Donald Trump thinks it’s ‘very unfair’ that ‘professional protesters’ are protesting


For the second night in a row, protests have broken out across American cities. The protests are simply about the fact that the American people elected a fascist hate-monger to the presidency of the United States. While I support peaceful protesting – and most of the protests and demonstrations have been peaceful – in Portland last night, a violent riot broke out. While I’ve always believe MLK’s quote is true – “A riot is the language of the unheard” – I also think that Portlanders need to stop destroying their city just because they’re horrified with President-Elect Trump.

Oregon voted for Hillary Clinton, and there’s been a lot of talk that the West Coast states want to secede from the union, specifically California. The #Calexit thing almost seemed like a joke at first, but the anger and the general sense of unease is still permeating through the country. Something terrible is going to happen. We can all feel it. Just like some of us felt it ahead of the election, when James Comey released that letter to Congress. The feeling in the air is one of danger.

As for how the president-elect reacted to the protests… he tweeted:

“Professional protester, incited by the media” tells you all you need to know about Trump’s America and his view of this country and his fellow Americans. Incidentally, to the media: do your f—king jobs. The reason this man was elected was because too many of you bought into the false f—king equivalencies. Too many people treated his lunacy with a shrug. And stop trying to act like somehow, now that he’s president, he’s going to be “different.” We know who he is.

Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.

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275 Responses to “Donald Trump thinks it’s ‘very unfair’ that ‘professional protesters’ are protesting”

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  1. Carol Hill says:

    When people show you who they are believe them!!

    • Snowflake says:

      i wrote that too!

    • Megan says:

      Did he think we would all love him because he won? He is such a sad, sad man, desperate for love and adoration and completely befuddled when he doesn’t get it.

    • Tate says:


    • Sparkles says:

      Funny, seeing as there were Tweets from him telling people to go out and protest after Obama was elected. Ugh.

      • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

        Not to mention that he said that the Electoral College should be struck down after Obama’s second win. Would this be the same College that had no influence over the 2012 election, or the won that secured his win on Tuesday?

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Yes, Carol Hill! And Kaiser put that very well: “fascist hate-monger.” To which I would add: cheat, pathological liar, thief, coward, and personality-disordered demogogue. Oh yeah, and idiot. Only an idiot would believe the spontaneous protests that are filling our city streets are “professional”! But his ego won’t allow him to believe otherwise.

    • sensible says:


  2. grabbyhands says:

    Very open and successful election? Wait, it ISN’T rigged?? Okay…..

    • BeBeA says:

      Lol, I know right!
      What I find very disturbing is that his whole race for presidency he screams how unfair and biased the media is and then we find out that he’s been in touch with someone like Putin’s representative througout his whole campaign. Putin controls his media. And then today I read that Trump is refusing to allow press groups to travel with him to know his whereabouts as the President elect which hasn’t happened since…. ever. I wonder where he got that idea from. Either he’s going to be doing things that he doesn’t want the press to see or he’s going to try to control what is put out just like his Russian buddy. I think we need to watch him very closely based on everything that he has said and whined about his whole campaign. He pretty much let us know his agenda before he got in the White House, to take away rights and isolate people. Some of his people need to talk him down because this is not looking good. So far “Great feels like crap”

      • Radley says:

        Agreed. He’s totally gonna do something crazy, probably illegal, possibly treasonous. It’s just a matter of time. America will be both compromised and humiliated on a global scale.

        This is gonna be one for the history books. Years from now people will say how the h*ll did America allow Trump to happen? How did we allow one man to damn near take down an empire?

      • homeslice says:

        He’s going to implode, There is no one more surprised than RUMP that he is now President elect. He is so in over his head and beyond his depth it is frightening. He will surround himself with the worst and leave it to them to govern. We should be scared. I am in California and I am seriously looking at Calexit. People laughed at that but then again people laughed at a Rump presidency too. I know one think for sure, in my lifetime we will see this country physically divided. We at TOO different. No amount of kumbaya and flag waving is going to bridge our differences.
        I give RUMP about 2 years before he gives up or is impeached. He needs his coke and women and their are too many eyes looking for him to fuck up.

    • Becky says:

      Unfair? Just like the Electoral College, set up when there were 13 states, 1.5 million population, and indentured slavery.

  3. littlemissnaughty says:

    Oh shut up. This is how it’s going to be? Four years of whining how everythig is “unfair”? I’m tired already. And he sounds like Putin. It’s going to be a long four years. I have the utmost sympathy for everyone in the U.S. who did not vote for this geriatric toddler.

    • uninspired username says:

      Clinton got the popular vote, so it’s most of us.

    • LinaLamont says:

      How embarrassing is it to have the leader of the free world respond to everything by clenching his tiny fists and sputtering, “It’s not fair. It’s not fair.”.

      • Rene says:

        I honestly think he is sochiopath (sorry spelling, I for one am really afraid for your people and country. I have a spare couch in Canada. It is a little chilly in the winter, but, you would get by. I heard the news and thought o fkkk, what now and this is what now, right now.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Exactly! He WON and he’s STILL WHINING! His thinking is like alphabet soup. Anything could come out of his mouth at any time, all completely contradictory. He has no guiding principles (other than greed) so he’s utterly erratic.

      People are already behaving worse because Trump has legitimized being racist. They are yelling very boldly at people of color and feel comfortable doing so. He has also legitimized stealing from the country, stiffing your workers, supporting the mob, etc. – and with the Grand Slam of president, Congress, AND Supreme Court , there will be no recourse. How soon is Roe vs. Wade going down?

      • homeslice says:

        Like I told a family memeber this week…I am not devastated that a Republican won I am devastated that a maniac won. This is why people are protesting, this is why people are legitimately scared. But he’s going to bring back jobs and God and guns!!! yee haw! God, four years can’t come soon enough.

      • swak says:

        @homeslice, as I said in a thread yesterday, if he is going to bring back jobs, then he and his daughter need to bring back their businesses that have been farmed out to other countries because of the cheap labor. This will never happen.

    • Patricia says:

      Trump could be brother to Michel Temer, president of Brazil. Michel Temer minimizes and disregards the protests, calls the students who occupy schools and ignorant and the people who are going the streets of Protestants paid by the opposition. Very sad! Two crazy narcissists!

  4. Square Bologna says:

    Not even sworn in yet, and already he’s acting like a big orange baby.

    • uninspired username says:

      Imagine when ISIS or other antagnostic entities don’t cower automatically before him.

    • Sparkles says:

      He hates being disliked. He hates when people don’t bow down to him. I have a feeling that if people keep protesting and expressing disdain for him, he’ll eventually blow a gasket. This is the moron that can, after all, be “baited with a Tweet.”

  5. Snowflake says:

    I can’t believe people act like he’s going to be different as president. when someone shows you their colors, believe them

    • Kitten says:

      I mean, the American public was able to ignore everything when it comes to this guy: his lack of political experience and cogent, feasible policy, his ongoing lawsuits from various companies and contractors claiming he never paid them, bragging about sexual assault, deriding women for their appearance, getting in bed with Putin, harnessing his connections at the FBI to sway the election and sink HRC’s campaign, the accusation and pending lawsuit for raping a 13-year-old child, his consistently racist and xenophobic comments, and on and on…

      They’ve been able to overlook every awful aspect about this man since Day One so I’m sure that won’t change. When the country goes to sh*t I expect there will be a lot of excusing and condoning or blame-shifting. None of these people will ever admit that they made a mistake by voting for a raving lunatic because they share the same level of prideful, stubborn ignorance that their hero possesses.

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly, Snowflake. Obama said something like being POTUS doesn’t change your temperament, it magnifies it.

  6. Shambles says:

    Once again, in 2012 (not 2008 as I mistakenly said), Donald Trump had a Twitter tantrum after Obama was elected. He *called for protests,* called the electoral college a sham, and complained that Obama lost the popular vote but won the election. That’s not what actually happened, but it’s ironic considering the only reason HE won is by merit of the electoral college.
    And again, he as well as many Americans, are complaining about protests of his election when he called for Obama’s 2012 election to be protested. Another example of DT expecting the respect he refused to give to the Obamas.

    • Snowflake says:

      hes such a hypocrite. everything he complains about, he does!

      • Jayna says:

        Bingo. That’s why someone called him out on his first tweet about protestors and he had to come back with a new tweet.

        He’s nothing but a big whiny orange baby. Nothing has changed.

      • BeBeA says:

        Yes he is, they showed a tweet of an old interview he did saying that if he ever ran for president he would run as a republican because Republicans are dumb and he get plenty of votes or win big and he could do anything and look what happened! And they still voted for him. Ask him about that interview know you’d get something like….” the Republican party is the best party in the world, I’m going to make it huge”

      • chn says:

        That’s a fake quote from a fake interview.

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        A couple family members have posted memes calling Democrats ‘whiners’ and ‘inferior’ because when Obama was elected Republicans supposedly held their tongue and didn’t complain one little bit. (???) I’m tempted to respond with Trump’s tweets, but sadly it would do NO good. These people are (literally) white washing history and have their blinders on. Their holier-than-thou attitude while covering their ears singing “la la la” whenever approached with actual facts is mind boggling. The mental gymnastics they perform to twist logic to suit their opinions would almost be impressive if it wasn’t so terrifying. And their absolute denial in their complicity to the increase in hate crimes–and who knows what still coming–is enraging.

      • Sparkles says:

        Big Whiny Orange Baby, LOL. But even
        scarier than that is what if everything he accuses others of doing, he does or has done?

    • Melly says:

      trump and his surrogates were calling for full scale riots if they lost. One surrogate basically called for Hillary to be assassinated. In the last two nights all protests (except Portland) were peaceful. We are Americans, we have the right to peacefully assemble. We have a duty and a constitutional right to speak up if we think something is wrong. THAT is what makes our country great, not trump.
      I was one of those protesters in DC. There were young people and old people. White, black, brown, asian, hispanic, and every mixture in-between. Some people were in tears some were clearly angry. Everyone was peaceful. Those protesters in Portland NEED TO STAY PEACEFUL! You CAN NOT RIOT or you ruin and delegitimize the movement that we are trying to build. If you assault police officers or vandalize property it gives the media and the republicans room to classify all of us as violent and anarchists. We need to take this seriously and be taken seriously.

      • Lalu says:

        No trump voters were going to be rioting. This is silly.
        You guys really have gone over the edge and people are just making stuff up at this point.
        The media is not biased towards the republicans… The media and Hollywood are biased towards the liberals.
        Half the country didn’t vote for the guy because they are racists. They did it because the are scared. Whether they made a good choice or not… It is because people are afraid of where we were headed and didn’t trust Hillary. You all know people that voted Trump. I promise all those people aren’t awful racists. You really aren’t using reasoning if you think that.

      • Melly says:

        I have closely followed this election. I listened to Trump and all of his surrogates. This is not the media telling me what I should think. I never said the media was or was not bias. I pride myself on being an informed and critical thinking citizen of this awesome country. If I thought it was worth it, I would post links to videos of Trump surrogates and supporters discussing their plans if Trump loses. Sheriff David Clarke, a trump surrogate and supporter called for an uprising “pitchforks and torches” against the government and media if trump was to lose. You can watch the video of Clarke saying this, it’s on youtube. Scottie Nell Hughes also called for riots, saying “riots are not necessarily a bad thing.” Again, it’s on youtube. I could go on and on and on. But it probably won’t make a difference to you.
        More than 1/2 the country DID vote for Hillary seeing as she got more than 200,000 more votes. But I understand that the popular vote does not determine the outcome.
        I understand that not all Trump supporters are “awful racists”, but I would argue that just about all awful racists are trump supporters.
        Words matter. Words matter more when you’re the leader of the free world OR if you speak on behalf of the leader of the free world. But I guess you just think it’s silly.

      • Kitten says:

        LOL Yeah I TOTALLY get it. HRC is untrustworthy.

        You should DEFINITELY trust the guy who has 9 lawsuits against him for not paying people he hired, the guy who refuses to release his taxes (he has to be the first presidential candidate in history to not do so), the guy who is in bed with the FBI and Putin. Yep, DEFINITELY gonna take care of you, Lalu, because he cares SO much about the American people.

        The media treated Trump like a harmless buffoon. They never grilled him on the pending rape case, the refusal to release his taxes, his appeal to the KKK and white nationalists, his complete and utter lack of political experience.
        They never once asked him for concrete political policy even during the debates. They gave this dude a HUGE free pass and I will never forgive the American media for that.

      • BabyJane says:

        Lalu, just like all Muslims aren’t jihadists and all immigrants aren’t Mexican and all Mexican immigrants aren’t illegally living here and all undocumented (“illegal”) immigrants aren’t criminals. Doesn’t prevent members of any of these groups from being painted with the same brush by the Trump campaign and administration (and, thusly, Trump supporters).

      • V4Real says:


        You sound like a sad Trump supporter with your blinders on. A lot of Trump supporters are exactly that, racist. That’s why he pretty much won the entire south. But you go ahead and keep on bowing to the Orange one and keep on believing that some of his supporters said they would not riot if he lost. Bless your sweet heart.

      • Shark Bait says:

        Didn’t plenty of Trump surrogates claim that something drastic needed to be done if Trump lost? Some of his supporters were talking revolution? These were the exact, unedited words coming out of their mouths.
        This reminds me of of when Palin was blaming the “lamestream liberal media” for repeating what she said word for word. Anyone who uses the phrase “liberal media” (or it’s counterpart mainstream media) is severely lacking in any sort of coherent argument.
        My own parents voted for Trump and I will say that ALL Trump supporters are either… hateful, uninformed, selfish, privileged or any combination of the four. My mother is the latter three.

      • Lalu says:

        Thanks for all of that guys. I knew that nothing I had to say would matter. And that’s fine.
        If you want to just chalk his election up to half the population of this great country being racist… That’s your deal. Maybe you just need to keep it that simple.
        And v4real… Keep on with that belief that the southerners are racist too.
        It’s ironic… I know backwoods hillbillies that are more thoughtful and tolerant of others opinions than you guys are.

      • Lorelai says:

        @Lalu, you’re clearly in denial and are being extremely condescending. “Silly?” No, Trump himself called for Hillary’s assassination. We all saw the video of him saying it.

        You’re insulting as as being simple while simultaneously playing victim. But sure, you’re the sane, logical one here 🙄

        You just keep on telling yourself whatever you need to in order to justify your vote to yourself.

      • Lalu says:

        Lorelai… Yes, I was being condescending and that was rude. If I seemed like I was playing the victim… I also apologize. I am no one’s victim. If no one here agrees with me… That’s fine. I was offering another side and my point of view.

      • Sarah says:

        Lalu, you need to read the news. His supportwrs were calling for armed resistance, revolution, assasinating Hillary, they were horrible and vile. And lots of educated whites in wealthy suburbs vote for him, what was their reason? Sexism and racism.

      • Tryannosaraha says:

        What of people ripping hijabs off of women? Pulling knives on them? Telling them to hang themselves with their scarves and that they “aren’t allowed to do that anymore”–i.e., wear them? The people chanting “make American white again”, spray painting swastikas? The people telling AMERICAN children they need to “to back where they came from” while they cry in the cafeteria now that Trump won? The harassment of mothers of color walking their children to school? This is happening all over the country. You cannot possibly deny these events. What do you say of them and the representation of Trump supporters?

      • siri says:

        “More than 1/2 the country DID vote for Hillary…”@Melly: That’s not correct. Among the eligible voters, only 56,9% cast their ballots. Out of those, 47.6% voted Hillary, 47.3% Trump. If you would look at it from the total of eligible voters, only 26 % voted for Clinton, 25.9% for Trump. So basically, roughly 1/4 of the country voted for Clinton, 1/4 for Trump.

  7. Nicole says:

    You don’t get to tell people how to protest. No one says boo when people are “destroying the city” over sports. Fact is people are scared and are lives are under a very real threat. Protest away…I’ve been out ever night since the election. We will not be silenced by respectability politics

    • Lucrezia says:

      What the heck kind of city do you live in? There’s never been a sports riot in my city and I’d be saying a lot more than boo if there was.

      Rioting is never okay. Breaking other people’s stuff to express your unhappiness is not acceptable in a toddler let alone an adult. I do indeed have the right to tell you that, because I don’t want you to break MY stuff.

      Peaceful protest is completely different. Peacefully protest all you want, I’m right behind you. Just don’t wreck things that belong to other people. (And definitely don’t wreck other people.) It is NOT okay.

      • Melly says:

        Have you heard of Los Angeles?

      • Nicole says:

        So because it didn’t happen in your city it didn’t exist? What kind of logic is that?!

        And while the city made an action plan I must have missed the tear gas and rubber bullets used in these riots. And that these incidents were described “youthful indiscretions” rather than lazy thugs.

        So again these were treated differently

      • Lucrezia says:

        I wasn’t saying sports riots don’t exist. I was saying they are NOT okay and shouldn’t be accepted as okay.

        I simply do not understand why you’re accepting them (let alone using them as a justification for other types of riots). Why aren’t YOU saying boo? The problem with the double-standard is not in criticising protest-riots, it’s in minimising sports-riots as trivial.

        All forms of rioting are completely unacceptable. (New anti-violence slogan: Just say boo!)

      • Aims says:

        My town is in chaos over the election . Three days there has been protest and it’s serious . I live in Portland Oregon and we reject this dictator , we reject his politics and we’re mad as hell and won’t back down . Our Planned Parenthood is filled to the gills with women getting their birth control , because everyone is terrified that our local clinics will be shut down ! !!!!!!

        The ramifications to a Trump presidency is very deep .

      • Melanie says:

        HA! Well lucky you sweetie. Google is your friend. We’re not here to school you on every piece of information you seem to be lacking. Rioting after sporting events has been going on for ages, all across this nation, in Canada and Europe, in cities you might not suspect. It’s nothing new. Boys will be boys you know.

        People are protesting because their hearts are broken, souls crushed. I vascilate between extreme anger and sobbing sadness over this hijacking of my country. Or else it’s even worse: That this country is not what I was taught it is. Which means I’ve been lied to. I’m an admittedly very patriotic person, mainly because I was raised to be.

        My anger and sadness isn’t because your guy won and mine didn’t. That’s the shallow answer given by the uncaring, the selfish, the soulless. My anger is about the millions of people who think it’s not just ok, but great, to have such an unqualified, racist, mysolginist, narcissist to run this country. Thank god I don’t have kids. How I could have explained this week to them…I have no words.

        I have no patience for the gloating at this point. And unless you’re new here, protests can turn into rioting. It’s the nature of the beast. Stop being dense.

      • Lucrezia says:

        @ Melanie: “your guy”? Just to clarify, are you confusing me with a Trump supporter? Or was that just a general phrase, not directed at me?

        I’m not a Trump supporter. I don’t think “boys will be boys” is an acceptable excuse for riots any more than it’s an acceptable excuse for the way Trump was ranting about sexual assault (grabbing pussy). I don’t believe in violence. I think it should be called out whenever/however it occurs. I’m a pacifist. I believe in peaceful protest. I’ve marched plenty of times. And I don’t think protests naturally/automatically turn violent. Someone makes a choice. (Sometimes the police, sometimes a drunken idiot, sometimes an angry young idiot.)

        I do acknowledge that sometimes people can get swept away with the moment, but I’ve seen the footage from Oregon and the people smashing cars and shops were armed with baseball bats. They didn’t go out to a peaceful protest, get carried away with emotion and hit things with their “The majority of America cares about immigrants & LGBTQ people” signs. They came out armed with weapons. They’re not peaceful protesters who got carried away, they came out to riot. (I’m not even sure how they knew the cars they were smashing belonged to Trump supporters. It’s possible they had bumper-stickers that I couldn’t see, but I fear they were just smashing random cars – ones that could easily belong to people on the same political side.)

        Protest. March. Yell. Make your voice heard. But leave the baseball bats at home. Don’t smash things that belong to other people. I’m never going to be convinced that that’s okay.

    • lightpurple says:

      There have been serious crowd incidents after sporting events in my city. (2002 Patriots SuperBowl win, 2004 Red Sox pennant win.) People shouted BOO. So much so that the city has developed strict action plans, which it has implemented several times since to ensure safety both to people and property.

      • Kitten says:

        2004 was legit terrifying. I lived in Fenway at the time and we went our to roam the streets afterwards..cops everywhere on horses with riot gear, tear gas etc.

      • lightpurple says:

        And the death of Victoria Snelgrove. Now, people know NOT to climb the Wall but it was a tragic and painful lesson. There was a death after that first Patriots victory too. A man drove his car through students celebrating near Northeastern.

      • Mary Mary says:

        Sometimes the uninvited people who join peaceful rallies are from loosely organized groups such as the Anarchists. They are there to destroy property with their intention to destroy capitalism, but just ends up destroying someone else’s property, livelihood and their business.

        There are also undercover people who join meetings of the peaceful protesters and carry signs, and are there trying to blend until the rally and then they are hell bent on destroying the peaceful demonstration by creating distractions of the peaceful rally with violent acts, stopping traffic and any kind of rioting. I know this as I used to join rallies, protests and attended a small group of labor organizers in Seattle and we had our group infiltrated by someone hell bent on destroying our rally, but we kept an eye on him and stopped him several times from trying to hit people’s cars with signs, stopped him from attacking a cop’s horse (cop on horseback) that would have caused the horse to rear up in the middle of around 500 people and been a mess. I went directly up to the cop to tell him what that pos was about to do and he disappeared . I didn’t want the horse, the cop or my fellow organizers injured because of that as#h**e. After that protester’s mission to create chaos at a protest rally failed, his work for the night was over and he disappeared into the crowd and we never saw him again at any of our meetings, rallies, etc. Never got the answer if he was he undercover, or a fringe person who hangs out in order to destroy a movement that labor organizers and peaceful people were trying to build in our community.

  8. Sandy says:

    Fuck this guy! He is not my president. And if his supporters want a fight with immigrants and minorities, they’re going to get one. The war is on!

    • Melly says:

      Count me as part of the resistance

    • MellyMel says:

      With you on that one! A revolution is happening in this country and anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.

    • Nimbolicious says:

      As unprecedented as this election was will be the continued response to it if The Donald as celebrity, rich dick and candidate continues to do The Donald as president — and sadly there’s no evidence that he won’t.

      White, uneducated people carried this man to the White House because too many who knew better went third party or stayed home rather than elect Not Bernie. However, I believe America WILL wake up sometime down the line and see what it has done, and to whom, and experience the inevitable blowback that will scorch the uninformed who put this cretin in power (i.e the realization that he has no interest in bettering the common man and that he is doing no more than fiddling while Rome burns in the hands of way worse career politicians than the one who was defeated).

      And while the good ol’ boys and gals who voted for “change” are scratching their heads over this while their economic prospects continue to not change and the hateful acts against us and by us continue to increase, there will be galvanized and awakened among us a sleeping giant — the young. I think that the diverse millennial tapestry who carried Bernie to prominence — students, young professionals, and among them in particular women and persons of color and early generation Americans, are not going to stand by while their country gets grabbed by the p$&@y by a bunch of old white guys.

      These protests are just early harbingers of what’s to come. The anger and ignorance that delivered Drumpf on a platter are nothing compared to the kind of rage that I believe has the very real possibility of getting unleashed.

      I hate to say it but I think that we are closer to civil war now than we have been since 1860. I just hope that I’m wrong.

      • Melly says:

        I agree with most of what you said. However, just saying uneducated people got trump elected is an oversimplification of what actually happened. We have to be informed about how this happened so we don’t repeat the mistake. Apathy and lack of voter turn out played a HUGE roll. Those voting 3rd party didn’t help the situation but they certainly didn’t determine the outcome.
        A majority of uneducated people voted for him, but he also got a lot of votes for educated men, a surprising amount of educated women, and a total of 58% of the total white vote. Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%.
        53% of all men, 42% of all women.
        He also got good chunk of latino votes, 29%, which blew my mind.
        Young voters clearly preferred Clinton over trump, but they didn’t show up in the numbers necessary. Clinton also got the majority of the african american votes, but they also did not show up to vote in the numbers needed.

      • EM says:

        Well done Melly in joining the protests. I think this one is a good one #notmypresident and there is a massive protest planned for inauguration day in DC. My nieces are attending and I may join them.

      • Sarah says:

        I don’t know if we should want to stay together. The trump voters hate us. My own niece mocked me in a family Facebook message about a totally different topic, I said I was done with the bunch of them, and while angry, put all of their racist and sexist slurs I’ve heard over the year right out there on FB when she and two other nieces went after one of my own threads. Screw them.

        I’ve spent enough years visiting them with my heart on my throat, last week, my MIL went on and on over her neighbor, who is a witch, like Wiccan. And had to also tell me that she is a lesbian and has a BLACK girlfriend! The horrors!

        What do we have in common with the red states except that they use all of our tax dollars! #calexit #nexit

        Yes, it is about racism, sexism, homophobia. Absolutely

    • Melanie says:

      Sign me up Sandy! #teamsandy

  9. Giddy says:

    Well, we’re even. I thinking it’s fu*king unfair that he’s President. #toddlertrumptantrums

  10. LinaLamont says:

    “We know who he is.”
    Truer words were never spoken.

    My favorite tweet:
    Blaise Dahl
    @ BlaiseDahl
    @realDonaldTrump “open”? I thought you said it was a rigged system. Look how you already created 1000s of JOBS. PAID protesters! Brilliant!

    See you later…off to California.

  11. Olenna says:

    Donald, you’re getting the respect you deserve. So, STFU.

  12. lightpurple says:

    Trump is dangerous. Paul Ryan even more so.

    • SnazzyisAlive says:

      Pence is evil

      • Tifzlan says:

        Pence IS evil and i’ve already seen the Politico reports that Pence will have a sizable VP role in this administration. Ugh, i’m sick of it already.

        ADDITIONALLY does anyone else find it odd that Trump’s ties to Russia are STILL being underreported by the MSM? Scrolling thru my Twitter timeline last night, i saw several news outlets breaking the story that a Russian Foreign Minister admitted to keeping in contact with the Trump team throughout the campaign. Yet when i woke up 6 hours later, there was hardly any mention of this story. No follow up reports, not even new tweets on the breaking news update. FISHY FISHY. Borderline treasonous behavior but weeks and weeks was spent speculating on HRC’S health. Why?????

      • bleu_moon says:

        There have been reports about Trump and Russia for a while now. Unfortunately most of it includes unnamed sources and leaves a lot of questions. It doesn’t meet the standards of most responsible MSM outlets so they’ve not reported on it. Plus they’re afraid to publish something and then be proven wrong. Look at the Slate articles about the Trump server communicating with a Russian bank with ties to Putin. The writer and Slate were lambasted afterward. The FBI investigated the server claims and dismissed the whole thing- although I’m not sure how much faith I have in the FBI anymore. Mother Jones posted about a former KGB agent who claims Trump was “compromised,” but the agent isn’t named and he’s the only source. In October Trump cited a Russian Kremlin funded propaganda outlet at a rally. That was picked up by a few outlets. Paul Manafort is being investigated for his ties to Russia. Harry Reid’s letter to the FBI insinuated that there was an ongoing investigation, but shockingly there hasn’t been an FBI leak of that. 😉 It’s a lot of smoke, but no one can actually find a fire.

      • Maire3 says:

        Dick Cheney 2.0

    • Jenns says:

      I’m going to keep making this point: No one is worse than Trump. He is dangerous and unhinged. He is a threat to America and the world.

  13. Stella in NH says:

    Freedom of Speech is a very important right in this country that this alleged unregistered sex offender just doesn’t understand. His thin orange skin is showing up.

    It will be interesting to see the developments after the fraud trial against him. Are they going to try to suppress it? How is the media going to cover it? Will they through it under the rug like all the other rotten things this vile person has done?

  14. Maya Memsaab says:

    I’m not even American or living in America, but I’ve been having trouble getting out of bed and am currently having popcorn for lunch because doing anything seems too much. I can’t even imagine what millions of Americans who didn’t vote for this predator must be going through.

    • rahrahrooey says:

      I just really, really hope the world knows that not all Americans agree with him. In fact a good portion hate him and his hateful rhetoric!! If nothing else i want the world to know that Americans are not all like this!!!:(

      • emma says:

        Yes, we know. And we feel for all of you.

      • Rene says:

        We know up here in Canada as your neighbors. We are worried for you all.

      • Lucrezia says:

        If it makes you feel better, remember that local media will focus on local priorities. The first articles covered the shock that he was elected given the garbage rhetoric he’s spewed, but the focus quickly turned to “what does a Trump presidency mean for us?”.

        Here in Oz the papers are focusing on the local rise of populism and asking “could Trump happen here?”. So we’re identifying with you, not blaming individual Americans or gloating at your misfortune. From what I’ve seen in the British news, they’re comparing it to Brexit and identifying with you too.

        And even that conversation has already turned into more detailed examinations of economic policy. Are we going to continue the TTP without the US? Is America going to engage in a trade war with China? Would lowered Chinese sales to the US drive down Chinese demand for our resources and push us into a recession?

        I’d bet the conversation is similar in most countries. The US is a VERY big fish and your economic policies create international waves. The focus will be on that, not the hateful garbage coming out of his mouth, let alone wondering if that’s a reflection of everyday Americans.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I hear you. My stress eating is a little out of control. Last night I finished off an entire bag of fruit gums in half an hour.

      rahrahrooey, we do know. xo

    • Melanie says:

      Been walking like a zombie all week. That is when I’m not crying. Trying to figure out how to get out of Christmas with my father. He’s a big fan of the Orange, and I just do not have the energy to spend days defending myself and my beliefs.

      I will keep screaming this to anyone that will listen: I’m not upset because my candidate lost. I’m raging and seething because a monster has been let loose in our house and we handed him the keys. Never, NEVER in my wildest dreams could I imagine such a loathesome creature holding this office.

      Our nation has become dumbed-down, insulated and selfish. My aunt who is approaching 70 can’t even get out of bed. She feels like everything she marched for in the 60’s and 70’s is being destroyed. I will pull out of this funk. And then I will mobilize and get shit done. We can’t let them break us. We’ve gained too much to be pulled back down.

      • Lorelai says:

        I am infuriated at the people trying to frame this as we’re upset because “our guy lost.”

        SERIOUSLY? We’ve all been on the losing side of elections. This is a completely different ballgame.

  15. Melody says:

    That moment when you realize all the ugliness you stirred up for the last year doesn’t disappear the moment you win…

    It’s a shame he didn’t raise his kids – parenthood teaches a lot of things that could calm this situation down. Instead he’ll treat this like another business deal and bully his way through.

    • Esmom says:

      Melody, yes. The same thing is happening on my FB feed — people who were screaming about Killary and Benghazi a couple days ago and calling Obama the “great divider” and way worse for years are now suddenly appealing for “unity” and “healing”. F%^k them.

  16. Tifzlan says:

    Out of all the things he could have made a first statement on as president-elect – namely the terrible stories of harassment that are being widely reported across the country and being done in HIS name – he chooses protests. PROTESTS. A right that is enshrined in the US Constitution. He is hopeless.

    I also think it’s rich that he’s asking for respect when he showed zero of that for President Obama. For the last 8 years, calling him names and going on with that racist birther nonsense. And yet, President Obama had the decency to entertain him in the White House. A finer man than i would’ve been considering the shit he’s been through at the hands of this Orange Buffoon. I would’ve told Trump to get bent.

    • Radley says:

      Trump is as classless and ignorant as his supporters.

    • Uzi says:

      Trump needs to show President Obama the same respect that the president has shown him. The first step: a public apology for all his Birther rhetoric over the last few years.

      How sad that the presidency will be going from CLASS to CRASS in January.

      And to Kaiser and all you CBers…THANK YOU! I haven’t commented in ages, but have been following every post and thread. It warms my heart that there are so many of us with intelligence and common decency…

      Michelle 2020!

  17. poppy says:

    don’t like the electoral college?
    great article with a link to make a change.

    take the protest to a meaningful level please.
    at least read and consider. looking for any way to make sure this NEVER happens again.

    show this turd the unheard and uncounted are “going to make America great again”.

    • IlsaLund says:

      Time has a great article about why the electoral college was originally set up. As always, slavery was at the root of its creation:

      The Troubling Reason the Electoral College Exists

      • bleu_moon says:

        Yes! People don’t realize the Electoral college was set up to appease slave holding states. It’s a truly outdated and backward system. However, both Trump and “Bush Part Deux” were elected by winning the electoral college after losing the popular vote. Republicans will never agree to get rid of it!

      • Becky says:

        Ilsalund, correct me if I’m wrong but slavery was also one of the factors for the 2nd amendment, to suppress slave revolts.

      • vava says:

        I’m glad you posted this. Getting rid of the electoral college is on the top of my list of things to harp about. Even if it’s the last breath I take!

  18. Jenns says:

    I heard in argument this morning that protests don’t do anything. I understand that way of thinking, but now we know that they are getting under his orange skin, which is why I hope peaceful, but loud, protest continue. Do not give up and make it easy for him.

    You know it’s killing him that he didn’t win the popular vote. So now he’s in a job that he doesn’t want, a job that he didn’t win by votes, he’s going to get bored and restless because being POTUS is a lonely and isolating position, and he can no longer attend rallies where people chant his name and stoke his massive insecure ego.

    He’s a dangerous man. He is a threat to America and to the world. Pence is terrible, but he’s not unstable. The best we can hope for is that Trump cracks and resigns.

    • Lucrezia says:

      I just had an evil thought. Have you ever seen those pictures of how presidents rapidly age while they’re in power? That’s going to happen to Trump.


      • Jenns says:

        He’s already a hot mess. How do you think he is going to look 4 years from now, or god help us, 8 years. He’ll make Gollum look like a winner in one of his beauty pageants.

    • Jayna says:

      Yeah. He’s great at flying around in his jet and giving speeches to the adoring Rep. masses chanting his name and falling for his tag lines, Lock Hillary up, I’m going to build a wall, on and on.

      Sitting in the office night and day working on policy and government and the grind of it he will tire of quickly. He couldn’t be bothered while running to really understand the government. It ages every president to be POTUS.

      I predict he will take more time off than any president ever.

      I always had this measure of peace thinking of Hillary in the White House because she is such a workhorse and is so knowledgeable and experienced and it never ends for her. It is her passion. She would not be a figurehead, clocking out when bored.

      • Esmom says:

        Jayna, Yes to all of this. I’m starting to realize this is exactly why a big segment of people voted for him. They know Trump can’t handle it and can’t wait for Pence, Ryan and the rest of the hard liners to start dismantling everything that’s been achieved over the past eight years.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      Peaceful protests were one of the deciding factors in bringing down the Berlin Wall. Never say they don’t do anything.

  19. PunkyMomma says:

    It’s so apparent when Trump (The Mad Emperor) tweets his froth, and his “team” (Ivanka, Jared) takeover his technology.

  20. IlsaLund says:

    I have a question. American Thanksgiving is coming up soon. How are those of you who have close family and friends who voted & supported Trump going to handle it? Are you planning to grin and bear it while everyone celebrates the Trump victory? Not go home or plan an alternate Thanksgiving with like minded people?

    I’ve invited everyone to my home who isn’t up to dealing the Trumpeteers on Thanksgiving.

    • Jayna says:

      Thank God, my whole family, mine and my siblings and spouses, are Democrats, and we spend the holidays together. My sister’s husband is a Republican, but not a rabid one, and stays out of the fray with political talk. He is just one of those Republicans that refuses to cross party lines. We will all be venting, and he will just ignore us and not try to defend Trump or go outside with some wine to drown us out if we get too vocal about it, which we will. LOL.

    • Rhiley says:

      I am going to a cabin in the woods. No cell. No wifi.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      @Ilasaland: This question has been weighing very heavily on me this week. Nearly my entire family voted for Trump, and a few of them are absolutely delusional. I have gotten into it thru conversation, email and on FB with several of them, and it’s mind-boggling how little they are willing to listen to the other side & how they belittle actual facts.
      My family doesn’t observe Christmas, so Thanksgiving has always been our big holiday celebration. It’s also our first without my mum (who passed away in May) who was the glue who kept us all together, so it was already going to be difficult. One brother has the time to bash me on MY OWN Facebook page, but can’t be bothered to answer my texts asking if they’re coming to Thanksgiving. I have always been a “I may not always like you, but we’re family so I love you” kind of person, but their behavior and realizing some of their true opinions makes me really question that. We’ve always been a family that likes to debate, but a few of them have just taken it too far. Why should I have delusional, belittling bigots in MY home just because we share DNA? I’m so heart-broken. I miss my mum so much already, and know that she’d be so pissed to see us falling apart without her. I was hoping this Thanksgiving would help us heal from our loss, but I’m afraid it will only do the opposite.

      • IlsaLund says:

        @Scarlet Vixen

        So sorry for the loss of your mom. I pray you’ll do whatever’s best for your health and well being. Hugs and kisses and hoping things get better for you.

      • Bub says:

        *big hug*

      • Lady D says:

        Condolences, Scarlet Vixen on your loss, and take care of yourself if you have your dinner. I think it’s going to be a hard Thanksgiving for a whole lot of people this year. Maybe for your sanity spend the weekend in a nice hotel with spa services or hiking in a park (if you like that) instead.

      • Christin says:

        Scarlet, I admire you for wanting to follow your mother’s example. Losing a loved one sometimes shines a spotlight on your family members’ real selves. Just because someone is family, does not mean they respect or value you. Sounds like the election has amplified that effect for you.

        Wishing you the best, at Thanksgiving and beyond.

    • Esmom says:

      I will do what I’ve basically always done with my parents and other elderly relatives who are coming to our house. Keep the talk away from politics and keep it as short as possible. I learned decades ago that my point of view will always be dismissed if it doesn’t align with their conservative one.

    • Shark Bait says:

      My mom voted for Trump and vocally supported him all through the election. I know my father had to have voted for Trump as well. My racist aunt voted Trump, too. My other aunt and her partner were very vocal against Trump because they fear for their rights under a conservative SCOTUS and Congress. Thanksgiving isn’t going to be fun.
      My mom called me on Wednesday and I ignored it because I couldn’t talk to her right then. I returned her call several hours later and she said “oh it took you long enough, I figured you were in mourning over Trump” in a sarcastic tone. I ignored her. Then a few minutes later she said “oh it looks like Tracie (my aunt) and Mandy (my cousin) are in fear for their marriages and rights. I guess they should get out then, oh boo hoo! Haha I love it!” Well I have been very cordial about politics with my mom for a long time and it was all bottled up. I exploded on her. I said you think this is a joke? That people who are disenfranchised in this country aren’t scared right now? I’m scared for my children, who know what the SCOTUS and Congress will try to pull now with no checks and balances. She came back at me saying she’s been alive a lot longer than me and has seen Social Security and Medicare and Roe v Wade threatened before. I said well they have the power to follow through now. Do you know what she then said to me? That I was believing the liberal media and letting it scare me. I said um no I reading their proposed plans and policies straight from the horse’s mouth.
      My mother then said her reason for voting Trump was that we have a serious “law and order” problem in this country. She said “thugs are threatening the police, these young criminals don’t respect the police” and that Obama invites the parents of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to the White House and doesn’t invite people who “deserve it” like our police and veterans. Oh and that the world is becoming too politically correct. So there you go, my mom was one of the college educated white women who turned PA red because she wants Trump to make it mandatory to say One Nation Under God and Merry Christmas. Those we her EXACT words, by the way.

      • Hazel says:

        I had a similar, albeit shorter, phone conversation with my dad on Wednesday. Right now, I’m ok with never talking to him again. Count me as one of those people spending thanksgiving on the beach.

      • Lorelai says:

        Shark Bait and Esmom, hang in there.

        I’m lucky to not have any family members who voted for Trump, but will be more than happy to listen when you need to vent about yours.

        2016 cannot be over quickly enough.

      • Sarah says:

        I’m sorry. Your mom sounds horrible. All that white resentment. My family too. Just dreadful human beings. I’m not going to thanksgiving though. Let my trump loving brother make her f-ing turkey.

    • arock says:

      A window into my pain- My MIL (who we will be spending thanksgiving with) reacted to our family trip to the grand canyon with this statement, and let me reiterate- the grand canyon, people.
      “You have to be careful, there are indians out there”
      us- “what?”
      MIL-“Indians. they are all over the land, they have guns and you have to be careful. they have sacred mounts and will shoot you if you step on them.”
      us-“wait, what?. are you referring to native americans? with sacred mounds?”
      MIL-“yes. there are no laws on reservations theyll shoot you. you cant trust anyone there”
      us-……..gets up and leaves the table……
      this is the tip of the fear mongering, xenophobic, racist train of stupid that i have to regrettably expose my children to. i have whittled our interaction down to one time a year and it is an exercise in restraint; not because im not angry, offended or horrified, but because trying to reason with this kind of logic is a waste. id rather put proactive effort into educating my children on the dangers of her words and actions than have an asinine argument over stuffing.
      people like her are the reason trump was elected. people like her are the reason i drink.

      • arock says:

        not to mention its a national park not a reservation you geographically challenged, stuttering, over indulged, mess of hair and teeth.
        sorry rage stroke. deep breaths.
        someone pass the xanax.

    • CorruptLobbyist says:

      I’ll be at the WH for the annual turkey pardon. Silly but fun. And this year it feels poignant.

    • Sarah says:

      Ok, where do you live? I’m not going to my mother’s. She votes for my daughter to lose her health insurance. I haven’t talked to her since Monday.

  21. lisa says:

    how long could someone that orange live? i am hoping everything on the inside is jaundiced and shriveled up and close to giving up

  22. ... says:

    I hate him so much. I never thought it is possible to hate someone you don’t even know personally but he proved me you can.

  23. Jayna says:

    For all of those like me, who are hurting, and no where to place anger or grief, here’s a nice clip. I loved Hillary’s speech. She showed so much grace.

    I ran across this last night and began crying again, but then I felt pride and dented the anger I feel about Trump and refocused back on what a woman HIllary is. On Morning Joe they are talking about her concession speech and show clips. Joe talks about how amazing it is and Steve Rattner and Harold Ford, Jr., are on to speak about her speech and knowing her as long as they have.

    Like was said, don’t forget up until around nine o’clock p.m., Hillary and her team thought they were winning. They spent the day believing they would win. To be hit with the unfolding result that night can never be understated how devastating and nightmarish it was for HIllary compared to someone who knew they might lose.

    Anyway, I cried watching them talk about HIllary but it also made me proud again as they brought up the admirable qualities about Hillary. It made me happy to focus on Hillary again, than the Orange Buffoon.

    And that Hillary supporter in the park in Chappaqua, who ran into Hill and Bill walking in the park with their dogs lifted me up, just like it did the mother who was walking out in the park to get over her grief and runs into HIllary the day after her concession speech. I loved the photo. That visual made me happy. Although, I know HIllary has many dark days ahead during the next few months before the inauguration.

    Morning Joe and guests talking about resilient Hillary who always perseveres and her speech.

    • Esmom says:

      That photo of Hillary hiking made me happy, too. Just thinking about how she got out of bed to take a walk in the woods and enjoy nature somehow made me feel like I could get through the rest of this week, at least.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      That photo in the woods was really moving. After a grueling campaign and a bitter defeat, I imagine she relished that quiet walk around nature, not having to be “on”, reflecting on the end of her public life and looking ahead to a new chapter of being a private citizen and enjoying being a grandma to Aidan and Charlotte.

      On the other hand, it was a bit heartbreaking because not only is this fantastic woman not going to be our President, but it also showed this easygoing, happy, sweet side of her that so many accused her of not having during the campaign.

      • Lorelai says:

        Thank you for posting that link. And I know; the photo of her in the park was equal parts touching and heartbreaking. Same with the ones of the messages written in chalk outside her campaign headquarters 💔

        I hope she can just enjoy being a grandmother, and that she finds peace no matter what she does next.

  24. Insomniac says:

    Trump still looks scared and unhappy to me. Good.

    • Fallon says:

      Yeah, kind of how we all look these days. Ugh.

    • Lorelai says:

      I agree with those who don’t think he ever wanted to win or actually expected it to happen. He looks as shell-shocked as we all feel.

      Regardless, I hope he is this miserable until his dying day. After the fear he has inflicted on this country, hell is not hot enough for this rage monster.

  25. Keaton says:

    LOl at that second tweet. It’s going to be a very long 4 years for Kellyanne having to clean up Trump’s twitter rants. SMDH

    • Maire3 says:

      To quote Mrs Lintott from the play “The History Boys”

      “History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. What is history? History is women following behind — with the bucket.”

  26. RussianBlueCat says:

    I just have this image in my mind of Donald Trump calling up President Obama for advice on how to deal with the protests. President Obama sees who is calling and says ” You got the job now so deal with it !” and letting it go to voicemail

    • IlsaLund says:

      I think Obama made a remark about how when he first became President, Bush 43 gave him the space to learn and grow on his own without any interference.

      • JackieJormpJomp says:

        OMG I never ever thought I’d be missing GWB and thinking of him as a class act.

      • Shark Bait says:

        When Bush was elected the first time I was 16. I knew he was bad news but I was still young enough to not worry. Plus there was no social media to come at me from every single direction. Basically I knew it meant more Will Ferrell on SNL. In 2004, it was the first presidential election I could vote in. I voted Kerry and was disappointed but not fearful or sad. I was like well here’s to more Bush dynasty, ugh. Even though we knew Bush and Cheney were war mongers, it just seemed like we could laugh Bush off sometimes. It doesn’t feel like that now. It really feels like something bad is going down. I think it’s more to do with Pence being so evilly extreme and Paul Ryan having no restrictions for his agenda. I just don’t have that feeling of “oh let’s see how late night TV lampoons Trump this time” like I did with Bush.

      • Wilma says:

        I read this story about GW that made me realise that he might be unqualified as president but that he is a nice person and I don’t think there ever will be a story like that about Trump. He’s a jerk and underneath that a crap person and underneath that there’s more garbage.
        Anyway the story about Bush who organised a reunion of some all boys thing from Yale and one of the invitees had transitioned to female.
        ‘According to the story, the woman was not entirely sure how to introduce herself to the President, so nervously said: “You might remember me as Peter when we left Yale…” Without blinking, Bush interjected, “And now you’ve come back as yourself.”‘

      • Lorelai says:

        Think about that. We are MISSING GWB. Yearning for his restraint and wisdom.

        That is truly terrifying.

  27. cali says:

    The Republican Party will do anything to satisfy the rich people but the poor people who voted for him will suffer.

  28. Lola says:

    I have the feeling that Trump will be the GOP’s puppet from now on. Pence etc. are running this whole thing.

    • Jayna says:

      But it doesn’t mean he will always listen to them and instead will make willy-nilly, last-minute decisions or override them after their work on issues. In fact, I see that happening a lot.

      • Esmom says:

        Jayna, I’m trying to see that as a positive. His erratic style and lack of ideological zealotry seems to indicate that moderate Republicans and maybe even Democrats can stealthily win him over and prevent him from aligning with Pence and Ryan’s agendas enough to destroy us.

    • Nic919 says:

      This is going to play like the Rob Ford years in Toronto. Moments where things seem fairly normal and bursts of crazy where his handlers try to mitigate the damage. Ford banned certain media from going to press conferences when they reported negative stories. Trump is already hiding from the White House press corps.

  29. BonnieJean says:

    ummm…in Portland the protests have been upgraded to riots. The peaceful protesters are smashing windows, setting fires, destroying vehicles. THIS is not peaceful & it’s not ok.

    • Jayna says:

      That is not okay at all. We, as a party, should be better than that. It reflects poorly on the Democratic Party and what we stand for.

      There should be no violence during protests, i.e., smashing windows, destroying property.

      • jerkface says:

        Those people are not necessarily in any party. They are NOT rioting FOR Hilary they are rioting AGAINST Trump and what he stands for. Its not about party lines at this point its about fear and hate that The Orange One has been preaching for years now. Not saying destroying property is ok just saying they aren’t rioting FOR H.C.

      • Jess says:

        From what I read it’s not democrats necessarily. It’s people who are worried about the future under trump students and such organised walk outs on campus. And they’re demonstrating more against trump than for Hillary. Against racism, sexism and homophobia. For a more inclusive society. It’s also their democratic right to do so ( peacefully) so I think people should stop saying they shouldn’t do it.

      • CorruptLobbyist says:

        @jess. It is perfectly fine to say the protesters shouldn’t destroy property while protesting. That is not infringing on the protesters rights. it is the protesters destroying property who are infringing on others rights.

    • original kay says:

      Desperate people do desperate things.

      At least they aren’t calling for the 2nd amendment people to do something? you know, like trump did during his campaign?

      • Esmom says:

        Exactly. Trump on more than one occasion called for the deplorables to consider insurrection. His complaining is the height of hypocrisy.

    • Veronica says:

      This country just told those people their lives don’t matter. There are already reports of people emboldened by this win taking out their hatred on minorities and women across America. Are we really surprised that some people wouldn’t take that lying down?

      These people let their fear and ignorance drive their vote. Well, now they can deal with the fallout of the fear and anger from the groups Trump blatantly said wouldn’t be okay under his reign.

    • Jensies says:

      I was at the Portland protest last night. Started peaceful, anarchists came in and started destroying things. Two different groups with different aims.

  30. Nancy says:

    His erratic tweets will soon disappear. He is president elect but is surrounded by people 24/7 who actually have power and knowledge and he will be their puppet. The Trump we knew will dissolve before our eyes, wait and see. If there was ever a be careful what you wish for situation, this trumps them all. Happy Veterans Day to those who fought and died for our freedom.

  31. original kay says:

    I just read the KKK is planning a victory parade.

    **tears roll down***

    • swak says:

      One of my biggest fears is that the KKK/Neo-Nazis will take this election as permission to do whatever they want to do and there will be no consequences.

      • Rose says:

        They are doing it already. Please read the post I left below. Incidents of abuse have been reported everywhere in the past few hours.

        We can officially say now that microagressions are a thing of the past. We came back to lynchings. It happened. It’s here.

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah it’s already happening. Social media has done a great job of shining a light on all the emboldened racists.

      • Shark Bait says:

        I started reading Jodi Piccoult’s Small Great Things on Monday. Now the book has taken on such a different light in my eyes. My friend is a huge Jodi fangirl and we saw her when she stopped here in Philly a few weeks ago and there was a lot of good discussion.

      • Lady D says:

        I saw a clip on TV where a bunch of racists stated they would be holding Trump to his word or else, and started waving their rifles around. He might be sorry he’s riled up all these people, because they are not going away, they are getting louder and more brazen.

      • hogtowngooner says:

        @SharkBait – I’ve heard of the author but hadn’t heard of that book before so I just checked the Indigo website and it looks interesting so I’m going to pick it up. Thanks for the recommendation

  32. IlsaLund says:

    From yesterday’s White House Press conference:

    Q And I know you said they didn’t re-litigate the campaign, but I just want to ask you what the President’s thoughts are. he said just on Monday that Donald Trump is “temperamentally” — he said on Monday, “Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be Commander-in-Chief,” “uniquely unqualified.” Does he still believe that?

    MR. EARNEST: Look, the President’s views haven’t changed. He stands by what he said on the campaign trail. He had an opportunity to make his argument. He made that argument vigorously. He made that argument in states all across the country. But the American people decided. The election is over. The President didn’t get to choose his successor; the American people did. And they’ve chosen President-elect Trump. And President Obama is determined to preside over a transition that gives the incoming President the opportunity to get a running start.

    Q Josh, what is the President’s message to the thousands and thousands of people across the country protesting this election? Some of them carrying signs saying “Not my President.”

    MR. EARNEST: Jon, I think the first thing the President would say is that we’ve got a carefully, constitutionally protected right to free speech, and the President believes that that is a right that should be protected. It is a right that should be exercised without violence. And there are people who are disappointed in the outcome. And the President’s message in the Rose Garden was it’s not surprising that people are disappointed in the outcome, but it’s important for us to remember, a day or two after the election, that we’re Democrats and Republicans, but we’re Americans and patriots first.

    And that’s the message that the President hopes that most people will hear. But are there some people who are going to be disappointed, and are they going to express those views in public? I think we’ve seen that that’s the case. They have constitutional rights to do that, and those rights should be protected. But the President would obviously want them to hear his message as well.

    • Mary Mary says:

      Transition team:
      1.Assign trustworthy steady, reliable staff, in case the temperamentally unfit one, goes into tantrum mode.
      2. Safety plan in place: Hide security codes
      3. Change the security numbers.
      4. Physician on-call:
      5. Xanax in orange juice

  33. angry says:

    He doesn’t even want to be president. It’s all about him and winning.

    • Nic919 says:

      The president gets paid what $400k per year? It’s going to kill Trump to not be able to make more money and actually have to actually work.

      • arock says:

        not to mention the tax accountability factor

      • vauvert says:

        You realize he will slap his brand on everything in sight and will use the office to enrich the companies that will be in the “blind trust” run by Ivanka and his sons, right?

  34. hmm says:

    I wonder what the people who voted for him will do when they realize that they got punked.

    • Lambda says:

      12 to 16 months.

      It’ s like a reality show from hell, and Satan will reveal, Smile, America, you’re on Candid Camera! Now it’s time to burn!

    • MellyMel says:

      Not sure, but I’m gonna laugh so hard when they wake up & finally see who & what he really is.

  35. syd says:

    Tantrums calling out tantrums…
    Big whiney babies calling out a big whiney baby…
    Protesters pointing fingers at a protest…
    Hypocrisy much? You actually appear perfectly suited!
    #tryselfawareness #lookinthemirror

    • Lambda says:

      Except one party is “throwing a tantrum”, i.e., protesting, the other party s accusing them of being payed shills.

      Try logic.

      • Lorelai says:

        Logic? Please, look who you’re talking to. A Trump supporter. Logic is out the window! Don’t even waste your breath.

        They will get what’s coming to them. “Be careful what you wish for,” etc.

  36. apo3 says:

    Isis & co are celebrating because now they can say: look, America hates Muslims, we have to attack them etc

  37. Eric says:

    FYI more on #calexit can be found at where at the bottom of the site they stress nonviolence.

    More harrowing news coming from Germany where they are keen on mobilization plus have a rising right-wing coalition forming. Scary indeed.

  38. stillsad says:

    I’m still stunned. I think I will stay stunned for the next 4 years.

  39. NY says:

    DT is a real nightmare for the Secret Service.

  40. Larelyn says:

    Protest peacefully, but do not riot. Violence plays right into the hands of the extreme right, justifying their hatred of anyone different than them.

    I’ve said this before, and I will say it again. Write to your Congressmen. Pour your heart out on paper – let them know exactly what you think and what you want them to do about this atrocity. We have to let the party in charge know “Moderate” is not a bad word. That if the party in charge doesn’t represent you, then your Congressman is charged to represent your views as their constituent.

    I’m not just an old cranky lady urging folks to write. This is very serious – the elections are over, so the only way you can be heard at a federal level now is to communicate to those who speak on your behalf. I’m kicking myself for not spamming my senators back in the spring when the Supreme Court nominee business first started.

  41. reg says:

    Scientologists financed him and he will be enacting their practices into the school programs.
    Everyone can see he has no ideas of his own and is a puppet pulled on strings..

  42. sara says:

    I’ll never listen to one of his speeches. When he’s on the news, I switch off my TV. I don’t want to hear and see him. He will never be my president.

    • SusanneToo says:

      He will always be #notmypresidenttrump to me.

    • Jayna says:

      Exactly. I can’t support a man who ran on bigotry and hate and exclusivity and misogyny and creating fear. He showed the intelligence skills of a fifth-grader in interviews. He whined the whole time when he didn’t get his way. His narcissism was frightening. It was unprecedented how his party turned against him, frightened of the prospect of him as president, many calling him unfit, conservative newspapers calling him unfit, uninterested to learn about issues. When has a party wanted their own nominee not to win?

      He is surrounded by alt-right types like Breitbart, who is far right fringe and stirs up that part of their lunatic base, and Newt Gingrich and Rudy, who are old, angry, white male Republicans.

      After the type of hate-mongering he did on the campaign trail, there is no way I can flip and now fall for his new presidential demeanor, as if I should respect him. The only way for me to survive his presidency is to do a blackout as far as he is concerned. I could show respect to Mitt Romney or John McCain as POTUS (minus Sarah as VP LOL). I refuse to show Orange Man- Baby respect, because he doesn’t deserve it.

    • Lorelai says:

      I cannot stand the sound of his weaselly, simpering voice. I will never watch him make a speech and will be drinking heavily on Inauguration Day.

      It is a sad time for our country.

  43. Bliss51 says:

    I don’t for a moment find him sad. I don’t know what is the age range for the Celebitchy readers but I was a young woman during the Nixon/Agnew administration. Spiro Agnew was Nixon’s attack dog and he was good at it. When Richard Nixon swept into office he came in as the “good Nixon.” But he was always the bad and paranoid Nixon with his enemies list and secret recordings.

    I think Trump will be a puppet president with the Heritage Foundation and Alt Righters running things. I can’t imagine him in the Oval Office burning the midnight oil, listening to briefings, conferences, reading policy papers, taking questions at press conferences , taking meetings with military higher ups and so on. The next four years will be interesting.

    • vava says:

      I’m find him “sad” because he’s not qualified at all. He knows it, too – you could see it on his face when he met with President Obama. I suspect Barack scared the shit out of him when he briefed him yesterday. I do agree though, he will be a puppet. He doesn’t have the dedication for this job, other than to spew forth garbage from his mouth.

    • EM says:

      I said this on the other post but I think his children will make a play for power and go up against the Bannon/Pence/Ryan. That may be a good thing.

      Has anyone heard from Romney? He got my respect early on when he came out against T.

  44. Vienna says:

    Trump is still a democrat at heart, IMO. I mean he only run for the Republicans because he had no chance to run for the Democrats.

    • EM says:

      I used to say this but I don’t think it’s true. T surrounds himself with too many Republicans/conservatives not to share the same principles. He has Giuliani, Newt, Christie. His sister (the Judge) is also conservative so he’s more in that corner than any other.

    • Lorelai says:

      @Vienna, that is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I’m a lifetime NYer and have had this jackass on the cover of newspapers ever since I learned to read. He is a lot of things, but truly socially conservative is not one of them.

      Still, his cabinet is going to be terrifying.

  45. vava says:

    Peaceful protests, yes. Violence, no.

    The press does indeed need to do their job. They have been running scared of this foul-mouthed idiot.

    The Justice Department also needs to get it’s shit together and deal with potential conflicts of interest by Mr. Trump and they need to resolve this NOW.

  46. HK9 says:

    It warms my heart that people are protesting to protect their rights. Continue to organize and protest for the next four years. In order to have a civil society, sometimes you must leave your house and stand up for what you believe to make sure that those in power know exactly what ‘the people’ think.

    I know of a black woman who left a voting station in the south where a white man (whom she didn’t know) told her, ‘you’re gonna see what we have in store for you.’ It’s like that now, so people are aware they can no longer be silent.

  47. Rose says:

    The nightmare has begun already. Today at the gas station I saw an asian family pumping gas. A woman came out of a car and started yelling at them “what are you doing here?! We won. Get the f**k out. Get the f**k out!” and then started kicking the back of their car. A group of people on another pump started cheering on her.

    I’ve never spoken to that family, but I knew they lived just a few blocks away from me. Their kids go to the same school as mine. The poor woman was in tears, their kids were genuinely terrified. I went to them after those people left and just said I’m so sorry. There was a police patrol just around the corner. They absolutely heard that woman yelling. And they did nothing.

    On the way back home I literally saw a black man running from a mob. Those black and white or sepia images I was always shown at schools, I was now seeing those very same images in real life. In color. In front of me.

    And then when I was arriving home, my sister sends me a picture of a letter someone slid under her door, written in magazine cut outs. “Your fairy days are over f***ot”. Her son is gay and came out earlier this year. She told him to skip school today. In her own words – “when I read that letter the first thing I pictured was picking up the phone, and have the principal from school telling me my son was shot by a fanatic”.

    I just can’t believe this is all happening. We saw it coming. We all knew it could happen. But now that it’s here and I can’t stop it, I just don’t know what to do but be in shock and talk about it on this random forum.

    And my state is actually blue. Hillary won here. And I saw all of this within 4 hours.

    • lightpurple says:

      Rose, please report this incident to your mayor and the police commissioner. They will be able to trace which police officers were in the area at the time..

    • Scotchy says:

      Please report what you witnessed and find a way to help the victims report what happened. I know it’s scary but bringing it to the attention of the mayor, commissioner might help.. I am sending you hugs!!

    • EM says:

      Seriously where the hell do you live?

    • Lalu says:

      Yes, please report these horrible people, ASAP. There’s no time to waste.
      I just read about a girl in Baton Rouge that was assaulted by a man in a Trump hat as soon as Trump was elected. They hit her in the head and stole her hijab and wallet. Google it.

  48. MellyMel says:

    Why is this man still on Twitter?! And whining at that! And unsurprisingly acknowledging the protests against him but not once speaking on the hate crimes that have been committed around the country since Tuesday night by the people that supported him. #notmypresident

    • Esmom says:

      I’m guessing now that the rallies of fawning deplorables have come to an end, he needs the validation. By all account he doesn’t really have any friends or a close circle other than his wife and kids to turn to. His Twitter followers are all he has and he’s got to be feeling insecure and way over his head in DC, where virtually everyone is more knowledgeable than him about how things work.

      • MellyMel says:

        Huh, now that you mention that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of him having a group of really close friends. Everything is about his kids, his wife and people he pays to be around him. Interesting…I would feel sorry for him, but I don’t.

      • Esmom says:

        MellyMel, Along with being a pariah in various circles, I also think his social skills are lacking. Didn’t you notice after the debates when Hillary and Bill and Chelsea were hugging and shaking hands with people, the Trumps sort of hung around awkwardly for a few minutes and skedaddled out of the venue.

        Meanwhile, Hillary still hangs out regularly with her best friends from grade school.

        Speaks volumes about the character of each, I think.

      • Lorelai says:

        Esmom, ITA. It does speak volumes.

        Does he have *any* friends?

  49. Voldielocks says:

    My tweet back to him was that the protests were constitutional. And that we weren’t going to let him breeze into office unaware of the fires he caused. Not that he’ll ever see it, or acknowledge it if he did. 🙄

    • Sarah says:

      The media IS trying to normalize him, just like Harry Reid said. They are gushing over the Inauguration and not reflecting on the things he said. The hatenhe fomented. Trump’s minions are now saying that he’s not a racist or sexist, the “liberal media” is makingnthism stuff. Up. Very few journalists reply, “Hey , his own mouth caused the hatred,” and the media need to start pushing back on his lies.

  50. aquarius64 says:

    Presidents elect get a honeymoon period before they take office. Trump is mad the honeymoon is over before it began.

  51. SusanneToo says:

    I spent 40 years as an educator in Alabama. Never once denigrated Reagan, Bush, Bush2, Satan/Cheney when on school grounds or time. I hope this clown suffers consequences.

    • lightpurple says:

      Completely unacceptable behavior.

    • Esmom says:

      Omg. I know I should be shocked but I’m really not shocked at anything anymore. I remember being so impressed with all my kids’ teachers for keeping their true feelings about W in check and showing the office of the POTUS the respect it deserves. And their current high school social science dept was also very careful to be neutral throughout this election cycle. Although I’m sure it nearly killed some in the process!

      On the flip side, back in 2009, I think, I remember being outraged at and ashamed of some fellow parents who demanded that the school provide an “alternate activity” for their kids so they wouldn’t be subjected to Obama’s back to school address.

      This is why we are at this place today.

    • Lorelai says:

      Wow, that is disgusting. I would be incensed if one of my children’s teachers did such a thing.

      What the hell is wrong with people all of a sudden? This country seems to have lost its damn mind within the past 72 hours.

      Is this just going to be our new normal? Manners and consideration for others just GONE?

  52. khaveman says:

    The First Amendment’s a bi*ch ain’t it, Donald. Who cares what he thinks. Do what you want, folks. You’re allowed to.

  53. Blip says:

    That tweet sent chills down my spine. He’s already referring his own constituency ONLY (since the rest of us know full well that these are not professional protesters) and telling them to be highly doubtful of “the media” and not to believe what they might report in the future. I truly hope that this is not a sign of history repeating itself.

  54. Div says:

    This is fascism 101. Deny the validity of posters and the media. He’s a monster and the scary thing is Pence is even worse.

  55. Veronica says:

    He won by the same technicality as Bush did in 2000, one that red states would throw a hissy fit about if it happened to them. At the end of the day, more people voted for Clinton and third parties than Trump. There are more of us than there are of them, and this country just told the rest of us that they either don’t care or actively hate us. Fine. The gloves are off. No need to pretend any longer that this can be solved peacefully. There’s no need to support unity if you aren’t invited to be part of it.

    Part of calling yourself an ally to society’s vulnerable right now is finding the will to fight and fight every day until he’s gone. We must be brave both for ourselves and others. We must be willing to take that risk.

    • Jaxx says:

      Dear Veronica: May I respectfully disagree with one of your statements? That there is no need to support unity if you aren’t invited to be part of it? I think that is the time when we must stand on unity even more. Because unity is reality. We are all connected to one another rather we like each other or not. Connected. Inseparable. This idea that we can kick out those we don’t like is the insanity. When we draw down lightening on our brother, it is through our own hand and body that will pass the bolt. We cannot hurt our brother without hurting ourselves. Unity is reality. Hang on to that thought. Please. And you don’t need an invitation. You are a life time member. I’m with you. Hugs.

  56. IlsaLund says:

    I need to pull myself together. I’m getting angrier and more pissed off whenever I think about this.

    How f***cking selfish can people be? To not see beyond the end of your nose and have no empathy and compassion for your fellow human beings. To not actually LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION to what was being said and done. This election wasn’t a damn reality tv show and that’s how people treated it. Trump’s election has real world consequences for ALL of us. Not just those who look different from you.

    I guess these ass hats thought, oh well, if the black man can do the job, it must not be too difficult, we can elect this buffoon.

    Right now, I absolutely hate the thought of living in America surrounded by so many g**damn morons.

  57. Nopity Nope says:

    The Portland protests were peaceful. The rioters were a group of dickbag anarchist shitheads, known to the Portland Police, who came through and started a mess.

    So please do the responsible thing and fact-check before you tell me and my fellow peaceful Portlanders how to behave.

  58. anniefannie says:

    @Scarlet vixen
    So very sorry for your loss. My family went thru a similar situation its difficult when the matriarch isn’t there to hold the family together. It’s very typical for a family to struglle to right itself as the pecking order changes and everyone has to find their new role within the family. It took us awhile but we’ve righted our ship so don’t give up hope. And again very sorry…

  59. Sara says:

    I truly believe that his supporters are going to be very sorry they voted for this fascist shitbag. When their taxes, jobs or rights gets infringed they will finally see their dumb mistake of voting for him. Trump is a nut job waiting to explode and he will do something that shocks the world. He is quickly going to see that being in office is much much harder than he realizes. He will fail as president. Trump will not be allowed to run the US as he wants. His family will not have important jobs in the government in this country. I somehow think he will not last his term or just become the poster boy and everyone else will actually do his job for him.

    Pence will also not have the wheel either.

  60. Lambda says:

    I’m not sure what stage of grief I’m experiencing right now. Simmering anger I think. I also think it’s going to endure.

    But last night my husband came home with few packs of safety pins and I started crying. I felt sadness and embarrassment. (He did it partially because a few black people were sizing him up with fear in their eyes, and he was ashamed.)

  61. the other guy says:

    this site and many others are the reason why he’s elected. the author of this post has no idea of politics or what they stand for. there is more to america then NY and CA.

    • Wilma says:

      You mean the America that profits from the taxes the East Coast and West Coast pay so abundantly? That has disproportionate weight in the electoral college? That America?

      • Elizabeth says:

        You mean the people who lost their job to H1 visa workers or huge corporations such as banks that higher people that’s here illegally.

      • Lambda says:

        Hon, who deregulated the labor market and gutted the unions? Why aren’t you mad at your Republican state legislators and governors? Why aren’t mad at your Republican-dominated city councils who wrote blank checks in tax cuts to said companies (in order to stimulate local economies and hire locals, hahaha), but were impotent in making those companies accountable when they started bringing not even workers from overseas, but definitely not local. The federal taxes of this well paid leftist are subsidizing Tennessee and Idaho and Arkansas and so on. We badly need investments in infrastructure in my Republican-led state, yet I pay thousands of dollars yearly n corporate welfare, because these morons think they’re the jobs creators.

      • Lorelai says:

        @Wilma, exactly.

    • EM says:

      Wrong and misguided yet again. What got T elected isn’t really all that difficult to figure out – it’s a bunch of selfish people who want what they want without having to compromise, it’s the constant need to put down the “others”, they want to be as rude and condescending to the “others” (aka Not Politically Correct).

      Some of the antics across America are truly reminiscent of the Nazis and Brown Shirts. News just showed a clip of Middle School boys in PA marching through the school holding a T/P sign and chanting White Power. Similar thing at another Middle School.

      History has a way of repeating itself so people need to wake up and do something about the vileness that is coming.

  62. Elizabeth says:

    Protesting an election win is pointless, it won’t change a thing.

    • IlsaLund says:

      It’s never pointless to let your voice be heard. Protests let the corporate elites and political establishment know that we are watching them…..that enough is enough. People are mad as hell and they refuse to be silenced into submission. More and more will join the protests until its a movement that’s large and powerful. As Captain Picard would say, “the line must be drawn here.” Today and going forward we have to take a stand for what we believe in….a fair and honest society that allows its citizens to be free and live their lives according to their own tenets and faith.

      • Elizabeth says:

        You mean the same corporate elite that replace American workers with H1 visa workers, and the ones who hire people here illegally in their corporate offices.

      • Wilma says:

        That’s your answer to everything?

    • Nopity Nope says:

      With all due respect, that mentality is why we have this unqualified proto-fascist as our President-Elect.

      • Scotchy says:

        I am starting to think “Elizabeth” is a troll…

      • Elizabeth says:

        No, Scot. I’m just stating reported facts. I didn’t vote for Trump because I found him to arrogant, but I didn’t vote for Hillary either. I don’t believe she would have my best interest. I have to report to work tomorrow. I’m just relaxing, watching movies, going out, and checking out this site since I haven’t been on here for a long time.

    • HK9 says:

      They are not protesting the election. They are protesting so that Trump knows he can’t take away their rights-which he’s going to do. Trump supporters might not remember what he said-but the rest of us do.

    • Jaded says:

      It may not change a thing in the short term but history proves that a sustained wave of mass protest bears eventual results. The Boston Tea Party protest; The Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King; Women’s Suffrage; Anti-war protests; Gay rights; Labour Movement protests…..

  63. moo says:

    He needs to stop the whining about everyone hating him and just accept the fact that a LOT of people do. and to get over it!!! GROW UP FFS!!!! Be dignified for once in your life, and then maybe, just MAYBE, people won’t say bad things and protest about you!! SHEEESH!!! Just do your damn job!!

  64. Jayna says:

    OMG, talking about protests, Michael Moore is my hero this morning. Listen to him talking about the rising up against Trump and why he is so flawed and won’t last. I needed a voice right now I feel so low this morning. I love the idea of a Million Woman March on Inauguration Day. It would be nice if this feeling carried over to months from now.

    Michael Moore this morning.

    • Jaded says:

      Thanks for that Jayna – a sustained mass wave of peaceful civil protest would certainly draw much needed attention to the fact that although T-Rump won, the country’s and the world’s eyes are on him. We need Michael Moore to lead the charge!

    • Lucrezia says:

      Honestly Michael Moore has been nailing this whole thing, from predicting Trump’s win (and why) to saying what to do now.

      I’ve never respected him so much. I always liked his core beliefs, but quickly tired of the exaggerated style in his films. But progressives should definitely be listening to him on this.

  65. Jaded says:

    It’s Remembrance Day here in Canada. A pervasive air of sadness at the misery of war and human loss the world continues to suffer hangs over the day. As a Reiki teacher and practitioner, I try hard to send as much positive energy out to the world as possible but damn I’m not able to today.

    At a Reiki conference in September, one of the keynote speakers, Raven Keyes, mentioned that she was certain Trump would win. We all scoffed. She also said to be prepared for another serious event to follow shortly after the election. Now we’re not scoffing.

    The time we’re in is dangerous and I hope Americans and their new commander-in-chief realize that responding in a moral and measured way to the needs of the ENTIRE country vs. knee-jerk reactionism, which inevitably leads to violence, is the way to go. T-Rump is on a very steep learning curve and if he f*cks it up this early in the game we’re doomed.

  66. Stephanie says:

    I was on the fence about having another child. I wanted a daughter, but I won’t be doing that now. I cannot bring another child into the world with trump as president. I am just so angry and sad about all of this. This is off topic I kbow, but I just had to get it out somewhere.

    • Nopity Nope says:

      I have two young daughters. It’s very unsettling (to say the least) to know this is their country now.

  67. Decapoda says:

    Protesting may feel good bit it won’t change the election results. We need to reform the Electoral College and the only feasible way to do that is for states to pass the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Oregon has not done so yet. Please contact your state legislators!

    And to anyone else reading this who lives in a state that has not yet joined the NPVIC, contact your state legislators and keep the pressure on them until your state joins!

  68. MFM008 says:

    This maggot hasnt seen anything yet.

  69. jinglebellsmell says:

    Ha. I never once heard him say that the public statements President Obama received from Trump himself (refuse to call him President Elect Trump) about his birth certificate was unfair.

    My head is still spinning. Absolute nightmare.

    • Jayna says:

      Trump never ever apologizes. He is too arrogant and pompous and narcissistic, and yet, ironically, is so thin-skinned regarding perceived slights against himself, that he retaliates in an immature fashion, lashing out like the whiny man-baby he is. What great qualities to have in a president.

  70. JRenee says:

    Revisionist story tellers will do whatever they need to in order to excuse this behavior.
    The White House is at stake and we have no idea what debt he owes to Putin or David Dukes.
    This is the sad part, people who claim to love this country, really should be honest about what they want. This guy is in over his head and is probably stressed the hell out.

  71. desertannie says:

    My poor country! I thought the 1960s and 70s were tramatic. No wonder so many people dropped out, tuned out and turned on to drugs. This fascist and his blind followers are truely scary. I am too old to worry much about myself, but I am terrified for my kids and grandkids. The only advice I have for them is to go about their usual business and try to ignore the madness and stress of politics. Trust and associate only with like minded people and develop useful hobbies and interests, like gardening, foraging and survival skills. There is no coming together or unity based in hatred or fear, and rightly so. I pray for all who hate tyranny to find courage, strength, fortitude, and inner peace.

  72. Sana says:

    Something to cheer you up.

  73. Lake Girl says:

    I’m so glad to find a safe haven of sane people. I’m an AA woman that lives in a red state. My husband and I are terrified of this new world order that Trump has ushered in. I’ve been dealing with racism all my life — i’ m a graduate of a large predominantly white university and while I graduated in the 90’s—it’s so sad to realize that my kids are facing an America that is getting less inclusive and progressive. I was also sad that some of my Anglo girlfriends that I thought I knew well are openly gloating about this election.

    • LinaLamont says:

      @Lake Girl
      I don’t know what to say other than that over half this country hates the hate that Trump incites, lives and supports.
      Be safe.

  74. Patty says:

    I think we are going to have another major terrorist attack next year. And then shit will really hit the fan. If you think the patriot act was bad, wait until what’s next. Yikes. I agree with Greg Popovich. We are Rome.

    • Bonbons says:

      Readers, please read this to inform yourselves of both the process and implications for faithless electorate before you support and endorse this or even get your hopes up.

      While it may feel good, it will almost certainly be futile for 2 reasons:

      1) HRC has conceded and there is no indication of support from her camp for such an effort,

      2) even on the 1 in a zillion chance 37 republican electorates were convinced to vote against their states mandate (!), then it would have been to be approved by the Republican congress.

      It will not happen.

      • Mary Mary says:

        Bonbons: Nothing is futile,except apathy. Work towards the goals that you want.
        And never give up. To give up before you have even started, is weak and allowing another victory for those who should not have won.

        Petitions should be signed for those who want change, it is a first and baby step and feels good to do something rather than to do nothing.

        Rallies and protests do eventually make changes to the conscience of those who keep at it and wear those down who finally hear the voice of reason, and this from an activist who used to rally and protest and helped to make changes in her union and for fellow workers. The first step is to change a defeatist attitude to one of willingness to strive for the change you would like to see.

    • LinaLamont says:

      I’m not naive. I have no delusions. I don’t need a lesson in civics. Perhaps, you do, if you think a peaceful protest is futile. I know nothing concrete will come of it in terms of changing the fact that Trump’s in. There’s nothing dangerous in signing a petition.
      It’s a show of solidarity. Doing NOTHING and showing apathy and acceptance is dangerous.

      I don’t understand why you want to silence people. There’s no harm in showing support. People are not stupid (except, perhaps, the one ones who voted against their own best interests). We know this petition is, mostly, symbolic.

  75. Yoon says:

    Anyone else want to slice his lips off? I wanna slice his lips off. ALSO, Paul Ryan is the worst and seeing them together is literally a NIGHTMARE. Trump can hate it all he wants, but that’s not gonna stop us from standing outside Trump tower and reminding him how out of depth he is. And how if he doesn’t step down, there will be hell to pay. <3.

  76. Pixie Witch says:

    I have PTSD. President Trump Stress Disorder