Cele|bitchy | Milo Ventimiglia gets shirtless for breast cancer research – thanks, Ellen!

Milo Ventimiglia gets shirtless for breast cancer research – thanks, Ellen!


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and every organization from your local grocery store to the NFL is doing its best to aid the cause. Ellen DeGeneres has used her show to raise awareness for the disease with her celebrity friends doing some crazy activities for a good cause. The cause is close to her heart, as her Mom was a survivor. For the third year, the show is working with ULTA (a/k/a my favorite beauty store in the world) to raise money towards a cure via the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Ellen has once again gotten one of her guests to do something silly and enlisted hunky Milo Ventimiglia to help out. Guest host Miley Cyrus talked to Milo about his new NBC series, This Is Us – which is getting great reviews – as well as the upcoming Gilmore Girls reboot on Netflix. Of course, the subject of the cameo of Milo’s tush on This is Us came up and Miley had to make mention of it showing up on camera, joking “That’s usually my job.” Milo retorted that his butt was “ready for camera” – and I have to agree.

So, since we already knew Milo was very comfortable in his own skin, he had no problems stripping down to his skivvies and getting into a dunk tank. Miley joked that his efforts were “Totally worth it! Worth getting objectified.”

Milo took a seat and Miley assured him, “I’m horrible at throwing, so you’re lucky.” She then came in like a wrecking ball, dousing Milo with a barrel full of water on her second shot and earning a $10,000 donation from ULTA. She earned a lot of appreciative applause from the crowd as well. I’ll admit that watching that clip brought a smile to my face. He’s got a nice torso to complement that butt. I can think of way worse ways to spend five minutes, so check out the clip.

Milo seems like a cool guy, he is close with his parents, he doesn’t take himself too seriously and he was able to endure an interview with Miley “Let me make every question about me” Cyrus. (Stick to the signing…or maybe look into a career in baseball. You do kind of have a good arm.) But Milo, that mustache has got to go. It’s so creepy. The “Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite look” is doing you no favors.

HFPA Grants Banquet 2016

The Red Nose Day Special On NBC

The screening of NBC 'This Is Us'

The screening of NBC 'This Is Us'

Photo credit: Michael Rozman / Warner Bros., WENN.com, Fame Flynet

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30 Responses to “Milo Ventimiglia gets shirtless for breast cancer research – thanks, Ellen!”

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  1. alexis says:

    Everything associated with Ellen is so cringe worthy, even if its a good cause. So….yeah…

  2. Kate says:

    I’m so conflicted about the mustache!

  3. Esmom says:

    That stache has got to be for a role, right? Unless he wears it ironically like young guy I worked with, and it was equally unflattering. Otherwise he is quite hot.

  4. Shambles says:

    Still hot with the mustache. Hot in Gilmore Girls. Hot now. Hot. Hot. Hot.

  5. serena says:

    I love Milo since the Gilmore Girls days (oh, Jess!) , he’s so hot and talented! But I agree, that 70s porn-mustache has to go.

  6. Delta Juliet says:

    I can’t believe no one ever mentions him from American Dreams. Am I the only person who watched that show? LOL

    There is something about him that I find supremely hot. Like sometimes I avoid looking at him because he’s just too much.

    • Katenotkatie says:

      I watched it too!! I love him from Gilmore Girls and American Dreams- he has aged WELL. And I’m happy he’s getting a lot of attention these days- he’s worked steadily for over a decade and he’s overdue for some recognition. And he’s still my dream man. Swoon.

    • Happy21 says:

      I did!!! I was SO disappointed it was cancelled. I loved that show 🙂

    • Delta Juliet says:

      Wow I’m NOT the only one. I loved that show too and hated how it just…ended.

  7. fran says:

    I could easily ignore the mustache with a body like that..the fact that he went and learnt Japanese makes me like him even more!!!

    • Starkiller says:

      Why would someone learning another language make them more likeable? Outside of the US, being bilingual at the very least does not even merit comment.

  8. DesertReal says:

    That reminds me of a very funny (but somewhat tone deaf) joke from Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder…
    You should never, ever go full mustache.

  9. tealily says:

    I know nothing about him outside of Gilmore Girls (which I’ve been rewatching again in prep for the new episodes). He looks so different! I’ll give his new show a shot.

  10. Pbibi says:

    What a hottie! And sweet too…
    Don’t dig that mustache too much either but it kind of suits him. I’ve seen worse.
    Miley is kinda annoyinh though. Everything Milo says she turns around and makes it somehow about her. Milo goes like: ‘Ellen does this and that to me’ and the Miley goes: ‘and too me she always does THIS and THAT’ like if she competes with her guests.

  11. Happy21 says:

    He did nothing for me before This is Us but I’d have to say that he has improved in the looks department with age without a doubt. He’s a hottie.

  12. Jaded says:

    As someone who just got a diagnosis of breast cancer (during Breast Cancer Awareness Month – how ironic…) I applaud him and Ellen for doing this and bringing awareness to this m*therf*cker of a disease.

    Team Ellen and Milo.

    • tealily says:

      Sorry to hear it, Jaded. A friend of mine got her diagnosis same time last year and is coming out the other end of treatment now, feeling healthy and doing well. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

  13. SwanLake says:

    In the minority here, but I hated his character on Gilmore Girls. He definitely doesn’t do it for me. Also not a fan of facial hair. I’m a breast cancer survivor (12 years).