Kim Kardashian goes sheer & furry in a post-baby NYC outing: uncomfortable?


Kanye West’s NYFW Yeezy show is today, so we’ll either have those photos for you later today or maybe tomorrow, depending on when we get the pics. Until then, please enjoy these photos of Kim Kardashian looking like an uncomfortable hot mess in NYC on Wednesday. Kim arrived in New York a few days ago, and this trip is the first time she’s been significantly pap’d since giving birth to Saint West back in December.

I actually feel for Kim. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but there it is. She’s radiating discomfort in these photos and you just know she would have preferred to stay at her mom’s house with the baby and not have to pour herself into some too-tight and mostly-sheer clothes. She felt like she had to come to New York to support Kanye, because he’s a tantrum-prone child who would have thrown a hissy fit if his wifey didn’t come. Now, all that being said… no one would have cared one iota if she wanted to wander around NYC in sweatpants and an oversized sweater, you know? She didn’t have to wear THIS. And no, I have no idea if that coat is real fur or fake. I suspect it’s real? She’s worn real fur before.

To coincide with her return to the public sphere, Kim posted an update on her subscription app about her current headspace. She sounds really tired.

“I’m up at 4 a.m., pumping and delirious, hiding in my daughter’s closet because if she sees I snuck out of her bed, she will start to cry. My mom would always say, about having kids: ‘One is like one, and two are like twenty.’ I never really understood that until now. When I had North, all I did was feed and sleep. This time around, I get no sleep. Every waking second that I’m not with the baby, I’m with North. I actually think the harder parts aren’t with the newborn but with the toddler! I feel like I go into overdrive to give my daughter attention and make her feel loved.”

“Kanye is super helpful, taking North out to dinners (just them!), and I’m so lucky North looks up to Penelope a lot. She also has a baby brother so she gives North the best advice.”

“It’s definitely been challenging feeding the baby in between getting myself ready and getting my daughter ready. Being late and running behind gives me anxiety, but I know we will soon get into the perfect groove and just figure it out. My mom did, my sister did—and I will, too.”

[Via E! News]

I know she probably has nannies and night nurses and tons of help, but I don’t know… this feels real to me. She’s trying to figure out how to balance having two kids under the age of three. I also think it’s cute that North is so tight with her cousin Penelope, that’s really sweet. Still, someone needs to give Kim a strong cup of coffee and tell her that she doesn’t need to wear these kinds of outfits right now.



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet.

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207 Responses to “Kim Kardashian goes sheer & furry in a post-baby NYC outing: uncomfortable?”

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  1. Tate says:

    So much yuckiness

    • Mgsota says:

      I don’t even understand that outfit?!? It looks like a bra and panty hose pulled up high and the pantyhose are rolling over on the top. Did she forget to put on a skirt or something? Wtf. She looks sooooo bad and soooo uncomfortable. Wear some leggings with some tall boots and a cute oversized sweater, hair down and simple and minimal make-up!

      • Hazel says:

        I think it’s one of Kanye’s designs.

      • Santia says:

        The truly sad thing is that People and E online will wax poetic about what a “trend setter” she is in this outfit … I wonder who Lucifer’s homegirl is sleeping with at those sites.

      • PinaColada says:

        I was looking at a throwback slideshow of her that someone posted on Facebook and now these pics make me sad. Everyone ages, but she looks like an entirely different human. I wonder how she feels about herself. It’s like she has dysmorphia. Kourtney and even vaguely Khloe were still similar to their old selves (kourtney for sure) but Kim—- it was crazy!!!

      • Aurelia says:

        Now if I am not mistaken Kim is trying to channel some of Amber Rose’s mojo. Its just the vibe I get. Kim envys Amber. I am sure of it. Her balsy, upfront and unaplogetic nature. Kim wishes she could be more like her. Amber must be great, yezzus has never gotten her out of his system.

    • Kitten says:

      This is seriously one of the trashiest looks I’ve seen her in–and that’s saying something.
      It’s not even about how tight or see-through the clothes are. This is just ill-fitting and ugly as f*ck. It’s terrible.

      • C says:

        I do feel sorry for her. Why wear these clothes?

      • minx says:

        Agree, this ranks down there with her worst of the worst.
        And that family is nose job crazy. When they keep chopping off their noses the rest of their face looks bigger and out of proportion–like PMK and now Kim.

      • Lizzie McGuire says:

        I don’t feel for her, I can’t. First she didn’t had to wear that outfit, she probably has several options laid out all for her. Second, she flashed her tits out as always in a sheer thing shirt (?) I don’t even know what that is. Third, can’t she speak for herself & tell Kanye that no she’s not comfortable going & that she won’t be wearing his collection clothes. If he was SO supportive he would understand but we all know those two don’t live together & the nanny is the one being supportive in this relationship.

      • Sabrine says:

        She’s heavy and all she’s trying to do here is cover herself up as much as possible with some heavy duty Spanx and the huge coat. I suspect her rump is massive at this point and she has a long way to go before she presents it to the world.

      • claire says:

        It looks stupid and uncomfortable. Not to mention ugly.
        No sympathy though. She can choose to dress differently. Honestly, when I saw these pics in the DM yesterday, my first thought was how much she was trying to look like Amber. Which is a whole other level of WTF pathetic behavior.

      • Snowflake says:

        Kitten, Lizzie

        Help! I can’t find the pictures on the DM. Pls post a link so I can see, all I can find is old stuff

      • Kat says:

        @Lizzie McGuire, exactly. My sympathies go to the Lord-knows how many animals were skinned for that monstrosity she’s using in a failed attempt to seem “modest”. Blech.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        Yes this is a new low in terrible outfits.

      • Anne tommy says:

        It’s vile. And the hair is dreadful.

      • crtb says:


    • Lisa says:

      Either this is part of Kanye’s new line or she found black Spanx to wear as outside clothes. Either way she looks like a $5 hooker in this get-up – incredibly trashy!
      Also, that coat is a crime against animal-kind. SMDH

    • Josephine says:

      I just get waves of sadness and insecurity from this outfit. It’s a little depressing to see someone look like this.

    • yolo112 says:

      what makes it even yuckier is Jonathon walking behind her.

      it must kill her that Kourtney is do thin and petite…lol..

      • riemc526 says:

        She was thin and petite too until she opted for fake everything.

      • stinky says:

        Not to split hairs or be contrary – but lets be real here. She has never been thin.

      • Fee says:

        How does she lie that her time is all baby n toddler when she posts about going live with her app, getting ready with her friggin glam squad, hanging at friends houses. She contradicts everything n thinks nothing of it.

    • Santia says:

      Yup. TMZ just posted pics of models at the rehearsal and that is the “look” – sheer pantyhose and spanx for dresses and body suits. I think Kanye done lost his mind.

    • Jib says:

      The fur. Horrible. Karma, baby.

    • HMR says:

      2 words. Cruella Deville.

  2. Lama Bean says:

    Is that her nipple? Lawd have mercy.

    Those sunglasses remind me of some worn by Amber Rose.

    And this looks like a Cruella DeVille Halloween costume.

    • Freebunny says:

      Looks like a nipple.

    • LadyMTL says:

      Yep, it is. Sigh. I don’t know why anyone in the world would think this is a good / nice / fashionable outfit. It’s so awful I actually feel a bit bad for Kim for even having to be seen in it.

    • Greenieweenie says:

      That’s what I was wondering.
      Honestly don’t get how she can even wear this. If I’d worn this a few months post partum, that top would’ve been soaked through

      • Jwoolman says:

        She probably isn’t really breastfeeding. She had the same mysterious lack of leaks in revealing clothes with Nori. She just says she breastfeeding because she thinks it makes her seem more mom-ish.

      • vauvert says:

        But that assumes you believe that she is breastfeeding. I call BS on that, just like I call BS on the idea that Penelope is “giving advice” to a two year old. You can tell she is just spouting stuff someone told her. And she is hiding in a closet so her daughter “doesn’t see her” out of bed at 4:00 am? Why would North be up at that time? Any mom will tell you that if you co-sleep, the child wakes when you get out of bed… And being in the closet or the other side of the house, which I think is much more likely, would not matter. If the child is up, hiding will just make the kid cry that much harder. Everything she says is a lie.

      • INeedANap says:

        Can she breastfeed? I have a few girlfriends who were able to breastfeed after implants, but they got small ones. Kim has had so many surgeries I am not sure if she’s done her boobs a dozen times like her face.

      • Kitten says:

        I’m not convinced that Kim has actual implants. I’ve always thought that she did lipo and had the fat injected into her boobs.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        She had implants, her first husband paid for the first boob job. I’m so sorry that I know that.
        I breastfed two kids and never leaked at all. I had plenty of milk but no leakage. However, going out in something that sheer while breastfeeding? No way, just in case.

      • Pandy says:

        @Vauvert – was coming on to say the same thing. A 2 year old is asking for and receiving advice from what – a 6 year old? Uh huh. Guess she’s just that advanced … must be the Kanye genius genes.

        And that outfit. Someone else said Cruella DeVille costume. That about sums it up. All that $$$ and so little taste.

      • Lee1 says:

        For what it’s worth, I am 3 months in to breastfeeding and never leak at all. Everyone’s body reacts differently I think.

      • Frida says:

        Sometimes I think she has Kourtney write these suffering mom posts, because I honestly don’t believe she’s doing any of these things.

      • Gardenia says:

        It doesn’t mean she’s not breastfeeding. I never leaked, ever, even though I had a huge supply. I would get congested as hell, but I never had leaks. *shrugs*

      • Bridget says:

        I leaked all the time. Especially if I heard a baby crying, or thought about a baby crying. I’d get that telltale tingle in my nipples that milk was coming out. TMI, I know.

    • frantasticstar says:

      Totally a nipple!

    • Anastasia says:

      Yep, that’s a wonk-eyed nipple. At first I thought it was just the fabric, but it’s showing through in nearly every picture.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      @ LamaBean-

      This! The Amber Rose thing… I think the overall look of this latest mess is an unconscious nod to Amber Rose after their meeting. First Kanyuck can’t let her go, now Dim is channeling her.

      Run, Amber, Run!!!!!

    • saras says:

      No sympathy as she has a fleet of nannies so probably just pumps her milk with a gold plated machine and thats it! Keep that coat on as your nipple is making a break for it through your arm pit! It’s had enough of her shananigans and so have we. They are also obviously trolling with that cruella coat… Barf.

    • Frida says:

      If she really is breastfeeding/pumping, that nipple would be leaking like crazy. When I was breastfeeding, I would have to wear so many nursing pads in my bras to keep my shirt from getting soaked. She’s not even wearing a padded cup. Just sayin.

      • Gardenia says:

        And I never had to wear any nursing pads at all. Not every breastfeeding woman leaks.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Even if she’s never leaked, you would think she would take precautions with expensive clothing and pap strolls just in case her body decides to start at a very inconvenient time.

  3. Catwoman says:

    I would have stayed home and let old Wheezy throw a hissy fit. That outfit sucks on anyone, let alone on someone who has recently given birth.

    • minx says:

      And why expose the fat fold where her underarm meets her breast? You don’t have to do that! No one needs to see it. I have, it, too, but I’m not wearing that kind of getup in winter for the world to see.

      • Lizzie McGuire says:

        Oh minx that’s because you’re a decent human being who still has a soul. She didn’t want you to see that, what she wants you to see is her boobs & nipples.

      • shannon` says:

        omg who cares? I mean, yes, I cosign on not liking the outfit at all, but there’s no need to body-shame her underarm, geeze

      • RN says:

        Shannon, other people are mentioning seeing her nipple. Are they body shaming her nipple? I mean, someone called it “wonk-eyed”. Better go call them out too!! Oh, also, other posters are talking about the Kardashians too-small noses, so better make note of that!

        This generation with their “shaming” and “triggers”; such delicate snowflakes.

      • Ennie says:

        They are shaming her ridiculousness.
        She and her family/husband hack her as this classy woman, and then she comes out in this outfit…

  4. Willa says:

    My god. Truly awful. If you don’t want to look large why would you wear a coat that looks like cowhide!?

  5. Darkladi says:

    I refuse to believe that she thinks this is a good look. She looks like a delusional prostitute.

    • Splinter says:

      I don’t think she does. She’s doing it not to piss off Kanye. She looks just as trashy as in those photos on that dirt heap.

  6. lilacflowers says:

    Put those things away! The people of NYC do not need to see your nipples, Kim!

  7. ldub says:

    I was just with my sister-in-law who has 2 kids under two lets just say she has the patience of a god. It is INSANE….but not as insane as cruella deville’s outfit over here.

  8. Melisande says:

    Ah, I feel sad seeing this outfit. I know this is the life she chose and these are the things she does, and she and Kanye are who they are, but damn. It wouldn’t kill any of them for her to stay home, take care of her kiddos like she wants, get some freaking rest, and not go parading around in uncomfortable clothing. She looks pretty unhappy here.

    Something nice: I dig those braids.

    • swak says:

      Braids are WAY too tight. Not a good look. Pulls her face too much.

      • lucy2 says:

        I think her face would look like that no matter the hairstyle. She’s been nipped and tucked into a whole new person.

    • Josephine says:

      I sad the same thing before seeing your comment — this is just really sad. Her modus operandi has always been to humiliate herself for money, but at some point you would think she could stop doing it. It’s like a disease.

  9. Tania says:

    Omg Kim NO. She looks ridiculous and uncomfortable. And no, I don’t want to see your nipple. Not now, not ever. Go home, take this ish off and throw on some sweats.

  10. Julie says:

    Why, Kim?? Why? I feel like she would look better in any other outfit. Any other outfit in the world.

  11. Rice says:

    There’s a thin line between dressing sexy and dressing tacky/messy. This right here is so far over the line that it’s ridiculous. You don’t need to show your nipples/boobs in every outfit, Kim.

  12. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I live in the Northeast and I didn’t even wear a heavy coat this week just a jacket. She must be roasting in that big fur. But that’s the least of her problems with this outfit, as all before me have pointed out.

    So she sleeps with North?

    • Patricia says:

      And apparently North won’t sleep without her? That’s not a good situation considering she has an infant, and most toddlers sleep 10+ hours a night. Does she stay in bed with North from 7:30pm on, all night? So many questions.
      I feel like either she’s full of crap or she’s making her life wayyyy harder than it needs to be.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Not to worry. The chance of her story being true is nearly zero. Does Nori act in public as though she’s so close to her mom that they sleep together? No. She still shows lack of bonding with Kim.

      • Lama Bean says:

        I imagine it’s cold since I CAN SEE HER NIPPLES. That’s always the true temperature test.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Not playing. Toddlers who won’t go to sleep without you is totally true. Some people are just better at making their kids get through it. I didn’t have the heart to-

    • lucy2 says:

      This is from yesterday though, it was low 30s and windy where I am in NJ. I think the coat (fur, yuck) would be too hot, but that…outfit? she has on underneath would be freezing.

      • swak says:

        But realize that Kim wears these coats in LA when it is way warmer than that.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, ok. I’m in DE and it was in the 40s.

      • Daria Morgendorffer says:

        “This is from yesterday though, it was low 30s and windy where I am in NJ.”

        Same in NYC, but for whatever reason it was freezing! I’m not sure what the windchill was, but it felt much colder than it actually was. She must’ve been freezing, but she was too desperate to show off her skanky outfit to keep her coat on. So stupid.

    • swak says:

      Don’t believe she sleeps with North as she has said in the past that she needs 10 hours of sleep every night. And if North wakes up that easily then she is a light sleeper and any movement getting out of bed would immediately wake her up.

      • me says:

        All lies. Plus PMK said that Saint’s room is downstairs while the rest of them sleep upstairs. It’s obvious Saint and the night nurse share a room. Who is Kim kidding?

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      It is freezing today, though!

  13. Capepopsie says:

    The proud mother of two beautiful
    children . . .

  14. Anastasia says:

    How many Dalmatians had to die for that coat??? 🙁

  15. Allie says:

    Penelope gives North the best advice about brothers? They’re like 3 and 2. Even the simplest stories have lies with this family. Can you imagine one one walking around your town wearing this outfit? I can’t stop laughing.

  16. tracking says:

    Total train wreck. What was she thinking?

    • Lisa says:

      We’re all here talking about her, aren’t we? She’s been away and now she’s news again. What a sad, pathetic life. Where’s your newborn Kim? Oh, I forgot, it’s fashion week, damn the kids.

      • me says:

        If she wasn’t married to Kanye, and if it wasn’t NYFW, no one would care. Even the paps ignored Kim when her and Kanye got out of the car yesterday. They were yelling his name and wanted to talk to him. I bet that pissed her off.

  17. Tifygodess24 says:

    Wears a coat, then has it hanging half off her body so she can show her breasts. Always keeping it Klassy Kim.
    Good to see the face fillers have settle some, the pictures the other day were a bit scary. Probably part of the reason she has the glasses on. (Well other than the I’m just so cool part)

    • OrangeCrush says:

      The glasses make her already-whittled-down-several-times nose look practically non-existent.

  18. The other paige says:

    It looks like something that should have been shot on the street.

  19. NewWester says:

    Kim made sure to open her coat and give the world another look at her nipple. She knows how to get attention from the paps(she calls herself).
    She mentioned she sleeps with North, is that another example of how Kim and Kayne are not that close? Besides taking North out to dinner, Kayne seems not very involved. It just seems there have been a few hints lately of cracks forming in the West marriage.
    One nice thing: I do like Kim’s boots

  20. alexc says:

    Her entire “career” is based on exposing herself, continuously and as much as possible. So, no mercy for the soulless, money-hungry empty cypher. That’s the life she’s chose so she has to own it. Or, you know, get a soul, withdraw and live her life like a mentally healthy human-being.

    • Jayna says:

      Amen. She’s vapid and shallow. Her outfit is because she wants everyone to talk about her She refuses to wear anything remotely flattering for her size. It’s all about exhibitionism.

    • Christin says:

      I don’t understand why some think she is a sympathetic character in this mess. She chose this, and is a 30-something adult woman on her third marriage. Not exactly a babe in the woods subject to others’ direction for her life.

  21. Jwoolman says:

    Um, Penelope is 3. How much advice can she really give her 2 year old cousin?!? Kim always says the oddest things. Pumping in Nori’s closet?!? We are supposed to actually believe that? She doesn’t live nanny-less in a tiny apartment. And why hide away to pump, anyway? When did Kimmie get so shy? And where exactly is Kanye taking the two-year-old to dinner? Chuck E. Cheese? Would love to see him try to cope with a toddler’s idea of “eating dinner”.

    But all this is moot, since this is most likely yet another fictional account of Life With Nori to make Kim sound like that mythical hands-on mom who is Just Like You.

    • Sam says:

      Pumps are loud. She wouldn’t have wanted to wake up Nori by doing it right beside her. Honestly, I get what she is saying. She has to pump at certain times, and if Nori was having bad dreams and wanted her there she couldn’t go too far. Until you have 2 kids that age that only want mommy you have no idea.

      • Jwoolman says:

        For a baby that young, wouldn’t she be feeding him during the night rather than just pumping? I’m sure she has a night nurse, as she did with Nori. At the time, she said she needed 10 hours sleep and to be available for Kanye. Except I don’t think she talked about pumping until she went to fashion week in Paris, then she talked about shipping her milk to Nori from Paris… Really. She said Kanye shut down that idea. But if she has to get up to pump, why not feed the baby directly?

  22. Eleonor says:

    Cruella De-Vil wants her fur coat back.

  23. littlemissnaughty says:

    Oh, LORD. That is not cute and we can blame Kanye for a lot of thing (a LOT of things) but she’s a grown -a** woman, a mother of two, and she decided to put this on. If your husband badgers you into wearing THIS two months after giving birth, you need to rethink your life choices. Unless she’s super comfortable and proud. Then I say carry on.

  24. paolanqar says:

    Can we finally say shes’ a cow?

  25. Cynthia says:

    Someone needs a proper stylist! I feel a bit sorry because of what Kanye is going to make her wear at the fashion show, but she needs to stop with the braids.

  26. Mrs Hughes says:

    Is she a masochist? Or why does she look like a cow in that coat?

  27. yolo says:

    I disagree. I think she DOES like it. She’s reached the level of THIS because of her past actions. There is no turning back now. There’s no going back to being “normal” or sweatpants. She is this monster she created. Nipple and all… ugh… and there’s her boy Jon, in the background looking just as plastic. Gross.

  28. Sam says:

    I have 2 kids that are 20 months apart and what she wrote on her blog is EXACTLY how i felt. Even if she had help, so much comes down to the mom. The toddler will only want kim for certain things, and she is the only one who can nurse the baby. It is such a tough space to be in. It is amazing, but tough. She couldn’t have written that if she hadn’t experienced it. It makes her feel more real to me.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      My best friends had two girls 13 months apart and it’s great now – they are very close, but man, it was hard at the toddler point, when they could both escape and destroy at once. I feel for you.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, the second one is what happens when you believe breast-feeding prevents pregnancy. Lol

      • Ennie says:

        My mother in law’s two older boys are 11 months apart. They were terrible together I guess until they became teenagers and became terrible each on their own accord…
        They even tried to burn the house door to get out one time that the parents left them alone to go to a quick errand, mind you they were already in elementary school. They got home just on time to see smoke they were already lighting up newspapers.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      I have a 3 month old, a 2 1/2 year old, a 12 year old, and a 13 year old and it is kicking my ass. As soon as the baby cries the toddler comes to jump on me. Breastfeeding is literally sucking the life from my body. My husband works all the time and isn’t much help. I’m beat. Yesterday evening I was ready to run screaming into the street, but I didn’t. I read my Celebitchy to escape and then go back in the ring for another round.

      And if I wore an outfit like Kim’s someone would call the police, either to have me committed to an asylum because what sane person dresses like that or arrested for public nudity. Kim should take better advantage of her resources.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        I’m sorry you have what? That sounds INSANELY stressful and draining! Literally! Kids are super cute and last night I held a friend’s 3-month-old who’s the chubbiest, cutest thing ever. But as soon as he started to make cry-adjacent sounds, I handed him back to mom. Any woman who doesn’t lose her mind with more than one small child (although honestly, I would assume the 13-year-old is more stressful than the little ones?) has my UTMOST RESPECT! I’d sing some Aretha but that would most likely be the thing that pushes you over the edge. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Hang in there, Size Does Matter. They do grow up eventually. And they’ll keep each other entertained later.

      • Bridget says:

        Awww, Size you’re in the weeds! My boys are 26 months apart, and I vaguely remember those days when you’ve got the baby attached at the boob and you’re chasing down the toddler. Eat some good food, have a giant glass of wine or two, and i hope you get some rest!

      • Honeybee Blues says:

        “And if I wore an outfit like Kim’s someone would call the police, either to have me committed to an asylum because what sane person dresses like that…” You may be losing your mind, Size Does Matter, but your sense of humor is intact and admirable.

    • margie says:

      I wanted to believe her, because I have been there. I have totally had to go off in a far corner of the house to pump so no one else had to be woken up. I know the discomfort and all the feelings and hormones. But if she were truly pumping and/or breastfeeding, there is no way she could be wearing that bra and outfit with no nursing pads covering her nipples. That exposure to cold alone would have had me leaking gallons, not to mention the adrenaline she probably gets from photographers would also make me leak like crazy. I had to use SO MUCH LANOLIN so I did not get to chafed and raw…I just can’t believe that she would be wearing this outfit and not using nursing pads if she were truly nursing or pumping. But truer words were never spoken by Satan’s Homegirl: “one is like one, two is like twenty.”

      • swak says:

        With my first, if I was out at the time of a feeding (mine were on a schedule), I would automatically let down.

    • Aarika says:

      My kids are 2 years apart and caring for them is hands down the hardest thing that I’ve have ever done. I have NEVER felt more exhausted and under pressure in my entire life. I know exactly how Kim feels, except that I can’t feel too bad for her because she has the resources to do things differently if she wants. I do it on my own because I do not have the money for a nanny but you best believe that I would hire one right now if I could. Only in West that people think it’s a badge of honor to be caring for a toddler and baby on your own. The “it takes a village” saying is very prevalent in lots of part of the world. There is nothing wrong in getting help to care for your kids because it’s really needed to keep happy and sane.

    • Josephine says:

      You are assuming that she actually wrote it. I would assume the exact opposite.

    • Snowflake says:

      Her PR people are great! Worth every penny

    • Jwoolman says:

      She didn’t write it. Kim doesn’t talk or write like that. She has a long history of appropriating other people’s stories as her own (or rather, her assistant who writes these things does).

  29. Bonnie says:

    I can’t tell if she if she gives in to her screaming toddler of a husband, or if he is an emotionally controlling/abusive type and she is a submissive to him? I can’t figure those two idiots out. Two narcissistic a-hole, yes. But I see also an emotional control from him over her.

  30. grabbyhands says:

    I guess no matter the evidence, she is just never going to accept that she’s not a 5’9 willowy model body type. There are tons of things that she could wear that would loo great on her, but everything she picks only emphasizes that she is short and short waisted.

  31. swak says:

    Why is this outfit a surprise to anyone? She has shown her nipples before. This is only going to get worse before it gets better.

  32. pk says:

    Since when has Kim ever wanted to stay out of the spotlight? I think she looks miserable because she is so vain and she knows she looks awful. She has destroyed her face with surgery and botox . I suspect that is why she keeps going under the knife, but there is no going back to the beauty she once was. I used to watch KUWTK when it first started, and just recently caught a bit of an episode. Kim is not even the same person…she used to act sweet and funny and now she acts bitter and mean and she can barely even pronounce words with her injected lips.
    I think she is awful, but am starting to feel a bit sorry for her. Beauty and money aren’t everything.

    • Velvet Elvis says:

      She used to be drop dead gorgeous but that was many procedures ago. I can barely watch her scenes in KUWTK anymore. She constantly licks her huge over inflated fake lips and it’s just so gross. Between that her new flaring bull nostrils, I can’t even.

  33. Tessa says:

    Why is she draping it off her shoulders like that? Nobody does that

    • Lady D says:

      She wants to distract from the rest of her body?

    • OrangeCrush says:

      She wants to show off her boobs. She HAS to show something off to distract from the work she recently had done on her face. Last baby, she dyed her hair blonde to distract. This time – for now – she’s flashing her boobs. Plus, if she actually wore the coat properly, it would make her look HUGE (because it’s a big, shapeless dead animal coat) and she needs everyone to see that she’s not, um, er, huge.

  34. Susan says:

    And the reason for the fur hanging off one shoulder?

  35. Dream Big says:

    Ok morphing into Amber Rose is really happening! Now she rocks shades? Even inside and at night?!🙄 Yeah sure, others do it too… But when your man is obsessed with his ex, and shades are her signature 💅🏻

  36. Skins says:

    My god, doesn’t she have a clue as to how ridiculous she looks? And that face……..freaky

  37. Gabrielle says:

    I shamelessly admit to loving Kim. But this outfit. It would have been so much better with a not see through bra and a skirt instead of those tights.

  38. Beckysuz says:

    What fresh hell is this? Ugh…girl…stay at home with your yoga pants on.

  39. Tiny Martian says:

    Meh. She looks stupid. That’s all I have to say about it!

  40. Mar says:

    If this doesn’t make the worst dressed list then I don’t know what will.

  41. HK9 says:

    While the name Kardashian will always elicit eyerolls and side-eye from me, Kim is a beautiful woman and it frustrates me that she dresses like she’s blind. There are many women with her body shape and height who dress themselves well so there’s no necessity to leave the house in what amounts to glorified underwear.

    • minx says:

      I think she used to be beautiful, but she has messed with her face so often that she just looks peculiar. She’s still a young woman but all that work makes her look at least 10 years older–which isnt the intent.

  42. Tiffany says:

    Does Kim believe that wearing a bra as a top will distract from us staring at the rest of her body. Oh honey, no.

  43. kri says:

    Now we know what happened to the SpokesCow from the Chik-fil-a commercial.

  44. minx says:

    Oh man, this thread is funny. Well done everybody!

  45. Anastasia says:

    On second glance, I guess she’s still covering up her ass with giant coats, eh?

    And like others, I struggle to understand this outfit. I’m ashamed at how long I squinted at those pics trying to figure out what’s going on here. Some kind of unitard with hose over it? A bra with panties and hose over the panties? WHAT IS IT?

    Wait, I think I’ve got it. It’s tights pulled up over a sheer body suit and a black bra under. Only Kim would think that’s an outfit.

  46. The Original Mia says:

    She looks ridiculous and I have ZERO sympathy for her. She decided what to wear. She decided to do her pap stroll. No one is forcing Kim to be a high fashion spokeswoman for Chick-fil-A. No one. She wants us to see her small stomach and her fur and her braids and her everything.

    • Dani says:

      except her stomach isn’t small. Nothing on her is small right now. She needs to figure out how to dress for her body instead of dressing for the one she wishes she had right now.

  47. Grant says:

    Something nice: I like her boots…?

  48. Gia says:

    Kaiser, if she’s radiating discomfort, then she shouldn’t be flashing her nipples and looking like a 2 dollar hooker lol

  49. Daria Morgendorffer says:

    Her love of fur makes me sick.

    The funniest part of this picture to me is the fact that it was brutally cold in NYC yesterday, which explains why her nipple, which is shoved all the way onto the side of her bra because what she’s wearing is so ill-fitting, is poking through.

    This look can be summed up in one word: desperate.

  50. word says:

    Oh please. Don’t let her lies fool you. She has how many nannies to do the real work for her? She’s trying to get some sympathy and is just putting out some random b.s. she read from a mommy book. Who really believes this? Also, are we really supposed to believe Penelope is giving North advice on how to be a big sister? Really at age 2 and 3 ? Yeah ok.

  51. My Two Cents says:

    The K Klan sure has been wearing a lot of fur lately. No way it’s not real and that gives me one more reason to despise them. She looks terrible in that weard outfit. Hair is hideous too. Jonathan trailing behind like a good servant friend should. What is she still famous for? It’s not her looks or style or acting skills.

  52. One2 says:

    Cruella Deville 2.0 is all i have to say.

  53. me says:

    Her minion Jonathan in the background. That guy is such a snobby p.o.s. The fact that he says Kim is his best friend means the two of them are a lot a like. This dude is planning to open a school for rich kids in NYC where he teaches them about diamonds and caviar. Look it up if you don’t believe me lol. This guy tries to come off as if he’s super rich but I have a feeling he is an imposter. Kim keeps him around because he kisses her ass and is her mouth piece so she always looks like the quiet innocent one.

    Oh and the big circus show tonight will be hilarious. They even have Lamar coming out (for extra attention). My God !

    • swak says:

      It truly saddens me that Lamar is doing this. I blame them, but I also blame Lamar. How Khloe can put him in the spotlight is beyond me, but apparently all the talk about Lamar not loving the spotlight must not be true.

      • me says:

        His ball career is over. The Kardashians have probably pumped it into his head that he needs to go the “reality tv” route again as that’s his only option for money. Not to mention how Lamar can bring the K family way more pr and attention right now. They’ll have him sitting middle of the front row with Khloe holding his hand.

  54. hey-ya says:

    ….why crop LaLa from the photo…we could have seen the pres senate & rep all in the one shot…

  55. word says:

    God this girl just thinks the world revolves around her doesn’t she?

  56. me says:

    Ok celebitches, hear me out…Kanye needs 100 million dollars to fund his Yeezy line. I’m passing around a donation plate, add in what you can. I’m adding my two cents right now…

  57. NGBoston says:

    Since she is nursing, her natutally ample bustline is even more swollen. I give her credit for doing that… bc IIRC she could not with North.

    I also believe those were true sentiments about how she feels adjusting from between one i nfant and a toddler. I don’t care how many nurses and nannies she has- those ring true to me.

    While there is a lot of terrible shit that can be said about this family and Kims horrible taste in Men and most of her fashion choices– for once I would like to observe other women not ripping her to shreds for being truthful for something she was feeling and thinking. Give her at least that and then we can continue to hammar away at all the other crap– of which we all know the list is plentiful.

    Thanks for listening.

  58. JesssicaB says:

    Kim for F’ks sake can you please put your foot down and tell Kanye to go give his ugly see through sheer top to someone else!?!? In your defense I am short, I had a baby 16 months ago and I have similar body style… my husband bought me some tight see through dress thing to go out to dance and guess what I stood up for myself! Stand up for yourself already Kanye’s ego needs to calm down… I can’t take this LOL

  59. Pepper says:

    Ok I wanted to be nasty and say there was a small sofa on her back . But what kind of pressure makes a woman dress like that ?

  60. Abby says:

    That outfit is hideous. She looks like Cruella de Ville. I’m right there with a newborn and a toddler and it is ROUGH. But I could not go out and wear this. Plus side eye. She has staff galore. I don’t buy that she’s really hands-on.

  61. gwen says:

    She looks miserable, per usual.

    • minx says:

      She never looks really happy.
      I guess bearding for a guy who wants to dress you in hideous clothes isn’t all that fun, no matter how much money he has.

  62. platypus says:

    I don’t know what’s worse… Lady Gaga and the like, who wear crazy/ugly crap solely for attention, or the K’s who think it actually looks good.

  63. Classy and Sassy says:

    How can someone with so much money and privilege look so crap all the damn time?

    • Jwoolman says:

      I don’t get it either. I use a Russian dictionary site often ( that keeps flashing a lot of women’s clothing ads at me when not busily giving me ads for stuff I’ve already bought from specific vendors (which is creepy, Big Brother Google). Lots of various types of dresses mostly. I’m not their market, don’t even own a dress, but they look so nice! They have interesting colors and patterns and fit and flow well on the models, who don’t even look too thin. I keep thinking, if such nice clothing is available off the rack, why do Kim and Khloe look so awful in what they choose to wear? Good stuff is out there. And Kim definitely used to dress nicely in clothes that fit her properly. I see people with her body type who dress so much better than she does today even though they have a minuscule clothing budget.

  64. Pmnichols says:

    I refuse to jump all over her outfit and body shame the girl. I’m lucky no one judged me after I had my child because I was exhausted and hated my body. Ease up people. I like her hair actually.

    • vauvert says:

      Actually, we are not body shaming. If you really read the comments, many people have said she should dress for her body type and look good instead of whatever fresh from hell Spanx couture she is wearing here. And nothing justifies fur.

  65. angela says:

    She proves perfectly that money doesn’t automatically equal class…. She always looks uncomfortable and trashy

  66. bitchy architect says:

    Am I the only person who thinks she’s morphing into Amber Rose? The sunglasses the outfit- it all looks like something Amber Rose would wear. Is Kanye so obsesssed with Amber Rose that he’s trying to make Kim look like her?

  67. Squiggisbig says:

    I call this look “I’m white but my family just got back from vacation in Jamaica…oh and pantyhose.”

  68. Miran says:

    Kim, i can see your nipples, its too sheer. Also, that lasered hairline looks so fake, especially with the abrupt line between the spray tan and her natural scalp. And that is coming from someone who does laser hair removal for a living.

  69. tacos and tv says:

    Man, I can’t believe I feel bad for saying this but she looks like s**t. I mean it. The whole thing is really nasty. They outfit, the coat, that hair, those shoes, her face. She looks like complete s**t

  70. listerino says:

    That’s not an outfit. That’s underwear with a coat thrown over the top. She looks ridiculous. Why would you even want to be seen out in public dressed like that? I know I sure as hell wouldn’t.

  71. Kate says:

    I can’t stand her but good lord that poor women must be dying to wear blue jeans and an old sweatshirt just once in her life.

  72. Lea says:

    I don’t think she was hiding to be with her babies – most likely, she was waiting for the nose job’s shiners to fade.
    Also, there is no way she is breastfeeding. Her outfit is so tight that if she was really breastfeeding, her boobs would be leaking all over the place.

  73. rice_bunny says:

    Now there’s something you don’t see everyday…a cow with braids.
    (And I’m not referring to her size)

  74. JudyK says:

    Why must she always expose her oversized boobs. She looks like a female pimp in that outfit.

  75. good buddy says:

    Omg, her nipples are showing. TMI.

  76. emma says:

    I have to say, I love this hair trend

  77. Trashaddict says:

    So, how come no shade for her culturally appropriating cornrows? Is it because she’s married to Kanye?

    • Snowflake says:

      Nah, we’re just distracted by her breasts. But yeah, I caught that. I’m sure others did too.

  78. Maggie says:

    Gross. What is wrong with her. Does she have NO self esteem left. The hair is gross, the outfit is terribly unflattering and poorly designed, the fur just needs to go…Kim-stop wearing tacky costumes and just dress for your body type and age. Tacky, cheap and gaudy. No class-just money.

  79. noway says:

    Sheer and furry should never be in the same sentence, much less the same outfit.

  80. raincoaster says:

    In case anyone’s still reading, the hair is on point, basically taken from kpop:

  81. barfly says:

    I usually read the posts about the K-Klan with a mixture of jealousy, snark and side-eyes but i feel bad for her. Put on some leggings and a sweater and relax with your babies woman! Besides, Kanyes boyfriend can support his BS “fashion” line…

  82. Emily C. says:

    She became famous through wearing ridiculous clothing. She stays famous through wearing ridiculous clothing. This is work wear. She knows how bad it looks, that’s why she wears it. If she started wearing sensible clothes, she might get a little boost in attention for a short time because of the change, but then it would all fade away. But wearing hideous clothing always gets her on the gossip sites, and apparently it always will.

  83. MrsK says:

    Her Spanx were rolling down as she was walking. They’re fine in the first pic and then rolled up more and more in the following shots. As someone whose high–waist girdle has betrayed her in exactly the same way, I know she was feeling each roll very exquisitely, because as Spandex crunches up like that, it’s cutting off your circulation, to the point where you are very quickly desperately searching for a ladies room so you can unbunch the girdle and breathe again.

    I’m sure all of these thoughts are exactly what is going on behind the poker face. “Fuck, why won’t this damn girdle stay up I can’t breathe I can’t breathe ohmygod it’s cutting off my circulation I can’t breathe.”

    Not worth it. Fugly to begin with, disastrous to continue wearing.

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