Posh’s dimply legs not Photoshopped (update high res version)

Yesterday The Daily News ran an article about how Victoria Beckham had cellulite despite how thin she is. They ran pictures showing her legs looking not so smooth, and they were pretty nasty about it, saying she had “the classic signs of cellulite.” An image caption referenced her “unslightly saggy skin.”

ONTD had an article about it claiming the pictures were Photoshopped, and they used images from another photo agency of that same incident of Posh walking up the stairs in a short skirt to show that her legs look great.

Her legs do look great, but they were caught in the light looking dimply and the pictures are legitimate and not Photoshopped.

I bought the actual image from the photographer that Daily Mail uses, INF/Goff, and the pictures are real. You can see in the high res versions posted here that they’re not altered.

If this is how Posh looks, I would hate to see my legs close up in harsh light.

Update: A lot of commentors are still understandably skeptical about this photo. As I mentioned I purchased the high res version directly from the photography agency. So it could have been altered on their end, but it wasn’t altered by The Daily Mail.

The first thumbnail below links to the high res version:

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