Leslie Jones hangs out in Rio with McConaughey, US gymnasts & swim team

Leslie Jones’s Olympic dreams have come true! NBC flew her to Rio as promised, and a little earlier than was previously reported. We heard that she would be in Rio by Friday, but she was there yesterday and we all win! She tweeted live videos, recaps and selfies with other spectators including Matthew McConaughey, and she celebrated the incredible wins like our two gold medal-winning Simones: Simone Biles and Simone Manuel. Both made history with Simone Manuel being the first African-American to win individual gold in swimming (100m freestyle) and Simone Biles being the most decorated US gymnast to date. Leslie also got to see Michael Phelps win his 22nd gold medal! She was so happy to be there and it was a joy to watch.

She cracks Michael Phelps up here yelling “22 Baby!”

I’m so happy that Leslie is in Rio and I was pleasantly surprised that she has not toned down the swearing. She’s still swearing in her videos and captions, but that shouldn’t keep NBC from putting her on the air! They announced that starting Friday she would “spread her passion for sports and the Olympics on-air and online,” so maybe they intend to give her air time today. She said she’s there for four more nights, which is not until the end of the competition on August 21st. Maybe NBC will rethink that when they see how much coverage Leslie gets. Leslie also scored a closer view for the women’s gymnastics competition after she tweeted that she needed better seats. If NBC starts to region-restrict Leslie’s videos like they do for their own Twitter they will have hell to pay though. Do not do this NBC! Let us have Leslie all over the world.

Here’s a photo of Leslie with silver and gold medal-winning gynmasts, Simone Biles and Aly Raisman. Leslie captioned a video of this moment, “I can’t believe my life!!

I couldn’t get the sound to play on this video of her with record-setting gold medal-winning swimmer (100 meter breaststroke ) Lilly King. It’s sweet how they hug afterwards.

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53 Responses to “Leslie Jones hangs out in Rio with McConaughey, US gymnasts & swim team”

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  1. Pinky says:

    Yesterday was so historic. For the Olympics and American athletics, But Fiji also won its first gold medal ever. I’m sure there’s more I’m missing, but I’m so loving this Olympics (though hating NBC coverage with a passion).

    I love that Leslie’s got her own logo now. This is so much fun!


    • Locke Lamora says:

      Kosovo also won it’s first ever medal, gold, a few days ago.

    • Sixer says:

      They mustn’t region restrict Leslie. She’s hilarious and joyful.

      I was cheering on Fiji and got into terrible trouble with Mr Sixer and the Sixlets, what with them doing the stampeding all over GB an’ all.

      Don’t forget the refugee team also got a gold medal.

      Also: I actually KNOW one of the athletes competing in track and field tonight. A local girl. Well, I say know – I’ve met her a few times. Sixlet Minor actually knows her properly because she’s really good with doing stuff with junior athletes around here and Sixlet Minor does competitive cross country. Jo Pavey. Women’s 10k. She’s 42! Unlikely to medal but I will be cheering her for all I’m worth this avo.

      • lilacflowers says:

        Go, Jo Pavey, go!

      • Amelia says:

        I got in trouble as well, Sixer, but only someone with a heart of stone (or possibly cheetoes) could deny Fiji that kind of happiness <3
        Jo Pavey is an absolute legend! Along with Kristin Armstrong (42) and Katherine Granger (40) who both won gold and silver medals respectively this Olympics!

      • Sixer says:

        3.10pm, Amelia! I’m supposed to be indexing a boring book and I am on a deadline. Pfft. It’s Jo Pavey!

        Keep cheering her, Lilac!

      • Amelia says:

        I have a day off and I’m going to be recording EVERYTHING. It’s going to a wonderful day of events!

      • Sixer says:

        My plan – if I get can myself the eff off here! – is another hour’s work, then heptathlon, then 10k, then maybe more work with equestrian in the background, then FOOD, then cycling.

        And um… an email begging for a deadline extension may need to go in there somewhere!

      • Amelia says:

        Solid plan, Sixer!
        I’m starting to fall victim to Olympic option overload, I had the track cycling and gymnastics on two different screens yesterday at work, and then sports desk had the rugby on. My neck is going to get whiplash.
        Speaking of equestrian events, Charlotte Dujardin and Vallegro were *incredible*! I know little to nothing about dressage, but even I could tell that was something special.

      • Sixer says:


        If he has abandoned Auntie BBC for NBC, I will sulk big style.

      • Amelia says:

        He’s on the Beeb’s promotional posters and adverts, so he must be pottering about somewhere (she says, hopefully). Maybe he’ll make an appearance in the evening sessions….?

      • Sixer says:

        We love Michael Johnson in these ‘ere parts. He’d better make an appearance soon!

      • Alyse says:

        Michael will be there to discuss the shorter distances, up to 400m, he’ll be there later i’m sure!

    • Esmom says:

      That logo jumped out at me, too, it’s so cute! They seem to be doing a great job incorporating her into the coverage.

    • LadyMTL says:

      There’s a Canadian swimmer named Penny Oleksiak who won 4 medals and she’s only 16! Two bronze, one silver and one gold (just last night); she’s the first ever Canadian Olympian to win that many during one Olympics.

      I’m normally not a huge fan – I tend to just watch gymnastics, swimming, sometimes track or diving – but damned if I wasn’t over the moon for this girl. At sixteen I was a teenage mess, and here she is winning left and right.

      Yay Penny! Yay Fiji! Yay to all of the athletes who have really shown what the Olympics are supposed to be about. 😀

      • Snazzy says:

        I saw that! Yay Penny!!

      • Antonym says:

        She tied with Simone Manuel for the gold and they both seemed so happy for each other. It was great to watch!

      • detritus says:

        Penny did Canada so proud. She was supposed to just take this Olympics as a training run, she’s so young she’ll do the next one for sure.
        I loved how supportive all the girls were when Simone tied for gold. It’s incredibly historic and the way they hugged and Simone teared up OMG I’m teary right now.

        Seeing awesome representation and sportsmanship like that is so good for young female athletes.

    • Cee says:

      It was also the first time an argentine woman won Gold. And on the first day of the Olympics!

      I love these games.

  2. Megan says:

    She is so fabulous.

  3. I love her so much. It’s like watching pure joy incarnate.

    • QQ says:

      EXACTLY!! she has me crying again, her passion is Infectious, The Fact That she got to see The Simones Kick ass and take names makes me SO FULL OF HAPPINESS this friday, you Cannot even imagine, ON LEVELS too cause like I said earlier in the week: This Woman is CHEERING her heart out for a country that doesn’t always have her back and shows her so a LOT and Yet THERE she is Spreading Straight Up Magic and Joy

    • lisa says:

      i want to be her friend in the worst way

    • Kath says:

      Yup. I’m a bit of a sarcastic and cynical soul, so to see Leslie’s pure joy, openness and enthusiasm (despite her pretty crappy recent experiences) makes me happy.

  4. Betti says:

    Love Leslie, she has such personality.

    Now if only GoT producers follow NBC’s lead and let Leslie have at least a cameo in the next series – that would be EPIC!

    • Janetdr says:

      I’d rather have her do commentary on reruns in the off season-split screen! I love Leslie’s enthusiasm!

  5. Locke Lamora says:

    Is gymnastics really popualr in the US? It seems to be getting more coverage here than other sports. It’s not popular at all in my country so it’s interesting to see it be so hyped.

    • Betti says:

      Yes, its a very big deal particularly as historically the US has always had a very strong team and have dominated the sport (esp the womens) for some time.

      • Jess says:

        Actually, US’s dominance is pretty new. We never had a gold-medal winning Olympic team until 1996 or an all-around gold medalist at a fully attended Olympic games until Carly Patterson in 04. Obviously, I’m just talking about the women here. Considering Russian and Romania dominance of the sport for decades, the fact that we came in as the almost guaranteed winners is pretty incredible.

        I’m so proud of Simone and Ally and the whole team, but I personally prefer the gymnastics of the 80s and 90s, particularly the Russians and Romanians of the 88 and 92 quads. Today’s routines lack the artistry of earlier decades IMHO. Not the fault of any gymnasts — it’s the code of points that’s dictated the change really.

    • Nicole says:

      Aside from swimming gymnastics gets the most coverage. Typically in dominate years like Beijing London and now Rio

      • Locke Lamora says:

        Do they get so much attention only durimg the Olympics, or in general?

        That’s interesting. We’re rarely big on individual sports, only if we have an athlete that excels, like Sandra Perković or Blanka VlaÅ¡ić, then they get more attention. Team sports are much bigger, even in the Olympics.

      • iseepinkelefants says:

        They’ve always given it a lot of coverage. I remember watching it since I was a kid and I’m 30. I’ve never missed the gymnastics or swimming. Volleyball and track are the other two but they haven’t gotten a lot of hype this year.

      • Esmom says:

        I’d say gymnastics in the US gets attention primarily during the Olympics. Same with swimming. In the three years between the Games they fade back onto the back burner, making way for the usual fare of football, basketball, baseball and, to a certain degree, hockey.

        Even last night my son came home and said “Why are you watching the Olympics when the Cubs are on?” And immediately switched the channel to baseball.

    • Sixer says:

      We get coverage of absolutely everything but there is usually one channel that provides a digest covering multiple sports for the GB team. But the biggest Olympic draw in terms of coverage and viewership here in the UK is athletics (track and field), which we all love regardless of whether or not our guys and gals are currently any good or not.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        We get coverage on TV of pretty much everything ( we even got rugby, what a funny sport), but in terms of news coverage and attention in other media, team sports get much more space, regardless of the number of Croats participating ( mainly basketball, handball and water polo). Other sports depend on our athletes. So rowing got attention because of Martin and the Sinković brothers, trap because of Glasnović, discus and high jump because of Sandra and Blanka, etc.

      • Sixer says:

        I think it’s the reverse here. We are more interested in the individual sports in the Olympics, I would say. Also, the sports with very established historic and independent tournaments – golf, tennis, etc – get less attention. The most goes to sports where the Olympic gold is the pinnacle of achievement.

        You got the lite version of rugby in sevens. It’s usually played with either 15 (union version) or 13 (league version) players on a side and a duration of 80 minutes, so comparable to soccer.

        The good thing about the inclusion of sevens insofar as I’m concerned for UK sport is that as many girls play it at school as boys.

    • K says:

      Gymnastics is huge, they show the national, world and Olympic meets all the time on tv (not football, basketball level but big) It’s women more then men’s. I’ve been watching since I was a little girl (34) and after 96 team it blew up to such a huge level and never came down.

      Swimming is my favorite and it’s gotten much bigger in the last 20 years.

      I’ve loved this Olympics but NBC has been TERRIBLE, I mean Simone Manuel had the most exciting race moment of the entire day and got no coverage. But overall it’s been terrible we aren’t seeing medal ceremonies, events are jumpy. Terrible.

  6. Nicole says:

    She’s a national treasure. Best Olympic coverage and I LOVE that the athletes are tweeting at her for encouragement. It’s super cute to see the back and forth messages

  7. Lawbabe says:

    Oh, pleeeze let her replace every single commentator. Just for a day. Please.

    • Giddy says:

      I agree! She is a national treasure with her sincere enthusiasm and excitement. She adds so much fun. Also, Princess Anne was fabulous yesterday. She attended the gold medal rugby match between Great Britain and Fiji and presented the medals.

  8. Looty says:

    She’s beyond a breath of fresh air, she’s a beneficent tornado of fresh air.

  9. Felice. says:

    Matthew is tiny damn

  10. grabbyhands says:

    She’s only just arrived there and I would say she is already having as much fun as anyone who’s medaled. Please bring her back for the Winter Games too!

  11. Lucy says:

    No one deserves it more than Leslie! Love how passionate she is. And the games have been so much fun so far!

  12. Miss M says:

    Leslie Jones is a riot!

  13. Bess says:

    Agree that Leslie Jones should be NBC’s roving commentator during the Olympics from now on.

    Also, for me, this Olympic games has been the one bright spot apart from all of the doom and gloom that’s been going on in the US right now, I am really fearful for the future of the US.

  14. popup says:

    Leslie Jones inhabits all of the feelings characters in Inside Out at all times. She is just pure emotion, whether it’s elation, pathos, anger or anxiety. I love love love that the athletes are tweeting back at her and hanging out with her in person. She is their #1 fan. Go Leslie!

  15. HeyThere! says:

    For some reason my post deleted from earlier? Lol weird! Anywho….did anyone notice the not-so-subtle-shade Gabby Douglas kept throwing during the all around competition while Allie and Simone performed?!?! It was so immature and made her look HORRIBLE. I hope something else was going on and not bitter jealously!!! She wouldn’t stand and smile or even clap when Simone won Gold. The camera kept going to the other three teammate in the crowd. When Ally finished to temporarily take the lead, gabby was making faces, not smiling, looked miserable and did one lame clap. Meanwhile, her other two teammates in the crowd right next to gabby were so beyond supportive! Standing clapping, yelling encouraging things, and just genuinely happy for their teammates in the all-around! Gabby was out of line. Several of my friends notice and we were like NOT COOL!!!! Please tell me others noticed too?!?!

    • Helen says:

      It was very noticeable and I cringed because I knew that Gabby would be getting sh*t for it. If she didn’t intend to be that way intentionally, she needs to up her game because she came off looking terrible!

  16. holly hobby says:

    She is great. She’s super excited in all her tweats! I’m also glad McConaghey finally gained back all the weight he lost because his face looked bad for years. I think Hugh Jackman never really fully recovered from Les Mis diet either because his face looks older as well. There was an article about people’s reaction to Jackman’s instagram pic yesterday. The man looked like he is 60 instead of 47. I blame the crazy diet he was on.

  17. jferber says:

    Leslie Jones is an amazing person. I’d like her to have her own show. I don’t care what she does on it, but her inspiring, positive, cheerful personality would do the world good. If she wrote a book, I’d read it. I just love her. People like Leslie give me hope.

  18. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Now I can’t stop thinking of Leslie Jones and Matthew McConaughey in a roadtrip movie.

    Hollywood, make it so.

  19. cynic says:

    Leslie Jones looks like she is having the time of her life. I’m so glad that he is having this fantastic experience.