How many Taylor Swift-references can Calvin Harris put in one music video?


When Calvin Harris released his song “My Way,” everyone freaked out over the lyrics. People thought Calvin was throwing some song-shade at Taylor Swift, because the song was the one of the first singles he released after their breakup. With lyrics like “Lie awake two-faced, but in my heart I understand,” and “I made my move and it was all about you. I feel so far removed. You are the one thing in my way” many believed Calvin was not-so-cryptically referencing his Swift breakup. Well, now “My Way” has a new video and… yeah, the video is absolutely a Swift reference.

E! News had the breakdown – the whole idea is that Calvin is bored with his virtual-reality girlfriend, and the VR girlfriend is sort of like a brunette Taylor Swift. That’s actually pretty interesting, because pre-Swift, Calvin had a type and it was brunette model-types. The first visual reference to Swift is possibly that flirty dress with the full skirt, which is very much Taylor’s style. Then there’s a series of visual references to Taylor’s own music videos, like “Bad Blood” (the dominatrix-type outfit), “Shake It Off” (the dancing girls in the barn), “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” (sitting at the table) and “Blank Space” (standing on top of the horse). E! has the side-by-side comparisons here.

So, did he mean to do this? Is Calvin this petty? He is absolutely this petty. And for good reason, I might add – many believe Taylor’s new album will be coming out in the next few months, and you can bet your ass that she’s going to have many visual and lyrical references to Calvin and Tom Hiddleston. Calvin was merely getting out of ahead of Tay. Incidentally, beyond the Tay references, what is this video actually about? That he’s bored with a girlfriend he can “control”?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.

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74 Responses to “How many Taylor Swift-references can Calvin Harris put in one music video?”

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  1. Miss Melissa says:

    I think the video is about how there is nothing really to her, and much as he wanted it to be real, it was all pretend.

    • BritAfrica says:

      Hmmm….still a tad mean though. Where’s the proof that he is any deeper?

      Men like to think that they are really deep but between their ridiculous ‘geek toys’ – that they prefer to call gadgets – and their preferred sport, there’s not much to most of them either.

      The fact that he has to show us ‘what she is’ accentuates my view of him. No trousers!

      • antipodean says:

        @BritAfrica, I don’t think the video/music is so much mean as toe curlingly boring and repetitive. Maybe I missed something but I could only stomach two minutes of this eye-rolly ennui! As you so eloquently called it, all mouth no trousers!

  2. LiterallyaShambles says:

    It’s probably about how Taylor lives in a virtual reality, because she’s constantly putting on an act and it’s all about the photo op rather than the experience.
    Meanwhile, Taylor is probably freaking out about the fact that he depicted her as a brunette, because to her that’s the biggest possible insult.

    • QueenB says:

      “Taylor is probably freaking out about the fact that he depicted her as a brunette, because to her that’s the biggest possible insult”
      LOL! spot on.

    • browniecakes says:

      Dating a songwriter like Taylor must be like dating a teenager who shows her diary to everyone. He is preempting the inevitable.

  3. MI6 says:

    Agree, Miss Melissa. Well said.
    Why is it when he does it it’s petty but when she does it it’s “art “?

    • lightpurple says:

      It is petty when either one of them does it. They are both petty.

    • Bridget says:

      Because there’s no one calling Taylor Swift petty?

      • MI6 says:

        Not until recently…

      • Bridget says:

        If by “recently” you actually mean “for years” then sure.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Swifty has review after review from Music professionals including Rolling Stone calling her a genius for her song writing. And no they were not calling her petty. Her fans, Mothers and fathers of her tween fans called her a role-model. Other industry people kept their mouths shut too about her pettiness except for Katy Perry.

        It was only a minority of the internet calling her out. Most other women were supporting her petty take down of ex-boyfriends as feminism. Which is not. There is no male equivalent to Swifty in this Way because women would be offended en mass.

        These same Swifty supporters are the ones who will take the most offense to Calvin doing to same to her. They will call it sexist and call Calvin weak. Completely tone deaf to the hypocrisy.

    • Nicole says:

      Exactly. They are both petty but I’m not going to knock him for what she does year after year with bfs that weren’t even around long enough to meet her cats.
      And I agree with the above assessments: seems to be about the fake reality Swift seems to live in 24/7

  4. Bridget says:

    Of course he did. How else is he going to get us talking about him and his video?

    • MI6 says:

      …But that’s not why she does it, right?

      • Sam says:

        Umm I’m no Swift fan but people aren’t looking for her songs and videos to see what disses are on it. Does she have diss tracks? Absolutely. Is that why people buy her songs and listen to them. No. Whereas, Calvin maybe a successful DJ, but was anyone really asking about this song apart from it having Taylor references? No.

    • Clare says:

      He had a very successful career pre-Taylor, do I don’t think it’s entirely accurate to intimate that he needs to reference her to be relevant. The internet tells me he is the highest paid DJ in the world and had 7 number 1 records and a grammy pre-Taylor. I mean, I dislike his douche-bro shtick as much as the next guy, but lets get the facts right.

      • Sam says:

        I never said he wasn’t successful. I even said he was successful. Did you even read my post? I was very specific when I said “this song” because no one was asking for this song or video a part from the Taylor references. It’s not a good song or video.

      • Clare says:

        @sam I was responding to the op, not to your post 🙂

      • Sam says:

        @Clare my bad! It seemed like you were responding to my post just because on my phone it came up right underneath my comment. I was very confused for a sec lol It’s all good and my apologies!

      • Bridget says:

        I am aware that he is indeed highly successful, though at least here in the US Taylor is hands down the bigger star. It’s just painfully obvious that he continually engages about Taylor in an attempt to get himself more attention. The man who has remodeled his appearance and stripped down to his tighty whities for Armani isn’t exactly content to let his work speak for itself.

  5. Jess says:

    Isn’t this the song he said was about when he worked in a supermarket? Lol

    I don’t mind him making a song/video about Swifty, but at least make it good or catchy, dude!
    The song is doing nothing on radio or sales, and we all know she’s going to obliterate everything when she releases.

    I also find it funny how the rumor of TS and Drake completely killed this story.

    Poor dude

  6. Clare says:

    I think the video is about the girlfriend not being ‘real’ and ‘made up’ rather than anything about control.

    I know we’re meant to dislike Harris on here, but as far as this song/video is concerned, I have no criticism for him. Swift has made a career our of bashing her exes and narrating relationships in songs/videos, so why can’t he do the same? Shrug.

    • Birdix says:

      Right, I saw it as a comment on the lack of connection in a virtual world. And I’m definitely not an insider when it comes to Taylor Swift, but I’ve seen some her videos and my kids listen to her music, and I never would have made the connections to her. Maybe I’m being obtuse, but the woman in the video looks nothing like her. Isn’t it possible that this doesn’t have much to do with Swift at all?

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        That’s my take on it, too. You have to watch the video with conspiracy-goggles on to think there’s a connection to TayTay. It’s just a video about feeling disconnected from someone.

  7. virginfangirl says:

    I’d normally say he should have taken the high road, but that hasn’t worked for her other boyfriends, so I can see how he’s learned from their mistakes.
    Tom probably will take the high road and get burned.

  8. Brunswickstoval says:

    That’s a really boring video.

    • Lauren II says:

      Boring relationship is reflected in boring video. A robotic and orchestrated nightmare courtesy of Taylor.
      I still wonder what happened with Tom. 2 break-ups in 3 months for Tay. Bizarre.

  9. OhHellNo! says:

    Gah! I couldn’t care less who this is about but can just anyone be classed as a singer these days? He has the most awful voice.

  10. lightpurple says:

    Just get back together and shut up about it.

    • MI6 says:

      Seriously. We’re waiting.

      • Bonzo says:

        It’s like waiting for election results after Comey drops his uninformed, cryptic bombshell 11 days before most votes are cast. Dems worry about what the speculation will do to her lead in the polls.

        We ask a similar question: What will Tom Hiddleston do as he wraps up filming Thor?? Will he disappear before Infinity Wars begins or will he resurrect the TIDDLESBANGING again?????

        I can’t take the suspense, ladies.

        You know that if her and Ebby Calvin don’t get back together TIDDLES is a real possibility.

      • lightpurple says:

        I think he’s working on Early Man now and joining Infinity Wars after the start of the New Year. I hope he is done with her. She belongs with Eppie Calvin.

      • browniecakes says:

        Tom gets to fly home to London…and explain things to Mum.
        Taylor was hardly in Calvin’s way when she helped him write a hit song.

      • MI6 says:

        I love you, Bonzo, but I’m going to smack the sh*t out of you for even bringing that up.
        Why in God’s name would he go back to someone who basically called him a famewhore and who used him to deflect bad press and get back at an ex?
        A man who values kindness and deceny in a woman isn’t going to get 🐍 – bit twice.
        Not. Happening.
        And neither is Trump.

      • Bonzo says:

        MI6, crossing my fingers on both counts!

        Stranger things have happened, though. 🙁

      • spidey says:

        @ Browniecakes – I think Tom would have more of a problem explaining things to Dad!

        Maybe missing some symbols because I have a new tablet and haven’t sorted how to put them in yet!

  11. Sullivan says:

    What a forgettable song and equally forgettable video.

  12. Sam says:

    Well at least when Taylor is petty, she makes it memorable. This video and song are forgettable.

  13. Alix says:

    I think the video is about the fact that, without constantly harking back to his relationship with Swift, there’s no reason for anyone to pay attention to him. YAWN.

  14. MI6 says:

    Lilac? WTF??

  15. freebunny says:

    It’s very reaching, sorry.
    There’s nothing here about Swift, you have to reach to link this video to Swift’s work.
    But we’re all for the (fake) drama here.

  16. Mimz, says:

    I see nothing here, i think the song is OK and reminds me of his earlier work (my favorite song of his is Flashback) and I like that he sings in his tunes.
    As far as references go, I think people are reaching BUT, I liked the concept. Made the song a bit better for me.

  17. Frannydays says:

    I like it! Giving me some Westworld vibes.

  18. Sue says:

    The most important question here is “does this type song need a video clip at all?” 😀
    And further references could be – brown haired girl looking like Katy Perry, girl in the black dress in the woods ( from Taylor´s “out of the woods) etc.

  19. Tourmaline says:

    These 2 were actually a good match in pettyness.
    Let it go Cal. Let it go.

  20. me says:

    The comments for this video on YouTube are disabled lol I can only imagine the stuff Swift’s fans wrote. I think this guy felt very passionately about Taylor, whether it was love or hate, I don’t know.

  21. hey-ya says:

    …I like it better when exes try to stay polite (even if they cant be friends)…

  22. MC2 says:

    I still dislike his ‘pettiness’ in not letting Rita release her music that she did with him and I am not fan of hers. Write blind songs, make a stupid video, talk in code, shade but don’t go after the woman’s career & effect her livelihood because she dumped you.

    He is worse then petty- he wants revenge. Yuck.

  23. Maria_ says:

    Pitty? id like to call it “revenge” after all its exactly what she does with her music , end of round 1..lets wait for taytay move XD.

  24. kri says:

    If they have any brains, they will commence bumping Barbie Genitals STAT. They are so much alike…I see a getting back together here..oh I hope so. Match made in gingham-wrapped passive-aggressive purgatory.

  25. Alice says:

    I think it’s pretty sexist to excuse Calvin’s petty behaviour because of something Taylor hasn’t even done yet. She’d be ripped apart if this was her pettiness on display! Over the misogyny on this website tbh. Not even a Taylor fan. I think she’s a controlling freak – yet and even I know her next album will be full of love songs because she’s dating that Karly model (whatever that chicks name is.)

    I don’t know if the media is clueless or afraid of getting sued, but she’s a lesbian. She dated Dianna Agron who proposed. 1989 is about Agron, who I am a fan of, not Harry Styles. Nobody should be forced out of the closet, but I hope one day Swift can come out because it’d be massive for the lgbt community of which I am a part. (Half her 1989 have lesbian references I mean geez. How You Get The Girl. Welcome To New York ‘you can like who you like. boys and boys and girls and girls.’) etc

  26. virginfangirl says:

    I hear Taylor flew to London. And Thor just finished filming. So……
    And in the last month Tom flew to LA twice, and twice Taylor also flew there the same time he was there (example: during the Emmy’s). Hmmmm

  27. Joanna says:

    I like the song, the video is ok but what a boring way to shade someone if that’s what he meant to do. But can someone please tell me what is going on with Taylor’s left boob and that weird line in the last picture?

  28. Sarah says:

    I fail to see how this video has anything to do with Taylor. I think Calvin is way beyond this.

  29. virginfangirl says:

    If the rumors are correct – Looks like Hiddleswift is back on. No one?

  30. Earl says:

    Harry styles was asked about Miss swift writing songs about him, his reply “We write from personal experience, and I think everyone does, so it would be hypocritical of us to be like, ‘Oh you can’t write about us,’ And she’s really good, so they’re good songs, ” adding, “I’m really lucky in that sense.”
    Using that as a guide, Miss Swift must be very disappointed if that song is about her, It is not good. He should have asked her to write it for him.

  31. Melody says:

    I don’t know – in the end it all feels like karma to me.

    That being said, that last pic: I hate it when guys hog the armrest.

  32. Slushee says:

    Amazing how such an anodyne woman causes such fascination.

  33. Skins says:

    Is this as bad as his last song with Rihanna? That was about the most annoying thing I have ever heard.