Jessica Simpson is Vanity Fair’s June cover girl


Jessica Simpson is Vanity Fair’s June cover girl. The headline is “You Call This Fat? Jessica Simpson pulls off the ‘mom jeans’ and fights back”. Ugh… isn’t that headline so People Magazine? And how in the world does Jessica warrant a Vanity Fair cover? It probably has something to do with the love-hate relationship we all have with her, but personally, I find Jessica exhausting. I feel badly for her, and I get into the habit of defending her when I know there are so many other people out there more worthy of my time and effort. She’s harmless, yet she elicits so many strong opinions. I don’t get it.

Anyway, Huffington Post culled some of the better quotes from Jessica and from her boyfriend Tony Romo. He’s actually talking about how much he loves her! Sort of. He says “It’s nice to have someone to come home to and try and make you feel better… She has a very small-town side to her. We’re very similar in that we both appreciate the hometown feel to a lot of things, and live our life like that.” So it’s not really a ringing endorsement of Jess, but at least she got him on the record! Good for her:

Jessica Simpson has somehow landed the cover of the June issue of Vanity Fair. In the accompanying interview she talks about ex-husband Nick Lachey, boyfriend and Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, marriage and her faith.

Below are excerpts from the issue, both from Simpson and from Romo talking about Simpson, sent out in a press release from the magazine, which hits stands May 6.

“I have not spoken to him in years. [As for the show,] in all honesty, I believe it did not affect our marriage. Because we enjoyed watching those episodes, and that will always be a time I cherish. It made me understand what marriage is, what love is, what commitment is.”

“A couple episodes. He thought I was cute.”

“When it comes to media criticism, that’s just something I have had to train myself–literally train myself–to ignore…. I mean, the way people make it sound, I should have never been singing in the first place…. It comes with what I do, and I know that every day the media’s going to challenge me, is going to want to bring me down. But I feel like I’m at such a place that I own myself, and it’s authentic. I own that authentic part of myself, and none of those words are harsh enough to make me believe them…. I can’t imagine saying some of the things people have said about me about anybody else.”

“I can talk to my dad like he’s my manager, and put ‘Dad’ on the back burner. We’ve been doing it since I was 13. So, at this point, we’re in a good rhythm. A lot of people find it strange, but it’s the only way I know. And I don’t care to know another way, because it suits me. And we’ve done a pretty dang good job.”

“It was what we all wanted. Go to college, get married, and have babies. It was my way of thinking. At 16, every boyfriend I had I was going to marry.”

“It’s a nurturing place to be, around people who love their husbands, but it gives me anxiety to watch with them.”

ON COWBOY FAN CRITICISM AND THE NICKNAME YOKO ROMO, “That’s how the story goes. Can’t help it. But we don’t let it affect our relationship. If we did, we wouldn’t be together, because it happened at the very beginning. Dating the Cowboys quarterback comes with hype, the fans, the bloggers, but I’ve never dated a guy that was more simple. I’m always there for him after a game, and he knows he has me to come home to.”

“I’m spiritual. I live off the faith that has been instilled in me, that has never left. I’ve never let a stumbling block actually make me fall…. We all go through trials, but not one thing has ever made me question God. I have a great relationship with God. I can talk to him, get mad at him, frustrated with him. But, ultimately, my faith is what defines me.”

Tony Romo on Jessica Simpson “You know, it’s very hard when you lose, because games are important, and so many people put so much time and effort in. It’s nice to have someone to come home to and try and make you feel better.”

When asked about his famous girlfriend, Romo says he and Simpson have a lot in common: “She has a very small-town side to her. We’re very similar in that we both appreciate the hometown feel to a lot of things, and live our life like that.”

[From The Huffington Post]

I actually think Jessica is being honest about herself and what goes through her mind. I, for one, am happy to see that she takes a very Zen-like approach to her tabloid infamy. She seems to have grown up a lot the past few years. Granted, she’s still never going to win a MacArthur Genius grant, but she might be able to read a book without whining.

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39 Responses to “Jessica Simpson is Vanity Fair’s June cover girl”

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  1. bros says:

    well they really airbrushed the hell out of the shots. airbrushed the hell out of the cover waist area and all the rest of them way down (other sites have all the inside pics up). she’s such a waste of space. i do not know who she or her dad had to sleep with in order to get on the cover of vanity fair at this stage in her ‘career.’ crazy. there were so many other more interesting people i would rather read about this month than this stale bore who would lose to a box of hair in a spelling contest.

    for shame VF!

  2. Annie says:

    I always thought Vanity Fair was above People or US. Guess I was wrong.

    But don’t get me wrong, she’s pretty. But come on? Talented?

    Wait until you see her live.

  3. Tuxedo says:

    Jessica Simpson on VF cover WTF! She’s so tacky. She must be really good for sales that’s the only explanation.

  4. kiki says:

    you have to read what VF says about her . its snarky. papa Joe will NOT be pleased !

  5. Sauronsarmy says:

    LOL Oh Vanity Fair you should stick to the same tired died Kennedy, Marylin Monroe, and naked Gisele Bundchen stories.

  6. guest says:

    so being married to nick taught her that marriage wasn’t what she wanted? & she hasn’t talked to him in years cause he changed his # right? as for the pics – they’re really not that good imo.

  7. nony says:

    hahaha bros, I was thinking the same thing, I mean– they didn’t even bother with a background; just a blue screen.
    Maybe she did Dallas’ weather report directly after.

  8. Anoneemouse says:

    From my own perspective, I had no hate or love for this girl until she dumped Nick Lachey. I thought the way that whole thing played out made her seem heartless and cruel. She also seems very pampered and spoiled.

  9. Jones says:

    As a long time subscriber of Vanity Fair, I had mistakenly assumed they reached the bottom of the barrel when the magazine placed a model on the cover with no value or merit except she is highly paid for her beauty and the star of tabloid headlines. Perhaps other individuals of interest had seen the quality of the magazine decline in the past two years and could not bother to return calls

  10. mariline says:

    $400 million dollar empire…you all hate jessica but at the end of the day she is sitting on $400 million dollars, she isnt so stupid after all…i dont think she or her family since they are set for life really care about the people who disaproove. her music and her movies may not have been a success but her collection was the smartest thing she has ever done…smart move. say what you will about jessica but she is very successfull not bad for struggling person…huh?

  11. Patrice says:

    Here we go again with another Jenifer Love Hewitt type situation. A now slimmed down Jess (who claimed she was very happy with her fuller figure, and praised all women’s bodies) is going to be in a magazine talking about how the weight loss had “absolutely nothing” to do with the unflattering shots and critizism and EVERYTHING to do with becoming “more healthy”. Give me a break! Why don’t any interviewers ever call out these stars on all their BS? I know I would. Even if it meant getting fired shortly therafter : )

  12. Mr Ron says:

    I like the fact she called Romo “simple” Isn’t that a backhanded complement.

  13. neelyo says:

    Who’s July’s cover, Lisa Rinna?

  14. HEB says:

    How the hell does Jessica Simpson have $400 million? That figure must be the combined worths of the corporations with her name on it (the shoe line, dessert, fragrances, etc) because there’s no way she has earned that much money in the 3 years since her divorce when she had less than $20 mil….she hasn’t done anything of worth since her divorce!

  15. Enonymous says:

    Jessica Simpson on Vanity Fair? ROFLOL. Whatever, I never cared for Vanity Fair, it was always such a boring magazine.

  16. bros says:

    VF isnt and was never boring and has great journalism on a variety of awesome topics that are always extremely relevant. i dont know how anyone can say that it is boring. However, to the poster above who said VF has declined over the past two years, i agree. their cover people have been so lame!

    JS isnt smart. if she has $400m its not due to her intelligence. it is due to the intelligent people around her who saw (intelligently) that they could make a buck off her fame, face, and figure. her handlers are the intelligent folk. she just has to shill the products and look pretty. which is why she lost weight-she has stuff to promote y’all! lip gloss and hooker shoes because she cant sing or act, so she slaps her name on crap made in china. its a really cool business model, until you become a has-been washup. tick tock tick tock.

  17. Bite me says:

    She’s not worth that much it’s her merchandising shit that is and vf sucks

  18. andy says:

    all true comments, her main talent is
    looking hot lets be honest!

  19. kiki says:

    400 million is streaching it no doubt her shoes and handbags and fake hair extentions bring in $ but come on 400 million?
    and one more thing.. If you shill your own shoes and handbags.. wear them ! Jessica is always photographed with LV bags if your handbags arent good enough for you to wear then why should anyone buy your stuff?

  20. Trillion says:

    What an abysmal choice for such a high-bar publication. I’m also a long-time subscriber to VF and think it’s one of the best magazines of all time (the best writers and photographers, great variety of subjects, glamourous, intellectual yet gossipy, etc.) and I’m very disappointed in this. Watch for the fury in the letters in the following month’s issue. I remember feeling better after Marie Claire’s readers let ’em have it after they put Ashlee on their cover and let her spew all that “self acceptance” crap (while on her way to the plastic surgeon’s.)

  21. kiki says:

    Vanity Fair has gone downhill has been for some years this cover just confirms its downfall. yes who’ll get the next cover? Lisa Rinna? Heidi/ Spencer?

  22. YoMomma says:

    I’ve had a subscription to this magazine for over 10 years. This might call for my cancellation.

  23. minna says:

    400 million dollars..what? i know shes a millioniare but i doubt shes a 400 dollar can she be that successfull with a failed music and movie career…her collection is really successfull and that is her top earner but please 400 million dollars worth…someone doesnt know how to do the math..did jessica come with this figure if she did then that makes sense. i think jessica is washed up and she is done career wise, does anyone take her serious in music , no country dropped her and who knows where sles she will venture into…hmmm back to her roots, gospel?..that would be hyprocritical of her considering she cheated on nick how very christian of her. she is a sack of shit…tony get rid of the cancer.

  24. georgiagrl says:

    Its no wonder magazine circulations and ad sales are declining with this kind of rubbish on a respectable magazine cover! Vannesa Hudgens can’t be far off!

  25. e-non says:

    no way she has $400 mil

  26. jennifer says:

    Mr Ron – that’s what caught my eye, too LOL:

    but I’ve never dated a guy that was more simple

    Nice LOL

    As for Jessica, I TOTALLY understand why people dislike her so much, I totally get it. I however adore her – she’s just so…well, simple is the correct word again LOL Simple & harmless, IMO. And I do think she means well. Poor, poor simple Jessica…LOL

  27. j. ferber says:

    I think the photos are great and she looks glamorous, like the type of blond Peter Bogdanovich loved in his heyday (and probably still does). For all that people talk about her simplicity, I’d like to have her equanimity.

  28. t says:

    The clothing manufacturer that bought the use of her name might be worth 400 million, but no way is Jessica worth that.

    Jessica doesn’t own the company that manufactures all that stuff. She doesn’t design for it either.

    The company paid her for the use of her famous name, so her job is to stay famous. The problem is she is only famous for being a failure and a joke and I suspect that’s not the kind of famous the clothing line thought they were buying.

    But it does explain why Jessica will do anything to get in front of a camera. It’s to prove to the fashion line that she is still famous, so she can hang on to her deal.

  29. Dirty Martini says:

    Dallas respectfully requests that Yoko ROmo leave our effin’ quarterback alone and move on now.

    Liam Neeson is available. No? Too soon?

    What about Samantha Ronson? Lilo?

    Anybody but Tony.

    Dallas thanks you for your consideration.

  30. Hieronymus Grexx says:

    Yeah, she’s cute and… about as interesting as a bowl of cold oatmeal.

  31. Ned says:

    She is much more desereving of a cover than a 28 years old model from Brazil.

    I am not sure how a very sweet person like Jessica (really harmless and nothing controversial about her) gets so much emotion.

    Now you got your answer why the chose her- because, apparently, so many people care so deeply.

    I read the piece and it’s very well written and interesting.

    Jessica is pretty, can sing, and has a nice personality. She is actually a nice person.
    Shocking, isn’t it?
    With all the Paris Hiltons, the Angelina Jolies and the Jennifer Love Idiot, all of the sudden- a nice person.

    So, yes, she is more deserving than the horses of Hollywood (Anne Hathaway, Jen Garner etc.) or Katie Holmes who like Garner is worthless without her husband.

    Jessica’s story is actually quite interesting. Being pretty and having a great body, doesn’t hurt either.

  32. t says:

    The whole article is here…

    It isn’t very flattering and it made me wonder why they agreed to it. Was the only way to get Jessica on the cover to agree to a story that doesn’t cover up that whole family’s weirdness?

  33. ! says:

    Gee, and here I thought there’d be supportive comments on Jessica’s efforts. I mean, she’s trying! She’s not very good, but she’s trying! There are worse people you could put on the cover of VF.

    That being said, Jesus, the thigh on the left (her right thigh) doesn’t have even close to its original silhouette line. Whats funny to me too is the upper part looks like it was actually taken against a sky but the lower part starts to blur and resembles more of that blue screen background. Her waist looks like a painting.

  34. Patrice says:

    People, Jessica HERSELF does not have $400 million in the bank, and she never said that she did: it is her COMPANY’S net worth that number refers to!

  35. Joolia says:

    I don’t particularly like her, and I will definitely agree that those “mom jeans” were not flattering, but I am glad that there is some “you call this ‘fat’ backlash.” It’s true that she’s probably not the brightest bulb in the pack, but although those photos/outfits weren’t particularly flattering, I would have hardly called her “fat”.

    I just saw an episode of the popular show “NCIS” rerun on TBS tonight. One of the plot-lines was that one character had a boyfriend break up with her for being a “heavier girl”. Now, I don’t object to the plot-line, but I do object to the casting of a clearly size-zero person having it. While obesity is clearly a problem in the US, how can it be any wonder that women here have serious body issues if size zero to size 8 women are continually castigated as being fat beasts (both in real life an in film/tv)?

    I have no problem with a focus becoming health, but please lets stick with obese women for obesity gossip and really fat women being cast as the “fat ducklings” instead of women like J Simp. Sure, she was bigger than she was in the ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ days, but how sustainably healthy was she in those days? Health =/= how small you can get. Health = how small you can stay with, well, health. 🙂

  36. Raquel says:

    I’m glad to see her big bucks were able to slim her down out of her mom jeans.

  37. andria says:

    jessica has been riding on her double D’S to keep her famous for quite sometime now, she has promoted her body ever since she realized it was working for britney spears she is viewed by many as a sex symbol rather then a “talented singer” or movie star, so she brought it upon herself when people started to ridicule her about her weight people took notice because she wasnt sexy anymore like the jessica everyone knew. she didnt complain when tabloids comlimented her sexy size 2 figure now did she? isnt that also setting an example for young women to have to fit a certain criteria?..why the uproar when the tabloids have always targeted her for her weight only this time it was for her “curves” ..if your going to promote sex then expect the ups and the downs she put herself out there so deal with it. it is a double standard, the simpson clan love the attention but they cant take the heat..they are hyprocrites,it seems they were okay promoting jessica’s sexiness but not okay when she wasnt as sexy anymore and if she was insulted then she should have never promoted herself as a sex symbol she did it to herself.
    she should have promoted her so called talent, but of course she couldnt rely on that because you have to have talent to promote in the first place.

  38. JUSTINE says:

    its great and all she has money and stuff like that and gets to be on the cover of a magazine but to my opinion its a whole load of junk that doesnt have to do with anything and there gonna make this news just because shes on the cover of a magazine so what its not that big a deal when i see a a celeberity person i like on the cover of a magazine i say cool its so and so i dont say awsome its so and so on a magazine lets make this news just because we see this person on the magazine no i dont do that its stupid cause it doesnt matter cause 4 days later another person is gonna be on the cover of a magazine and there gonna forget about the last person that was on it and start worrying about the one thats on the new magazine so its a load crap cause u move on to person to person over a magazine

  39. EB says:

    Vanity Fair has been circling the bowl for some time. I cancelled my subscription some time ago – issue after issue gets more vapid than the last! So, I’m not surprised. It’s good for Jessica, but BAD for VF – Conde Nast is hurting big time with Vogue sucking too – it’s only a matter of time.