Cele|bitchy | “Kirsten Dunst’s final Cannes looks were pretty amazing too” links

“Kirsten Dunst’s final Cannes looks were pretty amazing too” links


Kirsten Dunst’s last Cannes Film Festival looks were amazing. [Wonderwall]
Butthurt dudes are sabotaging art made by and for women. [LaineyGossip]
Terrence Howard is expecting baby #5 with his wife. [Dlisted]
Thom Yorke’s smile isn’t so much creepy as dorky, right? [Mashable]
Royal round-up of the week. [Go Fug Yourself]
Please let Tormund & Brienne get together. Please. [Pajiba]
This weekend’s episode of Outlander was pretty sad. [Jezebel]
This dude live-tweeted his affair. [The Blemish]
Selena Gomez ate s’mores in a negligee. Sure. [Popoholic]
These are the weirdest pair of leather pants ever. [Reality Tea]
Orlando Bloom & Katy Perry are playing stupid games. [IDLY]
Kate Beckinsale wore a really pretty white gown at the BBMAs. [JustJared]



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26 Responses to ““Kirsten Dunst’s final Cannes looks were pretty amazing too” links”

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  1. roxane says:

    Kiki ruled cannes fashion. She was the best dressed.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      She consistently killed it

    • Sullivan says:

      She really did. I salute her and her flawless style.

    • JudyK says:

      That off-white (almost light taupe) silvery shimmery dress is just about the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. She looks exquisite. And classy. Wow.

  2. Rhiley says:

    Her hair looks really pretty in the second picture, but I think the color of the dresses are off for her skin tone.

  3. Yup, Me says:

    This is the way you handle a breakup. Get back to work and make sure you look gorgeous and flawless while doing so.

  4. tealily says:

    Kiki in yellow is always perfection. And Thom Yorke = 100% geek.

  5. Naddie says:

    This one knows how to dress! It’s even better because she’s not a great beauty, yet she kills it everytime. I’m mesmerized by both dresses, AND her.

    • teacakes says:

      I feel like most women who are stunningly beautiful tend to have really bland/boring style, or no idea how to dress because their faces hold all the attention.

      Sure there are exceptions like Marion Cotillard, but by and large, women with the kind of distinctive personal style we all envy tend to be women who are just slightly removed from extreme conventional beauty – women like Kiki, Cate, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Clémence Poésy etc.

      • Kasia says:

        Yes! I prefer these non-conventional beauties over Blake Livelys and the like. And Kirsten is one of my favourite actresses, especially after Melancholia and Fargo.

      • huh says:

        Nicole Kidman?

    • Zuzus girl says:

      Kasia- Yes, she was great in Fargo season 2. (Melancholia however is one I will not watch a second time. ) She has become a stronger actress over time, as it should be and she rocked Cannes.

  6. JenniferJustice says:

    Kiki is absolutely gorgeous…again! She nails it every time. Never a disappointment.

  7. Kitten says:

    Stunning. She looks great in yellow but that top dress is just perfection.

    I love seeing pics of Kiki because she’s so pretty in a non-LA way. I hope she never caves in to that pressure because she’s beautiful as is.

  8. teacakes says:

    She’s always fantastic on a red carpet, and has an instinct for style that’s very hard to beat. And her Cannes appearances are always gorgeous and just the right amount of offbeat-, right since 1999 when The Virgin Suicides was being shown and she was there with a Coca-cola can-shaped purse!

    and I remember back at the 2005 Oscars when it felt like literally every woman was in a fussy strapless mermaid dress and an updo, she showed up in a simple black Chanel column and a sleek little bob, and instantly everyone else looked overdone and ridiculous. Not many women have that kind of eye, stylist help or no.

  9. HappyMom says:

    I don’t love the yellow dress (sorry) but everything else she has worn has been gorgeous, and her hair and makeup have been perfect as well. She is really turning into a style icon.

  10. lucy2 says:

    She looks amazing in both. I’m really liking her style choices lately. I’m glad she’s doing so well, she seems like a very sweet, down to earth person.

  11. kri says:

    that yellow dress is almost as amazing as Mads.

  12. Cran says:

    Soooo tired of butthurt men. Always complaining about what they don’t have and how they are being emasculated. Yet every day there are numerous examples of why they are a lesser species. So much violence against women yet men laud themselves over idiots like Terrence Howard. He is one scumbag example of manhood yet women flock to him. He is irredeemable and I cannot for the life of me figure out why any woman would choose to bring such an asswipe into her child’s life.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Always a lot of butthurt racists online too. I imagine there’s some crossover, but honestly I can’t imagine having enough free time to worry that other people have too many rights.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        You said it Bettyrose. I guess it comes from being taught that having rights is some kind of zero sum game — if they get it, you lose it. Civil War never really ended.

  13. Miss M says:

    Kiki really brought the fashion to Cannes! Stunning all the way!!!

  14. Caz says:

    Kirsten’s stylist wins. Worth every cent.

  15. LAK says:

    She’s looked amazing in the past 2wks

  16. Veronica says:

    I dunno guys…I feel like I’m really over the nude lining, regardless of how gorgeous the embroidery is. And frankly, the first dress is too small for her- look how it’s squeezing her around the torso and stretching on the hips. The yellow one is quite pretty, though I want to take a pair of scissors and chop off the ruffle on the neckline. Kiki was still great, but her fashion was stronger earlier in the week.