Cele|bitchy | Amy Winehouse goes straight from her hospital bed to the bar

Amy Winehouse goes straight from her hospital bed to the bar

Amy Winehouse is spotted the day after she was readmitted to hospital in St. Lucia

Oh Amy Winehouse, you never cease to impress me. And live up/sink down to all the things I accuse you of. Yesterday we heard all about how Amy had passed out in her St. Lucia home because she was – of course – dehydrated. Her spokesman claimed she’d been running around after some kids … the island is hot… and of course alcohol dehydrates you. He didn’t say the last part, but it’s a known fact, and we’re not so dumb that we can put it all together. Generally speaking at least. Amy was hospitalized for the aforementioned severe lack of water in her body, which we’re supposed to believe was not at all her fault.

Because Amy’s cleaned up her act.

And went straight from her hospital room to the bar.

EVEN going to hospital doesn’t slow down AMY WINEHOUSE — the singer went straight from her St Lucia sickbed to a bar.

After collapsing from “dehydration” at her holiday villa on Thursday, Wino spent a night under observation.

But as soon as doctors gave her the all-clear, off she went boozing at the plush Le Sport resort for much of the weekend.

The Back To Black singer has her first performance in months later this week at the St Lucia Jazz Festival — and her involvment [sic] has sent tickets to an all-time high.

Here she is enjoying a beverage with a friend — simply rehydrating her vocal cords, of course.

[From the Sun]

Along with the drinking, Amy’s picked up a new man. According to the Daily Mail, he’s a St. Lucia local who works as a shell seller. And here’s the cute part: every day he saves his best shell for her. Awww.

For someone who was hospitalised on Friday night after fainting, Amy Winehouse seems to have recovered remarkably well. The troubled singer appeared in high spirits after her dramatic health scare on Friday night when she was spotted frolicking with a mystery man at her resort in St Lucia. Despite spending Friday night in hospital after suffering from ‘dehydration’, Amy was back at her resort laughing and joking with her new male companion.

Wearing a pair of ripped denim hotpants and red string vest over a bikini top, the 25-year-old was scantily-clad compared to her covered up companion, who was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, despite the hot weather. The couple left a group of friends for a romantic walk along the boardwalk for a private chat. The public display of affection with a new man comes amid reports Amy is growing close to a local shell seller called Anton Moses.

Since returning to St Lucia last month after a brief sojourn back home to London, Amy has been making new friends on a daily basis on the Caribbean island. After a brief holiday romance with English student Josh Bowman over Christmas on the island, reports claim Amy has now moved on to local Anton and waits for him to finish work every day. A source told the Daily Star: ‘Amy has become very cosy with Anton. Amy sets aside every evening to spend time with him and each day he saves her his best shell.’

[From the Daily Mail]

That’s sorta cute. My heart is cold and dead when it comes to any optimism for Amy. She’s burned me too many times, and I’ve probably written a hundred articles with some little bit of hope that she’ll turn things around. But, if anything were to melt my aforementioned iceberg heart, it’d probably be that thing about Anton saving Amy his best shell. That’s pretty effing cute.

Clearly Amy’s still on the booze, but I feel like she’s found something that works to her. She’s only in the hospital like once a month now, and just for a day or two. That’s down from an average of one week a month just a little while ago. Sure, once a month in the hospital for drinking too much would seem unhealthy to most of us. But when you put it in perspective and see it in terms of Amy and her life, it’s downright progress. And she’s probably got her own brain coral – which I’ve been trying to get my hands on since the second grade. So things are looking up.

Amy Winehouse having a fun day at the beach in St. Lucia

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3 Responses to “Amy Winehouse goes straight from her hospital bed to the bar”

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  1. Orangejulius says:

    Oh, well. A short life and a merry one.

  2. kiki says:

    from the hospital straight to the bar
    god love her

  3. enchantress says:

    I’m sure that seashells are not the only thing he’s selling her 🙁