hollywood Reporter said that sctors make jokes about journalist every time and that she made only a joke

  24. JoJo says:

    If you put this into context by looking at how she acted at this very same event last year – backstage in the press room at the GGs – it’s no leap at all to think she was rude. She acted like a completely spoiled, bratty, rude mean girl last year, rolling her eyes, snickering sarcastically and making faces while the reporters were asking questions and Amy Adams was trying her best to be a professional and answer questions for the entire American Hustle cast. I’m sorry – I don’t care at all about celebs’ personal lives and what they do, what affairs they have, etc., but show me your true colors like this – that you’re a rude a**hole who thinks you’re above doing your job, no. Forever lose respect.

    • Romina says:

      That was SAG in 2014.

    • Kiki says:

      @Jojo. I see your point. I thought she was telling it like it is but I think I bite off before I
      Read what happened. I am now aware the this reporter is from Latin American, then that case I am sorry for my earlier post. With that, i will say, that is not how you treat people. Now I am a sassy and mouthy woman and I would call her out and tell to take her awards and shove it up her you know where. That journalist has a heart because my mouth ain’t got no cover.

      • Amanda says:

        He’s from E news Latina but he’s friend with Marc Maklin (he posted a pic on Instagram) so he speaks English

  25. Ileana says:

    Really, she’s the epitome of ‘overrated”, as an actress, star and person.

  26. Lucy2 says:

    Based on some of the comments yesterday I expected some horrible tantrum. After I watched, I didn’t think it was THAT bad. I felt like she was trying to be jokey, that seems to be her personality, but it fell flat. Not her finest moment perhaps, but I don’t think she was trying to be intentionally nasty.

  27. OSTONE says:

    JLaw, it is time for a very long hiatus underground.

  28. Original Kay says:

    You don’t even need the end of the question in the header.
    “Was Jennifer Lawrence rude?” And the answer is almost always “yes”.

  29. Azzard says:

    That journalist wrote on Facbook that she probably must be having her period and eventually deleted the post. Sexist

  30. Mimz says:

    I was watching E!’s red carpet event yesterday, and I saw her interview with Maria Menounos, and I have to say I thought that JLaw was kind of condescending, or maybe she just overuses the sarcasm. I know people like her, and being “unapologetic” is a good way to hide the fact that you indeed are a rude b*tch and don’t give a rats ass about other people’s opinion. Which could be good, except it’s a turn off.. to me, at least.
    And again, another award just because of who she is!

    • Kitten says:

      I love Maria Menounos.

      All the RC interviews I saw with J Law, she seemed kinda over it and “off”. Maybe she was having a bad night or maybe she just doesn’t see how dismissive she can be or maybe she’s just a jerk. Who knows?

      • Mimz says:

        Yeah maybe she was. But I just think she enjoys being obnoxious and rude because that’s her “brand”…
        And besides, she’s in a press room, probably 100% of those journos were holding their phones. She was a bit out of line but it’s probably not such a big deal, like the Internet Police is making it to be.

        ETA: Love Maria Menounos too, she’s a sweetie. Really dislike Catt Saddler, she’s really rude and condescending.

    • La La Land says:

      She’s a defensive celeb … because she reads sites like this and begin to believe WE’RE RIGHT … YOU ARE OVERRATED AND OVEREXPOSED JLOW… so please go buy yourself better PR people and maybe some more acting classes, preferably with accent lessons.

  31. Zaytabogota says:

    She wasn’t rude, so many people live with their phones permanently in hand, constantly staring at them or sticking them in people’s faces. It’s frustrating to deal with at the best of times, people have lost their manners, social awareness and ability to properly interact with others because they’re so distracted by existing through their phones. It much be so much more irritating for celebrities who can’t venture in public without phone addicts filming them. It’s not unreasonable for her to expect a minimal level of professionalism from a journalist who is supposed to be doing a job. I applaud her for pointing out the obvious, you have to put the phone down to pay attention to what you’re doing. Live in reality.

    • Jib says:

      Except she wAs the one not paying attention because she misunderstood his question – twice. She was so intent in being the funny cool girl, mocking someone, she looked dumb as well as rude.

  32. Lucy says:

    Oh, for the love of God. This is what everyone on tumblr has their panties in a bunch for? Yesterday it was full of text posts titled “The Rise and Fall of Jennifer Lawrence” or whatever. I thought she had actually said something bad, you know?

  33. Looe says:

    That journalist knows Marc Maklin so he speaks English without a translate. He was making videos and pics in the press room

  34. cindyp says:

    I am so over her & Amy Schumer…ugh! Their frat girl act is getting really old & annoying

  35. Sway says:

    I have followed Jennifer for a while and I have noticed a long time ago that she often tries to pass rudeness as humor and fun. It’s the way she hides her annoyance with people sometimes. And she is annoyed with people pretty often. She WAS rude here, she tried to come off as funny, but no. Bottom line, it was uncalled for.

    Jennifer was so genuine and likable in the beginning and now… she’s just another b*tch from Hollywood.

  36. NewWester says:

    Most certainly Jennifer like other celebs read or get told what is being said about them on social media. If she gets a Oscar nomination for “Joy” and wins, I can see her taking a”break” from acting for a year or so.
    She must be aware that there is a growing backlash and will need to scale back her antics if she wants to continue being a success in Hollywood.
    Jennifer is still young and could have a long career like Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren.

  37. InvaderTak says:

    I don’t know. She wasn’t even listening to the guy’s question otherwise she would have known that he was asking about the upcoming Oscars. The journalist didn’t actually think he was at the Oscars. Instead she misheard and then berated the guy. If she is genuinely trying to be funny she’s failing and I would think that her ‘people’ would have told her by now. I’m not saying she has to try and be universally liked but she doesn’t get to be rude either.

  38. Nancy says:

    Hollywood always selects their it girl. I remember when it was Julia Roberts. She could do no wrong until she played stinker bell and Spielgberg revealed her bitchy side. And leaving Jason at the alter, using Benjamin as a prop at the Oscars, her quest to humiliate her husband’s then wife, etc. If Jennifer is smart, she will continue to do good films and leave her silliness and check her ego at the door. She has the potential to be a great actress, but she is only 25 years old. Girl needs a reality check.

  39. BadAssCompass says:

    By now I think she’s the worst kind of idiot. An intelligent idiot.
    (also, the reporter in question is really cute)

  40. Patricia says:

    She was rude. And ungracious. “Laughs” at the expense of someone just trying to do their job. Not at all funny.

  41. pretty says:

    well i found it very rude but i looked for background / whole context and found this.

    There are a lot of negative rumors going around that she was disrespectful to a reporter & rude because English isn’t his first language. It’s sad because I was right there in the front row & that’s just NOT true! The reporter was holding up his phone, taking photos + video of Jennifer while asking his question and she found it distracting. I found it distracting too. She asked him to put his phone down. Then, she had literally JUST won a Golden Globe & he asked about the Oscars just seconds after winning. It wasn’t the time or place. She handled it in usual Jennifer Lawrence humor & the reporter himself laughed as well as the rest of the press. Don’t believe the rumors, I was there & Jennifer Lawrence was in no way rude. She was a sweetheart when she answered my question & was nice to all the press.

    from Chris Trondsen. you can see his twitter, instagram

    • Kitten says:

      Thank you for this.

      Sadly, no one will ever read this because everyone’s too busy being outraged.

      • ali.hanlon says:

        I read his tweets. Talk about he doth protest too much.

        Wasn’t convinced by him.

        But we can all agree to disagree until the next time jennifer acts rude.

      • Kitten says:

        He doth protest too much? What’s in it for him? What does he get from defending Jennifer Lawrence, particularly when internet ragers and the general public are ready to hang her?

      • Mark says:

        People saw the video and saw how rude she was, it’s not people looking to hang just people disapproving of bad behavior.

        I know Jlaw is the queen of the internet but not everyone has to like her.

    • ell says:

      this. i mean, i’m the first to call her out for all the ignorant stuff she says, but this isn’t one of those instances. and it bothers me they’re dragging her for this, instead of taking her out for making comments like “omg how can people get offended at slutty power lesbians”. she’s just not educated enough to understand how words like slut and stereotypes on the lgbqt community are offensive and don’t help at all.

    • Cirien says:

      So he was filming for his job then?

    • Dangles says:

      Meh. I don’t have anything against her per se, but like Taylor Swift I think the media rams her down our throats and makes her out to be more talented and interesting than she is, so it’s no wonder people are ready to use any excuse to push back against the hyperbole around her.

  42. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Yeah I’m with the consensus of “she’s trying to be funny and failing”, not necessarily rude, well yes rude, but in a way that J.Law has come to expect to be allowed to behave and seem adorable/”keeping it real”. She’s acting like Julia Roberts without a filter all the time now, and it is erring on the side of grating. She’s hanging with her brassy, outlandish bud Amy Schumer (who I DO think is funny), and she thinks SHE is a real funny girl now, too. But she’s not and never will be, she will always be the cheerleader, the homecoming queen movie star who uses her position to bully people into thinking she’s funnier than she is. But I don’t think she is self aware at all. She doesn’t get that there needs to be some level of manners, of decorum, in her position, before she flat out starts getting perceived as a spoiled brat. Especially when talking to someone whose first language is not English, it makes her seem thuggish.

    • perplexed says:

      Weirdly enough, I think Julia Roberts is better at being funny when she’s herself, even though I think Jennifer Lawrence is the more talented actress.

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        I’d co-sign that. I just meant that she gives off that Julia vibe sometimes, but it’s clumsy, she can’t reign it in. Julia has an ego, oh does she, but she’s usually smart about it.

  43. Josefina says:

    Well that reporter must be the happiest person on earth right now. If she gave a simple nice answer, he wouldn’t have gotten a story. He laughed, so I guess he took it as a joke. If the person who the joke was on didn’t mind, why do so many people who weren’t even there?

  44. Tiny Martian says:

    It was banter. One-sided maybe, but banter.

    Lots of people don’t understand banter, but I for one love it. Luckily I have a neighbor who loves it and understands it and we exchange quips and barbs whenever we see each other, which shocks the living daylights out of the older lady who lives next door. He’s my absolute favorite neighbor!

    I think most of the people in the room got it, including the foreign journo, although he might not have had the language skills in English to come up with a response. And they are the only ones who matter, because they are the only ones who were there.

    • Amanda says:

      “I think most of the people in the room got it, including the foreign journo, although he might not have had the language skills in English to come up with a response”
      This guy speaks English, he knows Marc Meklin

  45. Lily says:

    I’m actually on the opposite side of the fence here. I think it was incredibly and obviously rude. That said, she was so drunk and it was late, so she should get a free pass. If she had pulled this in an official interview (a la Cara Delevigne) then she would be deserving of the backlash. How hard is it to just be nice?!

  46. Veronica says:

    Rude, no. Blunt, I think more accurately. I find it aggravating when people talk to me while usig their phones, and I think it’s more egregious in a press situation. Calling him out for it is entirely fair, and it sounded like he took it well. Adding the jocular tone actually gentled the chiding. Methinks female celebrities just get torn down for behavior their male colleagues get away with consistently.

  47. AlmondJoy says:

    Rude. I’ve never seen her act this way… It’s not necessarily WHAT she said, it was more of how condescending her tone was. She was talking down to him. And his laughter sounded like nervous, embarrassed laughter.

  48. wow says:

    Whether she was joking or not, I just find her to be so unbelievably annoying now where as before I found her cute and kirky.

  49. Diana B says:

    She was being so obnoxious, she didn’t get his question about the oscars and then proceeded to berate him for her not understanding. If that’s not rude I don’t know what is.

  50. perplexed says:

    She might have just been trying to be funny, but she doesn’t have that lightness of touch (like someone like Adele has?) that would have made the delivery work. She has a certain aggressiveness to her that makes her jokes fall flat a bit. She also interrupts people a lot for some reason which throws the timing off.

    Calling someone out for looking at their phone while at a play or at a dinner makes sense to me. But I don’t know if it really makes sense in a press conference situation since that kind of event has all kinds of technology being used everywhere.

  51. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    I’d say rude. I don’t think its the end of the world but to me it showed two sides of a situation.

    In her case she’s a little drunk, tired and trying to joke in a bro-y way that didn’t land. In his case he’s a foreign journalist trying to ask questions when he’s prob only got about 5 minutes to get some info from her.

    Thus it’s not going to be all eye contact and laughing at her jokes. Stare at the phone, read the questions, type them quickly before she moves on.

    To me I figured she thought her joke would be hilarious but it went to cringe-city quickly once you heard the reporter struggle with his English and then have her focus on the joke rather than just moving on. Everything was off. It reminded me of going to work event and having to force-smile through my bosses weak semi-drunk comments.

  52. Drainbreath says:

    He was South American and I wouldn’t be surprised if her friend Amy Schumer’s thinly veiled racist jokes about South American’s have possibly influenced her. Once upon a time she would have been grateful any journalist would deign to speak to her but now that she believes herself to be Hollywood royalty she doesn’t need to be grateful…..she was rude…..she didn’t involve the journalist as you do if you are joking she belittled him.

    • FingerBinger says:

      How would she know he’s from south america?

      • Elle says:

        His accent gives it away. It was very Spanish sounding, and if she doesn’t know what that sounds like then she should try branching out a bit, culturally speaking. I think he may have been checking his phone for translation. It’s very nerve racking to speak publicly with a 2nd language and with a very famous person, no less. I think it was a bit tactless to not be more diplomatic to a person who isn’t speaking native language, but I still like her regardless.

      • Veronica says:

        Why would being an ESL speaker lend itself to the assumption that his English was less refined? Because, I mean, that’s kind of…presumptuous. I feel like people are tripping over themselves to make excuses for this guy. HE’S A JOURNALIST. HIS JOB REQUIRES INTERVIEWING PEOPLE IN PUBLIC SETTING. If he’s that nervous about a language barrier, he could have prepared a note on his phone IN ADVANCE to make sure he was asking the right questions. Most people consider it basic courtesy to put away the phone when you’re speaking to someone. You can be critical of how you felt she broached the issue, but it’s not like this guy is a victim of circumstances here.

      • Elle says:

        I’m not saying poor little reporter. His English did not seem refined. We can’t assume all reporters from other Country’s are refined English speakers. And to speak English well isn’t necessarily their job . He may have been disrespectful to have his phone out but she was disrespectful to talk down to someone in a vulnerable place. She is the famous person, she is standing above everyone, she is in a position of power in that situation.

  53. Milli94 says:

    Well it was rude. She also ignored the part of the question that did not play to the joke. I thought she was kind of off last night. Her ‘I am offeneded at you being offeneded’was such bullshit and i understand why white men love her now .

    • Jib says:

      That’s a good observation. It’s like when you tell a backwards straight white guy like my brother that it’s not ok to call people “fags,” and he turns it on you, citing you are “too PC” and that your anger is the offensive thing.

      And the “slutty power lesbian” thing wasn’t the first time she insulted the LGBT community. I’m starting to think she’s a homophobic, backwards little twit.

  54. Elle says:

    When I watched it I just thought she seems quite drunk. Not that that’s an excuse, I just think things can come off wrong because, well.. your drunk, and answering q after q. Side speculation- I wonder if she has a hard time being around her ex. I know they worked on x men together but.. In a recent interview she said for a while he was her world. It showed them talking at the globes, and I can’t help but wonder what that interaction was like.

  55. Montréalaise says:

    I saw the clip and I found her tone of voice to be arrogant and condescending. It this is her idea of “humor” maybe she should stop trying to be funny.

  56. Kristen says:

    She is tiresome.

  57. jbap says:

    This whole story has been blown out of all proportion by the J-Law haters on Tumble and Twitter, who have a pathological problem with her success. Sure, she was a little snappy – but it sounds as if she wasn’t out of line according to the journalists who were actually in the room. And if a male star had made those comments, there’d be no fuss at all.

  58. KatyD says:

    Rude. The guy might have been on his phone for a number of legitimate reasons, esp if he didn’t speak English that well. There’s no point in making a stink over it. Moreover, the Golden Globes are run by the foreign press, who voted for her award. So, she’d have to deal with foreign press at an event RUN by the foreign press. Yep, ruuude…

    Her words are pretty funny, too.

    “Live your life in the moment, bro”?

    Who doesn’t need fratboy life advice from a sink pisser?

    “We are at the Golden Globes. You’d know that if you stayed off your phone.”

    Yep, I’m sure the guy has no idea where he’s at, rather than trying to ask a question about your Oscar chances ( a kiss up question really). The dude even apologized and she was still obnoxious.

    The sink pisser should go away for awhile…

  59. Marianne says:

    I think the only people who are truly outraged are the people on tumblr looking to get their social justice points or the day.

    • FingerBinger says:

      +1 Collective outrage is social media 101. You have to be outraged by something to get through the day.

    • Veronica says:

      I’m kind of enjoying the unintentional racism of people assuming that his English is less refined because he has a Spanish accent.

      • kate says:

        Right? His job mostly involves asking questions in English, but people are fine with assuming he’s incapable of that? His English was perfectly fine in the clip.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        I though his English was a bit off in the clip, and I’m not a native speaker. Maybe because she was interrupting him.

    • Asiyah says:

      OR maybe people actually find her rude, condescending, and belittling. Shocker, I know.

  60. Lou says:

    I think she looked pretty pissed off with him. It’s all about tone and body language and while some people can look pissed even if they are joking, Jennifer isn’t one of them. She’s become who she is partly because of her peppy, sassy persona. She usually laughs or she’d put her hand on her hip or something to exaggerate. Seems to me like she was serious. I feel like she thinks she’s a crusader for women now and had to call out disrespect and misogyny and in her eyes a reporter not looking at her was rude. I thought it was obnoxious. It would be different if the reporter was on camera and not talking to her but award reporters are run off their feet getting the goods from every award winner, it’s not like he just had her to interview. Maybe he wanted to make sure he phrased the question correctly? Just let him ask his question, answer it and go get drunk and tell fart jokes at the party…. why get so uppity?

    Her dress was weird. I love her necklace but she’s styled to look too old for her age. I honestly thought she was Princess Charlotte of Monaco so many times when she was on the carpet.

  61. lisa2 says:

    When I first heard the story I was all she is a brat.. then I saw the video and the “account” from someone there. I still think she was being bratty and above it all. But the Reporter was using his phone; his laugh and his reply shows that he was embarrassed for being called out; and said OK. then he asked her about the Oscars.. that is when the whole thing went the wrong way. She jumped on him. I think that is the part where she was rude and taking to far to embarrass him. He was asking her about The Oscar. He obviously knew he was at the GG.. his question I believe was based on her winning and saying that she would be nominated for the Oscar. She didn’t hear his question because she was ready to pounce. She misunderstood the question and instead of moving on she just kept the line of her first comment about the phone and applied it to something that was completely different.

    Really BIG stars don’t do that. there is a responsibility as a huge celebrity to not become what people will automatically assume you will be once you make it. Which is why that Level of fame is not one that a lot of them get to remain in. She liked the laugh she got. She should have had the CLASS to leave it there; but she couldn’t. I

    We all know that if that had been some others people that are making way over the top excuses for her would be burning them at the steak. It will be interesting over the years to see how Jennifer handles her fame. We are seeing cracks. Time will tell if they expand or she fills them in.

  62. Jules says:

    @jbap and Marianne: AGREED.

    Truly, there are those people on Tumblr and Twitter who have a bizarre hatred of Lawrence’s success and want it destroyed.

    I think these people are absolutely insane.

    Lawrence made a joke, it didn’t go over well as some jokes don’t go over well, but this is downright sillly the way it’s being handled and now, seems like it is being used as a smear campaign.

    It will blow over, Lawrence is well liked in Hollywood, is very talented, etc., so she will weather this nonsense.

    • Lou says:

      a smear campaign …. LOL! No, this is how it goes. The media, twitter and tumblr etc overhyped and overrated her to such a degree that she used to get a pass on everything most other actresses were bitched about for. The presenting thing with Amy Schumer sucked so bad and yet a lot of media outlets were calling it the ‘best moment of the night’ – yet when you look at the comments the public opinion disagreed. It was terrible. Unfunny, awkward, went on way too long and both actresses looked like they knew it sucked. Very few people think she deserved the golden globe or even the nomination yet she is winning over comedic queens like Melissa McCarthy and Amy Schumer who wrote her own movie! People are getting more and more tired of how overrated she is and when she is obnoxious they are going to call her out for it.

      This is how fame goes – sometimes you are untouchable but eventually people get tired of you. I feel like a lot of celebs think she is wildly overrated too but are afraid to say anything.

      • Katie Oh says:

        Everyone knows the Comedy category in the Globes is odd – they nominate funny performances like Schumer’s or McCarthy’s, and then every year give it to the best proper actress nominated. They went for Amy Adams for the last two years, for example – so going for J-Law this year is just standard.

  63. Jib says:

    She took zero responsibility for her slutty power lesbian comment and said she’s offended at people who are offended. Also the interviewer said something to her about not being worried about her drinking the drink. She sounded like a loud, crass drunk.

  64. Cc says:

    Rude… that reporter was there doing his job and she kept interrupting him like a brat, and even though we can’t see him in the video I’m sure he was using his phone to record a video, take pics or even read his question, because that’s what reporters do in these situations. So really, what was her problem?

  65. TreadStyle says:

    I feel like she basically plays the same character in every David o. Russell movie and it’s becoming super unoriginal! I liked her in the beginning but do a different freaking kind of a movie w the a new director and cast! There’s nothing special about ur working w Russell, but hey ur guaranteed to win an award of some type so I guess that’s all that matters! And he’s so creepy and arrogant, always seems like he’s her “keeper”. It’s weird.

  66. Saks says:

    Even though I don’t like her, I’d probably give her a pass if this was a one time thing, but she has a story of being a rude brat hiding behind “its just a joke” or “she is so real” etc… Yet:

    1. This is not the first time she has being rude to a Latino jounalist in the press room (It seems it’s just funny to mock Latino accents because as always she got a pass that time).

    2. Yes he probably understands English fine, but speaking a second language might get you insecure at times and it doesn’t seems strange to me that he had his questions written down so he would get them right.

    3. Having a journalist boyfriend I know that people with even a bit more of power often treat them as sh*t. It has sort of become an indicator of nice/rude people to me.

    4. If he was recording her, he probably has to translate it for the Spanish audience and wanted to have the complete video of her answer.

    4. A person who pisses on sinks shouldn’t lecture anyone on good manners.

    • AlmondJoy says:

      You broke it down perfectly. And I actually liked Jlaw. But she was rude in this instance and she’s been rude in the past. Plain and simple.

    • kate says:

      She didn’t mock his accent. His English was perfectly fine. He was photographing her, not reading his question from notes. This is not the norm, other reporters in the room found it odd and rude too.

  67. Yepisaidit says:

    Yep, she is a rude asshole.

  68. Really? says:

    I like JLaw and her impulsive comments and actions often amuse me. I bet a quarter she had a good reason to speak to that reporter the way she did.

  69. Nina says:

    Thanks, JLaw, I needed a laugh today!

    It’s Jlaw being JLaw… <3

  70. kp says:

    it WAS rude! look at her face. she wasn’t joking. she is becoming diva bitch

  71. Why is she even a thang?

  72. JudyK says:

    I’m so sick of people and their rudeness with phones and having to be connected 24/7. I agreed with every word she said and I hope she meant it and not in a joking way.

  73. KatyD says:

    “Live in the moment, BRO” A guide to impeccable manners by Jennifer Lawrence

    Rules and TIPs

    1. When pissing in your host’s sinks, always be sure to hoist your ballgown all the way over your head, so as to not pee on your gown. Pee on the dress can ruin your staged, “oh-so-cute” Oscar fall, and make people think you’re gauche.

    2. Always burp and fart as loudly as possibl to announce your presence. Aim it in a southernly direction to show your host how much you appreciate their party. Never mind the stares from others, simply stick your tongue out at them. Everyone will appreciate your sassiness! Who doesn’t love an adult acting like a 12 year old? It’s the epitome of social grace.

    3. Be sure to never use a wet towelette to wipe the Cheetos dust off your hands before shaking hands with others. Always be sure to leave a little something of yourself behind everywhere you go! Your hosts will appreciate your consideration.

    4. When others speak, make sure to cut them off with a loud and abrasive laugh, eye roll, or snort. After all, why should people listen to another person speaking when they can be staring at ME?

    5. When conducting an interview, all eyes must be on ME at all times! To look at the phone is nothing short of BAD manners and reflects a tremendous lack of social grace.

    More tips forthcoming. Until then, don’t forget to “live in the moment, bro”!

  74. lile says:

    It was rude. Many news people/reporters have their notes on their smart phones now. You see it all the time. I love JL, but she is definitely getting a little too full of herself. Proud is fine – she has accomplished ALOT. Haughty is never ok.

  75. danielle says:

    She usually is rude, annoying and attention seeker.

  76. Lahela says:

    What a b**ch! It was like she was talking dow to him like he was in such a lower class than her. She’s way up there with the Royal movie stars and he’s just some peon minimum wage reporter (who by the way, is just trying to make a living. I would never talk to anyone like that. Wow. This fame has really gone to her head. I wont be seeing any more of her movies.

  77. Rockin Robin says:

    Very rude. The entire situation could have been handled differently.

  78. extracookie says:

    She misunderstood the Oscar-question and then interrupted him just so she could try to be funny.

    As with the first part, she wasn’t rude but a try hard and made a fool of herself.

  79. Liberty says:

    It looks harsh in this clip. I was wondering about the story and this came up — another view of what happened from another reporter who was there, and says on twitter that Jennifer wasn’t rude, the man was not reading questions off his phone, he was instead using it to shoot video or photos while he was asking her questions (though that does seem like a reporter task to me too, i.e. sending one guy to do both):


  80. Irene says:

    I totally understand why her teenage fans are turning on her for this. It’s such a classic ‘Mean Girl’ move, and I’m sure they feel betrayed that their ‘regular girl’ idol turns out to be a bully.

  81. FF says:

    She was rude.

    She was not talking to a friend, coworker or peer (who would be all free to tell her to f off). She was talking to someone who needs a soundbite to do their job. The power dynamic is completely different, and her response shows that. She wasn’t worried they’d all leave if she insulted one of them: she knows they can’t.

    He even asked a non-stupid question – which she interjected twice, and then waggled her finger at him as if schooling him, which is condescending af. Before dismissing said question entirely.

    She made him the butt of her condescension, why is that supposed to be funny? Because it’s her?

    Her people clearly already can’t tell her when she needs to dial it back. So she’ll have to escalate her way into a backlash, and hit a brick wall of public opinion before she sees the need to stop. Good luck with that. They’ll have found her younger version by then.

  82. Snowflake says:

    OK so I was on yahoo and there was a longer video of this. She had the same type of manner with everyone. After seeing that, I change my mind, it seems more like she was trying to be funny. But her personality just isn’t my cup of tea, she just rubs me wrong.

  83. Original T.C. says:

    I took her dry comment about we are at the Golden Globes not the Oscars to mean “stay in the present/deal with now”. Which goes with her statement about putting down the cell phone and engaging with her in current time. The Oscar nominations aren’t out yet, it could be cocky for her to assume she is going to the Oscars.

    A part of me finds it patronizing on the journalist’s side that people coming to his defense are assuming he is dumb or doesn’t understand English or bad manners because he has an accent. That bothers me. Kind of like White-splaining. I haven’t yet heard from the journalist that he was belittled or treated differently from his peers. Let the man speak for himself.?I will defend him if that was the case. #teamnoone

    • perplexed says:

      I think she misunderstood what he was asking. The second time she inserted the comment about the cell phone seemed to indicate that. Otherwise, I think she would have simply said it was too early to speculate about her Oscar chances. I didn’t come away thinking his English was bad, but I did come away thinking she had English comprehension problems. (Although maybe she would have understood what he had asked if she hadn’t interrupted. I did think her bad manners came in the form of not letting him finish his question, and assuming he had made a mistake in confusing the Golden Globes with the Oscars rather than anything to do with his accent).

      The reporter did post a selfie and mention he had been “scolded” by Jennifer Lawrence.

      Edited to add:

      On second thought, maybe your interpretation is correct. But if that’s the case, then she comes off even ruder than I originally thought. If she knew he was asking about Oscar chances, but decided to turn him into the butt of the joke just to try and get a laugh, that seems way too harsh from her end. At least if she simply misinterpreted his comment, there’s at least somewhat of an excuse for how she answered.

  84. perplexed says:

    I wondered if she had hung out with Michael Pena too much. She used the word “bro” like he did at the SAG press conference. And the delivery was kind of the same (i.e somewhat abrasive).

  85. Dangles says:

    You have to separate the person from the artist but you also have to separate the person from the media hype. I think a lot the backlash for J-Law is driven by her being overexposed by the media rather than J-Law herself.

  86. KaleIt says:

    There was some journalist who sat near both of them and saw it all and he said the guy was filming her the whole time and he took JL’s side.

    But still, it can’t be new to her. Every journo who interviews her must be conjoined to their phone.

    It’s just part of her PR instinct to get extra headlines with borderline behaviour. I’m so over her and can’t wait to see her disappear into obscurity. Same voice and expressions in every film. No versatility. Boring acting and bland films. Stupid, idiotic, unfunny interviews. It’s like listening to someone f@rt nonstop. Overrated and annoying par excellence.

    She’s just ridiculous in that you-don’t-really-care kind of way. A ridiculous figure all round and rapidly becoming a caricature.

    • Katie Oh says:

      @KaleIT – no versatility as an actress? Slag her off as much as you wan, but she’s plenty versatile – she can do comedy, drama, action. In fact, she has an unusual range. An she isn’t going anywhere – she has films with Aronofsky and Spielberg scheduled for the next year. They seem to disagree with you about the merits of her acting, despite knowing a thing or two…

      • guest says:

        Well, I agree with KaleIT…. I could not care less about Aronofsky or Spielberg or whoever. I see what I personally see and that is an actress who looks as if she is sneering all day. I also hope that she vanishes as soon as possible but as the media is ass kissing her, I doubt she is going anywhere…..

      • KaleIt says:

        @Katie A lot of directors, believe it or not, are risk averse about their films. One bomb and they’ll find it that much harder to finance their next one. So they’ll cast someone who can “open a movie” over another person far more suited to the role in terms of talent. As I see it, JL is a film star, not a big talent. She appeals to the lowest common denominator, but things might change soon with her declining popularity. She tries to hard to be quirky and witty, but she just cuts such a ridiculous figure these days. Is she trying to top herself with each outburst? I wouldn’t have a big problem if she could actually act as well as her awards suggest. I mean, you can always skip her stories but she actually ruins films for me with that annoying voice and the same acting routine. Overrated.

    • Katie Oh says:

      ‘Same acting routine’ – Katniss Everdeen and her character in American Hustle? I’m sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. And the idea that her PR has fooled everyone – including her peers, who actually voted for her three Oscar nominations – is a little ludicrous. Remember, she made it big in an indie, Winter’s Bone, and got an Oscar nom before she was ever a star.

      • KaleIt says:

        If you’re going into films ready to applaud her, you’ll focus on how talented she supposedly is. To me, I just see Jennifer Lawrence Acting. Her energy’s always the same. Ready to have an emotional outburst, tomboyish, quirky, strong girl/woman that kind of thing. She never really transforms her presence. I don’t particularly hate her and don’t watch a film ready to nitpick, and I know quite a lot of other people just don’t find her talented. Jessica Chastain, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep – these actors really change how they act in every film and have a different feel.

  87. Harryg says:

    My God – I could not stand “Joy,” I fast forwarded I hated it so much.
    “Spotlight” was awesome, I hope it wins a lot later.

  88. Tris says:

    I think she’s being super-bitchy – if she was joking, she would have chuckled or smiled. No, she was insulted. Which would be fine, but I bet you anything he was reading a translation of his questions (he is clearly Latin American). If this is the case, then she comes off as an entitled douche. If he was, in fact, playing Angry Birds while interviewing her, then of course he deserved the verbal slap she gave him.

  89. Spooky says:

    She’s incredibly rude and condescending, which makes sense to me because I relive her “regular girl klutz” bullshit is her schtick to appeal to the fly-over states but the true her bleeds through here. This gentleman doesn’t speak English as his primary language and he’s using his phone as a reporter would and she’s a little bitch to him. I already didn’t like her as a person, but this clinches it for me.

  90. knower says:

    the cut of that dress is terrible. the holes….WHY?

  91. LENA NOT DUNHAM says:

    Oh lord so jennifer lawrance is not a perfect unicorn?

  92. mrsrockstar says:

    Does this spoiled brat get it that this guy was assuredly not using his phone to text his girlfriend or take a funny selfie which would be rude but seems to be more acceptable to the unwashed masses who buy tickets to her movie. Everything out there indicates that english was not the reporters native language and that he was using the phone for that reason. Funny how the statue she was holding was given to her by the Hollywood Foreign Press but she should have looked that up on her phone in a classic bite the hand that feeds you moment. If I ever see a picture of her with Taylor Swift and Amy Schumer baking erotic cookies I will throw up and no Miss Lawrence I am not a “puker”.

    • Jaded says:

      Thank you for that well worded comment. She’s young, full of herself and has to learn to put some filters on what she says in public. You can make someone famous but you can’t give them class. Can you imagine what a Dame Judi Dench or Helen Mirren or Maggie Smith or some other actor with much more diplomacy and tact would have said? Like you say, don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and never place yourself on a pedestal thinking that the regular folk can’t reach you.

    • freddy says:

      this guy knows mark meklin from Enews and mark said that he speaks and writes English very well. He didn’t need the phone to translate questions

      • KaleIt says:

        He was actually filming her, apparently. That’s part of his job and he was probably obligated to do that. I think her problem was probably she couldn’t see his face. It’s a crowded space. She’s always trying to win points with the lowest common denominator who think this kind of obnoxiousness is “refreshing,” “down to earth,” “grounded,” “quirky,” “charming,” “lovable.” She’s getting to a ridiculous stage of unintended self-parody with these stunts.

      • ZaccaK says:

        No, filming her while simultaneously asking a question is not part of his job. Quite a few journalists who were there have called him out on his behaviour and have said Lawrence is being demonised for no good reason.

  93. Cherry says:

    Jennifer Laurence public persona is too “on” to be confident. She’s just another insecure young person getting too big for her britches. That foreign journalist was an easy target for her, because as huge of a star as she has become, inside it’s obvious she’s still that kid who didn’t fit in, and attacking someone who she deemed below her, gave her what she misconstrued as “power” to hide behind who she still thinks she really is.

    The saying, “Be nice to people on your way up, because you might see them on your way down” bothers me, why not be NICE, regardless. Better yet, be GOOD because God will yank whatever you’ve been blessed with when HE knows you’ll remember it most.

    It isn’t too late to make amends, Ms. Laurence. Make it right before you find yourself having sleepless nights because you can’t put your finger on it. Don’t get lost in all this, but rather share your blessings and show some gratitude. It won’t last forever.

  94. perplexed says:

    Looking at the video again, I wonder why she started reprimanding him while he was actually asking the question. If he had paused for a long time and wasn’t asking the question because he was looking at his phone, I could maybe understand what she was upset about. But he seemed to be spitting the question out quickly and not wasting time. She seemed to waste time with the interruption though.

  95. Katie Oh says:

    And yet another journalist, Jana Monji from the Ebert Report, goes on record saying that Lawrence’s behavior at the press conference was perfectly fine – http://www.rogerebert.com/festivals-and-awards/jennifer-lawrence-versus-cellphones-i-would-choose-Peeta?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter. This is all a ridiculous storm in a teacup.

  96. M.A.F. says:

    Her tone is fine but had she taken a few seconds to understand that a. he was probably using his phone to record since so many do now and b. let him finish the question & think about it instead of cutting him off, it would have been a non-issue. He does laugh it off but she could have waited and not interrupt him.

  97. themummy says:

    That was incredibly rude. I’d go with the joking thing, but she didn’t crack so much as a tiny smirk the whole time. She was straight up serious. And I’ve read he was using his phone to translate a question, so…yeah…super bitchy. And I’m a Jlaw fan.

  98. korra says:

    Jesus H. Christ. I can’t believe this is a headline and it has this many comments. She was rude. Her stans need to accept that she’s capable of being rude and that’s TOTALLY relatable and freaking fine. And on the other hand, this didn’t need to be a freaking article. My god. None of this is a big issue, why why are people freaking out about this?

    • perplexed says:

      I don’t think Jennifer Lawrence’s reaction needs to be a headline in the real news section of the BBC, but I can see why it would be written about on the gossip blogs the day after the Golden Globes. Talking about an actual A-list star is more entertaining than talking about a Kardashian (imo).

  99. FUTMZ says:

    Doesn’t matter if she deserved the Golden Globe or not. What matters is that she got one and Lindsay Lohan didn’t. Remember “I want an Oscar before I’m 30”? Another unfulfilled dream for Liability Lohan. “Ha ha ha”.

    • KaleIt says:

      It’s not very nice to make fun of Lindsay Lohan, who has been struggling with addiction issues for some time – they’re very well pub’d. Well, actually, JLaw has done just that in the last three months, I think. She ridiculed her in some way very publicly. Another thumbs down. Sorry, this woman is just ridic.

      • jbap says:

        This is Lindesay Lohan who told a journalist J-Law got where she is by sleeping around. She deserves every minor bit of shade Lawrence casts her way.

  100. noway says:

    Does anyone find it funny, that some people on here who are very blunt, brash and even dare say it rude with their comments find this rude. We can write whatever we want, but we can’t make slight jabs at other people in person. Sorry I think people are a bit sensitive here. It wasn’t the best received joke, still a joke.

  101. Tredd says:

    (Was that an “i?”)

  102. Goodnight says:

    I was honestly expecting the usual ‘Oh, stop pearl-clutching, she’s OBVIOUSLY just joking, I thought it was hilarious’ stuff to be the dominant attitude here. If this was a one-off thing I’d give her the benefit of the doubt but the whole ‘put down journalists as a joke’ thing has happened many times now, it just kind of comes across as unprofessional to me.

  103. Boo says:

    Unfortunately, she’s just a straight up jerk.

  104. Katie Oh says:

    More evidence of how crazy the J-Law haters are – the reporter @ChrisTrondsen who was at the press conference and has being defending Lawrence and calling BS on this whole story ever since has been getting piles of online abuse.

  105. raincoaster says:

    As a reporter, I just LOVE it when the material tells me how to do my job.

  106. Boss says:

    While I wouldn’t necessarily regard her as a bad person on the basis of this incident, I should hope the negative attention at least reminds her next time to overlook such minor transgressions as a reporter taking her photo, and not use those moments to belittle others or their competency, no matter how insignificant they may be to her career.

    A quote comes to mind: “You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.”