NYT: Donald Trump probably didn’t pay any income taxes for 18 years??


During the 2008 election, many people commented that the whole thing became very Shakespearean, and very cinematic too. In fact, when they turned the Sarah Palin part of the election into a TV movie, it was excellent! Game Change won tons of awards. And the film about 2016’s election is going to be really great too. That’s what I’m holding on to in this final election stretch: this is all going to make a great movie one day, provided that Donald Trump loses the election.

The latest chapter of this campaign is that the New York Times received an anonymous package. The package? Three pages of Trump’s tax returns from 1995. You can read the NYT’s story here. Basically, in 1995, Trump declared a $916 million loss on his tax returns, a loss so significant that it’s possible – and likely legal? – he would have been able to ride that loss into NOT paying personal income taxes for something like 18 years. Since we’re not Politico over here, I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty analysis of laws and tax codes. But the NYT report is stunning, to say the least. Trump responded on Twitter:

He also indicated that the NYT probably got it right but the NYT can’t be trusted. Here’s what I don’t understand: if Trump hasn’t paid income tax in 18 years and that’s totally doable within the tax code, why does Trump also say that he’s been audited for several straight years? If he’s being audited, that makes it seem like probably everything isn’t up to code. Which means that, again, the simplest way to fight these stories is for Trump to just release his tax returns.

Anyway, the past week is being described as “brutal” for Trump. NYT columnists are calling him a “terroristic man-child” and newspapers are openly questioning whether he has the “guts” (or the stamina!!!!) to debate Hillary Clinton again. So what did Trump do? He questioned whether Hillary has ever cheated on Bill Clinton, then Trump did his impression of Hillary when she had pneumonia. Oh, great. He’s doing skits now.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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140 Responses to “NYT: Donald Trump probably didn’t pay any income taxes for 18 years??”

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  1. annaloo. says:

    Shady, shady. And a douchebag.

    • Tris says:

      Disgraceful. SNL got it right: just let him talk his way out of this election. The more he speaks, the worse he gets.

      • lucy2 says:

        Except sadly the people who support him are unchanged, no matter what he says or does.

      • mayamae says:

        He said it himself – he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and he wouldn’t lose a vote. He could probably go on prime time addressing the klan with a white hood and his fans would attempt to excuse it. And the obsession with wanting an outsider with no experience is bizarre. Would you let someone with no experience cut your hair? Pilot your plane? Perform surgery on your child? Come on.

      • Jusayin says:

        They won’t change their mind about him because his supporters are stating that the way the NYT got his tax returns is criminal just like Hillary. But asking Russia to hack her isn’t. 🙄

      • Mary Mary says:

        Speaking of shady, it is hinted at that the loss of $916 million was from investors/creditors that lost money investing in Trump’s “business enterprises” so, he reported banks/corporations/ individual investor losses on his return. This is what tax experts are looking at:

        1, “Was Donald Trump out $916 million from his own pocket in 1995, or did he owe money to creditors he had borrowed from”?

        2.”Tax experts say it is highly unlikely that Trump really lost $916 million of his OWN money, a huge sum by mid-’90s standards, even for a big real-estate developer.”

    • Moirrey says:

      Couldn’t agree more.

    • doofus says:

      and, as a few outlets have pointed out…

      he has not denied the story. and, apparently, what’s actually IN his returns must be worse than the NYT stated. a LOT of their story had the word “could” in it.

      which means, it’s POSSIBLE he hasn’t paid taxes. he could refute that if he released his returns which he still won’t.

      get that?…the NYT story was VERY damaging, but he’d rather THEIR (the NYT) story be people’s perception than what is actually IN his returns. which means…yes, the full truth is worse than what we already know.

      • qwerty says:

        Of course it’s possible. He said during the debate that he’s smart not to pay taxes, didn’t he? Clinton accused him of tax evasion and he seemed downright PROUD.

    • Megan says:


    • Size Does Matter says:

      Someone who doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes has no business deciding how to spend them. And I’m sure he’s proud of fleecing the government. Disgusting.

      Does anyone else suspect he sent those pages himself?

      • Erica_V says:

        Oh he is most definitely proud of it – when he was called out on it by Hillary his response was “That’s called being smart.”

    • dwtsfan says:

      As all corporate America they get away with so much,as did the banks with the bailout as Hillary getting millions from dictators. Obama n Bushes are taking selfies, Hillary n Obama are now chummy n it all equals that at the end of the day they are all politicians regargless what groups they belong too ,they are all in the 1% who care for themselves. Whomever wins, we still lose.

      • Justjj says:

        You cannot be serious. If one person wins, ‘Idiocracy’ is a documentary and we can go ahead and just accept a dystopian Mad Max future with the none of the badassness and no Furiosa to guide us, if another person wins, our democracy stands a chance at success. Your pick.

  2. Onerous says:

    He is SUCH a buffoon.

    Here’s the thing… Many business owners take losses… it’s very common/typical. However. What he did here is not typical at all. The amount, the fact that he may have claimed loss on loaned money, etc. This is shady as all get out.

    Beyond that lies the hypocrisy, that those who earn too little to pay taxes are somehow a drain on the system, and yet you have a man who should be paying 300 million a year + in taxes and is not and is PROUD of avoiding it. Insanity.

    • doofus says:

      yeah, I NEVER want to hear another republican vilify a poor person for being on welfare OR for not paying taxes.

      this orange man-child is the biggest taker of welfare there is.

      • Mary Mary says:

        Yes agree Doofus: Corporate Welfare supports Donald Trump’s business/lifestyle.

        America is great. We the taxpayers support this government tax sucking cheeto dusted leech.

        Tax loopholes for Trump types need to be closed. The tax money payments with held from American billionaires could help with the upkeep of US highways, bridges, national parks, etc.

    • Timbuktu says:

      THANK YOU! How is this not the news story that kills his presidential bid? Come on, we pay taxes, but he doesn’t? And yet, the system is somehow against the poor rich people and we need to fix it so that we can have trickle down? SERIOUSLY? NONE of the people I’ve seen support him are even close to being “wealthy”, so, wtf is wrong with them??? We’re so mad at poor people, but we’re down with billionaires not paying taxes?

      • EscapedConvent says:

        This is my thought too. If not paying taxes doesn’t make his campaign go down in flames, nothing will.

      • EM says:

        Have you heard his supporters? They are actually writing/saying things like – ‘who doesn’t try to minimize their taxes’, ‘he’s so smart for figuring this out’… Hell no, he paid a firm hundreds of thousands of dollars to find ways to AVOID taxes – that’s not smart nor is that normal. I pay my taxes while not happily at least with the understanding that I avail myself of services of this wonderful country (i.e. defended by the military, use the infrastructure). This “man” is the worst kind of leach there is – I cannot describe how angry I will be if this “man” wins.

    • Little Darling says:

      Barring some out of bounds financial shenanigans, what we have here is a businessman who is using the tax code as it is written. What it does potentially show is someone whose business acumen is about as sharp as an orange. Perhaps the same color orange he is. This is the case I would make at the next debate to get under his thin skin.

      What it also shows is a tax code that seems to allow for this kind of multi year tax amnesty. That is a policy driven issue and not something “natural.”

      • Onerous says:

        I am a small business owner, and I, too, take full advantage of the tax code. It is there to be used. However, it is clear that what Trump is doing is beyond what a normal business would be doing. This is why he is audited, to be sure. And to the people who say he’s been audited, “but never been in trouble,” how do they know? I’ve been audited and at the end they either tell you how much you owe them or how much they owe you. And you pay. You only go to jail when you refuse to pay.

      • guest says:

        Tax folks, wouldn’t the banks/lenders also be taking a tax write off on the losses, so this would be a write off for both Donald and the lender?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      And he is running on the idea that people like him pay TOO MUCH and deserve yet another tax break. It’s absurd.

    • Esmom says:

      Insanity is right. Even more insane is the people who continue to defend and support him, even after this.

      • Onerous says:

        You’re right. In fact – he’s a douchebag slimeball. But he’s allowed to be. The people I’m super pissed at are those supporting him!

      • EscapedConvent says:

        And he has the gall to stand on a stage in a °presidential debate° and declare that not paying taxes makes him SMART. The arrogance!

        How Bernie Sanders didn’t get The Hook and haul his orange ass offstage I will never understand.

      • EM says:

        Yea real smart – exactly how do you lose ~$1Billion? Just add this to his bankruptcies, business failures, inability or integrity to pay his workers and you have a complete picture of how NOT to run a business.

  3. paranormalgirl says:

    There are not enough words to describe how repulsive this man is. I wish someone would actually create a word for that express purpose.

  4. Shambles says:

    I am the best at all the things. I have the most knowlge of things. Words. Internet. Cyber. Things.

  5. Bex says:

    This entire campaign is mystifying. Every single day he says or does at least 3 things that would take any other candidate out of the running completely.

    • Harryg says:

      I really don’t get it. He’s such a TURD.

    • lucy2 says:

      Seriously, Mitt Romney was hurt bad by his complaints about 47% of people don’t pay federal income tax. This turd is actually one of those people, while claiming to be a billionaire, and the GOP and supporters are OK with it????
      McCain Palin complained about Obama being a celebrity and not experienced enough. Now they have a reality tv guy who has never held elected office running????
      It just doesn’t make any sense.

    • Little Darling says:


      The new iPhone update sucks!

    • Santia says:

      It’s fascinating (in a bad way). His followers find a way to excuse every single horrible thing he does. Now they’re saying that he’s a genius for not paying taxes and no one should have to pay taxes. When I tell them to move to a third-world country, because the only thing separating us is the taxes we pay (needed for services, infrastructure and education), they have no coherent response. Hey, I hate taxes as much as the next person, but I’m not stupid enough to think that we could maintain our quality of living without them. And I’m also not immoral enough to believe that everyone ELSE should pay THEIR taxes so I can maintain MY standard of living. It boggles the mind that he wants to be president (which entails thinking about and taking care of others) when all he cares about is himself.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        It IS fascinating. I was thinking of writing an article about it for a psychiatric publication, but I’m sure thousands of psychiatrists have already beaten me to it.

    • isabelle says:

      Sarah Palin & Tea Party was the setup to accept a man like Donald. America should have been paying a lot more attention to the rise of the tea party/ ar right groups but they were welcomed with a yawn. Voters didn’t show up to the polls to vote them out. The slow immersion of the frog in the pot to be boiled. Politics isn’t instant, its always a build up to the crazy.

  6. swak says:

    When I sold my mom’s stock to pay for her nursing home, the loss was great enough that some of it transferred over to the next year’s taxes. She did not have the loss he had, so while it may have carried over for a couple years, I highly doubt it carried over for 18 years. Maybe that’s why he has been audited – carrying the loss that long (among probably other things).

    ETA: Am not defending him in any way, but trying to think of maybe why it transferred over based on my own experience.

    • Timbuktu says:

      Either way, I feel like he should be dead meat by now. He’s either a lousy businessman (and I know that losses are common, etc., etc., but I mean, when running businesses is your ONLY qualification for the job, how can losing almost 1billion possible inspire me to hand over the national treasury to you???), or he’s a tax dodger.
      How does he poll like he does???

      • SusanneToo says:

        And losing almost one billion dollars in ONE year??

      • hogtowngooner says:

        He’s probably the only person who owned a casino and LOST money. It declared bankruptcy in ONE YEAR. This guy is a LOO-ZAH!

      • Cran says:

        The part of the tax code Trump took advantage of is only applicable to people who deal in real estate deals on the size of his company. His business losses had to do with the Taj Mahal casino & bankruptcy filings. The code allowed his business to avoid paying taxes for 3 years prior to and 15 years following 1995.

        It’s also been pointed out that he lost nearly one billion dollars in a time period where the economy was dong well. Trump lost money BECAUSE of his business acumen. He went against appropriate advice re Taj Mahal and made it too big to succeed. The Taj essentially siphoned profits from his other NJ casinos & could not make enough profit to support itself. He was told this & rather than listen had the accountant/financial advisor fired. That person was correct.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “so while it may have carried over for a couple years, I highly doubt it carried over for 18 years”

      It was almost a BILLION dollars in loss! That will go a really long way!

      • swak says:

        I not exactly sure how it works, but I assume that the amount you make each year plays into it. So it is possible that it could spread out over 18 years but seems highly unlikely.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        From what I have read, it would cover $50 Million of tax liability per year for 18 years. So he’d need to make $100M each year, and would have a $50M tax liability that would be waived each year.

        Keep in mind, this is just one year’s losses. If he lost money the following years, he’d have more roll over.

        I saw a tweet:
        “All Net Operating Losses in 1995: $49.331 billion.
        NOL taken by @realDonaldTrump in 1995: $916 million.
        Trump was 1.9% of the US total.”

      • vauvert says:

        There are several points that NYT should have mentioned to really show the pathetic moron for what he is: given the size of the loss, it is doubtful that it was all his – most likely there were investors involved. So that NOL of almost a billion would be significantly reduced as the respective investors (banks, whatever) wrote off their portion. So – most likely he did not get 18 years of write-offs. The reason he is audited every year has to do with his well documented habit of fighting his tax bill – personal and business.
        To wit: in May USA Today reported that NYC and the state of NY had to sue him over 100 times!!! for the property taxes he owed over the last two decades. And each time he drags it out in court, tying up the system, to get his bill reduced.
        Also, while he was running casinos into the ground in Atlantic City, laying off 40% of the workforce and eventually bankrupting the places, he was paying himself millions in salary and bonuses. His loses were over all about 30% MORE than any of the other casinos. His salary? Take a guess….
        Oh, and those fold who think of him as a “man of the people” who will bring back jobs? Yeah, the latest comes from Las Vegas where the Trump Hotel workers finally won the right to unionize at the end of July after multiple appeals by Trump were rejected. Because that’s what he does – takes care of his workers… (sarcasm times 100).

    • adastraperaspera says:

      I just want to say that I don’t think care for the elderly should be so expensive that their stock has to be liquidated. I’m sorry your mom had to lose nest egg money just to have care. How a society treats their children and elders is a measure of their strength. We are failing this test, and largely due to individuals and corporations not paying their fair share. Subsidized risk and privatized rewards are ruining this country.

      • swak says:

        Thanks, I had to put her in a nursing home. Tried in home care and it was not a choice as it’s was more expensive than a nursing home.

      • doofus says:

        ” How a society treats their children and elders is a measure of their strength.”

        so well said.

        and we treat our children (who don’t have rich parents) and elders horribly.

        fetuses? MUST BE SAVED!!! but once that sucker pops out…you’re on your own.

  7. Zuzus Girl says:

    ” If he’s being audited, that makes it seem like probably everything isn’t up to code.” I’ve been audited and I’m a poor. Sometimes it’s just random. That said, neither candidate could tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

    • Biting Panda says:

      Yet, neutral fact checking sources state that HRC lies less than the average politician. And that is both in real time checking and after the fact reviewing.

      In fact, her whole image as a liar is based around propagandize media. Her public service record is there in black and white. And most of the issues she has flipped on, are exactly the kinds of issues you want someone to change their mind about once more facts are known.

      I’m not attacking you personally, I am just using your comment as the example the narrative has taken over despite the evidence to the contrary.

      • Esmom says:

        Thank you. The narrative that contains so many falsehoods, had me truly despairing last night. Facts literally do not matter to a decent chunk of our fellow citizens.

    • Timbuktu says:

      I’m sure it is random sometimes, but what are the odds that you’re randomly audited years in a row?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Some audits are random, but some are triggered by questions about tax returns.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Politico found that Trump lies every 3 minutes and 15 seconds! Clinton on the other hand lies LESS than most politicians and usually about her personal issues not policy, not achievements, not fraud against others, etc.


  8. escondista says:

    he is a morally bankrupt man.

    • BeBea says:

      yes he is, but he is being praised by people like Rudy Giulianii for being that way. It’s brilliant when Trump doesn’t pay taxes but if it’s just you or me, we are the scum of the earth to them!

      • doofus says:

        and, it’s OK that they cheated on all THREE of their wives (well, TWO of each that we know of) and subsequently divorced the previous wife to be with the mistress, but not OK that HRC stayed with her husband after he cheated…

        you can’t make this stuff up.

      • Stacey says:

        Especially since many people are put on trial every year for not paying their taxes and some even go to jail for it (Wesley Snipes, Lauryn Hill, Heidi Fleiss, etc.) So when I hear people brag about how Trump “beat the system” it sickens me. His not paying taxes means that the rest of us have to pay more to cover for people like him who don’t pay.

    • lulu3 says:

      Not just morally.

  9. Jenns says:

    I love that it was sent from Trump Tower.


    • msmlnp says:

      HAHAHA! Yes!!! Maybe it was Melania!!!

    • Onerous says:

      I loved that, too. I hope it was from Ivanka… no WAIT… Melania!!!

      • isabelle says:

        I’m going with Melania! She has looked like a stone unsmiling statue for the past weeks. She seemed checked out before but now seems like she is in another room.

    • doofus says:

      rumor has it that it was Marla Maples. no joke.

      • Rose says:

        What did you hear about Marla Maples?

      • doofus says:

        I’ve seen on a few sites (nothing concrete has been reported and likely won’t as she’s got a non-disclosure agreement with Drumpf) that there’s a possibility it came from Maples.

        there’s a link in the “Featured Links” section above. but if you google, you’ll find something.

      • mia girl says:

        I’m thinking it was Tiffany Trump, his daughter with Marla Maples. She seems like she might have a ax to grind…

        I mean she is the Jan Brady of the Trump Bunch.

        Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka!!

      • Sarah says:

        Marla’s daughter, Tiffany, has an apartment in TT, doesn’t she?

      • isabelle says:

        She could have been visiting her daughter in TT and bam! A woman scorned.

      • Birdix says:

        I heard that too–something about the post-it on the signature that makes it point to her?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Really? I didn’t know that part! Juicy!
      (and perfect use of the “inside the house” ghost story. Brilliantly played!)

  10. Little Darling says:

    Different comment added:

    By being the fundamentally reckless, overconfident, unwise narcissist that he is, of course he would conduct his business the same way, and if it were someone who hadn’t started with enough money to insulate himself from his own stupidity for the whole of his natural lifetime, he’d probably be homeless right now. It’s basically like a normal person saying, “I’m putting it all into lutefisk. I think it’s going to be the next big dried fish.” Except that normal person loses his house for his hubris.

    I love the fact that if he had just stood still the entire time instead of pretending to be a business genius, he’d be much, much more “successful” than he is (if just being handed money and managing not to squander it counts in any way as success).

  11. Saras says:

    Trump is awful and Pence is scarier!

    • Harryg says:

      Pence is really scary, like the villain in a submarine movie.

    • SaraR. says:

      So true. Pence is the one that actually gives me chills.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Agreed, and I am nervous that somehow Pence is going to come out looking reasonable in the debate with Kaine tomorrow night, and lull undecideds into thinking Trump is not so bad after all. Like Ted Cruz, Pence is certified American Taliban, and he is going to bring it to this debate. Kaine better be ready to rumble.

      • Esmom says:

        I think Kaine will be ready. He seems to be extremely smart and, unlike Pence, reasonable.

      • Sarah says:

        Kaine has never lost an election (knock on wood) because he is so good at talking to people and radiating his inherent decency. I think he is HRC’s secret weapon and I’m eager to see him unleashed against Pence.

    • Santia says:

      Yes, Pence is truly scary, but he flies under the radar. I’m actually more afraid of Pence taking the reins than having a buffoon like Trump run things.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Pence actually believes the crap he supports, Trump says whatever sh1t pops into his orange head at the time.

  12. LinaLamont says:

    And…. this is a plus for his supporters. Every deplorable thing he does is a plus to his camp.

    I’ve said before, there are 3 groups who support him (they’re not mutually exclusive)
    1) Angry and frightened white people “with little to no education who feel that the world was supposed to be theirs alone, who feel that anyone who isn’t white but has a job is ‘taking’ jobs away, who are willfully ignorant of our constitution and think that the president can take guns away and that this is ‘a Christian nation!!’ ” (quote from CBerPatricia). And, they’re afraid of a non-white Amurica. They also believe all the lies about Hillary. They don’t have the interest or brain cells to delve into the truth.
    2) The 1% that wants to protect and grow its bank account at any cost.
    3) Don King

    “No matter the outcome, #Brexit polls demonstrate how quickly half of any population can be convinced to vote against itself. Quite a lesson.”
    -Edward Snowden

    • I just can't says:

      Unfortunately I know a third (ahem my family) who don’t seem to grasp public policy. My father was leaning trump and pence. He thought he was informed. I asked how he could support a ticket that was homophobic (ahem conversion therapy) and antiabortion. He was horrified and didn’t realize that’s what they, particularly pence, stand for. His biggest problem w Hillary (aside from personality, which, ugh shoot me) was her possible Supreme Court choices. Something about her free tuition stance which isn’t even totally free. Anyway, point is…there’s this whole group of woefully misinformed that think they are informed. Scary times.

  13. Crox says:

    At this point, I doubt anyone is surprised by anything surrounding this dude.

    Which is problematic. He gets away with way more than Hillary ever could. Even any other Republican candidate would be held to much higher standards.

  14. foxy says:

    suspicious timing of the leaks.

  15. Biting Panda says:

    Oh good. More “problems” only he can fix.

    Facist ass hat.

  16. nicegirl says:

    Wow, I am so NOT OKAY with that – our household pays personal taxes on our 70K-ish/year, every year, without fail. I really hope we do not hire this man to be our President.

    • isabelle says:

      WEll according to Benito Cheeto you aren’t as smart as him 😉 Seriously, Americans should be outraged they are paying for escape con millionaires/billionaires daddy gave him his money Don. We the middle & working class have given welfare to Donald, turned him into a welfare recipient, while we pay out of our nose.

  17. B n A fn says:

    If everything he has done with his taxes is within the law, why don’t he release his taxes so we all can see what a “genius” he really is. Rudy and Chris yesterday was on all the talk shows telling us he is a genius for not paying taxes for two decades. I hope he shows his taxes poor folks like me how to get over on not paying our taxes. However, I don’t believe I would take his advise because I believe we all should contribute to the upkeep of essential services like keeping our military the strongest in the world ect.

    Donald trump is a national disgrace as C Powell leaked email states.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t k now how Rudy and Chris can look at themselves in the mirror.

      • doofus says:

        they are betting their entire futures on the hope that Drumpf wins and they get advising or Cabinet positions.

        Giuliani hasn’t been relevant for years now and Christie is facing down political ruin. he was already permanently “toast” in NJ but I think he thought Bridgegate wouldn’t amount to anything and he’d still have hope on a national stage after this go-around. he’s looking worse and worse.

        good riddance to BOTH of those jerks.

      • whiskeyjack says:

        I doubt either one casts a reflection, Esmom. 😉

  18. Rice says:

    As a non-US person, this whole thing reads like a reality show. I keep thinking Drumpf will say, “You’ve been punked”.

  19. Little Darling says:

    SideNote:Posting with the new iPhone update is jacking and stalling my comments! The new update and I do NOT get along at all. No bueno.

    I think we sometimes forget that elections are rarely decided by bombshell allegations. We’ll look back on this one and notice that Trump’s campaign died by a million little cuts. All of this kvetching about “nothing hurting him” has always been a lazy lie. EVERYTHING has hurt him. If anyone is expecting a major party to collapse in a collection because we might be offended by stuff is pretending to not know anything about American presidential politics.

  20. Frosty says:

    I’m no fan of El Cheeto, but anyone who itemizes on their taxes and who is eligible for it, can take a tax loss carryforward, if you’ve lost $$ on your small business or investments, etc.

    • B n A fn says:

      That’s true frosty but we still have to pay taxes if not this year then they will spread out. They may spread out what you owe to maybe three years but you still have to pay. Pay me now or pay me latter. Chump is a thief and a con man. I believing we will never see his taxes although he says everything he has done was within the law. Please DT let us see how much of a genius you are.

  21. lightpurple says:

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt couldn’t walk fifteen feet to his car either. Is Trump really saying Roosevelt shouldn’t have been president because he had polio? Does this jerk not realize that the President has to represent the disabled and sick among us too?

  22. Melody says:

    In other words, his mouth is that way from suckling on the taxpayer’s teat for decades.
    Give me a slew of welfare moms – they’re cheaper.

  23. QQ says:

    Welp I guess Republicans got their Mythical Welfare Queen

  24. Lolo86lf says:

    Paying income taxes is so for the peasants, for suckers. A brilliant businessman like Mr Trump is well above it all. That is how he thinks.

  25. Kate says:

    The biggest issue here is that the nearly $1 billion loss (in the 90s no less when the economy was BOOMING) guts his narrative that he is a successful business man. If the deduction is legal, it is legal. Good for him for using it. I would too if it were to my advantage and so would just about anyone else.

    The reason he’s not releasing those tax returns is that he isn’t worth nearly as much as he says he is. Total used car salesman. That’s all he is.

  26. lightpurple says:

    Breaking News: The NY AG has just ordered Trump’s charity to suspend all fundraising operations because it has repeatedly failed to comply with audit and reporting requirements.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I can hear his supporters now – poor baby is being persecuted by the big, bad Democrats. It’s a conspiracy!!

  27. isabelle says:

    God how I love true journalism, investigating before publishing!! A mole, a deep throat, making it all the more interesting. Decided to buy a subscription to NYT because they truly did a ole school type of investigation and show support for it. The journalist that broke the story said there is more to the story but are still investigating and chasing. So this story is probably a lot bigger than just his taxes.

  28. Soror Bro says:

    Let’s not forget that a lot of this tax dodging was done on the Democrat’s watch, so they must share some of the responsibility for having a system that allows this to happen.

    • Tina says:

      The insane beast that is the US tax code has two parents, and they are the two main parties in the USA. But only one party has consistently had a policy of reducing taxes that rich people pay.

      • Soror Bro says:

        And has the other party repealed those tax breaks for the rich when they’ve returned to power?

  29. Linda says:

    As a Canadian I am scared this man could become the US president. He hates us. I don’t like Clinton much either but she hates us less. The more I hear every day about Trump the scarder I become for you all and us too. Our clueless Prime Minister and clueless provincial premier don’t seem quite as bad anymore.

    • Louisa says:

      Linda, curious why you think of your PM as clueless as I haven’t heard anything bad about him.

  30. Guest says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever dislike a presidential candidate like I do him!!
    With all the scandals and lies he has told I don’t understand why this race is so close? why doesn’t anything stick to this doofus? Now I read this Julian guy from wiki leaks is going to release some damaging info on Hillary. I’m really nervous about this. This guy can’t be president.

  31. LinaLamont says:

    Kind of a non sequitur, but, you have people like Michael Che and Colin Jost who confuse and conflate fame with intelligence.
    They’re vastly overestimating Trump’s intelligence while vastly underestimating his supporters’ lack thereof.

  32. Soror Bro says:

    Only five weeks to go. I can’t wait for this to be over. I’m sick to death of people equating the questioning or criticising of either candidate as support for the other.