Pres. Obama told a scary Halloween story about Donald Trump becoming POTUS

We only have a few more months left in Barack Obama’s presidency. Only a few more months to get drunk on the Obama family’s coolness and amazingness. So I’m binge-drinking it all in. We had the Obamas for eight amazing years and I don’t even think that Republicans realize how much they are going to miss the Obamas. I’m including some photos of the Obamas celebrating Halloween at the White House. So adorable.

Obama also chatted with my future wife Samantha Bee on her show, Full Frontal, last night. The idea was Obama tells “scary stories” for Halloween. The scary stories? What happens if you don’t get out to vote. Bee and Obama are really funny together!

I think it’s funny that Obama thinks Bee is so funny. He keeps laughing at the voices she does. I also love what the guessing game they do about what the dog-whistle complaints will be against a potential President Hillary Clinton – that she’s “tired” and “moody” and “ambitious.”

Oh, and here are the Obamas dancing to “Thriller”:


Photos courtesy of Instagram, Getty.

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21 Responses to “Pres. Obama told a scary Halloween story about Donald Trump becoming POTUS”

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  1. Mia4S says:

    “President Obama told a scary story about Donald Trump becoming POTUS”

    No thanks, I don’t watch torture porn Horror.

  2. Itchyandweird says:

    “Donald Trump became President. The end.”

  3. Neo says:

    Ugg. Why can’t we just have more of him forever!?

  4. minx says:

    Love POTUS! He looks so good in that sweater, carrying the basket.

  5. LiterallyaShambles says:

    I love him. This man. Good gracious.

  6. Tris says:

    I want to love her more, but I just don’t think she’s that funny. That said, I loved this interview because I love love love Barack. Would watch him read the phone book. Have you all seen the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with him? Too hilarious!

    • Fiorella says:

      She was never my fave on TDS, and her impression are ok but not the reason I watch her little episodes on YouTube. They are quite funny and informative and she has grown on me. I watch her more than John Oliver now

  7. SunnyD says:

    He is campaigning so much for Hilary I’m wondering if he’s still working. She doesn’t really need the help and it’s not his job to be flying around shilling for her.

    Just my opinion, still with her.

    • Goldie says:

      I think he is not only campaigning for Hillary, but also embarking on a “farewell tour” of sorts.

    • Melly says:

      Historically it’s not uncommon for a president to campaign for the nominee of their party. And I think it is needed. The Obamas can say things Hillary can’t. Also, they are popular and a motivating & uplifting force in this never ending hell of an election.

    • Flan says:

      I guess he doesn’t want the US to suffer from a Trump presidency.

  8. Nopity Nope says:

    Please don’t leave! Please don’t leave us everrrrrrrr America’s Parents!!!

    • Melly says:

      Can Michelle Obama be HRCs press secretary? I know Michelle would never take that job, but still…

  9. Melly says:

    A story with Sam Bee and BOTH Obamas? Yes please, may I have some more?!

  10. SusanneToo says:


  11. Nancy says:

    All the fear Trump and his disciples tried to instill about President Obama…….well look who has the last laugh. He is the epitome of cool, as is Michelle. He tried so hard to change this country with only the best of intentions. As much as Trump says he will end Obamacare , there are millions of elderly and poor that have medical coverage because of this man. He killed Bin Laden when his predecessor was intent on getting those weapons of mass destruction. How did that work out for you Georgie. Oh Lord, I will miss you Mr. President.

  12. PunkyMomma says:

    I would have loved to have seen President Obama costume up as a Supreme Court Justice — he’d look good in that robe, I think. POTUS for SCOTUS, I say!

    • Betsy says:

      God, can you imagine the Conservative heads exploding? A community organizing Kenyan!

      I would love it, for the record. I am actually curious where his personal politics lie; he spent the last years trying to be the adult in the room such that I don’t have any idea really where he is on the conservative to liberal continuum.

  13. lucy2 says:

    Can they just hang out with kids in the White House for a while after the election? We need that sort of joy these days.

  14. Janetdr says:

    Love this president , love his family. I’m tearing up just thinking about them leaving.