James Middleton: ‘I have always joked that I have three mothers’


James Middleton gave another interview to the Daily Mail last weekend. At this point, I sort of feel sorry for him. He’s not a businessman but that’s the only thing he’s “allowed” to do. He’s not a schemer like his sisters and his mother, and I just get the feeling from this piece that he would be so happy if he could just live on a farm and fix random machines and play with dogs and goats for the rest of his life. I think the point of the interview was three-fold: to mention Pippa’s upcoming wedding to the Terribly Rich James Matthews; to do some damage-control on the consistent reports that James’ Boomf business is losing tons of money; and to confirm that James is back with Donna Air. I also learned some new stuff, like James is on such a short leash that Boomf is run out of a building that his parents lease. Yeah. Such a self-made man. You can read the full interview here, and here are some highlights:

Being the baby of the family: “It’s always been, whether at school or now, that I am Pippa and Catherine’s little brother. It’s probably going to be the story of my life. [But] I am James Middleton. I am very proud to be ‘the little brother of…’ but, equally, they are proud that I am who I am.”

On the reports that Boomf lost £930,010 last year: James hates these kinds of news stories, he tells me, because they give a false picture of the actual position of the company and unsettle his 14 staff. ‘When [the stories] affect my staff, it upsets me because these guys have put their trust in me. It’s misguided stuff. A social editor or journalist writes a business review based on accounts they have seen. Unless you know how to read the accounts properly, you can make anything look bad if you want it to.’

He’s been back on with Donna Air for months: ‘Yes, it is. I can’t say everything that is happening with us. We are thinking about where we are going next. I love Donna very much and Freya [Donna’s 13-year-old daughter] is very much part of Donna, and I love them both equally. It’s not “Donna” and “Oh, she has a child”. That’s not how I’ve ever seen it… Marriage is absolutely not something I’m scared of [but it] isn’t necessarily the be all and end all…. We are quite purposeful, forward-thinking people, so we needed wind in our sails in order to progress. She makes me very happy [and] I think I make her very happy. I want children. I’ve said that before. I will have children, but you’ll have to wait.’

His big beard: ‘My mother looks at it and says, “When are you going to get rid of it?” but then that’s because she wants me to be her little boy.’

His dyslexia: “…But I have other skills such as building bonfires and bleeding radiators and fixing boilers, slightly fun stuff.’

He’s constantly being mothered: ‘I have always joked that I have three mothers. I couldn’t get away with anything as a kid. Whether I got a bad mark at prep school or was told off by somebody, it would always end up getting back to my parents.’

His girlfriend’s 13-year-old daughter is more mature than James: ‘I think Freya is more mature than me when it comes to general stuff. Although I’m 29, I’m still perceived as the little one. But my family also have respect for me and the things that I do.’

He’s fame because of his name: ‘Quite frankly, you are only really interested in talking to me because of my name, but I have to respect that I’d much rather the stuff that comes out about me be in my voice instead of speculation. There will be plenty of people who will criticise me for doing this but I don’t think I am abusing a situation. Boomf is growing not because of [the press]. We had a £2.5 million turnover last year and it’s up by just shy of 400 per cent on the previous year. That happens because of hard work and a great team. We are now concentrating on stability. I love working hard. I think about myself now, and the position I am in and the stuff that I do, and I am very pleased and confident in how I’ve turned out.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I do think that James is “the family eccentric” in that he’s not like Carole, Kate or Pippa. He lacks that drive and single-minded focus and, yes, maturity. He does come across like the baby of the family, always f—king up and having to be bailed out by friends, family and people who never invest in Boomf if it wasn’t for his name (sorry, James). Mostly I just think that when Boomf folds, he should just give up on this idea that he’s a businessman. He should just buy himself a little house in the country and raise ducks or whatever. Know your own strengths.

There’s also a quickie little Q&A where James lists his “guilty pleasure” as “vintage tractor magazines” which is an amazing answer. He also think Leo DiCaprio would play him in a movie, which… no. No.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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29 Responses to “James Middleton: ‘I have always joked that I have three mothers’”

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  1. dkwhy says:

    I just can’t bring myself to like the Middletons.

  2. JackieJormpJomp says:

    Ugh. I hate that I would hit that. I hate it but I would.

  3. the_blonde_one says:

    Jude Law (a younger) would play him.

  4. Sixer says:

    You might laugh at vintage tractor magazines but when Sixlet Major was a wee one and going through his digger/vehicle enthusiasm phase, he used to make me buy them. Until he began waving them at me saying please, please, please, in newsagents, I had no idea that vintage tractors were actually a thing big enough to merit dedicated magazines!

    • Canadian Becks says:

      Actually that’s the most likeable thing about him. Huge respect for people who know how to tinker with and make things work.

      • Fluff says:

        Ooo I am dating a guy with two left hands and gets nothing done so James sounds super attractive to me. I am pretty independent / driven myself with good job in IT and grew up on farm. i would love to live with someone like James on a farm, let him repair / make stuff and i would work and bring home bacon. Oh perfect life. James boo, call me 😉

      • Canadian Becks says:

        There is something very, VERY appealing about a man (and 95% of the time, it’s a man) who can take things apart and get it working again. i wish they taught that knowledge in schools.

    • Hazel says:

      Oh, I thought it was the magazines that were vintage, but apparently there are magazines about vintage tractors. Go figure.

  5. Canadian Becks says:

    I truly don’t understand how his business isn’t making money hand over fist. It takes a raw product that is cheap to source and re-packages it and sells it at an obscene price.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Putting photo’s onto Marshmallows isn’t really that popular, particularly at his prices. Its a niche novelty thing that would probably appeal to certain markets i.e. Japan where they love this kind of thing but here in the UK is not something people are interested in.

      His business ideas are really not that original or going to take the world by storm and plus i don’t get his obsession with Marshmallows.

      • bettyrose says:

        I don’t begin to understand who thought this business was a good idea. I’m not a marshmallow fan, but either way, why TF would I want to eat a photograph?

      • Hazel says:

        It seems to be something that would be one line of specialty sweets, rather than the sole line. It would fit right in with the Party Pieces catalog, but I agree, I just don’t see it on its own.

      • Trouvee says:

        I don’t know that I’d consider Japan a “niche market.”

  6. Yup, Me says:

    I’m really curious about the thought process that led to that belt as a fashion choice with that shirt and this trousers. What is the image he was trying to portray there?

  7. Cee says:

    I love how Kate is Catherine but Pippa is still Pippa.

    • LAK says:

      In posh circles, every Phillipa is known by the shortened version of it. Very rarely the full name.

      • Cee says:

        hahaha yes, but suddenly always-Kate is now Catherine.

        I’m just looking for an excuse to laugh at anything to be completely honest.

  8. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    He seems sweet enough but very clearly lacks the ambition and hustle of his mother and sisters. Neither Middleton siblings have any smarts even thou they all had expensive educations.

    But yes I think he would be perfectly happy as Farmer James, he has the beard for it at least! But me thinks Donna and Carole wouldn’t be happy with that.

  9. Stephanie says:

    The dress on the top is very pretty. If the upper were lined like the bottom, would it be considered appropriate for Kate to wear? Would she be allowed the quirky red purse?

    • Hazel says:

      She’d be allowed, but it wouldn’t occur to her to carry that red with that blue. On the off chance she did, it would be clutched firmly at crotch level.

  10. graymatters says:

    In these photos, they look like Tsar Nicholas (sp?) and his somewhat overclose Nanny, enjoying a day out incognito amongst the peasants. To the Middleton’s credit, James and Pippa are actually slightly more interesting than that duo would be.

    I like him better for this interview, actually. I have a soft spot for tinkerers. And his self-confidence doesn’t cross the line into arrogance here.

  11. Tanakasan says:

    I…have never heard of this person? Is he an actor?

  12. justincase says:

    Can anyone ID Pippa’s dress?

  13. HoustonGrl says:

    He’s a wannabe eccentric, but not unique enough to pull it off. And the way he talks about Donna makes her sound like an option. I would run.