Hillary Clinton delivers ‘Donald Trump is Alt-Right’ speech: is she right?


As I’m writing this, I’m not even sure what the headline should be because it feels like every day of this presidential campaign, there are like 20 different major headlines, and almost all of them are terrifying. So… let’s start with Hillary Clinton. Many thought that Hillary would simply sit on her lead, try not to offend, and happily make the entire election about how Donald Trump is unelectable. Pollsters and professional campaign people were like, “She can’t do that!” But she was doing that for a time, and it worked. But Hillary decided to do something different this week: she decided to make a compelling argument for why Donald Trump has brought the racist, white-nationalist fringe into mainstream American politics. On Thursday, she gave one of her biggest speeches ever on this very subject. Here’s video of the speech:

From what I saw on cable news last night, Clinton’s speech was well-received by Democrats and the majority of (sane) Americans. Clinton is actually taking a chance here: she’s taking a chance that people will pay close attention to the bizarro-world and alternate reality that Trump now occupies in American politics. Her argument is not simply “Trump is not a standard Republican” (although she says that too) but “Trump is the fringe on everything.” Even People Magazine (the most mainstream publication in the country, when you think about it) is running stories about Donald Trump’s relationship with the Alt-Right/white-supremacist fringe.

Trump’s reaction was the same as it’s been for more than a month. He’s employing the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” argument, which is to call Hillary a bigot, a racist and unfit for the presidency, for reasons. Anderson Cooper tried to press Trump on WHY he thinks Clinton is a bigot and a racist, and something weird happened… it’s almost like Donald Trump doesn’t know what “bigotry” is. Like, he doesn’t know the definition. He’s just saying words. Like a child. Someone said, “Hey, you should call Hillary Clinton a bigot” and Trump thought it would be fun to say.

Speaking of Trump just saying words, THAT IS WHAT HE IS DOING. Even his spokeswoman Katrina Pierson says that. Pierson, who is absolutely the dumbest person in the world, tried to explain Trump’s immigration shift as “He hasn’t changed his position. He has changed the words he is saying.” I’m still laughing at that one.

What else? Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon (the guy from Breitbart) was once charged with domestic violence. Because this entire election is a sh-tshow.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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179 Responses to “Hillary Clinton delivers ‘Donald Trump is Alt-Right’ speech: is she right?”

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  1. Kaye says:

    Next question.

  2. Melly says:

    It was important for HRC to introduce the alt right to the majority of americans before the Trump campaign got the chance. This is a typical Clinton strategy, define her opponent in the minds of the public before the opponent has a chance to define themselves. This speech was important. You can’t argue that she exaggerated or made up anything. She literally used Trump’s and Bannon’s own words. The speech also did a great job at reaching into the moderate right and middle. Republicans have been jumping ship for awhile and Clinton wants to encourage more to vote for her or at least not vote for Trump.
    Trump is dangerous. This sh!t is scary. I’m with her.

    • mia girl says:

      I thought one of the most effective parts of the speech was when she read a few actual headlines from Breitbart.com. So gross.

      Fun fact (actually not so fun): One of the headlines she read:

      “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy”

      was for a story written by none other than Milo Yiannopoulos, the f*c$head leader of the as*hole pack that got kicked off Twitter for the racial and misogynistic harassment of Leslie Jones.

  3. doofus says:

    is she right?

    YES. unequivocally YES.

  4. Melly says:

    Trump’s campaign chief may disagree with you =)

    • whiskeyjack says:

      Exactly, he’s a straight-up white nationalist, white supremacist, racist, bigot. They hide behind the words “alt-right.”

      • Rose of Sharon says:

        My last comment was rejected. If you vote for Clinton or Trump, you vote for war and chaos.

  5. Tina says:

    I hate the “alt-right” name. It makes it sound alternative, a bit computer-geeky. What it does not sound like is what it is, white supremacist bigots.

    • sunny says:

      They aren’t concerned with whether or not you approve. Of their name, their beliefs…they simply don’t care what you think! Probably pretty scary huh?

    • Melly says:

      A hate group by any other name would smell just as bigoted

    • Onerous says:

      I agree. I don’t think people my age (40ish) and older really would know what Alt-Right means if you weren’t an avid news person.

      The need to let people know that Alt-Right is the modern day Neo Nazi or White Supremacist group. Those are terms older people know very well and would be able to clearly identify as a really fringe, subversive hate group.

      I haven’t heard a lot of that, mostly just the reference to “Alt-Right” – it needs to be outlined for people, I think.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        I use the term neo-Nazis to make things clear. Sometimes skinheads. I know it’s more than that but time and attention spans are short. Probably best to use both as a way to introduce this new term.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I use the term “fascist” to describe them

      • Nicole says:

        Exactly. She took the cutesy name and made it clear what it actually means. It was smart of her really. We need to call these people what they really are. White supremacists.

      • Esmom says:

        Agreed. I’m part of that over 40 demographic and I guarantee you that a lot of my acquaintances and neighbors don’t know that term but “white supremacist” would resonate loud and clear. I think even “fascist” is too broad.

    • annaloo. says:

      THey need to be called the New Klux Klan. That is who they are. But I don’t think these people would care.

    • Mumzy says:

      If we press Ctl+Shift+Delete will it make the whole insanity go away?

  6. The truth is Trump knows his ship is going down and he’s trying to make as many future ‘friends’ as he can while he still has the platform. This is a man with no shame who goes where the money is and changes his feelings based on what’s profitable. If The KKK wants to start writing him some checks and funding some of his work he won’t say no.

    Also Trump knows his campaign is dead by now. If you follow (and I sincerely agree with you if you don’t) his behavior over the past decade and how he functions it becomes clear if his presidential campaign was a business he’d have declared bankruptcy by now and hide what little profits there were, happy to distance his name and let the ship sink.

    Can’t do that with a Presidential election when you’ve been screaming how you’ll win for so long. So what does he do: start to lower expectations and concede he’ll lose (course it’ll be because of cheating), stop doing any campaign or promo work despite still collecting donations from supporters (in some states they can’t even get the Trump signs for lawns), give very sparingly to the RNC claiming his part of the down ticket donations will come soon (and also HE’LL choose who gets it), and make sure as much money as possible goes into his pockets without him disclosing his tax returns.

    This isn’t a campaign anymore, and everyone tied to Trump who thinks it is, has been played the dirtiest hand of cards ever – family included.

    • EM says:

      True but Hillary’s lead is not nearly as big as it should be and I think that he can still pull this out especially if more emails come out.

      • I don’t think he wants to pull it out, it’d be great for 5 seconds just to declare he was the winner and then he’d immediately abandon post.

        Trump doesn’t like hard work, he likes flash and bang, all the a on-visual Presidential duties would fall to his kids or his VP.

      • La Ti Da says:

        I’m not sure Trump realizes what being the President of the United States truly entails, past red-phones and State Banquets. I can easily imagine him assuming the Oval Office will run exactly as he chooses, as if it were truly just another corporation. But the man doesn’t have an ounce of self-awareness or curiosity, so I doubt he’s ever actually tried to find out. He won’t consider that. while he may be one of the most powerful people in the world, he’ll also have very little control over his life. Nothing about the reality of the Oval Office will appeal to him, unfortunately that won’t occur to him until he gets there (God forbid).

      • Bubbles says:

        I agree. I thought HRC’s lead would be much bigger by now, given Trumps escalating downfall over the last 3 weeks.
        I don’t think any E-mails coming out will matter to her base. They are not gonna chose to vote for ANYONE else at this point. She’ll always be better than Trump , no matter what.
        The only impact it could have, IF it’s something troubling:
        it may sway ‘undecided’ voters toward 3RD party choice.

      • Denise says:

        Trump will not win. I would bet everything I have on it.

    • ashipper says:

      I agree with you. It’s a much better scenario for him personally if he loses because he can continue to spew crap for his base and make money that way (on the radio or tv) rather than have to do the very difficult job of being president. He wants money, end of story.

      • Cranberry says:

        He wants money and immortality. As in his name forever burned into the annals of American history.
        I bet this is why he hates Obama so much. Not just because he’s a racist but because a black man got there before HIM. How dare a black man achieve a higher status and place in history than he. Trump is the embodiment of white entitlement – no matter that he’s Not even qualified, capable or, as you say, even truly wants the presidency.

        Entitled narcissistic-egomaniac. Someone needs to put him and Kim Yung Ewl in a room together and throw away the key. I’d watch that show.

  7. Maya says:

    Finally Hillary talks about the racism that comes with Trump and the Republican Party.

    Not all Republicans are racists but all racists supports Trump.

    I am still waiting for coward Ryan to say something about this and the fact that Trump is Putin’s lapdog..

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Ryan has been silent for months and will continue to be silent. He knows he derives his own power from the congressional members who align with Trump. His concern right now is actually to shore them up so they don’t lose the House. Ryan cares about party, not country.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, this exactly. Our local tea party folks are using the same playbook…distancing themselves from Trump yet not disavowing him. And focusing their agenda on local races.

  8. Prairiegirl says:

    Can we please stop calling these people Alt-Right and start calling them what they really are: Neo Nazis. Because, come ON. Why give them ANY intellectual credibility at all? Call ’em out!

    • Melly says:

      I guess i don’t care what they want to be called. Call em whatever. Just know who they are and what they want.

      • Onerous says:

        But this isn’t about what *they* want to call themselves. It’s about stating with clarity so the entire country truly knows what the Alt-Right are.

      • SusanneToo says:

        But alt-rock and alt-country are good things. Don’t make neoNazis/skinheads/White Supremacists sound benign by calling them alt-Right.

      • Prairiegirl says:

        On the whole I agree, but Call them out for what they are! Don’t let them hide behind cute labels!

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      I agreed with the semantics. It’s like calling the anti-choice-ers “pro life”. They are NOT “pro life”, but ANTI CHOICE. I agree the “alt right” are actually NEO NAZIs. It may take a mouthful to steer history, but I will explain in every sentence that while they may prefer the camouflage of “alt right”, they are actually NEO NAZI.

  9. Jade says:

    I’m just curious which US news channel or channels question Trump seriously? As in really ask the hard questions and put him on the spot? He is the least qualified presidential candidate in history and seeing how proud American journalists are of their press freedom and integrity (compared to third world or press-restrictive countries), wouldn’t Trump be easy to question in front of the whole nation? I’m asking this because on the last Trump thread, a poster said she has cut down on watching tv during this campaigning. It really appears to be that Obama or Hillary by virtues of being POC and a female, get more scrutiny and questioning from the mainstream press, and demands from Republicans to be absolutely perfect.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Msnbc and cnn. Some fox anchors aren’t staying on message about Trump. Dana Perino argued with a cohost when he said polls that had Clinton leading didn’t matter. There are also newspapers and blogs calling Trump out every day.

    • Emily says:

      I saw a video last night of an interview he did with Chuck Todd, who moderates Meet the Press and has been a political reporter for a long time. Todd was questioning Trump about his immigration plan. And Trump just kept insisting that it would be better than Obama’s. Todd tried to press him on how or why (how would he keep families from being broken up? How would he deal with a situation where someone who’d been here for 20 years had nowhere to go in their home country?), and Trump’s response was something along the lines of “when you’re interviewing me four years from now, you’re going to say ‘President Trump you’ve done a great job.'” I think when real journalists question him and put him on the spot, he bumbles through with some answer like this. And most people think “what????” But his supporters there are these “alt-right” super racists/mysoginists who really only care about Trump because of one reason. And they don’t care what he says about anything else.

      • Jade says:

        Thanks Fingerbinger and Emily. I’m not worried about the blogs. Mainstream media should absolutely and aggressively continue to question Trump and call him out on his several statements every single day, regardless of stubborn Americans who refuse to listen to facts. But then what do I know. Murdoch and Trump are friends after all and the sensationalism from Trump sells.

      • Laura says:

        He talks in sound bites.

    • Dom says:

      I agree Trump is completely unqualified to be POTUS. But I’m not sure what you mean about HRC getting so much scrutiny, she hasn’t done a press conference in over 250 days. She only takes questions in very controlled settings from vetted reporters.

      • FingerBinger says:

        Trump surrogates have been on tv questioning Clinton’s health and mental stability. Some alt right sites claim she’s a murderer and imply things about her husband. That’s called scrutiny.

      • dom says:

        @ FingerBinger
        I guess I don’t consider that scrutiny. That is just running for president. Historically both candidates have to release medical records and have panels of doctors review those records. Clinton did have a serious head injury so it isn’t unreasonable to question her health. I don’t know what you mean about imply things about her husband. On a side note I also think Trump should release his tax information that is also standard.

      • honeybee blues says:

        Dom, see the U.S. MSM from 1992 to present and therein lies the “scrutiny.” Decades of it. Loads and loads of scrutinizing lies, rumors, exaggerations, and outright blatant misogyny spat in her general direction. DECADES!!!

      • EM says:

        But why does she have to do a press conference? Is it just because Trump’s been doing them so therefore she should? If that’s the case then let’s apply the same standard back… she can do press conferences once Trump has released his taxes, his wife’s immigration details and a bit more on Trump U. Trump does press conferences because he needs his daily moments of LOOK AT ME I’m the greatest of them all.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I have NEVER heard of the press conference requirement in other campaigns. It is such an odd thing to critique her about. She has interviews with challenging journalists, even people like Bret Baier at Fox News. It isn’t like she is escaping questions from the press or has stopped communicating with them.

      • Betsy says:

        And Donald hasn’t released his taxes, which, unlike press conferences, is pretty much a requirement of Presidential candidacy.

        Also, why did your screen name change from “Dom” to “dom”?

      • Lama Bean says:

        I really wish she would give a damn interview. I understand she doesn’t want to be caught off guard, primarily bc she’s not a natural politician, but the look of it is not good.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Lama, she has given 350 interviews in 2016!

    • K says:

      I saw a clip on YouTube where Megan Kelley actually started laughing, just laughing out loud at one of Trumps spokespeople.

      But MSNBC are pretty good about calling him out, they are starting to call out republicans for standing with him. CNN had the says who moment.

      The trouble is when they press he just babbles and double speaks and everyone says what but his crazy conspiracy theories loving fans thing the media is lying.

    • Machiamellie says:

      Look for the news channels that Trump will not go on for interviews. If they piss him off by calling him out, he avoids them. I listen to CNN and Chris Cuomo constantly talks about how they would love to have him on but he won’t come. He hates Chris (I’m the opposite).

      Thankful to this site for telling me about http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo which I check every day now.

      • Erica_V says:

        That’s what I was going to say – he doesn’t go on shows where they won’t allow only softball questions. He goes on the shows that will pander to his talking points and not press deeper.

      • nicole says:

        Love Chris Cuomo, but he spoke to Anderson Cooper on his show the other night, and to be honest Anderson looked scared of him, when he did ask him about emigration, he just babbled on the way he usually does, no concrete answers, and Anderson looked mistified most of the time, these reporters and journalists know he is a conman and complete joker but they cant say anything because that looks too bi-partisan, so they take him at his words, b ut anybody with sense knows he hasnt a clue what he is talking about and what policies he would have if he became president.

  10. Sam says:

    Hell yes, she’s right.

    I’ve said it before here, but I will say it again. Racism IS getting worse. I’ve had more stuff said to me in the last 6 months about my marriage, my family, my children, then in the last 15 years before. I don’t pretend that Trump made these people racists. However, he has absolutely made it more acceptable to be openly racist. He’s validated racism – he’s told people that its okay to hate foreigners, since they take our jobs. It’s okay to want to throw people out, since they’re changing the culture. And that has real consequences.

    My fear is that when Clinton wins in November (God willing!), he won’t accept it, and we’ll have actual violence. He won’t concede or something and the country will just go into more turmoil. It’s awful to say, but I’m very grateful to have dual citizenship right now, just in case. If I needed to get out, I can – along with my family. My husband’s family isn’t quite as lucky (father surrendered his prior citizenship, mother can’t exactly go back to Syria). I’ve actually thought about, if it got bad, how to get them out in a safe way.

    • Lady D says:

      “I’ve actually thought about, if it got bad, how to get them out in a safe way.”
      JHC this is not supposed to be happening in a country that leads the free world.

      • Sam says:

        I know. Normally, I wouldn’t feel that way. But when he starts talking about how the election is going to be “rigged” and “cheating” – he’s setting it up to not concede and his followers to act out. And that makes me afraid/ My MIL is a Muslim woman who wears her hijab out and about in public. I genuinely worry about her at times (we live in a fairly liberal city, so it’s not a serious fear, more of a worry). But if Trump loses and refuses to admit defeat…yeah, I have genuine concerns about what will happen.

      • Esmom says:

        JHC is right. I have started to genuinely worry any time I see anyone out an about in a hijab — feeling like a newly emboldened Trump supporter is going to jump out and start in with harassment or worse. Thankfully it hasn’t happened and hopefully I’m just being paranoid.

        I tend to think if (when!) Trump loses, he will bluster a bit but let it drop because he’s secretly relieved. Just as I always thought McCain was phoning it in toward the end of the 2008 campaign because he didn’t want to win. His supporters, though, are another story. I can see unrest being a possibility.

    • Brandy Armstrong says:

      Unfortunately this is not crazy – I worry for all POC & Anyone who appears to be “Muslim” (cuz ya know people couldn’t possibly be a different religion if they look a certain way, ugh) too. It’s already started & I agree that he is stoking the fires of violence if he loses (I’m still scared that is not a certainty). It breaks my heart to see my country turn into this and why #I’mWithHer, even though she’s not my fav candidate by a looooong shot. However I have NEVER and will NEVER vote for racism, bigotry, fear mongering or stupidity. We all have to vote this year – it’s too effing important. We are battling for the soul of the country and I for one plan to fight hard and long against Trump & his followers. Make sure you inform yourself about your local election options – see if you can mail in your ballot this year to avoid missing work/long voting lines etc, or if they have early vote days like the Sunday Church Groups I’ve read about. Just please don’t anyone sit this one out bc the polls have Hillary in the lead – we need every single voice to stamp him OUT!! #FreedomOfReligionMeansALLReligions #StopTheHate #VOTE

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “he has absolutely made it more acceptable to be openly racist. He’s validated racism”

      YES! This is absolutely correct.

      I do worry about his comments in regards to the election being rigged, and the “second amendment” calls to action. I am traveling the day after the election and I am kind of scared!

    • K says:

      I have a real fear of what happens when he loses, I think the secret service is already in high alert but yeah I don’t think this is going to be good.

      He started something and it’s scary.

    • Erica_V says:

      Frightening his “joke” to the “2nd Amendment people” gives 100% validity to your concerns.

    • isabelle says:

      Thank you for sharing. Had a Co-worker tell me she fears a Trump America and she also has experienced more racism. She went an open mic event where an older person got up and seriously made the N word jokes. Trump said “I am your voice” he was speaking to those racists and Nationalists and now they are becoming vocal and more loud about it. God helps us all if he elected President.

    • Harleyb says:

      Your post hurts my soul. Honestly, in past few years I haven’t been actively religious, but I have been compelled to pray Trump is not elected because if he were, it would speak to the true character of America and I have to believe we’re better than that.

  11. sherry says:

    I’ve said before that I’m a Libertarian-leaning Independent. I get my news from everywhere. One of the conservative sites I visit cannot stand Trump and they keep publishing stories about the “Alt-Right” and their racism. I asked them, “Is Atl-Right code for White Supremecists these days?”

    As for Bannon, he was trying to get my husband (who is a conservative activist) to join something he was putting together and I strongly told my husband he needed to stay away from it. He took my advice and steered clear of Bannon. Bannon’s response when he found out I was the reason my husband wouldn’t join? “You need to CONTROL her!” So yeah, Bannon is racist, misogynistic and an all-around nasty individual.

    When the manhandling of female Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields happened by Trump’s campaign manager, Bannon referred to her (his own reporter) as a “f***ing c**t.”

    Trump only hires the BEST people …

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      Sherry, it’s been revealed in the last day or so that Bannon has a history of domestic violence.

      Shocker, right?

      • sherry says:

        Knowing what I personally know about Bannon, the only thing that would shock me if is if someone proclaimed he was a nice person who loved everyone. The only person Bannon loves is himself.

      • doofus says:

        and the latest is his alleged voter fraud.

        and Breitbart was VERY VERY CONCERNED about voter fraud, based on all of their stories about it. in fact, one of them was describing a situation JUST LIKE Bannon is in, now.

        I wonder how concerned he is about his own voter fraud?

    • Jade says:

      I can’t respond to Dom directly…

      Anyway, thanks Dom, but I feel the mainstream press can still objectively question both candidates’ stands and policies without having to interview them. I’m not sure how to elaborate on my perception. But you can google ‘The most thorough, profound and moving defense of Hillary Clinton I have ever seen.’ for a close and detailed clarification of the scrutiny on her, compared to Trump or other male politicians.

    • K says:

      That’s the think the alt-right isn’t just racist they are anti woman too they are the people that did gamer gate and are always threatening to rape women online. It is a scary scary group of people.

      They feel like if you’re not a white male you’re an affront to them. The stories of what they’ve done to women, minority and Jewish reporters online is terrifying.

  12. Dom says:

    I think they are both liars. She lied about her idiotic email server and carelessness, and now she is lying about her lies. The Clinton Foundation is a mess… Trump said he was going to deport millions (eye roll) to get the racist looney tunes on his side and now he’s walking that back. I could go on and on about the issues I have w these two …. So depressing.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Clinton is a liar but she’s a seasoned politician. Trump’s never been in elected office. Clinton has dealt with foreign leaders and knows something about government. Trump doesn’t know anything. He could be the next president. That should depress you.

      • sherry says:

        I was discussing this the other day with my daughter’s psychiatrist (who told me he believes Trump is a classic Narcissist).

        The difference between Clinton and Trump is that I believe she and Bill decided waaaaay back in college that he would be President and then they would work to get her into the White House as the first female President of the United States. I think everything they’ve done has been to meet that goal.

        Bill Clinton’s personal habits aside, I think he was a good president. It actually gives me comfort to think he will be a very active advisor to his wife if/when she’s elected president. Between the two, they have a lot of great experience to govern this nation wisely.

        As for Trump, he’s all about the ego and TRUMP! He reminds me a lot of Sarah Palin who LOVED the spotlight, the applause and the perks that go along with being on top, but didn’t much care for the work involved.

        Trump loves the spotlight. He loves the attention. He would be a disaster as President. The thought of him running this country terrifies me. He has ZERO political gravitas.

        Hillary may not be the best we could hope for, but she’s better than WWIII.

    • SilverPoodle says:

      I do not understand the narrative about Clinton being the worst liar ever. Do politicians bend the truth? Yes they do. Is Hillary and different than any other politician…no, she’s not. If you believe the Republican 25 year smear campaign on the Clintons, I feel sorry for you. The Republicans are the true liars here. And they’ve spent billions of our tax dollars trying over and over and over again to convict the Clintons of something…anything. And they have failed.

      • dom says:

        @ SilverPoodle
        In regards to her being honest there are a lot of questions about Benghazi and that infamous video. But more recently than that she wasn’t truthful about her email server. As a public servant her emails were a matter of public record. Using a private server meant that she was able to control what emails were turned in. She said she turned in all work related emails. She did not. She said she did not mishandle classified emails. She did mishandle classified information. This is not a conspiracy the FBI director confirmed all of this.

      • B n A fn says:

        @silvepoodle, thank you for your comment. According to politificfact, Trump has lied ten times more than Hillary during this campaign. According to Mayor Bloomburge Donald a Trump is a “con man” and I totally agree. Donald could did not win his district in NYC and those are the people who know him best. Imo, the people who are voting for DT is just like him. There are so much information out there about DT if one wants to get to the truth about the man.

        Donald Trum is asking what has Hillary done for the poor people, I want to know what has DT done for them. Trump says he’s a billionaire and we know he’s a builder. I believe if trump had wanted to do something for the poor he could have done so, this is one thing he could have done imo. We know there are so many abandoned buildings in nyc he could have bought some at a low cost, I’m sure the mayor, would make a deal with him. They could be fixed up and rented to low income families. What DT did was discriminate against Black and Hispanic families by putting a code of “c” on their applications making sure they were not allowed to rent in his buildings. DT has talked about allowing blacks to handle his money ect. The man is a bigot, racist and a liver, end of story.

      • doofus says:

        “there are a lot of questions about Benghazi”

        no, there are not. at least, not from anyone who has paid attention to the previous 10 investigations, 13 published reports (over 1900 pages worth), over 250 witnesses, over 3000 questions asked, 33 hearings, 7 million dollars spent…and NO WRONG-DOING found.

        but no, Clinton hasn’t been under any scrutiny, AT ALL…


      • dom says:

        @ B n A fn
        I know. I think not only does Trump lie, but he just makes things up as he goes along.

      • Timbuktu says:

        What I don’t understand is this: let’s say Benghazi was a screw-up. Then yes, Trump has not yet screwed up like Clinton. You know who else has not? ME! You know why? Because we haven’t been entrusted with such a responsibility! So, I suppose one can HOPE that Trump would do better, although I fail to see why, but I certainly don’t think one can argue that he WILL do better.
        I think it is impossible to hold a job like that and to never make a mistake. And yes, sometimes your mistakes cost lives. It sucks big time. But I’m sorry, if Trump thinks no one will ever die on his watch, perhaps as the result of his direct order or a decision that he made, he’s delusional and proves once again that he is not fit to be a president.

      • nicole says:

        SilverPoodle, completly agree.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Clinton Fdtn is monitored by the IRS and does critical work in key areas of need. The problem is the potential for conflict of interest and they might have been smarter about that perception.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Her record on honesty has been found to be pretty good. There is no comparison.

      • augustus says:

        Huh? I get that she has her supporters who turn a blind eye to the reality of her character but to say she is pretty good on honesty is laughable.

      • According to people who research this for a living and not just Internet comment she’s currently one of the more honest politicians we have running. But at this point it doesn’t matter.

        Those that don’t like her aren’t going to change and facts don’t matter.

    • honeybee blues says:

      Read up on the truth. She’s rated as one of the most honest politicians of modern times. The Clinton Foundation has an A rating, so quite the opposite of “a mess.” If you wish to repeat things, it’s best to confirm what you’ve heard/read prior to repetition. What you stated is simply false.

    • dom says:

      @ doofus
      When I mentioned Benghazi I was referring to blaming the attack on a video when she knew it was a terror attack. You are correct that cannot be disproved it is her word against the families of the soldiers who lost their lives. In my opinion HRC and Trump should both be under scrutiny, the are running for the highest office in government.

      • doofus says:

        how do you know she knew it was a terror attack? according to all of those investigations, what’s come out is that, in the period immediately following the attack, they DID think it was because of an anti-Islamic video. as more information came out, the story changed. not because of any kind of cover up, but because they continued to get more information as time went on.

        as for the families of the people who died, most of them side with her…as in, they acknowledged that there was nothing she could have done to prevent the attack and that she did nothing wrong in the days following. they further acknowledge that this attack might not have happened had the GOP controlled congress allocated more $ for security, which was asked for and then denied.

      • dom says:

        @ doofus
        She emailed her family members and told them it was a terror attack that same day actually within hours of attack. That email has been released with a date and timestamp. And she also told the Egyptian PM that it was a planned terror attack. I don’t blame her for what happened. I agree there was probably very little that could have been done.

      • Timbuktu says:

        I’m a little confused: whether it was movie-related or not, it was an attack. I don’t see how telling the families “it was a terror attack” necessarily contradicts telling the public “it was precipitated by a movie” (until they knew otherwise).
        I don’t think the families cared WHY the attack was happening, I think that the most important information at the time was WHAT was happening.

      • doofus says:

        as I said previously, as more information came out, the story changed. not because of any kind of cover up, but because they continued to get more information as time went on.

        as she herself has explained, the information she was getting was literally changing by the hour. when she emailed her daughter, a terrorist group had taken credit for the attack. within hours, they rescinded that. when the US gov’t got info that was OK to release, they did. sometimes, they would get more info that contradicted the previous info. she testified for 11 hours. answered every question. no new information was revealed. so what are the “lot of questions” that you refer to? and how much more “scrutiny” she should she get?

      • dom says:

        I think she is dishonest. I’m gathering that you don’t have a problem with her record on honesty. That’s fine. She’s running for president, maybe she could take some questions from the press corps. I know some people don’t care and are going to vote for HRC no matter what. I’m just disappointed because I don’t want to vote for someone who is dishonest and probably guilty of perjury (HRC) or for someone is who misogynistic, racist, and completely inept/dangerous (Trump).

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Multiple US embassies and consulates were under protest and or attack in the days leading up to Benghazi and several of those protests, which did turn violent, were due to that disgusting, bigoted video, which House Republicans and Clinton haters would like us to forget

        Millions of our tax dollars have been wasted on investigating Benghazi. There are no more questions left to ask. Stop wasting my money.

      • doofus says:

        dom, you can think she is dishonest, you’re entitled to your opinion. (my opinion, and it’s been proven by non-partisan folks who have reviewed this stuff, is that she is the MOST honest of the candidates. Even moreso than Sanders.)

        but, as I’ve told others on here, you don’t get to base your opinion on things that aren’t true and not have it pointed it out to you that you’re doing so.

        as for her “taking questions from the press corps”, she has been interviewed, both by “friendly” journalists and Fox News. she has debated. she has appeared before congress. for 11 hours. answered every question asked of her.

        so, I’ll ask again. what are the “lots of questions” you refer to? what is it, exactly, that you think she should be asked but hasn’t? or, what she’s been asked but hasn’t answered? why is it so important for you to have her answer questions in a press conference format? what is it that you think the “press corps” can ask that hasn’t been asked already?

      • Dom says:

        I am not trying to change your mind about anything you are entitled to your opinions.

      • doofus says:

        I didn’t think you were trying to change my mind, but I’d still like an answer from you.

        what are the “lots of questions” you refer to? what is it, exactly, that you think she should be asked but hasn’t? or, what she’s been asked but hasn’t answered? why is it so important for you to have her answer questions in a press conference format? what is it that you think the “press corps” can ask that hasn’t been asked already?

      • lilacflowers says:

        ” I’m just disappointed because I don’t want to vote for someone who is dishonest and probably guilty of perjury (HRC)”

        Under what circumstances is she “probably guilty of perjury” and how would answering questions in a press conference, which would NEVER be under oath, clear that up? And if you’re going to go off on Benghazi again, please, as others and Doofus have suggested here, sit down and read ALL of the investigation reports from ALL of the investigations for which our tax dollars have paid millions, all of which cleared her of any wrongdoing. STOP EXPLOITING THE DEATH OF AMBASSADOR STEVENS for your political agenda.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “maybe she could take some questions from the press corps”

        That is such a parroting of a talking point.
        She has done over 350 interviews since January.

      • Dom says:

        @ lilac flowers
        She lied about her server.

      • Dom says:

        @ doofus
        Ok, I see. Your opinion is right. Mine is wrong.

      • doofus says:

        so, Dom, no answer to my question?

        do you have legitimate concerns about “lots of questions” that went unanswered about Benghazi or not? do have specific questions that you’d like to see her answer? some questions she hasn’t been asked?

        please note, YOU are the one who said there are “lots of questions” that you think would be put to rest by her answering questions from a “press corps”, but you have yet to give even one example. if there are, in fact, “lots”, I would think you’d be able to give me just one. what this tells me is that you are repeating something you heard on Fox or from Drumpf, and aren’t thinking for yourself.

      • dom says:

        @ doofus
        Yes, I do have questions. Questions about the Clinton Foundation and the conflict of interest and pay for play allegations, why she felt she could delete emails that were public record, why did she say she turned them all in. Why was she recklessly handling classified information. Does she feel she is above the law? She doesn’t need to have a press conference but maybe an interview or two from the campaign press corp would be nice.

      • lilacflowers says:

        @Dom, once again, the answers to all of your questions are in the transcripts and reports of the multiple investigations that have cost the taxpayers millions but found absolutely no evidence of anything a prosecutor could use against Hillary Clinton. There is no need to waste anybody’s time with another press conference on this crap. Read the reports and transcripts, not just the propaganda.

      • wolfpup says:

        What is most interesting about Benghazi is the fact that it occurred during an election cycle, and Hillary took responsibility. Barack was vulnerable, running for his second term, and she took the hit for him. Benghazi was a disaster for the administration who was running for reelection. I was so grateful to Hillary, at that time,, for taking the heat from the rabid republicans who wanted to use the controversy for fodder against reelecting President Obama.

        From now on, I’m going by Wolf.

      • dom says:

        @ lilacflowers
        I get it, you support HRC. I don’t think there is anything she could do to deter you from voting for her. That’s fine. I believe she perjured herself before congress when she was questioned about her email server. I doubt this DOJ will do anything about it. Like it would matter, perjury never stopped the Clinton’s in the past. You may find her to be honest and credible and have no questions for her. I don’t feel the same way. And I am not the only person who feels that way. Moving on….

    • isabelle says:

      All politicians are liars. This isn’t nothing new. Every.single.one….but to cloud over Trumps white Nationalist and Nationalistic ties, his Russian dealings and open bigots in his campaign is sticking in your head in the ground and ignoring his rise of hate & Nationalism. Give me a lying Hilary over a possible violent Nationalistic movement.

  13. Triple Cardinal says:

    I watched that “he changed his words” video when it happened and my jaw dropped.

    Katrina Pierson is perfect for the Trump campaign. She is as dumb as a box of hair.

  14. original kay says:

    I just sat and watched her entire speech. What an eloquent speaker. She had me laughing, crying and getting goosebumps.

    How could anyone even think to vote against her? This is a leader, one who on a global level will represent your country in the manner to which it should be.

    I’m with her. and I wish I could vote and help you all defeat trump.

    • Lady D says:

      LOL @original kay. I know how you feel. This is the 3rd American election I’ve wanted to vote in.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I just watched the speech on my lunch break. It was so powerful! She made so many really strong points. It was brutal for Trump.

  15. stellainnh says:

    I think that Hillary’s speech is brilliant. She reached out to the majority of Americans, especially the Republicans. Pledging to be bipartisan is very important right now. We really need this in our country now.

    • Jayna says:

      Exactly. It was a brilliant speech and a pivotal one at that. Slate did a great analysis of it. And I agree, elements of that speech show how she is going to govern and work with the Republicans.

    • Kitten says:

      It was a really good speech. I still consider myself a Sanders girl but I’ve been paying a lot of attention to Clinton as I prepare myself to vote for her and I think she’s been handling things pretty fantastically lately.

  16. Lilacflowers says:

    My Funko Pop presidential candidates arrived this morning. Still in her box, Hillary is currently surveying the neighborhood from a table near a window. Still in the box Donald is under the cat. The cat likes to lie on boxes.

  17. eggy weggs says:

    If you haven’t seen trailers, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog has a new Hulu series that focuses on the election. Yeah, it’s a dog puppet voiced by Robert Smiegel — but I think the goofiness of the approach and premise disarms a lot of the subjects and interviewees (and yeah, Hillary takes some hits, too, along with everyone else). I watched the first episode last night and I would recommend it for all of the people here. The Trump people are SCARY.

    • Kitten says:

      I’ve seen the promos and was debating on watching it. Thanks for the rec.

    • Prettykitty says:

      I watched all the episodes yesterday. The Trump peeps are absolutely frightening. The woman taking about poisoning Mexicans made me sick to my stomach.

      • eggy weggs says:

        I love how the two respondents to my comment are some variant of cats. 🙂

        Yes, @kitten watch it! It’s hilarious. Also, Barney Frank. <3 <3 <3

  18. Olivia Tadke says:

    As I read all these comments I amazed that not one of you had paid attention to How WHITE HILLARY AND BILL AND CHELSEA CLINTON are! It is like listening to a short dark haired man tell you all tall blonde and blue eyed people should be superior?? Really? I mean at least the Donald married an immigrant with olive skin tone!! It seems you all have deep rooted inferior complex to deal with in a therapist room but leave out of our politics. Black or white Hillary is at the very least selfish and CARELESS to run our most fragile communications on an UNPROTECTED PERSONAL SERVER. no matter how you see her she is not to be trusted!!!
    Democratics have a long history of keeping poverty in poverty-wake up!!!

    • embertine says:

      WTF, Olivia, are you trying to say that Hillary saying that Trump won’t support black communities makes her Hitler? Jesus, how many more of you people are going to crawl out of the woodwork with your bonkers asshattery.

    • Jayna says:

      Thanks for the comic relief.

      Bill and Hillary have done amazing things in their careers to benefit lower income people or those below the poverty line.

      You say, “At least the Donald married an immigrant with olive skin tone.”

      Are you kidding me?. He married a much younger B-tier model, with a new boob job, who had been working and living in Milan and Paris and came over to NYC to work, who now sits in their gaudy, gold-plated penthouse, and on twitter used to post new hairstyle or pretty photos of herself, nothing about volunteerism or issues of substance. LOL

    • doofus says:

      “I mean at least the Donald married an immigrant with olive skin tone!!”

      I mean, at least the Donald married an immigrant with ORANGE skin tone!!


    • Kitten says:


    • FingerBinger says:

      Obviously Trump can’t be racist if his wife has an olive skin tone. Btw the olive skin tone you’re referring to is what we call a tan.

    • Smh, I know nonsensical shouting works at Trump rallies but some of us can read your inane dribble without you caps locking us.

      Not gonna debate with an idiot/troll, just gonna say the only Olive around Melania was the branch between her and her first husband so she could stay in the country *wink wink*

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Colin Powell advised Hillary how to handle her emails. She followed his advice. Not that skin tone matters really but Colin isn’t white. He also isn’t a democrat.

      I have no clue what color Melania’s skin actually is. I see spray tan and makeup. Also pretty sure she would self-identify as WHITE.

      • siri says:

        Colin Powell did NOT advise her to use a private server, but told her he used a private e-mail adress. There’s a huge difference in that. And his skin color doesn’t matter at all in this, or any other, regard.

      • lilacflowers says:

        I said very clearly that skin color doesn’t matter but I’m not the one claiming that Melania Trump’s should.

    • Christin says:

      When referencing a wife, please clarify with a number (1, 2 or 3). Thank you.

    • eggy weggs says:

      This comment is some attempt at satire, right?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Bwhahahaha!!! That is some hysterical sh*t right there!

    • whiskeyjack says:

      Awww, you didn’t call us sheeple. I’m disappointing in you, Olivia. Minus 3 troll points!

    • SusanneToo says:

      What a poorly written pile of tosh.

  19. Lucky jane says:

    Trump getting the nomination was a symptom of other problems.

  20. Sahra says:

    I just want to wake up in November when neither of these buffoons are leading our country. Can we keep President Obama?

    • B n A fn says:

      You can say a lot af things about Hillary but if you are an honest person you would not refer to her as a “buffoon”. I would bet my last dollar she is more qualified than the several of our presidents. According to BO, she is more qualified than he and Bill Clinton, his word and I believe him.

      • Betsy says:


        I’m getting more than a little bit terse about sexist-mane fantasy-based comments bashing Hillary.

  21. Jayna says:

    Watching Donald with Anderson Cooper was cringeworthy. He can’t even intelligently answer his question, just talk in circles.

    • Giddy says:

      He keeps repeating “I’m building a war” as if that is the ultimate answer on immigration. He also said it would have anti-tunneling technology. Consider for a minute if you believe that he would actually try to get appropriations for such a wall. It would cost billions, but Clownface McF*ckstick probably thinks he could just declare it done and voila. He admires dictators, and that is what he actually wants to be.

    • nicole says:

      Did anyone see Bob Beckel on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, love the way he says it straight out, that man is so funny, but so true in what he says, love him.

  22. Dumbledork says:

    Sahra, I’d love to keep Obama too. Please someone make it happen. This election feels like a bad dream. Are these two really the best America has to offer?

    • No, these are the two that ran for office and through a series of caucuses and primaries got the majority of votes from the public that bothered to vote.

      Politics has never been about the best people, it’s been about the people willing to take on what is by all accounts a terrible job in service of their country.

  23. adastraperaspera says:

    Yes. She has to speak out. People of color are being killed almost daily by this brotherhood of racists, some of whom are cops. And they call their horrible coalition “alt-right” to sanitize their filth, so we need to become familiar with the term and attack it and them until they are driven back into the shadows forever.

  24. Soror Bro says:

    It’ll be interrsting to see what voter turn out will be for this election and if more people stay at home than those who vote. Poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the country is on the wrong track and that they have no fairh in the political establishment. But they’re obviously divided when it comes to agreeing on solutions.

    • B n A fn says:

      According to a Polster who reads polls there is a specific reason the majority of people believe. the country is going in the wrong direction. This is what I have heard from a polster on TV. The people who were polled believe the house members are not working with the president to accomplish what’s needs to be done. Some of us remember when President Obama was elected some house members pledge to stop him from getting his programs through. I believe president Obama is polling at 54% and the house is polling around 11%.

      • Soror Bro says:

        The problem is half the people who don’t approve of the direction of the country blame the poor and the other half blame the rich. Which is why they’re not going to reach an agreement on how to change the direction of the country for the better. What do you think?

  25. Veronica says:

    I’ve been telling my straight-ticket Repub and Dem friends this for years. If you aren’t paying attention to who you’re actually voting for when you hit that button, you’re a major part of the problem. Be very careful about who you put into office under the guise of supporting the “greater good” of the party.

  26. Rose of Sharon says:

    I can’t even listen to her speech. She is one of a long line who pits people against each other,

    We are Americans. We are confident, jovial people because we were the optimistic ones, and were in it together.

    Senator Sanders reminded the identity Dems that we could concentrate on slights so long as we were rich, mighty, and could pay the rent.