Chiwetel Ejiofor on #OscarsSoWhite: Society ‘is not going to get less diverse’


Chiwetel Ejiofor is not a controversial person. Perhaps that speaks to his intelligence, his work ethic, his even temperament. But it’s really rare that he makes news, because he generally comes across as thoughtful, earnest, compassionate and utterly unscandalous. Even when he made news this week, it was because he was just trying to be an LGBT ally and it sort of went sideways because he forgot about intersectionality. Now Chiwetel has a new interview with The Daily Beast, and he got pulled into the conversation about #OscarsSoWhite. It should be mentioned that Chiwetel got a Best Actor Oscar nomination in 2014, the last year any actor of color got nominated for anything. You can read Chiwetel’s full interview here. Some highlights:

What he thinks of the police unions threatening Quentin Tarantino: “Well, it truly is one of the more bizarre things that any sort of government official has done. But it speaks to a corruption. When you start to try and censor people because they march, or whatever. ‘Well, we’re going to hurt you…’ So we shouldn’t do that because the police are going to come out? It’s the language of a very corrupt system.”

The #OscarsSoWhite conversation: “I feel like the conversation in terms of the Oscars is in a way dealing with the alter ego. It’s not really about The Academy, necessarily. It’s about equality in our society. And that’s why it’s become such a hot issue. That’s really what people are talking about. And that has been the elephant in the room for a long time around arts and media. What kind of society are we looking to live in? I feel like we are negotiating that in real time now, whether it comes to race issues or gender issues or sexuality issues.”

Diversity in the world, diversity on screen: “Things are moving in a different direction—in this country, England, Europe. It’s not going to get less diverse. What are we going to do about that? Do we want a society where people are equal, or don’t we? If we don’t want that, well then let’s go out and state that! Let’s not hide the issue. But if we do, I think there are a number of people on all sides of the equation who are going to be on board with that and encourage it and create a very beautiful society for our children that we can be proud to leave behind us. I, for one, am one hundred percent in favor of that concept. That’s what people are sort of struggling with and asking about. It’s right to ask questions of your society. It’s insane that people try and shoot down people who are.”

Whitewashing is a choice: “I like the idea that these things become a choice. Casting or green-lighting a film that is essentially an all-white film was, at a certain point, just considered normal. But now, it’s a choice. You are doing something very directly. You are making a choice to cast this thing entirely white, or green-light an entirely white movie. That is a choice.”

[From The Daily Beast]

See? Thoughtful. Non-controversial. He’s actually talking substantively about what the #OscarsSoWhite conversation is really about. And I agree with him – he says at one point that, contrary to what the Coen Brothers say, the Oscars are important and he was proud to have been recognized with an Oscar nomination and proud to have starred in a film that won Best Picture. But he’s also saying that the #OscarsSoWhite controversy is the vehicle by which we’re having these larger conversations about representation, diversity and the choices people make. I also love this: “It’s not going to get less diverse.” So true.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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30 Responses to “Chiwetel Ejiofor on #OscarsSoWhite: Society ‘is not going to get less diverse’”

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  1. some says:

    Oscars so white?
    To say that it is wrong, is to say that whites cannot be more talented or numerous than blacks.

    This itself is racist. Against whites.

    • Alex says:

      ha try again

    • Cee says:

      There’s always one…

    • Sallysue says:

      There is literally no way any minority can be racist towards white. NO way

      • oliphant says:

        this is one of the most stupid remarks I’ve seen on here.

      • Sixer says:

        No, oliphant. Racism involves imbalances of power. Any group can be prejudiced against any other group, but only groups owning the structural power can be racist.

      • Brittney B. says:

        oliphant, your own comment speaks volumes.

        Institutional racism is oppressive by definition. It’s perpetuated by the race with power and privilege, and used to keep other races from achieving the same opportunities and rights. Sallysue is 100% correct; other races cannot oppress white people. White people already have the socioeconomic advantage, so it’s impossible to use their race to oppress them.

      • oliphant says:

        @sixer hmm i actually meant the original comment by some says but can’t edit and move it to the right bit? Suffice to say i agree with all the exasperated replies…

      • Sixer says:

        Lovely to hear that, oliphant, and sorry to jump down your throat mistakenly!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I just worked on an employment lawsuit in which the company owners were being sued by several employees (white of Irish and Italian backgrounds and Puerto Ricans) because of the acts and statements of a manager they had hired (an Indian woman). They also all could have alleged age discrimination and would have won easily. The manager was racist and, in the workplace, she had the power. We recommended that the owners agree to settle because they would have lost. Yes, racism can exist in every race. In our white dominated society, yes, it usually is those who hold the power, the whites, who discriminate because they hold that power and deny opportunity but others in power can and do discriminate as well. We are all victims of the harm it causes because of what we lose.

        And the original poster has to be here to troll because in this situation, Oscarssowhite, is not racist and white actors aren’t being discriminated against in a situation controlled by white men

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      No, to say that is to sum up a racial issue that has happened twice back to back and repeatedly over the decades.

      What you’re rejecting is this issue actually gaining prominence and not being brushed under the rug. So sure, let’s talk about the poor white actors suffering under the burden of their numerous awards and not the POC that can’t even get an invitation to work on the movies.

      • oliphant says:

        Thanks @Sixer 🙂 i love reading the comments here; so many smart, compassionate and insightful commenters who have truly opened my eyes on a lot of issues i had no idea about, i actually had that dropping sensation in the pit of my stomach when it looked like i agreed with the original commenter!

        (wrong place again, sorry everyone!!)

    • oliphant says:

      this is one of the most stupid remarks I’ve seen on here.

  2. Marty says:

    His last comment on casting is my favorite, because it is SO true.

    • Jayna says:

      Those last comments should just be cut and pasted as a reply to every tone-deaf remark on this subject by others in the industry.

    • Cee says:

      I feel like an idiot for not thinking like this before. It is definitely a choice.

    • Sixer says:

      It is very, very true. And he’s just laid it out with no poison. He’s a smooth cove and tremendously precise. I really admire that. I love passion and righteous anger more, if I’m honest, but those things become stronger when they are backed up by cool, analytical, CORRECT voices standing behind them.

    • I Choose Me says:


  3. Alex says:

    I love him. Add him to the list of humans I adore

  4. Jayna says:

    I adore Chiwetel and am always interested in his interviews. A very insightful man and great actor.

  5. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    That man is so eloquent and he’s absolutely right on all fronts.

    What we’re seeing all over the world is a reaction to the fact that lines are no longer firmly drawn and the world is becoming more diverse.

    Nations that once eagerly took in refugees fleeing from war when they had white skin like themselves are now suddenly cruel and abrasive going through any means to keep the brown people out. Entertainment that SHOULD reflect our world is created to be an all white utopia by minds who’d swear up and down they’re not racist or sexist.

    We are going through so much tension as a nation because the old structures are crumbling and those attached to them are terrified of what it means when they’re no longer in power.

  6. I Choose Me says:

    And my love for Chiwetel continues unabated. I don’t expect my faves to say and do the right thing all the time but I’ve always found him to be thoughtful, intelligent, grounded and cool headed as well as enormously talented. So nice to see my opinion is not unfounded.

  7. Colette says:

    He spoke about racial diversity in The Times interview.Websites chose to focus on a couple sentences where he talked about gay people .

  8. Poisonous Lookalike says:

    His comments are just one reason why I’m requesting more coverage of Chiwetel Ejiofor. He’s a lovely, intelligent person and a wonderful actor. More, please!!!

  9. Saks says:

    Now, this is how you talk about these delicate matters. He is precise and insightful, he is not attacking anyone or making it about himself, and he is adding to the conversation. Bravo Chiwetel!

  10. Chem says:

    He is so hot