Cele|bitchy | “Taylor Swift’s slashed skinny jeans are trendy & ugly in equal measure” links

“Taylor Swift’s slashed skinny jeans are trendy & ugly in equal measure” links


All the kidz are wearing Taylor Swift’s slashed skinny jeans. PS… her butt looks like it’s back to normal too. [Popoholic]
Ashley Greene’s ensemble is Peak Golden Girls. [Go Fug Yourself]
Prince Harry ate some curry for the soldiers. [LaineyGossip]
Kevin Federline is rapping again. [Dlisted]
Is Selena Gomez wearing ankle boots with sweatpants? [IDLY]
Vintage Barack Obama talks about ribs, p-ssy. [The Blemish]
Lisa Rinna & Lisa Vanderpump are beefing now. [Reality Tea]
Sexist bros are not happy about Rogue One. [Pajiba]
Some of these book covers are really clever/funny! [OMG Blog]
Blac Chyna & Tyga are still beefing. [ICYDK]
This conspiracy theory about Louis Tomlinson’s baby is amazing/unhinged. [Buzzfeed]
Jessica Alba might sell The Honest Company. [Jezebel]
What if Blac Chyna is already Angela Kardashian? [Starcasm]


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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42 Responses to ““Taylor Swift’s slashed skinny jeans are trendy & ugly in equal measure” links”

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  1. Summer says:

    Where’s her booty ?

  2. Norman Bates's Mother says:

    I never would have thought that my 62-year old dad could be so trendy. I have to show him those pics of Ashley Greene wearing his pajama pants and Selena Gomez in his favorite around-the-house sweats.

    On a little bit more serious note: What the hell has happened to fashion lately? I tried to buy some new clothes recently but all the stores were filled with the 80’s and 90’s fugness that should be forever remembered as the most laughable time in the history of fashion, not as an inspiration.

    • Moneypenny says:

      Like the slip dresses with baby tees under them? I couldn’t believe I saw that ish in a store the other day. Do NOT bring back 1994 yet, please.

    • Vizia says:

      I was shopping for shoes the other day, and swore I saw a pair of wooden-platforms-with-white-cutout-leather that I owned and luuuuurved in 1977. Also a couple of power blazers (with shoulder pads!!)that I owned in the 80’s. Time warp.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        I LOVED my whitecpower blazer! Until my husband said I looked like I could tack up Fifth Avenue.

        PS If you’re not a sailor, he was calling me a giant sailboat. Which is still better than when he called me a milk truck.

  3. frankie says:

    Why is Jessica Alba selling

    • zinjojo says:

      Money! Her VC backers want a quick turn on their investment, so her options are either to sell or go public.

  4. Whitney says:

    Ha! Good one

  5. Insomniac says:

    OK, I just read that entire BuzzFeed thing about Louis Tomlinson’s baby being fake. LMAO, what the hell did I just read? I don’t know who’s crazier — the people insisting that an actual baby is fake, or the people insisting that celebrities are secretly married and churning out secret babies that nobody has ever seen.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Omg you lasted longer than I did. I only made it up to the part where they brought in the completely unrealated blogger. Wtf. They make the bc skeptics look normal. I love that these theorists can come up with stuff like that but not see that the very premise of their belief is irrational. Is hilarious and downright scary at the same time.

    • AngelaH says:

      I read the whole thing too. I needed that laugh today! I’m amazed at the time and energy people put into this. I seriously love it. The crazy is strong!

    • mia girl says:

      I know! Didn’t a faction of the Cumberb*tches also think that his baby was fake too (just PR because he wanted to win an Oscar)?

      You know I thought “RobSten secretly married with two babies” fans were unhinged, but these 1D “Larry Stylinson” fans take it to a whole new level.

      I have to admit that I am truly fascinated by these types of fans that make up these fantasies and then park their reality there. And ongoing they can take little pieces of ambiguous things and build a CSI level case of how it is evidence to support their crazy theories.

    • mary s says:

      I read the entire thing. I thought it was kind of cray, but I still drank the kool-aid. Am I the only Celebitchy who thought the photos of the guy (forgot his name) holding the baby looked fake? And the baby doesn’t look real, and the photo with the “mom” carrying the baby car seat look really photoshopped. Her arm was all wrong plus she was carrying her phone and the carrier in one hand. OMG! I’m so embarrassed for my own self right now!

  6. Sarah01 says:

    She used to dress so differently before, now she’s doing the sexy thing. She really doesn’t have much sex appeal.
    She really does have a flat butt.

    • islandwalker says:

      She reminds me of Paltrow in that way, both have all the parts to be bombshells but both are completely asexual.

  7. spunkypr says:

    I like her boots. That’s all I got.

  8. Liz says:

    Her jeans and boots look cool, however her butt looks flat. Is it possible to achieve a perkier butt with regular strengthening exercises? Does anyone have personal experience with achieving a perkier butt through exercise? Thanks in advance!!

  9. Mg says:

    Where did her butt go?! In recent pictures she was rocking some major butt pads!

    • word says:

      Her “butt” is in her top drawer of her dresser at home. I don’t know how she thought it would be a good idea or thought no one would notice. I mean come on lol.

      • Colette says:

        Her butt is in her stylist’s bag,the one who talked her into wearing it.”Trust me ,it will look great”😀
        Major Fail

  10. RN says:

    Everyone’s been talking about TS’s butt, but I can’t stop looking at how fat Rob Kardashian’s gotten. He looks like he melted. It’s a shame when anyone gets overweight but doubly so for someone that young. It’s setting him up for years of health problems, which can be hard to bounce back from (even if he ever loses the weight). He really looks unwell.

    • OrangeCrush says:

      Reports are that Rob’s working on losing all the weight he gained, but frankly, I couldn’t get past that outfit he’s wearing in the first pic. Are those embroidered jorts?

    • Colette says:

      Well I’m just happy he is no longer depressed and hiding out in the house.

    • Mare says:

      Here’s enough to Kardashian stories. Did you really have to bring them up?

  11. word says:

    Those slashed/ripped jeans keep going in and out of style literally every 3 years. What’s up with that?

    • Jwoolman says:

      I assume her cats have gotten into her closet.

      When I was in high school, every single one of my knee socks had a hole near the top. The cat had to stay locked up with me every night or else she would amuse herself taking a tennis ball (held in her teeth by the tufts) to the top of the stairs and then letting it bounce down the stairs. She would race down after it and repeat. Not so adorable after midnight. Anyway- the cat instead amused herself by straddling one of my knee socks, grabbing it at the top in her teeth, and running around my room with it.

      • Lady D says:

        You don’t want to know what my cat would do after straddling that sock. At least he stays in one place with it. Purring gets a little loud, though.

  12. lucy says:

    Ha! I misread the headline thinking it said that Taylor stated that “slashed skinny jeans are trendy and ugly…”, and I came here to admit I agreed with her on something!

    Now that I’ve properly assessed the situation, I’ll just say that yes, skinny jeans are trendy and ugly (slashed moreso than not), and that those ankle boots are too high and pitch Ms. Swift awkwardly askew.

    Also, is it still “trendy” if said trend has been around for a decade?

  13. What's inside says:

    I take comfort in knowing that she will look back at these pictures in horror in the next decade or so. Just about the time when she develops the mandatory cellulite.

  14. Vegas says:

    Taylor looking incredibly sexy in those jeans!