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It looks weird, especially considering the pacifier. And is it just me/my monitor or does Gwen’s hand look odd? The color? And it looks shriveled or something.
It’s not cool to BLEACH as young child’s hair…
THAT’S what’s weird about it, thank you Iggles. That’s not his natural color.
Oooo very uncool. Even if she just used lemon juice and let it dry in the sun several times to do that, that’s very damaging to the hair, very drying.
Why would you do this to a kid? His hair used to be a medium brown. So he can match his mom?
It’s highly unlikely to be bleach, it’s probably just the sun, my daughter’s hair (light brown) used to go very blonde after a few days on the beach too.
that kid is too old for a pacifier.
and yeah, her hand does look weird (and blue).
looks like the scientology “cleanse”.
Why can’t kids be little kids!!! I’m not an expert, but to dye a kids hair at that age??? Personally, I think that the teenages that get their hair dyed are too young for it – but he’s a baby!!
That pacifier makes him look so badass…..Not!!
I think the more interesting question is why hasn’t she been wearing her wedding ring since the gay bomb dropped.
And, it is totally irresponsible parenting to bleach a 3 year old child’s hair!
I agree something’s up in the Rossdale/Stefani house. Darn that Marilyn.
This woman is a narcissistic b!tch.
so cute.
Not to mention the product used to create the gravity defying effect, (doubtful it’s a breeze making his hair flip up.)
The woman looks like an idiot, must she drag her child down too?
And can she change her look? What is so cool about her? She has had the same look since at least 2000! And her hairdresser, Danilo, looks like the drag version of her.
Too young for hair bleach and too old for pacifier.
Yep, I have to agree with the rest–she made her kid look a mess. He’s just turning three and has bleached hair (the sun doesn’t do THAT, go look at other recent pics of him, his hair was fairly dark!) but he’s still on the binky.
I also agree she desperately needs a new look. But look at the younger baby, he’s adorable!
Where si Childrens Services, I see dying such a young kids hair as dangerous and a form of abuse.
Oh and lose the dummy.
Looks like they both have the same hair dresser, the kid and Donald Trump…
Oh please! Most of you need to stop with the snippy comments. I don’t think she would have done that to Kingston’s hair if she thought it would damage him for all eternity. In fact, I happen to think Gwen is one of the best Hollywood mums out there (there aren’t too many). She sincerely loves her children and is constantly seen about town doing things with them.
Also, while I agree that three is too old for a pacifier, it’s hardly the end of the world. Some children have a harder time letting the pacifier go. It happens.
eh. let them have crazy hair when they are young. you can’t get away with it when you have a “real” job in society. i saw a 3 year old with purple hair once. it was cute.
@ Pufft
Kingston has light-medium brown hair. For it to be “bleach” blonde she HAD to have dyed it. There’s no other way for it to be THAT light. The sun doesn’t make that tint.
You hit the nail on the head!
Stop trying to be the “coolest” Hollywood mom and just be a mom, if you can. She’s another one using the kid as an attention “prop”. He’s outfits have too much thought put into them whereas “real” mothers throw on what’s clean.
Ummm…both of my brothers have dark brown hair and they would turn PLATINUM blond in the summer. Every year. I highly doubt she bleached his hair. Maddox and Pax have their hair colored too, so maybe it’s some kind of celebrity hairstylist stuff.
abuse? you are effing nuts! it’s not abuse to dye a kids hair. maybe he wanted his hair that way. if you tards look close enough you can see the bleach doesn’t go to his scalp. they just bleached the length, not the roots, so i doubt bleach touched his precious baby skin. and who the crap cares if he has dry hair?
@ georgiagrl
“real” mothers throw on what’s clean? real mothers? who are you to decide if she’s a “real” mother? she’s got help and a lot of money, that doesn’t mean she loves her kid any less than you love yours. if she has the time and money to dress him nicely, that doesn’t mean she’s not a “real” mother. that’s why people take pictures of her children and not your grubby little raggamuffins.
sounds like people are just bitter that these people can provide things for their kids that most working class parents can’t afford to. sheesh!
@georgiagrl: I put a lot of thought in what I dress my girls. Does that make me a bad mummy or a mummy that is fashion-conscious? I have a love/hate relationship with clothes, and absolutely love fashion (don’t know many women that don’t), so don’t you dare tell me that that fact alone takes away substance from my being a parent.
@Iggles: My youngest daughter was a pure blonde at birth (thanks to her grandfather) and today, at age four, is a brunette. I understand the opposite occurs.
But let’s say for a second that Gwen DID dye Kingston’s hair, wouldn’t it be fair to also assume that she used baby dye? You know, dye that doesn’t damage hair and only lasts for a few week? We are living in a world that has seen the invention of baby-toothpaste, after all.
Looks like a case of severe bedhead to me. Dial 911
Pufft…is there such a thing as baby dye?
Again, this is just a baby and hair coloring has chemicals in it – from my point of view – I’m thinking as a parent you really want to limit the amount of chemicals that your child has exposure to at such a young age.
But that’s just my thoughts and opinions on the subject and maybe people don’t have a problem with such a young child being exposed to chemicals.
I love Gwen Stefani, BUT, for gods sake woman, give up the peroxide and red lipstick. The toxic plastic look is not flattering anymore. One thing that irks me is the fact that she seemed to have kept it bleached throughout her entire two pregnancies too, and I thought you weren’t supposed to do that. I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m mistaken.
I’m sorry, it really looks like she dyed her son’s hair. I’m more disturbed that recently Kingston looks really unhappy with the cameras in every set we see. Like Katie Holmes dragging Suri through that gauntlet after every single show of her play in NYC, I wish these two would stop dragging their kids out as a prop when they clearly hate it. (Though Suri has gotten more comfortable. Or the paps stop posting the photos where she looks like she wants to cry.)
so carta you would think it better for her to take off for months at a time on tour and leave her kids at home with nannies? gavin is out on tour too, so where should the kids be? i don’t think she’s using them as a prop, she’s just living her life and the paps are there.
with suri the trips to the theater were unnecessary because both tom and katie were living in NY and could have left the tot at home for an evening.
@Linda: I haven’t heard of one as either. The point I was making in my previous comment is that we shouldn’t completely dismiss the possibility that such a product, safe to use on children’s hair, is on the market as Gwen is not the only celebrity mum to colour her child’s hair.
@BluePlanet: No, hair colouring products do not present any health risks for an expecting mother or her baby if used as directed on the product label. There is absolutely no scientifically established reason for a woman to stop colouring during her pregnancy.
Uh, there are very recent pics of him wiht medium brown hair. It’s mid-May. He didn’t suddenly turn white blond in just a few days in May. Good Lord. Of course she bleached it.
And there’s no such thing as baby dye. And you don’t dye hair to get it blond, you have to bleach it to get it blond.
That was really stupid of her.
Here you go, you can compare for yourself:
Ugh. Why are there 3 year olds walking around with “binkies” sticking out of their mouths? My nephew had one until he started Kindergarten and now has a mouth full of braces. Are parents so unwilling to go through a few days of inconvenient crying/whining that goes along with getting rid of the pacifier, that they would rather risk their kid’s well being and dental health? Get a grip.
anastasiabeaverhausen actually that’s a pic from May LAST YEAR. This is from a few days ago:
IDK if it’s dyed or not but that’s not a proper example.
vagtastic…that was really well put. Thank you for that
Wow, did they remove his binky to use the flat iron on him???
he looks like he knows, he looks silly!
like “WHY?”
“Baby Dye”? ROTFL!!! If such a thing exists I don’t know that it’s a great idea to make your 3 year old look like Flock of Seagulls.
That kid’s hair is bleached and the sides look colored as well. Stupid. Reminds me of the redneck parents cutting mud-pull mullets with rat tails into their poor children’s hair.
His hair is cute.
Wasn’t Jesse Ventura a Navy Seal…what does Elizabeth know about torture that he wouldn’t?
His hair is not bleached. If you care enough to google him, you’d notice his hair has ALWAYS been that blonde. Sheesh people are fucking stupid on the Internet.
Roddy, did you not read through the entire thread. People DID google images of him and no, his hair has NOT always been that blonde. Or ever that blonde. Talk about stupid people on the internet!
Oh, dear, you people make such a fuss! Whether the kid´s hair is dyed or not, the bleach did not reach the scalp. As you can see he has darker rots. And hair is actually dead tissue anyway, it´s not like skin. What you put on it does not leak into the skin, unles obviously it reaches the scalp. The most that can happen to this baby is that he´ll have to have a haircut someday-WOW, that´s dreadful! Call 911! As for the pacifier, my daughter had one for scary or anxious situations, like going to hospital, until she was 4. And her teeth are fine. Stop judging people, much less babies (I read someone saying he looks stupid).
Lighten up, like the baby´s hair…
Aleska – Couldn’t agree more!
He’s a cutie pie no matter his hair colour. My girl wanted pink hair for the first day of school – little bleach on the tips, little pink colour – cute as can be! And 6 years later she’s a normal, healthy happy child with a full head of healthy hair – no damage done! And sure he may be a little old for the soother, but he’s not a teenager for godsake, give the kid (and his parents) a break!!
And Roddy, totally unnecessary comment. Get some class!