Cele|bitchy | Star: Jennifer Lawrence feels ‘threatened’ by Brie Larson’s awards success

Star: Jennifer Lawrence feels ‘threatened’ by Brie Larson’s awards success


There’s a long history with tabloids setting up Jennifer Lawrence to be some kind of massive Mean Girl, looking to take down her actress contemporaries with a single Doritos fart. Maybe I’m a J-Law Apologist, but I don’t think she’s that girl. Is she totally capable of being mean, judgy and rude? Of course she is. But I don’t think she operates like everything is zero-sum gain, like she can be the only successful woman in Hollywood because there can only be ONE. I think back to when J-Law was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for American Hustle, and she was up against Lupita Nyong’o. Just my opinion, but it always seemed like Jennifer actively did NOT want to win that year, and she really wanted Lupita to have her moment to shine.

That’s what I was thinking about when I read this Star Magazine story about how J-Law is Mean Girling Brie Larson. Brie and Jennifer are both nominated for Best Actress this year, and most people believe Brie is the major frontrunner for the award. Again, I suspect that J-Law is fine with that. And to hear Brie tell it, they know each other and they’re friendly. Brie said as much in her recent THR profile, saying: “I met Jen seven years ago at a photo shoot. We bonded over the craft service table; we were the only ones eating the doughnuts.” Still, Star’s source says J-Law is trying to quietly destroy Brie!

Jennifer Lawrence isn’t happy about having to share the It Girl limelight with critical darling Brie Larson.

“Jen’s starting to feel the heat,” says a source close to Brie. “She’s made it clear to friends that she does not want Brie in her crew – she thinks Brie is her biggest competition and she’s probably right.”

Although her reps deny a rift, sources say Jennifer is so threatened that she even ordered BFF Amy Schumer to avoid Brie at the Golden Globes, but her Mean Girl plan backfired.

“Brie was in Amy’s movie ‘Trainwreck’ so they get along well. But Amy spent most of the night trying to keep Brie away from Jen!”

And while Jen knows she can’t be Hollywood’s favorite forever, she refuses to pass the baton gracfully.

“She’s be smarter to make Brie a friend, not an enemy,” says the source.

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

OK Magazine had a similar story about Brie and Jennifer’s “feud,” with sources claiming that “Jen just didn’t hit it off with Brie” and “Brie was a little uptight for her liking and that she couldn’t hang.” And for what it’s worth, Gossip Cop spoke to an unnamed source on Team J-Law and the source claimed that the alleged rift is bulls—t. Sure. Do I believe that Brie and Jennifer are not BFFs? Sure. Do I believe that J-Law is, like, actively trying to shun Brie? Of course not.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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79 Responses to “Star: Jennifer Lawrence feels ‘threatened’ by Brie Larson’s awards success”

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  1. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    I don’t buy it either.

  2. paranormalgirl says:

    This pitting women against each other has to stop. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen with the frequency the tabloids report it? No. Do I believe this story? No. I don’t.

    • mia girl says:

      ^^^This. A thousand times this.^^^

    • LadyMTL says:

      ITA, and I came here to say this exact thing.

    • Hejhej says:

      I second the This. It’s so tirering!

    • Liv says:

      Yeah, not buying it either. Maybe they didn’t hit it off, but I doubt that she feels threatened by her. I think Jennifer Lawrence is happy not to win. She’s afraid of the backlash after winning and being nominated a few times. People already don’t like her that much anymore.

      • diana says:

        I agree but I think Lawrence is alway loved. There is really an obsession with her

      • Jules says:

        @diana: Agreed.

        @Liv: Nope…not true at all-see The Harris Poll for proof.

        Jennifer Lawrence is well liked, (and well respected)…the number of those that don’t, pale in comparison to those that do.

    • Leah says:

      Agree with this. This is really annoying.

      • sarah says:

        I can totally see a more introverted actress having a hard time “hanging” with Jen. What’s annoying is that Lawrence is so blindly loved and SO outgoing/big personality, any actress paired next to her who is even slightly quieter/more reserved is automatically seen as a party pooper who takes themselves too seriously, which is neither Jen nor any actresses fault, but that seems tough..

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Well said paranormalgirl!

    • Alex says:

      Agree and didn’t Brie JUST hang out with Jlaw a few weeks ago? I doubt this is true. Sure not every woman clicks but every awards season JLaw gets stupid backlash over nothing. Plus its Star so….

  3. Krista says:

    All women hate all other women because its always a competition with us, blah blah blah.

  4. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Oh, of course, the age old story. We women just can’t stand it when one of our rivals, you know, another pretty woman, get any attention. Because that’s all we care about. Who’s prettiest. Ugh.

  5. Abbott says:

    “Jennifer actively did NOT want to win that year, and she really wanted Lupita to have her moment to shine. ”

    I saw it as Jennifer not wanting to win a second year in a row because of the inevitable backlash.

  6. Claire says:

    Good grief. This: “But I don’t think she operates like everything is zero-sum gain, like she can be the only successful woman in Hollywood because there can only be ONE” – exactly. It’s not her operating that way, it’s the tabloids.

    Because there can only be one successful woman at anything at one time. I think they’re getting us confused with bees.

  7. Luciana says:

    In the talent department, Brie wins. Jen’s lucky she made the right HW connections but I could see so many other actresses playing her roles successfully.

    • grace says:

      no. Lawrence is very talented

    • Lucy2 says:

      I think they are both very talented actresses. They have different styles (movie star/character actress) and seem interested in different types of films, so I don’t see the need to compare them.

    • Jules says:

      @Luciana: No. Both are very talented…and each have proven it in their own particular styles many times over. End of story.

    • Josefina says:

      Why the need to compare them? There can’t be room for two young accomplished actresses?

    • helena says:

      YES! she’s the IT girl, you’re obliged to love her, she’s so imposed on you. she’s ok, nothing special, but …the marketing…I’ve had enough of her and her ‘genuine’ behavior. I know many people love her, I am okay with that, but I ain’t buying it.

  8. Lindy says:

    Yeah. This just sounds like one of the endless attempts to make women into enemies of each other, as if there’s not any room for more than one talented young woman and therefore it must be a hair-pulling meangirl fest. I get so tired of this.

  9. InvaderTak says:

    Here we go…

  10. LB says:

    I watched Room a few days ago. Gah. I’m still thinking about it. Brie was fantastic and Jacob Tramblay? Revelation. I’m shocked he was not nominated. He was way more affecting that Leo was in the Revenant.

  11. ell says:

    yeah right.

  12. Polonoscopy says:

    This is some All About Eve bullshit.

    That said, do I believe Brie and Jen still eat pizza and or whatever?

    No. No I do not.

  13. Bishg says:

    Why do tabloids need to constantly turn women against one another?

  14. Anne says:

    lol They’re friends, they hang out. Both of them have said so. They spent thanksgiving together. This is another sad attempt to pit two women against each other like always. Every award season they do that specially with Jennifer. First was Jessica, then Lupita, and now Brie.

  15. Lucy says:

    Oh, for the love of God. If anything, Jennifer must be one of the few actors who genuinely doesn’t give a f*ck about awards/the Oscars. There, I said it. I’ve always believed this. She’s grateful for them, sure, but she’s be perfectly fine without them.

    • malvina says:

      Mmm. Are you sure about this? Because she keep making Oscar baity films non-stop and that picture of her with her family, awake at 5 am the morning her first nomination was announced? She was crying of happiness. If you go back to her first interviews before her first nomination, she always had it in mind and she sasy so. She always wanted to be the best actress out there.

      • Lucy says:

        Yes, to be quite honest I’m certain about it. Just my point of view, of course. And I see nothing wrong with her wanting to be the best she can be. She sure as hell does not dissapoint.

      • Jess says:

        God forbid an actress should strive to be the best in her field. Doesn’t she know that taking pride in your work is looked down upon if you’re a female actress. /s

      • M.A.F. says:

        Oh come on. I’m not big on her but wouldn’t you be up at 5 am to see if you were nominated for your first Oscar? She deserved that nomination.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        That was the first time though.

    • Jib says:

      Of course she wants an Oscar! She makes movies that are sure to get her nominations and she does interview and appearances nonstop. Now if she didn’t want an Oscar, she would act like Johnny Depp does.

      • cate says:

        depp made a lot of campaign this year while Lawrence made few things.
        Larson was campaigning nostop with interviews, tweets (she also retweet fake acvount’s tweets who were saying she deserved to win LOL)etc..

  16. frances says:

    Lawrence is the biggest female movie star in the world. Her kind of career is a rarity in Hollywood and happen only 10-20 years.
    This is BS like everything on Star and OK magazine

  17. guido says:

    Uhm… no. Lawrence is a movie star while Larson hasn’t a star quality. Next

  18. freddy says:

    You know that Lawrence is a top A-list star when every actress is compared to her. It’s like Streep

  19. tania says:

    I think that Larson will not be a treat for Lawrence. She’s a Connelly kind of actress, she will not be a star

  20. serena says:

    I don’t like J-Law but I don’t think this is true either. But hey, maybe she just wants to hang around people beneath her ‘level’, so she feels more comfortable, aka Amy Schumer. Who knows. I believe it must be stressing not to be people #1 favourite anymore though.

    • Jules says:

      @serena: Well, that isn’t true though…I like Larsen as an actress, but the fact is most still don’t know who the hell she is…even when she wins she won’t be a household name/beloved the way Lawrence was when she won Best Actress, and is now.

      Lawrence had the momentum building since Winter’s Bone, had two huge franchises and won the love of the people. Larsen is still very much an unknown.

      Anyway, this report is baloney… yet another excuse to pit two young, talented women against each other. Nonsense.

    • jonnie says:

      no. Lawrence is always loved (she was on the 10 american’s favourite movie stars poll this week) and is the American sweetheart. And she’s friends with many A listers

  21. kri says:

    So Stupid. But Star and it’s wording kills me. I am in the mood to try to quietly destroy a a bagel and cream cheese.

  22. CornyBlue says:

    LOL not only is this just full of lies also Brie is nowhere near her level. Like Brie is a very good actress but good actress gets you only so far and JLaw has the charm and general likebality. Brie cannot shone in talk shows, she is horrible in those and JLaw actually rose as a major star due to her interviews which were quote worthy and unique.

    • Jib says:

      Maybe JLaw used to shine in interviews, but talking about peeing in sinks and not washing your hands doesn’t seem to be “shining in interviews” to me.

      • leo says:

        Yes, Jlaw shines in interviews

      • CornyBlue says:

        Well she does not need to do it anymore.

      • Ann says:

        lol C’mon, you don’t watch enough Jennifer interviews if you say this. This is a typical non fan opinion. Yeah, she jokes about those topics . Girl is always front center of every movie promo she is in, making thousand interviews and 2 out of 10 she mentions those things and that’s what people remember her for.

  23. Jules says:

    @CornyBlue: Truth. I very much agree.

  24. perplexed says:

    “She’s made it clear to friends that she does not want Brie in her crew ”

    This story would be funnier if they replaced Brie’s name with Taylor Swift’s.

  25. NeoCleo says:

    I am so excited for Brie Larson. She and Jacob Tremblay were phenomenal together in “Room” and she is my favorite of the young actresses. Star insults both of these fine young women with their stupid article.

  26. Alicia says:

    ” Just my opinion, but it always seemed like Jennifer actively did NOT want to win that year, and she really wanted Lupita to have her moment to shine.”

    Yeah, no.

    • dAsh says:

      This. And she is “going to root for Brie to win this year” too because she knows she doesn’t even deserve her Best Actress nom in this mixed review mop movie.

      • Jules says:

        @dASH: Oh stop. Lawrence absolutely deserves her nomination-so says the established critics who gave Lawrence rave reviews… the woman carried the film-never an easy thing to do.

        I also believe that Lawrence genuinely did not want the BSA in 2014… fresh off a win for Best Actress she did not need it anyway.

        However, Jennifer Lawrence kicked ass in JOY and more than earned her Oscar nomination.

  27. Timbuktu says:

    I never realized how similar they looked until you put them next to each other. They could’ve been cousins.

    • gwen says:

      I don’t think so. Larson seems 30-35 yesrs old

      • perplexed says:

        Maybe she’s a really good actress, but I think Brie Larson has the type of face I have to look at several times to remember what she looks like. She’s not unattractive, but it’s hard to register her face to memory at first.

      • Timbuktu says:

        @ gwen
        And? People can be 30-35 and still be cousins. Moms and daughters look alike all the time, in spite of the 20-40 year age difference. Not sure I see your point here with age.

        I agree. But then again, I have also always thought that if I met JLaw on at a party or something, I’d never think “oh, this girl has movie star looks” either, like I’m not sure I’d recall her if I met her at a large gathering.
        But I get your point about faces: some are attractive, some are unattractive, yet some can be reasonably attractive, yet somehow… blank? I actually met a person like that when I was about 10, she was the sister of a boy I had a crush on, so I really really wanted her to like me and spent a lot of time around her on one occasion, only to realize that I can’t even remember what she looked like the next day. It was weird and almost unsettling, I’m usually pretty good with faces.

      • monia says:

        Lawrence is a movie star because her personality, talent, likeability. She’s the only under 30 actor who made the Harris poll about favourite movie stars. Her looks is only a tiny part of this
        She’s a rarity in Hollywood

      • Timbuktu says:

        Again, not sure what it has to do with what I wrote. I just commented that they look alike.
        I have a friend who looks a lot like Angelina Jolie. Doesn’t mean that Jolie doesn’t have personality or likeability.

  28. Karen says:

    Ironically, I think J-Law and Brie ARE BFFs. When she was doing promo for Joy and was asked if she would be sitting with Amy at the golden globes, she responded that her, Amy, AND Brie were all trying to sit at the same table and were texting about it. They also seemed to have a pre-existing relationship at the Hollywood Reporter roundtable they both sat at.

  29. Josefina says:

    Oh yeah, I was waiting for this. Of course every actress in Hollywood hates Brie Larson because she’s young and the Oscar favorite. Success, the most deplorable thing a woman can have.

  30. K2 says:

    Yeah, I’ll believe this stuff when they say it about actors like Cumberbatch and Redmayne just as often as they do whichever women are succeeding at that exact moment in time.

  31. Otaku fairy says:

    The fact that they’re being pitted against each other is probably just a sign of their success. The whole woman vs. woman feud is one of the two or three rumors that always come out after a woman either becomes successful in Hollywood and/or does something to piss people off. Seeing that isn’t being an apologist, it’s just being aware of the #typicaltabloidsexism.

  32. danielle says:

    I don’t even like Jennifer Lawrence but this story is ridiculous.

  33. Marianne says:

    They both have said that they’ve been friends for years. I honestly dont think Jennifer is 2nd or even 3rd to win. Yes, she won a Golden Globe but for “comedy” where she didnt have any competition. And also, I think there definitely think there was a time (maybe still so) where she sort of regretted signing on to 2 big franchises so soon. I think thats part of the reason why she looked so happy and relieved when Lupita won, cause she didnt need any more press/buzz in her life at the moment.

  34. Veronica says:

    If I were Lawrence, I wouldn’t be necessarily jealous or threatened…just aware of the competition, if that makes any sense? Hollywood doesn’t have the best track record where women are concerned, so maintaining the kind of velocity she’s had for the past few years takes a lot of effort because the opportunities are so narrow. And celebrity is always fickle. Women can be in competition with each other without it being petty about it, yeah? That’s the real problem with how we frame it in media – there’s an underlying tone of pettiness and jealousy in female rivalry, whereas male competition is framed in a way that’s meant to be admirable and interesting. Part of being on top is having a vested interesting in staying there. We just don’t allow women to be celebrated for that ambition.