Donald Trump really wants to appoint son-in-law Jared Kushner to a WH position


If Donald Trump was any kind of normal Republican politician, I might find it almost heartwarming that he seems to adore his Democratic son-in-law so much. Reportedly, Trump liked Ivanka Trump’s husband Jared Kushner right away, as soon as they met. Ivanka is obviously her father’s favorite, and it seems like Jared is easily Trump’s favorite in-law as well (I also suspect that Ivanka’s children are Trump’s favorite grandkids). Kushner comes from a very prominent liberal, intellectual New York media family – a family which is absolutely aghast with Jared’s continued closeness to the Trumps. Throughout the campaign, Jared was instrumental in many campaign staff shake-ups, and many cite Jared’s influence on Trump for the campaign’s hiring of Kellyanne Conway in particular, as well as the firing of Corey Lewandowski.

Now that the President-Elect Trump is in transition, Jared’s sphere of influence seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. He was also cited as instrumental in pushing Chris Christie out of the transition team, mostly because of old family bad blood (Christie prosecuted Kushner’s father and sent him to jail). Still, Kushner and Trump’s relation does seem odd on both sides. Why does Kushner care so much about having so much influence over Trump? And why does Trump allow his beloved son-in-law so much influence? And how long will this go on? Well, according to “sources,” Jared is in this for the long haul. Trump is likely to appoint Jared to some kind of prominent role in the administration.

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s influential son-in-law, is likely to take a job in the incoming administration, a senior Trump aide confirmed Wednesday evening. The news was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, has emerged as a key figure in the president-elect’s inner circle. Over the last week, he has played a key role in helping Trump form his cabinet and White House. He has collided with Chris Christie, who prosecuted his father, and has played a major role in the New Jersey governor’s ousting from the transition committee.

Whether Kushner, 35, ultimately ends up taking an administration position or is an outside adviser remains unclear. Like Trump, Kushner is a real estate mogul with complex assets: He oversees Kushner Companies, which operates a number of commercial and apartment buildings throughout New York City and New Jersey. A Trump spokesperson didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Kushner’s White House appointment would likely set off legal challenges over its potential violation of federal anti-nepotism law, according to both GOP and Democratic lawyers.

“We’re not talking about Kushner running a side task force here. We’re talking about a regular staff job. This falls right in the bull’s eye of the statute. I think it’s illegal,” said Norm Eisen, the former chief ethics lawyer in the Obama White House.

Added Richard Painter, who had a similar post in the George W. Bush White House, “He cannot take a take a job in the White House. Highly inappropriate … I don’t know why they think they can. Just read the language in the statute.”

[From Politico]

Part of me is genuinely curious to see what happens next. Will Trump push the issue and really hire Kushner? Will Kushner divorce Ivanka just so he can work for her father? And what does Ivanka think of all this? Before Election Day – when she and everyone else thought her dad was going to lose – she made it very clear that she had no interest in moving to Washington and helping her father at all. The scarier prospect for everyone might be what happens in a Trump administration without Ivanka and Jared’s somewhat calming influence?

Two more stories: a Trump supporter has been going on TV and talking about the idea of a “Muslim registry,” and citing the Japanese-American internment camps during WWII as “proof” that a registry would be legal. No. Just stop. Last story: according to Rudy Giuliani, he’s the top pick for Secretary of State. According to everyone else, he is not.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN, Getty.

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119 Responses to “Donald Trump really wants to appoint son-in-law Jared Kushner to a WH position”

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  1. Neelyo says:

    Wasn’t it his idea to bring all of Bill Clinton’s accusers to the debate? He’s scum too.

    • Tourmaline says:

      YES. He’s another deplorable in a basket. Plus I find his face so so punch-able. Everything he has is nepotism generated… Even pre-Ivanka if you googled him his claim to fame was having his dad donate millions to Harvard which secured his admission, because he in no way had the academic qualifications to get in otherwise.

      • QQ says:

        YES his face is so…. smarmy- bland definitely punchable… definitely Martin Skreli esque

      • Becky says:

        Kushner is a Democrat? Honestly that, and the story that Trump wanted to keep Obama’s staff instead of appointing his own, I find bizzare.

      • minx says:

        He is repulsive, smarmy, sneaky. Just gives off a sleazy vibe in spite of all his efforts.
        He also looks like he would cheat on Ivanka in a second.

      • hmmm says:

        He’s an anti-Semitic, racist, grudge-bearing snake in the grass.

    • Keaton says:

      I thought that was Steve Bannon’s idea?

    • KB says:

      It was Steve Bannon’s idea, Kushner went along with it. Lucky girl Ivanka is to be surrounded by such upstanding men!

    • Radley says:

      The picture of him next to avowed anti-semite Steve Bannon is enough for me. Kushner is a snake. A strange, self-loathing, untrustworthy, snake.

      • EM says:

        Obviously he, like the rest of the Klan, lack any morals but ultimately it’s the disgusting self-loathing, untrustworthy fools that let him get away with this. From what I understand, Kushner is influential in the Jewish community so how are they letting him get away with this BS.

    • ol cranky says:

      it’s widely reported that Jared Kushner has a hero-worship of Trump and has always wanted to be just like him, which is probably why Trump loves him so much. I’m disgusted that this guy used the story of his grandmother surviving the Holocaust while schmoozing with Steve Bannon who would like to bring about his very own Holocaust

      @Em – Kushner’s family is distraught by him using his grandmother as a political prop and the Rabbi pulled out of an appearance at the RNC convention. I don’t think Jared Kushner really holds influence over the Jewish community. That said, the Jewish community isn’t letting him get away with anything.

  2. Locke Lamora says:

    Calming influence? Wasn’t he the one who brought Bill’s rape victims to the depates?
    He’s just like Trump. Man of the people who went to Harvard just because daddy dearest donated money. Nepotism at it’s finest.
    And what does liberal mean in this case? His father was in jail for what exactly? They are all the same. No decent person ever became a billionaire.

    • LadyMTL says:

      It is indeed nepotism at its finest, and it is actually against the law. In the late 1960’s the US government passed a law that theoretically would make it impossible for Trump to appoint or hire family for any type of official White House position. It’s called the Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute. (Catchy name, lol).

      Now, does it surprise me that the Cheeto-Elect either hasn’t heard of this or is trying to flout it? Nope, not in the least.

    • Vivivoom says:

      “No decent person ever became a billionaire” – I so agree with this. To have this kind of money you have to be willing to walk over corpses. And judging by Ivanka and Jared, people born into it are even worse.

      • Stacey says:

        On behalf of Warren Buffet, I disagree with this blanket statement.

      • Lexie says:

        The only exception being truly amazing individuals like JK Rowling 🙂

      • Trixie says:

        Well, not all People are the same, saying that is quite ignorant.
        Some decent Artists made a fortune, without walking over corpses, for instance JKR, or Innovators, Scientist, they don’t necessarily talk about that, some People work hard to earn their Millions.
        I understand your statement, but being ignorant ist hypocritical in this situation.
        Nepotism is so low, but we all know it will always exist, it devaluate every Harvard alumni who had to work hard, when other people get their “ticket” bought by Daddy, how do you think was it possible that W. Bush ever was able to go to Yale…yeah right, and the list goes on with rich peoples Brats and some Celebrities, or they Brats.

      • bravo says:

        No decent person ever became a successful politician: “politics” is an objectionable, negative word.
        As for billionaires: Michel Bloomberg grew up without money, Goldman Saks’ Blankfein grew up in the projects, and many more extremely successful people in art and business made their money on their own (including rappers and athletes). So let’s not lump all rich people together. Success and drive to succeed is a true, optimistic American value.

    • doofus says:

      his father went to jail for (I think) fraud, and def for witness tampering (witnesses for the fraud or whatever trial).

      but it wasn’t just him trying to pay off a witness or something simple. his sister and BIL were also facing charges and were going to testify against him in exchange for leniency. Kushner (Sr.) paid a prostitute to lure his BIL to a motel room, taped the liaison, and then had the tape delivered to his sister during a family party.

      REAL klassy, that family. and all about revenge. fits in nicely with Drumpf.

      • Aussie girl says:

        Far out!! That’s one messed up family.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Aren’t the Kushners meant to be good, God-loving people? Or is that just on the Sabbath? Even ivanka T converted. This mob is closing ranks, and that’s always dodgy. God help America, and I’m an atheist. (Fellow Aussie here.)

      • Canadian Becks says:

        Jared’s parents were cool on her-not enthused when they met her. Reportedly, Ivanka didn’t like the fact that Jared didn’t defy his parents to support her, so they broke up for a time.

      • Cait says:

        FUN FACT: Chris Christie prosecuted his dad, and Kushner is reportedly behind the purge of all those affiliated with Christie on the transition team.

        Can anyone say “Grima Wormtongue”?

  3. Ca says:

    I’m just sitting back, relaxing, sipping Diet Pepsi and munching popcorn, and waiting for this shitstorm to blow up.

  4. OSTONE says:

    Ah nepotism at its finest!

  5. BengalCat2000 says:

    He looks like a youthful Montgomery Burns.

  6. Nicole says:

    Lol at this point I can only laugh as we watch the country slowly lose all sense of reality and respect…
    …this is a step up from the constant crying I was doing since the election.

  7. Belle Epoch says:

    Jared Kushner’s father was a genuine crook who ended up in jail for his shady dealings. So Jared may have grown up with Trump-like values. The part that really puzzles me is that Trump is anti-Semitic and supported by Jewish hate groups. How does Jared live with this? Or himself?

    • Locke Lamora says:

      I’m sure the call of sweet sweet money makes it easy for him to live with himself.

    • Farah says:

      Especially since his family is holocaust survivors! It’s crazy.

    • Dhavynia says:

      I think it’s money and power above anything else. These people will only use religious beliefs to increase power which is very sad and dangerous

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Yes and Daddy Kushner tried to blackmail his own brother (or sister’s husband) into not testifying against him with a taped honey trap. Family loyalties right there.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Totally and there Jared Kushner is pictured standing shoulder to shoulder with media hate monger Steve Bannon. Just evil.

    • pio says:

      all 3 Trump children of are married to Jews …

      • HappyMom says:

        That’s not correct. One of the daughters-in-law is half Jewish, the other one is not. Only Ivanka is married to someone Jewish.

      • Canadian Becks says:

        I’m curious as to what constitutes “half-Jewish”.
        Would Jared’s children be considered half-Jewish, as Ivan’s is clearly not Jewish? What about the fact that she converted – does that change things?

        I just wanted to know about the other daughter-in-law, whom I am guessing is married to little Donald?

      • MrsK says:

        @Canadian Becks – Ivanka converted and is Jewish. Their kids are Jewish.

        Kushner styles himself as an observant Jew, and I believe Ivanka studied for conversion under an Orthodox rabbi. They do celebrate some Jewish rituals and holidays, but they seem to be very flexible as far as strict day-to-day observance. Nonetheless, they are Jewish.

        If Ivanka had not converted, Jewish religious authorities would say the children aren’t Jewish, because it passes down through the mother. But once she converted, she’s Jewish in every sense and her children are Jewish too.

      • HappyMom says:

        No-Ivanka converted to Judaism so in the eyes of the religion she is fully Jewish as are their children. The one daughter in law’s father is Jewish. So by blood she is half, but in the eyes of religious Jews, the religion is passed down by the mother, so she is not considered Jewish.

    • Lacia Can says:

      What Bannon says applies only to *other* Jewish people, silly, not the goodly Republican Jewish folk like Jared (/s). And Jared doesn’t GAF about those other people. They’re beneath him.

    • KB says:

      Steve Bannon is a huge anti-Semite. Trump’s favorite child, favorite in-law, and his grandchildren are Jewish. How he can live with himself, I have no idea.

    • JRenee says:

      Power & money, money & power…

    • Lovisa_L says:

      Oooooosh, most of this thread is nagl. Jewish people and money? Selling out for said money? And for power? Seriously? It’s nice to see that it’s one Jewish stereotype that has transcended political borders. /s

      I get it. The Kushners are not nice people. But don’t resort to antisemitic tropes. It’s hurtful.

      I know you don’t mean it like that, but please think. You would jump down the throats of right-wingers, and rightly so, for writing similar things. Microagressions is the term for it, I think. You wouldn’t accept it. So don’t accept it amongst your friends.

      I’m probably a bit sensitive about it, but this year I’ve seen such an increase in the use of subtle, and not so subtle, antisemitism, both on the left and right, and directed at me and other Jews where I am (in Europe), so it’s got me on high alert.

      • Cait says:

        Lovisa, thanks for saying that.

        Y’all, I work for a Jewish nonprofit down south here, and given the Jewish flight from Belgium and France, we’ve been on high alert, wondering if similar tropes would reappear in the U.S.

        And they are. David Duke received nearly 60,000 votes here in Louisiana. SIXTY. THOUSAND. Someone spraypainted “JEWRAT” late Saturday night on a holding wall near the port in Uptown New Orleans. We’re fielding white supremacist attacks on our social media, and we’ve got Homeland Security and the FBI on speed dial.

        If you don’t think it’s happening, look at Trump’s final television ad, which is filled with tropes and gaslighting.

        The Other will be the hallmark of this administration, I fear, and people like Marine Le Pen cannot wait.

      • lilypad says:

        Thank you. I get what you all are saying – that shouldn’t their Jewish faith/family’s Holocaust past have precluded their association with Trump & co and made them better people? Well, apparently not. End of story. Not everyone takes their religion seriously or lets their religion influence their deeper morality or choices in life. Some Jews are great people, some Jews are not, just like literally all other people in the world. I’m warily waiting for hate groups to use the Kushners as poster children for the tired trope of “Jews are power/money hungry and control politics/media/banking/criminal organizations/everything in the world apparently” (my, aren’t we busy!). Ugh. I grew up in Ukraine and was subjected to many physical and verbal antisemitic attacks when I was a child. I never, ever, ever thought I’d see this in my beloved USA.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        I don’t think anyone tried to imvoke anti-semitic sentiment. They are horrible people for associating with Trump, brother-in-law sex tapes, etc. Them being Jewish has nothing to do with it.

      • Trixie says:

        Only a Miracle could avoid what is coming…
        80 Years ago the People saw, but didn’t wanted to believe, now we see something happen what could bring a “Nazi America” ….Mark my Words, it will have …Ccamps….it will have Horrible things, it will effect not only the US, all the People who say…don’t worry we will survive it, well there are rich, so they will probably survive, other won’t…
        It is alarming.

      • hmmm says:

        I’m Jewish and there’s no doubt in my mind that Kushner is an anti-Semite.

  8. Bre says:

    Jared’s father seems too me as crocked and vindictive as Trump. From what I read, Charles Kushner has been to prison twice for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering. In one of his trials he also got retaliating against a witness because “Kushner was angry at his sister’s husband for cooperating with the federal government in its investigation of him, so he hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, videotaped the liaison and sent the tape to his sister.” Ugh!!!

  9. Carmen says:

    The Trumps have already scored one dubious achievement. They actually make the Kardashians look classy by comparison.

  10. Giggs says:

    Do y’all find it strange that we haven’t hear jack from or about the Koch brothers this election? are they just sitting back smoking a fatty watching this all go down? WHAT IS HAPPENING! Why aren’t Republicans freaking out about this?

    • LinaLamont says:

      My understanding is that they weren’t backing Trump, but, now, they’re quietly working (behind the scenes) to take over the party. I’m guessing that they’ll all come out of the shadows once they dump Trump… after he served his purpose. They’ll have their dream-team in place. He can take the oath and then be dispatched. He’ll be (is) more trouble than he’s worth.

    • The Recluse says:

      I think Pence is one of the Koch brothers’ puppets, so they could be biding their time. If the Republicans turn on Trump – and I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if that happens – and oust him, Pence gets to be President and Ryan, that lovable Ayn Rand-ite will be VP, which would suit them just fine.

  11. Birdix says:

    The entire family has realized there will be some sacrifices in being president. And after a moment of horror is now thinking, well, what can we get out of this for us? How do we maximize that?

    • Christin says:

      What if he does resign and then goes on speaking tours (rallies)? The combination of having to abide by certain rules and public scrutiny could demolish a huge ego.

      This has probably been the longest eight days of his gilded life.

  12. Fa says:

    Imagine if Clinton was elect and want a position at the White House for her son in law, the media will go hard on her for days by appointing a relative at the White House

    • The Original G says:

      Well imagine if Bill Clinton gave his wife administrative positions in both his state and presidential administrations………he did. (Not a Trump supporter, BTW)

      • Fa says:

        Different situation his man he get way with anything but she is a woman and media do anything to belittle her even though she works harder than men

      • Fl girl says:

        Yes. He. Did. and she was resoundingly shot down at every turn because, and I quote, “We didn’t vote for her.”

      • Becky says:

        OG, but was that unlawful? FLOTUS is a position in itself and Office of the FL is part of the executive office of the president. I can see how hatred of HRC goes back to when she was a Governor’s wife.

      • The Original G says:

        I am not a Hillary hater at all or suggesting anything negative about here. Hillary held a key position in developing and shepherding health care legislation in the Clinton admin, not just her FLOTUS role. It happens and I’m not saying it’s unlawful. I’m saying that a Kushner appointment to something,while not my preference, is not unprecedented.

      • BearcatLawyer says:

        What Hillary Clinton did on President Clinton’s healthcare task force IS different and not illegal under the anti-nepotism law, 5 USC section 3110. The anti-nepotism law prohibits relatives from being appointed to a civilian position within an agency. The healthcare task force was a legislative project, not an agency.

        Even if an appointment to an agency role is made in violation of the law, the only real penalty is that the appointed relative cannot be paid from the U.S. Treasury. So if Jared Kushner is fine with not receiving a U.S. government salary and benefits, Trump can appoint him to a civilian role in any federal government agency or have him as a personal adviser. Nothing in this statute prohibits Trump from paying Jared from private funds either, although that would undoubtedly raise conflicts of interest questions.

        With each passing day, I feel more strongly that I cannot stay here safely in the U.S. And now I literally have to tell some clients that they might be better off leaving and taking their chances in Canada, New Zealand, or other countries rather than staying here. Heartbreaking on so many levels!

  13. LinaLamont says:

    Jeeze… they’re ALL so power-hungry. Those who defended or felt sorry for the kids and/or wife… you were sooooooo naive.

    • HappyMom says:

      I actually think it’s more that Trump really truly relies on Jared-like, cannot function in this situation without him. So I think he’s in panic mode.

      • Janetdr says:

        I am honestly wondering if the rumor about Trump not being able to read is true and that’s why he has to have someone near who knows the secret?

      • Fire rabbit says:

        Grima Wormtongue.
        Complete with Saruman’s Tower.

  14. Tourmaline says:

    Part of what is sad yet making me tragically giggle is the rollercoaster of emotions the Trump transition has me on ..i.e., Jared is so creepy but (dubious sigh of relief) he’s pushing out Chris Christie who is awful. And also, literally feeling relief that Rudy Guiliani might be Secretary of State because he is probably less dangerous than John Bolton…. What a time we live in.

  15. RussianBlueCat says:

    That last photo, it looks like even Barron Trump is giving Jared a side eye glance. On Facebook someone posted how the Trump family is what the Carringtons of “Dynasty” or the Ewings of “Dallas” would be like if they moved to Washington. What a mess

  16. Lorelai says:

    This guy is so smarmy.

    • lightpurple says:

      Sign petitions, yes, but also CALL Paul Ryan’s Washington and district offices and call your own rep too. Phone numbers are available through

      • LittlestRoman says:

        YES! If you call your Representative/Senator’s local office, they are REQUIRED to speak with you, since you are a constituent. Letters/emails/petitions can easily be ignored, but not phone calls with live people on the other end.

  17. Tiffany27 says:

    Yes, let’s have Patrick Bateman playing a main role in Trump’s presidency. The cabinet is already filled with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and homophobes.

  18. Rhiley says:

    I would be interested to read why some of you think Trump may have had Christie as part of the transition team to begin with? New York/New Jersey politics? They genuinely are friends? Maybe Trump wanted Christie’s support during the campaign but now he no longer needs it? Now that I am sleeping better and am just in a state of numb to all of this, I have returned to listening/watching/reading the news. After Graham came out asking for Russia’s role in the election to be investigated, there is speculation Russia will start leaking stuff about Trump too. The end game for them is to keep everyone busy so we are not busy with them. I don’t know, it just seems that there should be people who have stuff on Trump who are a lot closer to home. Maybe something will be revealed with this Trump University case. Still, it has been just over one week of this weird/sick mess. Can you imagine four years?

    • HappyMom says:

      My theory is that this what sort of a bone he threw Christie during the campaign. Trump (and the rest of the world) honestly did not think he would win-and would not actually need to transition.

    • daisie-b says:

      Christie’s administration forgave $25,000,000. of the $30,000,000. tax bill owed to the state of New Jersey as part of the bankruptcy of the Trump casinos in Atlantic City. I don’t know how to provide the link, but I Googled “Trump, Christie casino bankruptcy.

    • Imqrious2 says:

      I believe Jared Kushner/Ivanka are behind it. The MAIN reason is that Christie prosecuted Kushner’s father, and put him in jail. Trump used Christie for what he needed, and then pulled away the “prize” to make it hurt more.

  19. vava says:

    I read somewhere that Trump could appoint Jared as an advisor, he just can’t put him in a federal job in a government agency or in a Cabinet position. Regardless of whether or not he becomes an official advisor, you know he’ll be an advisor behind the scenes.

    • SusanneToo says:

      trump wanted him to sit in on his national security briefings and was told no in no uncertain terms.

  20. lightpurple says:

    “He cannot take a take a job in the White House. Highly inappropriate … I don’t know why they think they can. Just read the language in the statute.”

    But that’s just it. They don’t read statutes. Or regulations. They have never read the Constitution itself so all that “arising under” is meaningless to them.

    • Stacey says:

      The statute was in response to JFK’s hiring of his brother. However, it’s very easy to sidestep. You can hire a relative as ‘janitor’ if you want but just give them day to day power behind the scenes. You have to be honest enough to respect what the statute is trying to prevent and abide by that. And we know Trump is anything but.

  21. Rapunzel says:

    Rhiley- my hope is something in the Trump U case will cause such a scandal that the electoral college will have no choice but to flip for Hillary.

    I think it’s possible… Trump is desperate to postpone the case till after inauguration. I suspect that is cause he knows it will be bad. So bad it might hurt his inauguration.

  22. jj says:

    Muslim registry- hopefully Trump and GOP never, ever consider this. Why should every Muslim be held accountable because of the actions of a few? Did every white person get blamed when a white man blew up the Oklahoma federal building or kill an abortion doctor? Hopefully we learn from our past and don’t repeat the mistakes. Let’s not start targeting groups under the guise of protecting Americans.

  23. TyrantDestroyed says:

    The last story about the “Muslim Registry” is so goddam scary. I remember I read somewhere that during his pre-campaign, Trump proposed to create “working farms” for undocumented people so they would pay back to the USA society with work for breaking the law and overstaying their visit, and there is people out there wishing he just does that. This crazy and disgusting man enabled a whole sector of the society that are starting to behave like monsters. I honestly wish him the worse in life for him and his family.

    • EM says:

      Thanks for the link.

      For the record, I’m so proud of some of the people at my new job. In our cafeteria, they’ve posted a big sign about the Million Women’s March 🙂 And that’s saying a lot because I think a lot of people voted for Trump.

  24. Keaton says:

    Trump is a proud NON-reader so he probably needs Jared to read all the daily briefings and explain them back to him. SMH. I also think his children and Jared are the only people he truly trusts so that’s probably why he wants him around. Trump doesn’t care about rules or decency He will do what he wants. Even if he can’t get security clearance for Jared he’ll probably give him the info anyway.

    I think if that Muslim registry ever comes into effect we should all register in solidarity.

    For some reason I keep watching Morning Joe and they are absolutely maddening in their attempts to normalize Trump. Not only that but Mika was going off on Hillary for not speaking up about the so-called “riots” and claimed Hillary had not graciously acknowledged Trump was the winner yet. Mark Halperin was going along with her “This is unprecedented. She didn’t do what Biden and Obama did.” FINALLY Willie Geist spoke up and said “In fairness to her she did that Wednesday morning” My paranoid ass is starting to think these people are being directed to say this crap in order to get tips – like Joe breaking the news that Nikki Haley is up for Secretary of State and John Bolton is out as Secretary of State.

    • SusanneToo says:

      They’re not the only one. Last night on CBS they listed the amount of time before Obama, Bush or Clinton named their appointees. Not a mention of the “Stalinesque purge” that a NEO-CON(!!!)talked about or the horrible backgrounds of everyone mentioned so far.

      • Keaton says:

        It’s shocking to me @SusanneToo. They are acting like he’s just another Republican, not a lying ignorant authoritarian demagogue that road islamaphobia, racism and xenophobia all the way into the White House. I’m getting ragey about newscasters using the cutesy name alt right instead of the more appropriate WHITE SUPREMACIST I’m equally ragey about the newscasters overlooking Trump’s financial conflicts of interests (the not so blind trust) .

        I honestly think he’ll get away with everything. Noone seems to have the ovaries to really stand up to this man. Harry Reid is one of the few that has spoken the truth IMO

      • Rhiley says:

        @Keaton: you make a very good point- let’s start by not normalizing the “alt-right” and instead call it what it is- white nationalism/white supremacy. White Nationalists are now running the gub’ment. I am afraid we are going to be screwed unless we can get moderates to focus less on their freaking agenda and focus more on ending the kleptocracy before it takes over. This in-fing-sane.

  25. AnnaKist says:

    Have you guys heard anything more on Trump’s accusers? Towards the end of the campaign it was rather big news down here, but I’ve not heard any mention since of his victims. Are they likely to take their accusations any further? I understand the US has a statute of limitations, so they’ll likely never see the inside of a courtroom, but what of continuing to speak out about his reprehensible behaviour? Have the women’s voices been silenced?

  26. perplexed says:

    Was he a Democrat before he married Ivanka?

  27. SusanneToo says:

    Bannon is one of the topics on today’s Fresh Air. FYI.

  28. SusanneToo says:

    If you want to reflect on what we’re losing and cry, get the just released issue of Rolling Stone, “The Obama Years.” If you want to laugh to keep from crying, get the December Mad Magazine, “Politics 2016.”

  29. sayy says:

    bye palestine, had hope until now.

  30. who says says:

    Actually, Trump may not hire his son-in-law as his paid employee, due to the Nepotism Act. Robert F. Kennedy became the Attorney General during President Kennedy’s administration, he was the last person related to a President to have served under A President.The Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute was passed in 1967. It appears that the Congress addressed something which US law had never addressed previously: preventing government officials from hiring relatives and family members to positions where they (the government official) supervises or managed that relative or family member. However, it doesn’t actually prevent a relative from serving the President, they just can’t serve in an official agency position, but if they do, they just can’t be paid. The statute does not have a remedy if the President chooses to ignore it, if the position is outside an agency, say a task force, like the one Hillary was appointed to on Health Care under President Clinton.

  31. Brandy says:

    Shhh. Don’t tell him about the law prohibiting him from doing so. Maybe he’ll appoint all his offspring and we can impeach him!

  32. Scout says:

    You don’t go from being a Democrat to orchestrating the election of Donald Trump. His family may be liberal and he may have paid lip service but his true colors have been shown.

  33. Rita says:

    I think this is like a rich freshman kid bringing a nerdy kid with him to do the schoolwork for him. Every day, apparently, the president has to read through about 80 pages of briefing materials. Trump’s ghostwriter has said he’s never seen Trump read more than a page at a time. Jared’s there to read and summarize things for Trump.

    Also, I think Trump is impressed by anyone who gets to sleep with Ivanka.

    The NYT’s analysis of the Bannon and Chris Matthews interviews, pointing out how you can get Trump to agree to anything basically, with leading questions, really adds an edge to the idea that he will be vulnerable to the last person he spoke to. Because he doesn’t have any strong opinions besides “winning” and feeling like “the decider”. Whether Jared acting as a filter to that will be a good or bad thing is anybody’s guess.

    • Lolafalana says:

      Totally! And to me the larger question is, why does Trump rely on the judgement of his children, and his son in law this completely? My best guess is that he knows he is highly persuadable. He needs to lean on the opinions of others…… matter how unqualified they also happen to be. This emotional and intellectual “neediness” is unprecedented in a president, and I’m guessing world leader of any western nation. This is a “UUUUUGE” red flag. I wonder if this is alarming to people who thought he actually had the stones to run the country?

      He also wants to commute between the white house and his apartment on the weekends. I think someone needs to tell him that there actually are sacrifices that he is expected to make, not the least of which is that you are on duty 24/7.

      You also are not allowed to simply hole up and watch the news all the time while you’re eating 50 shades of brown foods and expect everything will sort itself out while you don’t read the pile of briefings beside you.

      I keep thinking he’s going to suddenly announce that now that he understands what it actually means to run the country – he’s going to opt out – thanks anyway guys! Or fantasizing…………probably the correct word.

      • Fire rabbit says:

        Don’t put it past any of them thinking they’re establishing a Regent line. There are plenty of Republicans who’d support this idea because they hate that moldy, decaying , inconvenient Constitution.

  34. Jezza says:

    Screw them and their nepotism!