“For Tom Hardy’s belated 39th b-day, enjoy some bloke & dog pics” links


Happy birthday to Tom Hardy. Enjoy photos of the bloke with dogs. [Pajiba]
Scott Eastwood would get along great with The Chainsmokers. [LaineyGossip]
I absolutely love this viral email fight between college roommates. [Dlisted]
Vanessa Redgrave is a pirate! [Go Fug Yourself]
Emily Blunt looked cute/odd at the Michael Kors show. [Popoholic]
Lauren Manzo is expecting her first child. [Reality Tea]
I honestly don’t understand how people are incapable of following a recipe. [Starcasm]
More ‘90s fashion: I kind of want Olivia Munn’s flannel. [Celebslam]
Jamie Foxx endorses President Kanye West for 2020. [TMZ]
At this point, I’m sort of finding myself anti-Stephen Colbert. [Jezebel]
Emily Ratajkowski keeps her bits & pieces covered up. [Moe Jackson]



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36 Responses to ““For Tom Hardy’s belated 39th b-day, enjoy some bloke & dog pics” links”

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  1. Locke Lamora says:

    He’s still a spoiled ungrateful a-hole. The dog is cute. Happy birthday.

    • Gena says:

      Yeah, I don’t get the love for him. He consistently comes off as a massive jackass.

    • Jellybean says:

      I can’t dismiss a person who is bad with the press and who drops the odd clanger, but when your costars don’t like you and you are mean to the lowly people who work for you, then I am really not interested in you anymore. Love the dog.

    • kaiko says:

      Yep, and it’s so sad. He was the best Heathcliffe with Charlotte Riley, though she’s a much better actress than he is actor. He has some hard livin’ droop face going on now…too much anger, liquor, and cigarette smoke, I suppose.

  2. deevia says:

    He’s got the Brit-version frat bro douche face. How is he attractive? Unless you want a hubby / husband with anger management issues.

  3. frisbee says:

    Yes he is indeed an spoiled ungrateful arseh*le but he looks so good with a dog that I end up fancying him like mad – but only when he’s with a dog and then I so, so would (hangs head in shame)

    • Sixer says:

      You. Must. Stop.

      He went polo-ing with Normal Bill. This is a sin too far!

      • frisbee says:

        He went polo-ing with Normal Bill. I must have missed that! Oh God, now I need a shower and possibly and enema.
        Right I’m ok now and it will never happen again, if I see a shot with him with a dog I will avert my gaze. Promise.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Frisbee the polo antics with Normal Bill were an event of cataclysmic proportion. I had to give her Alien Beauty.

      • Sixer says:

        He really, really, did.

        And you know how much I lusted after The Bloke. No more. Never again.

      • frisbee says:

        Lilacflowers I am totally impressed by your loyalty and compassion and sheer strength will in handing over Alien Beauty. I would like you to be my friend.
        I am shocked, shocked to the core about the polo thing. When I first read it I thought “what’s wrong with pogo – ing – you don’t see many pogo sticks these days- it seems a harmless, outdoor recreational activity but then re-read it and well, my flabber was incredibly ghasted.
        Sixer I am sorry about the demise of your lust for The Bloke. I can say with some authority the Alien Beauty is a better – and rather more subtle actor – who can do a Brummie accent really well.
        As long as I still get Aiden Turner I’m happy particularly as he can say ‘five’ and ‘like’ properly.

      • lilacflowers says:

        @Frisbee, you still get the very pretty Aiden.

    • rays kirt says:

      Yep. See, I’ve always assumed, for God knows what reason ( like I assumed my ex, for some reason, was more than was gravel and echo, deep down)…that Hardy had “something” that made me curious. And, now, I see all we have is his love of dogs and talent and some obnoxious interviews. Actually, that works. I like his acting. And I like dogs. Let’s not make these blokes into heroes. By the way, he did a great job on the”Leo” movie. Accent, facial features, character….I believed him. And Legend. I don’t need to date him, I don’t need to be his friend, I don’t know him; as an actor, I personally have to say he does a pretty fine job. I don’t usually look at actors to be saints. Cause Lol

  4. pinetree13 says:

    “I honestly don’t understand how people are incapable of following a recipe.”

    Hello, allow me to introduce myself, my name is pinetree13 and even though I’m a scientist, I cannot cook worth a darn.

    Had to get my kids to practically evacuate because I burned grilled cheese so badly this weekend the whole house filled with smoke.


    • Luca76 says:

      I cannot follow a recipe to save my life. I read them over and over but always get a measurement wrong or miss a step. Go figure. I can cook ok but I just have to wing it

  5. Lora says:

    Sigh, still love him!!

    • Sam says:

      Me too Lora. I met Tom and his wife (he was carrying their little baby) the other day and they were really adorable!

  6. Sixer says:

    NOPE. Dogs or no dogs, The Bloke is dead to me. Guilty of polo antics.

  7. Locke Lamora says:

    Speaking of Colbert, has anyone seen his inteview with Ava DuVernay?They spoke about the time they first met and he came across as a bit of douche. I was really surprised.

  8. Carebare says:

    Remember how Tom Hardy is an ungrateful asshole who has made publicists cry? Oh well, he’s a white dude who loves dogs guess it doesn’t matter!!!

  9. Michelina says:

    Totally agreeing with you about Colbert, Kaiser. I’m over him and haven’t bothered to watch his show in months. Tracee’s handling of that was absolute perfection.

    • kaiko says:

      I think it was just a tasteless joke from a comedian trying to get a laugh, and he knew it once she smacked him down on it. Forgive Stephen! He seems a pretty harmless dude compared to someone like….uh, Tom Hardy.

  10. TyrantDestroyed says:

    Even if he loves dogs and he’s talented he’s still a douchbag. So nope.

  11. Kitten says:


  12. Tiffany says:

    Mel Gibson is still getting girfriends, he and Rosalind are expecting a kid together.

  13. Meandyou says:

    Wait, are we actually comparing him to Cillian? Was that even up for discussion? Alien Beauty who’s so g*damn sexy as a Brummie and a much kinder & humble as a person? Dog or no dog, Cillian all the way.

    This is coming from someone who thinks Hardy is super talented and handsome but that doesn’t even half make up for the fact that he’s a douchebag with major anger problems.

    • kaiko says:

      Doesn’t Murphy have some displays of public anger on his repertoire as well? I read something about him raging out at a movie theater, I think?

  14. Brynn says:

    If you acatually WATCH the interview…. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the interaction. His political coverage is unbiased, hilarious, and extremely witty. Way Moreno entertaining than that wet blanket Fallon. You’re reaching here, people. Maybe that’s just the opinion of a long time Stephen Colbert fan. Watch an interview of him when he’s completely out of character, he is a very endearingly lovely person.

    • kaiko says:

      I’ll always love him cause of Kids in the Hall. He’s a great actor and decent comedian and seems a genuine nice guy in interviews. He goes a little off on his jokes sometimes but I get the impression he knew he hit a nerve with that one and quickly tried to steer away.