Cele|bitchy | Madonna & Rocco have reunited, she bribed him with a night out in London

Madonna & Rocco have reunited, she bribed him with a night out in London


Madonna tried nearly everything to get her son Rocco to come back home. She tried motherly passive-aggression. She tried to get Rocco’s father arrested. She tried various legal tricks. She tried to play the messy, public drunk so that Rocco would come home and “take care” of her. She tried to make her case in the press. All of it for naught. It was only when she finally started talking to her #RebelHeart son that she started to get somewhere. And now Madonna is back in London, and she’s seeing Rocco regularly – he’s been going between his dad’s house and Madonna’s house for the past few days. Last night, Madonna tried something new: outright bribery! “Rocco, if you come back, I’ll start treating you like an adult and I’ll take you to the Chiltern Firehouse!” And that’s just what she did. These are photos from outside the Chiltern Firehouse last night.

What do you think of the bribery-style of parenting? The thing is, it’s not that different from what Guy Ritchie has been doing – he’s been treating Rocco like an adult and letting him make his own decisions too. And Rocco has been making typical choices for a 15-year-old kid – he wants to party, he wants to maybe smoke a little pot, he wants to hang out with friends, and he wants to go to the Chiltern. Is this Madonna trying to be a “cool parent” too?

Madonna and Rocco were also spotted out seeing the theatre production You Me Bum Bum Train and going to the movies. A source said:

“Since Madonna’s return to London, things have taken a definite turn for the better. Guy dropped Rocco at his mum’s and they had a good chat before he went off to skate with his friends. Everyone is happier than they have been for weeks and it’s great for all of them that life is getting back to normal.”

[From The Mirror]

Yeah… normal when Madonna is in London. What happens when she wants to go back to New York and she demands Rocco come with her?



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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14 Responses to “Madonna & Rocco have reunited, she bribed him with a night out in London”

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  1. Naya says:

    This is so sad. I know Madonna has her issues but she is by far the better parent for a child with easy access to excesses. But she has no choice but to immitate Guys parenting style if she wants to retain any influence on Rocco. Hopefully it works and she can win him enough to impose structure before its too late.

  2. SW says:

    Sometimes bribery is what it takes to get through the day as a parent, but there are limits. And it sounds like Rocco runs the show. That is sad, if it’s true. :/

  3. Zapp Brannigan says:

    So nobody is going to parent this child, just act like his friend instead. And I know what it is like at 15, you know everything, but maybe someone should say no to him for his own good.

    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      I just can’t point the finger at another parent. It’s a damn hard job with a bleeding love that is indescribable. I wish them all peace.

  4. Jem says:

    Well played, Rocco…

  5. Lurker says:

    That top picture…holy h*ll. HOLY H*LL.

  6. muffin says:

    What ,nothing about those pictures of Rocco drinking alcohol and smoking under a bridge(seriously) ? He looked like a homeless drug addict . If that’s his fathers supervision maybe he needs to go back to mommy dearest.

    • T. May says:

      Please, he looked like a regular teenage boy out with his skater friends. And his mom definitely had him followed and photographed. No doubt to be used in the custody hearing. Like it’s a coincidence they were taken and published in a tabloid within a week of her arriving in London.

      And that’s after turning Rocco wanting to live with his father instead of her into an INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT.

  7. TheOtherSam says:

    While it’s probably a good idea for Madge to be in London to work things out face to face and perhaps ‘loosen her grip’ so to speak, it’s equally key that Rocco be given the structure and guidance that -both- parents offer as mature adults. He shouldn’t be out running around all the time and not attending school, for example.

    I wonder how much imput his stepmom Jaquie will have, if in fact Rocco is getting lenient treatment and has such a lax lifestyle. She has three small children under three at home and I can’t see her approving of having a teenager at home running loose all the time. Not a good look for the younger sibs.

  8. Erica_V says:

    WTF is he wearing?!? Looks like the track jacket my Grandmother wears to keep the chill off her shoulders at the nursing home…

    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      I think she looks great. This is the best her face has looked in years and the hair color is way more on point.

  9. Jaded says:

    She’s starting to look like Zsa-Zsa Gabor.
    Rocco’s probably having the time of his life playing his parents against each other.

  10. anne_000 says:

    So he got to spend time with his mother at a restaurant.

    So basically the blackmail worked to get his mother to treat him like a person, instead of as an underling that has to cater to her temperamental needs. He’s the kid here. He shouldn’t have to deal with his mother’s histrionics. So he held out until she started treating him like a normal person would. Good for him.

    He’s enrolled in school. He spends time with friends. He does teenage stuff. And the sugars are acting like he’s given up on life and is living the life of a bum under a bridge?

  11. manda says:

    I’m so happy he cut his hair