Cele|bitchy | Michelle Obama swears by a face cream recommended to her by Duchess Kate

Michelle Obama swears by a face cream recommended to her by Duchess Kate


I said this immediately following Donald Trump’s ascension to the gilded crap heap of the American presidency, but it’s worth repeating: the fact that Melania Trump is now going to be FLOTUS is the least of our worries. Donald Trump is going to ruin everything he touches in a reverse-Midas-touch. Melania will just be an afterthought. I doubt Melania will even suggest eliminating Michelle Obama’s garden. Still, it’s absolutely going to suck. Michelle Obama is the best, end of story. If we voted for first ladies, she would get a lifetime appointment. Interestingly enough, as Pres. Obama looks more and more haggard, Michelle seems to have found a way to reverse-age during her eight years in the White House. She either looks the same as she did in 2008, or even better than she did eight years ago. So, what’s her secret? According to Michelle’s makeup artist, she uses a Botox-in-a-jar face cream that the Duchess of Cambridge recommended to her. WHAT?

She’s spent eight years navigating the tricky waters of the White House and supporting arguably the most powerful man in the world, yet Michelle Obama doesn’t look to have aged a day. Now the secret behind the 52-year-old’s youthful look has been revealed, and her fresh face is apparently thanks to a tip from the Duchess of Cambridge. The First Lady’s make-up artist Carl Ray says that Kate recommended £43 ($54) Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel to Michelle – a non-injectable ‘organic Botox’.

‘Michelle has been using using this organic Botox gel regularly on the recommendation of Kate Middleton,’ Carl told Celebrities Style, adding that it is ‘unbelievable’ for erasing wrinkles. The gel contains a natural local anesthetic extracted from the plant Acmella oleracea, which promises to reduce muscle contractions and relax the facial features around the eyes and between the eyebrows. This promises to reduce fine lines and make the skin noticeably smoother.

It also contains extracts of Imperata cylindrica, a hardy grass that grows in South America’s desert regions, which gives an intense moisturising effect. The third key element is skin-plumping Hyaluronic acid to restore fullness to the face. Biotulin claims to provide visible results in 60 minutes that last up to 24 hours. Carl has previously revealed that Michelle likes to keep her skincare regime simple and natural, relying on exercise, plenty of water, a good diet and sleep to keep her glowing.

[From The Daily Mail]

What fascinates me is that this is coming from Michelle’s official makeup artist! This isn’t coming from Duchess Kate’s people. You would think that Kate’s people would want to leak this, that Kate made a recommendation and Michelle swears by it now. Of course, Kate’s people are so touchy about everything related to Kate’s “beauty regimen” that they probably don’t want anyone to know that Kate favors Botox-in-a-jar. Especially since… um, I feel pretty strongly that Kate is doing a lot more than Botox-in-a-jar. She’s doing real Botox, and real fillers. I also believe that her pre-engagement makeover involved some surgical intervention too. But KP staffers don’t want that discussed. They don’t even want to admit that Kate wears extensions and hairpieces.

Does anyone else want to try this Biotulin now? I wouldn’t have wanted to try it if it was just Kate recommending it. But if Michelle swears by it… I might have to try it!

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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90 Responses to “Michelle Obama swears by a face cream recommended to her by Duchess Kate”

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  1. bluhare says:

    If that stuff helps make Michelle look that great, I’m in!

    • Yolanda says:

      Michelle looks fantastic for a 52-year-old woman. Whatever she does it clearly works!

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      I think Michelle is just one of those people who retains a youthfulness because (in large part) of who she is, and what she projects ( and of course, genetics). I wouldn’t jump at anything Kate suggests, as a 50 ish woman, because Kate’s skin looks dry and lined, and far older than mine.

      • Sarah says:

        Really, Kate has terrible skin for her age. And she’s jowly too, amazing in someone so young. I wouldn’t listen to anything she says about skin care.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think it’s just more that Michelle has good genes and lives a healthy lifestyle that incorporates food. Kate looks horrible for 34 and has horrible skin so the creme sure as hell doesn’t work on her.

      • Val says:

        This 100%. Michelle is naturally gorgeous and healthy… Kate.. notsomuch.

      • WTW says:

        Michelle is black, so it’s really hard to compare her skin to someone with pale skin. Even if she used nothing at all, she’d have better-looking skin than most white ladies in their 40s and maybe even 30s, despite being 52.

      • WeAreAllMadeOfStars says:

        Thank you. The key to aging gracefully is exercising, eating healthy, and..drumroll please…being black. That will do it for ya right there. All that blonde-haired blue-eyed snow princess stuff is great until you’re too old to run for homecoming queen and then you see where it gets you. Just saying.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      So Allx-it’s on Amazon. Any creams in the same price range that get more stars?
      Michelle looks great, but I’d have to agree that Kate does look gaunt….

  2. Alix says:

    Whatever cream Kate’s using, she should get her money back.

    Also — the gel gets only 2 1/2 stars on Amazon UK (tons of 1-star reviews!). Hmm…

    • Sara says:

      I think if Kate gained about 10 pounds her face would look younger. She looks very gaunt lately.

    • Ellie says:

      Yeah, Kate suddenly looks MUCH older. I assumed she wasn’t using Botox for that reason. And yes it is at least partly because of her weight. She’s reached the age where having such low body weight is taking a toll on the rest of her looks. I’m not skinny shaming, it’s just a fact that having a certain amount of body fat makes your face look more youthful. Also, presidents and First Ladies age so quickly in the White House because of work and stress. What’s Kate’s excuse?

      • sienna says:

        I agree, I don’t see any evidence of filler or botox at all in her photos. You want to erase fine lines, get a Rx for Retin A. Start using it once a week and in about a month you will start noticing fine lines disappear and sun spots fade. Makes you photosensitive, so keep your face out of the sun. But do that anyways!

    • Hannah says:

      What is the point of using nice creams if Kate’s make up is so heavy and poorly done?

    • feebee says:

      Was it Sarah Jessica Parker who once said at a certain point women have to choose between face and body?

      • Tris says:

        No, it was every grandmother ever. I hate when celebs get credit for repeating adages.

      • Norma says:

        What does this mean? Excuse the ignorance.

      • JaneS87 says:

        @Norma – Grannie wisdom says that at a certain age one must choose between face or figure. Fatter figure = good face; thin figure = less attractive face.

      • Kaye says:

        @Norma: There’s a saying that once you hit 40, you can choose between your a$$ and your face. In other words, if you diet until you can wear a size 8 jeans, your face will look gaunt. If you aren’t so diligent about your weight, the extra “fat” will fill out the tiny lines in your face, making you look younger than a thinner woman your age. Generally speaking, of course; your mileage may vary.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        ZaZa Gabor said it first.

      • wolfpup says:

        My experience is that if you are able to maintain your weight, you will not need to choose between these two options. Imagine a balloon, blown up, and let go, over and over. Our facial skin is that balloon. It won’t stand going up and down over the years with yo-yo diets.

      • Mel says:

        “My experience is that if you are able to maintain your weight, you will not need to choose between these two options.”

        that’s been my experience too. (And my skin is like porcelain, fair and very smooth – touch wood).
        However, I don’t think it’s about fat faces “deflating” (like a balloon). Fat is known to store ESTROGEN, that’s likely why.
        Still, like I said, I haven’t had to choose.
        Then again, I never was, never will be, never would WANT to be, super thin.

      • tigerlily says:

        I saw it quoted as being Catherine Deneuve who said at a certain age women need to choose body or face and she “sacrificed” body for face. I think she is still gorgeous. Being a bit snarky here but if SJP had possibly said it, she certainly never followed it! She looked so lovely in “Honeymoon in Vegas” back in the day-certainly a non-classic beauty but luminous and pretty. Now….honestly she needs to eat a sammich or two. Plus she and Duchess Kate both need to lay off the black eyeliner…..very aging.

      • notasugarhere says:

        tigerlily, I think Deneuve was just quoting every French grandmother ever.

        It is rumored she has it in her contracts that they are not allowed to film her below the bust or waist without permission. She chose her face, but she doesn’t want the size of her bum being measured on the big screen.

    • susiecue says:

      I was gonna say, any cream Kate recommends I would thank her and then put it back when she wasn’t looking.

      • Sara says:

        I think SJP says is actually wrong. One can still gain 10 pounds of muscle and look great without letting your body or face go. If your starving yourself to be skinny you will look like crap no matter the age.

        SJP actually turned into what her SaTC character hated: a rich uber skinny elitist who is out of touch with the average person.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        This actually made me laugh aloud.

      • Chanteloup says:

        @ susiecue – hahahaha You could be my new best friend!

    • Alicat1822 says:

      Plus, isn’t Kate a long-term smoker? I see the affects of smoke damage much more in the past few years. Unfortunately, once you lose that elasticity of the skin, no amount of injectiables or “magic” face creams will bring that back. I do love Michelle’s philosophy on caring for herself. Logical and practical. If that is her foundation for great skin then it’s possible she’s getting solid benefits from this treatment. It makes me want to try it. And the price point is very reasonable. Going to miss the Obamas. sigh.

      • Yolanda says:

        She’s a smoker, heavy drinker (at least used to be) and is very fond of tanning. Her skin stands no chance of looking good

  3. Neelyo says:

    I think she looks younger and happier because she’s so relieved to be getting the hell out of there.

    • LinaLamont says:

      Well, I’m just waiting for her and Barack’s return in March.

    • Escondista says:

      I agree. I remember feeling terrified that Mr Obama would be attacked or assassinated during his presidency and I can’t imagine carrying Michelle’s worries.
      So relieved that this family seems to be even stronger and more unified as they near the end of their terms. Love to them.

      • Fiorella says:

        W got a shoe thrown at him, did Obama ever get anything like that?

      • LittlestRoman says:

        Same here. I’m not a praying person, but I prayed my way through his first inauguration. I was so scared that we (America) couldn’t ‘handle’ having a black president. I’m a history buff, so I appreciated how high the stakes were and how that type of situation tends to flush out the *ahem* less stable members of our society.

      • perplexed says:

        I remember people putting out threats against Obama. It wasn’t subtle either.

  4. Jaana says:

    Well it seems to be working more for Michelle than Kate.

    • Ca says:

      Fundamental difference: good black don’t crack.

      • Yup, Me says:

        Thank you. What Michelle has can’t be bottled- in addition to good lifestyle choices- that melanin does a beauty good.

        Such an irony of this insane society- the very women who get the most hate for their skin tone (Watch the doc. Dark Girls) are the very ones evolution is helping to age most beautifully.

    • Locke Lamora says:

      White skin has the least amount of colagen, that’s why we age worse than black or Asian people. And Kate is a smoker too.

  5. PHAKSI says:

    Nah, that cream is obviously doing nothing for Kate. So I’ll put it down to black don’t crack and being Michelle not being married to a selfish dolt

    • QQ says:

      Come Thru Sense!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

      What I need is the interview about how the decision was made to modify My Queen’s Brow!!! it so favors her and makes her look younger less severe and allows her to try several different styles as of late!! Whether it is makeup micro blading or that terrible thing Serena did for a while that still has her joints looking ..felty (but well done!) IDC I NEED EVERY INFO ON THAT!!

    • Suzie says:

      My thoughts exactly. Kate looks older than her age, so it doesn’t make me want to buy it.

  6. Mgsota says:

    I tried it!

    @Kaiser, Isn’t this the stuff you guys did a story on in which Kim Kardashian bought the rights to sell this in the U.S.? After I read that article I ordered some. It was sent from Germany. I used it for awhile and didn’t notice any changes so I stopped using it.
    Maybe I should have given it more time.

    Just found it under my counter, same stuff.

    • KiddVicious says:

      Me too. I didn’t notice anything different. I even took before/after photos of my crows feet just to make sure. No change at all. There is no way a topical skin cream will go deep enough to do the same as botox and I knew that, but I had to try it anyway.

      I would guess Michelle gets botox, not a lot, she never really needed it, but one of the best things I like about botox is how at the end of the day you’re not holding a lot of stress in the face. And it doesn’t take Nicole Kidman-amount to do that. Just a little goes a long way to keep looking refreshed.

  7. Bethy says:

    The reviews on Amazon on UK are horrible. Shame, I would have tried it.

  8. Jesie says:

    Kate’s just about the last person I’d take skincare advice from. She’s 34, she’s lived an exceptionally easy life, yet somehow she looks more lined and weathered than my 58 year old mother who’s spent her entire life outside farming 14 hours a day in the Australian sun.

    I used to think it was just the Middleton genes, but in the last couple of years she’s started aging worse than her parents. William’s starting to look youthful next to her, and he’s not exactly blessed in the genes department either. It’s like a reverse Dorian Grey situation.

    • Yolanda says:


    • Suzie says:

      I’d say that with a few extra pounds she’d look better and younger. A bit like Angelina.

    • Alicat1822 says:

      I don’t agree with saying Kate Middleton has had an “easy” life. No way in the world would I trade places with her. Obviously she wanted the life she is now leading, but the scrutiny that she has to deal with would be difficult for even the most thick-skinned person.

      • perplexed says:

        The scrutiny is intense, but I do think her lifestyle should make her look younger.

        It doesn’t make sense for a person with her kind of resources, even if she is white, to look like her at 34.

    • Fiorella says:

      I agree that she’s had an “easy” life .however many of her luxurious hobbies are bad for your skin (skiing, boating, any outdoor sports, smoking, dieting.) and add to that the possibilities of stress in the marriage and lack of sleep (some people can’t sleep well with a baby crying even if they aren’t the one to get up and deal with it.)
      My younger brother has similar interests and he’s looked older than me for quite awhile. I actually work harder than him and have kids but spend more time indoors and use sunblock. Some things are bad for the skin and there’s no preventing it.

  9. Tourmaline says:

    That’s kinda weird. I didn’t think Kate and Michelle had that much interaction except meeting briefly on two occasions. I wouldnt think Kate’s dubious skin care regimens would have been a major topic of discussion. Besides Kate should be taking tips from Michelle as Michelle is a lot older yet much less… haggard.
    And I’m sure Kate uses “non organic” ie real Botox but can see her pretending she is only using something “organic” instead. It’s part of the narrative of keen Kate, so, so perfect, gives birth utterly “naturally” and then swiftly strolls out of the hospital in a blowout and heels, etc.

    • Fiorella says:

      Kate does not look like she has Botox (the needle kind)
      Honestly though smoking and being skin makes her look a bit old for her age I think it’s nice that she doesn’t do the kardashian style perfect skin fake lashes hair and tattoo brows. Lip injections etc. Or if she uses any of those things not enough to look silly.

      • Amber says:

        Kate does not look like she has Botox? Let me try to raise an eyebrow at that http://66.media.tumblr.com/8c7a4356235ab74756d4015d7edfce0a/tumblr_ocixfa8KJ21rd1tgqo2_500.gif (and get a totally unnatural crinkle on my brow. Seriously can anyone get those deep rolls above their one eyebrow while the rest of their face remains stationary like that? I’ll give you $20. Isn’t that a tell tale sign of excessive botox when you see people get the crinkles or effort and make BIG facial expressions just to raise an eyebrow or smile?) She regularly goes from that to this http://okmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/GettyImages-514809828.jpg. And back and forth. http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/wenn40530661.jpg There are many more, better examples of this, but I’m already late 😀

        It’s like her “lack of interest in fashion”. Never mistake Kate’s failure at something for a lack of interest. Kate is still hyper-groomed in her own way. Nothing about her is natural. Not her hair, not her nose, not her weight, (reported height is a lie too). She tried to do something with her under-eye area. About a year ago she seemed to be struggling with her mouth for a moment. Might have had the veneers adjusted, because those ain’t real either. Even for purely vain reasons, Kate would be much better off focusing on her health–stop the smoking, if she still doing that, stop sunning, ease up on the cardio, hydrate, eat a better diet–and then her skin care, before resorting to caking on the makeup and turning to plastic surgery.

      • Yolanda says:

        Kate has used botox and fillers ever since the engagement. The only time she is without is during pregnancy

    • notasugarhere says:

      Her obvious use of serious boxtox waxes and wanes. Blatant at times, not used (as much) during pregnancy. When the jowls and forehead wrinkles disappear, and her forehead is constantly shiny? Then you know she’s hitting the real stuff hard.

      Given the chance to ask a world leader how she has dealt with raising children in the public eye? She natters on about skin care instead.

  10. Alleycat says:

    Kate looks so pretty in that one picture in the tan dress! I like her hair as well. Some people just age better than others, Michelle is one of them.

  11. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    ITA that Kate has been using the real stuff and uses the ‘organic’ stuff day to day.

    Kate was lovely as she was – I can’t really understand why she went down the surgery route.

  12. Janey says:

    Once again, let’s just talk about how bad one women looks.

  13. DesertReal says:

    It’s the same botox gel/cream Kim Kardashian was schilling…and was considering partnering up with awhile back. I tried it and it never failed to continually break me out. Like, zits between my eyebrows, around my laugh lines, & on my forehead. I figured maybe my skin was too sensitive or oily for it, and gave it to a friend with the exact opposite skin type (I’m an AA in my early 30s, she’s a Caucasian in her late 40s).
    Same thing happened.
    If it works for m’lady, fantastico.
    But I kind of think the product is a sham.
    Also- once you give them your processing info & email address, its virtually impossible to unsubscribe or block their promos. Just sayin.

  14. Cee says:

    Wait, Willy is in Vietnam. Is he on tour? OMG literally nobody cares! There has been no coverage, as far as I have seen, I’ve just learned of it because I follow KP on Instagram.

    • Kitty says:

      @CEE, what is shocking is the fact that there hasn’t been any coverage for his mini tour to Veitnam and he is the heir to the throne but you watch Harry’s Caribbean tour will get so much coverage.

      • Cee says:

        Well, Harry is more interesting to watch.
        Was William’s visit to Vietnam even announced? WTH.

      • Kitty says:

        @CEE, yeah it was announced. But I haven’t even heard about it. This is not good since the 2nd in line to the throne needs all
        The attention.

    • Yolanda says:

      He should be happy the media is leaving him alone. Isn’t that what he has always wanted?

      • Cee says:

        I actually thought he will use this non-coverage as an excuse to work less. “Why work when no one shows up?”


  15. feebee says:

    If it is Michelle’s current secret (though I’m with those who think it’s because she’s being released from the White House) we need to send some to Hillary. I think we broke her.

    • notasugarhere says:

      We need to raise her up, superglue her back together, and help her be the thorn in Drumpf’s hide for the next four years.

  16. littlemissnaughty says:

    Eh, I would think that the healthy eating habits, excercise, water and sleep are actually what keeps her looking so fabulous. And genetics. Creams and serums can help a lot and give that extra glow or youthful appearance but only if your lifestyle fits. That needs to be step 1.

    • Cee says:

      Yup. Good nutrition and plenty of water does wonder for the skin. Also, genetics. Kate’s mum has terrible skin. Kate should have taken that into account when sunbathing, drinking for a decade (well documented) and smoking.

  17. Nicole says:

    FLOTUS has also changed her eyebrow shape and gone thicker. It has made a world of difference and she doesn’t look so severe. I love her so much. Will miss her.

  18. Brunswickstoval says:

    I love her green bomber in that first photo. She’s gorgeous.

  19. Christin says:

    Of the three individuals mentioned, two are smokers. Smoking ages people.

  20. Who says says:

    I thought all this about the face cream was what Facebook now calls fake news. Who is this make up artist come forward and tell the truth., maybe the company who makes the cream paid the makeup artist a lot of money to say this stuff. Doesn’t take much to start a rumor these days on the internet.

  21. Yolanda says:

    Kate smokes, likes to tan, and is severely underweight. Basically the worst things you can do to your skin. No facial creams can make up for that.

  22. Darlene says:

    FYI, I went to check it out, and it’s roughly $50/.15ml which is basically $100 and oz. OUCH! I’ll pass, thanks.

  23. kimbers says:

    Kate has bad skin so how does it work?

  24. Tallia says:

    Can I just say…you can ask FLOTUS anything, do any story and instead of asking her substantive you ask about face cream? *sigh

  25. Leah says:

    Doesn’t this just mean that the make up artist has been sponsored by this product? All these make up artists get payed to promote certain brands. Maybe he tried it once on Michelle and then he uses it in the promotion. Michelle Obama has lovely skin always did. She looks a lot younger than her age.

  26. Starlight says:

    Michelle will always be ageless she has that lovely skin type. What shocks me is that the last news on Kate’s beauty regime was bee venom via Camilla. Why is she using Botox cream at her age – most girls look fab at her age just using a good night cream – bizarre

  27. Mama abroad says:

    I love every single thing she wears. Daily wear, fancy clothes, you name it. In my delusions we have something in common since she and Barack met while working at the same law firm where my husband and I worked and met. Sigh. I will miss them.

  28. MickeyM says:

    The product only looks like it’s working for Michelle though?

  29. Maria says:

    Michelle looks great! But kate on the other hand her skin’s not so great for someone in her 30’s 😑

  30. TMac says:

    I ordered it, and I’ll report back on the results!

    • msthang says:

      All the extremely popular royals, Rania, Letizia, crown princess Mary of Denmark, botox, nose jobs, Letizia boob job, and false curly eyelashes, they all do so much. I bet they didn’t think they would do anything when they started out. Rania had her nose down shortly after graduation from high school. Interesting HUH ???