Eric Trump: Ivanka is too ‘strong’ to allow herself to be sexually harassed


As we discussed yesterday, Donald Trump said some unfortunate words about sexual harassment in the workplace. That interview was actually just one terrible moment in what has become the flaming mountain of turds that is Trump’s presidential campaign over the past week. Last night, Jezebel even tried to compile a list of every bonkers thing Trump had done in 24 hours, and even that just barely scratches the surface. So for now, let’s just focus on this issue of sexual harassment, because OMG. Donald Trump told women who are being sexually harassed that they should simply quit and find another job, if not an entirely new career. Then yesterday morning, Trump’s son Eric appeared on CBS’s morning show with the purpose of trying to explain away his father’s beef with the Khans, the gold-star family. Eric was asked about his dad’s sexual harassment comments and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree:

Charlie Rose notes that producers are telling him to wrap it up, so he asks one last question: “With respect to, um, Roger Ailes question and with respect to Ivana [sic; he meant Ivanka] and what he would advise her, um, does your father stick by what he said or does he think that perhaps a better answer would be that it ought to be brought to the attention of Human Resources and other things that we could do with respect to sexual harassment in the workplace?”

“There is no question,” replies Trump. “There is no question that obviously it should be addressed and it should be addressed strongly, and hey, listen, we all run a company. My father runs a company. You know, we take this—that is an absolute no-go anywhere, and that’s very much the case…I think what he was saying is, you know, Ivanka is a strong, you know, powerful woman…She wouldn’t allow herself to be, you know, objected [sic] to it. And by the way, you should certainly take it up with Human Resources, and I think she definitely would as a strong person. At the same time, I don’t think she would allow herself to be subjected to that.”

[From Newsweek]

Yes, only weak women ALLOW themselves to be subjected to sexual harassment. Only non-heiresses who have no character allow men to sexually harass them. And his father would say that those strong women should still find another job. Here’s Eric’s full interview, if you want to see him completely lie his face off about the Khans.

Interestingly enough, Ivanka Trump – arguably her father’s most capable surrogate, although we’re setting the bar really low there – has been quiet for days. She didn’t enter the fray when her father started the beef with the Khans, nor did she say anything when her father completely screwed up some basic questions about Ukraine. But finally, last night, she did speak on the sexual harassment thing, telling Fox News:

“I think harassment in general, regardless, sexual or otherwise, is totally inexcusable and if it transpires it needs to be reported and it needs to be dealt with on a company level. We have a very strong HR team at the Trump Organization, who is equipped to deal with these issues if they arise and you hope they never arise, you hope you have a culture in which they don’t arise, but when they do it needs to be dealt with swiftly.”

[From CNN]

At a superficial level, I find nothing wrong here. Harassment needs to be dealt with. No victim of harassment should quit her job, she should go to Human Resources and have the abuser dealt with. But… now I wonder about Trump Org’s HR Department and how many women have ever gone to HR and accused their boss of misbehavior.

Also, this happened yesterday. Bless Pres. Obama. 96 days until the election.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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166 Responses to “Eric Trump: Ivanka is too ‘strong’ to allow herself to be sexually harassed”

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  1. Shaz says:


    • Megan says:

      The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

      • LinaLamont says:

        Yup. DNA.

      • Aussie girl says:

        I really can’t believe he said this but then the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

      • mia girl says:

        I agree. But I don’t like to think of Trump as a beautiful apple tree full of nourishing fruit.

        I think the more fitting plant life would be the Carrion Flower, also known as the Corpse Flower. You know, the one currently blooming in the U.S. Botanical Garden in D.C.

        The smell that the rare bloom emits is described as a combination of garlic, fish, diapers, and rotting meat. That sounds about right.

      • tw says:

        The sexist ass clown doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    • ctgirl says:

      Dumb. Ass.

  2. kadyo says:

    I’m really going to miss having President Obama in the White House. I hope his words will have an effect on Republicans who continue to endorse Trump, but I don’t they will.

    • Tate says:

      I am really going to miss him and his voice of reason. I was so proud of him for saying what he said yesterday.

      • doofus says:

        yeah, the “why are you still endorsing him?” has to be asked of EVERY GOP member who does support him. especially after they refute his statements and say “he doesn’t represent our party”.

      • Kitten says:

        Funny you should say this. I was watching a clip of our President talking about Trump this morning and thinking “what other president could say this so matter-of-factly, so calmly, and without the unnecessary emotion that is so often injected into politics?” He was classic Obama: straight-to-the point, no hyperbole or insults, no BS–just cut right to the heart of things.

        This probably sounds weird but there is something about the way POTUS speaks that is so calming and reassuring to me. I’m REALLY going to miss him and FLOTUS

      • Esmom says:

        Kitten, I feel the same way about Obama. He is amazingly reassuring, calm and self-possessed, especially considering all the crap that’s been thrown at him and him family for so long. I love that he never stoops to the level that people try to drag him down to. I will miss him, too. And I will never forget the elation I felt the night and morning after he was first elected. I recently told my doctor that I think it was the most purely happy and hopeful I might have ever felt. If Hillary wins, I know I will be overjoyed and relieved but I don’t think anything can match the emotions I felt in 2008.

      • Nicole says:

        No Fs Obama is my favorite. I love how he just went straight to the point “WHY are you endorsing him?” “he’s not fit to be POTUS”…straight to the point.
        And I agree he’s very calming

      • Kitten says:

        Couldn’t have said it better if I tried, Esmom. I remember the feeling I had when I cast my vote for him in 2008: the electricity in the air, that feeling of hopefulness and joy. I know I won’t feel that with Hillary, but yes the RELIEF will be overwhelming if she wins. The feeling won’t be one of hope per se, but that our country dodged a bullet.

      • Lady D says:

        @esmom, I was elated too. Also, switching between happy amazement that a black man had been elected and fear that he was going to be shot. I really didn’t think he’d make it through his first term. Brave man, brave family.

      • Tate says:

        2008 was a pretty amazing feeling. My life long republican dad was in the hospital during this time. It was the last few months of his life. I went to visit him and we sat watching news coverage of Obama being elected. He smiled and said…. I can’t believe that this happened in my lifetime.

        I get choked up everytime I think of that moment with my Dad.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      I read an op-ed in either the NY Post or the NY Daily News, can’t remember which, that said that Obama saying this is a bit of a trick. A Republican can’t really go against Trump now because it will look like they are following Obama’s lead instead of their own conscience. That effectively ties Trump to the Republican party even tighter, making it harder for Republicans to get rid of him if they wanted to.

      • Kitten says:

        Ah, interesting…hadn’t thought of that angle.

      • Esmom says:

        The other thing I heard discussed on the radio is that the GOPs aren’t disavowing Trump because they want to be re-elected, McCain and Ryan especially. Disgusting.

      • Jan says:

        i guess they value the Republican Party more than their country. SMH
        Big mistake! If Trump is elected (and I don’t think he will be), the likes of Paul Ryan et al. will be at fault because of their inaction and will they be blamed anyway. Lincoln is rolling over in his grave.

      • doofus says:

        and Esmom, Drumpf has, so far, refused to endorse Ryan OR McCain…

        those two and any other GOPer that chooses party over country deserve to be voted out.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, doofus, I heard that Trump pointedly said he didn’t ask for or need Ryan’s endorsement. Unreal that they STILL don’t disavow him.

      • K says:

        I saw this thing that basically a lot of senators are screwed; they can’t piss off the base aka trumpers by speaking out against him and win their primary and they can’t win the general if they don’t disown him. Like I guess McCain is just screwed.

        I am going to miss Obama, he was right he is unfit and they need to stand up for country more then party. I mean lord if the entire republican establishment came out for the libertarian then yeah they’d lose to Hillary but they’d save the country.

        I agree with another poster I will be thrilled if and when Hillary wins but not because I’m a huge Hillary fan but because I will feel like the world is safe. But I won’t feel like I did in 2008 and 2012 when I knew we elected a wonderful and good man who I believed in and was honored and excited to vote for.

      • MC2 says:

        Jan hit the nail on the head! They respect their party more then their country. Regardless of your party affiliation (or lack), everyone should agree that Trump is dangerous & not fit to lead.
        When I hear someone say they support Trump, I hear “hey- I am a racist!” I haven’t felt that way about republicans in general before but I just can’t with people who support him & see that as the only reason someone would back him since he makes no sense at all. I have a friend who came out as a Trump supporter and I don’t know how to react.

      • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

        I don’t think they respect their party at all, but their power and themselves, too selfish, polticians just want power and money.

      • Veronica says:

        Well, the flip side of that is if they undercut their chances of staying in, they also lose their voting power within the Senate and risk being replaced by somebody who will enforce Trump’s policies. As it is, I don’t think speaking out against him would do much for establishment party members – as it is, part of what drives Trump’s campaign is anger at the establishment.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      When I contrast the two speech styles, I am stunned. Rump has such an incredibly limited vocabulary, he is such an ignoramus. I cannot wait until he throws his man-baby tantrum and ungracefully bows out.

      I don’t agree with your drone and Guantanamo positions, Mr. Obama, but damn, I love to listen to you speak.

    • nicole says:

      I love Obama, he has such a lovely calm warmness about him, wish he could stay on, he is going to be missed.

    • Wren says:

      You do realize that those who most firmly support Trump absolutely hate Obama and wouldn’t take his advice even if he was telling them not to piss on an electric fence, right?

      The fact that Obama is condemning him will probably strengthen their support. I live in a conservative area and have to deal with friends (who are otherwise lovely people) literally comparing Obama to Hitler and claiming he hates America.

      • Esmom says:

        It’s true. And very depressing. Each party is preaching to their own choir, no hearts and minds are being changed throughout this process.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Sometimes when you speak you’re not speaking directly to those individuals because you know they’re a lost cause, you’re speaking to the surrounding audience that you know is still open and considering the same.

        The voters will do what they do, but little by little even in the ‘Stick by Trump no matter what’ movement cracks have started to show with on major Republican publicly saying he’s going to vote for Hilary and even “Yes sir?” Chris Christie saying Trump is totally wrong in his approach to the Khan’s.

      • The Original Mia says:

        Yes and Obama knows that too! The Republicans can’t escape the monster of their own making. As he goes over the cliff, so too will the Republicans that supported him.

      • Tate says:

        I agree there is a segment of the electorate that will vote for this baffoon no matter what but there are still people who can be reached. I have a few friends that as of a month ago thought a Presdint Trump was no big deal cause they don’t like Hillary. The events of the last several days have woken them out of their slumber.

      • doofus says:

        Wren, do you think maybe we could convince O to tell them NOT to p*ss on an electric fence?!

    • Harryg says:

      I will miss Obama too, he’s been great.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Me too! They are class & dignity & have brought such pride to the WH. On another note…it was Hillary’a policies that caused Benghazi? She is president? She was part of congress that consistanly defunded Embassy security?

      Amazing. So do they actually know anything about how the US government or politics work?

  3. AlleyCat says:

    I love that Eric said that she wouldn’t allow herself to object it, when he really meant subject. A chip off the old block.

    • LinaLamont says:

      Look at her father’s relationship with her. The way he talks about her. HER OWN FATHER DOES IT TO HER and she allows it. Ugh.

      Objected/subjected….. they’re all illiterate idiots. You don’t think he talks good?

      • Dinah says:

        Trump’s October surprise could be a photo I’ve heard about for years and have yet to see: Trump, proudly leering, groping his daughter’s breast. I hope for the sake of the country that someone spams the Internet with it. As for Ivanka, it is her reaction – smug and very intimately into her father – that is alleged to be bone-chilling. I believe it was Trump’s attempt to prove he owns all of her after he paid for her boob job. In other words, she’s made and paid for by Trump alone. No wonder Marla rescued her own daughter. She had to.

    • LadyMTL says:

      “Me fail English? That’s unpossible!”

      Seriously though, it’s like every single male Trump is just a walking bag of sexist and misogynistic nonsense. (Even Ivanka shocks me sometimes, the way she defends / tries to justify her dad’s idiocy). I really hope that the American public kicks their collective butts to the curb come November.

      • Erinn says:

        If only it turned into “Hi Super-nintendo Chalmers – I’m learnding!”

      • Jan says:

        The weird thing to me is, I think Ivanka is a closet Democrat. She seems to look the other way probably because she like the status of being his favorite Golden Child or she like the money she gets from him. She has no integrity!

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:


    • Wren says:

      Seemed like he was really stumbling for words there. Maybe he meant to say she’d object to it and then decided to go with she wouldn’t subject herself to it. Why does nobody properly prepare these people for the media?

  4. Darkladi says:


  5. KJA says:

    I understand that he’s Ivanka’s father and she’s probably in a tough spot, but if she’s not going to outright call him out for the awful things he says, at least have the courtesy to not try to paint him as some kind of feminist friend to all women. It’s insulting

    • ab says:

      I feel the same. I roll my eyes every time she defends him with this he’s really great for women crap. she also in this interview tried to talk about how he’s warm and fuzzy. okay. I do feel like she probably doesn’t truly agree with everything he says, but at this point she’s in too deep, she can’t publicly go against him even if she wanted to.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I used to like her (within reason) but at this point, I’m so incredibly angry I want the entire family to suffer. As in, lose their money and have to live off of regular incomes. I want them to cry and beg for mercy. I want Karma to kick their collective asses. I hate all of them and I rarely say that about anyone.

      • Reece says:

        I think Karma should hit up the people that voted for him first.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        Well, I’d like to think that many of them are simply desperate, uneducated and/or don’t know how else to express their frustration. But I’m probably wrong and MANY are just assholes like Trump himself.

    • Wren says:

      She also likely sees him in a way that few other people do. She knows him publicly and privately, and that probably colors her opinions. We all see his public persona, the act he puts on, because it is an act, while she knows the real person behind it. She’s his daughter as well as his employee; she’s the one with diplomacy and thoughtful answers. I’m not defending him, but the man she sees is not the man we see. It’s not necessarily a better man, but it is a different one. She’s also the only woman in that sea of powerful men who have so little experience with harassment that they can barely comprehend its existence. They’re hardly the only dudes who think that harassment is barely even a thing, and it’s tough to explain because it’s one of those insidious evils that has to get extreme before it’s really seen. What exactly is she going to say, even if she hates their statements? “Y’all are a bunch of idiots who don’t know what you’re talking about”? While quite true, also quite ineffective.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        And yet many have the feeling that her father may be even worse behind closed doors, as per his treatment of her mother and his befriending an accused child molester. What’s she going to say? Whatever she wants. If she were raised in a more open, woman-friendly family, she probably would.

        They’re all about protecting and building their brand.

      • Wren says:

        That’s my point, we don’t know. We don’t know the real man and she does. He could be a monster behind closed doors, doing unspeakable things, protected by the very people who have suffered at his hands. He could also be quite an ordinary person, acting as any of the rest of us might. I’m not sure which is more frightening, to find out the devil is every horrible thing you wanted him to be or that he’s really just like you.

    • Original T.C. says:

      All of Trump’s kids were raised by their Moms as Democrats. Until Obama came to office so was the pro-choice Trump who used to donate to the Clinton’s. However Prez Obama’s election really struck out at his White Male ego, it made him feel inferior to a Black man and set off his inner racist. Enter his Birther movement and the beginning of the Tea Party who believes that only White people should have the highest job in the country.

      As I said the same thing is happening in regards to sexism and Hillary Clinton now a nominee for President. Many people think they are fair minded but they carry around some implicit biases in regards to race, gender and sexual orientation. We have all been programmed to expect Presidents to be White males. Prez Obama really challenged our assumptions and you were either able to fight your bias or it ate you up. Thus the vague reasons some people had STRONG hatred for Obama which they said it was because of his policies. Policies that were normal Democratic and some Republican ideas.

      People with STRONG hatred for Hillary Clinton for VAGUE or specified reasons should also take the time to question their bias. Why blow up her wrongs into mountains compared to other politicians? Why so much hate for her but still love for her HUSBAND who was the one with the actual history of infidelity, Republican policies, Clinton initiative….?

  6. Jess says:

    Really? I mean even someone like Taylor Swift was sexually harassed and I wouldn’t call Swift a “weak woman”.
    This is just one more ignorant comment by these people. The Trumps are the worst
    The saddest part is that there are people who think like them

    • Lynnie says:

      Apparently, the Radio DJ she accused sued her for defamation after witnesses at the photo op said nothing weird happened and he passed a polygraph test. She then counter-sued him into oblivion.

      • Veronica says:

        DJ Mueller actually didn’t deny it happened in his original statement – he just stated somebody else had claimed to have done it. So somebody’s story changed there, and it wasn’t hers.

    • Carol says:

      I would say that Donald Trump has the EQ of a cheeto but that would be insulting to cheetos.

  7. Scal says:

    Well I’m glad the men stopped explaining women’s harassment long enough for a actual woman to get a word in edgewise. /s

  8. Cannibell says:

    It’s hard to figure out what it’s going to take to shake enough voters and people who influence voters awake. I’m doing my little bit to poke the ankles of everyone I know with a long stick, which is the best I can do from under my bed, where I’m staying until I come out to vote for Hillary in November. (Note: I don’t agree with everything she does, but I am sure that Hillary will be a very good president That said, I’d vote for a turnip if it were the Democratic nominee, given what the Republican party has chosen.)

    • kadyo says:

      I feel like nothing at this point will sway Trump supporters. His actions and comments continue to worsen, yet nothing he has said or done seems to bother his supporters enough to abandon ship. It’s incredibly scary. I really thought more influential Republicans would condone his behavior and encourage conservative voters to vote HRC to ensure Trump is not elected.

      • Esmom says:

        Nothing will. I stumbled across a FB post yesterday that a conservative friend liked and it was appalling. Long screeds ripping into the Khans and Hillary and Democrats and Obama, you name it. One caught my eye, some woman ranting about how Trump may be all the horrible things we know he is but the important thing is he’s outside the “political establishment” and that was enough for her. I said yesterday he could literally murder someone, as he has alluded to, and people would still support him.

        My only hope is that while these ignorant and hateful people might be highly vocal that they truly are only a tiny segment of our voting population. Fingers crossed.

      • kadyo says:

        Oops. Just realized I typed ‘condone’ rather than ‘condemn’. I meant that I thought more Republicans would condemn Trump’s behavior and thus influence the electorate. But, as you point out Esmom, nothing seems to matter to Trump voters. My family doctor back home has posted so many anti-Hillary memes and ‘articles’ from right-wing news sites. He’s even gone after the Khan family multiple times. It’s disgusting and disheartening. I can’t believe an educated person, who I thought was a rational and compassionate human begin, would embrace Trump and everything he stands for.

    • Taiss says:

      His voters never see anything wrong with these people. one the trumps female fan said “they should ask Chelsea about her father and sexual harassment” . She couldn’t condemn what Eric said, but she turned it into a Hillary problem.

    • popup says:

      I don’t think there’s much point in trying to sway those who are already firmly in the Trump camp. They’re pretty nuts. There are millions of voters who aren’t sure yet, amazingly, and those are the ones to convert to #NeverTrump. Seems like the Khan episode swayed a good number of voters in the military bloc. I have people in my family who vote by the Republican party line and they aren’t enthusiastic about Trump. I think the key there is to show that Trump actually opposes the party line and his leadership won’t do anything to further their party interests. We saw that yesterday in Trump’s refusal to endorse McCain and Ryan, and Trump being Trump, he’s going to continue to show that he only cares about Trump and is actually a danger to his own party.

    • holly hobby says:

      Well I just read that Morning Joe disclosed on today’s show that Orangino asked three times in a briefing why we can’t crack open the nuclear weapons. I just could not believe this. Wasn’t he at age when they unleashed that and they had bomb shelters and all this stuff?

      His spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson (aka faux Kartrashian), also went on CNN and blamed the death of Captain Khan on Hilary and Obama. Except Obama wasn’t in charge when this man died. Ugh this whole side show is making me angry.

    • North of Boston says:

      Some of my family members who *have* been very pro-Trump have developed serious second thoughts over the last week. Trump’s ridiculous behavior toward the Khan family has really made them doubt that he could be President and do it well. * As much as they don’t like Clinton, they can no longer imagine themselves voting for The Donald.

      *I read somewhere in the last couple of days a commentary about how the most basic duty of POTUS is to comfort those who have lost family members fighting in the Armed Services. The writer was astonished that any candidate for the office could be so incredibly awful at that basic duty. (was it here? Huff Post? WSJ?…too much on-line watching the Trump disaster this week)

      • Veronica says:

        That was John Oliver. He ripped into Trump about his comments regarding the Khan family and his basic misunderstanding of what “sacrifice” is.

  9. Shelly says:

    Ivanka worked for father family friend and father since school. She does does fit the typical stereotype for harassment and definitely have the resources to switch jobs and Sue. According to the father, women should just leave and find new job when harassed, if that was the case would this even be a problem that required laws .
    I’d be very interested on the stats from Trump Organization on reporting, lawsuits, and dealing with this problem….the airheads in charge don’t seem to take it seriously.

    • lilacflowers says:

      Leaving a job to avoid harassment is called “constructive discharge” and the workplace is in violation of federal law when it reaches that level.

  10. leigh says:

    Maybe if he looses is a really spectacular way, the entire family will flee the country. That would be awesome.
    I don’t normally comment on another person’s looks, but damn that man is hideous., Outside matching the inside.

    • BunnyBear says:

      I don’t really like to comment on how people look either but someone said he looks like American Psycho meets the Hapsburg dynasty. And I mean, I can’t say I disagree with that.

      • Tourmaline says:

        Bwah ha ha that is right on!

        Apparently the brothers never got the same plastic surgery that Ivanka got.

    • NewWester says:

      What is it with the Trump men and their hair? You have Donald with his “startled long hair Guinea pig” hair and then there is Donald JR and Eric with ” Count Dracula/Eddie Munster” slick back look. Hopefully the youngest son will not continue the trend when he is an adult

      • nicole says:

        The young son wears his hair slicked back too, I saw pictures of him somewhere and he had his hair just like the brothers, must be the Trump look.

  11. lilacflowers says:

    Has that “very strong HR team” mandated sexual harassment training for all executives including those named Trump? Because they all need it desperately. The EEOA clearly states that constructive discharge is a violation of the law. So much for Trump’s claim of being for “law and order.”

    I represent employers before the EEOC and the state anti-discrimination agency and I advise employers on how to comply with relevant laws and how to make their workplaces discrimination free. I would not represent these losers but I would give them the free advice to fire Eric and Donald.

    While everything about the Donald frightens me, I find it chilling that this jerk wants to be in the position to appoint the next director of the EEOC.

    • Cee says:

      I left my previous job because of sexual harassment (I was not personally targeted but still splashed by it). The CFO was the one harassing women left and right, leaving indecent messages, etc. One took it up with HR and was basically bullied into silence with “you’ll never work in this industry again if you sue for sexual harassment” etc.

      We were all strong, independent, career women and still had to go through this because this man, a CFO, believed himself to be above the law (and us).

    • popup says:

      Good lord, I hope Hillary brings up this point during the debates.

  12. grabbyhands says:

    Oh take a seat and shut it, you weak chinned motherf**ker. Jaysus.

    Of all the damaging BS lies people are fed, and that women in particular tell themselves about harassment and sexual assault, this has to be among the worst-that somehow, if you are just stronger, or BETTER in some undefined way, these things will never happen to you.

    What other sage advice have you got? Let me guess-depression is just in your mind and you need to pull yourself up by your boot straps and think happy thoughts and if you’re being bullied as a kid, just stand up to the bully and it will stop?

  13. Rhiley says:

    Last night I watched a show on PBS about Hitler’s Olympics. I know we have commented that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is dangerously similar to Hitler’s, but my god. This strong versus weak elocution he spouts at his rallies is extremely frightening, especially now as he turns it onto women who have been sexually harassed, raped, abused, as well as current Republican Party leaders (McCain, Ryan, Ayotte). At this point, I am coming to terms that Trump is not going to get the nomination for president. I know it is early and anything can happen, but I just don’t see it. I am, however, a bit scared of what the fall out is going to be if he doesn’t win. What will the civil unrest he is anticipating look like? This is just nuts. Completely and totally nuts. But extremely scary and worrisome.

    • Kitten says:

      I share your worries.

      Every day that passes, this man reveals himself to be even crazier and less qualified to be president than I could have ever imagined. I want to imagine that he’s digging his own grave yet I truly believe as others have stated, that nothing will dissuade his fervent legion of Kool-Aid drinkers.

      But I hope that we’re right and HRC prevails. I also hope that the outcome of the election doesn’t lead to civil unrest.

  14. Veronica says:

    I know this is like asking a dog to do algebra, but what the hell is he even trying to say here. What does the woman’s strength or lack thereof have to do with the actions of somebody else? Christ dude, just say you wish women would stop demanding to be treated like human beings and be done with it.

    • BunnyBear says:

      Didn’t you know? If you’re a good, strong woman you just don’t allow yourself to be harassed. And I mean even if you were harassed, the guy was probably just trying to be nice and do you really want to ruin his life over that?

      • Persephone says:

        In the world of the Trumps you can only be a good, strong woman if your name is Ivanka Trump, any other woman is a [insert derogatory comment probably involving a farmyard animal] or menstruating.

      • Snowflake says:

        Oh, and you should totally take it as a compliment. ThatThat means you’re hot *sarcasm*

    • B n A fn says:

      @Veronica you asked what the hell he trying to say, I bet he does not know what the hell saying. Hell, he cannot even count to 4. All he’s doing to do is spin as fast as he can. He kept saying the “three of us here at the table” when there were four people at the table. The higher the Trump’s family climb the more they show they are not very bright.

      • nicole says:

        He is nothing but a big blow like his father, talks alot about nothing, I have heard him several times and he talks alot of crap, chip of the old block for sure.

  15. D says:

    Young Biff and old Biff from “Back to the future”…

  16. HK9 says:

    The depth of the foolishness this cretin displays is staggering.

  17. Grace says:

    I am not American so I need to ask. CB ladies, regardless of the likelihood, is Danold Trump the orange human allowed to call quits at this point of race? I mean, can he just up and stop running?

    • swak says:

      Don’t know why he couldn’t as you have no obligation to run or continue to run. There is no law that says you have to continue to be the nominee. At this point, though, I don’t think “The Donald” would quit as his ego is too big.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      I was fantasizing about this yesterday, hoping that behind the scenes he’d somehow be strong-armed into leaving the race. It would be so much fun to watch! If only.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      He can and what would happen is the Republicans could either try to hold a rush special election to garner votes from the states to get a new nominee or simply nominate someone prominent from their own party due to the emergency nature. Some have suggested Paul Ryan

      Which is exactly why I DONT want Donald to stop. Because people have short memories and they’ll forget that everything Donald says is an extreme version of what the Republican Party has said for years and if a more pleasant speaking easy on the eyes jerk like Ryan slips in he’ll laugh and shrug his way to propel forgetting he was right behind Trump supporting it all.

    • k says:

      So this is actually being discussed now. And yes he can quit and if he does (he won’t) then what happens is that a committee on the RNC that is made up of about 168 people would pick who the nominee is. However, this all has to happen by September 1 or something to get the name on the ballot.

      It would mean that no actual citizen gets to vote and it would be a big deal. It has been discussed at length on MSNBC today because apparently the Republican party is furious about the lack of endorsements.

  18. adastraperaspera says:

    Of course Ivanka put out a measured statement in response to this. It’s all “optimizing for optics” with her. I’ll say it again that I believe she is the most dangerous one of them all. Ivanka looks and sounds so reasonable when compared to the rest of family. Her B.S. is in Economics from Wharton and she is extremely well-connected. Her manner is mild. But she is supporting the candidacy of a demagogue. She is supporting someone endorsed by the KKK. She is hypocritically supporting her father’s isolationist policies while manufacturing her products overseas. Her motives are clear–it’s power and profit no matter who gets hurt.

    • Neelyo says:

      Yep. She’s no better than the rest of the family and I wish people would stop treating her as if she was.

      • Erinn says:

        I genuinely believe she’s smarter. Or at least more saavy than the other kids, and father. But every time she opens her mouth and defends their BS, she’s proving that despite all that, she’s still a crap person.

    • Fl girl says:

      +1,000 – she has also stated she will not go into politics in the future. We shall see…

  19. Vava says:

    Gotta love Obama! What a classy guy he is.

    Every morning there is a new Trump story. Between all his name-calling (like the huge baby HE is) and the insulting comments that only reinforce how ignorant he truly is deep down, I find the enter thing a circus show. PT Barnum has met his match! I hope his fellow Republicans take him down, and soon.

    • Tiffany says:

      That is why he is POTUS because I never would have had that diplomacy in front of a microphone.

  20. Neelyo says:

    With the amount of surgery Ivanka had to look like that, you’d think Trump would have made the boys do something about their hideous looks. But I guess if you’re a male Trump, looks don’t matter.

    • BunnyBear says:

      Someone should at least give him an eyebrow pencil though

      • Erinn says:

        Yes, please. Hell, he could get those suckers tinted if he didn’t want to keep penciling it in. I mean, he’s working for daddy’s company… I’m sure he could take off every now and then to get them done.

        I don’t have the BEST brows or anything, but man. When people look like they don’t have eyebrows, it just looks so strange. I understand some people have medical conditions that mean a lack of brows, and that’s different. But when you’re someone going on national television -and are likely getting some makeup/hair attention before the interview you’d think brows would be something paid at least a little attention.

  21. The Original Mia says:

    There are flames coming from my ears at his arrogance and victim-blaming. But I shouldn’t be surprised. He and the other one are carbon copies of their father with more hair, less morals.

  22. Shelly says:

    Actually Ivanka did enter the fray..she posted happy family pictures to counteract the drama with the Khan’s. She just did said anything.

  23. Syko says:

    There’s just something about his appearance that says “vampire” to me.

  24. Colette says:

    I wonder what his views are on subjects like rape or domestic violence.A strong powerful wouldn’t ALLOW herself to be raped or physical abused either I guess.

  25. lea says:

    This family makes me sick.

  26. HeyThere! says:

    What a dumb thing to state! It’s not something the victim ‘is or isn’t’, it’s the asshat who sexually harasses the victim who has the problem. I honestly can’t believe he said that. Note: I didn’t read the article or the comments…I was so pissed after just the title.

  27. Melody says:

    Once again, the Trump family confuses privilege and wealth with strength. Leaving a problem behind for others to deal with is not strong. Confronting problems is strong. Enduring humiliation and threats for the sake of your family’s welfare is strong.

  28. Squiggisbig says:

    Psh. She’s not even strong enough to stop her dad from sexually harassing her.

    • MerlinsWife says:


    • popup says:

      You’re so right on this. She has a HUGE blind spot in that regard. She can’t even spot it when it happens to her. She just does her little knowing smile when his gross comments get brought up and blows it off like he’s just being a funny dad. She spins this into a B.S. line about how her dad really knows and appreciates women.

  29. Christin says:

    According to his Twitter bio, apparently he has a foundation for benefit of St Jude(???). Why would that be necessary, when one can donate directly to the hospital?

  30. Brittney B. says:

    Is this the same a*****e who murdered an elephant and posed with its chopped-off tail?

    • doofus says:

      no, that’s the other a-hole. this one killed a jaguar (or maybe a leopard) and posed with that carcass. both are scum.

      • Sarah_h says:

        I unfortunately even saw the horrifying pictures on . Now most of Reddit loves these group of morons but that sub is taking the piss out of these idiots.

      • Tate says:

        Hard to keep these a-holes straight.

  31. nicole says:

    This has to be the most horrible family that I have ever seen, everyone of them are ugh!

  32. Fan says:

    He has a point!!

  33. notasugarhere says:

    He doesn’t know that his own sister has been sexually harassed? Even wrote about it in her book? From Time Magazine this morning “Ivanka Trump Wrote About Being Sexually Harassed By Construction Workers”:

    Ivanka’s first real job was with Forest City Ratner, working on a development team for a shopping center (which, she points out, did not compete directly with any Trump Organization projects). The night before, she writes, she had an “anxiety dream” about “walking through a construction site with my new boss when one of the construction workers whistled at me.” It’s a scenario she had experienced in real life many times before, on her father’s construction sites. “But in those cases, the workers never realized I was the boss’s daughter,” and they apologized profusely when they found out.

    “Here, though,” she writes, “I couldn’t shake thinking that I needed to come up with a disarming line to defuse the situation and keep the embarrassment level to a minimum. After all, I kept reminding myself, my new boss would be observing my reaction, which meant that if anything like that happened it would put me into an uncomfortable, no-win situation. If I ignored the inappropriate remarks, I might come across as weak. If I responded too harshly, I’d be a tightly wound witch.”

  34. LAK says:

    Is this the trophy hunter?

  35. K says:

    Ivanka’s response is right but after everything else that has been said it is hard to believe that is the policy at the Trump Org.

    What we know is that Donald thinks Aisle is a good guy being picked on by all these women who he helped, that a woman in that situation should find a new job/career.

    Eric thinks strong win don’t allow it to happen to them. Aka it’s the woman’s fault and they are weak.

    we also know they are assholes!

  36. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Between this and throwing out the crying baby he’s been on the kind of roll that has people writing article’s about his mental health and there possibly being something genuinely wrong with him.

    • Kitten says:

      It’s hard to overlook that possibility, right?
      He’s acting even crazier than normal…truly seems like he’s not playing with a full deck. I don’t know if it’s senility or possible signs of early Alzheimer’s or if he’s just trolling the eff out of America, but yeah this is some scary-ass sh*t.

    • Christin says:

      Or, it could be a spoiled, extreme narcissist who is out of his comfort zone and is losing his audience. The gold exterior of his ‘brand’ is rapidly peeling away. The past week has been a turning point, and the madness has amped up.

      If he makes it to October (I think he may drop out soon), there will undoubtedly be an October surprise — big revelation — to push him into even more bullying rants. He’s supplied enough negative commercial material for the rest of the campaign, just within the past 48 hours. He’ll be angrily tweeting Olympians next, for stealing his attention.

  37. Apples says:

    On another note – with all that Trump is revealing about himself as a person, I really do not understand how anyone can stay married to him. What is it like to be Melania Trump? She either doesn’t see much of him or she must be like him in a lot of ways.

    • Tate says:

      My guess is she doesn’t see much of him. She probably gets a schedule of when she has to be on his arm in public and other than that probably lives her own life.

      • kanyekardashian says:

        She still has to submit to sex on demand in order to keep her lifestyle going. Ugh, just the thought of that makes me want to vomit.

  38. Jayna says:

    Trump is imploding. His own party has many refusing to endorse him and coming out publicly about it..

    On Morning Joe, this morning another bombshell. Wow.

    “On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claimed Donald Trump asked a “foreign policy expert” who was advising him numerous times about “why can’t we use nuclear weapons.”
    Prefacing his comments by saying he’d “be very careful here,” Scarborough said: “Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump, and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times, he asked, at one point, ‘If we have them, we can’t we use them?’… Three times, in an hour briefing, ‘Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?’”

    • B n A fn says:

      @Jayna, Morning Joe has been advising Donald on his campaign for several months. If he says that, I totally believe him. I used to get so angry with him for giving Trump advice I had stopped watching him. I hope DT followers know they are voting to cause death and destruction on the world because they are voting for a man who is unstable.

  39. Jayna says:

    Another blow to Trump.

    Meg Whitman is a big deal in the RP as far as fundraising. She is telling it like it is regarding Donald Trump. She is now endorsing Hillary Clinton.

    “Calling Donald Trump an “authoritarian character” and a threat to democracy, Meg Whitman, a prominent Republican fundraiser and chief executive of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton’s White House bid late Tuesday.

    “To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character,” Whitman posted on Facebook about the Republican nominee.

    In an interview with the New York Times, which first reported the endorsement, Whitman said it was time “to put country first before party” and that she would give a “substantial” contribution to Clinton’s campaign.

    Whitman told the Times that Trump is a “dishonest demagogue” and said that those who look at other failed democracies and believe “it can’t happen here” are mistaken.”

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Sounds like she’s the only realistic Republican figure these days, all the others hate Trump and know he’s damaging their brand but they’re so desperate to win this election.

      They’re not even fully considering what happens if he ruins the Republican party’s rep for years to come. Bush had it right, he might be the last Republican President.

    • Mltpsych says:

      I couldn’t stand her when she ran for governor here but I have to give her props for this. She came out strong for America and McCain and Ryan are toeing the party line.

    • Original T.C. says:

      I’m happy to see Meg Whitman come out against Trump. However to be fair, Whitman, McCain, and Ryan are all protecting their jobs. McCain and Ryan clearly detest Trump but they need Republican votes to stay in office.

      Meg Whitman as CEO of HP depends on her employees to keep her company afloat. HP employees are diverse with many from Asia, India, Parkinstan, etc. Usually many of the IT people are uninterested in politics but Trump’s battle with the Khans has gotten everyone’s attention. My *personal* opinion is that the Khan’s are likely to remind many employees with ancestors from the Middle or Far East of themselves and how after accomplishing the American Dream, they could easily be attacked. Whitman can no longer stand with Trump after the Khans or risk losing good employees to competitors.

      Trump has been saying crazy things for the past year and she did nothing. It came down to the bottom line and protecting her job. Still I am happy she at least did it no matter the motive.

  40. Frey says:

    A piece of shit raised a piece of shit son and a daughter who accepts it. What a surprise…

  41. Ennie says:

    Totally detached from the reality of many people.

  42. Guesto says:

    I make a point of never snarking on a person’s natural looks but I’m happy to make an exception in the case of the male trumps who really should be ineligible for public office on the basis of physical appearance alone.

  43. Jezza says:

    Oh, please, do us a favour and shut your friggin’ gob! Also, Ivanka is a useless idiot, just like the rest if them. I don’t see strength when I see her. I see nepotism at its worst. Ugh! Why is she the so called “golden child”? Drumph is a woman hating moron. You’d think that the dumbass oldest son would be his favourite!

  44. Christin says:

    I truly believe the tide is finally turning this week. This crazy train has gotten up to such a reckless speed, who can act as if all is well? Incredible it had to take this long for party loyalists to call a spade a spade.

    Hopefully the entire family will just disappear into obscurity. Their ‘brand’ is now like cheap gold foil that is rapidly peeling away.

    • naomipaige says:

      We can only hope. They are completely delusional. Do they really even believe all the sh*t that comes out of their own mouths. I mean WTF!!!????

      • Christin says:

        Without a script (such as when they are on daddy’s TV show), none of them seem to have a clue about the real world.

  45. India Andrews says:

    I like the news story that quotes the following from Ivanka’s book, Trump Card. (Summarized) She wrote that construction workers on her dad’s sites would wolf whistle and cat call to her not knowing she is the boss’ daughter. There was really nothing she could do to stop it.

  46. Jade says:

    Obama should tell the Republicans to vote Trump. Then they would really have to think about it coz logic: Obama can’t tell me what to do!

  47. Cerys says:

    Idiocy runs in the family. What a stupid thing to say