Cele|bitchy | Sarah Jessica Parker in Monse at the Met Gala: Founding Father chic?

Sarah Jessica Parker in Monse at the Met Gala: Founding Father chic?


People were freaking out about Sarah Jessica Parker online last night. SJP always comes to the Met Gala and she always delivers a bold, interesting, noteworthy look. She’s usually on-theme too, but not last night. I guess she went for comfort this year. SJP wore this Monse ensemble, which looks like a costume from a high school production of 1776: The Musical! I will say that she did look comfortable, and that I like the idea of pants/Capris. But this is just bad. Also awful: that necklace!! My God.



Gucci’s current vibe is very hippie, very celestial-stars-and-constellations. It works on someone like Florence Welch, but does it work on Dakota Johnson? While I think Dakota is, for the most part, a snooze, I sort of like that she mixed it up and went for a bold graphic. You know what sucks though? The lace on the bust. That was not necessary. I’m also including Florence!



I actually think Sienna Miller looks great in this Gucci. The breast bow stuff is sort of overdone, but otherwise, this is a great look.

Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet, WENN.

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81 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker in Monse at the Met Gala: Founding Father chic?”

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  1. Kitten says:

    Man the lace totally ruins that dress. It would be really cool otherwise.

    SJP always takes a risk and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. It’s too bad because she could have done something completely amazing with this theme and probably pulled it off, too. Instead she comes out in white pajamas with a white military coat and blue heels? WTF.

    Sienna looks really pretty, if a bit boring.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Why do they even bother with a theme? It looks like only about 20% even try.

    • Tifygodess24 says:

      I agree. I was so bummed to see what she was wearing. No one really went all out this year like in years past.

    • Locke Lamora says:

      Was her outfit a nod to Pirate Bay or something? Because she looks like Jack Sparrow’s sister.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I think SJP looks pretty, but not for this event. And maybe not those pants. Or that jacket…trails off lamely…

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah weird right? Because she actually does look pretty, but the outfit sucks. I know everyone always gets on her for the black eyeliner but that’s her thing–it’s her trademark look for RC events.

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      I was looking for her look & then my sister kept showing me metallic gowns & all that crap, I kept saying you know what, SJP probably brought her A game. But she didn’t so you owe me $20, SJP!

    • Birdix says:

      I don’t understand the scary eyeliner, the knock-kneed pose, the beachy hair, or the has-been shoes (wow, veins!). The teensy tiny belly hanging out is oddly endearing and I like the top without the jacket, although it must have been a pain to eat in those sleeves. Does she have rings on every finger?

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      She could be Steven Tyler’s twin.

  2. K says:

    I’m so over SJP and her thinking she is so fashion. She is just thirsty. Sex and the city is over and so is she, bye!

    • Esmom says:

      I actually think she is pretty “fashion.” She gets it. And “thirsty” isn’t a word I’d use to describe her either, I’ve alway found her to be pretty low key. I can think of lots of celebs who seem thirstier. Did you see Lady Gaga’s getup??

      • mellie says:

        I agree with you, I think she’s very much fashion forward. Trust me, it’s not easy to look edgy when you’re 40-something and I think she nails it. SATC is classic, many of the fashion in that series is still popular today.

    • Samtha says:

      SJP is one of the last people I’d ever call thirsty… She’s also pretty nice in real life. Very low-key, down to earth.

      • Truthie says:

        +1 She comes off as quirky yet down to earth, the kind of person who would be great to sit next to and dish at a ball like this. This outfit looks like Pat Field to me.

  3. mia girl says:

    Love Sienna’s dress. Love.

    As for SJP…Maybe it was an homage to Hamilton?
    But my first impression was that SJP was actually dressed up as Carrie Bradshaw going to the MetGala. The whole look and styling, down to the electric blue Jimmy Choo’s straight out of Big’s closet, evoked Bradshaw for me.

    • Dani says:

      Those aren’t Jimmy Choo’s. I’m almost sure they’re from her SJP shoe line.

      • mia girl says:

        Yeah, I didn’t mean they were literally Jimmy Choo’s. Only that they look like the famous blue Jimmy Choo’s in the Sex in the City Movie.

      • Lindy79 says:

        They do look like the shoes from the movie, (they were Manolos, only reason I know is they were my wedding shoes), her whole shoe range actually is very…ahem Manolo-like.

      • mia girl says:

        @Lindy79 – I need to give me SITC card back. Of course they were Manolos! Duh.
        And BTW, I love them. If you wore a blue shoe to your wedding you are my idol (I love them even if you wore a version in white).

      • lindy79 says:

        Yep they were the blue ones and i love ’em!

    • teacakes says:

      same, I love Sienna’s dress – for something that wasn’t actively ‘on-theme’, it was very her and it looked gorgeous.

      and yeah, SJP definitely looks a bit like she’s doing a Carrie callback.

  4. sofie says:

    Sjp should never wear lots of eyeliner. Her eyes are too close to carry it off. More natural the better. J Aniston has same problem with heavy eyeliner. Just doesn’t suit them.

  5. Lindy79 says:

    Love SJP’s hair and shoes but yes, she didn’t even try to do the theme this year (unless I’m missing something?), which is disappointing.

  6. Wiffie says:

    I think i like that she went comfortable. It seems extra avant garde next to all the gowns, in an ironic way. Maybe that’s what she was going for? I love SJP, can’t help it. In the end this is underwhelming though. I feel great disappointment in not seeing her break out the big guns.

    • Wiffie says:

      Ok I had my screen dimmed with a screen filter the first time and didn’t see the atrocious nude SLEEVES!! Uggghhhjjjjjjj WHYYYYYYY SJP?!? I thought it was a tank or something. So ugly in the light 😩

  7. AlmondJoy says:

    The Founding Fathers were more chic than this. At least they looked put together. SJP looks messy here.

    😴💤 To everybody except Florence.

    • Esmom says:

      Agree that she looks messy, which is kind of out of character for her. It must be deliberate, but I can’t figure out what the heck she was going for. Still, I can’t hate on her.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      This chamomile tea parade is making me yawn too. Modern footman was not the theme Miss Parker. Separate some of the pieces could work great but I don’t like the whole look.

    • AlmondJoy says:

      Yes Esmom and Magnolia. It’s all very confusing. She just doesn’t look polished. She looks frazzled.

  8. Zuzus girl says:

    Hideous, all of them.

  9. Tallia says:

    This MET Gala was so disappointing to me. Did no one understand the theme or did they just not care? I was genuinely excited to see what would be worn, the potential with the theme could have been amazing, but instead – MEH. 🙁

    • mia girl says:

      Completely agree. With very few exceptions, so many designers and their celebrity plus ones failed this year.

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      I don’t think they did, I was looking at the dresses & kept asking what the hell was theme. I really thought it was metallic because 80% of them were wearing it. Then I went to read the description & nothing of what the attendees were wearing made any sense. I can say that maybe 10 out of all of them got the theme, but everyone saw Machina & age of technology so they went for the Robocop/Terminator/Mad Max way.

    • Lindy79 says:

      It’s been like that for years, most either make a half-assed attempt at it or don’t bother.
      The Met Gala is a costume gala and should be treated so, half the looks on it are just your run of the mill red carpet looks, which while great kind of defeat the whole purpose.

    • Lucy says:

      Completely agree. I did like many of the looks, but only about three people respected the theme. Dissapointing.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      The theme could have been amazing. But most half hearted the whole thing. The sewing machine was invented mid 19th century with less artisan and more mass production. I thInk the corsets were a nod because now bras are no longer custom made. Blah I could go on but it was a missed opportunity to go all out.

  10. prissa says:

    Jared Jeto DOES NOT AGE!!!

    • Nancy says:

      prissa: Must have been something in the water at My So Called Life. Angela Chase..aka Claire Danes still looks as young as she did 20 years ago. Yep Jared looks good with brown hair again.

    • anon says:

      I heard he had a face-lift years ago and now I can’t unsee. …his face looks really tight and stiff, like it hurts to make any big facial expressions.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      Dorian Gray Leto has tweaked his face. Injections too.

    • derpshooter says:

      Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down before someone mentioned him!

  11. Nancy says:

    SJP has always had a fab body. Her face is rather unique and bringing all the attention to it with that heavy eyeliner not such a good idea. All these older gals wearing the dark eyeliner makes them look so harsh. Is this a new trend, I wonder. Hope not.

  12. Greenieweenie says:

    I don’t see how this isn’t on the mark. This made me think Louis XIV, who created haute couture! No, she didn’t brocade it to death and she has a bodice style top but are we really saying that SJP, who has owned the Met Gala for well over a decade, didn’t bother dress for the occasion?

    I think people forget what this Gala is. It’s not a place for actresses to get work or promote themselves. I remember reading about it as a kid, basically pre-Internet, when you only ever saw photos in the pages of Vogue. It’s for the fashion crowd to sit around referencing fashion. SJP is dressing to that occasion, not one where she needs you to think she’s movie-star material. I don’t even know why I bother, but I’m getting so annoyed by the lack of appreciation for fashion that was never intended for the pages of People magazine or Hollywood.

    • Sisi says:


    • SB says:

      Agreed! I might not love the look, but I appreciate the effort that went into it. And everyone on here who is complaining that she just went or comfort or didn’t try this year – go read the article for the NYT that she penned describing her decisions and process for this year. This event is supposed to be more about the fashion and the theme – not just a pretty dress.

    • bomotonk says:

      The theme was manus vs machina. Fabric made by man vs fabric made by hand (other way around) so thank you! Not just about light up dresses and blue contacts it’s about the fabrics and how they have been made over the years.

  13. PixieWitch says:

    its that heavy black liner on the inner rim. ugh.

  14. Anare says:

    SJP looks rough. Her ensemble is hideous. In some photos she is standing very ackward lay in those gastly shoes. The chunky highlights in her hair are so 10 years ago. Her makeup is a big nope. That eyeliner! The monotone face and lips. Ugh. She needs to stop with the face work. It is making her look older.

  15. QQ says:

    Florence and Sienna For me, I already said last night that SJP looked like a Hamilton extra

  16. Sisi says:

    SJP = awesome.

    She did over the top for years and everyone else does that too now, so she goes into another direction.

    I wonder who is on the necklace, because it’s an hommage to that person.
    It might be Marie Antionette? She started the trend of seasonal fashion, so also started the trend of mass production and throwaway clothing. Nothing is more mass produced than sportswear.

    Rococo period = artisan to the max, restricted fabrics, uncomfortable, elaborate, expensive and bold
    leasurewear = industrial mass production, stretch, comfortable, simple, cheap, monotone.
    the menswear brings another layer of contrast.

    Thanks to technology can we enjoy comfortable clothes. It’s amazing in my opinion.

    not a fan of the hair though, but it suits the formal – informal thing she’s got going on.

    • felixswan2 says:

      @sisi and greenieweenie, I appreciate your takes on SJP’s fashion choice for the Met Gala. When I first saw her outfit, I was really disappointed and didn’t “get it” at all. I’m still not sure if I totally like the execution, but with your explanations, I am appreciating it much more and glad that she made the effort with the theme like she does every year.

    • sequinedheart says:

      I didn’t put my thoughts into as descriptive words as this, Sisi but I agree 100%. Loved it. You nailed the explanation.

    • gyrlbye says:

      Thank you for the education! SJP is always thoughtful at how she interprets the Met Gala theme and I knew this was no exception. When you read the actual description of the exhibit/gala theme, you see she may well be me on the mark than anyone else. Most people look like they (their stylist) read the title and said “machine=robot=shiny”.

      Plus it reminds me of Hamilton and nothing will ever be wrong with that!

    • Bridget says:

      There’s one thing we can count on: SJP is going to dress to theme.

      And I think this sounds like it could be a really amazing exhibit in the museum.

    • mee says:

      i like SJP’s look and i don’t always like her look. i think she looks great with her hair like that. i didn’t read the explanation she gave but your explanation sounds like she was on point.

  17. Brandi says:

    I think SJP looked like a dream! Love the giant cameo. I am a cameo girl myself.

  18. Maleficent says:

    I must be the only one–but I liked SJP’s outfit.

  19. perplexed says:

    Maybe nobody liked the idea of Taylor Swift being co-chair.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      I’m thinking this too. Something is missing along with some fashion girls.

  20. Murphy says:

    SJP is looking more and more like Donatella

  21. MAC says:

    Pirate fashion fail

  22. sauvage says:

    Personally, I have had bangs for twelve years now, and I love them. That being said, Florence Welsh’s bangs are a tragedy. I never understood the concept of wearing bangs at a length that makes blinking uncomfortable.

  23. molli3 says:

    No issue with the outfit, but I wish she hadn’t done her pretty eyes that way, the make up makes them look super close together or something.

  24. Jenn says:

    SJP’s hair and makeup looks good and I like the pants. Just no to the jacket!

  25. sequinedheart says:

    I really liked her whole look.
    She wouldn’t do something to match the theme because her style is to stand out. I thought this screamed HER rather than the outfit taking over. Is it something you would wear everyday? no. But is it fashion, edgy & striking? absolutely.
    You don’t have to like something to appreciate it. She rocked it.
    SJP isn’t thirsty, however if you want thirsty, look to rubber-faced Madge. Oy!

  26. J-Who says:

    I like SJP but I wish she would retire the heavy, black eye make-up. It makes her look older and takes away from everything else. Never was fond of nickers, either, but they’re cute on her

  27. tacos and tv says:

    She looks like she is in Hamilton. Not a fan of this look, but I love who she is with. Cutest couple ever.

  28. I Choose Me says:

    I like it and I will always have a soft spot for my square peg girl SJP.

  29. LittleSilverBoulder says:

    THANK YOU @Sisi and @Greenieweenie

    I think SJP holds the Met Gala in very high esteem and she wouldn’t accept an invitation only to disrespect it by not educating herself about the theme.

    She penned an article for the NYT that explains her look and she was not simply going “for comfort” this year.


  30. Amelie says:

    SJP admitted upfront her outfit was inspired by Hamilton so that is the point. It’s different but I like the throwback to history. It shows how fas fashion has come.

  31. Coconut says:

    SJP’s ubiquitous (awful) eyeliner makes Duchess Kate’s look like no-makeup.