Here are some photos of Kristen Stewart in what is maybe my favorite Chanel look from the Cannes Film Festival. Kristen attended the photocall for Olivier Assayas’ Personal Shopper, her second film with Assayas after her Cesar-Award-winning turn in Clouds of Sils Maria. While this Chanel minidress is just a shade too short (I doubt it covers her business while sitting), I like the sparkly-knit aspect of this Chanel look. It’s cute.
Before Cannes, I had no idea what Personal Shopper was about. Kristen filmed it in Paris late last year, and there were pap photos of her running around in modern clothes, and I just thought it was probably another meditation on fame and celebrity perhaps. But it turns out that Personal Shopper is about ghosts! It’s a “ghost movie.” And it was booed at early Cannes screenings! Variety reports that some critics (not all) booed the film after the final credits rolled, although many major critics defended the film in their reviews and on Twitter, singling out Kristen for praise for her performance. As for the GHOSTS, Kristen says she sort of maybe believes in them. MOAR GHOSTS.
Kristen on believing in ghosts: “Do I believe in ghosts? I don’t know, I guess I believe in something. I’m really sensitive to energies and I truly believe I’m driven by something I can’t really define. It gives me a feeling we are not alone.”
Whether she likes ghosts or vampires better: “Ghosts.”
Working with Assayas: “We don’t talk to each other a whole lot. He never answers my questions. There is a communication that is undeniable. There is a flame he lights under my ass.”
We don’t talk about ghosts enough around here. There have been a few threads in the past where people told ghost stories and it freaked me out. Apparently, in this particular film, some of the critics were booing because of the “ambiguous” nature of the ending, something about how K-Stew’s character things she’s in communication with her deceased brother but nothing is ever resolved? So… a French ghost film.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
yay! she found her hair brush!
Super cute. The Guardian film critic loved the film and loved Kristen in it.
Her face has been looking constantly bad lately. Karma?
I think it’s the product of deeply unflattering makeup, and I’m not sure I have a word for how bad that hair is.
Her makeup’s giving me Joker vibes.
I think her face looks like she has been partying too hard and not sleeping enough.
She looks nice.
I don’t believe in ghosts.
I have a ton of real stories about ghosts and paranormal activity. I used to live across the street from a cemetery. Everyday at 3 am my touch lamp would go nuts, nobody was touching it and it happens at three in the morning! ! A strong smell of roses would fill my room, and there wasn’t a flower in the house. I’d wake up to scratches all over my body, like cat scratches and I don’t have a cat or finger nails or was I sharing a bed with anyone. I could go on……….
My kitchen window looks out over a retirement home, it’s not uncommon to see white orbs floating around, usually around dawn. My cat will sit on the windowsill mesmerized.
Then go on!!!!! I love ghost stories and kinda wish I knew you IRL, so I could invite you over on this rainy day to scare the crap out of me! LOL :p
Ok, here’s one. We moved into a turn of a century home in Oregon city (one of the first major cities established during the Oregon trail. ) We’d be asleep around 2-3 am and get woken up by the sound of children laughing. I would check in on everyone and they we’re asleep. Also, when I woke up to check in on everyone it was like something was preventing me from leaving the room. Like a force field, no joke. GOD, now everyone is going to think I’m nuts….

I worked three years of night shifts in a tiny rural hospital in Alaska. My co-workers joked that I brought the ghosts out at night. I witnessed everything from an empty elevator running itself up and down to tapping noises on the overhead paging system to figures walking in and out of rooms. I happened to be working a day shift when the elevator inspector was in town for an annual inspection and asked him if there was a short in the system that would cause the elevator to run on its own. He promptly dismissed me, claiming there was no way it could run on its own. He didn’t believe me. Nothing spookier than hearing that elevator run from the basement to the medical floor in the middle of the night. Then the doors would open and I would lean over to my left from where I was seated at the nurses station just to make sure no one would be stepping out. Nope. No one. Creepy!!!
I don’t think you’re nuts. I’ve got some stories, myself. <3
Ghosts!! I don’t believe in them, but my friend insists she can hear her deceased grandparents’ voices in their baby monitor, talking to their little boy when he’s sleeping. And she’s super sane, super smart, super legit. Chills.
Seems far more likely that the baby monitor has been hacked, which is supposed to be very easy to do.
this got real creepy quickly lol
I love stories like that. Even if it’s not real – it gives people comfort, and I like that.
Holy s*, that’s super creepy!
Kylie Jenner?
Thats what I thought. Though K.S is more attractive and interesting then K.J. In my opinion
I would wear the shit out of that dress. Anyone have a price on it? This is the most I’ve ever liked her look.
+1, and she has killer legs. Overall she looks so much more at ease (with herself?) now.
It’s cute but it’s way too short.
A ghost movie got “booed”? That’s funny.
Hmmm…….my immediate reaction to this dress on her is that I hate it, it just looks sloppy somehow. But when I think about it, if she had worn it with a proper belt to cinch in her waist and if it were about 4 inches longer, I think she would have knocked it out of the park.
If she had stood up straighter, it would have looked better.
I like the pictures where she’s wearing sunglasses and smiling and having fun. Rare to see her like that.
The hair color and makeup are just awful.
I love the haircolour. And dark makeup.
I agree. Awful hair color
Multimillionaire (young, pretty, award winning) actress with all the options in the world- has chosen to work with Woody Allen. Gross.
That’s all I need to know about her.
yup, agreed
Assayes got with his current wife when she was 17 and he was over 40……, yeah.
French film men and the demon de midi …..
is usually flirting with limits. roman polanski and nineteen years old emmanuelle seigner , luc besson and sixteen years old maiwenn(this story inspired the professionnal …
I’ve visited psychics who claim to be mediums, but I always make it clear that I don’t want to communicate with the dead. I don’t buy into it.
I want to like the dress, but it feels drab. Maybe in another color?
She’s smiling! The earth just stood still!
I like the dress but a few adjustments would improve it. I do love ghost stories but I’m not sure I believe them.
She looks soooo glamorous!
I didn’t believe in ghosts til I lived in a house w/one! I could tell a thousand stories but my all time fav was my ghost would get particularly grumpy when I was away for an extended period of time. I was rushing around getting ready to go to a baseball game ( go royals! ) as I reached to grab a shirt, it literally levitated and flipped around midair and fell on my bed……hand to God.
Again, I wasn’t a believer til it happened to me! The hilarious ending to this story is I was describing the incident to my bro on the way home from the game and my nephew piped up from the backseat ” we’re just dropping her off Dad, we’re NOT GOING IN….
Great story Annie.
If I ever experienced a ghostly encounter, I would scream like a little girl, and then check into a hotel. Forever.
Thanks green is good!
I have a friend that lives in a flat in Chicago on the same block where the infamous Chicago fire happened. She told her then boyfriend about a little girl ghost that she frequently saw. He ridiculed that $hit out of her til he ran into the little ghost in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom. She didn’t know about it til the next morning and she woke up and he wasn’t there. Apparently he ran home like a little girl that night!
Hahaha @green is good, the hotel in American horror story?
Dont know why I scrolled down for this story, but YaY! for more ghost stories on CB, like Kaiser said!!! My huge skeptic of a brother-in-law saw an apparition in New England. We were staying at an old B&B in NH. While we were all at the lake he went back to the house which was empty and saw a gossamer dress rounding the corner. Not so scary, but knowing him and seeing his reaction to it made it spooky. Found out that yes, it was a common occurrence in the house. LOVE that kinda stuff!
Oh, and more dropped waists on dresses like this and you’d never see me in anything else!
LOVE this look on Kristin! It’s short, but adorable. She looks polished and pretty. Nice job!
Always an original.
Unflattering and ill-fitting as usual.
I can’t stand her, but this is really cute.
She doesn’t have the legs or the poise to pull off this dress. The movie sounds like fun – I love a good ghost story!
The dress is very cute. Her face looks like she has been partying hard in Cannes.
I saw a ghost at my friend’s house when I was sleeping over. I was probably 15 years old. It was the middle of the night and I awoke to go to the bathroom. I saw a man standing in the door way, at first I thought it was her dad (it looked like him but older) but then realized it was “ghostly.” I turned back to the bed (scared sh*tless) and said to myself that I was dreaming and to wake up. I turned back around and it was still there. I think I eventfully fell back asleep frozen in fear. The next morning I told my friend’s mom what happened and described the ghost. Red baseball hat, jeans. She showed me a picture of my friend’s deceased paternal grandpa. Red baseball hat and all… that he wore everyday. We all just looked at each other…freaked out.
She looks good here. But in the photo without sunglasses her under eye bags are enormous. Makes feel better about my eyes after a boozing no sleep night lol.
I find ghost stories hilarious
I don’t believe in ghosts but when my sister was little she said she saw a lady in the corner of our living room with cats around her. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Then years and years later my boyfriend at the time was staying over and he came downstairs and said he’d just seen a cat walk into the bathroom. We don’t have a cat and never have so I went upstairs to have a look and there was no cat anywhere. It reminded me of the story my sister told me! So apparently there are ghost cats at my mum and dads house =)
I haven’t experienced it but I’d like to believe that they are somewhere there.
When I was little, I’ve overheard my mom telling my grandma that she believed her deceased dad was following her every evening, kind of making sure she got home safely. When she passed away, I missed her so much and wanted to see her just one more time. For weeks I visited my aunt almost every evening and stayed late until my dad stopped it because I had school. I hoped I will see or feel my mom on my way home. It never happened. Maybe because I also was terrified of it, I wasn’t sure if she will still be my mom or a bad ghost. She might have sensed that I was scared and didn’t reveal herself.
I still hope there is more out there, not just death. My mom was very young, so believing there is more helps me to cope. I hope there is a way for them to experience all things they hadn’t while they were alive.
I believe in ghosts. Too many experiences between me and my mom not to believe. It sounds kind of weird for a movie about a perosnal shopper though.
I’m totally a ghost believer, and don’t care how crazy I sound for it, haha. I have a family of very rational people, and my aunt has had multiple different stories of ‘issues’ in the old houses she’s lived in. One of my teachers in high school ended up house sitting in one of the houses years later, and came in to class freaking out because while she’d been at work her brothers dog had gotten into a bedroom that was NEVER open. She couldn’t find the dog anywhere. She opened the door because it was the last place to look, and sure enough, he was sitting in the room, staring at an old rocking chair, content as anything. And it was a pug – not a large dog that could have messed with the door knob.
One house she lived in her Christmas tree kept getting redecorated in the middle of the night. I guess the ghost didn’t like her decorating.
If you ever want some creepy stories – ask a nurse. My friend is one of the most logical people I know, and relatively religious as well. She always would watch ghost movies and stuff, and pretty much just laugh at it because she never believed in them. Until she was doing night shifts in the hospital. She would see a patient wandering through the halls in the middle of the night, and she’d phone the next station over to warn them – and nobody was there.
One thing I had regrets about was my grandfather not seeing our wedding, or the house we bought. That was something that I had always wanted him to see. One morning my husband got called into work, so I went back to bed. I woke up to “Erinn. ERINN” – not in an angry way, but in a ‘hey pay attention’ kind of way. Freaked me out – nobody was home, and nobody had come by the house. Later that day, I went out to my car, and in the middle of the driveway there were a couple of poppies that had grown. We don’t have poppies on our property, and neither do the neighbors. Gramp was a WWII vet, so I always just chalked that up to a sign that he was looking out for me.
Erinn- I got chills just reading about the poppies you found on your property, in a good way. It really warmed my heart and truly your Grandpa is a happy presence.
I also believe that nurses on the night shift see more things than the average person is exposed to…
She is right about Assayas lighting a fire under her arse. He pulled a great performance out of her in Sils Maria, many leagues better than anything else she’s done before or since.
Her Chanel contract has failed her. Constant bad choices. those shoes are disco at AM photo call. Don’t mind dress but hemmed too short.
She’s partying too hard bc bags under her eyes but all that this is the best look the whole trip.
Looks like reviews say its polarizing end that doesn’t have a proper ending.
Ghost stories!
I’ve got two.
1) I stayed at the Ravenswood Apartment building in Hollywood for several weeks a couple of years ago and when I arrived to my unit on the 6th floor, some of the tenants kept teasing me asking me if I’d met Mae yet. As in, Mae West. The building is historic and built originally by Paramount Pictures and they set her up there. She loved it so much that she never left, not even after her death in the 1980’s….according to the tenants there. Apparently she lived on the 6th floor too and many people reported seeing her passing through the hallways. I didn’t necessarily see her, but I did see a shadow pacing back in forth in front of my door, blocking the hallway light and making light swishing sounds! I got up turned the tv on kinda loud and drank wine until I passed out!
2) My great aunt & uncle owned a tiny old 3 bedroom home on the far end of our town and lived there until he died of cancer. Their son moved my great aunt in with him and rented out the home and eventually sold it. Fast forward almost 20 years later, one of my relatives is a social worker who is checking up on a child who was having emotional problems due to the tragic death of his young father. The child now lived with his grandparents. My relative became friendly with the grandmother while they tried to help the young boy through counseling resources, etc. The grandmother asked my relative if she could have religious counseling with her and she declined because it might be a conflict of interest with her professional work, but she did refer the lady to my mother who does a lot of “home church services” for people in need. My mother was very surprised when she pulled up to the grandmother’s house…it was very familiar. It was my great uncle and aunt’s old home, in which he died. She didn’t say anything to the grandmother and went ahead with the visit. A few days later, the grandmother calls my relative (the social worker) and said, “I didn’t want to bother her with it while she was here, but do you ladies have a relative that died in my house? A man? He still lives in my house and was very excited when he saw her (my mom), he let me know you guys are related, is this true?” My relative nearly threw up and my mom started crying when she told her, because he was like another father to her.
It turns out the grandmother herself is supposedly very in-tune with the spirit world because she was given away as a small child by her stepmother to an old lady in Guatemala who lived (I kid you not) in a cave in the wilderness. She had pictures and everything. The old lady supposedly taught her how to talk to spirits and animals so that they wouldn’t bite her, or attack her. When her stepmother tried to take her back, because her husband was coming home from a long period away, the old lady said no and when she tried to take her anyway, she claimed that a bunch of spiders suddenly gathered around her to block the stepmother and it scared her away. She ended up having to confess what she did to her husband when he returned demanding to know where his daughter was. o_0
My relative kinda backed away from this lady after the boy’s treatment and my mother had to stop trying to pray for her and invite her to church because the lady actually kept trying to recruit my mom into learning the same weird stuff she grew up with, she had no real interest in going to church.
@DTX after reading that, my skin is goosebumped. I’m sitting here picturing this old lady with the young girl in the Guatemalan wilderness and the spiders . . . *grabs giant handful of popcorn, tosses into mouth* I might not be able to sleep as good as I usually do tonight, but it’s worth it. I love hearing about real life spirit encounters.
Love hearing about other people’s ghost stories. I’ve had a few encounters myself. So has my husband. I don’t know what ghosts are, souls trapped on earthly plane, psychic residue or what but I absolutely believe in them.
Aw, I feel for the dead grandpa, if that is possible. The living relatives were too busy churchifying to let grandpa peek into their lives.
I wish she would wash and comb her hair!
Really? Am I the only person that thinks she looks like a Starbucks Cake Pop in this dress? Her legs look beautiful but her torso looks huge. The dress is cinched at such a weird place, and so loose. When I scrolled down (so couldn’t see her legs) she looked fat!
Not mad at this look at all.
I have a couple of stories, the first is really my dad’s though. He was a real estate agent trying to sell or rent this house in our little town but nobody ever stayed, hated the energy of the place. While it was vacant he would go over occasionally to empty the mailbox and check inside. One day he came home very shaken and said that as he was going to leave he saw the curtain in this completely closed up house twitch open and then close, as if whoever was in the place was looking out at him to make sure he left. He swore it wasn’t wind as everything was closed and the movement was so deliberate. My dad is super pragmatic so I believe him 100%, and he continued to have trouble keeping tenants in that place.
Another story was later with me and my aunt. We were living in a little run down place together and I used to wake up to this strange sensation like I was being pushed out of bed. It hasn’t happened since. I never thought much of it and never mentioned it to my aunt until years later. She then said she’d experienced it too! I guess somebody took exception to us being there.
That’s funny because I always joke Ghosts don’t exist in Paris. The Frnch don’t like to be scared. And after living in some ancient apartment buildings never once have I had any supernatural occurrences. Perhaps because Paris is miserable, not even ghost want to stick around and haunt it?
If she keeps wearing stuff like that her stans are going to insist she’s pregnant with a second baby.
What is tragic are those ROOTS *blech blech, cough cough*