Cele|bitchy | Melania Trump’s bio now says that she never got a college degree, shock

Melania Trump’s bio now says that she never got a college degree, shock

There’s no better example of Republican voters’ hypocrisy than the curious case of Melania Trump. Melania came to America as an incorrectly documented immigrant, and spent time working illegally. She blatantly lied about her education, her work history and more. She plagiarized her first public speech. And she posed for softcore p0rnography. If a Democratic man’s wife did any one of those things, it would be the biggest scandal of the year. It would have been in church fliers and Rush Limbaugh would have devoted no fewer than eight full months to denouncing the wife a trollop, a liar, and an “illegal.” But because Melania is white, pretty and married to Donald Trump, I guess she – much like her husband – gets a “clean slate” with the media and everybody else. That’s what Melania is hoping.

Melania’s official website once claimed that she had an undergraduate college degree. During the campaign, a lot of media outlets tried to verify that claim only to come up empty. The best anyone could tell was that Melania might have gone to college for one year, tops, then she began modeling. Well, now her official bio has been changed to reflect that ever-changing story.

The official bio of Melania Trump now suggests that she did not complete a college degree in Slovenia, as she previously claimed on her own website. The future first lady’s bio on President-elect Donald Trump’s government website says that she “paused her studies to advance her modeling career in Milan and Paris.” It does not say whether she resumed or completed the degree.

As recently as July, Melania Trump’s personal site said she obtained a degree in design and architecture at an unspecified university in Slovenia, her country of birth. It did not say when or where she completed the degree but said she was working as a model at the time and “jetting between photo shoots in Paris and Milan.”

Questions began to surface earlier this year about whether this resume was entirely accurate. Blaz Matija Vogelnik, a professor who said he briefly taught her at Slovenia’s University of Ljubljana, told NBC News in August that she did not complete his course.

“She hasn’t finished university, at least not in Ljubljana,” he said. “My personal opinion is that, because she was very beautiful girl … I believe that she realized that she could gain more with that, than to have long studies.” Vogelnik noted that his former student had passed a rigorous test to gain entry to the college, and based on that he believed “her IQ was very high.”

Had she completed the course, Melania Trump’s research would ordinarily be in the university’s library, but it could not been found there when NBC News visited the college this summer. In April, GQ magazine reported that she “decamped to Milan after her first year of college, effectively dropping out.” The story included an interview with Melania Trump, as well as friends and former colleagues.

[From NBC News]

Yeah, obvious story is obvious. Of course the transition team is already trying to whitewash Melania a little bit so that she’s not seen as a lying, scandal-prone, out-of-touch trophy wife. Whoops, too late! I always wondered if Melania had lied to Donald Trump and he only found out during the campaign that she did not, in fact, have a college degree. Or did he know years ago and he cosigned the idea that she should just lie about it? Or did he not care either way? I get the feeling that Melania and Donald are not – how shall we say? – close. I don’t think they spend much time together, nor do they speak to each other all that often. She does her thing, he does his thing. And they’ll be doing their own things in different cities.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.

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54 Responses to “Melania Trump’s bio now says that she never got a college degree, shock”

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  1. Jayna says:

    I think The Donald had her college education embellished, because it’s all about perception for him. His trophy wife needed a better pedigree. LOL

  2. Jenns says:

    I bet Donald Trump knows nothing about his wife. If you put those two on a game show where they had to answer questions about each other, Donald’s response every time would be “She thinks I’m great.”

    • Leo says:

      But that’s the entire point of their marriage. He wanted a hot young p***y to grab, she wanted a rich husband.
      What shocks me more, personally, is people having any kind of sympathy for Melania or the state of their marriage. Do people actually think she met and later on married Trump on accident or by pure coincidence?

      • minx says:

        I’m just infuriated that Michelle Obama–educated, smart, classy–was pilloried by the right wing for 8 years when she was in fact an exemplary FLOTUS.
        And then this superficial fluffball and her despicable husband come along and just do what they want to do–and it’s acceptable.
        I can’t think about it too much, I get too angry.

      • Jenns says:

        Remember when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress to the State of the Union and republicans lost their sh*t? Yeah.

      • Megan says:

        I have to give a huge side eye to an unknown Slovenian model who made $20,000 in 7 days in 1995. Just what kind of “modeling” was she doing?

  3. Juls says:

    All I see when I look at her is a man in drag.

  4. minx says:

    Did this really happen?
    Were the last two weeks a bad dream?

    • Defaultgirl says:

      I feel the same way. Smh

    • AG says:

      Oh Minx, I know!!!! It is all unbearable.

    • Kitten says:

      I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks…it seriously feels like a lifetime with everything that’s been happening. What a f*cking nightmare we are living.

      • pinetree13 says:

        It’s only been two weeks?!?!? Genuinely stunned.

      • jocelina says:

        Right? I was just looking at photos from Facebook from election day and it feels like a lifetime ago. My husband took an adorable video of our two-year-old saying “We voted for Hillary Clinton!” It sounds more like, “We voted for Hiddy Kidden,” but it’s still cute. Only now it’s also super sad for me to watch.

  5. Nancy says:

    I’m sure it was he that found her and promised her a life of luxury. She made her deal with the devil and now must pay the price. She probably would rather have a mouth full of root canals than to be in the position she is now. I hate women that depend upon men to hold them up, but she has a kid who seems lost to raise. He was probably over her a long time ago, but four divorces wouldn’t work out too well for him. Good luck America, the nightmare is just beginning.

  6. QQ says:

    We went from the most educated FLOTUS in history to This… an aging sugar baby that wants to keep her Massage sessions with surely someone handsomer and more entertaining than the orange bag of rancid slop she married

    • Radley says:

      Agreed. It’s not even so much the lack of degree or career as it is the lack of integrity and purpose. She seems very vacuous and idle and is the spouse of a genuinely loathsome human being. Not a woman with any kind of mission in life or standards that aren’t of the money measured kind. Hopefully, she really is a good mom to Barron. If so, that’s all I got.

  7. Sansa says:

    Let’s say Hilliary had won, would we expect BIll to show up in D.C. In the First Lady role. No way. Michelle Obama is a unique person qualified for almost anything. Mrs Trump must have been over whelmed and opted out.

    • Radley says:

      I don’t understand. Of course Bill would be in DC as the First Gentleman. Are you kidding? He would have been like a hog in slop. FIrst of all, he’s a people person. Second of all, he’d be back in the White House. And last, he would have loved the challenge of redefining the role of Presidential spouse.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I was looking forward to Bill filling that role and I think he was too. He would have had a lot of fun with it.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        He would have done some good AND he would have somehow simultaneously managed to make some kind of mess because that’s who Bill is. Sigh.

    • vava says:

      Bill Clinton would definitely have moved to the White House. No doubt about it.

  8. Radley says:

    Is there even evidence of all this modeling she claims to have done as well? All I’ve seen are the risque pics. Seems like she’s done more legit photoshoots after she married Orange Apocalypse. I’ve also heard rumors of her being a high end prostitute back in the day. Who knows with this bunch? They lie a lot. All of them.

  9. Lambda says:

    Her English is pretty terrible, after to decades in this country. I’m not talking about her accent, because, after a certain age, there’s nothing you can do about it (my own parents have thick accents and it’s hilarious to hear them cheer for their favorite football team). I’m thinking of her approximate use of verbal tenses and prepositions, which shows me she still doesn’t have an automatic command of certain idioms, one that comes with reading a lot and dialoguing with native speakers. Some immigrants are more insular and can never achieve a good idiomatic English, but mostly for economic reasons. Not so in Melania’s case. She had the means and the time. But I don’t think she reads, she just looks at the pictures.

    I don’t see her as stupid, but I see her as lazy and un-ambitious, and that’s the opposite of a first lady.

    • Kitten says:

      I notice the same thing every time she speaks. As a daughter of a French-speaking mother, I have sympathy for people learning a new language, but Melania is nowhere NEAR as fluent and well-speaking as she should be after 20 plus years in the US. I assume that her husband has never conversed much with her, which probably didn’t help matters.

      • Lacia Can says:

        She spends her time with other Slovenians, speaks in her native language to her son, and rarely engages with anyone else (including her husband). That’s my guess. There’s no way her English would be this bad if she had immersed herself in NY society for the past 20 years.

        BTW, I don’t agree that she is pretty. Exotic, maybe. She has a hard look to her. She’s attractive but she’s not pretty. Sorry for being petty.

  10. Jezza says:

    Michelle is grace and dignity personified. She’s such a passionate, articulate speaker. Michelle can more than hold her own in conversation with anyone of note.

    Now it’s Melania, and it’s like going from a beautiful symphony at the opera house to a garage band gig at a local dive bar in the skeevy side of town.

  11. poppy says:

    the press needs to keep digging because how they first met (what capacity she was working) is curiously (ha) unbelievable and lacking proof according to her Wikipedia page.

    every reader here knew this education information, as well as guessing she worked illegally.

    she seems the type to be quite content laying in her bed of cheeto dusted roses.
    what people do for money *shudders*

  12. Katmatz says:

    It always looks like Melanie and Ivanka hate each other…….

    • Radley says:

      That’s a strange dynamic there for sure. Citrus Hitler has openly lusted for his daughter so that’s gotta be weird for the wife, even a trophy wife.
      Ivanka is kinda fascinating. She’s high functioning, but damaged. Look at who she married. Donald-Lite. *shudders* She’s perpetuating an unhealthy (and that may be putting it charitably) dynamic into her adult life and into the lives of her kids. Melania probably just tries to swerve on the lot of them as often as possible.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Well, Melanie has only one facial expression and Ivanka seems to hate everyone

  13. Littlestar says:

    I wish Melania’s acceptance from Trump followers was a sign that women will no longer be slut shamed, but alas it is not the case; instead it’s just mental gymnastics to ignore something about their own desired candidate. Women will still be slut shamed. Sad day in America when someone as classy and educated as Michelle Obama is called less classy and beautiful than someone like Melania who married a sugar daddy and posed nude. Not saying that Melania deserves to be shamed, I don’t have a problem with a FLOTUS who’s done either of those things but it’s amazing to see how much criticism Michelle Obama took from Republicans/conservatives and now they’re ready to praise Melania as beautiful, classy, elegant. America: where a highly educated, squeaky-clean and elegant black woman who’s done everything by the book and is a gifted speaker still can’t get the respect a white woman who has no education, married for money rather than working and did softcore p0rn (not shaming, just the reality of public perception) can.

  14. Pandy says:

    Ivanka will be the FLOTUS I tell you. Melania has already made it clear that the first six months she will remain in NYC. THAT in itself is so bogus – I don’t remember any other FLOTUS refusing to uproot the kids so she can maintain her lifestyle … this presidency is a joke/nightmare.

    • Ms. Turtle says:

      I keep thinking I will wake up from this unacceptable nightmare. The holidays are really a hard time of year for me and so I’m just concentrating on trying to get through the next month. But in addition to the usual holiday onslaught, I’m trying to stay away from most media bc this all makes me feel so hopeless. The only media I’m allowing myself is this blog. All you commenters make me feel not quite so alone in my despair (except y’all are way more eloquent).

      • Janetdr says:

        Me too. I have to creep up on political news now, I can’t face it head on. I’m hoping the aliens land or something like that to postpone Trump’s swearing in.

    • Krakken says:

      Ivanka as FLOTUS. Of course she will. I had just never thought it.
      But trump presidency will have to top the trump electioncampaign’s level of sleazery so this makes perfect sense.
      The header photo on this story is so perfect.
      It gonna be a rough few years…

    • Susannah says:

      Melania has no excuse for not going to Washington to assume her duties as First Lady. Her parents live with her in that three story penthouse, and could easily watch over Barron for his last semester at Columbia Prep. In fact, they already do much of her childcare; he knows his grandparents well and has spoken fluent Slovene with them since earliest childhood.

      That said, I’d just as soon she not go to the White House any time soon. Let Ivanka do the pro tem job, as there’s little chance The Donald will be able to survive a four year term.

  15. Nicole says:

    In the MGM Grand last night in Vegas I saw a shirt for sale with Obama’s face that said good riddance. I cried right there and put up my middle fingers high in front of the towers.

  16. Locke Lamora says:

    It’s a shame she lied, but if she got into an architecture university, especially in Slovenia, she is smart. Period. And she probably realised she could make more money modelling.

    And a lot of you are low key slut shaming her. And a lot of the media is mocking her accent and her background. Mail order bride? A thick Eastern European accent? How incredibly funny.
    Were the conservatives horrible to Michelle? Sure. But aren’t Democrates supposed to be better?

    • Ninks says:

      Mocking her accent and background is wrong. I haven’t seen it on this site, personally, but maybe it’s happening in other places. But everything else is fair game, mainly because of her husband. People bring up the soft-porn pictures because of how he mocked Alicia Machado and urged people to look for her non-existent sex tape after she spoke about how he had fat-shamed her. When Trump was caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, she dismissed it as being how boys talk. People mock Melania because she’s a liar, she lied about her degree, she lied about being in the US legally, she plagiarised Michelle Obama’s speech. She talked about what she was going to do as flotus during the campaign, but it turns out that was a lie too because she’s going to stay in New York and do nothing except waste massive amounts of taxpayers money and massively inconvenience the people who live in her building, the people who live and work on her street, the businesses in the area. Fuck her.

      • Kitten says:

        Completely agree, Ninks, well-said!

        Although I also agree with Locke that there’s def. been some slut-shaming, and not even of the low-key variety.

        On social media, I’ve seen some Dem friends post memes of Melania’s nude photos side-by-side with Jackie O, Mobama, and other FLOTUS’s photos. Also, I’ve seen men invoke the fact that she did gay prOn or whatever (did she? I don’t even know) and I definitely cringe when I see that sh*t.

        There is PLENTY to pick on without defaulting to slut-shaming.

  17. oce says:

    Do not fear – I give this man 2 years in office. He will be impeached. He knows it, Pence knows it, Melania knows it. The Trump kids will make a dash for every high level, diplomatic relationship that they can manage.

    • Vox says:

      Pence is a Christian fundamentalist who wants to repeal gay marriage, criminalise abortion and abolish separation between church and state. He’ll be far more dangerous than Trump. I’d rather Trump for 4 years than Pence for 2.

  18. robyn says:

    Apparently she knows several languages … in English her favorite word is “stuff”. It comes in handy when nothing else comes to mind and she uses it a lot. From educated smart Michelle who was criticized for baring her arms to a “model” who posed for soft porn. This for sure will make America great again. Not.

  19. Christin says:

    Supposedly her parents also live in the US, near her and their grandson. I have a feeling there is much more about her / their immigration story.

    • Another Nina says:

      Why can’t her parents be allowed to live in the US? And what’s wrong about living next to grandson? Do you imply that you need to get a citizenship in order to have these privileges?

  20. Rob says:

    It’s not slut shaming. The right wing is always so worried that political correct has run amok. Ok. So Melania is a slut and the Christian’s who voted for Trump have always been immoral and sleazy but have clearly hidden this behind the veil of Christianity. There you go. No more political correctness.

    • John Wayne Lives says:

      This all damn day. Now we have gold plated trash and a first lady whose naked pictures we can all Google in the white house. The Christian hypocrisy is astounding. Grab em by the pu$$y America. You’ve earned it!