“Mariah Carey’s mode of transport through a hotel lobby was fabulous” links

A video posted by Mariah Now (@mariahnow) on

Mariah Carey gets wheeled through a lobby & it’s basically the most perfect, elusive, chanteusey, butterfly thing you’ve ever seen. [LaineyGossip]
Charlie Sheen’s “tiger blood” phase was due to testosterone cream. [Dlisted]
Will Duchess Kate wear any of this stuff? [Go Fug Yourself]
Here’s a good reason why Leo DiCaprio shouldn’t win the Oscar. [Pajiba]
Melania Trump doesn’t think her husband insulted Mexicans. [Jezebel]
Here’s more info about the Married at First Sight d-bag. [Starcasm]
We haven’t see Sean Combs in a while. [Moe Jackson]
I would love it so much if Ted Cruz had to drop out. [Buzzfeed]
Britney Spears shows off her Britney body. [OMG Blog]
I really, really love Jessica Alba’s outfit here. [Popoholic]
Terry Crews was addicted to p0rn. [The Blemish]
Several celebrities & artists are skipping the Oscars so that they can attend a fundraiser for Flint, Michigan. [Mashable]


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46 Responses to ““Mariah Carey’s mode of transport through a hotel lobby was fabulous” links”

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  1. zan says:

    She is ri-di-cu-lous! omg.. lol I would be embarrassed if i was her xD

    • PinaColada says:

      It is totally embarrassing!! If she makes every single effort to get out of physically moving herself, which she certainly seems to, she’s going to have one short lifespan or shriveled muscles. It’s ok to exercise, Mariah!

    • Paris says:

      Darling, SHE is TOO FABULOUS to walk.

    • Nimbolicious says:

      Damn. I was expecting a full-on throne upon a litter, surrounded by Nubians fanning her with palm fronds.

    • Rach says:

      I was a flight attendant for NetJets, which is kinda like a time share for private jets. I don’t usually spill the beans on my interactions with celebrities but THIS chick was whack. She had multiple pages of demands for each flight, such as very specific white linens, soaps, teas, liquor, etc. for every flight, even short ones, but the craziest demand was that the flight attendant had to wait for her at the top of the plane stairs, with a stick of gum (can’t remember the type but it was specific) and it had to be unwrapped but laying on the wrapper and served on a silver platter. Another one of her demands was that she be served before anyone else flying with her and she had to be completely finished eating before anyone else could be served. Needless to say she was my least favorite client. Oh and none of the crew could make eye contact with her. It was forbidden.

    • milietan says:

      Maybe she had twisted her ankle? Or had a painful blister?

      • Cran says:

        There is nothing wrong with Mariah Carey. She just thinks far too much if herself and always has. There was a series of pictures of her attempting to get on a boat with her fiancée. She was wearing ridiculous heels like always and he watched while she nearly fell flat on her face. Two crew members grabbed her so she was fine. The disturbing part was he did not even react he just sat there and watched.

        I think they are a match because he apparently has always had a thing for her and he will buy her anything. He will put up with any diva attitude she puts out because he can pay for whatever she wants and Mariah will be able to show off to everyone all the pretty things her billionaire husband has bought her.

        She had a magnificent voice but it is not the exquisite tool it used to be. She also does not seem to be a likeable person.

      • crtb says:

        that was my first thought: Is she sick? Why can’t she walk? if she isn’t sick then she has to be the laziest human on the planet. Must be fun for her kids to have such an energetic mom.

    • Fee says:

      She can’t walk in heels, I mean literary can’t. She hobbles, on stage needs assistance. I remember nick waiting on sidelines till she called him to help her w/ stairs,lol

  2. Belle Epoch says:

    Old joke:

    Woman notices child is driven home from school by chauffeur every day and carried into apartment building.

    She sees the mother in the elevator and says, “I’m so sorry your son can’t walk.”

    “Of course he can walk!” the mother snaps, “but God forbid he should have to!”

  3. Don't kill me I'm French says:

    The Revenant is released today in France so my husband watched it this morning.All he can say is that the DP is really a genius,Dicaprio SUFFERS much ,Hardy is a BADDIE and the supporting actors are great great .I can’t say he loved or even liked because it is very long and very “Malick under coke”

    • Norman Bates's Mother says:

      That’s a very good summary. I like DiCaprio as an actor, but I feel like he was suffering more than acting in this movie. Most of his scenes were physical, not speaking and the basis of his character’s journey was – “I’m freezing and I’m in pain”, but since he really was freezing and really was in pain ( all this crawling through snow and rocks, and jumping to frozen rivers must have been painful), how did it require more or better acting than, let’s say, Titanic? In Titanic all the drowning scenes were shot in a heated pool, so he had to actually use his skills to look like he was freezing and in pain – that’s what acting is all about. To me – Arnie in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? is still his best role, even though playing a mentally ill person is considered as Oscar-baity as suffering for art. All this method crap is getting ridiculous and it should not be rewarded.

      I wasn’t blown away by Hardy either – he was good, but it was nothing new from him. He was once again a baddie with a gimmicky voice. For me Poulter and Gleeson gave the most natural and nuanced performances in the movie and the Native actors did amazing jobs as well.

  4. Santia says:

    Mariah exhausts me. It must be tiresome to be around someone like that.

  5. Moxie Remon says:

    The guy who wrote about Leo is very right, actually.

  6. Who ARE these people? says:

    If it weren’t Mariah Carey, I would assume this was a woman coping with the energy, gait and balance issues of something like multiple sclerosis.

  7. Cynthia says:

    I already liked Ryan Coogler for his huge talent but getting to know his activism and the work he does makes me like him even more.

  8. Mel M says:

    Wow, once you’re that out of touch you never come back. I can’t get over the people that are fawning over her either, it sounds like someone is crying for heaven sakes! My husband and I were just talking about how we don’t understand people that literally cry when they see or meet celebrities, they are human beings, nothing more. I could never get that emotional over just catching a glimpse of someone who doesn’t even know I exist.

    • Santia says:

      This! I’m incapable of elevating someone to such a level that I would be reduced to tears at seeing them. I can’t even fathom the idea that in 2016 we still have monarchy. Why??

    • NorthernGirl_20 says:

      I don’t get it either, they are people just like us..

      Although just before I found out I was pregnant I went to a Neil Diamond concert and cried when he came out on stage .. I think it was the hormones though lol ..

  9. lower-case deb says:

    what is the wailing siren in that video of Mariah?

  10. Neelyo says:

    DiCaprio acts the way AMERICAN IDOL contestants sing: no nuance or subtlety and lots of show pony tricks. And like them he has two volume settings, whisper or scream, nothing in between.

  11. Eleonor says:

    I don’t understand why she has to use a wheelchair. Does she have a condition ?
    Sorry but my mum has multiple sclerosis and has to use a wheelchair, so I do not get why a totally healthy person cannot walk. I think it’s stupid.
    (It’s too personal, for me)

    • kanyekardashian says:

      She’s just lazy and entitled. I used to be a fan but I stopped when I saw the photos of her assistant holding a straw in Mariah’s mouth so she can drink. Google it, it’s hilarious.

  12. JRenee says:

    Really? ?? The need for adoration exhausts the very hell out of me.
    That’s so Mariah!

  13. Dean says:

    Fame came to Jon Hamm late and he is normal. Mariah dosent have a clue

  14. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Didn’t she say she used Jenny Craig to lose weight? Maybe if she, like, tried WALKING places, then she wouldn’t need to starve herself to lose weight? Just a crazy idea, I know.

  15. knower says:


    I love you.

  16. jamie says:

    The Terry Crews article was disappointing to read. I’m glad he has come out to talk about it.

    I don’t feel a lot of people really understand the idea of this as an addiction. There is an interesting Ted talk available talking about mice and stimulation – how it just makes the brain need more and more to achieve the same results.

    I’m a woman in my mid 20s who actually used to work within the adult type entertainment, I’m not by any means conservative or prude. Only when my partner and I decreased the frequency of our xrated watching habits did we realize the effect it actually has on you as a person and on us as a couple.

    That article was both not funny and not informative about what Terry Crews had to say.

  17. Tamara says:

    Oh Mariah…so sparkly and delusional.🙄

  18. nubiahbella says:

    I live for MC Divaesque attitude. She wouldn’t be Mariah without it

  19. Eggplant says:

    I don’t like her because I’m pretty sure she wears fur, but also because she’s cruised on what her voice USED to be. Never took proper care of it and still gets the voice-cred thing. This thing is probably because she’s too big to actually walk in those two-size-too-small dresses she wears.

  20. Hsuz says:

    This woman is fabulous. Love it.

  21. What's inside says:

    There is something really wrong with her…..

  22. Migdalia says:

    The reason why Leo shouldn’t win an Oscar is bs. It’s already a thing. Look at both Matthew and Jared’s and Eddie’s Oscar wins. Also Christian Bale’s….it’s all because of the weight loss, or the transgender role, or the biopics.

  23. LAK says:

    Oh Mariah! Never change. LOL

  24. LAK says:

    Oh Mariah!! Never change. LOL.

  25. Rubber Ducky says:

    😆 I love her insanity

  26. stinky says:

    No one has suggested it so ill go ahead…
    It looks like shes in a casino or something? I cant tell but she was probably pretty far away from wherever she needed to be. if you’ve ever been inside the MGM Grand (for example) the freakin place is ridiculous. I can COMPLETELY see why she’d want to do this.