Disney star Zendaya, 19, is the new face of CoverGirl cosmetics and she showed off some cool looks in her first commercial for the beauty brand, which premiered during Monday night’s Grammy Awards. Incidentally, Zendaya did her own makeup for Grammy night (as she’s done in the past), using CoverGirl products, of course.
Monday was an eventful night for the K.C. Undercover star. Not only did her new commercial debut, but it looks as if she may have a new man. She was seen at the Universal Music Group Grammy after party posing for photos and holding hands with New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr., 23. A source told E! News, “They were close, whispering in each others ears and maintaining a very flirty vibe.” Odell, who earned rookie of the year honors from the NFL in 2014, has been romantically linked in the past to Amber Rose. Zendaya recently told Complex magazine that she didn’t really have time for romance, stating, “You’ve got to realize my schedule is kind of nuts. I don’t have time to go out and get to know somebody. If I didn’t know you from the last three or four years of my life, it’s probably too late.”
TMZ tried to get the scoop from the couple as they left the party, but Zendaya and Odell weren’t confirming or denying anything. Side note: it was nice to see Odell being a gentleman and closing the car door for her. The intrepid reporter got the last word from Zendaya’s Dad, Kazembe Ajamu Coleman, who was her escort for the Grammy night festivities. When asked about the relationship, Papa Zendaya said, “When you see my daughter out on a date without me, it’s a relationship. [This is] like an audition, an interview.” They make a cute couple, and I’m thinking Odell will probably get a callback.
Can we talk about Zendaya’s dress and shoes? I love them. I covet them. I want them, although I am never invited to any celebrity parties, but I sure would knock ’em dead at my local TGIFridays in that ensemble. I also hope she sticks to the bob (it’s so cute on her) and not the mullet she rocked earlier in the evening. Some things just don’t need to come back.
Photo credit: WENN.com
Girl knows her way around a makeup brush, woman after my own heart.
I didn’t realize Odell was so young! When I heard they were on a date I was cringing thinking he was 28 or so. I wish her luck, sports guys are a tricky bunch. There’s very few who seem to be gentlemen and don’t have some nasty stuff hiding in their background.
I wish I knew how to do that. I am so bad with make up. Do leave some tips in where to start; if you can. I appreciate it π
I’m happy to! As someone who genuinely loves makeup I think the first best tip is just start small and slow. I think women feel a lot of pressure these days to have a full Kardshian/Jenner contour mastered and then feel like failures when they can’t.
When I started doing my own makeup I didn’t even apply foundation. I wore a single eyeshadow color, blush, and lipgloss. I used cheaper brushes and I played it safe. In general just know what your skin is like: oily (if so use oil controlling powders and long lasting products as your foundation) , combination (cream products that can be set with powders) , or normal (powders or liquids) so you know what kind of products work best on your skin. Then think about what kind of ‘look’ you want. If you’re really starting off slow build from just applying eyeshadow and mascara (I didn’t curl my lashes in the beginning either) to carefully applying pencil liner and expanding from there. One good brush for applying eyeshadow (flat paddle shaped) and one good blending brush (long bristles that can either be tapered or end in a dome (as someone with hooded lids I can’t advocate dome tipped brushes enough)) will get you through amateur to advanced looks.
When applying blush look at yourself in the mirror and from either side of the tip of your nose apply blush from the center of the visible cheek, turning your head and slowly curving up in a C shape. This will help fade the color so it blends in and isn’t a harsh line on the face.
The final thing I have to recommend is that makeup brush shapes tend to be very generic and sometimes they’re just not one size fits all. If you feel like the brush you’re using isn’t working for you it’s probably not. Like I said above I hated blending brushes because they ended in a point and poked my lids. When I stared using ones that ended in a flat dome things totally transformed. I notice a lot of makeup brushes tend to be very large and floppy and sometimes that can help things go wrong fast. I personally prefer brushes that are smaller and that I can be precise with. It’s easier to blend and apply more than attempt to take off too much.
I kept this very generic and I hope it helps, if you need anymore tips just ask π
As a makeup lover, I just have a to point out that she does NOT do her own makeup, especially for red carpet events. Her makeup artist is Allan Avendano, his IG is “allanface”. He posts his work on her regularly.
Thank you; thank you; you’re amazing for responding! I love how much you enjoy it; I’ll put some effort in it!
How disappointing that she’s the type of person to have her father chapperone dates.
It’s a bit strange, I really don’t think a 19 year old needs a chaperone.
Disappointing as in you find it too patriarchal?
…what? Lol. Some people have traditional parents, my parents were the type to require to meet every single friend in person and have their parents number before I coule go anywhere alone with them.
Right?! My parents were the same way. Pretty strict and traditional, but they also trusted me. They always wanted to check out any guy I was interested in. I definitely had chaperoned dates.
Zendaya is very close to her dad and he goes everywhere with her, so I see nothing strange about this.
Normally I’d agree, but her age combined with her Hollywood profile makes me think this is a good idea. She’s still young and very famous. It seems like her parents have kept her grounded, so she might put a lot of faith in their judgment. She’s an only child right? They might have been equally involved with a son.
PEAK BLACK DADDY moment cause dad was like WHAT RELATIONSHIP, WE (the royal We) Are JUST FRIENDS
Right! Can someone go tell Kris and Caitlyn Jenner this is how you parent.
Lord, if this was them they’d have dropped Kylie off at his house and sped off tires screeching.
with her cycle charted in a blackboard just in case he wanted to know
I Loved the WE part so much cause it was like This boy hasn’t met OUR standard to where WE (Royal we) get to butt out just yet so WE are only friendLY
She is glorious.
Gah! She’s so beautiful! Seriously, that face. I wish I had makeup skills like that.
Regarding her father chaperoning her date, well, she’s old enough to make her own decisions, so it could come off as controlling. But she seems like a smart, independent woman, so I have a feeling if she wasn’t on board with the chaperoning it wouldn’t be happening.
G. O. R. G. E. O. U. S. Gorgeous. And I love how it’s deceptively sexy. She’s 19 so her time to shine and yet still age appropriate.
I don’t think their is anything wrong with a dad looking after his 19 year old daughter. I mean, she can be with whoever she wants, but family is obviously really important to her. She wants her parents approval. I think it holds the man to a higher standard and he knows he’s getting involved with someone who values family.
I LOVE this pairing. She is unbelievably beautiful and I wish her all success on her new music, even if she did do a song with Douche Canoe Brown. I still love her! She is classy, confident, smart and a knockout.
She is so beautiful and he is super hot!! I love his smile. BTW, is he wearing a Kanye original shirt??
And her dad as chaperone just goes to show what a wonderful example she is for young women today. I am sure it was only because it was a first date and they don’t know O.B. Daddy wanted to make sure his daughter would be safe and respected. Nothing wrong with that! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ZENDAYA!!!
It’s a bit boring that she’s dating an athlete
They make one cute couple. Maybe she’ll be a good influence on Odell and help him grow up a bit. I don’t know who she is but she’s beautiful and looks sweet. I actually like that her dad chaperoned and she didn’t throw a fit about it
Hmmm there have been rumours of this guy possibly being gay. I haven’t been paying attention to it but the rumour has been floating around the urban blogs.
I’ve heard the same but I also try to ignore that kind of speculation
I don’t know if he’s gay. But that speculation seems to be largely based on the fact that he’s not a very masculine guy. He’s a bit different, he dances and isn’t afraid of dancing with male friends. And overall he just seems to be more of a graceful guy than a tough football guy (i mean all athletes are tough but just his build and the way he moves).
So i would say there’s less to these rumors than there is to Aaron Rodgers rumors.
Idk, it’s up to him to choose to come out if he is. But for now, people seem to be going based on stereotypes and vibes….
Well, not only ‘stereotypes and vibes,’ a bit more than that.
I think it was largely based on this video someone took of him checking a guy’s butt out. You can Google.
Also that one game he played where he was flying into rages, then went bonkers and was attacking Josh Norman on the field? He got fined by the league over that – apparently it had to do with josh talking trash and saying he was gay, or to come out or whatever.
But it really was that video where he does a once over of a guys booty, they say. Is pretty unstable when someone infers things.
Bizarrely enough, he was so incensed at the gay rumors he purportedly staged these pornographic pics of himself face deep btw a blonde coed’s thighs, and a few other pics of himself and the same girl’s sex session. It was so ridiculously obvious what he appeared to be trying to put a lid on, that the end result was hilarity. Since then other ballers have teased him about it.
Yea, he *really* hates the gay rumors, most likely because he is very deeply closeted.
Careful Z. Daddy was smart to tag along. Never know what someone desperate to prove what they think masculinity is, might do.
i wonder if they share a pr agency/agent.
That might explain things.
@Gina…wow I had no idea about all those stories. I just know of him because he’s been name as a “flexible”(π) dude by this DJ that I suscribe too on YouTube. He really does sound closeted.
Yeah I’m a big football fan so i know about the whole suspension thing. I’m not a fan of him (cause he throws punches and that’s awful) or the giants (we’re patriots fans). But i actually felt bad for him when he came out and said that he gets gay slurs directed at him pretty much every game. Gay or straight, it must get frustrating to be treated like that and called names. Goes a bit above normal trash talk, in my opinion. He still should have kept his cool and filed a complaint later, but he shouldn’t have to deal with guys questioning his sexuality every single week
I just looked at the video. He could be checking the guy out but who knows.
I also think people forget that men can be bisexual. Not everything done is a cover up. Like Aaron Rodgers could have been in a relationship with a man but he could also have a genuine relationship with a woman too. Not everyone he dates is his beard. Ditto for Odell
Idk overall i love football but the homophobia drives me crazy. So much speculation when i think these guys should just be accepted and allowed to do what they’re comfortable doing. Like people want to out celebrities when they may not even be out to friends and family
EVERY black male celebrity is gay according to urban blogs.I can’t think of one male celebrity who hasn’t been called gay.I am so happy he doesn’t react to the gossip but changing the way he dresses,wears his hair,his dancing,etc
Well, there ARE lots of gay men, black included. Not all of them are out, or have plans to come out. Also, he reacts BIG TIME. SEE my post above.
They do make it seem like there isn’t ONE guy who isn’t gay.
I love this entire outfit.
The thing about her dad chaperoning surprised me, but I guess some people do want their parents involved in their dating life like that. For me that would feel a little awkward. But for them it’s kind of cute too.
Get it Z! I probably wouldn’t like it if my dad chaperoned one of my dates, but I don’t see anything wrong with this. It’s not like it’s some kind of Duggar-crazy thing.
I don’t think the dad acting as a chaperone is controlling. Really he’s looking after the best interest of his little girl. I don’t get the creeper Papa Joe vibe from Daddy Coleman.
My folks met all my boyfriends and they spent time with my folks too. Sorry no shame in getting the family approval. More people to sniff out the unsavory boyfriends, you know?
I have a big thing about boyfriends meeting family and friends so that, if for some reason I’m starstruck and not seeing ‘it’ then I want someone with clear eyes to judge the guy.
I don’t see this as the same as her dad being a chaperone on a date — more like, we don’t really know him well, so let’s invite him along to this thing we’ll all be at, so we can get to know him. Seems fine. It’s not like it was the three of them in a booth at the back of Red Lobster.
They look good together. She is gorgeous, but I need that hair to go away.
She’s a button but that hair! It looks like a bizarre version of a comb over… As if she might be bald underneith and just took all of her hair from the back and brought it plastered up front.
Her dad is her manager.I have seen other managers,publicist,etc accompanying a client on a “date”.
It’s not dates that dad needs to worry about. It’s those Harvey Weinstein parties!
its only when i came in the us i heard that “chaperone dates” are supposedly a bad things. Growing up in the island it was a normal thing to even be in your early 20’s and a parent have a say in the begining on whom you plan on giving your energy to which i respect because that energy alone you invest in the beginning while getting to know someone is glorious and can at times be paradoxical… even afterwards how the two of you go about things parents still get a say in things when i mention that to my friends here in the us they are always saying that is beyond controlling yet i never felt controlled by it.. i guess its an island thing. The final decisions are up to the two of you but the process is always expected to be a WE